Tuesday, August 23, 2016

HuffPo: Donald Trump Is Going To Be Elected

If the Huffington Post tells you that Hillary is going to be elected, you know that's merely what they're hoping for.

 But when the Huffington Post tells you that Donald Trump is going to be elected, you know they mean it. And they have some pretty good reasons.


Former Tom Bradley Aide Says Secret Trump Voters Similar to ‘Bradley Effect’

Monday, August 22, 2016

Dilbert Creator, Scott Adams: "The Public will decide and the Leaders Will Follow." Shuuuure!

Quickly, name a policy idea from a major candidate that is both deeply unpopular with the public and also likely to become a law. I can’t think of one. That isn’t even a thing anymore. If the public doesn’t like it, the leaders can’t do it. Period.
The above is from Scott Adams's current blog post.

Does it make any sense?

Consider his demand: "Quickly, name a policy idea from a major candidate that is both deeply unpopular with the public and also likely to become a law."

First, why "quickly"? Why can't we think about it a bit a make a suggestion that might challenge his assumption?


Lying US State Department Lied About How It Lied to the American Public

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Why the Left Abandoned the Workers to Serve the Money Power

Over on Ron Unz's Review, Professor Paul Craig Roberts argues for a return of the left to its traditional role in serving the interests of working people. This, however, is a pipe dream. The last time the left mattered in the Western world, or indeed had any reality, was in the late 60's, the era of Lyndon Baines Johnson, Harold Wilson and Gough Witlam. Then followed the times of Richard Nixon, Ted Heath and Malcolm Fraser, when the new globalization took off.

Image source.

In the late sixties, the left in the Anglo world still had political power, which was exercised through left-associated political parties, i.e., the US Democratic Party, Britain’s Labour Party, Canada’s New Democratic Party and Australia's Labour Party. Such influence depended in large part on the financial support and intellectual resources that  that labor unions provided left-wing parties.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

From Brexit to Eurasian Integration?

Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland;
who rules the Heartland commands the World-Island;
who rules the World-Island commands the world.

Halford John Mackinder
Britain's new Prime Minister, Teresa May, who campaigned against Brexit in the June referendum, is in no hurry it seems, to execute the will of the British people to quit the EU. Rather, her government has indicated that it will take its time, up to three years, to act upon the will of the people.

If a week in politics is a long time, three years is an eternity, during which the direction of any government may rotate one hundred and eighty degrees multiple times. Thus one explanation for Ms. May's slow mo approach to Brexit is that she has no intention of going through with the process, but as we posited the other day, seeks rather to defeat the will of the people by avoiding Brexit altogether.

But this explanation for the UK Government's tardiness in implementing Brexit is not as compelling as it may at first appear. The EU, after all, is moribund, with most of its constituent nations resentful of the way that Germany, the EU's industrial power house, has prospered while ruthlessly imposing austerity on the EU's weaker members. Moreover, the weakness at the periphery of the Eurozone is a direct result of the strength at the center. The Euro, being under-priced relative to the productivity of Germany's workforce, has strongly stimulated the German economy, whereas it has more or less severely retarded the economies of other EU nations, where workforce productivity is lower, or much lower, than Germany's.

The economic difficulties of much of the EU combined with the widespread disgust at Ms. Merkel's enthusiasm for flooding Europe with millions of young, aggressive Muslim males suggest that the EU is now in a condition similar to that of the no less democratic Soviet Union at the moment of its of implosion.

Why then would Ms. May, apparently an astute politician, decline the opportunity that the Brexit vote provides to abandon a sinking ship?

The answer, surely, is to be found in geopolitics. If Britain were to exit the EU tomorrow, which it undoubtedly could, its relations with the United States would require drastic revision. As a member of the EU, Britain has a special relationship with the US. It is a convenient location for many American corporations doing business in Europe, and serves, by virtue of the "special relationship," as an agent of influence for the United States within the EU. Outside the EU, however, Britain is of rather little consequence to the US except as an unsinkable aircraft carrier, within striking range of Russia, North Africa and the Middle-East. In other words, outside the EU, Britain's value to the US becomes chiefly that of a military base, a European off-shore island under military occupation.

What then should Ms. May do?

