Saturday, November 7, 2020

How the Post-Election US Presidential Election Contest Will Play Out

 Have you wondered why the mighty US of A cannot even conduct an exercise as simple as a Presidential election without coming to the brink of civil war? 

The reason is that civil war is what the election was intended to achieve. Here, via Zero Hedge in an imaginatively inspired piece, Pepe Escobar explains what is going on:

A gaming exercise of the perfect, indigenous color revolution, code-named Blue, was leaked from a major think tank established in the imperial lands that first designed the color revolution concept.

Not all the information disclosed here about the gaming of Blue has been declassified. That may well elicit a harsh response from the Deep State, even as a similar scenario was gamed by an outfit called Transition Integrity Project.

Both scenarios should qualify as predictive programming – with the Deep State preparing the general public, in advance, for exactly how things will play out.

The standard color revolution playbook rules usually start in the capital city of nation-state X, during an election cycle, with freedom fighting “rebels” enjoying full national and international media support.

Blue concerns a presidential election in the Hegemon. In the gaming exercise, the incumbent president, codenamed Buffoon, was painted Red. The challenger, codenamed Corpse, was painted Blue.

Blue – the exercise – went up a notch because, compared to its predecessors, the starting point was not a mere insurgency, but a pandemic. Not any pandemic, but a really serious, bad to the bone global pandemic with an explosive infection fatality rate of less than 1%.

By a fortunate coincidence, the lethal pandemic allowed Blue operators to promote mail-in ballots as the safest, socially distant voting procedure.

That connected with a rash of polls predicting an all but inevitable Blue win in the election – even a Blue Wave.

The premise is simple: take down the economy and deflate a sitting president whose stated mission is to drive a booming economy. In tandem, convince public opinion that actually getting to the polls is a health hazard.

The Blue production committee takes no chances, publicly announcing they would contest any result that contradicts the prepackaged outcome: Blue’s final victory in a quirky, anachronistic, anti-direct democracy body called the “electoral college”.

If Red somehow wins, Blue would wait until every vote is counted and duly litigated to every jurisdiction level. Relying on massive media support and social media marketing propelled to saturation levels, Blue proclaims that “under no scenario” Red would be allowed to declare victory.

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Biden Gained Over 1 Million Votes in Pennsylvania SINCE THE MORNING AFTER THE ELECTION!


  1. Pennsylvania went to Biden. I literally do not believe this. It is so clearly rigged. It is so clearly, so uncleverly, so "in broad daylight" rigged I cannot believe it was not intended to provoke outrage.

    I do however wish the Trump supporters would take a step back, a few deep breathes, and remember in war the most important weapon is the brain. The brain wins wars, not necessarily brawn. Hotheadedness and stupidity has lost more fights, regardless of brawn.

    And besides, the mass media has a hold on the Trump supporters. They are manipulated by it, in spite of themselves. We all are.

    1. As an exercise to delegitimize democracy, this Presidential election has been a huge success. In the aftermath, two questions come immediately to mind: Can American democracy be saved? And should it be?

      To those who give a positive answer to those questions, I seriously urge adoption of the Athenian model of democracy, but involving not everyone, but something like 25,000 randomly selected Americans who would, for a year, become the ruling body of the country.

      These legislators, would be housed at public expense at something like an Olympic village which would have a stadium where all could assemble and contribute to the public debate. Voting would be conducted in public by casting pot sherds into barrels marked "for" and "against," the vote to be counted under the eye of the crowd, the process displayed on giant video screens mounted above the bleachers.

      The figures that would emerge as leaders of the public debate under such a system would surely be greatly superior to the "Corpse" and "Buffoon" who contested the recent farce of an election.

    2. In what some would see as making light of the implosion of America's credibility as a democratic state, I am simply assuming that the system is finished, it has reached the Weimar point, which can only be followed by revolution of some sort, that will inevitably sweep away, not only the corrupt media and politicians that run the existing political racket, but also many of their paymasters.

      Getting rid of the more obnoxious plutocrats, the likes of Gates and Soros, Bezos and Zucks would be one good reason for instituting the Athenian practice of ostracism, whereby those voted off the island would be exiled for ten years with the death penalty for breach of exile.

  2. Unfortunately, revolution is such a bloody, gory, irrational, and ugly mess. I wouldn't have minded missing out on such terrible times as we're going to see, one way or the other.

    I fear most seeing the "Buffoon" supporters going head to head with the "Corpse" supporters, both believing they crusade on the side of absolute righteousness.

    If a phoenix is to rise from what will be coming-- ashes-- it has to be when both sides realize the other is not where their enemy is located. Both sides are capable of this....There is to this very moment much lip service given to this notion.

    I would think the internet, which still to a large degree circumvents mediation between groups and individuals (the true meaning of media) by mass media (a media nothing of the kind) could be an important tool in this reconciliation and finding of common cause, but I wouldn't bet the farm. Gates and Soros, Bezos and Zucks, have their hand in fucking this up, too, to an extent we probably do not fully fathom, to this day. (After all, their fortunes have been made or bolstered by internet exploitation and manipulation. The preservation of it that way is likely.)

