Saturday, December 11, 2021

Covid: A Manufactured Pandemic of Fear

In the following video, Dr. Harvey Risch, epidemiologist, MD, Professor in the School of Public Health at Yale University, explained the big lies behind a manufactured pandemic of fear made possible by the spread of a Corona virus that represents no serious risk to most of the population and, if treated early with cheap and readily available anti-viral drugs, endangers few even of the most vulnerable. 

Naturally, Youtube has taken the video down. However, I believe the following brief notes provide an accurate summary of Professor Risch's comments.

"Natural immunity is how we're going to get out of this endemic disease."

"We have had a pandemic of fear. Fear has affected nearly everybody, whereas the infection has affected relatively few"

"... its been a very selective pandemic, and predictable ... [with marked differences in vulnerability] young versus old, healthy versus [those with] chronic disease... So we quickly learned who was a risk and who wasn't...however, fear was manufactured for everybody, and that has characterized the whole pandemic: people's fear and response to that fear."

"People in positions of authority spread a much worse picture... that everybody was at risk everybody could die, everybody needed to find protection, everybody needed to stay in their homes, not go out, not socialize to protect themselves and protect society. And people were quite afraid as anyone would be ... because one trusted ... government, authorities, scientific authorities, medical people, and public health institutions, all [spreading] the same message."

Videos of Chinese people collapsing in the street we now know were "fake videos to induce fear."

Dr. Rische then explains how drugs such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine which are of demonstrated effectiveness in early treatment of respiratory viral disease were discredited, because they were ineffective in treating those will severe post-viral infection pneumonia. 

"There was a smear campaign against the drug."

"Where's the purpose? Why one would suppress [an effective treatment] something that costs 80 cents a day."

" the people who disagree with me (about the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin in the early treatment of Covid) don't provide counter evidence, they say 'the FDA disagrees with you,' or 'the CDC disagrees with you'."

"A lot of people died who didn't need to... if the mortality data are accurate, and there are reasons not to believe them .. this has been a pandemic of fear and agencies have magnified the fear in order to control behavior."

Among healthy children, mortality from Covid has been "very close to zero... lower than the number who get hit by lightning ... "

"So why are we forcing all children to get vaccinated to save approximately zero."

"We know who are the at risk children. ... all children across the country do not need to be vaccinated."

"It's not much different from a light flu or a cold, in children."

"Seventy-five percent of adults who have had Covid were asymptomatic"

Almost everyone in the US has now had Covid, in most cases without symptoms.

Lockdown state were subject to epidemic waves of Covid once the lockdowns ended. "It was misguided to attempt to suppress something that was going to become endemic no matter what anyone did." 

A rational response to Covid "did not happen because of financial interests for selling products to deal with it instead of letting (the acquisition herd immunity) happen on its own."

"It was misguided to try to suppress something that was going to be endemic no matter what anybody did."

"We do not want to live in a 'subscription model' of vaccination, where people have to get these vaccines every three or four or six months ..."

"There's evidence from Public Health UK, that the vaccination reduces by a small increment the ability of the immune system to cope with infections, in general. ... if that happens each time you get vaccinated, and you have to get vaccinated every six months, after three or four years have passed, you may have made sizable damage" to the ability of your immune system to cope with other viruses. 

"The vaccination strategy was a very simplistic idea." People have been forced to accept the management of the pandemic "based on plausibility, 'vaccine'? that sounds plausible, we'll go with that... while the ramifications of that were suppressed, our government agencies suppressed that, as early treatment was suppressed."

"You have to ask, where all this malfeasance came from."

"The whole public health institution, and the medical institution, in Germany, in the 1930s, promoted the Nazi propaganda construed as "how to manage public health". In times of famine, they decided that they would remove ... helpless, handicapped, disabled, young people, frail elderly... They rationalized operational considerations without moral considerations... and that's what's happened to us..."

"when you have big lies being propagated as propaganda through the media, through the government... don't believe your own eyes:

[But] these doctors are treating patients successfully! 

Oh no, those drugs don't work. 

This was a big lie."

And as a result "doctors are just as frightened just as anxious as everybody else. Maybe more so. They have invested so much in their careers they have even more to risk than somebody else. They went into their field because of stature and considerations of accomplishment, and doing well for their society and their patients...  so they're more likely to toe the line... and that line has been forced on them by the corruption of the medical agencies, the medical review boards of the States. The Pharmacy Review Boards have all pushed a top-down message from FDA, CDC and WHO."

So who you gonna believe? Tweedledum and Tweedledee, aka, Justin Trudeau and Erin O'Toole, or Dr. Harvey Risch?


NewsWeek: Fighting “Credible Misinformation” Like Dr. Risch’s Newsweek Op-Ed
LOL, NewSpeak, discrediting itself, the author of this hit piece being neither a physician nor a scientist with relevant expertise but a "teacher of rhetoric." 

Operation Extermination--the Plan to Decimate the Human Immune System with a Lab-Generated Pathogen

Panic? US Mega-Corporations Rush To Abandon Vax Mandate

But anyhow, who gives a damn about Omicron: WHO/CDC: Zero Omicron Deaths In The World

The Evidence That Vaccine Passports Are Worse Than Useless 
Vax passports work well at forcing people to get vaxxed, which is their purpose. 

That they are supposed to protect the vaxxed from the unvaxxed is just one of those transparent lies from the likes of Justin Trudeau to justify compelled treatment with an untested medication in contravention of the Nuremberg Code.

SARS–CoV–2 Spike Impairs DNA Damage Repair and Inhibits V(D)J Recombination In Vitro

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