Under the circumstances, the time is clearly ripe for a total reconsideration of the administrative structure, and economic and military relations of both the UK and the EU. The prospect of the imminent implosion of the EU must surely have concentrated the minds of a formerly complacent EU elite. The anti-nationalist policies of the EU are loathed and despised by all but the most brainwashed of the European population, while the anti-Russian policies forced upon the EU by the United States are resented by the business class for the damage they do to multiple industries from agriculture and tourism to engineering and the military industrial complex.

The remedy for Europe thus seems clear: change sides in the New Cold War. That means calling a new world into existence — the Eurasian World — to redress the balance of the old. Russia is back as a world power. Only a lunatic or totally enslaved Europe will wage war against Russia for the benefit of American global domination. Rather, Europe has no rational foreign and economic policy other than Eurasian integration: a free-trade zone and security zone from Atlantic to Pacific based on Russian resources and defense and space technology; European capital, science and advanced technology; the vast human capital of Asia; these linked by the new Silk Roads, Rails and Pipelines.

Domestically, the European nations must restore their democracies, drive out alien ideologies from political correctness to Islamic fundamentalism, while restoring the vitality of their indigenous populations and cultures.

The result?

One hundred years of peace, perhaps, during during which we might figure out how to rid the world of weapons of mass destruction, live in balance with the environment, and devise a long-term future for humanity.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Why Do Liberals Promote Diversity? Because They Hate It

Malcolm Pollack has a sharp comment about liberal humbug on the question of human racial diversity.

Liberals have long denied the reality of race, gleefully dismissing any who disagree with them as racists. I say gleefully, thinking in particular of liberals in the EU, where the expression of racist ideas is a criminal offense punishable by imprisonment.

But now the trouble for liberals, as Pollack notes, is that there are too many scientifically literate people exposing the obvious stupidity of denying that human groups differ in heritable characteristics — like West Africans, for example, being (some of them) very fast runners compared with the rest of humanity; or Australian Abos. having an exceptionally large visual cortex, which correlates with a superior capacity for finding one's way in the bush.

What's more,

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Fixing Brexit: Defeating the Will of the British People

It seemed strange to me that after Prime Minister David Cameron, an opponent of Brexit, resigned following the victory of the Outs in the Brexit referendum, the governing Conservative party chose Teresa May, one of the Ins, as its new leader.

Stranger still, it seemed to me, that almost immediately after become Prime Minister, Teresa May decided to go to Switzerland for a couple of weeks "holiday."

Really? I mean, if she's so weak that merely being appointed Prime Minister necessitates a holiday, what use is she?

But then the question naturally arises, what discussions, negotiations, or deals might more easily be conducted during a two-week-long foreign holiday, than while resident at her official Downing St. home in London. Could it be that Ms. May is working to betray the people and reverse the Brexit decision?

Sunday, August 14, 2016

More About the Art Students Who Occupied the Eleventh Floor of the North Tower of the WTC

What are the odds that immediately prior to 9/11:
an avant garde Austrian art group was given access to the 91st floor of the North Tower of the World Trade Center and allowed to remove windows, erect platforms outside the structure?
They are 100%.

the art troupe was named Gelitin, short for blasting gelitin or Jelly, perhaps? What are the odds this group is sponsored by a cultural group with an Israeli agent who lived only blocks from Mohammed Atta the terrorist who hated modern art and crashed an aircraft into the North Tower of the World Trade Center?
They are 100%.

the markings on the cases that lined the walls of the space the Gelitin "art group" were using were the same markings used for a special fuse holder assembly that allows for complex wiring?
They are 100% too.

the New York Times publishing a full page feature in August 2001 showing pictures of the artists at work?
Yes 100%.
At the same time there was another group of artists in occupation at the WTC. Their name? the E-Team. And they made no secret of their presence:

So there were two groups of artists occupying the World Trade Center just before 9/11: one with a special interest in explosives, the other apparently made up of electricians. An ideal combination, really, if you wanted to bring the building down in a controlled demolition.


