Friday, July 23, 2021

We'll Get Covid Herd Immunity Through Infection Not Quackcination

The British Medical Journal reports that cases of the common cold in England are occurring at a daily rate of 5.7 per 100,000 of population. Covid infections, are reported to number 41,779 (7-day mean) as of July 21, 2021, which implies a rate equivalent to 1412 per 100,000. So, under current conditions of masking, social distancing, pinging, tracking, and tracing, Covid is 248 times as infectious as the common cold, which itself is so infectious that hope of its eradication has been long abandoned. 

Thus, as with the common cold, which is attributable to half a dozen viruses including several members of the Corona virus type, we can expect that almost everyone will receive an an infectious dose of the Covid virus. Moreover, given the poor efficacy of the experimental Covid "vaccines " (61% failure rate of the Pfizer vaccine according to a report from Israel), we can expect the majority of the World's population will, in due course, have a Covid infection. 

Fortunately, although Covid is apparently the product of gain-of-function lab research, it was evidently not engineered for mass slaughter, since the overall death rate in Britain, for example, is currently little more  than one in a thousand cases (46,878 7-day mean daily new cases,  versus 55 7-day mean daily deaths). 

Worldwide deaths attributable to Covid by the time the virus has reached every inhabitant of the globe could, therefore, total something like seven million, or about the same as would result from an flu pandemic due to a virus of typical virulence infecting every inhabitant of the globe.

The biggest uncertainty about the way Covid will ultimately play out relates to the robustness of the immunity among those who have recovered from Covid. Certainly, they will have much better immunity than that induced by the mRNA so-called vaccines, as they will have durable full-spectrum immunity, including T-cell immunity rather than a limited range of antibodies that dissipate in a matter of months. 

That those with a Covid infection have T-cell immunity means that their immune system has a long-lasting memory of the virus, and will initiate a broad range of defensive responses in the event of a future encounter, thereby preventing reinfection. 

Moreover, because of the way immune system memory cells are able to identify relatively small parts of a viral genome, T-cell immunity is not lost as a result of minor, or even quite large, viral mutations. Natural immunity, unlike mRNA "vaccine" induced antibodies, is fully effective against those variants or scariants that the media are using to terrorize the population into accepting the more or less useless quackcines. 

The outlook, then, is that despite the promotion of novel so-called vaccines, the human population will achieve herd immunity to Covid through infection not vaccination. That is, herd immunity as that term was understood before the World Health Organization (which is heavily funded by the Gates's foundation, which in turn is heavily invested in "vaccine" makers), redefined the term to mean widespread immunity due, not to infection, but only to immunity achieved through vaccination. 


Thousands protest Covid passports in London… as anti-vax speaker threatens doctors with ‘Nuremberg trials’

Top doctor in Tennessee fired after calling for teen vaccinations WITHOUT parental consent BRAVO

US Won't Investigate Governors Who Ordered Nursing Homes To Accept COVID-Positive Residents Piles of corpses were necessary to drive the Covid Terror. The method was the same in most countries -- Britain, Canada, etc., even Sweden.

Sweden’s no-lockdown Covid strategy vindicated

Breakthrough cases rise inside Congress… Senate Health Department: 27 Vaccinated Die of COVID in Tennessee

CDC Is UNDER-REPORTING and EDITING Adverse Affects of COVID Vaccines
Well, wadderyer expect?

Biden DOJ Drops Investigations of All Democrat Governors Whose Actions Killed Tens of Thousands of Seniors in Nursing Homes with COVID

Vaccinated Against COVID-19. The Micro-Blood Clots

Tyranny, the default mode of French government.

CNN: Segregate Unvaccinated, Make Them Pay For Tests Every Day
Tyranny, American-style, with a technological edge

Cambridge sees 42 percent ‘breakthrough’ COVID cases
Fiasco, the default mode of British Government

CDC, Universities are Paying Students to be Vaccine Influencers
Universities have now apparently abandoned reason as a basis for discussion and persuasion. Watch out when this reaches the math, physics and engineering departments Or maybe it already has
Expect more lockdowns

Reports of ‘breakthrough’ COVID-19 cases alarming medical experts, world governments
Expect many more lockdowns

Nothing to worry about. It's what we call collateral damage -- Unfortunate but unavoidable.

Mate, you're lucky to have life-long immunity without a thousand jabs.

“Freedom, Freedom, Freedom!”- Masses Of Australians March Against COVID Lockdowns
That's the trouble with a country begun with convicts, they got no respect for tyranny.

