Saturday, March 17, 2018

Novichoc: From England, the Strange Tale of an Alleged Assassination Attempt With an Alleged Russian Nerve Gas on the Explicit Order of Vladimir Putin

Last week, Sergei Skripal, a Russian spy, turned by the Brits, exposed as a traitor and jailed by Russia, then pardoned and released under a spy swap deal, and now living in England, was supposedly the target of an assassination attempt by exposure to a "military-grade" nerve agent "of a type," as British authorities from the Prime Minister on down repeatedly assert,  "developed by Russia," the attempt almost certainly conducted, so UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson has stated, on the orders of Vladimir Putin.

The incident has gained massive news coverage, mostly to the detriment of the character of Russians, particularly Vladimir Putin. Yet exactly how the alleged poisoning of Skripal and also his daughter, Yulia, who was visiting from Russia, was carried out has not been revealed.

Friday, March 16, 2018

Novichick May's Military-Grade Big Lie

Re: The nerve gas attack on a Russian spy in Britain.

U.K. Prime Minister, Thereason May,  referred to the British government’s

knowledge that Russia has previously produced this agent (i.e., novichok, the agent said to have poisoned Russian spy Sergei Skripal in Salisbury, England)  and would still be capable of doing so”
On these grounds, she claimed that only two scenarios are possible:
Either this was a direct act by the Russian State against our country. Or the Russian government lost control of this potentially catastrophically damaging nerve agent and allowed it to get into the hands of others.
Which raises the question: how stupid does she take the public to be?

Thursday, March 15, 2018

UK Nerve Gas Attack: Theresa May's March Madness

A Russian spy, turned by the Brits, jailed by the Russians, pardoned by the Russians and released in a spy swap, living in England, is subjected to an alleged nerve-gas attack, prompting UK Prime Minister Theresa May to declare Russia guilty of an attempt on the life of the said spy.

On what evidence?

Three things:

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Saving the World Through Sloth, Ineptitude, Hornswoggling, and the Carbon Tax

Many people fear that human activity is changing the climate in ways that will prove catastrophic. Others hold that fear to be overblown or entirely mistaken. Some even claim that because of the rising concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide, the world is becoming a better, more productive place. For example, because of fertilization by carbon dioxide, crop yields are rising, while because of the gentle carbon dioxide-induced warming of the planet, crop lands are extending Northward, while rainfall is increasing in the dry lands to the South of the Sahara. As a result, starvation in the poorest parts of the world is being held at bay.

The disagreement about climate change has long been intense, and positions have become deeply entrenched. The scientific debate has become rancorous. Scientists have been accused of data manipulation and fraud. Scientists have sued one another for libel. And a leading scientist recently quit the climate science field because of its "craziness."

In the public domain, the debate has become highly politicized. Former US President, Barack Obama, has claimed that climate change "is a threat that may define the contours of this century more than any other" (Whatever exactly the contours of a century may be.). Former US Vice President Al Gore has likened denial of climate change to racism. NASA's former top climate scientist and Director of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies, James Hansen, has been arrested repeatedly as a participant in protests against pipeline development, tar sands development, and coal mining.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Why the Left Wants a Non-White America

Hubert Collins, American Renaissance, March 11, 2017
Less white means more left.
recent exchange between Tucker Carlson of Fox News and Univision anchorman Jorge Ramos—“This is not a white country”—marks a significant turning point: Suddenly people on national television are talking about the end of white America, the rising tide of color, and what demographic change really means. White advocates may owe Señor Ramos a “thank you” for his forthright Hispanic chauvinism, which forces whites to think seriously about dispossession. Too many whites would rather look the other way, and since Fox News won’t (yet) invite Jared Taylor to talk about it, Señor Ramos will have to do.
Entirely aside from his dreams of reconquista, Jorge Ramos and others on the left want America to become non-white so that it moves further to the left, so that Democrats can win more elections. To put it simply: Less white means more left. Leftists, particularly Hispanic ones, talk about this openly.
What the advocates of less white want is MACA, which is to say: Make America Colored Again.

It's simply race war driven by racist blacks and Hispanics. Political ideology doesn't come into it except insofar as the left is anti-white.

