Saturday, December 11, 2021

Covid: A Manufactured Pandemic of Fear

In the following video, Dr. Harvey Risch, epidemiologist, MD, Professor in the School of Public Health at Yale University, explained the big lies behind a manufactured pandemic of fear made possible by the spread of a Corona virus that represents no serious risk to most of the population and, if treated early with cheap and readily available anti-viral drugs, endangers few even of the most vulnerable. 

Naturally, Youtube has taken the video down. However, I believe the following brief notes provide an accurate summary of Professor Risch's comments.

"Natural immunity is how we're going to get out of this endemic disease."

"We have had a pandemic of fear. Fear has affected nearly everybody, whereas the infection has affected relatively few"

"... its been a very selective pandemic, and predictable ... [with marked differences in vulnerability] young versus old, healthy versus [those with] chronic disease... So we quickly learned who was a risk and who wasn't...however, fear was manufactured for everybody, and that has characterized the whole pandemic: people's fear and response to that fear."

"People in positions of authority spread a much worse picture... that everybody was at risk everybody could die, everybody needed to find protection, everybody needed to stay in their homes, not go out, not socialize to protect themselves and protect society. And people were quite afraid as anyone would be ... because one trusted ... government, authorities, scientific authorities, medical people, and public health institutions, all [spreading] the same message."

Videos of Chinese people collapsing in the street we now know were "fake videos to induce fear."

Dr. Rische then explains how drugs such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine which are of demonstrated effectiveness in early treatment of respiratory viral disease were discredited, because they were ineffective in treating those will severe post-viral infection pneumonia. 

"There was a smear campaign against the drug."

"Where's the purpose? Why one would suppress [an effective treatment] something that costs 80 cents a day."

" the people who disagree with me (about the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin in the early treatment of Covid) don't provide counter evidence, they say 'the FDA disagrees with you,' or 'the CDC disagrees with you'."

"A lot of people died who didn't need to... if the mortality data are accurate, and there are reasons not to believe them .. this has been a pandemic of fear and agencies have magnified the fear in order to control behavior."

Among healthy children, mortality from Covid has been "very close to zero... lower than the number who get hit by lightning ... "

"So why are we forcing all children to get vaccinated to save approximately zero."

"We know who are the at risk children. ... all children across the country do not need to be vaccinated."

"It's not much different from a light flu or a cold, in children."

"Seventy-five percent of adults who have had Covid were asymptomatic"

Almost everyone in the US has now had Covid, in most cases without symptoms.

Lockdown state were subject to epidemic waves of Covid once the lockdowns ended. "It was misguided to attempt to suppress something that was going to become endemic no matter what anyone did." 

A rational response to Covid "did not happen because of financial interests for selling products to deal with it instead of letting (the acquisition herd immunity) happen on its own."

"It was misguided to try to suppress something that was going to be endemic no matter what anybody did."

"We do not want to live in a 'subscription model' of vaccination, where people have to get these vaccines every three or four or six months ..."

"There's evidence from Public Health UK, that the vaccination reduces by a small increment the ability of the immune system to cope with infections, in general. ... if that happens each time you get vaccinated, and you have to get vaccinated every six months, after three or four years have passed, you may have made sizable damage" to the ability of your immune system to cope with other viruses. 

"The vaccination strategy was a very simplistic idea." People have been forced to accept the management of the pandemic "based on plausibility, 'vaccine'? that sounds plausible, we'll go with that... while the ramifications of that were suppressed, our government agencies suppressed that, as early treatment was suppressed."

"You have to ask, where all this malfeasance came from."

"The whole public health institution, and the medical institution, in Germany, in the 1930s, promoted the Nazi propaganda construed as "how to manage public health". In times of famine, they decided that they would remove ... helpless, handicapped, disabled, young people, frail elderly... They rationalized operational considerations without moral considerations... and that's what's happened to us..."

"when you have big lies being propagated as propaganda through the media, through the government... don't believe your own eyes:

[But] these doctors are treating patients successfully! 

Oh no, those drugs don't work. 

This was a big lie."

And as a result "doctors are just as frightened just as anxious as everybody else. Maybe more so. They have invested so much in their careers they have even more to risk than somebody else. They went into their field because of stature and considerations of accomplishment, and doing well for their society and their patients...  so they're more likely to toe the line... and that line has been forced on them by the corruption of the medical agencies, the medical review boards of the States. The Pharmacy Review Boards have all pushed a top-down message from FDA, CDC and WHO."

So who you gonna believe? Tweedledum and Tweedledee, aka, Justin Trudeau and Erin O'Toole, or Dr. Harvey Risch?


NewsWeek: Fighting “Credible Misinformation” Like Dr. Risch’s Newsweek Op-Ed
LOL, NewSpeak, discrediting itself, the author of this hit piece being neither a physician nor a scientist with relevant expertise but a "teacher of rhetoric." 

Operation Extermination--the Plan to Decimate the Human Immune System with a Lab-Generated Pathogen

Panic? US Mega-Corporations Rush To Abandon Vax Mandate

But anyhow, who gives a damn about Omicron: WHO/CDC: Zero Omicron Deaths In The World

The Evidence That Vaccine Passports Are Worse Than Useless 
Vax passports work well at forcing people to get vaxxed, which is their purpose. 