TN county sees hundreds of breakthrough COVID-19 cases, two deaths

Almost a Million People Can’t Leave Home in Sydney Because Man in His 80s Died from/with COVID

MP’s in England are exempting themselves for the vaccine passports to be rolled out in September

The Covid Hoax Will Never End Until We Put a Stop to It!

Israel says Pfizer Covid vaccine is just 39% effective as delta spreads, but still prevents severe illness

‘Vast majority’ of Covid-19 cluster in Cape Cod were vaccinated

Covid-19 Vaccine Holdouts Face Restrictions in Europe as Delta Variant Spreads

Joe Biden Spreads Dangerous Vaccine Disinformation Live on CNN to Millions of Americans

Why most people who now die with Covid in England have had a vaccination:
It's a good sign according to the Gruniard

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

The Covid Lies That Pave the Way to Totalitarian Dictatorship

In the video below, the formidably articulate Dr. Michael Yeadon, former Pfizer Vice President and Chief Science Officer, explains why he is convinced that the Covid "pandemic" is a scamdemic designed to bring about global depopulation. 

Whether he is correct in his apocalyptic belief concerning the motivation of those seeking to terrorize the population with fear of a virus less lethal to to the vast majority than the flu remains to be seen. To me, fear, ignorance and stupidity seems an adequate explanation.
But his contention that the "fear-the-virus" Covid narrative that has been relentlessly promoted by governments, news media and social media companies worldwide is based on false premises (lies Yeadon calls them) is compelling.

Also compelling is his explanation of the silence of the scientists in the face of a barrage of publicly proclaimed government and media false information about Covid. 

The reason for the silence of academic scientists who know that Covid represents a minor peril to the vast majority of the population is, he says, simple. It is that there are virtually no independent scientists. Scientists in academia, who might be thought to have an independent voice are, Yeadon points out, almost entirely dependent for research funding on government or corporate donors. And what that means is that future funding depends on not attacking the Covid narrative that those funding sources are vigorously promoting. 

The charge of subservience of academics in the biomedical field to big Pharma, i.e., the vaccine makers is surely no slander. Even in the 1980's, when I was appointed, from outside academia, to a tenure track position at Canada's top research university, it became clear to me, within three days, that my research was to be entirely subservient to the interests one of Canada's great resource industries. 

At that point I did what many in the same situation would not. I quit.

Among the key points that Yeadon's talk drives home are:

Covid is less lethal than the flu to the great majority of those under the age of 70, and much less so for children, the chief exception being the obese, i.e., those who can readily self-identify and take appropriate precautions. 

There are plenty of effective treatments for Covid that could greatly reduce the number of cases that end up in hospital, but which the medical profession has thus far failed to effectively promote. These include vitamin D and zinc supplements, corticosteroid inhalants, and the cheap non-prescription drug ivermectin.

Covid cases and deaths have been greatly exaggerated by use of the grotesquely unreliable PCR test. 

Antibody production induced by Covid "vaccines" provide only short-lived and minimal protection from infection, whereas actual infection induces both durable and robust full-spectrum immunity, which means that requiring "vaccination" of those who have recovered from a Covid infection amounts to medical abuse.

It is also a medical abuse to vaccinate children who are at much greater risk of harm from the "vaccine" than from Covid, but who may be denied the benefit of long-term, quite possibly life-long, full-spectrum Covid immunity through an infection that will almost certainly be asymptomatic. (Actually, Yeadon does not make this point, although I am pretty certain he would not disagree with it.)

For all those millions who have had Covid, the Covid scariant variants are a non-issue: their immune system will recognize and defeat them all. 

The Covid terror campaign is designed to allow implementation of vaccination passports, which will serve as a mechanism for enforcing endless completely untested "vaccine" booster shots with unknown properties and consequences. 

Moreover, vaccination passports will provide a means to create an Orwellian world of surveillance and control, resulting in a permanent end to human freedom.


Pathetic billionaires, No. 79: Google co-founder Larry Page 'has been living off-grid and hiding out on isolated Fijian island for most of the pandemic'

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

People's Party Rally: Victoria, British Columbia, June 19, 2021

 Attended a People’s Party rally here in Victoria, British Columbia. The People’s Party is the creation of Maxime Bernier, a charismatic Québec politician and former Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs.

The party’s focus has been against mass immigration (currently equal to more than 1% of population per year to a country with a far below replacement fertility rate, thus amounting to population replacement).