Saturday, August 13, 2016

ABC Live Poll: Donald Trump 68%, Hillary Clinton 6%

ABC's online poll, with over 86,000 votes recorded shows Hillary nowhere, Trump leading with two thirds of the votes cast. However the poll is now reported to be a hoax. Still the alleged poll results are consistent with the attendance at Clinton and Trump rallies, see  photos published on LiveLeak and below.

And here's an amazingly simple means of running an honest election as outlined on the LiveLeak page linked above:

CNN Exposes Trump's Horrible, Bigoted, Racist View on Muslims


Donald Trump’s 2nd Amendment Warning Was on Target

Calling Trump a Racist Only Makes Supporters More Committed

Why The Media Disinformation Campaign Against Trump Will Fail
The .. fact .. is that this is still a very close race and the media is falling over themselves to try and trip up Donald. The same tactics were employed in the primary by 17 very qualified opponents, and all I really need to say is—where are they today?

It is interesting that the media is now taking an “All of the above” approach to their endless attacks... Gone are the blanket recitations of “Trump is a racist” or “Trump is a sexist.” Instead, the media is employing a tactic the Marines refer to as “spray and pray.” They don’t have any specific targets, but they know they are cornered, so they are wildly swinging about with their finger down on the full auto trigger. ...

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Why Old People Can Be Great Leaders

Scott Adams, the creator of the Dilbert cartoon strip, has written a series of blog posts about the US Presidential election. In his current post he argues that whoever wins, Hillary or Donald, will be a bad president because they are too old for the job.

Being a bit older than Scott Adams, and older even than both Trump and Clinton, I have, perhaps, some qualification to comment on this theory, which in my view is mistaken. But before considering the question on the basis of any theoretical consideration or my personal experience of age, what of the historical evidence?

Consider Prince Mikhail Kutuzov, appointed Commander in Chief of the Russian Army as Napoleon embarked on the invasion of Russia in 1812. Aged 67, grossly overweight, within months of death from natural causes, Kutuzov ordered Russian forces to retreat in the face of the enemy, burning crops and grain stores as they went. Suffering from narcolepsy, Kutuzov had to be tied to his horse to prevent him falling off when he drowsed. Periodically, his staff officers would wake him and ask "what now," to which he would reply "continue the retreat."

Sick Hillary

Bizarre Behavior, Seizure Allegations Raise Doubts About Hillary Clinton’s Health

Is Something Wrong With Hillary: Bizarre Behavior, Seizure Allegations Raise Doubts About Her Health

Expert Analysis of Hillary Clinton’s Physical and Mental Breakdown

Hillary Clinton May Have A Brain Tumor: Board Certified MD/Psychiatrist

Hillary Clinton’s Health In Rapid Decline – Will She Even Make It To Election Day At This Rate?

Hillary Clinton Propped Up by Man to Keep From Falling Over While Making Campaign Speech

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Obama’s Cash Payment to Iran Was More Than a Ransom — It Broke Criminal Law

By Andrew McCarthy

National Review August 6, 2016: Did it ever occur to President Obama to ask why he couldn’t just cut a check to the Iranian regime?

Outrage broke out this week over the revelation that Obama arranged to ship the mullahs piles of cash, worth $400 million and converted into foreign denominations, reportedly in an unmarked cargo plane. The hotly debated question was whether the payment, which the administration attributes to a 37-year-old arms deal, was actually a ransom paid for the release of American hostages Tehran had abducted.

It is a waste of time to debate that point further. The Iranians have bragged that the astonishing cash payment was a ransom — and Obama has been telling us for months that we can trust the Iranians. The hostages were released the same day the cash arrived. One of the hostages has reported that the captives were detained an extra several hours at the airport and told they would not be allowed to leave until the arrival of another plane — inferentially, the unmarked cargo plane ferrying the cash. The reason American policy has always prohibited paying ransoms to terrorists and other abductors is that it only encourages them to take more hostages. And, as night follows day, Iran has abducted more Americans since Obama paid the cash. No matter how energetically the president tries to lawyer the ransom issue, if it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck . . . More worth examining is why the transaction took the bizarre form that it did. To cut to the chase, I believe it was to camouflage — unsuccessfully — the commission of felony law violations.

