Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Trudeau's Covid Big Lie

Justin Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act, an Act of Parliament intended to deal with threats to national security, because a bunch of truckers were illegally parked in Ottawa and elsewhere during a peaceful protest against a Covid vaccine mandate. 

Why are Covid vaccine mandates so important to Trudeau?

Because they provide a justification for a vaccine passport linked with a digital database that can be readily expanded to record any aspect of your life history, and then used to control your life on the basis of that life history. 

So you donated a few dollars in support of the Truckers' Convoy? No Federal Government employment for you. Oh, and for now, you're denied access to your bank account. 

You declined the vax on religious grounds? That won't look good when the School Board considers your application for a teaching position. 

But Canadians are mostly passive in the face of Trudeau's totalitarian program.


For three reasons:

First, they've been terrorized by media-complicit government propaganda that presented a novel flu-like illness as comparable in virulence to the Black Death, a plague from the East that wiped out a third of Europe's population during the Fourteenth Century. 

Second, they've been persuaded by media-propagated propaganda that the untested novel mRNA vaccine will save us all from a horrible death by Covid. 

Third, they've swallowed the lie that the unvaxxed are a threat to the health and safety of the vaxxed. 

That is Trudeau's big Covid lie, that the unvaxxed threaten the health of the vaxxed. 

On the face of it, the idea that unvaxxed threaten the health of the vaxxed is bizarre, for if the vaxxed are endangered by the disease-spreading unvaxxed, then clearly the vax is not doing what a vaccine is supposed to do, which is provide immunity to infection. So why the fuss to have everyone vaxxed?

And with respect to the threat posed to the vaxxed by the unvaxxed, it has been stated by none other than Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the US National Institute for Allergy and Infections Diseases, that the vaxxed, if infected, carry as high a viral load as unvaxxed people who are infected.

But the vax lessens the severity of Covid illness. Thus, whereas an unvaxxed person who is Covid infected will likely feel sufficiently ill to stay home, a vaxxed person with Covid is more likely to carry on with the normal course of their life, spreading the virus as they go. 

So who is the greatest hazard to whom?

Well, as it happens, the UK Governments Health Security Agency's weekly Covid Surveillance Report provides conclusive evidence on that point. 

Here are the most recent data (for the period March 6 – 27, 2022):

Table 14. Unadjusted rates of COVID-19 infection, hospitalisation and death per 100,000 persons vaccinated or unvaccinated, by age class:


                   Covid Cases/100,000

                  Triple Vaxxed   Unvaxxed                 

 Under 18:        1454            1711

  18 - 29:        3119             942

  30 - 39:        4325            1086

  40 - 49:        3958             955

  50 - 59:        3303             780

  60 - 69:        2815             573

  70 - 79:        2162             532

80 & over:        2024             776


So there you have conclusive evidence: except among children, it is not the unvaxxed, but the vaxxed who are most likely to be infected and, therefore, most likely to pass the virus on to you*. 

And if you're not convinced by those numbers, here are data for New Zealand (Source) :

But that the vax increases your risk of Covid is not what every Canadian knows. What Canadians have been repeatedly told by both Provincial authorities and the Government of Canada — from Saint Bonnie Henry of British Columbia to Mother Teresa Tam of Ottawa, plus our genius Prime Minister, Justin Cludeau — is that the unvaxxed are the unclean, a threat to public health. Indeed, they are dangerously deluded crackpots who threaten the welfare of the entire nation. 

Which is a lie. 

It is Trudeau's big lie. 

It's the Trudeau Government's justification for vax mandates and vax passports. 

It's the reason that, for the unvaxed, Canada now bears a resemblance to Stalin's Russia. The unvaxxed, like citizens of the Soviet Union, are legally prohibited from leaving the country, whether by air, rail or sea

Where exactly this is going remains to be seen. But here is former Canadian Foreign Minister, Maxime Bernier, leader of the People's Party of Canada,  on the vaccine passport, the implementation of which is absolutely dependent on Trudeau's big lie: 

But plans by our governments to implement digital IDs are going much further.

Their goal is to create a single, centralized digital identity with which you will be able to access all governments services.

It could also integrate your financial transactions and all sorts of information about your dealings with private institutions and organizations.

That sounds like very convenient. But it means that anyone accessing your identity will know literally everything about you. And could potentially control every aspect of your life.

Plans by central banks in Canada and around the world to develop digital currencies will make financial control even easier."

You don’t want to get your third booster shot? Or you posted something on Facebook that the government considers hateful? One click on a computer by a bureaucrat and you just lost your driving license.

You produced too much greenhouse gas this month according to the government? They will know about it. Forget about refueling your car, your credit card is frozen.

This totalitarian system already exists—in China. It’s called the social credit system.

If you are a “bad” citizen according to the communist regime, you lose social credit points. And when you lose too many, they block you from accessing services. You become a non-citizen.

Of course, proponents of digital IDs are telling us it will protect our privacy and will not be used as a tracking tool. Don’t be fooled.

Governments will implement more controls, little by little, until the system works just like in China.

Trudeau and Freeland already started a few weeks ago when they froze the bank accounts of Canadians who supported the truckers’ convoy.

The absolute fraudulence of Canada's rationale for vaccine passports is provided by news this week from British Columbia, where eighty percent or more of the population is fully vaccinated, yet at least half the population have been infected by the latest Covid variant, Omicron.

So no, the vax does not stop the spread. It is the vaxxed, believing themselves immune, who are most likely to give you a dose of Corona. Trudeau's policy of demonizing the unvaxed and subjecting them to restrictions on their freedom of movement and association proves him to be stupid in the extreme or utterly corrupt. 