That they are supposed to protect the vaxxed from the unvaxxed is just one of those transparent lies from the likes of Justin Trudeau to justify compelled treatment with an untested medication in contravention of the Nuremberg Code.

SARS–CoV–2 Spike Impairs DNA Damage Repair and Inhibits V(D)J Recombination In Vitro

Friday, December 10, 2021

Why the Trudeau Liberals and the O'Toole Tories Are Doomed

 Two weeks ago, news came out that a new covid variant originating in South Africa, Omicron, was spreading around the world.

So far, there is no indication it causes more severe disease, the opposite seems to be the case.

Establishment politicians and the media nonetheless jumped on this story to once again fearmonger and extend authoritarian covid measures.

I’m not worried about this new variant!

I’m a lot more concerned about other diseases like cancer or mental issues.

I’m more concerned about vaccine passport and the loss of our freedoms.

I’m more concerned about censorship and the lack of rational scientific debates in our society.

I’m more concerned that the mainstream media have become the propaganda arm of the government.

I’m more concerned about the acceptance of discrimination and segregation in our society.

I’m more concerned that the government of New Brunswick is allowing grocery stores to ban the unvaccinated.

I’m more concerned that people are losing their jobs because of their personal medical choice.

I’m more concerned about governments deficits and inflation.

The LibConNDP coalition unanimously supports covid tyranny.

Nobody else in Ottawa is raising these concerning issues.

Max Bernier
People's Party of Canada


Did Britain's 'first Omicron death' die FROM the Covid variant or WITH it? They could have been hit by a bus

28X increase in stillbirths in multiple parts of Canada… The bravest politician in Ontario…
Brilliant response to Ontario MPP's question from the Ontario Minister of Health — Complete bullshit assurance, entirely fact free

Another Study Finds That Natural Immunity Protects Better Against Infection Than the Pfizer Vaccine

Thursday, December 9, 2021

The US Government's (Fauci's NIAID) 2015 Agreement with Moderna to Develop a Corona Virus Vaccine

Then the existence of an mRNA Corona virus vaccine confirmed 
before China announced the outbreak of Covid on December 30th 2019

But nothing to worry about. Just make sure your kiddies get their first jab now.


Covid-19 is a less dangerous illness for children than influenza

The Nuremberg Code 1947       Permissible Medical Experiments

The great weight of the evidence before us to effect that certain types of medical experiments on human beings, when kept within reasonably well-defined bounds, conform to the ethics of the medical profession generally. The protagonists of the practice of human experimentation justify their views on the basis that such experiments yield results for the good of society that are unprocurable by other methods or means of study. All agree, however, that certain basic principles must be observed in order to satisfy moral, ethical and legal concepts:

  1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.
  2. The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs, or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.
  3. The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results for the good of society, unprocurable by other methods or means of study, and not random and unnecessary in nature.
  4. The experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal experimentation and a knowledge of the natural history of the disease or other problem under study that the anticipated results justify the performance of the experiment.
  5. The experiment should be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical and mental suffering and injury.
  6. No experiment should be conducted where there is an a priori reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur; except, perhaps, in those experiments where the experimental physicians also serve as subjects.
  7. The degree of risk to be taken should never exceed that determined by the humanitarian importance of the problem to be solved by the experiment.
  8. Proper preparations should be made and adequate facilities provided to protect the experimental subject against even remote possibilities of injury, disability or death.
  9. The experiment should be conducted only by scientifically qualified persons. The highest degree of skill and care should be required through all stages of the experiment of those who conduct or engage in the experiment.
  10. During the course of the experiment the human subject should be at liberty to bring the experiment to an end if he has reached the physical or mental state where continuation of the experiment seems to him to be impossible.
  11. During the course of the experiment the scientist in charge must be prepared to terminate the experiment at any stage, if he has probable cause to believe, in the exercise of the good faith, superior skill and careful judgment required of him, that a continuation of the experiment is likely to result in injury, disability, or death to the experimental subject.
How children are spoofing Covid-19 tests with soft drinks

US FDA Needs 75 Years to Release Pfizer Vaccine Data
The US Government not only conspires against the People, but insult their intelligence too.

Why People Accept Bullshit Covid Rules

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Covid Tyranny In the Name of Eliminating the Spread of a Virus of the Common Cold, Coronavirus Family

 Rasmussen poll Voters Worry About Vaccine Side Effects, Oppose Federal Mandates

More than half of US voters are concerned that COVID-19 vaccines could have harmful side effects, and don’t think the federal government should have the power to make vaccination mandatory. 

Yet all governments of what used to be known as the Free World are determined to punish citizens relentlessly and with increasing severity so long as they refuse the untested shot that has already killed tens of thousands, caused injury to hundreds of thousands, and is known to increase the spread of  Covid-19


And why would anyone in a future election -- assuming there is a future election as opposed to a charade such as the last US Presidential election -- vote for any one of these tyrannical liars and buffoons now making a mockery of the notion of free society.