The warm-up speakers focused on national pride, “freedom,” evil globalists, and Canada's needlessly repressive response to Covid.

The crowd of several hundred looked like a Trump crowd and was loudly responsive to the theme of the speakers.

Will this movement ultimately amount to anything? 

Not in sleepy government-town, big-university-town Victoria. But in Calgary, Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, Toronto, maybe.

Still, we're probably a way away from seeing Justin, I-love-China’s-Communist-dictatorship, Trudeau impeached. 

However, when the impact of Canada's 2020-2021 Federal Government Deficit of $468 billion, or $50,000 per family of four, begins to impact tax rates and food prices, the picture could change quickly.


America's Descent into Madness


America went from the freest country in the world in December 2019 to a repressive and frightening place by July 2021. How did that happen?

Nations have often gone mad in a matter of months. The French abandoned their supposedly idealistic revolutionary project and turned it into a monstrous hell for a year between July 1793 and 1794. After the election of November 1860, in a matter of weeks, Americans went from thinking secession was taboo to visions of killing the greatest number of their fellow citizens on both sides of the Mason-Dixon line. Mao’s China went from a failed communist state to the ninth circle of Dante’s Inferno, when he unleashed the Cultural Revolution in 1966.

In the last six months, we have seen absurdities never quite witnessed in modern America. Madness, not politics, defines it. There are three characteristics of all these upheavals. One, the events are unsustainable. They will either cease or they will destroy the nation, at least as we know it. Two, the law has largely been rendered meaningless. Three, left-wing political agendas justify any means necessary to achieve them.

Read more


Video Rebel's Blog: Liberalism is a Form of Insanity

Monday, July 19, 2021

Excess Deaths (thousands per week): UK, Germany and Greece. Do you see anything remarkable?

Thanks to Alfred at the Unz Review.


American Mindset: Lockdown Forever: We will never be free from COVID restrictions until we reject their logic utterly

Daily Mail: Covid death rate is now 16 TIMES lower than it was during the first and second waves

The current UK Covid death rate is around one in 1100, or lower than the ca. rate of one in 700 for influenza. So why the continued restrictions on normal life and threats of lockdowns if people don't submit to constant government harassment?

Saturday, July 17, 2021

In Britain Five Times More Children Committed Suicide Than Died Of COVID-19

 In Britain, five times more children committed suicide than died of Covid19.

But they kept them home from school. 

They made them wear masks.

And now they're determined to inject them with an experimental vaccine that hasn't prevented thousands dying from Covid.

Other than for killing substantial numbers of people, the "vaccine" appears to be useless. 

Meantime, most Brits are self-isolating in fear and trepidation, not.


Arutz Sheva: Covid infection gives greatly superior Covid immunity than "vaccines"
 YDN: For Second Week in a Row: More COVID-19 Vaccination Deaths than COVID-19 Deaths in the US According to CDC and VAERS Websites
Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Pfizer VP:
Every single one of the narrative points that your government and mine tell you about this virus and what you should do ARE ALL LIES.

But is the compellingly articulate Dr. Yeadon right?

His preference seems to be for monologue, which leaves many questions unanswered. 

One question I'd like to see answered concerns the validity of Yeadon's claim about the impossibility of the community spread of Covid and other respiratory diseases. 

According to Yeadon, only sick people spread disease and sick people self isolate until they well again.  

But if that is correct, how come the common cold and influenza spread throughout the community on a regular basis?

Lockdown Skeptics: Britain Set to Carry Out Largest Flu Vaccine Roll-Out in Its History This Winter ...:all secondary school pupils and children aged two and three set to be offered vaccines..."

How the frack do you "offer" a vaccine to a two- or three-year-old?

Zero Hedge: "This Is Worrying Me Quite A Bit": mRNA Vaccine Inventor Shares Viral Thread Showing COVID Surge In Most-Vaxxed Countries

Worrying, that is, as in "this vaccine despite killing many recipients, is no damn use whatever."

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Anti-Christian Terror In Canada: Trudeau Remains Silent

Now if they were burning mosques or indigenous spirit lodges, that'd be something our Justin would be indignant about. But with terrorists attacking and burning down Christian places of worship across Canada, what's there to worry about?

Still, until now, most Canadians thought trashing Christians and their churches was to be generally approved only in Middle Eastern countries like Syria, where ISIS has bombarded and razed dozens of Christian heritage sites in the name of Islam.

But now, after nearly six years of Liberals calling Canadians racist and fanning the flames of anti-white hatred, hate crimes against Christians in Canada have become commonplace.