And in Africa:

News 24: South African Pol.: We are cutting the throat of whiteness.

Stockman Celebrates The End Of The Goldman Sachs Regency At The White House

Zero Hedge, March 7, 2018: The financial commentariat and the robo-machines are all in a tizzy this morning because Gary Cohn up and quit. But we say good riddance: The man gave Trump bad advice on nearly every single issue---trade, taxes, fiscal policy and the Fed.

We didn't make any bones about that viewpoint during our appearance on Fox Business this AM. When Maria Bartiromo asked us about Cohn's departure, our reply was: Hallelujah, the Goldman Sachs Regency in the White House is finally over!

The fact is, we do have a trade crisis, but Gary Cohn and the Wall Street pseudo-free traders don't care and never have. That's because they fiercely support a perverted, self-serving monetary regime that systematically and massively inflates financial assets, even as it strip mines and deflates the main street economy.

As we have been pointing out in this series, there is a perverse symbiosis between the Fed and the Dirty Float central banks of the 10 major countries (China, Vietnam, Mexico, Japan, etc), which account for 90% of the nation's $810 billion trade deficit (2017). Together they have ripped the guts out of the US industrial economy---effectively sending jobs and production abroad and cash flow and liquidated capital to Wall Street.

For its part, the Fed has monkey-hammered US competitiveness. That's the result of its insensible 2.00% inflation policy, which has fatally inflated nominal dollar wages in a world market drowning in cheap labor priced in artificially under-valued currencies.

At the same time, its massive interest rate repression and price-keeping operations in the stock market have turned the C-suites of corporate America into financial engineering joints. So doing, they have slashed real net business investment by nearly 3o% since the turn of the century, by 20% from the 2007 pre-crisis peak and, actually, to a level in 2016 that barely exceeded real net investment two decades earlier in 1997.

Meanwhile, the C-suites shuttled upwards of $15 trillion of cash flow and debt capacity during the last decade alone into stock buybacks, vanity M&A deals and excess dividends and recaps. As we said in today's Fox interview, America's business leaders will not stop strip-mining their companies in order to juice Wall Street and goose their own stock options until they are taken to the woodshed by a stern task-master at the Fed.

By that we mean a central bank that is willing to get out of the financial asset price propping and pegging business, and to thereby permit the kind of stock market collapse that would finally expose the folly of corporate America's endless financial engineering. Indeed, at this point nothing else will stop them except being run out of their jobs for massive dissipation of corporate resources and piling their balance sheets high with unproductive debt.

Yet until there is a clean sweep at the Fed and a purging of today's crop of financial engineers and speculators from the C-suites, there is no possible way to reverse the nation's faltering trade accounts. Doing so would require a major revival of investment in facilities, equipment, technology, people and business innovation that simply isn't in the cards in today's casino.

Yesterday we mentioned that the US has incurred a massive and widening trade deficit for 43 years running, and that the cumulative shortfall totals $15 trillion. But much of that reflects long-ago dollars that have since been inflated away by the Fed's relentless effort to stimulate more inflation.

Accordingly, if that 43-year string of trade deficits is re-priced in 2016 dollars of purchasing power, the horror shows is just all the more stunning. To wit, the US economy has incurred nearly $19 trillion of cumulative trade deficits since 1975 in today's purchasing power.

Is there any wonder that US manufacturing output is still 2.5% below its pre-crisis level of late 2007, and that total industrial production including energy, mining and utilities has barely returned to the flat line?

Read more

Thursday, March 1, 2018

The Strange Death of Liberal Canada

After three dud leaders in a row, Martin, Dion, and Ignatieff, the Liberal Party of Canada made what must have seemed at the time the only possible choice: they picked Justin Trudeau, the man with the big name, the good looks and the lovely family, to lead the party.

Electorally, the decision was a great success. The Liberals finally regained what is the prime objective of every Liberal, namely, power.

For the country, however, as we set forth in an earlier post, it has been a disaster.