ITV's Good Morning Britain removed an online poll showing 89% against compulsory vaccination Stuff the polls. The plebs must do what they're told, not what they think's good for them.

"ICUs Are Filled With The Unvaccinated" — NOT
Look, there's still a ton of money to be made from jabbing the rubes

Still everybody gotta be jabbed. Right?

So the Hell with Trudeau's Vax Passport Oppression.

Healthcare Chief Says Omicron “May Signal the End of COVID-19”
But wait a minute, we haven't yet got the social credit system implemented by way of the vax passport

Healthcare Chief Says Omicron "May Signal The End Of COVID-19"

South Africa’s looming vaccine revolt
There are a number of reasons why it is so hard to get South Africans to take the umjovu, the injection: appalling technical management of the outbreak, a prevailing scepticism towards science, wariness about the Government and a wide-spread apprehension by the poor and marginalised that this is at best another form of repression and at worst witchcraft.
Those poor and marginalized Africans may just have a better understanding of how the elite view them than your typical virtue-signalling, double- or triple-jabbed, mask-wearing, middle-class citizen of the West. 
In common with the rest of the world, South African epidemiological estimates of fatalities at the outset of the coronavirus outbreak verged on the fantastical. Initial predictions were for between 87,000 and 350,000 fatalities in the first phase. (Whereas) there were (just) 103.

Wow, actual deaths far below 1% of predicted. So the South Africans did even better than the Italians who revised their initially reported Covid deaths down by 97%. 

Beside the deaths due to forcing sick people into care homes, thereby setting off a deadly epidemic of respiratory disease among the elderly (Covid, perhaps, or maybe just the flu or even the common cold), plus deaths due to forgone hospital treatments to make way for supposed Covid cases, has Covid killed anyone? 

Increasingly, Covid takes on the appearance of a psychological warfare agent deployed by the elite in a covert war against the people. 

The objective? "To set ourselves on a new an more sustainable course," or course, meaning: depopulation through an increased death rate and reduced fertility;  mass impoverishment; and in general ridding the earth of the mass of useless eaters in an age of increasing automation plus artificial intelligence. 

Studies Find Costs of Lockdown Outweigh Benefits

This presents facts and arguments that demolish the Canadian and British Columbia Governments' case for universal vaccination, and in particular the case for vaccinating children. Please pass it on.

ZERO Covid deaths of healthy German kids over 4 or adolescentsThe odds that a healthy child aged 5-11 would require intensive care for Covid were about 1 in 50,000, the researchers found. For older and younger children, the odds were somewhat higher, about 1 in 8,000...

But St. Bonnie and Die Trudeau Fuhrer say we gotta vax 'em anyhow, just in case... whatever.

US Senator: Many Americans Died From Covid Because Fauci ‘Sabotaged Early Treatment Using Cheap, Available, Generic Drugs’

Saturday, December 4, 2021

The Great Replacement: Or Getting Rid of Whitey

 By Patrick Buchanan:, December 3, 2021: With the drowning deaths of 27 migrants crossing the Channel from France to England, illegal migration from the Third World is front and center anew in European politics.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has proposed that France take back to its shores all migrants who cross the Channel illegally and come ashore in Britain.

In the run-up to French elections this April, a startling development suggests that resistance to illegal migration is spreading and the idea of dealing with it resolutely and unapologetically is taking root.

Marine Le Pen, president of the rightist National Rally, formerly the National Front, who is expected to reach the finals for president of France against Emmanuel Macron, is suddenly being challenged.

The rising star on the right is Eric Zemmour, who, writes The New York Times, “became one of France’s best-selling authors in the past decade by writing books on the nation’s decline — fueled, he said, by the loss of traditional French and Christian values, the immigration of Muslim Africans bent on a reverse colonization of France, the rise of feminism and the loss of virility, and a ‘great replacement’ of white people.”

Zemmour is being called “the Donald Trump of France.” And he and Le Pen are now running third and second behind Macron in the polling to become the next president of France, which suggests the power of the issue on which they agree: uninvited and unwelcome Third-World migration.

“You feel like a foreigner in your own country,” said Zemmour in his announcement speech Tuesday, declaiming, “We will not be replaced.”

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Vax Passport Nonsense: The Spectator Catches Up

E-mailed to me by a friend this morning, I read the first paragraphs of the following article from the November 20 issue of the Spectator with a distinct sense of deja vu, as though re-reading my November 10 blog post -- Covid Vaccination to Promote the Spread.  

Still, the old original Speccy has, in its own good time, reached the right conclusion about the preposterous vax mandates issued by the lockdown Nazis from Ottawa to Austria, and from Washington, DC to New South Wales. So, for any who may have missed our own decisive assessment, here is the Spectator`s worthy reprise.

The absurd theatre of vaccine passports

By Lionel Shriver:

The Spectator, November 20, 2031: When a column highlighting under-appreciated breaking news has had absolutely no impact on the course of events (per usual), the urge to make the same point again is irresistible.