It is hard to believe he can be that stupid. He is, after all, able to call on the entire Canadian public service for advice, and the top guys in the Ottawa bureaucracy are not unintelligent people. So the inference is clear: Trudeaus is just another son-of-a-bitch wannabe tyrant.


* The higher infection rate among the vaxxed is not surprising if you think about it. The vaxxed are under the impression that the vax has made them proof against infection, so why not eat out, go to a party, or otherwise socialize freely. The unvaxxed, on the other hand, given the heavy pro-vax propaganda, are mostly more cautious.  


Vaccinated Have Up To SIX Times the Infection Rate of Unvaccinated, New Zealand Government Data Show So you can't say the vax is ineffective: It creates the epidemic to justify the vax mandates. 

Covid Vaccines Increase Risk of Heart-Related Deaths by Up to 50%, Lancet Analysis of Trial Data Finds

769 Athletes have Collapsed While Competing Over The Past Year – “Avg. Age of Players Suffering Cardiac Arrest is JUST 23”

BC's Cretinous and Vicious Vax Mandates for Public Servants Even when it became clear that the vax doesn't protect against either infection or disease transmission and may not even reduce disease severity due to Omicron, Saint Bonnie and Strongman Horgan are adamant: Civil servants will be double jabbed or fired. Is that stupidity? Ignorance? Malice? Spite?

German Lawmakers Reject Mandatory Vaccination Bill

US Counties With Highest Vaccination Rates See More COVID-19 Cases Than Least Vaccinated

Numerous Health Problems More Likely Due To COVID-19 Vaccines Than Coincidence: VAERS Data Analysis

“It’s Beyond ANY Shadow of a Doubt That the Vaccines Are Causing LARGE NUMBERS of Deaths”: Dr. Peter McCullough (VIDEO)

Omicron wave exposed, infected 50 per cent of British Columbians: Henry

B.C. lifting vaccine card rules this week, even as rise in cases expected

Trudeau lies to Canada’s face

Unmasking Trudeau’s lies and trucker truths

KINSELLA: Justin Trudeau irredeemably deserving of outrage

John Robson: Justin Trudeau's factory of little lies

Trudeau ‘gaslighting’ Canadian people over protests

Monday, April 4, 2022

What's Happening in the Ukraine and Why

 By Boyd D. Cathay

via Unz.com

Over the past three months I’ve authored six articles about the conflict between Russia and Ukraine: that’s six out of eleven installments that have showed up at MY CORNER and then published in such venues as LEWROCKWELL.com and THE UNZ REVIEW.

That may seem excessive—and I acknowledge that. But the issue is, I would suggest, one of staggering significance to the United States and, indeed, to the future of the world.

As you might imagine, I have some friends who disagree with what I’ve written and have taken me to task for my views and assertions. There has even been a suggestion calling into question my use of sources and how I evaluate information and news which comes across my desk top computer. While I freely admit that I have a longstanding predisposition to distrust the standard American sources on the conflict in that part of Europe—and that my reading about and study of post-Communist Russia over the past twenty years inclines me to be more open to the Russian position in this crisis—at the same time I am very conscious that the first thing to suffer and disappear during war time is truth. And that both sides in this gruesome conflict employ propaganda and whatever media sources available to them.

Obviously, the Western media, that is, the major American news organs (Fox, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, The Washington PostThe Wall Street JournalThe New York Times, etc.) and their equivalents in Europe are unanimously and zealously pro-Ukrainian. And there are some very important reasons for that, including the fact that nearly the entirety of that media reflects a globalist and neoconservative perspective on the conflict.

Indeed, there is a real symbiosis between the major American media and the political establishment, centered in Washington D.C. That virtual unity includes both the Democrats and the Republicans, who, if anything, are more war like than their supposed opponents. Indeed, a friend of mine commented that he thought it significant that on the war the positions of Fox News and CNN were almost identical; he said that because he believed that since all the major news sources were in agreement, then certainly what they presented was truthful.

But that has not been and is not how I evaluate the news coming out of Ukraine and Russia. Every assertion I write about I try to back up with a variety of sources; I attempt to verify the best I can. Some of the information I present is highly contentious or debatable; I offer it to counter what I consider to be the over-the-top, at times hysterical reporting that shows up on Fox or CNN. As another friend recently said to me concerning the claims of Russian “war crimes”: “Maybe at the end of this thing we’ll see who was right?”

I am certainly willing to continue to evaluate seriously what is reported, and I hope that at some point there will be a final accounting of what is fact, what is mere supposition, and what is indeed fake and propaganda.

Nevertheless, the more I read, each morning dozens of sources from all over the world, the more I seriously doubt the commonly-held mantra of the near-totality of our major news media.

And that, given the critical issues involved in this question, is why I continue to write about it and offer a contrary view to much of what can be seen on Fox News or spewed forth by a Brian Kilmeade. And why I attempt to do that as intelligently as I can.

Just recently I came across perhaps the clearest and most reasonable account of what has been going on in Ukraine. Its importance comes due to the fact that its author, Jacques Baud, a retired colonel in the Swiss intelligence service, was variously a highly placed, major participant in NATO training operations in Ukraine. Over the years, he also had extensive dealings with his Russian counterparts. His long essay first appeared (in French) at the respected Centre Français de Recherche sur le Renseignement. A literal translation appeared at The Postil (April 1, 2022). I have gone back to the original French and edited the article down some and rendered it, I hope, in more idiomatic English. I do not think in editing it I have damaged Baud’s fascinating account. For in a real sense, what he has done is “to let the cat out of the bag.”