Trudeau has not only announced the abolition of the Canadian nation, while declaring immigrants more worthy of Canada than the citizenry, but gone full social justice warrior. He has filled half his cabinet seats with women, based not on merit, but on feminist principle. He has declared war on anti-black racism, as though (a) racism is not as Canadian as maple syrup, and (b) black racism was ever a significant issue in a country with hardly any black people. He presides over a government with a state broadcaster that devotes much of its radio programming to ridiculing the President of the country that accounts for more than two-thirds of Canada's export trade. He has presided over legislation that compels speech, stupid speech at that, which is to say the use of made-up pronouns to refer to a largely invented community of transgender persons. He has personally and publicly insulted a user of the English language for not using the silly made-up word: "peoplekind" in place of "mankind.*" He has ripped off the Canadian taxpayer for an expensive Caribbean family holiday, as the guest of a registered Government lobbyist. His Government has granted a posthumous award of the Order of Canada to Barry Sherman, a suspect in a murder case, who donated to the Liberal Party while a registered Government lobbyist.

To the average member of the Liberal Party of Canada, none of this matters, obviously: power, virtue signalling, and sneering at a Republican American president justifies almost anything. But with Trudeau's just-completed pointless week-long visit to India, his family and an Indian chef from Vancouver in tow, one thing has changed everything. Not only did Trudeau manage to insult his Indian hosts by publicly associating with a Sikh nationalist/separatist assassin, who was even invited to pose for photographs with Trudeau's wife, but unforgivably, he made a complete ass of himself, posing in multiple Indian-themed, fancy dress outfits: thereby resembling, as one commentator remarked, a chameleon in a paint factory.

The outpouring of ridicule must be more than even the most hardened Canadian Liberal could tolerate: Trudeau's time is surely up. To fill his place, another dud will almost certainly be found, Chrystia Freeland, perhaps — unless, that is, the Liberals get a momentary grip on reality and ask Jean Chrétien, the best small 'c' conservative prime minister that Canada ever had, to resume command. Indeed, Chrétien did promise that, like England's William Ewart Gladstone, he would return in his eighties. Either way, Trudeau's Indian pratfall, surely signals that Liberal Canada is on its deathbed.

March 3, 2017

And Now This:

B.C. Liberal MP now says he didn’t invite Atwal

So Trudeau's pathetic excuse for inviting a Sikh separatist convicted of attempted assassination against an Indian cabinet minister, turns out to be entirely false. 

Time for Trudeau to go. Now.

March 1, 2017

As Terry Glavin reports in NaPo, today, not only has Trudeau reiterated the allegation initially made by an unnamed Canadian security official that India was somehow responsible for the fact that Canadian officials had invited a Canadian Sikh separatist/terrorist/assassin (now reformed, so he claims) to two official functions with the Trudeaus during their family tour of India, but that:
With all the attention paid to a former Khalistani terrorist getting an invitation to that Canadian High Commission gala last Thursday, it was barely mentioned anywhere that a senior executive of India’s venerable Outlook Magazine was brusquely disinvited from the event, while among Trudeau’s official media retinue was an Indo-Canadian journalist who had greeted Modi during his 2015 visit to Canada with placards that read “Modi is a Terrorist” and “India out of Khalistan.”

Khalistan is the name of the theocratic ethnostate a small minority of Sikh separatists want to carve out of India’s Punjab state. Also mercifully overlooked last week: a map of India displayed at last Thursday night’s High Commission party in New Delhi omitted the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir — the shellshocked, heavily militarized Muslim-majority Indian state that Pakistan claims as its own territory. Imagine the Indian High Commission in Ottawa throwing a party and showing off a huge map of Canada with Quebec missing, and you get the picture.
Bizarre, indeed.

* The English word "man" is from the old English term for a human being, male or female, the sexes distinguished by the prefix "wer" for male, "wif" for female. Modern English has dropped the male prefix, but not the female prefix, the latter having mutated from "wif" to "wo."

