Monday, July 22, 2019

Bigots of Silicon Valley, No. 79: FaceBook's Hatred of Christian Speech

FaceBook apparently regards quotation of the Christian saints as "hate speech," hence a notice from FaceBook to Dominic Bettinelli informing him that his posting of the following words of Saint Augustine, went against Facebook’s “Community Standards on hate speech:”

Let us never assume that if we live good lives we will be without sin; our lives should be praised only when we continue to beg for pardon. But men are hopeless creatures, and the less they concentrate on their own sins, the more interested they become in the sins of others. They seek to criticize, not to correct. Unable to excuse themselves, they are ready to accuse others. St. Augustine

FaceBook's Kuckerberg and associates are clearly "hopeless creatures" who paying little if any attention to their own sins have become obsessively "interested in the sins of others.... Unable to excuse themselves, [they] accuse others."

Hate this Zucks:

Thursday, July 18, 2019

What do IQ Tests Test?

If you think IQ tests test intelligence, you might ask yourself: How do you know?

What is intelligence?

Give us your definition.

Or by intelligence do you just mean IQ, in which case your understanding of intelligence is tautological: intelligence is performance on an IQ test, which is measured by performance on an IQ test.

IQ and wealth at low scale (outside the tail).
Mostly Noise and no strikingly visible effect
above $40K, but huge noise. Psychologists
responding to this piece do not realize that
statistics is about not interpreting noise.
From Zagorsky (2007) via Nassim Taleb.
Fact is, the IQ testers never have defined intelligence. Instead, they came up with a set of puzzlers and declared your score on this test is the measure of your intelligence.

Trouble is, the IQ-ists have never attempted to show how IQ test results relate to what is understood by the term intelligence as manifest by, say, the creative work of a poet, a painter, a composer, an architect, or a scientist, or the more mundane endeavors of a politician, a policeman, a prostitute or a peddler of illicit drugs. Their strongest claim is that IQ tests predict "career success", except as anyone who looks into the matter will find, the correlation is trivial.

The best that IQ tests can do is provide an indication of academic aptitude, but even in that case they don't work well, not even as well as traditional academic exams, which is why Harvard and other such places use a SAT test with a mathematical component and a verbal component, the results of which are by no means closely correlated

Better still, obviously, would be to break things down further, e.g., SAT Physics, SAT Biology, SAT English, SAT music, etc. Except that would be giving up, since it would be an acknowledgement that the whole idea of intelligence as unitary feature of mind measurable on a single linear scale is nonsense.

Nassim Taleb: The psychologists' construct, general intelligence, is based on a statistical error.

Hillary-Supporting Expert: How Google Stole Between 2,4 and 10.6 Million Votes for Hillary Clinton in 2016

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Trump Fuels a Tribal War in Nancy’s House

By Patrick Buchanan:
Trump is driving a wedge right through the Democratic Party, between its moderate and militant wings. With his attacks over the last 48 hours, Trump has signaled whom he prefers as his opponent in 2020. It is not Biden; it is “the Squad.”
President Donald Trump’s playground taunt Sunday that “the Squad” of four new radical liberal House Democrats, all women of color, should “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime-infested places from which they came,” dominated Monday morning’s headlines.
Yet those headlines smothered the deeper story.
The Democrats are today using language to describe their own leaders that is similar to the language of the 1960s radicals who denounced Democratic segregationist governors like Ross Barnett and George Wallace.
Consider what the four women have been saying.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has accused Speaker Nancy Pelosi of attacking “newly elected women of color.” Was she calling Pelosi a “racist”?
“No!” protested AOC. But it sure sounded like it.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Where Are the Environmentalists When We Need Them

The Quake to Make Los Angeles a Radioactive Dead Zone

Nothing significant has been done to improve safety at two coastal reactors upwind of ten million people that are surrounded by earthquake faults in a tsunami zone like the one where the four Fukushima reactors have already exploded ...