In August, Public Health England released data which shows that vaccination does not appreciably guard against Covid infection and transmission and protection worked out at around 17 per cent for the over-fifties. As I observed then, this would mean the vaxxed and unvaxxed pose a comparable danger to each other. All Covid apartheid schemes are therefore insensible.

Fresher information has fortified this conclusion of the summer. In every age group over 30 in the UK, the rates of Covid infection per 100,000 are now higher among the vaxxed than the unvaxxed. Indeed, in the cohorts aged between 40 and 79, infection rates among the vaccinated are more than twice as high as among the unvaccinated. PHE’s fruitlessly rechristened body, the UK Health Security Agency, frantically clarifies that the data ‘should not be used to estimate vaccine effectiveness’, a caveat which I include for the sake of accuracy. But the differences in the infection rates are drastic enough for you to draw your own conclusions.

As for the comparative contagiousness of each group, the data is mixed. A study published in Nature early last month confirmed PHE’s finding that the Covid-positive vaxxed and unvaxxed carry nearly identical viral loads; hence they should be similarly infectious. But viral load turns out to drop more quickly in the vaccinated, making them infectious for a shorter period. The study shows that ‘people who become infected with the Delta variant are less likely to pass the virus to their close contacts if they have already had a Covid-19 vaccine than if they haven’t’.

The myth of ultra-contagious anti-vaxxers dispersing plague like rats has fostered gratuitous rancour

That’s the good news. Now for Nature’s bad news: ‘But that protective effect is relatively small, and dwindles alarmingly at three months after the receipt of the second shot… Unfortunately, the vaccine’s beneficial effect on Delta transmission waned to almost negligible levels over time.’ Three months after vaccination, your chances of passing on the Delta variant are ‘on par with the likelihood that an unvaccinated person will spread the virus’.

Mercifully, the vaccines’ protection from hospitalisation and death is slumping slowly and remains considerable. Stress on healthcare systems and excess deaths are the only reasons Covid is a concern of government.

All this information is in the public domain. Yet due to doublethink, idiocy, mulishness, duplicity, derangement or all of the above, policy-makers are refusing to act on its implications. The absurd theatre of vaccine passports in continental Europe is worse than pointless. Gatekeeping of pleasure palaces promotes the wrong impression — statistically, the lie — that the unvaccinated riff-raff exiled to the pavement pose a far graver threat of communicable disease than the diners in the nearby banquette who, like you, have righteously got the shot. In truth, the double-jabbed airline passenger in 24A can be just as risky a seat-mate as the great unwashed banished from the flight.

Officialdom’s stubborn refusal to register that vaccination does not rule out Covid infection or transmission has catastrophic consequences. As England’s adult social care sector has more than 100,000 vacancies already, the compulsory sacking of unvaxxed care-home staff could close up to 500 facilities that the nation can’t afford to lose. A vaccine mandate for NHS employees will likewise lead to significant staff attrition, when the service also suffers from about 100,000 unfilled jobs.

Stopped for now by the courts, Joe Biden has bullied on with his edict that all American businesses with 100 or more employees require their whole workforce to be vaccinated, or submit to onerous weekly testing, with a whopping $14,000 fine per unvaxxed hire. Austria has just implemented a lockdown for its entire unvaccinated population of two million. Already barred from restaurants, hair salons and cinemas, now these poor pariahs can barely leave the house.

The myth of ultra-contagious anti-vaxxers dispersing plague like rats in the Middle Ages has fostered gratuitous rancour and division. A friend in New York declared recently that she hoped all the unvaccinated would simply die.

By spearheading the vaccine drives, governments have attached themselves to a product. They’re implicitly in league with the pharmaceutical industry, not by means of a conspiracy, but because of perceived common interest. Successful vaccine? Successful government. The mainstream media and swaths of the medical establishment have also attached themselves to the product. All these parties are in cahoots to maintain a Manichean social partition: you must be all in, or you’re all against. Any appreciation for the risks or limits of vaccines casts you as a dreaded anti-vaxxer. So any feel for nuance makes you stupid. Any short-of-fanatical devotion to the perfect benevolence of vaccines makes you crazy.

Yet the product is a bit of a disappointment. It reduces death and hospitalisation, but can’t stop Covid from spreading. The virus continues merrily to sweep through heavily vaccinated populations. What we have here, then, is an advertising problem. The purveyors of products are inclined to overpromise. Adverts for a hair-loss treatment tend to boast not ‘Stimulates some minor follicular growth’, but rather ‘Cures balding!’ Having oversold their adopted elixir, governments won’t retreat from the cures-balding pitch. ‘Won’t keep you from getting sick or even from making other people sick, but prevents dying a lot of the time!’ makes for a lukewarm slogan.

I’m double-vaccinated — gladly so, on balance. But I’ve no fear of vaccine virgins. As the medical case for shunning the unvaccinated is unconvincing, vax passports and employment mandates function purely as blackmail. As a judge decreed when staying Biden’s edict: ‘The mandate’s true purpose is not to enhance workplace safety, but instead to ramp up vaccine uptake by any means necessary.’

Much western public health policy is now irrational. Governments need to detach from the product. Instead, they’ve detached from the facts.