Globe and Mail: Trudeau rejects allegation India's higher chickpea tariffs a result of his controversial trip
Globe and Mail: India denies role in Atwal controversy during Trudeau visit
The Spectator: Justin Trudeau takes his Captain Snowflake act to India
 Globe and Mail: Tories demand proof that India was behind Jaspal Atwal’s presence during Trudeau’s trip
Times of India: Why Trudeau’s disaster trip may trigger a reset in India-Canada ties
Times of India: Why Trudeau’s disaster trip may trigger a reset in India-Canada ties
The Star: Federal claim of Indian interference in Trudeau event is ‘dangerously irresponsible,’ says Andrew Scheer
John Ivison: The Indian government removed Jaspal Atwal from its blacklist. Why?
How Justin Trudeau’s India trip went from bad to ‘Bengal Bungle (while blaming  it on the Government of India)
Indian commentators find Trudeaus' Indian dress tacky, fake and annoying
Former Liberal cabinet minister blasts Trudeau over attempted murderer's Delhi dinner invite
Information about Surrey gunman at Trudeau dinner passed to Canadian officials earlier this month
Trudeaus make chipatis in Amritsar during pointless India trip
Liberals have a high tolerance level for convicted Sikh terrorists 
More trouble for Trudeau India trip over invitation error, reports of Modi snub
Atwal fiasco dogs Trudeau; PM pledges a 'conversation' with MP responsible
Justin Trudeau in the real world
Justin Trudeau's India visit deemed a 'slow-moving train wreck' amid claims he was 'snubbed'

OTTAWA—The botched party invitation extended to a convicted attempted murderer by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s office has plunged Canada-India relations to an all-time low, says a former Liberal cabinet minister.

“Mr. Trudeau can perhaps salvage our relationship, but I think it hit rock bottom with this. It was already sliding downwards from the moment they got to India,” Ujjal Dosanjh, a former Liberal health minister, ex-premier of British Columbia and one-time provincial attorney general, told The Canadian Press on Thursday.

Dosanjh accused his old federal party of being too close to Sikh separatists even before Trudeau’s Sunday arrival in India. But the invitation issued to Jaspal Atwal for a reception on the India trip cemented that, he added.

Trudeau’s office has said the invitation was a mistake and was rescinded as soon as he was discovered on the guest list for a New Delhi event. However, Atwal showed up at a reception earlier in the week in Mumbai and was photographed with Sophie Gregoire Trudeau, the prime minister’s wife.

Dosanjh said he couldn’t believe what he was seeing when he saw the photograph. 

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Monday, February 19, 2018

deNiall Ferguson: The West is Not Dying, It Just Looks That Way

First published by CanSpeccy on Wordpress: February 6, 2014

According to Niall Ferguson, there’s little wrong with the West that cannot be fixed with some tweaking of institutions.

If Asia is rising while the West stagnates, that is the inevitable consequence of Asia having adopted the institutions that made the West great, namely, the competitive market economy, science, property rights, modern medicine, the consumer society and the work ethic.

If the West seems to be declining, it is, says Ferguson, because our institutions of democracy, capitalism, the rule of law, and civil society have degenerated.

Such arguments are bunk. As we stated elsewhere:
If the institutions of democracy in the West are degenerating, those of the extraordinarily dynamic China are essentially non-existent. If the rule of law in America is increasingly the “rule of lawyers,” in China the rule of law is a concept barely even understood. If free and fair competition in Western economies has diminished as capital has been concentrated in fewer hands, China’ state capitalism is the complete antithesis of the free and fair market that underlay Adam Smith’s invisible hand. As for the the institutions of civil society, the West is still incomparably free compared with China where even association for the purpose of religious worship is prohibited.

So while Western institutions are in decline, China’s are absolute crap. Yet still China’s economy booms as the West stagnates. Clearly, then, there’s more to Western economic decline than the inadequacy of some vaguely defined sets of institutions.
In fact, the West is undergoing willful destruction by fools motivated by the unattainable vision of a global empire based on a the bizarre notion that the Western model of diversity-loving liberal democracy is the natural endpoint for all social and political development.

But like the Communists of old, who though professing a belief in historical inevitability felt it necessary to push history forward by the most bloody revolutionary methods, so today, the liberal globalists, while asserting the worldwide triumph of liberal democracy, seek to ensure that outcome by compelling Western nations to commit suicide, replacing themselves with racial and cultural groups quite alien to the liberal democratic ideology the globalists claim has already achieved global acceptance.