Read more


Pandemic and Anti-Vaxxer Conspiracy Theorists are Making the Ukraine Crisis All About Them Or if you're unvaxxed, you must be a Commie bastard Russian agent.

The New York Times Makes A Stunning Admission About CDC Data On Vaccines Which is to say, the CDC is a bunch freaking liars

Ukraine: A new battle in the old war of the “New Normal”

Escobar: Sit Back and Watch Europe Commit Suicide

Why And How Russia Can Win A Nuclear War Against The US As Laid Out By A Former Top CIA Analyst

Patrick J. Buchanan: Who Wins, Who Loses Gen. Milley's Long War?

??? US Major General Captured By Russians Trying To Flee Mariupol - US & NATO Have Been Running Ukraine Military Operations ???

The Dog That Ain’t Barking in Ukraine

Wall Street Journal article shows that Zelensky rejected peace offer days before Russian offensive

Colonel Douglas Macgregor: The US is Deliberately Ignoring the Path to Peace in Ukraine

Prof. John J. Mearsheimer: The Causes and Consequences of the Crisis in Ukraine

Kiev Wanted to Use Drones to Deliver Bioweapons to Donbass Documents and other evidence from US-funded laboratories in Ukraine suggest that Kiev was planning to use drones to deploy pathogens against the Donbass as well as Russia, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Wednesday. Moscow has also identified specific US officials involved in the development of bioweapons in Ukraine. ...

These campaigns were “directly related to the son of the current US president, Hunter Biden,” Konashenkov added, citing investigations in the Western media. Last week, the Daily Mail published emails showing Biden’s ties to the Pentagon contractor Metabiota, which specialized in researching pandemic-causing pathogens that could be used as bioweapons. ...

Earlier this month, ... US diplomat Victoria Nuland testified before the Senate that there were “biological research laboratories in Ukraine” and the US was working with Kiev “to ensure that the materials of biological research do not fall into the hands of Russian forces.”

Forget Roof-Top Solar — Or How to Save Your Money and Help Save the Environment Too

 Via WRH

Saturday, April 2, 2022

The tyranny of Trudeau

By Douglas Murray

The Spectator, February 22, 2022: Early in the corona era the historian David Starkey gave some thoughts on Covid. ‘We’ve got a Chinese virus,’ he said, ‘and we’ll finish up with a Chinese society.’ I remember at the time thinking the phrase neat, but doubtful. Fast forward a couple of years and the doubts have eroded. Although Britain seems to have avoided becoming a permanent Covid state (and is indeed one of the first societies to try leaping out of the Covid age), other parts of the West certainly do seem to be trying to meet the CCP more than halfway. Foremost among them is Justin Trudeau’s Canada.

There is no shortage of things going on in the world at the moment. But you know that the world is in an especially perilous place when even Canada has become interesting. The country that launched a thousand gags has never been known for its political earthquakes. But in recent weeks something has happened that deserves attention, however distracted we might otherwise be.

Over the past few months Trudeau has tried to bring in vaccine mandates for Canadian citizens. In a country where people have been deprived of free movement for the best part of two years, Trudeau did not see the arrival of the mildest variant to date as a way out of this misery. Rather, he thought it a moment to double-down and make all Canadians do 100 per cent of what he wanted.

Among those who did not take this well were thousands of Canadian truckers. Many of these people have spent the past two years working away to keep Canada’s supply chains running. For a good while they were among the nation’s heroes. But then Justin insisted that even people in this most isolated of professions had to get double-jabbed, and if they didn’t they would be out of a job. Many of the nation’s truckers took umbrage. They descended on Ottawa in their thousands, protesting that the Prime Minister did not have the right to take away their livelihoods.

Anyone who does not agree with Justin’s ideas for the greater good is to be expelled from Canadian society. 

A grown-up leader could have used the opportunity to negotiate or ameliorate the public concerns. But Justin is not a grown-up leader. He is an obscenely over-promoted princeling man-child who decided he would deploy the weapon he has always used on his political enemies.

As far back as September he was dismissing anyone opposed to vaccine mandates as not merely anti-science but also racist and misogynist. He mulled in an interview: ‘They are a small group that occupy a loud space and a decision needs to be made — do we tolerate these people?’ It’s an interesting question to pose. Ordinarily in a democracy, you have to tolerate your fellow citizens. What are the alternatives? In recent weeks Justin has tried to show us.

As the convoy descended on Ottawa, the dauphin first fled the city, pretending that he had recently met somebody who had Covid and therefore must isolate. He then pretended that the peaceful protestors constituted a threat to his life. He made Richard II look like Hyperion. When a Jewish Conservative MP questioned his slander of the protestors, he retaliated that while the honourable lady and her party might be happy to stand with swastikas and confederate flags, he was not. The fact that this came from a man who spent most of his recent youth wearing blackface is a detail that should not detain us.

Unable to make any compromises with people he had decided were all Nazis, Justin decided to punish these ‘fascists’ by demonstrating the awesome force of the state. Despite having plenty of laws on the books to deal with peaceful protests, Trudeau brought in the nation’s emergency laws, intended only for use in wartime.

So it was that this past week he has turned Ottawa into a battleground, with military police and others batoning the citizenry, attacking journalists and at one point trampling an elderly woman on a mobility scooter.