    1. If Corpse wins in the electoral college, the Buffoons will surely consider this to be the result of a coup. If the Corpse Administration pursues its agenda for Constitutional revision, while steering a course congenial to China, with the resumption of free trade, the adoption of digital currency and social credit enforced by control of access to the banking system, then the transition will be truly revolutionary, but essentially bloodless.

  3. Back in the good old days, when there was a market place of ideas, and a true colliding and fighting and figuring it out of a variety of issues, conflicts, nettlesome problems and so on, I was far from infallible in picking the probable winners from losers. I would say I was mediocre, and the tendency to self-flattery is likely embedded in that modest evaluation.

    I know for the last twenty years they have it rigged and guided and pre-planned for one because I can pick the winners and the losers, bing, bing, bing-- as if I'm not only a genius, but a prophet. Nobody can be this good unless the dice are loaded and the deck is stacked. There's a curve ball now and then, but I can still hit a single off it. This is ridiculous.

  4. Georgia, North Carolina, and Alaska still not fully counted...This isn't strange?

    Even if there were no shenanigans, I wouldn't fully blame Trump for not conceding until all the votes in all the states were counted. Many people wouldn't.

    They're already setting him up as a sore loser, a childish buffoon who can't admit he lost fair and square. This is the kind of dirty trick those guys love, and one reminding me of Hercules' Nemean lion skin...The more you struggle out of it, the tighter it appears to fit.

    It might be proper for Trump to sit back. Not concede, but just sit back. Let his supporters find a way to appeal directly to the better natures of those who now glory in his defeat, unable to admit a victory this dirty is no victory.

  5. "I wouldn't fully blame Trump for not conceding until all the votes in all the states were counted. Many people wouldn't."

    Trump will surelyy not concede before not only all votes in all the states are counted, but all the legal actions his people have initiated have reached a conclusion. If that means never conceding, then he would be weak to ever concede.

    True, cheating seems to be a normal part of every US presidential election and therefore it might be argued that Trump should, at some point, acknowledge that Biden's team have stolen the election fair and square.

    But this time the election is not just about who gets to occupy the White House. Rather it looks as though America as even a somewhat free society could end with a Biden/Harris administration.

  6. Agreed.

    It annoys the hell out of me. Every time I saw those two morons unnecessarily wearing their damned masks as if to show how great it is to wear masks, how heroic, and what a great leadership example this was, I knew mask wearing was to be "the new normal." Not to wear a mask...Civil disobedience? Ooooh, what a dreadful day.

    I can imagine Trump and family quietly going on a vacation and never returning. We'll hear of a plane crash or maybe food poisoning from the lobster served at some tropical resort. We won't see the bodies, because as per Trump's request, a la Osama Bin Laden, he's been buried at sea. Before that, though, the whole family will be treated to some "extraordinary rendition" to allow the CIA thugs an opportunity to "work through" some of their frustrations and negative emotions.

    1. It's hard to believe that Trump has no comeback plan. In which connection, I thought this FB post was interesting: Article II, Section 1, Clause 2: each state shall appoint electors "in such Manner as the Legislature Thereof May Direct."

      LEGISLATURE, not governor, AG, or SecState.

      Will GOP state legislatures of PA WI MI do their duty? If you live in those states, demand they act!

  7. In a comment earlier on this blog, I predicted a disputed election, leading to a regime change. I mentioned color revolution, which has been ongoing in the USA throughout the year.

    This prediction is on track, though not being in on the scheme I don't know the details as to how it will play out exactly. However, we got a Biden presidential win that was produced by pretty blatant, Mexico 1988 presidential election, style fraud. The globalists could just go with that and install Biden as their puppet. Or they could have the courts (PA election procedures went against court orders, including one by a federal Supreme Court justice) rule against some of the state results, leading to the media broadcasting that the Biden landslide was being stolen, "peaceful protests", snipers killing some of the protesters, the military removing Trump (this is doubtful), basically the color revolution script. The one twist is the globalists doing the fraud this time.

    Installation of Biden would mean an authoritarian regime that makes some pretense of the rule of law, the color revolution script would be more ambitious, the target being the constitutional structure itself of the USA. My guess is we are getting the second scenario, we will find out in the next few months.

    In parliamentary countries like Canada, most of the countries in NATO, watch for "national" governments of the government party and the leading opposition party to form, to deal with the "crisis", with no opposition allowed. Like in Japan in the late 1930s. No formal changes in the constitutional structures necessary, since parliamentary systems, even in republics, are monarchical constitution structure modified to allow some democracy. The USA has never really been a democracy, but the federal structure and separation of powers may well require a formal constitutional change.

    1. By their nature, revolutions are conceived and instigated in secret. Unless indicated otherwise, one nevertheless assumes that a color revolution is a revolution instigated by secret agencies of the US Government such as the CIA or Military Intelligence. If that is true of the ongoing US Presidential Election heist, then what you are saying is that the Democratic Party is engaged in treason and Biden is a not merely a corrupt politician but a traitor liable to the penalty of death or inprisonment without possibility of parole for 20 years.

      As for Canada, with luck a vaccine will save us from an economic crisis necessitating a "national" government. And it looks possible that an election will result in a Conservative government committed to Trumpist policies.