UK Settlers
The absurdity of Ferguson’s refusal to acknowledge the West’s Gadarene rush to self-destruction is noted in Ricardo Duchesne’s review of Ferguson’s Civilization: The Six Ways the West Beat the Rest.
He [Ferguson] is clearly worried by the lack of assimilation of Muslims in Europe, and the key role being played at universities and elsewhere by Islamic centres. He tabulates that if the current Muslim population of the UK continues to grow at the current rate, its share of the total population would pass 50 per cent in 2050 (p. 290). So, it looks like the West needs to show resolve on Muslim immigration and assimilation … by teaching kids Western liberal arts? I doubt a population built on mass migration from non-Western lands would be enthusiastic about Elizabethan England, Homer, Chaucer, Aquinas, or even Shakespeare. He says that ‘mass immigration is not necessarily the solvent of a civilization, if the migrants embrace, and are encouraged to embrace the values of the civilization to which they are moving’ (p. 290). It is worth noting that only westerners are inviting resterners to come to their homelands; there is no ‘reconvergence’ whatsoever in this respect; this is one killer app Asia does not care for. If current trends continue, the West will become a less homogenous civilization, whereas China, Japan, and India will remain uniquely native.
And even if the mass of immigrants to Europe could be Westernized culturally, it would remain the case that the European nations as racial entities quite distinct from those of the countries from which Third World immigrants derive, are being exterminated by policies that not only promote immigration, but suppress the fertility of the indigenous population, and destroy the self-confidence of Western youth by inculcating the belief that Western civilization is a shameful heritage.

Understandably, Ferguson denies the destruction of the European nations by the simple expedient of ignoring this monstrous reality, for there is no rational basis of denial. Irrationally, liberals, if pressed, are ready enough to deny the genocide of the European peoples by simultaneously insisting that racial diversity is good while denying that the indigenous peoples of Europe have their own unique racial identities.

It is now clear that the World will not accept Western hegemony and its attendant culture of decadence because, first, it does not appeal to most of humanity, and second, the West lacks the military might to force it upon the World.

On the contrary, the mass of people migrating from East to the West to raise their standard of living are increasingly inclined to deride Western civilization, whether they be highly philoprogenitive Muslims settlers in Britain or Asian cultural supremacists at Yale University. Moreover, the limited capacity of America’s military has been clearly demonstrated in Iraq and Afghanistan, and confirmed by the the decision to back away from attempting the military overthrow of the unliberal and undemocratic governments of Syria and Iran.

Liberalism, the ideology that underlies the NeoCon drive for US-led Western-dominated global empire, is a death cult, and while we are nowhere near the End of History, we are nearing the point of no recovery for the Western nations.

The antidote to liberalism is conservatism. Conservatism is about reproducing your own people, not replacing it with people from elsewhere, it is about upholding one’s literary, religious and cultural history, not denigrating it as racism and supremacism.

Today, the denial of conservative values amounts to a program of Western self-genocide. It is a project fueled by hatred, the most powerful of political motivations: the self-hatred of brainwashed “anti-racist” Europeans and the ambition of opportunist settler immigrants. It is a program destroying the West by robbing Western youth of opportunity, ambition and hope.


CanSpeccy: The Rise of the West: Niall Ferguson’s Six “Killer Apps.” How Are They Working For Us Now?

Canspeccy: Niall Ferguson: The Decline of the West Explained – Not

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Niall Ferguson: The Decline of the West Explained – Not

First published by CanSpeccy on Wordpress, June 20, 2013

In his latest book, pot boiler, extended magazine article in hard covers for 28 bucks, whatever, Niall Ferguson sets out to explain why the nations of the West, so long dominant in scientific and technical skills, wealth and power, are now stagnating economically as China and much of the rest of the Third World rise in power and prosperity at an unprecedented rate.

The trouble, thinks Feguson, is the problem that Adam Smith identified as the cause of China’s economic stagnation in the 18th century: it is, he argues, our institutions. Our institutions of democracy, capitalism, the rule of law, and civil society, he says, have degenerated, resulting in the the concentration of wealth, the emergence of monopolies, a decline in educational standards and other ills that have resulted in a loss of Western competitiveness.