The pictures should have shocked the world. They should at least have shocked Canada’s pathetic parliament into action. But the parliament appeared to have accepted the circular logic of the Prime Minister, which was that parliament could not convene to debate the Emergency Act because of the ‘emergency’ that necessitated Justin’s use of the Emergency Act.

Eventually it did come back, and Justin explained that any MP who did not back the emergency decree was not just anti--Canadian but also not supportive of ‘the public safety’. Furthermore it became clear that anyone who does not agree with Justin’s ideas for the greater good will not just be batoned, but will be expelled from Canadian society. Trudeau and his deputy have spent the past week introducing measures that mean that anyone who was involved in the protests and anybody who in any way supported the protests will be forced out of the economy. They ordered Canadian banks to close or freeze the accounts of protestors and their supporters. Businesses that supported them have been visited by the police. Even crypto wallets can be frozen or seized for wrong-think.

Helpfully, Justin Trudeau himself gave some hint of his thinking nine years ago when he already headed the Liberal party and was hoping to charm Canadians into voting him into office. Before an all-female audience, the dauphin was especially glossy-haired and eyelash-batting. ‘Which nation’s administration do you most admire?’ he was asked by one attendee at the fundraiser dubbed ‘ladies’ night’.

‘There’s a level of admiration I actually have for China,’ he replied, flirtily. ‘Because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime and say we need to go greenest fastest, we need to start, y’know, investing in solar.’

You must be a proper airhead, like Justin, to believe that the CCP is not using its dictatorship to build coal-fired power stations and nuclear plants. But Justin turned out not to be the only airhead in the room. He went on: ‘I mean there is a flexibility that I know [the then Conservative leader] Stephen Harper must dream about — of having a dictatorship that he could do everything he wanted.’

How he charmed the ladies, who laughed and applauded. Perhaps they are laughing still. Perhaps they are still charmed. But I doubt it. Chinese virus. Chinese Canada.


Jordan Peterson with Rex Murphy on Trudeau-the-Woke: Setting Up a Bureaucracy to Crush Truckers, misogynists and RAAAACISTS:

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

A Video To Finish Trudeau?

A speech so incredibly dishonest.

So wonderfully stupid.

Such a blatant case of hate speech.

So brilliantly debunked.

And its worth noting the remarks of that highly articulate African from Québec. His view is consistent with the finding of a Leger poll that, among more than 2000 recent immigrants to Canada, 30 percent expect to leave the country within two years. 


The most commonly stated reason: "the current leadership."

Yet Trudeau's preposterous lies went over big when he repeated them in the European Parliament: 

Time for someone to launch an action against Trudeau for hate speech. Conviction plus a few months in jail might curb his insouciant, indeed Hitlerian, lying.


The Catastrophe of Canada | Rex Murphy and Jordan B Peterson

Number of people who left Canada last year at almost 50-year high And that excludes all unvaxxed who are prohibited from leaving the country by plane, train, or boat. Canada's exit rules are now as tyrannical as those of the former Soviet Union. That is why Canada's Prime Ministerial Dictator, Justin Trudeau, waged war against participants in the Truckers' peaceful Ottawa protest, equating parking offenses with an attempt to overthrow the state. No questioning or criticism of Our Great Leader is tolerated. 

But Canadians are mostly a foolish lot. They call themselves liberals, so it is inconceivable to them that their Liberal government is capable of behaving as viciously as any far right extremist government headed by an absolute dictator. In fact that is what it is doing right now. Let's Go Trudeau.

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Ukraine Does Not Have a Nazi Problem, It Has a Russian Problem

Kievan Rus Level Up - YouTube

Ukraine's problem is not Nazis but Russians. Ukraine's Nazis hate Russians for the same reason that Germany's Nazis hated Jews, and Zionist Jews hate Arabs: they hate the presence in their society of people of alien race, religion and culture. 

And for Ukrainians the problem with Russians, not only their presence but also their frequent domination, has existed intermittently for over a thousand years. The first Russians in what is now the Ukraine were Vikings. These were people from Finland and other places to the North, who traversed Eastern Europe in light wooden boats that they portaged from river to river. In this, way Russians crossed the Eurasian continent from the Baltic to the Black sea, the final leg of their journey via the Dniepr River. It was on the banks of the Dniepr that they established, at a place called Kiev, the capital of the Russian state.

From the mouth of the Dniepr, the early Russian adventurers sailed the Black Sea to the Dardanelles, bringing honey, wax, fur and slaves from the forests of the North to exchange for cloth, porcelain, ironware, gold and silver  in the markets of the Roman capital of Constantinople. 

Over the course of time, the Ukrainian portion of the Russian domain was overrun by other groups including the Kazars, who converted to Judaism (hence the blonde blue-eyed Jews of the Ukraine), and the Tatars, a branch of Gengis Kahn's Golden Horde. But the Russians returned, first to the territory East of the Dniepr, which they acquired at the expense of the Polish-Lithuanian Empire in 1667. Subsequently Russia gained control of territory to the West of Dniepr through an agreement with the Cossacks. Then, in 1783, they conquered Crimea whence Tatars had made a practice of invading Southern Russia to kidnap tens of thousands of peasants each year to sell in the slave market at Constantinople.

Thus, prior to the Russian Revolution, the Russian Tsar ruled the three Russias: Great Russia, which was more or less coextensive with Russia today, including Crimea, White Russia, now an independent Belarus, and Little Russia, aka the Ukraine.

Following the Russian Revolution, the Ukraine became independent, experienced a civil war, after which it was conquered by the Soviet Union, becoming independent once again following the collapse of the Soviet Union. 