Or hear Tucker's take:

Wonder when a Liberal-approved mob is gonna tear this figure off its perch?

Monday, July 12, 2021

How the Jab May Kill You: Dr. Charles Hoffe

Dr. Hoffe, a Canadian GP who practiced medicine in the British Columbia town of Lytton until the town burned down during the recent record-breaking heat wave, explains the deadly peril of those who receive the mRNA covid vaccine:


An open letter from Dr. Hoffe to British Columbia's Provincial Health Officer about the alarming adverse effects of the Moderna Covid vaccine administered to his patients in Lytton, B.C.

 More about Dr. Hoffe here, in the introductory section of the discussion above.


Vaccine Choice Canada: The Real Reason for Vaccine Mandates
NY Intelligencer: Children wear masks at the pool and in school, but they aren’t at risk and never were

Covid-19 and the Corruption of Science, State Directed Medical Terror, and Media Censorship

By Eshani M. King

Dear Editor

The British Medical Journal, November 13, 2020 (Reproduced without permission): Congratulations on your editorial highlighting the depressing levels of “corruption” taking place in the name of “beating the pandemic”. Scrutiny certainly deserves to be directed towards conflicts of interest within members of SAGE and scientific/medical advisors as examined by Dr Zoe Harcombe PhD, a Cambridge mathematics/economics graduate[1,2]. Aided by mainstream media and censorship by tech giants, this group controls the scientific narrative on which Government action has been based, even when the “science” relied upon is at complete odds with the views of many other world-class scientists.

Suppression of science and lack of open debate has impinged enormously on three issues of fundamental significance. Firstly, public fear of Covid has been elevated to levels that are completely out of proportion to the actual danger. A recent peer-reviewed paper by one of the world’s most cited and respected scientist, Professor John Ioannidis of Stanford University, quotes an infection fatality rate (IFR) for Covid of 0.00-0.57% (0.05% for under 70s), far lower than originally feared and no different to severe flu [3]. This paper is published on WHO’s own Bulletin but ignored by UK mainstream media.

Secondly, although deaths are currently running at normal levels, fear is being driven by inflation of Covid “cases” caused by inappropriate use of the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test [4-7]. This test is hypersensitive and highly susceptible to contamination, particularly when not processed with utmost rigour by properly trained staff. Case inflation also occurs from use of excessive number of rounds of amplification cycles (termed CT) which amplifies non-infectious viral fragments and cross-reacting nucleotides from non-Covid coronaviruses/other respiratory viruses. These become mis-labelled as Covid. Even Dr Fauci confirms that a positive result using CT above 34 is invalid (Twitter thread, Jeff Nelson @vegsource 30 October 2020) but in the UK CTs may go up to 45, as confirmed by Professor Carl Heneghan of Oxford University’s Center for Evidence-Based Medicine: (House of Commons Science & Tech Committee, 17 Sep, 2020 YouTube.) An obvious improvement is to immediately halt any use of CTs above 34 and ensure that for CTs between 25 and 34, two consecutive positive results are required before confirming a case as Covid positive.

According to Professor Brookes, a Health Data Scientist from the University of Leicester, the UK’s official data shows no excess deaths due to respiratory infections this season (talkRadio, 'The number of people dying today is the same as it would be any other year', 17 November 2020 YouTube). Instead, excess total deaths have been driven by lack of treatment due to hospital closure/lockdowns and have occurred mostly at home. Whilst there is no question that the first wave of Covid, a then novel virus, was lethal to many, there is no sound evidence of any second wave.

The third and possibly the most consequential suppression of science relates to the narrative that people do not develop immunity following a Covid infection. We know that immunity to SARS-CoV-1 is very durable, persisting for at least 12-17 years [8-10]. Immunologists know that immunity to SARS-Cov-2 is no different. This is confirmed by many eminent scientists including Beda M Stadler, the former Director of the Institute for Immunology at the University of Bern and Professor Emeritus (Ivor Cummins, Ep91 Emeritus Professor of Immunology...Reveals Crucial Viral Immunity Reality, 28 July 2020, YouTube), and Sucharit Bhakdi, former Chair of Medical Microbiology at the University of Mainz [11]. The human population has encountered and co-existed with myriad coronaviruses throughout evolution. Most of us therefore have cross-reacting T-cells, B cells and antibodies derived from encounters with cold coronaviruses that can recognise SARS-CoV-2 [12-14], in the same way that people “immunised” with cowpox became less susceptible to serious illness from smallpox - as Edward Jenner discovered in 1796. This is why we do not generally die from cold coronaviruses and precisely why so many of us were not susceptible to falling severely ill from Covid earlier this year. Even the chance of passing Covid to your spouse at the height of the pandemic was as low as 17%! [15 ].