CALGARY, Alberta: The head of the Justice Center for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF) says Canadian universities with COVID jab mandates are violating the Nuremberg Code by “punishing students who exercise their legal right to bodily autonomy.”

“Universities are blatantly violating the Nuremberg Code, as well as the Universal Declaration of Bioethics and Human Rights by pressuring students to get injected,” John Carpay said in a JCCF video posted Monday titled “Universities violate Nuremberg Code with vaccine coercion.”

“When you tell a student, get injected or get expelled, there is no free and informed consent to this vaccine.”

Carpay said in his video that the Universal Declaration of Bioethics and Human Rights provides that any “preventive diagnostic and therapeutic medical intervention” should only be carried out with the “prior free and informed consent of the person concerned based on adequate information.”
Read more

Hidden Camera Footage from Inside Forced Internment Camps in Australia

Discrimination against unvaccinated Canadians not based on science
Wadderyer expect from a government headed by an airhead with fantasies about being a dictator?

The case for compulsory vaccinations is dead…Omicron killed it 
Facts have never bothered the vax Nazis yet. Why would they now? Still, a good review of the "self-contradictory supposed “facts” of the schizophrenic covid story"

British Government's Incompetent and Sadistic Covid Advisory Committee, SAGE, calls for five more years of work from home plus vax passports in face of Omicron wave which has killed exactly no one

Spanish Investigation Finds Vaccine Passports Have No Impact On Infection Rates
How surprising is that? Evidently surprising enough that some Spanish "experts" were dumb enough to investigate the question.

EU Leader Calls For Throwing Out Nuremberg Code In Favor of Forced Vaccinating All Dissenters Why is it that Germans, for all their native genius, have an affinity for low IQ Nazi leaders

Most of England's Omicron cases are double-jabbed

“The COVID-19 Vaccines DO NOT Prevent Transmission of the Disease” – Judge Doughty’s Ruling Destroys Biden’s Vax Mandates

First case of US covid Omicron is fully vaxxed
If this doesn't persuade the anti-vaxers to get vaxxed, what will?

Amer. Assoc. Physicians and Surgeons: Biden's Incentive for Hospital Covid Treatment Failure
Otherwise known as an incentive to, um, commit euthanasia, except that Covid is not incurable and the lethal treatment hospitals provide is neither painless nor received voluntarily.

Scapegoating the Unvaccinated
The vaxxed know in their hearts that the vax doesn't work. So naturally they blame anyone but themselves, which is to say the unvaxxed, for their having fallen for the vax scam.

So everyone must be made to get the vax. But wait a minute ...

If COVID Omicron Variant Is as Mild as Indicated Why Not Let It Run Its Course and and Protect the Vulnerable with Therapeutics?
Warning: Dangerous common sense outbreak. If we all get natural immunity, there'd by no basis for the mandatory jab.

Most people already have a cure: it's called an immune system

Unvaccinated Austrians Face Prison Time, Huge Fines For Non-Compliance
Adolph would have been proud to see his native land lead the world in forced mass medical experimentation. 

Coronavirus will be with us forever, Sage scientist warns
Yeah, that's what the top scientific experts on the incidence, distribution, and possible control of diseases, plus over sixty thousand medical researchers and practitioners said at the outset. But better coming to grips with reality late than never.

Australia Captures and Arrests Three Quarantine Camp Escapees (They had all tested negative the day before they broke out)
Not to worry: Although the Australian leadership has a severe Covid psychosis, they only deploy full Nazi tactics against the aborigines 

Children as young as five with bad asthma should be given a Covid vaccine because they face six times higher risk of being hospitalised, study finds
Note to Daily Mail Headline Writer: Studies find facts (sometimes, anyhow), they don't specify moral imperatives. That said, sure, if my kid had severe asthma, I'd be OK with giving them the vax

Prince Harry compares Covid pandemic to HIV
Further evidence that Queen Victoria passed a low-IQ gene to every one of her thousands of descendants

Time to think about mandatory vaccination' across the ENTIRE EU, Ursula von der Leyen warns after Austria and Germany announced plans to force jabs on all adults

Friday, November 26, 2021

Viral Variant Causes Covid Conniption

 A headline reads:

New COVID Virus Variant Identified in Africa Is “Highly Transmissible and Vaccine-Resistant.”


Except that all covid variants are "Highly Transmissible and Vaccine-Resistant," and that goes for the original Wuhan strain as for any other. 

Moreover, it is a fact universally acknowledged by those who know anything that the Covid vax does not stop the spread.

And that's not surprising. Possessed of a greater, though questionable, sense of security, the vaxxed take less care than the unvaxxed  to minimize the risk of viral transmission, with the result that they spread the disease more readily. 

The vaccine apparently reduces the case rate among children and adults under the age of 30. However, the incidence of serious illness and death in these age classes is so low that vaccination may be deemed detrimental precisely because it restricts viral spread and hence the acquisition of long-term and robust natural immunity. 

That the vax promotes the spread is a good thing

By spreading the virus in those over the age of 30 while limiting disease severity, the vax pushes the population toward herd immunity: that is, toward the widespread acquisition of natural immunity from infection that does limit transmission. 