Friday, July 12, 2019

Why I prefer DuckDuckGo to Google

Search  DuckDuckGo for: "Yes, Tariffs Raise Domestic Prices, That's the Reason for Them,"

and you get a straight answer.

Search Google for: "Yes, Tariffs Raise Domestic Prices, That's the Reason for Them,"

and you get this.


Even Bing does better than that. As well as DDGo, in fact. Well done Bing.

How Civilizations Die

The young always believe that what they believe is not only true but morally superior to what their elders believe. Yet in the present age it is clear that the beliefs of the young must generally be false, since what the young believe changes radically from one generation to another, and clearly not every generation of youth can be sole possessors of both truth and virtue. Most likely, none are. On the contrary, it is pretty clear that every generation is sold a load of rubbish by the media and by what Britain's next prime minister has called corduroy-jacketed, snaggletooth, lefty academics.

Peter Hitchens, who's been around for a while since swallowing the Trotskyite Kool Aid that dominated the progessive youth of his day, made clear in an interview about his book, the Abolition of Britain, how radically ideas change from generation to generation. In brief, he says:
People no longer believe in certain things

he says, meaning by reference to "people," grown-up people, not the Troskyite youth of his day.

The change, he says, 

is not a positive thing. ... We've seen a decay of something.

What has decayed, he says, is: 

the Christian belief that used to inform every action and thought in this country (Britain) and now doesn't.

See the interview on Hitchens' book: The Abolition of Britain
Thus one sees that what H.L. Mencken call the acids of modernity are able not only to entirely destroy a civilization, as a moral, cultural and intellectual way of thought and life, but to bring about a similar revolution with every generation. Young people need to think about that a bit. Are they really the vanguard of a new enlightenment, or the dupes of snaggletoothed lefty academics, to use a phrase coined by Britain's next Prime Minister, wading into an ever deeper civilizational swamp.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

UK's Ambassador Craig Murray on Britain's Rude Ambassador to the US

Craig Murray, formerly one of the brightest lights of Britain's Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), has a simple explanation for the embarrassing leak of comments about Donald Trump and his administration by Britain's ambassador to the US, Kim Darroch. Basically, he argues, Darroch is a jerk, and someone saw an opportunity for pay-back.

Kim Darroch is a rude and aggressive person, who is not pleasant at all to his subordinates. He rose to prominence within the FCO under New Labour at a time when right wing, pro-Israel foreign policy views and support for the Iraq War were important assets to career progress, as was the adoption of a strange “laddish” culture led from No. 10 by Alastair Campbell, involving swearing, football shirts and pretending to be working class (Darroch was privately educated). Macho management was suddenly the thing.

At a time when news management was the be all and end all for the Blair administration, Darroch was in charge of the FCO’s Media Department. I remember being astonished when, down the telephone, he called me “fucking stupid” for disagreeing with him on some minor policy matter. I had simply never come across that kind of aggression in the FCO before. People who worked directly for him had to put up with this kind of thing all the time.

Most senior ambassadors used to have interests like Chinese literature and Shostakovitch. Darroch’s are squash and sailing. He is a bull of a man. In my view, the most likely source of the leaks is a former subordinate taking revenge for years of bullying, or a present one trying to get rid of an unpleasant boss.

Read the entire post
To which Craig Murray subsequently added his reaction to the reaction of those who argue that the resignation of Kim Darroch was the result of an attack on an apolitical civil service:

"Darroch’s rise to the top of the FCO" Murray writes:
... was in fact a startling example of the politicisation of the civil service – there is no doubt that his enthusiastic support for the Iraq War, and for every neo-con war of aggression since, is what endeared him so strongly to the people who make the decisions on the top posts (and do not believe the fiction that ministers have no influence on them). ...

