Tuesday, November 16, 2021

So Why, Again, Is Our Dictator Wannabe Prime Minister Seeking to Compel Universal Vaccination?

MedRXiv: Deaths in Children and Young People in England following SARS-CoV-2 infection during the first pandemic year: a national study using linked mandatory child death reporting data

Twenty-five English children and young people died of SARS-CoV-2 during the year March 1, 2020 to Feb 28, 2021. 

Those deaths equate to a mortality rate of 2 per million among England's 12,023,568 children and young people versus mortality from all causes which is 35 times greater.

Children and young people over the age of 10 years, of Asian and Black ethnic backgrounds, and with comorbidities were over-represented compared to other children.
Based on the analysis of 81 published studies, it was determined that children and young people at greatest vulnerability of severe disease or death from SARS-CoV-2 infection are infants, teenagers, those with cardiac or neurological conditions, or two or more comorbid conditions, and those who are obese. These groups should be considered higher priority for vaccination and for protective shielding when appropriate. But the absolute increase in risk for most comorbidities was small compared to children without underlying conditions.

The very low Covid mortality among children and young people can be further reduced by vaccinating that minority with cardiac or neurological conditions or who are obese. In addition treatment of those who have a symptomatic infection with Pfizer's antiviral pill, a protease inhibitor like Ivermectin--a drug used widely and to good effect to treat Covid infection in India, may be expected to  virtually eliminate mortality among young people and children with SARS-CoV-19 infection . 

Vaccinating all children and young people thus seems unnecessary and unwise, given the evidence of heart damage and even death caused by the vaccine in young people. 


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