Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Archbishop: Biden Is No Second ‘Catholic’ President and Million MAGA Marchers are right to oppose Dem’s ‘fraud…manipulation of votes’

By His Excellency, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

Life Site News November 8, 2020: The world in which we find ourselves living is, to use an expression from the Gospel, “in se divisum” (Mt 12:25). This division, it seems to me, consists of a split between reality and fiction: objective reality on one side, and the fiction of the media on the other. This certainly applies to the pandemic, which has been used as a tool of social engineering that is instrumental to the Great Reset, but it applies even more to the surreal American political situation, in which the evidence of a colossal electoral fraud is being censored by the media, which now proclaims Joe Biden’s victory as an accomplished fact.

The reality of Covid is blatantly in contrast with what the mainstream media wants us to believe, but this is not enough to dismantle the grotesque castle of falsehoods to which the majority of the population conforms with resignation. In a similar way, the reality of electoral fraud, of blatant violations of the rules and the systematic falsification of the results contrasts with the narrative given to us by the information giants, who say that Joe Biden is the new President of the United States, period. And so it must be: there are no alternatives, either to the supposed devastating fury of a seasonal flu that caused the same number of deaths as last year, or to the inevitability of the election of a candidate who is corrupt and subservient to the deep state. In fact, Biden has already promised to restore the lockdown.

Reality no longer matters: it is absolutely irrelevant when it stands between the conceived plan and its realization. Covid and Biden are two holograms, two artificial creations, ready to be adapted time and time again to contingent needs or respectively replaced when necessary with Covid-21 and Kamala Harris. The accusations of irresponsibility thrown at Trump supporters for holding rallies vanish as soon as Biden’s supporters gather in the streets, as has already happened for BLM demonstrations. What is criminal for some people is permitted for others: without explanations, without logic, without rationality. The mere fact of being on the left, of voting for Biden, of putting on the mask is a pass to do anything, while simply being on the right, voting for Trump or questioning the effectiveness of masks is sufficient reason for condemnation and an execution that does not require any evidence or a trial: they are ipso facto labeled as fascists, sovereignists, populists, deniers – and those labeled with these social stigmas are supposed to simply silently withdraw.

We thus return to that division between good people and evil people, that is ridiculed when it is used by one side – ours – and conversely held up as an incontestable postulate when used by our adversaries. We have seen this with the contemptuous comments responding to my words about the “children of Light” and the “children of darkness,” as if my “apocalyptic tones” were the fruit of a ravingly mad mind and not the simple observation of reality. But by disdainfully rejecting this Biblical division of humanity, they have actually confirmed it, restricting to themselves alone the right to give the stamp of social, political, and religious legitimacy.

They are the good ones, even if they support the killing of the innocent – and we are supposed to get over it. They are the ones supporting democracy, even if in order to win elections they must always resort to deception and fraud – even fraud that is blatantly evident. They are the defenders of freedom, even if they deprive us of it day after day. They are objective and honest, even if their corruption and their crimes are now obvious even to the blind. The dogma that they despise and deride in others is indisputable and incontrovertible when it is they who promote it.

But as I have said previously, they are forgetting a small detail, a particular that they cannot understand: the Truth exists in itself; it exists regardless of whether there is someone who believes it, because the Truth possesses in itself, ontologically, its own reason for validity. The Truth cannot be denied because it is an attribute of God; it is God Himself. And everything that is true participates in this primacy over lies. We can thus be theologically and philosophically certain that these deceptions’ hours are numbered, because it will be enough to shine light on them to make them collapse. Light and darkness, precisely. So let us allow light to be shed on the deceptions of Biden and the Democrats, without taking even one step back: the fraud that they have plotted against President Trump and against America will not remain standing for long, nor will the worldwide fraud of Covid, the responsibility of the Chinese dictatorship, the complicity of the corrupt and traitors, and the enslavement of the deep churchTout se tient [Everything fits together].

In this panorama of systematically constructed lies, spread by the media with a disturbing impudence, the election of Joe Biden is not only desired, but is considered indispensable and therefore true and therefore definitive. Even though the vote counts are not completed; even though the vote verifications and recounts are only just beginning; even though the lawsuits alleging fraud have only just been filed. Biden must become President, because they have already decided it: the vote of the American people is valid only if it ratifies this narrative – otherwise, it is “reinterpreted,” dismissed as plebiscite drift, populism, and fascism.