In light of that history, the ambivalence of feeling of Russians and Ukrainians for one another is understandable. However, since the break-up of the Soviet Union, the Ukrainians foolishly antagonized Russia and Ukraine's ethnic Russian population by threatening a genocide of ethnic Russians comprising a majority of the population of the Donbas region of Eastern Ukraine: an antagonism leading to the formation of the breakaway republics of Donetsk and Luhansk.

Separation, however, was not acceptable to the Ukrainian nationalists who wish to possess an Eastern Ukraine minus ethnic Russians. Thus, as former Ukrainian Prime Minister Julia Tymoshenko avowed, the Donbas Russians, or cockroaches as the Ukrainian Nazis contend, should be nuked, or as other more humane Kievites contend, expelled from the territory of the Ukraine. Pending any other solution, the Ukrainians have shelled and sniped at the people of Donetsk and Luhansk, killing, so it is reported, around 15,000 of them, including hundreds of children. 

Most recently, according to US Colonel Douglas McGregor, Ukraine assembled in Eastern Ukraine an army of 60,000, including the notorious Nazi Azov Battalion, with the apparent intention of wiping out the breakaway republics. This action compelled a response from Moscow, which culminated in the current invasion. 

How the conflict will be resolved remains to be seen, but the obvious, humane solution would be a region by region referendum to determine how the people in each part of the Ukraine wish to be governed. Do they want inclusion within the Ukrainian state -- with its avowed intention to eliminate Russian culture and the use of the Russian language for all official purposes including education; independence as separate states; or union with one of the states adjacent to the Ukraine, these being Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Belarus, and Russia. 

A referendum in Crimea in 2014 which indicated overwhelming popular support for union with Russia, was followed by an essentially peaceful Russian annexation. However, no such decent solution to ethnic division in the remaining Russian-dominated regions of the Ukraine is acceptable to the Ukrainian leadership in Kiev. Furthermore, any such democratic solution, which would almost certainly result in further territory being annexed by Russia, would certainly be condemned by the self-declared global hegemon, the United States of Aggression and the leaders of America's NATO side kicks, including Bojo the Concuspicient, Trudeau the Maple Leaf Fuhrer, plus the zero Covid crackpots of Australasia.


Colonel Douglas Macgregor: The US is Deliberately Ignoring the Path to Peace in Ukraine

Prof. John J. Mearsheimer: The Causes and Consequences of the Crisis in Ukraine

Kiev Wanted to Use Drones to Deliver Bioweapons to Donbass Documents and other evidence from US-funded laboratories in Ukraine suggest that Kiev was planning to use drones to deploy pathogens against the Donbass as well as Russia, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Wednesday. Moscow has also identified specific US officials involved in the development of bioweapons in Ukraine. ...

These campaigns were “directly related to the son of the current US president, Hunter Biden,” Konashenkov added, citing investigations in the Western media. Last week, the Daily Mail published emails showing Biden’s ties to the Pentagon contractor Metabiota, which specialized in researching pandemic-causing pathogens that could be used as bioweapons. ...

Earlier this month, ... US diplomat Victoria Nuland testified before the Senate that there were “biological research laboratories in Ukraine” and the US was working with Kiev “to ensure that the materials of biological research do not fall into the hands of Russian forces.”

How Sanctions on Russia Just Happen to Advance the Great Reset

Russia Mythology Dominates the U.S. Media

CIA Officer Openly Confesses To Rigging 2020 Election For Joe Biden And Says They Would Do It Again

Zelensky says Ukraine's partners should ramp up military support to his country Thing is Zel, you have no "partners." 

Ukraine is not a member of NATO. And despite enthusiastic backing of globalist shills like Justin Trudeau for your campaign of ethnic cleansing in Donbas — which as everyone should remember was the cause of this war — no nation is under an obligation to save you from the consequences of your own vicious actions. 

You should have taken the advice of Israeli Premier Barrett when he told you many days ago to accept Russia's peace terms. You should take that advice now, instead of attempting to kick start World War III. 

Straight Talk with Hungarian FM Peter Szijjarto | Ukraine-Russia Conflict Why is it that the US, Canada, and Britain have no leaders able to speak in the clear, intelligent, and humane manner of tiny Hungary's Foreign Minister?

Thursday, March 24, 2022

NATO Wants a Ground-War in Ukraine

By Mike Whitney:

 The Unz Review, March 24, 2022:  

“While the US succeeded in goading the Russian government to take the first shot, it is clear that the war in Ukraine is the first stage of a much broader conflict. Having provoked the Russian government into a desperate and disastrous invasion of Ukraine, the United States is using the war to reassert its global hegemony, building a war coalition for what the United States has termed “great power conflict” targeting not only Russia, but China as well.” Andre Damon, World Socialist Web Site

“What is important to our managerial and foreign policy elites, is, above all, the major effort and push for a globalist “Great Reset” using the Ukrainian conflict to finally accomplish their objective of bringing the entire world in accord with their plans for a New World Order. And to do that, Russia, which now stands athwart their designs, must be diminished and brought into line.” Boyd D. Cathey, The Unz Review

Why is NATO sending more lethal weaponry to Ukraine? Didn’t Putin say that poring arms into Ukraine would increase the likelihood of war?

Yes, he did, but the US and NATO continue send more shipments anyway. Why?

And why does Ukraine need more weapons?