Such immunity is what will slow the endless circulation of the virus throughout the population. 

As for the use of "vaccine resistant," in that scare headline, what does it mean? 

We've known for months, thanks to a  statement by the Director of the US Center for Disease Control, Rochelle Walensky, that the vaccinated can carry as high a viral load as the unvaccinated. So vaccine resistant must refer to something other than infection resistance. Presumably, therefore, it means that the new variant causes illness that is not limited in severity by the vaccine.

But where's the evidence?

None is available, so the "vaccine-resistant label probably means nothing at all.

The so-called vaccines for Covid produce nothing like the full-spectrum immunity induced by infection. Thus, if the vaccines are useful, it is by virtue of the fact that they:

(a) reduce disease severity, and

(b) promote viral spread and hence the acquisition of natural immunity from infection. 

The downside to the use of the currently available Covid vaccines is that they promote viral differentiation by providing a competitive advantage to mutants resistant to the vaccine induced antibodies. 

It is possible that some such vaccine-induced variant will prove more virulent than existing strains, in which case we could be in for a global die off  — some people would view that as a positive: Prince Charles and his Davos friends, perhaps, as in "Setting ourselves on a new and more sustainable course," etc. 

However, none of the presently propagating strains are injurious to more than a very small proportion of children and young adults. Thus, injecting young people with the toxic spike protein, aka vaccine, a substance known in some cases to cause serious harm or even death, is unjustified.

In fact, with half or more of the population in many countries having, as in the UK,  Covid recovered status, it can  be assumed that the vast majority of children and young adults already have durable and robust Covid immunity from infection. 

Thus, to force injection of the toxic spike protein into young people in the name of public health is an outrage and a travesty of science, though testimony, surely, to the power of pharmaceutical company lobbying.


PETER HITCHENS: The panic-makers long for another shutdown

Goldman Slams Omicron Panic

German states with a high vaccination rate have the highest excess mortality

Quebec Gov't Caves in Face of  Revolt by 12,000 Healthcare WorkersThe rebels do essential work in a high risk environment. Hospitals are rife with Covid so most healthcare workers have already had Covid, which means they have full-spectrum natural immunity far superior to the short-lived antibody response to an injection of toxic spike protein.

Big Pharma Making a Killing, Killing kids. Does anyone care?

What is happening in Australia’s Aboriginal communities? Tyranny, Genocide, martial law, Covid bioweapon

Higher Infection Rates in Vaccinated Not an Artefact of Wrong Population Data, New Analysis Shows

ONS Slapped Down by UK Statistics Watchdog For Misleading Claim that Unvaccinated Have “32 Times” Risk of Covid Death The claim was not misleading. It was a lie. But perhaps among bureaucrats, as among members Parliament, there is a rule against one member of the group calling another member of the group a liar. So let's just say the claim was bullshit.

Why IS the Botswana variant so scary? Super strain has evolved to have ALL of the worst mutations of Alpha, Beta and Delta combined plus new ones that could make it the most infectious and jab-resistant variant ever

From discovery to global panic in 48 hours: How South African scientists' warnings about soaring cases of Covid super-mutant variant sparked frantic cabinet meeting and worldwide travel ban
This Covid variant has multiple mutations in the spike protein against which the current generation of vaccines induce inactivating antibodies. As a result the protection from severe disease provided by the current generation of spike-protein-generating vaccines will be lessened if not altogether eliminated. 

However, such adaptation of the virus will not greatly reduce naturally-acquired immunity, which depends on multiple mechanisms unaffected by changes in the spike protein. 

It may thus be that the vaccine increases the ultimate toll in Covid disease and death by preventing widespread infection with the original Wuhan viral strain, which would have provided immunity to subsequently emerging strains. 

Monday, November 22, 2021

Covid Lies From the Mouths of Politicians: "Within Months, All Germans Will Be Vaccinated, Cured or Dead" — German Health Minister

When Jens Spahn, Germany's Minister of Health, said that, within months, all Germans will be "vaccinated, cured, or dead," his objective, presumably, was to so terrify the unvaxxed that they would get the jab. 

However, the statement of this latter-day Goebbels embodies a lie, three lies in fact. 


Conveyed by implication, the Minister's first lie is that the "vaccinated" are a distinct category from the "cured" and the "dead".  This however is not so.  British data show that the vaccinated are more, not less, likely than the unvaccinated to catch Covid. That means that the vaccinated must, in greater numbers than the unvaccinated, be joining the community of the "cured" or the "dead".

In fact, among adults over the age of 29, the British data show that the Covid case rate, i.e., cases percent, for the vaccinated is more than twice that for the unvaccinated.


 As for the division between the "cured" and the "dead," it is true, again according to British data (see Page 15), that mortality from Covid is higher among the unvaccinated that the vaccinated, but contrary to the implication of the minister's statement, the risk of death from Covid is not great, rather, it is barely higher than that from the flu. 

Among under 18's, the recorded death rate per 100,000 was zero for both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. 