It is therefore not surprising that the Democrats have such coarse and violent enthusiasm for their candidate in pectore, nor that the media and the official commentators have such uncontainable satisfaction, nor that political leaders from around the world are expressing their support and sycophantic subjection to the deep state. We are watching a race to see who can arrive first, elbowing and sprawling to show off, so that they can be seen to have always believed in the crushing victory of the Democratic puppet.

But if we understand that the sycophancy of world heads of state and party secretaries is simply a part of the trite script of the global Left, we are frankly left quite disturbed by the declarations of the United States’ Conference of Catholic Bishops, immediately republished by Vatican News, which with disturbing cross-eyedness credits itself with having supported “the second Catholic President in the history of the United States,” apparently forgetting the not-negligible detail that Biden is avidly pro-abortion, a supporter of LGBT ideology and of anti-Catholic globalism. The Archbishop of Los Angeles, José H. Gomez, profaning the memory of the Cristeros martyrs of his native country, says bluntly: “The American people have spoken.” The frauds that have been denounced and widely proven matter little: the annoying formality of the vote of the people, albeit adulterated in a thousand ways, must now be considered to be concluded in favor of the standard-bearer of aligned, mainstream thought. We have read, not without retching, the posts of James Martin, S.J., and all those courtiers who are pawing to get on Biden’s chariot in order to share in his ephemeral triumph. Those who disagree, those who ask for clarity, those who have recourse to the law to see their rights protected do not have any legitimacy and must be silent, resign themselves, and disappear. Or rather: they must be “united” with the exultant choir, applaud and smile. Those who do not accept are threatening democracy and must be ostracized. As may be seen, there are still two sides, but this time they are legitimate and indisputable because it is they who impose them.

It is indicative that the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and Planned Parenthood are both expressing their satisfaction for the presumed electoral victory of the same person. This unanimity of consensus recalls the enthusiastic support of the Masonic Lodges on the occasion of the election of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, which was also not free from the shadow of fraud within the Conclave and was equally desired by the deep state, as we know clearly from the emails of John Podesta and the ties of Theodore McCarrick and his colleagues with the Democrats and with Biden himself. A very nice little group of cronies, no doubt about it.

With these words of the USCCB the pactum sceleris [plot to commit a crime] between the deep state and the deep church is confirmed and sealed, the enslavement of the highest levels of the Catholic hierarchy to the New World Order, denying the teaching of Christ and the doctrine of the Church. Taking note of this is the first, imperative step in order to understand the complexity of the present events and consider them in a supernatural, eschatological perspective. We know, indeed we firmly believe, that Christ, the one true Light of the world, has already conquered the darkness that obscures it.

American Catholics must multiply their prayers and beg the Lord for a special protection for the President of the United States. I ask priests, especially during these days, to recite the Exorcism against Satan and the apostate angels, and to celebrate the Votive Mass Pro Defensione ab hostibus. Let us confidently ask for the intervention of the Blessed Virgin Mary, to whose Immaculate Heart we consecrate the United States of America and the entire world.

+ Carlo Maria ViganòArchbishop

November 8, 2020

Dominica XXIII Post Pentecosten

Official translation


Charles Hugh Smith: The Covid Coup

Daily Mail: Trump fires DHS cybersecurity official Christopher Krebs for saying the presidential election was 'most secure in American history'

John-Henry Westen: And Justin Trudeau's Another Shyster Fake Catholic For the "Great Reset"

Off Guardian: Everybody Knows the Fight was Fixed

Daily Mail: Why Prince Charles Is Unfit to Be King: He's Just Another Politician Advocating for the "Great Reset"

Dick Morris: Election Stolen: Voters Should Demand a Fair Recount

Matthew Ehret: Lord Malloch Brown Revealed: The British Hand Behind the Coup Shows Its Scales Again

Sunday, November 15, 2020

The Second American Civil War

The following interview was recorded prior to the US 
Presidential election, the significance of which fact will 
be evident in the context of the election result:

Oops! There's another one U-tubed, flushed, down the memory hole. Thank ya Google for ensuring we see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil. I never wanted a mind of my own, did you? Nah, better leave it to the Silicon Valley billionaires to dictate what we know, or at any rate what we think we know. 

Revealed: the role of the corporate media in waging the 
civil war, a war being waged inside your head: 


Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò: Biden Is No Second ‘Catholic’ President and 
Million MAGA Marchers are right to oppose Dem’s ‘fraud…manipulation of votes’
The Irish Savant: Peak Corruption (Amazing stuff)
Martin Armstrong: 2020 Election Most Corrupt in American History
Visual Capitalist: Trust in TV News Media Continues its Steep Decline in the U.S.