In line with expectations, mediators of robust long-term immune memory, memory B and T-cells have both been firmly established to be produced following even a mild a Covid infection [17,18]. Pouncing on a handful of examples of apparent second Covid infections is irresponsible of the media but suits the false [18] narrative that falling antibody levels lead to loss of immunity. The evidence that immunity lasts is all around us - if this were not so we would see as many people dying of and falling seriously ill with Covid now as we did in March/April, including doctors and nurses.

Pfizer’s vaccination trial data provides further confirmation of the now low rates of prevalence. 94 participants were apparently infected based on PCR positive results (of unknown CT so we cannot be sure they are all genuinely Covid). The placebo group must comprise around 22,000, half the total trial number. This yields an infection rate of, at the very most, 0.4% and makes the chances of escaping infection greater than 99.6% during the trial period. The vaccine might well be 90% “effective” - although we are yet to learn exactly how this is measured - but the risk of contracting Covid in the first place is self-evidently low. The risk of both contracting and dying from Covid using an IFR of 0.57 (the worst case) was a mere 0.002% based on pessimistic assumptions. Of course, the elderly and other high-risk categories face greater risk, but it is still far less than it was early this year and it will continue to reduce as population immunity builds further.

Hijacking of science by vested interests has resulted in immeasurable harms to society. Lockdowns, meant to save lives but being pushed by narratives that have little basis in science, have themselves caused loss of life, livelihoods, dignity, and humanity. We need to ask how we have got to this sorry state. It seems that only the extrication of science from industry by introduction of independent sources of funding for scientific research institutions, perhaps by levying a brand-new tax on industry, will allow the nation’s best scientists an independent voice and put an end to the suppression of good science, together with the mistrust and conflict it generates.


1. Dr Zoe Harcombe PhD. 9 November. SAGE conflicts of interest.
2. PM Hails “ herculean efforts” of life science companies to defeat coronavirus. 10 Downing Street Press Release.
3. John P A Ioannidis Infection fatality rate of COVID-1937 inferred from seroprevalence data. Publication: Bulletin of the World Health Organization; Type: Research Article ID: BLT.20.265892 Page 1. 14 October 2020
4. Elena Surkova, Vladyslav Nikolayevskyy, Francis Drobniewski. False positive Covid-19 results:hidden problems and costs. Lancet Respir Med 2020.September 29, 2020
5. Dr M Yeadon. Lies, damned lies and health statistics: the deadly danger of false positives. 20 September.
6. Dr Clare Craig FRC Path. How Covid Deaths Are Over-Counted. 27 October 2020. Updated 29 October 2020.
7. PCR positives: what do they mean? The Oxford Centre for Evidence-based Medicine, University of Oxford.23 September
8. William J.Liuabc et al. T-cell immunity of SARS-CoV: Implications for vaccine development against MERS-CoV. Antiviral Research. Volume 137, January 2017, Pages 82-92
9. Le Bert N, Bertoletti A et al. SARS-CoV-2-specific T cell immunity in cases of COVID-19 and SARS, and uninfected controls. Nature. 2020 Aug;584(7821):457-462. doi: 10.1038/s41586-020-2550-z. Epub 2020 Jul 15. PMID: 32668444.
10. Guo, Z. Guo, C. Duan, Z. Chen, G. Wang, Y. Lu, M. Li, J. Lu. Long-Term Persistence of IgG Antibodies in SARS-CoV Infected Healthcare Workers. MedRxiv (2020) 2020.02.12.20021386 doi: 11. Dr Karina Reiss, Dr Sucharit Bhakdi. Book, Corona False Alarm? Facts and Figures. Pages 101-108.
12. Peter Doshi. Covid-19: Do many people have pre-existing immunity? 17 September 2020 BMJ 2020; 370 doi:
13. E. King. Letter to BMJ: T-cells really are the superstars in fighting COVID-19 - but why are some of us so poor at making them? 21 Sep 2020
14. Kevin W NG et al. Preexisting and de novo humoral immunity to SARs-CoV-2 in humans. 6 Nov 2020 DOI: 10.1126/science.abe1107
15. Frederik Plesner Lyngse et al. COVID-19 Transmission Within Danish Households: A Nationwide Study from Lockdown to Reopening. medRxiv 2020.09.09.20191239; doi:
16. Phuong Nguyen-Contant et al. S Protein-Reactive IgG and Memory B Cell Production after Human SARS-CoV-2 Infection Includes Broad Reactivity to the S2 Subunit. mBio Sep 2020, 11 (5) e01991-20; DOI:10.1128/mBio.01991-20
17. Isabel Schulien et al, Characterization of pre-existing and induced SARS-CoV-2-specific CD8+ T cells, Nature Medicine (2020). DOI: 10.1038/s41591-020-01143-2
18. Tyler J Ripperger, Deepta Bhattacharya et al. Orthogonal SARS-CoV-2 Serological Assays Enable Surveillance of Low Prevalence Communities and Reveal Durable Humoral Immunity. Immunity Volume 53, Issue 5, 17 November 2020, Pages 925-933.e4