Read more

Friday, August 5, 2016

10 Facts the Mainstream Media Won’t Tell You About the War in Syria

Yesterday, on the radio, I heard Obarmy lying copiously about Syria and the evil of Assad and Putin, so it is with pleasure that I reproduce the following item from Information Clearing House.

Another listener nauseated by Obama's lying spiel was Paul Craig Roberts: "It sickens me to hear the President of the United States lie and construct a false reality..." Roberts' further reaction to the comments of the Liar-In-Chief, entitled Behold, a Pale Horse and its Rider’s Name Was Death, appears here.

By Darius Shahtahmasebi

August 04, 2016 "Information Clearing House" - "Anti Media" - Corporate media regularly attempts to present Bashar al-Assad’s government in Syria as solely responsible for the ongoing conflict in the region. The media does report on events that contradict this narrative — albeit sparingly — but taken together, these underreported details shine a new light on the conflict.

10: Bashar al-Assad has a higher approval rating than Barack Obama

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Making Britain Not Great Through Chinese Government Ownership of British Electrical Utilities

Britain was great when it owned much of the world, drawing interest from foreign government bonds and dividends on shares in foreign railways, plantations and factories.

Today, China wants to invest in Britain, over one hundred billion pounds in the next few years, according to President Xi, all of which, Xi threatens, will be jeopardized if Britain nixes a Chinese-financed nuclear power plant just up-wind of London.

During the 19th Century, the Brits and other Western nations bullied and exploited China outrageously, and President Xi no doubt relishes the prospect of pay-back. But the West is not finished yet and it is clearly time for Britain's new PM to prove her metal by telling President Xi to go piss up a rope.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Teresa May to Nuke Cameron's Insane Nuclear Power Deal?

Britain's female rulers from Boadicea (or Boudica with a hard 'C', as scholars insist) to Good Queen Bess, and Margaret Thatcher have been pretty much like the majority of their male counterparts — but with balls.

One can only hope that Teresa May, Britain's latest female leader, conforms to type.

To date, she has shown promise by, among other things, telling the Scotch Nats. to forget about another referendum, confirming that having nuclear weapons means being willing to use them, and threatening to nuke the nuke power deal agreed by her predecessors, the schoolboy prime minister, David Cameron, and his playboy finance minister, George Osborne.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

The Dopiness of the Harvard Economist: People Won't Vote As We Tell Them

Globalization is good,




How often does a Harvard Economist have to say that before people give up their petty attachment to their native race and culture, their selfish desire to keep Britain British, to preserve Europe's Christian tradition, or America, American?

Millions of times, according to Greg Mankiw, of Princeton, MIT and Harvard, and chairperson of the economic advisers to President Dumbya Bush.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Hillary's Presidential Nomination Acceptance Speech: You Saw It Here First

Hillary's had a bad couple of weeks. In that time Trump has seen a seventeen percent positive swing in the polls, according to Reuters, and now leads Clinton by two points.

Bernie Sanders has quit the Democratic party and his supporters are yelling "lock her up."

Meantime, millions have been watching documentaries from Clinton Cash to The New Clinton Chronicles, or reading Crisis of Character, which describes the Clinton White House as "a den of coke and mistresses," and Roger Stones "The Clintons' War on Women."

Nyet Again

How Polite Russians say "you kidding?"

By Dmitry Orlov

The way things are supposed to work on this planet is like this: in the United States, the power structures (public and private) decide what they want the rest of the world to do. They communicate their wishes through official and unofficial channels, expecting automatic cooperation. If cooperation is not immediately forthcoming, they apply political, financial and economic pressure. If that still doesn’t produce the intended effect, they attempt regime change through a color revolution or a military coup, or organize and finance an insurgency leading to terrorist attacks and civil war in the recalcitrant nation. If that still doesn’t work, they bomb the country back to the stone age. This is the way it worked in the 1990s and the 2000s, but as of late a new dynamic has emerged.

In the beginning it was centered on Russia, but the phenomenon has since spread around the world and is about to engulf the United States itself. It works like this: the United States decides what it wants Russia to do and communicates its wishes, expecting automatic cooperation. Russia says “Nyet.” The United States then runs through all of the above steps up to but not including the bombing campaign, from which it is deterred by Russia’s nuclear deterrent. The answer remains “Nyet.”