“They (Democrats/communists) want to eliminate the Supreme Court—period. This is outrageous what they are doing. That’s why I have said this is not a simple election between Republican and Democrat. This is something much more sinister. . . . You will own nothing, and you will be happy. Their idea is to strip everybody of all property—period. That’s communism. Then you are going to give guaranteed basic income. If you don’t do what the government tells you to do, like get a vaccine or whatever, then, oh, your guaranteed basic income will be suspended. Then how are you going to eat? This is what they are doing. . . . In communism, they take all assets away from everybody.”

Armstrong also says, “They are using CV19 and climate change to set an agenda for control.”

In closing, Armstrong says, “We are getting into a situation where it is a war against us. I hope Trump wins because . . . he’s our last defense against some of these people, and that’s why they have been trying to steal this election. . . . They are promoting this great reset–and it’s communism. These people think this is good for the climate, but they are going to find out they are selling out, not just themselves, but their families and all posterity.”

Friday, November 13, 2020

DR. STEVE TURLEY: Liberals ADMIT Trump Can WIN as Leftists ACCUSE Him of Staging a COUP D’ÉTAT!!!


Steve Bannon: Hammer was the single most important, and the single most sophisticated system that came up after 9/11 for intelligence or counter-intelligence about radical Islamic jihad and the ability to monitor that...

Lieutenant Thomas McInerny: "It was then adapted to the voting business. It was to be used, and it was used, in foreign countries. ... it was then moved over into the CIA and they started looking at US citizens. That is illegal. The CIA can not look at US citizens .. only the FBI with the proper FISA warrants, etc. This (vote hacking system) was taken out of CIA when the Obama Administration left, they used some Kabuki to get it out, they still have it up and running, we know where it is located... they are looking around, and they are trying to set up, this voting thing that happens on Tuesday night. It's going to look good for President Trump, but they're going to change, and that's the danger that America and everyone must realize.  
Trump’s Re-Election is Certain. Constitutional video lesson from both the LEFT and RIGHT demonstrates HOW and WHY…

Colorado Professor Compares Questioning Voting Results To Holocaust Denial
Is there a special dumbness test that university professors have to pass now-a-days?

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

The Overnight Miracle of the 2020 US Presidential Election

Joe Biden: "We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Trump campaign wins case on Pa. voter ID deadline
Citizen Free Press: The statistical case against a Biden win — Steve Cortes Breaks It Down

We have already reported on questionable system ‘glitches’ in Pennsylvania where 220,883 votes were systematically switched from President Trump to Joe Biden and another 941,248 votes were lost altogether in system reporting.

In addition we reported that in Pennsylvania, over a million votes magically appeared after election day and were counted which helped overcome President Trump’s 700,000 vote lead in the state on election night.

The next US president 'will be decided by the rulings of the Supreme Court'

The pressure campaign to force the incumbent Trump, hated by the establishment, to concede has ratcheted up to eleven.

This is all very normal for color revolutions, just ask Alexander Lukashenko in Belarus or Viktor Yanukovich formerly of the Ukraine. We can’t ask Slobodon Milosovic. He dead.

But the one thing happened they didn’t count on, Trump actually winning the election by margins in swing states that couldn’t be overcome without overt and blatant fraud.

That’s created the opportunity for a complete reversal of the current results and a successful countering of the color revolution strategy, which rests on a media-made frenzy supported by foreign government leaders to oust the sitting president from power quickly without proper adherence to the process.
Investment Watch: The Purge has begun!

An apparent purge is underway at the Pentagon, as the Defense Department announced the departure of much of its senior leadership and welcomed hardcore MAGA-ites in their place.
Gateway Pundit: Facebook and Twitter Suspend Accounts That Posted on Benford’s Law Showing Biden’s Implausible Vote Totals — LABELING IT “SEXUAL EXPLOITATION”

In July of this year in my article ‘Election 2020: The Worst Case Scenario Is The Most Likely One’, after I outlined the strange factors surrounding Biden and Trump, I stated that:

“These factors and more lead me to predict that Election 2020 will be a contested election which ends with Trump staying in office but accused of usurping the democratic process. This outcome is the worst possible outcome and also the most advantageous for the globalist establishment.”

I also noted the predictive programming campaign by the media and members of the Council On Foreign Relations like Max Boot to acclimated the public to the idea of a contested election while also “wargaming” (planning) that exact outcome. I stated:

“…Boot is back again, this time writing about how he thinks Donald Trump will try to “hijack” the presidency in 2020.