Meantime, Google censors pandemic science that fails to support the terror narrative. Thus for example a search for the Youtube video by Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, M.D. explaining the evidence of almost universal pre-existent immunity to Covid-19 yields the message: 
This video has been removed for violating youtube's community guidelines.
This followed by a link inviting one to "Learn more," which prompted the person to whom I had sent the video link to remark:
I love the irony of exhorting me to learn more while preventing me from doing so.

But let us give thanks where thanks is due: To the unsung heroes who clear the piles of dead bodies from the streets each night. 

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Death of A Nation: Canada, Mass Immigration and a Falling Birth Rate

Maxime Bernier, has served in Canada's government as Minister of state for small business, Minister of Foreign Affairs,  and Chair of the National Defense Select Committee. 

As founder and leader of  The People's Party of Canada, he seeks a reduction in Canada's immigration rate from the current flow of around 400,000 per year, which is equal to more than 1% of the existing population, to around 100,000 to 150,000. 

He argues that such reduction is necessary to safeguard Canada's complex cultural mosaic

To destroy one's own cultural heritage indeed seems monstrous. But there is another consequence of mass immigration that that seems even more monstrous.

With a fertility rate that fell below replacement in 1973, during Pierre Elliott Trudeau's first term as Prime Minister, and which has continued to fall in all but four years since 1973, mass immigration amounts to a program of population replacement.

Furthermore, the influx of migrants is the chief cause of Canada's continued low fertility rate.

Mass immigration drives:

    * competition for, and hence the cost of, housing;

    * demand for, and hence the cost in taxes of, infrastructure such as schools and hospitals;

    * competition for jobs, thus lowering wages.

By lowering incomes and raising the cost of buying a home, mass immigration thus delays family formation, which in turn, suppresses the fertility rate thereby keeping the historic Canadian nation on track for extinction. 

In brief: mass immigration = national genocide, cultural and racial, so vote Liberal if you support this policy. 


Bill Gates and Other Rich Hypocrites Fly In To Decide How the Little People Are to Cut Their Carbon Footprint

Jeff Bezos' Gulfstream G650 could be seen arriving at Idaho's Friedman Memorial Airport on Tuesday. Bezos was spotted on Thursday at the event with his girlfriend Lauren Sanchez
Jeff Bezos' Gulfstream G650 could be seen arriving at Idaho's Friedman Memorial Airport on Tuesday. Bezos was spotted on Thursday at the event with his girlfriend Lauren Sanchez: Source: Daily Mail

Friday, July 9, 2021

"Proof that puts an end to the Sars-CoV-2 Narrative" | Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, M.D.

Wow, flushed by Google's U-Tube already. Here it is from BitChute:

Dr. Bhakdi explains, based on new scientific evidence, why he believes:
* Your immune system is your best defense against SARS-CoV-2, and indeed all coronaviruses.
* If you have been infected, even if you experienced no symptoms at all, you are immune to all variants.
* We have already reached herd immunity.
* There is no scientific reason to vaccinate against SARS-CoV-2. There is simply no benefit and the rollout must be stopped.

Scientific literature references for Dr. Bhakdi’s presentation:


In this interview with The New American magazine’s Senior Editor Alex Newman, world-renown German-Thai-American microbiologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi warns that the COVID hysteria is based on lies and that the COVID “vaccines” are set to cause a global catastrophe and decimation of the human population. Starting off, he explains that the PCR test has been abused to produce fear in a way that is unscientific.