In form, Ferguson’s book is reminiscent of those vaguely interesting and generally incoherent lectures to which so many have been exposed during undergraduate education: a few interesting facts and ideas with many loose ends, leaving unlimited scope for further debate and literary output.

But as an account of the stagnation and relative decline of the West, Ferguson’s effort is almost entirely futile other than as an exercise in misdirection, distraction and cover-up.

If the institutions of democracy in the West are degenerating, those of the extraordinarily dynamic China are essentially non-existent. If the rule of law in America is increasingly the “rule of lawyers,” in China it is a concept barely even understood. If free and fair competition in Western economies has diminished as capital has been concentrated in fewer hands, China’ state capitalism is the complete antithesis of the free and fair market that underlay Adam Smith’s invisible hand. As for the the institutions of civil society, the West is still incomparably free compared with China where even association for the purpose of religious worship is prohibited.

So while Western institutions are in decline, China’s are absolute crap. Yet still China’s economy booms as the West stagnates. Clearly, then, there’s more to Western economic decline than the inadequacy of some vaguely defined sets of institutions.

To discover what has stultified the West, it is necessary to consider what drives economic expansion, and the answer to that is quite simple: increased investment and production. But you cannot have increased investment and production unless there are markets for the increased output, and there will only be markets for the increased output if the new production is competitively priced. But how can new output in the West be competitively priced when the legally mandated minimum wage in America and Europe is between ten and twenty or more times the rate paid factory workers in the Third World?

This is the simple, obvious brute fact that explains Western economic stagnation, to which Niall Ferguson, like any other tenured professor at a top US or UK university, must carefully avoid drawing attention.

The consequences of the fact of Western wage uncompetitiveness with the Third World are as obvious as this one basic fact itself.

Once the Uraguay Round of the Gatt (which led to the creation of the World Trade Organization) was signed by the Western states in 1994, the Western economies were on the skids.

It took a while, naturally, to export Western capital and technology, accumulated through the sweat of generations, to the Third World.

Collapsed Bangladesh factory where Loblaws of Canada (62% owned by 
billionaire George Weston) outsourced manufacture of its "Joe Fresh" line 
of apparel. More than one thousand workers died in the collapse, but as 
George Weston remarked, they need the work. Garment workers in Canada
 presumably do not need the work, or if they do, would be much more 
expensive to hire.
It took a while, naturally, to construct the factories, build the research centers, train the engineers, biotechnologists, the computer scientists, and the millions of production line workers in China, India, Bangladesh and a hundred other countries before the Third World was in a position to take the jobs of tens of millions of Western workers.

But the system’s in place now and the jobs have been bleeding away rapidly during the last ten years, the loss masked in part by housing bubbles that stimulated the construction industry, which is among the few that cannot be off-shored wholesale.

But now the real estate bubbles have burst or are bursting and the shrinking Western economies are plagued by deflation, falling incomes, rapidly rising welfare costs and unemployment, and ominous rumblings of social discontent. Add to the mix mass immigration of culturally disparate elements, which displaces from the workforce the least competent members of the indigenous population, and you have a recipe for both economic decline and revolution.

Hyperventilating about the degeneration of our social, legal and political institutions or getting everyone to join the Lions Club won’t solve the problem created by the treason of our elites, who have sold out the working people of America and Europe for the benefit of the money power, which has gained enormous profits through the success of globalized corporations such as IBM, Apple, Microsoft, and many others.

The only remaining question of real interest is whether the money power will get away with the genocide of the Western nations in its bid for a system of global financial feudalism. And an answer to that question, we can be sure, will not be made available by Niall Ferguson or any other member of the academic elite until such time as the question has become entirely academic.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

The Death of the West

Steven Pinker's "(ir)Rationality" in Defence of the Official Narrative

Careerist Women Drive the Suicide of the British Nation

Cucks and Interlopers for the Cultural and Racial Genocide of Europe

The Truth a Treasonous Elite Will Not Allow to be Stated

Stupid Lies About White Genocide from Paul Craig Roberts Brought to You by Ron Unz

Race: Why Liberal Globalists and Communist Revolutionaries Agree There Is No Such Thing

Goddam Hungarians: Why Won't they Commit Suicide By Mass Immigration Like Other Europeans?