Could it be that Ukraine’s 600,000-strong military is collapsing like a trailer park in a hurricane? Is that it? Is that why NATO had an emergency confab in Brussels on Thursday to restate their support for a NATO-trained army that has not successfully launched even one major counteroffensive against the Russian military?

The media insists that the Russian offensive “has stalled”. Is that what you call it when your opponent captures an area the size of the UK in less than 3 weeks or when all your air and naval assets have been obliterated or when your Command-and-Control centers have gone up in smoke or when most of your combat troops are either encircled by Russian forces or fleeing to locations west of the Dnieper River? Is that what “stalled” looks like?

Do you get the impression that the media is not being entirely straightforward in their coverage of the war in Ukraine? Do you think that maybe their WEF-linked owners might have a dog in this fight? Here’s how Archbishop Vigano summed it up recently in an article linking “Covid tyranny” to the war in Ukraine:

“The ideological continuity between the pandemic farce and the Russian-Ukrainian crisis continues to emerge, beyond the evidence of the events and statements of the subjects involved, in the fact that the ultimate perpetrators of both are the same, all attributable to the globalist cabal of the World Economic Forum.” (“Exclusive: Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò”Gateway Pundit)

Truer words were never spoken. It’s all manipulation by globalist “stakeholders” pursuing their own narrow interests. As for the war, check out this analysis from a post at Larry Johnson’s new blog A Son of the New American Revolution. I can’t vouch for the author, but he sounds a lot more credible than CNN:

Read more

Did Biden Slip & Tell 82nd Airborne They're About To Enter Ukraine War?

What Our Fathers Did–A NAZI Legacy in Ukraine

Trudeau Greeted As a Tyrant at the European Parliament

On Tuesday, while Justin Trudeau was attending a session of the European Parliament in Brussels, Croatian Parliament member and former judge, Mislav Kolakusic, accused him of engaging in a “dictatorship of the worst kind” by using the Emergencies Act to crush peaceful demonstrations by the Ottawa Freedom Convoy protesters.


The protesters were mostly just regular working folk, the sort of people who used to vote for the New Democratic Party, although surely few will again since NDP leader, Dogsmeat Singh, just gave Justin Trudeau a blank-cheque promise of Parliamentary support for the next three years. 

Question is, though, how many members of the NDP Parliamentary caucus support their leader. The next few months could be interesting times for Singh.

The above comments by MEP Kolakusic were not the only attack on Trudeau during his presence at the Brussels Parliament. The German MEP Christine Anderson followed up with an expression of contempt for Trudeau such as he has never suffered at the hands of opposition members in the Canadian Parliament.

“A prime minister" she said, "who openly admires the Chinese basic dictatorship, who tramples on fundamental rights by persecuting and criminalizing his own citizens as terrorists just because they dared to stand up to his perverted concept of democracy should not be allowed to speak in this house at all.”

Yeah, take that Justin. 

Frau Anderson ended her remarks by telling Trudeau he was a “disgrace for any democracy” and “Please spare us your presence.” Seems like he'd do well to take her advice.

Sunday, March 20, 2022

How Zelensky Could End the War in Ukraine Now

Ukrainian Premier Zelensky is threatening World War III if his non-negotiable conditions for a settlement in Ukraine's ongoing war with Russia are not met.

So what are his conditions?

That Kyiv should rule over a culturally unified Ukraine. 

That means the suppression of the Russian language and culture of Eastern Ukraine, whatever the people there want. 

Specifically, it means enforcement of existing legislation denying Russian-language Government services, including education, throughout Russian-speaking Ukraine. 

That's a policy that Canada calls Cultural Genocide. It's what Zelensky's besty, Justin Trudeau, tearfully apologized for when addressing Canada's residential school system, a system designed to take the Indian out of the Indian and adapt him to Euro-Canadian life. 

But if Zelensky's Western Ukraine-dominated government is denied the right to take the Russian out of the Russians in Ukraine -- the people former Ukrainian Premier Julia Tymoshenko wanted to exterminate -- then Zelensky intends to bring down the entire world.

Thanks Zel, but no thanks. Here's a better idea: an oblast by oblast referendum on how Ukrainians wish to be governed. Here are the options:

A government of: 

A bilingual (Ukrainian/Russian) Ukraine;

A Ukrainian-speaking Ukraine;

A Ukrainian-speaking Western Ukraine;

A Russian-speaking Eastern Ukraine;

A neighboring state -- Russia, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, or Romania.

Whatever the outcome, such a referendum would end Ukraine's borderland status. The whole would either be ruled by a single government to which the majority of Ukrainians, in all regions, whatever their cultural heritage, bore allegiance, or the country would be divided between two or more states, each having the allegiance of the majority of its citizens. 

This, the most humane and reasonable solution, clearly would not suit the megalomaniacal Zelensky. But there is no reason why the world should back the head of the genocidal regime currently holding power in Kyiv. 


Zelenskyy Suspends All 11 Opposition Parties Becoming Head Of A One-Party State They were suspended for being pro-Russian. That is, they represented those six million East Ukrainian Russians that the Jewish former Ukrainian Prime Minister, Julia Tymoshenko wanted to genocide just as do the Ukie Nazis of the Azov Battalion who are using civilians (that is Russian Ukrainians)as hostages in the battle for MariupolSuch facts are, for obvious reasons, never mentioned in the MSM love-fest for Justin Trudeau's friend and admirer, Zelensky, who threatens World War III if his will in Ukraine does not prevail.

UK Covid death figures all bunk But the vaxxed believed them just as they believe St Walensky's account of the origins of the Ukraine war.