ZH: People Who Recover From COVID-19 At "Very Low Risk" Of Re-Infection: Study -- Wow, who'd have thunk it. Perhaps someone would tell that madman Fauci?
IW: Lunatic Fauci's CDC: Kids not vaccinated will need to wear masks and undergo weekly testing this school year

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

How British Broadcasters Lie About Covid, Covid "Vaccine" Safety, and the Scariness of Variants

Lockdown Skeptics: An anthropologist by background with no academic training in medicine, virology or immunology, Prof Devi Sridhar has nonetheless become a go-to person for the broadcast media during the pandemic, where she is allowed to pronounce unchallenged on all things to do with Covid, vaccines and lockdowns. This week, expert group HART has taken her to task for her misinformation about the safety of vaccinating children on Good Morning Britain. She told viewers categorically that “zero children have died because of the vaccine side-effects”, a claim at odds with the multiple reports on VAERS of fatal adverse events in children in the U.S.

Today, she told the BBC that vaccines give more robust and longer-lasting protection than from infection.

We’d rather people get immunity through a vaccine, as studies are showing that vaccine immunity is longer-lasting. You will have a more robust immune response from a vaccine than you do from natural infection.

She doesn’t specify which studies are showing this, but it is contradicted by the findings of researchers examining differing immune responses from infection and vaccination.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Are You An Irresponsible Anti-Vaxxers Potentially Killing Millions of People By Spewing Scary Covid Variants?

The mainstream media exists, chiefly it would seem, to pollute our immortal souls with piffle, drivel and what the great Russian novelist Alexander Solzhenitsyn referred to as, "celebrity gossip and vain talk."

It is also does a reliable job of spewing lying propaganda, a good deal of which is currently focused on a seemingly irrational campaign to get untested genomic pseudovaccines injected into every human on the face of the planet. 

I say pseudovaccines, since the mRNA Covid "vaccines" do not induce full-spectrum disease immunity, but induce only the production of antibodies to the Wuhan strain of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. As a consequence, the "vaccinated" are not resistant to infection by Covid, but merely protected from developing symptoms of disease when infected. As a result, "vaccinated" people can be infectious to others, or so the medical authorities has warned: hence the need for the "vaccinated" to wear face masks, essentially for ever under all circumstances.

Now, in the face of "vaccine hesitancy" (or, in the case of apparently better informed individuals, outright "vaccine refusal"), the media vax pushers warn that the anti-vaxxers are gonna kill us all by becoming breeding grounds for super scariant variants. 

As a non-immunologist, I refrain from dogmatic comment on whether covid vaccine refusniks constitute a credible threat to continued human existence. However, I note that immunologists of large experience say otherwise. Thus, and on the contrary, according to Geert vanden Bossche, the mRNA vaccines may drive viral immune escape, which is to say the emergence of variants that escape control by antibodies to the original Wuhan strain of Covid, the production of which the vaccines induce. 

Unlike those who have been "vaccinated," i.e., inoculated with an mRNA "vaccine", the "unvaccinated" will, if infected by Covid, either die of the disease, or develop full spectrum immunity. In the latter case, they will rid themselves entirely of the virus and achieve long-lasting and probably life-long T-cell immunity to future infection. In either case, they cannot be a source of infection to others, whether of the original Wuhan strain or a scary variant.

The possibility of an "unvaccinated" person becoming the source of a deadly new variant thus seems low, as any such a variant would have to be spread during the relatively brief course of the illness, when the infectiousness of the individual is obvious and will be guarded against. 

The "vaccinated" however, according to what we have been told by the seemingly all-knowing Dr. Fauci — a man apparently among those responsible for the laboratory creation of the super-infectious Covid virus — can carry the infection "asymptomatically," thus unknowingly spreading potentially variant viral progeny far and wide. 

Related: Singapore’s surprising new plan to ‘live with covid’ revealed

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Covid-19: the pseudopandemic psy-op Explained

By Iain Davis

Off-Guardian, June 29, 2021: Covid 19 was and is a pseudopandemic. It was the gross exaggeration of the threat posed by a low mortality respiratory illness, comparable to influenza.

The pseudopandemic was a psychological operation (psy-op) designed to terrorise the public. The objective was to accustom the people to draconian system of government oppression by familiarising them with the mechanisms of a biosecurity state.

The pseudopandemic was based upon an influenza like illness which, regardless of its origin, was not and is not a disease which can legitimately be considered the cause of a “pandemic.” The only way it could ever be described as such was by the removal of any reference to mortality from the World Health Organisation’s definition.