In an article for the Washington post titled ‘What If Trump Loses But Insists He Won’, Boot outlines a scenario that was “war gamed” by a group called the Transition Integrity Project. The group played out a scenario in which there is a razor thin victory for Joe Biden, followed by actions by Trump to keep control of the presidency through lies and legal wrangling. The group also predicted civil unrest leading to potential “civil war” as the fight over the White House expands.

This article is, I believe, an attempt at predictive programming by the establishment. They are TELLING US exactly what is about to happen. A contested election, civil war, martial law, economic collapse and the US will be destroyed from within.”
Delingpole: Only Donald Trump Can Save Us from the Great ResetBuchanan: Will Georgia Halt The Radicals' Revolution?
Escobar: First Comes A Rolling Civil War
*Victor Davis Hanson*: US Election 2020

Monday, November 9, 2020

Why Trumpism Will Not Die

The chief responsibility of the government of a democratic nation state is the welfare of its own people.  And the best welfare program, as Ronald Reagan stated, is a job. 

Donald Trump gained office by proclaiming what the media and the political class have long tried to ignore, which is that sending manufacturing jobs abroad and permitting mass immigration destroys American jobs and drives down the wages of those whose jobs in America remain.  

In office, Trump enacted a corporate tax cut to encourage manufacturing investment at home, built a wall to halt the flood of illegal immigrants, and imposed tariffs of cheap Chinese manufactured goods. By these means Trump drove US unemployment sharply down, with African-American unemployment reaching an all-time low.

That is the essence of Trumpism. That is why Trump received more votes in 2020 than in 2016. And the lessons of Trumpism have been noted throughout the world, which means that any Western government  presuming to continue with the globalist project for free movement of capital, technology, goods, jobs, and labor is liable for early retirement. 

So, at least does the future seem to be shaping up in Canada for Justin Trudeau's globalist liberal government, which now faces an opposition under a dynamic new leader focused not on greenery, and global do-goodery, but on the interests of working Canadians.

Hammer and Scorecard Election Fraud — Changing votes in real-time…Donald Trump may win the state of Georgia where 132,000 ballots may be ineligible… Over 600,000 mail-in -Nevada with NO voter roll signature or envelope signature… Michigan counted 149,772 votes in 5 seconds, and less than 6,000 of them were for TrumpPennsylvania Mail Carrier Says He Was Ordered To Collect Late Ballots; Graham Demands Action From DOJ

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Joe Biden: President Elect -- Not Yet, Not Ever?

The corporate media, both in the US and throughout the English-speaking world, have declared Joe Biden US President Elect. However, President Elect, Jo Biden is not. 

Whatever the eventual result of last week's election, and votes are still being counted, re-counted and challenged, it will not determine who is elected as the next US President. 

The next US President will be elected by the Electoral College to which, according to Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution: 

each state shall appoint electors:
"in such Manner as the Legislature Thereof May Direct."
So as Jim Jatras, author of this FB post asks:
Will GOP state legislatures of PA WI MI do their duty?
And, speaking of the Electoral College vote, Alistaire Crooke writes:
Though the maths and maps suggests Biden will likely reach 270 Electoral votes, the old saying ‘It ain’t over ’till it’s over’, holds true. The electoral vote scenarios in the key ‘swing states’ would only apply if there is no litigation, fraud or theft. However all three are in play – If you are stuffing the ballot box, you first wait to see what the regular vote is, so that you know how many votes you ‘need’ (mathematical anomalies aside) to push your candidate over the top. Trump, somewhat rashly, gave out the GOP vote calculations at 02.30 on Wednesday, and hey-presto, loads of absentee ballots suddenly arrived at certain polling stations at around 04.00. That seems to have happened in Wisconsin, where over 100,000 Biden votes appeared seemingly out of nowhere on a flash drive delivered by hand from a Democratic district. That put Biden ahead in Wisconsin – but litigation is in process. Likewise, it appears that a huge “absentee ballot” dump appeared in Michigan that heavily favored Biden.

Saturday, November 7, 2020

How the Post-Election US Presidential Election Contest Will Play Out

 Have you wondered why the mighty US of A cannot even conduct an exercise as simple as a Presidential election without coming to the brink of civil war? 

