Wednesday, June 30, 2021

D Is For Delta, Death and Delusion. But Why Worry? You're Gonna Die Anyhow, And Pretty Certainly It Won't Be From Covid, Strain Delta, Epsilon, Zeta, Eta or Theta

 And if our heading doesn't reassure you about the Covid Delta strain, read this excellent Zero Hedge article:

"Panic Porn Dressed Up As Science" - Exposing The Truth About The Delta Variant

Key points:

In the UK, the case fatality rate for over 30 thousand Delta (Indian) variant covid infections was 0.1%, the same as the seasonal flu and much lower than that for the original, Wuhan, Covid19 strain.

As the Delta variant became the predominant strain in the UK, accounting for 75% of all cases since mid-May, Covid hospitalizations have slumped, confirming the relative mildness of the infection.

And, "The U.K. data show more Delta-variant Covid fatalities among those already vaccinated relative to the number of confirmed cases by vaccination status." 

The exact meaning of that last statement is not entirely obvious. However, examination of Table 4 in the above linked article shows 37 deaths among 35,521 unvaccinated people who contracted the Delta Covid variant, versus 34 deaths among 17,642 vaccinated people (one or two shots) who contracted the Delta Covid variant.  

So it would appear that the vaccine greatly enhances the risk of death from Covid* -- a risk that was recognized at the outset of the vaccination campaign. cf: 

* From the data cited, a definite conclusion as to the effect of vaccination on disease severity as assessed by mortality is not possible, as it is unclear to what extent the vaccinated and unvaccinated groups are comparable. A difference in age distribution, for example, could greatly affect the result independently of any effect of vaccination.

The British Government presumably has the resources to provide a proper analysis of the available data, but that it fails to do so is only to be expected from the current administration of dunderheads lead by a psychopathic chancer who just poked the Russian Bear either just for the Hell of it or because told to do so by the addle-brained Biden.  

ReclaimtheNet: YouTube censors video of Nobel Prize winner discussing ivermectin
Tablet: Covid and The War on Reality
Alex Berenson: Why Covid Is Like AIDS
Quote: "the findings suggest that for people under 60, weight loss would be the single best way to reduce the risk of Covid - probably even more than a vaccine (and with no side effects). 
But of course you haven’t heard about this paper.  
No one has. The public health establishment has decided that an honest discussion of who is really at risk from Covid might smack of victim-blaming - just as it did a generation ago with HIV.
This time, though, we haven’t just frightened a bunch of people at essentially no risk. Our viral lockdown theater has been far more destructive, for kids who have lost a year of school and everyone else. In one final irony, lockdown-related weight gain may have actually worsened the risks last year."

Washington Times: COVID-19 lockdowns caused more deaths instead of reducing them, study finds
Youtube: Jim Jordan exposes Fauci's cover up on lab origin of Covid
Revolver: COVID-19 Lockdowns Over 10 Times More Deadly Than Pandemic Itself

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