COVID 19 is a disease which has a mortality age distribution profile indistinguishable from standard mortality. Unlike influenza, which disproportionately impacts the young, in terms of threat to life, COVID 19 was and is a wholly unremarkable illness.

Were it not for political theatrics and mainstream media propaganda, which began in China, no one, outside of the medical profession and COVID 19 sufferers, would have remarked on this disease.

The illusion of overwhelmed health services was created by massively reducing their capacity and staffing levels while simultaneously reorienting healthcare to treat everyone who presented with a respiratory illness as viral plague carriers.

In reality the pseudopandemic saw unusually low levels of hospital bed occupancy. However, due to the additional policies and procedures heaped upon them, healthcare services were thrown into into disarray.

This was combined with the use of tests, incapable of diagnosing anything, as proof of a COVID 19 “case.” This enabled governments around the world to make absurd claims about the threat level. They relied upon fake science and junk data throughout. As symptomatic illness and resultant disease mortality was relatively low, they asserted that people without any signs of illness (the asymptomatic) were spreading the contagion.

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Off-Guardian: New Normal Newspeak #1: “Herd Immunity”

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

D Is For Delta, Death and Delusion. But Why Worry? You're Gonna Die Anyhow, And Pretty Certainly It Won't Be From Covid, Strain Delta, Epsilon, Zeta, Eta or Theta

 And if our heading doesn't reassure you about the Covid Delta strain, read this excellent Zero Hedge article:

"Panic Porn Dressed Up As Science" - Exposing The Truth About The Delta Variant

Key points:

In the UK, the case fatality rate for over 30 thousand Delta (Indian) variant covid infections was 0.1%, the same as the seasonal flu and much lower than that for the original, Wuhan, Covid19 strain.

As the Delta variant became the predominant strain in the UK, accounting for 75% of all cases since mid-May, Covid hospitalizations have slumped, confirming the relative mildness of the infection.

And, "The U.K. data show more Delta-variant Covid fatalities among those already vaccinated relative to the number of confirmed cases by vaccination status." 

The exact meaning of that last statement is not entirely obvious. However, examination of Table 4 in the above linked article shows 37 deaths among 35,521 unvaccinated people who contracted the Delta Covid variant, versus 34 deaths among 17,642 vaccinated people (one or two shots) who contracted the Delta Covid variant.  

So it would appear that the vaccine greatly enhances the risk of death from Covid* -- a risk that was recognized at the outset of the vaccination campaign. cf: 

* From the data cited, a definite conclusion as to the effect of vaccination on disease severity as assessed by mortality is not possible, as it is unclear to what extent the vaccinated and unvaccinated groups are comparable. A difference in age distribution, for example, could greatly affect the result independently of any effect of vaccination.

The British Government presumably has the resources to provide a proper analysis of the available data, but that it fails to do so is only to be expected from the current administration of dunderheads lead by a psychopathic chancer who just poked the Russian Bear either just for the Hell of it or because told to do so by the addle-brained Biden.  

ReclaimtheNet: YouTube censors video of Nobel Prize winner discussing ivermectin
Tablet: Covid and The War on Reality
Alex Berenson: Why Covid Is Like AIDS
Quote: "the findings suggest that for people under 60, weight loss would be the single best way to reduce the risk of Covid - probably even more than a vaccine (and with no side effects). 
But of course you haven’t heard about this paper.  
No one has. The public health establishment has decided that an honest discussion of who is really at risk from Covid might smack of victim-blaming - just as it did a generation ago with HIV.
This time, though, we haven’t just frightened a bunch of people at essentially no risk. Our viral lockdown theater has been far more destructive, for kids who have lost a year of school and everyone else. In one final irony, lockdown-related weight gain may have actually worsened the risks last year."

Washington Times: COVID-19 lockdowns caused more deaths instead of reducing them, study finds
Youtube: Jim Jordan exposes Fauci's cover up on lab origin of Covid
Revolver: COVID-19 Lockdowns Over 10 Times More Deadly Than Pandemic Itself

Tucker Carlson Confirms US Headed for Liberal Totalitarianism

The "Free World" is rapidly turning into a collection of liberal totalitarian states: so says Sergey Naryshkin, Russia's Head of Foreign Intelligence.

Which is a claim entirely consistent with the report that America's National Intelligence Agency is spying on Tucker Carlson, among America's most articulate critics of government, with a view to discrediting him and thus forcing him off the air.

Shutting down free speech about public mis-education: