Showing posts with label avoidance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label avoidance. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Forget the Great Barrington Declaration: Go For the WWHIN

 The Great Barrington Declaration is a call from distinguished scientists and doctors for policies to allow Covid19 to spread unchecked among those at least risk of death or severe illness due to the virus, while protecting from infection those at most risk of death or severe illness due to the virus. The object of the proposal is to allow population immunity to the virus to rise, at minimum cost in terms of deaths and severe illness, to the point at which the spread of the virus is greatly impeded, at which point all can resume normal social life at minimal risk.

The proposal is entirely reasonable, but it is framed and presented in a way that makes it easy for  Covid-boondoggle-bureaucrats, vaccine entrepreneurs, and New-World-Order promoters such as Prince Charles, all of whom see great advantage in promoting Covid19-related social and economic disruption, to characterize the proposal as hifalutin, academical and therefore worthy only to be trashed.

Instead, folks must go for the WWHIN: 


How does that work? 

Simply. No need for a multi-billion-dollar bureaucratic boondoggle. Just the cooperation of the media to ensure that everyone is aware:

First, of their age-dependent risk of severe illness or death from Covid19. 

Over 20: Covid 19 may give you a severe bout of a flu-like illness with after effects that could last for months 

Over 50: You're at elevated risk of severe illness or death from Covid19

Over 65: You are at high risk, of severe illness or death (10% probability of death) from Covid19

Over 75: You're at extreme risk of severe illness or death from Covid19.

Second, of their increased risk of severe illness or death from Covid19 due to medical conditions such as obesity, diabetes, heart, circulatory or respiratory disease.

Third, of the best means to avoid infection, these including:

Avoiding hospitals and care homes where you will be at high risk of exposure to Covid19-infected patients and staff, and

Avoiding social gatherings and crowded places including shops, restaurants and bars.

That's it. Fat fools like BoJo and thin fools like Dr. Fauci can then stand back and allow everyone to do as they please. Young people will continue to socialize and get colds, the flu and Covid19. As a result, population-wide Covid19 immunity will build rapidly to the point that viral transmission is sharply and permanently reduced.

Older people will still get colds, the flu and Covid19, but being mostly very much less socially active than the young, they will suffer fewer infections than the young. And in fact, the inverse relationship between age and social activity means that, with sensible self-imposed precautions, very few indeed of those most vulnerable to Covid19 will be infected. 

True some people will show a lack of caution and some, despite being cautious, will be the victims of bad luck, and of these some will pay the penalty of Covid19 infection leading to severe illness or death. 

Such is life — and death.

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