In the 18- to 60-year-old category, the death rate for the four-week period to Week 42 was 2.8 in 100,000 (0.0028%) among the unvaccinated, versus 0.48 in 100,000 (0.00048%) among the vaccinated. 

For the over 60's the recorded overall mortality was 63 per 100,000 (0.063%) among the vaccinated versus 176 per 100,000 (0.176%) among the unvaccinated.

For comparison, in 2019, deaths in the UK involving flu and pneumonia averaged 8.5 per 100,000  (0.0085%) per four-week period, which is four times the death rate from Covid among unvaccinated people between the ages of 18 and 60 recorded during the four weeks to October 24, 2021. 


The third lie implied by the German "Health" Minister's statement is that the progress of Covid through the population is a bad thing that must be halted. In reality, Covid is beyond containment. All attempts,  however draconian, to stop the spread of this highly infectious virus have failed. That is true even in China, where outbreaks are ongoing. Covid has become endemic, meaning that it is now widespread and ineradicable by means of any feasible public health measures.

Now, therefore, the objective of public policy should be to allow the acquisition of herd immunity through naturally acquired infection among the majority of the population, although those wishing to obtain whatever benefit there may be from vaccination should certainly be free to do so. The resultant more widespread immunity from infection, already acquired by a large fraction of the world's population, will prove to be both more robust and more durable than the short-lived,  narrow-spectrum immunity provided by the so-called vaccines.

 With the attainment of herd immunity, the virus will reach a stage of so-called endemic equilibrium, meaning that it will remain in circulation, but at a sub-epidemic rate, its spread limited by naturally acquired immunity throughout the population. 

Immunity from the so-called vaccines will not be a factor in ending the Covid pandemic since we have seen from the UK data that the vaccines do not stop, but rather promote, viral spread. 

The vaccines now available are of value, at best, in moderating the severity of disease. Moreover, there is a cost to the use of the vaccines, that being an increase in the number and virulence of newly created Covid variants. 

Far from inducing a general immune system response, the vaccines induce merely the production of antibodies to just one of the virus's 18 protein components, namely the spike protein of the original Wuhan Covid strain. Thus, any mutation in the Covid spike protein that evades neutralization by vaccine-induced antibodies makes the vaccinated person a potential incubator for a novel Covid variant. 

This phenomenon of vaccine-facilitated immune escape means that the ongoing and world-wide drive to achieve universal vaccination with the present generation of "leaky" Covid vaccines may be about to create a global catastrophe. Specifically, the vaccines may be giving rise to an array of Covid variants more deadly than the original virus. Thus, to quote an article from The Lancet:

If substantial immune evasion occurs, current vaccines are likely to still offer some benefit to individuals. At the population level, however, they could induce viral selection and escape, making the prospect of achieving herd immunity increasingly remote.
That is a truly terrifying prospect: a world ravaged by multiple Covid variants, against which the achievement of population-wide natural immunity has been made virtually unattainable. 


“This is Called Projection – Dr. Fauci Gets Gold Star for Lying” – mRNA Inventor Dr. Robert Malone Blames Fauci and US Covid Team of 500,000 Unnecessary Deaths

Dr. Robert Malone: Children Who Have Had COVID Are at Higher Risk of Adverse Effects If You Vaccinate Them

Former Pro Calls For "Investigation" After Another Soccer Player Suddenly Collapses

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

A Letter from Moosejaw

From a  letter to the Editor of Moosejaw Today

... as the pandemic progressed, research showed that vaccinated people carry the same variable loads of COVID as unvaccinated people. This means that the vaccinated pose similar possibilities of transmitting the virus and can contribute to the virus’s potential spread as much as the unvaccinated. This new research makes the mandates absurd.

Mandatory vaccinations and their passports are dangerous and ugly precedents for our society to adopt. They segregate and they encourage discrimination..

Vivian Darroch-Lozowski, Ph.D


The Benefit Of SARS-CoV-2 Natural Immunity In The Armed Forces
Hey bud, the "the science" is supposed to baffle brains and keeps the people compliant. To bring into the public debate, as you have so unwisely done, what the white coats talk about among themselves, will only confuse people. As for doing what is best for the readiness of the military, what difference would it make? You think the US could actually win a war, or what?

Is BoJo the Clown going to follow Trend-Watch Trudeau and decide public health policy in accordance with public opinion? That is, after the media have done their worst to bullshit the public into believing the unvaxxed are a threat to the vaxxed, whereas the truth, as Yale Epidemiologist, Dr. Harvey Risch has pointed out, is "It's the unvaccinated who should fear the vaccinated, not the other way around.

How's that?

Just look at the data.

In England, the vaxxed have more Covid cases per 100,000 of population than the unvaxxed. In those over the age of 29, the ratio of vaxxed to unvaxxed cases is more than two to one. (In younger people the ratio is the other way around, but kids don't need to be vaxed as they are most unlikely to suffer serious illness from the virus, but will derive from it the benefit of life-long memory T- and B- cell immunity.)

Bill Gates Warns of Weaponized Smallpox Just After FDA Approves His New Pox Drug

Uh uh! Look out for what that vax profiteer is up to.