Read the entire post

More About the British Inspired Deep State: Chrystia Freeland a Canadian Operative of the Cecil Rhodes Secret Society for Global Governance

Further to yesterday`s post on Cecil Rhodes' century-old plan for plutocratic global governance, Here`s more on the subject from Matthew Ehret focusing on the NWO operative Chrystia Freeland, Canada's Oxford-trained agent of the NWO.

The Strange Case Of Chrystia Freeland And The Failure Of The “Super Elite”

By Matthew Ehret, 08/07/2019: Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland has become a bit of a living parody of everything wrong with the detached technocratic neo-liberal order which has driven the world through 50 years of post-industrial decay. Now, two years into the Trump presidency, and five years into the growth of a new system shaped by the Russia-China alliance, the world has become a very different place from the one which Freeland and her controllers wish it to be.

Having been set up as a counterpart to the steely Hillary Clinton who was supposed to win the 2016 election, Freeland and her ilk have demonstrated their outdated thinking in everything they have set out to achieve since the 2014 coup in Ukraine. Certainly before that, everything seemed to be going smoothly enough for End of History disciples promoting a script that was supposed to culminate in a long-sought for “New World Order”.
The Script up until Now

Things were going especially well since the collapse of the Soviet system in the early 1990s. The collapse ushered in a unipolar world order with the European Union and NAFTA, followed soon thereafter by the World Trade Organization and the 1999 destruction of Glass-Steagall (1). The trans-Atlantic at last was converted into a cage of “post-sovereign nations” that no longer had actual control of their own powers of credit generation. Under NATO, even national militaries were subject to technocratic control. This cage was perfect for the governing elite “scientifically managing” from above while the little people bickered over their diminishing employment and standards of living from below.

Read more

Sunday, July 7, 2019

The British Roots Of The US Deep State: How The Round Table Infiltrated America

By Matthew Ehret, July 6, 2019: With the nearly weekly revelations that the British Foreign Office, MI6, and GCHQ have been behind the long standing agenda to undermine the Presidency of Donald Trump and undo the peaceful alliance between nationalist leaders in America, Russia, China and elsewhere, a new focus on the British hand in undermining the United States has become a serious thought for many citizens. In the first week of the new year, fuel was added to this fire when internal memos were leaked from the British-run Integrity Initiative featuring a startling account of the techniques deployed by the anti-Russian British operation to infiltrate American intelligence institutions, think tanks and media.

For those who may not know, The Integrity Initiative is an anti-Russian propaganda outfit funded to the tune of $140 million by the British Foreign office. Throughout 2019, leaks have been released featuring documents dated to the early period of Trump’s election, demonstrating that this organization, already active across Europe promoting anti-Russian PR and smearing nationalist leaders such as Jeremy Corbyn, was intent on spreading deeply into the State Department and setting up “clusters” of anti-Trump operatives. The documents reveal high level meetings that Integrity Initiative Director Chris Donnelly had with former Trump Advisor Sebastien Gorka, McCain Foundation director Kurt Volker, Pentagon PR guru John Rendon among many others.

The exposure of the British hand behind the scenes affords us a unique glimpse into the real historical forces undermining America’s true constitutional tradition throughout the 20th century, as Mueller/the Five Eyes/Integrity Initiative are not new phenomena but actually follow a modus operandi set down for already more than a century. One of the biggest obstacles to seeing this modus operandi run by the British Empire is located in the belief in a mythology which has become embedded in the global psyche for over half a century and which we should do our best to free ourselves of.

Read more

Matthew Ehret: 
Trump's Relationship To Russia & China: A Revival Of The Henry Wallace Doctrine?

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Did Vladimir Putin Just Admit Russian Responsibility for the Novichok Poisonings in England's Green and Pleasant Land?

As anyone visiting here on a more or less regular basis will know, we have written a number of posts about the Novichok poisonings in England of the Russian traitor, Sergei Skripal, and his daughter Julia, and also the British citizens, Charlie Rowley and Dawn Sturgess.

Throughout, we have been skeptical of the British position that the poisonings were perpetrated by the Russian state, roused to seek vengeance against Skripal, despite having formerly pardoned him in connection with a spy swap. Rather, it seemed to us more probable that the poisonings were a charade undertaken by British security services as means to stoke public antipathy toward Russia.

Our assessment has now to be questioned in light of Vladimir Putin's remarks on the case that were addressed to former UK Prime Minister Teresa May during the recent G20 summit.

Specifically, Putin said:

“Treason is the gravest crime possible and traitors must be punished. I am not saying the Salisbury incident is the way to do it, but traitors must be punished.”
Sounds pretty much like a confession of Russian responsibility to me, which in itself, makes the statement remarkable. But if it is a confession, it raises the question: for what was Sergei Skripal being punished? Not presumably, for the treasonous acts for which he was formerly convicted, jailed and subsequently pardoned.

The Russian State English Language broadcaster, RT, puts some spin on Putin's comment, stating:

At the same time, [Putin] made it clear that the poisoning of the former double agent Sergei Skirpal and his daughter Yulia, which took place in the British town of Salisbury back in March 2018 and was blamed on Russia by London, is definitely “not the way to do it.”

The president explained that the former Russian intelligence colonel already received his punishment under Russian law as he served his time in prison and was therefore “off the radar.”

He reiterated that this whole affair had little to do with Russia, while maintaining that London has failed to present any sufficient proof of Moscow’s alleged guilt to the public till this day.
Which, does not, it seems to me, settle the matter. Putin has exceptional skill in the diplomatic use of words, and RT's spin does little negate what seems the most plausible interpretation of his comment.

However, it is possible that Putin's statement was, in fact, a taunt, a taunt based on the knowledge, shared with Theresa May to whom his remark was addressed, that Sergei Skripal was a triple agent, who, having moved to England, ostensibly to continue in the service of the British to whom he had betrayed Russia, was in fact, acting in the service of Russia.

It might well then have been that his allegiance to Russia, having been discovered by the Brits, became the justification for a British charade intended to demonize Russia. That would explain the look of disgust, or is it despair, on Theresa May's face, during her interaction with Putin at the G20 Tokyo summit.

One hopes that Rob Slane, former UK Ambassador Craig Murray, and others who have been skeptical of the official British narrative of this peculiar case will offer their perspective on Putin's comment.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Boeing's Deadly Penny-Pinching Stupidity

Boeing corporation has [had, now zero] only one aeronautical engineer on its board of directors, Dennis Muilenburg, who serves as President, Chairman, and Chief Operating Officer. With the exception of a couple of book-keepers, other board members appear to be of little more than decorative value, vanity board members, including such engineering notables as Caroline Kennedy, daughter of JFK, and just appointed Nikki Haley, former US Ambassador to the UN.

Apparently Boeing's management, i.e., Mr. Muilenberg, doesn't give a damn about aircraft safety, only about saving a buck, a supposition confirmed by Bloomberg News, which reports that the defective software that brought down two of Boeing's newly introduced 737MAX airliners was written by immigrant subcontractors earning as little as $9 an hour. This at a time when the company was laying off experienced engineers.

Increasingly, according to Bloomberg

... the iconic American planemaker and its subcontractors have relied on temporary workers making as little as $9 an hour to develop and test software, often from countries lacking a deep background in aerospace -- notably India.

In offices across from Seattle’s Boeing Field, recent college graduates employed by the Indian software developer HCL Technologies Ltd.occupied several rows of desks, said Mark Rabin, a former Boeing software engineer who worked in a flight-test group that supported the Max.

The coders from HCL were typically designing to specifications set by Boeing. Still, “it was controversial because it was far less efficient than Boeing engineers just writing the code,” Rabin said. Frequently, he recalled, “it took many rounds going back and forth because the code was not done correctly.”...

Based on resumes posted on social media, HCL engineers helped develop and test the Max’s flight-display software, while employees from another Indian company, Cyient Ltd., handled software for flight-test equipment.

And there were other benefits to using incompetent Indian contractors.

Boeing’s cultivation of Indian companies appeared to pay other dividends. In recent years, it has won several orders for Indian military and commercial aircraft, such as a $22 billion one in January 2017 to supply SpiceJet Ltd. That order included 100 737-Max 8 jets and represented Boeing’s largest order ever from an Indian airline, a coup in a country dominated by Airbus.

Seemingly, the American drive to corporate monopolism isn't working well. Without competition, terminal stupidity is setting in. What to do? Break up the corrupt and increasingly useless behemoths and recreate the productive competitive free market economy that American capitalists have always said they believed in.

USA Today: Boeing's 'single point failure': Why was there no backup system on 737 Max jet?

Friday, June 28, 2019

Dalai Lama Says What It's Criminal for a White Person to Say: The Europeans are Being Suicided by Mass Replacement Immigration

"The whole of Europe will eventually become a Muslim African country" — unless refugees are sent back.

Phew, saying that would get you labelled a hate speaker, a racist, a white supremacist and a Nazi — if you're white, that is.

The fact that what the Dalai Lama said is true is, of course, beside the point. Indeed, it is because what the Dalai Lama said is true that such speech must be suppressed.

Specifically, what must be suppressed is an awareness of the simple arithmetical consequences of importing masses of philoprogenitive people of alien race, religion and culture to nations afflicted by a reproductive dysfunction.

All of the European-majority nations have a below replacement fertility rate, in many cases a fertility rate barely half the replacement rate. Mass immigration to those nations intensifies the reproductive failure of the native populations and speeds the genocidal replacement of the indigenous nation.

Only an  awareness of the fate picked out for them by the globalist Treason Party can save the European peoples. Hence the ruthless suppression of anti-immigrationist speech.

The Europeans are the lobsters in the slowly warming pot: the agents of globalization, Merkel, Micron, May, and their predecessors.

Well said Dalai Lama: Free Tibet!

News Photo of the Week: Vlad Meets Theresa

Some suggested captions from Guido Fawkes readers:

I told you comrade, no pulse.

A true grassroots, family values Conservative meets Theresa May

Duplicitous, dishonest and despised despot meets Vladimir Putin

Vlad's gift of perfume was not well received

Second transfer complete. The body shaking will start within days

And more

And the Runner Up:

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Is Gabbard the only sane candidate for the 2020 Presidential election?

Of the first Democratic Presidential Candidate's debate, Reason magazine reports
When asked about what she would do about the gender pay gap, the Hawaii representative declined to answer the moderators' lady question, instead choosing to denounce our current interventionist foreign policy.

A good response, although she might have pointed out that it was a bullshit question. The US is an avowedly capitalist country. That means wages are determined by supply and demand. If women take jobs at lower wages than men, that means either that, overall, the market does not value female workers as highly as male workers — which makes sense for all sorts of reason (for instance, men do not generally take maternity leave or quit work early to have children, women do), or women are bad negotiators. Either way, its not something for legislators to legislate about unless they are anti-capitalists, i.e., socialists aka totalitarian communists, like Bernie Sanders.

Later in the debate, when Rep. Tim Ryan (D–Ohio) referenced the recent deaths of two U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan as a reason to continue our war in the country, Gabbard was having none of it, saying:
"Will you tell the parents of those two soldiers that were killed in Afghanistan that we have to be engaged? That is unacceptable. We have lost so many lives, we have spent so much money..."

It takes a military veteran, apparently, to understand what war is about. 

No surprise, then, that Gabbard was the hands down winner of the debate according to post-debate polls. With Gabbard as the Democrat candidate, Trump's reelection would be in real doubt. Trouble is, the entrenched leaders of the Democrat party probably hate rational anti-war candidates even more than the Republican leadership does.

Pat Buchanan: Memo to Trump: Trade Bolton for Tulsi