Trudeau: You can’t leave Canada if you’re Unvaccinated….
Trudeau aims to make "vaccination" mandatory by locking down the "unvaccinated" for ever. Prevented not only from leaving the country, but likely eventually locked in their own homes, denied access to the grocery store, schools and workplaces.
Supposedly because the "unvaccinated" are a risk to the health and safety of the "vaccinated."
But conclusive evidence refutes the claim.
1. The "vaccinated" are susceptible to Covid infection.
4. Millions of Canadians have superior immunity to Covid than the "vaccinated" because they've had Covid and thus acquired broad-spectrum Covid immunity, not just a bunch of variant-specific antibodies. Antibodies, that is, that are of limited effectiveness against new Covid variants and which dissipate rapidly, thus necessitating a further shots within months to maintain whatever feeble Covid protection they are supposed to provide.
Many so-called "anti-vaxxers" are in fact those who've had Covid and need no fucking jab, Trudeau, you retarded bastard.
As Yale epidemiologist, Dr. Harvey Risch,
explains: It's the "unvaccinated" who need protection from the "vaccinated."
Will intelligent, properly informed Canadians remain supine, subordinate, sycophantic, under the heel of this ridiculous prime ministerial jerk?
We'll soon know, as millions of "unvaccinated" Canadians decide such questions as these:
Will "unvaccinated" students now in Canada but registered for study at a US or other foreign University, withdraw from their course of study?
Will "unvaccinated" Canadian students now abroad, accept that it is right and reasonable that they have been made an exile through the action of their own government.
Will unvaccinated persons whose business or profession requires them to travel abroad, abandon their career?
Let no one doubt, it was in fear of the response to such questions as these that Canada's blackface-loving Mussolini called an election during the Covid pandemic.
It was to strengthen his hand against what he knew would be a popular backlash, when his stupid tyrannical intentions became known.
But why Trudeau has so crassly declared the death of Canada as a free country, we have no explanation other than sheer stupidity. But we invite alternative suggestions.
Does anyone know what would be the Canadian equivalent to "Let's go Brandon"? A lifetime free subscription to this blog for the best suggestion.
That's not your child to advise, slave. He belongs to the state.
National Post —
Raymond de Souza: Overreach on COVID measures about power This is an excellent analysis demonstrating that Canada, a supposed constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy, is governed neither by its constitution nor its parliament. Rather we are ruled by bureaucrats and judges conforming to the dictates of unscrupulous politicians representing a remarkably small proportion of the population.