Friday, March 18, 2022

Has Russia Already Won in Ukraine?

 As we all know, having listened to the CBC, National Public Radio, the BBC, etc. and having read the trusty Daily Mail, The New York Times, etc.,  that the Russian invasion of Ukraine is going disastrously, proving that Vladimir Putin really is insane, and that the totally rotten Russian state is about to disintegrate, giving rise to a collection of corruptostans run by globalist puppets the better to be looted by the rightful owners of the World.

But then what is one to make of the testimony of US Lt. Colonel Douglas McGregor, a soldier of demonstrated courage, decision, imagination, judgement and success on the field of battle. In particular, what is one to make of his claim that the war in Ukraine is, in fact, already over and Vlad's Army, not the forces of Ghengis Zelensky won?

You can hear Colonel McGregor's give his assessment of the war in this discussion with Max Blumenthal:

This conversation is important not only for McGregor's assessment of the outcome of the war, but also his explanation for its cause, an explanation totally at odds with everything you've likely heard until now, which he states after the 43 minute mark. 


Mariupol About To Fall As Fighting Enters City Streets

Buchanan: US Vital Interests Dictate An End To This War

As Russian Display 21st Century Weapons Tech in Ukraine, the West Displays Nazi-era War Propaganda How pathetically degenerate the West has become. And today we learn that the cousin of Queen Elizabeth II has just married his boyfriend 

Putin: Western ‘economic blitzkrieg’ doomed to failure

Lara Logan Calling Bullshit By It's Name:

Nazi Ukraine: TV Presenter Calls for Genocide of Russians by Killing Their Children

The White Supremacist War Heroes of Ukraine:

Russia-Hatred Leads to InsanityWorld's Top-Ranked Tennis Player May Need To Denounce Putin To Play At Wimbledon

Thursday, March 17, 2022

The invasion of Ukraine has exposed the West’s impotence

I stole the following article from the Spectator because it is excellent and should be read as widely as possible. But if you read it, and you can afford to, by all means buy a subscription to the Spectator, the best written English-language publication in the World. 

There is one point, though, on which the author is clearly wrong. He talks about debt, massive state debt, as if it is a bad thing because it has to be paid back. But it is never is paid back, most of it, anyway. State debt is mainly printed money — ink money as it is known to the bankers. It is paid back only in devalued currency that is itself printed thereby ensuring further devaluation. Government debt is thus a tax on the most innocent. The young couple saving to buy a home in a market with house price inflation of 20%, or middle-aged folk saving for their old age. Of course not all savers lose. Those who invest with wisdom or good luck may do well out inflation. But, overall, the cost of inflation is covered by the devaluation of the currency in your pocket or in your savings account. Put simply, inflation is theft.  

By Rod Liddle

The Spectator, March 19, 2022: When the Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky, addressed the House of Commons recently, he was afforded two standing ovations from MPs, both lasting about 40 seconds, before and after he spoke. He was probably used to it, having received a similar reception when addressing the European Parliament a week before. On both occasions, then, he was engulfed by warm, moist waves of adulation and respect. On both occasions he also asked for important, difficult stuff from the people he was addressing and didn’t get any of it – just lots of applause and legislators delicately dabbing their eyes before quickly averting them. 

If Le Creuset saucepans had been allowed into the House of Commons, I dare say our MPs would have carefully banged them together, making sure not to chip the edges. Zelensky may have mused to himself that these western politicians who have courted his country for so long and meddled in its affairs are second to none in their mastery of grandstanding and virtue signalling, of expressing vacuous emotion while saying, in essence: ‘Nice speech, sunshine. But you’re on your own. Good luck.’ 

I cannot think of a moment which more encapsulated the West’s utter impotence than those fulsome and painless ovations. But more than that, they also signalled a comprehensive defeat for an ideology which its proponents once thought would be irresistible to the rest of the world and that we were, therefore, approaching the ‘end of history’. You will remember the phrase with a degree of irony, I suspect – a phrase which in its blithe arrogance also recalls the Marxist notion of ‘historical inevitability’. The term sprang from an essay written by Francis Fukuyama in 1989 in which the author, calling upon Hegel to help him, expounded upon the ‘total exhaustion’ of all those ideologies which were not western liberalism. What we saw in the House of Commons chamber, however, was the total exhaustion of western liberalism, its ineffectuality, its abject failure and capitulation on so many crucial fronts. It was an epic and dangerous delusion. 

For Fukuyama and many similar thinkers, globalisation was the mechanism by which western liberalism would spread, ineluctably, into every corner of the world. It could not but do so, given its obvious attractiveness. For the western liberals, globalisation wasn’t simply a commercial or economic process, but an ideological development which could but serve to diminish that thing they most hated, the nation state (and concomitantly nationalism) through the exchange of labour, multiculturalism and mutual interdependency. It would also serve to reduce inequality. These were all Good Things. But that’s not how it turned out, as the invasion of Ukraine reveals only too acutely.

The countries which have benefited most (for different reasons) from globalisation are Russia and China and neither felt remotely attracted by western liberal democracy. Russia is now exacting its ton of flesh for our naive dependence on its oil and gas, while remaining itself essentially self-sufficient. China meanwhile has used globalisation as a means of building up a network of dependent client states in Africa and beyond. Both countries have the West in hock and in China’s case that includes more than one trillion dollars of US securities.