The reason is that civil war is what the election was intended to achieve. Here, via Zero Hedge in an imaginatively inspired piece, Pepe Escobar explains what is going on:

A gaming exercise of the perfect, indigenous color revolution, code-named Blue, was leaked from a major think tank established in the imperial lands that first designed the color revolution concept.

Not all the information disclosed here about the gaming of Blue has been declassified. That may well elicit a harsh response from the Deep State, even as a similar scenario was gamed by an outfit called Transition Integrity Project.

Both scenarios should qualify as predictive programming – with the Deep State preparing the general public, in advance, for exactly how things will play out.

The standard color revolution playbook rules usually start in the capital city of nation-state X, during an election cycle, with freedom fighting “rebels” enjoying full national and international media support.

Blue concerns a presidential election in the Hegemon. In the gaming exercise, the incumbent president, codenamed Buffoon, was painted Red. The challenger, codenamed Corpse, was painted Blue.

Blue – the exercise – went up a notch because, compared to its predecessors, the starting point was not a mere insurgency, but a pandemic. Not any pandemic, but a really serious, bad to the bone global pandemic with an explosive infection fatality rate of less than 1%.

By a fortunate coincidence, the lethal pandemic allowed Blue operators to promote mail-in ballots as the safest, socially distant voting procedure.

That connected with a rash of polls predicting an all but inevitable Blue win in the election – even a Blue Wave.

The premise is simple: take down the economy and deflate a sitting president whose stated mission is to drive a booming economy. In tandem, convince public opinion that actually getting to the polls is a health hazard.

The Blue production committee takes no chances, publicly announcing they would contest any result that contradicts the prepackaged outcome: Blue’s final victory in a quirky, anachronistic, anti-direct democracy body called the “electoral college”.

If Red somehow wins, Blue would wait until every vote is counted and duly litigated to every jurisdiction level. Relying on massive media support and social media marketing propelled to saturation levels, Blue proclaims that “under no scenario” Red would be allowed to declare victory.

Read More


Biden Gained Over 1 Million Votes in Pennsylvania SINCE THE MORNING AFTER THE ELECTION!

Friday, November 6, 2020

Lockdowns Will Likely Worsen Corona Virus Mortality

Here's a clear explanation as to why: 

 (1) Herd immunity either through vaccination or the natural spread of the virus is the only way that the Covid19 epidemics will be ended,

(2) The extreme age-dependence of Covid19 mortality, makes herd immunity attainable with minimal mortality by allowing full mobility to young people among whom the virus will spread without serious ill effects, while reducing mobility and hence the infection rate among the old and other vulnerable individuals, and,

(3) Lockdowns, by restricting the mobility of the young while forcing young and old to cohabit in close proximity at home, may actually increase the ultimate Covid19 death toll.

Sadly, these rather obvious inferences seem beyond the grasp of political geniuses such as Joe Biden, Boris Johnson and Justin Trudeau who get to destroy large parts of the economy of the country over which they preside by making their own dim view of reality the basis of public policy.

NHS Nurse Publicly Resigns, Blasts COVID Lockdown Policy

A Cabinet Colleague's Assessment of UK Prime Minister, Boris Johnson: the Most Accomplished Liar in Public Life

From the Times Literary Supplementa review of Tom Bower's The Gambler

Lord of misrule

Boris Johnson: an amoral figure for a bleak, coarse culture

... Johnson is after all the most accomplished liar in public life – perhaps the best liar ever to serve as prime minister. Some of this may have been a natural talent – but a lifetime of practice and study has allowed him to uncover new possibilities which go well beyond all the classifications of dishonesty attempted by classical theorists like St Augustine. He has mastered the use of error, omission, exaggeration, diminution, equivocation and flat denial. He has perfected casuistry, circumlocution, false equivalence and false analogy. He is equally adept at the ironic jest, the fib and the grand lie; the weasel word and the half-truth; the hyperbolic lie, the obvious lie, and the bullshit lie – which may inadvertently be true.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Where US Election Chaos Is Leading

By Brandon Smith:

Zero Hedge, November 5,2020: In July of this year in my article ‘Election 2020: The Worst Case Scenario Is The Most Likely One’, after I outlined the strange factors surrounding Biden and Trump, I stated that:

“These factors and more lead me to predict that Election 2020 will be a contested election which ends with Trump staying in office but accused of usurping the democratic process. This outcome is the worst possible outcome and also the most advantageous for the globalist establishment.”

I also noted the predictive programming campaign by the media and members of the Council On Foreign Relations like Max Boot to acclimated the public to the idea of a contested election while also “wargaming” (planning) that exact outcome. I stated:

“…Boot is back again, this time writing about how he thinks Donald Trump will try to “hijack” the presidency in 2020.