Alex Berenson: Vaccinated English adults under 60 are dying at twice the rate of unvaccinated people the same age

Is this claim correct? 


We know the vax kills, whereas among young people, Covid rarely does.

The vax kills by inducing heart attacks, strokes and possibly other deadly conditions. 

The lethal effects of the vax are concealed in most official data, which focus on the overall, or age-independent, death rates, these being determined mainly by the high mortality among the elderly. Any slight benefit of the vax among the elderly will thus be represented as a net overall benefit, even if there are severe adverse consequences for a significant minority of young people.

But with so much medical establishment authority and such vast expenditure of public funds invested in jabbing every person on the face of the planet, the insignificance of any overall benefit of the vax campaign, and the harm it is causing to the young cannot be officially acknowledged. 

CDC and Big Pharma Data Confirm that More Children will Die from COVID Vaccine than from the COVID Virus

Sweden Has Had *Negative* Excess Mortality Since the Start of 2020
Yet Sweden Will Require Vax Passports By the Summer of 2022. What the frack?

Actually, it's simple. Sweden is pursuing the same agenda as everyone else: the end of freedom. In it's place Swedes will have a Chinese-style system of constant surveillance and control as the digital vax passport is expanded into a universal track and control mechanism: No vax? No travel for you. No entry to restaurants or bars. And that's just the start of it. Caught on camera jaywalking, littering, driving over the speed limit, then maybe a restriction on access to you bank account or use of a credit card. Heard on a concealed microphone calling Justin Trudeau a jerk, then no air travel for you. Perhaps no job either. 

Creepy Bill Gates seems excited by the possibility

New South Wales prohibits unvaxxed persons from drinking while standing at weddings 
Proving that reality is weirder than anything you could invent

Dr. Peter McCullough sues Elsevier Science for deleting article showing vax hazard to kids
Proof, if you need it, that "The Science" is just a branch of the lying media. That's the result of allowing corporate interests to take control of the scientific literature, which in times past was published almost exclusively by learned societies such as the American Physics Society, the American Chemical Society and hundreds of others. The societies and their publications were run by those who had devoted their lives to science, not a bunch of profit maximizing accountants and politically correct dorks.

Jordan Peterson: Canada's COVID Rules Based On Opinion Polls
Anyone who thinks the country should be governed according to what my neighbors think is an idiot.  But then we already knew that Trudeau's an idiot.

And the higher the mortality the more the public is supposed to demand everyone be jabbed. Brilliant

Ireland imposes lockdown and curfew for a population that is 93% vaccinated
Does anyone require additional proof that the vax has failed?

The Government of Adolph's homeland acting true to type

Vive les Autrichiens, and the Dutch too!

In a rational age, this would be cited as an example of no cause no effect

Australians recognize roo pooh for what it is even if it's the government's ordering them to swallow it

French Doctors Warn Against Vaccinating Healthy Children

The Spectator Just Caught Up with Moosejaw Today. LOL

Official Public Health England Data Says COVID Infection Rates Higher In Vaxx'd Than Unvaxx'd (as we pointed out here: Covid Vaccination to Promote the Spread) But the point is worth repeating over and over until even our incredibly stupid leaders (or are they just corrupt) are too embarrassed to go on lying about the necessity of punishing people with real immunity from past infection by locking them down forever or until they submit to the jab.

Scotland Urged to Abandon Vaccine Passports After Research Showing Vaccinated Just as Infectious as Unvaccinated

The Road To Fascism: Paved With Vaccine Mandates And Corporate Collusion

There’s NO case for “vaccinating” children…& the FDA meeting proves it

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

So Why, Again, Is Our Dictator Wannabe Prime Minister Seeking to Compel Universal Vaccination?

MedRXiv: Deaths in Children and Young People in England following SARS-CoV-2 infection during the first pandemic year: a national study using linked mandatory child death reporting data

Twenty-five English children and young people died of SARS-CoV-2 during the year March 1, 2020 to Feb 28, 2021. 

Those deaths equate to a mortality rate of 2 per million among England's 12,023,568 children and young people versus mortality from all causes which is 35 times greater.

Children and young people over the age of 10 years, of Asian and Black ethnic backgrounds, and with comorbidities were over-represented compared to other children.
Based on the analysis of 81 published studies, it was determined that children and young people at greatest vulnerability of severe disease or death from SARS-CoV-2 infection are infants, teenagers, those with cardiac or neurological conditions, or two or more comorbid conditions, and those who are obese. These groups should be considered higher priority for vaccination and for protective shielding when appropriate. But the absolute increase in risk for most comorbidities was small compared to children without underlying conditions.

The very low Covid mortality among children and young people can be further reduced by vaccinating that minority with cardiac or neurological conditions or who are obese. In addition treatment of those who have a symptomatic infection with Pfizer's antiviral pill, a protease inhibitor like Ivermectin--a drug used widely and to good effect to treat Covid infection in India, may be expected to  virtually eliminate mortality among young people and children with SARS-CoV-19 infection . 

Vaccinating all children and young people thus seems unnecessary and unwise, given the evidence of heart damage and even death caused by the vaccine in young people. 