Far from lending itself to western liberalism, globalisation has been a boon for the most tyrannical countries on the planet and they have exploited it cleverly. We have not. Meanwhile, although absolute poverty may have reduced over the past 30 years, income differentials have widened: according to the World Inequality Database, global inequalities are now ‘about as great today as they were at the peak of western imperialism in the early 20th century’. 

Multiculturalism? Well, yes, we’ve had plenty of that. But it hasn’t noticeably made western Europe a happier continent. The UK’s commitment to that creed ensured we did little or nothing to inculcate in the in-comers a fondness for our way of life and so, reasonably enough, many failed to develop one. Nor have the supra-national organisations, in which the liberals place such faith, done much to advance the cause of liberal democracy. The United Nations abides by a creed of cultural relativism and spends the majority of its time railing against the very countries which pay for its existence – because of their affluence, penchant for welfare capitalism and imperialist past – and the rest laying down resolutions castigating the only democracy in the Middle East, Israel. It is worth noting too that while 141 countries signed a UN resolution condemning the Russian invasion, five countries voted against and 35 abstained. It is still the case that when the superpowers line up, it’s the US and Europe vs the rest. 

That wasn’t supposed to happen. Far from lending itself to western liberalism, globalisation has been a boon for the most tyrannical countries Globalisation is just one example of the way in which the flawed and arguably deluded western liberal view of the world has led directly to our impotence. Money is another. It was affluence which, put crudely, enabled us to win the Cold War, by forcing the Soviet Union into ever more unsustainable levels of spending on weaponry and technology. But that affluence has all but gone. If we were forced to fight a war against Russia now, we couldn’t do it, such have been the cuts to our armed forces, gradually over the past 60 years. In the late 1950s we spent 8 per cent of our GDP on defence; now it is a little over 2 per cent and much lower in the likes of Spain, Italy, Germany and France. Most popular Robert Ginzburg Russian cities are returning to their Cold War state Russian cities are returning to their Cold War state

Globalisation is just one example of the way in which the flawed and arguably deluded western liberal view of the world has led directly to our impotence. Money is another. It was affluence which, put crudely, enabled us to win the Cold War, by forcing the Soviet Union into ever more unsustainable levels of spending on weaponry and technology. But that affluence has all but gone. If we were forced to fight a war against Russia now, we couldn’t do it, such have been the cuts to our armed forces, gradually over the past 60 years. In the late 1950s we spent 8 per cent of our GDP on defence; now it is a little over 2 per cent and much lower in the likes of Spain, Italy, Germany and France.

It is still true that the US and western Europe’s GDP per capita outstrips that of almost all of the rest of the world; the problem, though, is that we spend it all lavishly on ourselves, on our comfort and our sensibilities, and then borrow to spend even more on ourselves again. The National Health Service, for example, has expanded way beyond what was originally envisaged and what was once expected of it and now easily takes up every penny we once spent on defence and then some. There is no end to its ravenous appetite, nor our expectation of it. At the same time we are heavily in debt: UK debt is now 103 per cent of GDP, Japan’s double that amount. The US’s national debt has quadrupled since the 1990s and is now at more than 130 per cent of GDP.

Nothing wrong with debt, the liberals always averred, and so the debt grows and grows… until someone calls time. The US dollar is already resting, increasingly precariously, on its laurels as a reserve currency. Debt cannot continue infinitely. Right now, we have nothing to reach for if we wish to fight a war: not a pot to piss in. But then why would we ever need to fight a war? That was the mindset of western liberalism, the mindset of a credulous 13-year-old, when we decided that – as John and Yoko put it so memorably – ‘War is over if you want it’. And the peace dividend? Spend it. Spend it now. Then borrow some more.

If we could find the money, who would fight? And why would they bother? Here is the real crux of the matter. The same ideology which predicted the end of history is the one which has set about, with great industry, besmirching or literally destroying every-thing about our culture and our history: for the western hip and with-it neoliberal, our culture and our history are not merely Bad, they are Uniquely Bad. Rip it all down and start again. Those things which Europeans and Americans once took as reasons for a certain proxied pride – our contributions to classical music, science, literature, fine art, philosophy, innovation, statesmanship, economics, discovery – are now seen simply as expressions of hideous, privileged, white supremacism: throw them in the river. 

Our past, you see, is one of untrammelled wickedness, a wickedness unmatched by any other civilisation which existed. Everything about us is wretched – our present culture, our past. That these are wholly spurious and indeed stupid allegations does not matter: it is the viewpoint to which our liberal elite cleaves and so it is the view which we are supposed to have of our country, much as the liberals cleave to patent, obvious denials of reality. When nobody in the Labour party can tell you for sure what a ‘woman’ is, you know you are at the end time for a civilisation, a state of utter derangement in which western society is in danger of disappearing, with a shallow ppphutt, way up beyond its own sphincter muscle.

It is not so much that the centre cannot hold, it is that there is no centre at all. Nothing around which we can coalesce, nothing to unite us except for a weird all-consuming self-loathing. That has been western liberalism’s final gift: the creation of a society in which we are enjoined to hate everything we have ever done. The rest of the world looks on quite askance at our Year Zero self-flagellation. Political leaders beyond the Elbe still have a little respect for Shakespeare and Captain Cook – and they know what a woman is, too. If you were asked to fight for your country, what would you be fighting for, now? There is nothing left worth bothering about. They have done away with religion, with our history and with our present and left nothing to put in its place. 

 Western neoliberalism was an undoubtedly well-intentioned creed. But it involved a denial of realities. It is still doing it today. All we have been left with is the ability to emote, to sob, to emote, to whine, to emote, to clap and to clap and to bang saucepans together.