In an article for the Washington post titled ‘What If Trump Loses But Insists He Won’, Boot outlines a scenario that was “war gamed” by a group called the Transition Integrity Project. The group played out a scenario in which there is a razor thin victory for Joe Biden, followed by actions by Trump to keep control of the presidency through lies and legal wrangling. The group also predicted civil unrest leading to potential “civil war” as the fight over the White House expands.

This article is, I believe, an attempt at predictive programming by the establishment. They are TELLING US exactly what is about to happen. A contested election, civil war, martial law, economic collapse and the US will be destroyed from within.”

The bizarre behavior of vote counters in swing states, including PA where they stopped the count altogether overnight, indicates a program to incite national tensions and rage. The media refusing to call certain states for Trump even though he held clear leads while rushing to call states for Biden even though the count was far from unfinished will only exacerbate people’s suspicions that the election is being rigged or stolen.

Read more

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Forget the Great Barrington Declaration: Go For the WWHIN

 The Great Barrington Declaration is a call from distinguished scientists and doctors for policies to allow Covid19 to spread unchecked among those at least risk of death or severe illness due to the virus, while protecting from infection those at most risk of death or severe illness due to the virus. The object of the proposal is to allow population immunity to the virus to rise, at minimum cost in terms of deaths and severe illness, to the point at which the spread of the virus is greatly impeded, at which point all can resume normal social life at minimal risk.

The proposal is entirely reasonable, but it is framed and presented in a way that makes it easy for  Covid-boondoggle-bureaucrats, vaccine entrepreneurs, and New-World-Order promoters such as Prince Charles, all of whom see great advantage in promoting Covid19-related social and economic disruption, to characterize the proposal as hifalutin, academical and therefore worthy only to be trashed.

Instead, folks must go for the WWHIN: 


How does that work? 

Simply. No need for a multi-billion-dollar bureaucratic boondoggle. Just the cooperation of the media to ensure that everyone is aware:

First, of their age-dependent risk of severe illness or death from Covid19. 

Over 20: Covid 19 may give you a severe bout of a flu-like illness with after effects that could last for months 

Over 50: You're at elevated risk of severe illness or death from Covid19

Over 65: You are at high risk, of severe illness or death (10% probability of death) from Covid19

Over 75: You're at extreme risk of severe illness or death from Covid19.

Second, of their increased risk of severe illness or death from Covid19 due to medical conditions such as obesity, diabetes, heart, circulatory or respiratory disease.

Third, of the best means to avoid infection, these including:

Avoiding hospitals and care homes where you will be at high risk of exposure to Covid19-infected patients and staff, and

Avoiding social gatherings and crowded places including shops, restaurants and bars.

That's it. Fat fools like BoJo and thin fools like Dr. Fauci can then stand back and allow everyone to do as they please. Young people will continue to socialize and get colds, the flu and Covid19. As a result, population-wide Covid19 immunity will build rapidly to the point that viral transmission is sharply and permanently reduced.

Older people will still get colds, the flu and Covid19, but being mostly very much less socially active than the young, they will suffer fewer infections than the young. And in fact, the inverse relationship between age and social activity means that, with sensible self-imposed precautions, very few indeed of those most vulnerable to Covid19 will be infected. 

True some people will show a lack of caution and some, despite being cautious, will be the victims of bad luck, and of these some will pay the penalty of Covid19 infection leading to severe illness or death. 

Such is life — and death.

Professor Gupta discusses COVID-19 test and trace methodology and Lockdown Devastation

Healthcare assistant who publicly resigned claiming she had 'no work for three weeks' at peak of the pandemic says claim the NHS is overrun is 'all lies'

Monday, November 2, 2020

The Buffoonish Ignorance of the Trump Haters

Donald Trump had always struck me as an ignorant buffoon and most of his proposed policies were ridiculous, Ron Unz

You may not like Donald Trump, he may not amuse you, his actions may not serve your interest, but if you think that Trump — the man who built iconic New York skyscrapers, survived the failure of an airline, multiple Atlantic City casinos, and a dud "university," earned several hundred million as a television entertainer, and then, in his seventies and seemingly on a whim, set out to win, and rather easily gained, the US Presidency  — is an ignoramus and a buffoon, which is to say a no-nothing and a ridiculous person, you should perhaps consider whether it might be your judgement that is ignorant and buffoonish. 