Are you a far-right-wing extremist, racist, anti-Semite against genocide?

Conformity Bias, Media Cucks and Self-Hating White People

National Conservatism: Against Genocidal Globalism

The [Very Lethal] Values of a Liberal Society

Genocide of the European Nations By Mass Immigration

Why Western Elites Are Destroying Their Own 

People By Mass Immigration and Multiculturalism

Why white people go to the gas chambers in a quiet and orderly fashion

If You Really Loved Humanity You'd Off Yourself As the Swedes Have Done

The Anglo-American Project for Global Empire Has Failed: Time to Restore National Borders and Send Home the Immigrants That Have Flooded Europe

Anti-Racism: The Nation-Destroying Poison of Self-Hating Cucks, Traitors, and Settler Immigrants

Jews, Traitors and the Self-Destruction of the European Nations

Saturday, February 3, 2018

The Moral Legacy of Barry Sherman, a Canadian Tycoon

Barry Sherman was a gold-medal-winning engineering science graduate of the University of Toronto who received a doctorate in astrophysics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In 1967 her purchased the pharmaceutical drug manufacturing company, Empire Laboratories, from the estate of his maternal uncle, Louis Winter and wife Beverley, who, dying within 17 days of one another, had designated Barry Sherman as the executor of their estate. Thereafter, Sherman pursued a career in the drug industry that was both highly litigious and highly profitable. Selling Empire Laboratories, he shed financial responsibility for his cousins, the heirs of Louis Winter, and founded Apotex, a company engaged in the same business as Empire Laboratories, which grew to become Canada's largest producer of generic drugs.

On or about December 13th 2017, Sherman, by then a multi-billionaire and generous contributor to Jewish charities, together with his wife, Honey, died of strangulation at their home in Toronto's suburb of North York. Death was initially considered by police as a possible murder-suicide, but the story was changed to double homicide after Toronto's Mayor, John Tory, conveyed the Sherman family's concerns about the investigation to Toronto's Police Chief.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

The Phony "Scientific" American Magazine, Attacks the Phony Science Guy, in Defense of a Phony Scientific Consensus on Climate Change

Scientific American has an article attacking Bill Nye, the phony science guy, because Nye is not sufficiently PC on climate change. It's a case of the phony attacking the phony in defense of a phony scientific consensus on climate change.

It would be pointless, here, to enter into a discussion about climate change, since in the matter of that most disputed of scientific fields, insofar as it is a scientific field at all, everyone one, even the least technically informed, indeed especially the least technically informed, is an expert.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

The Trump Enigma: Imperialist or Nationalist

One of the basic lessons that can be gleaned from a study of multiple imperialisms over the past five centuries, is that imperialist warfare is always class warfare. Imperialism is always class warfare at home, and usually it is class warfare abroad as well. Both at home and abroad, it is the so-called “lower” classes, the workers and peasants, who are dispossessed by imperialist extraction. Workers and peasants—sometimes even slaves—make up the bulk of the military forces conscripted by imperialist powers. Workers and peasants at home are the ones whose labour was exploited to fuel imperial dominance. Abroad, the products of the labour of workers and peasants, and any productive assets they might have controlled, are usually what is targeted by imperialism. Any attempt to distract Americans from these basic, long-term, and inescapable empirical realities of class dominance and class divisions, any submersion of class beneath the weight of minoritarian identity issues, is by default if not by design an ideological program in the service of imperialism. The converse is also true: the rise of class consciousness in the US, or at least greater awareness of the plight of the working class, will erode the political support base for the increasing costs of maintaining empire abroad.
Maximilian Forte
The above quote from an essay by Concordia University anthropology professor, Maximilian Forte, draws attention to a fundamental enigma: is US President Donald Trump an American nationalist or a globalist imperialist. Trump's election campaign was clearly nationalist: it was for protection against both unfair foreign competition and jobs off-shoring by American corporations; it was for tax cuts to remove tens of millions of the lowest paid workers from the tax rolls while providing incentives for job-creating corporate investment in America; and it was for better relations with America's post-war rival for global dominance, Russia.

Yet as president, the Trump administration has pursued sanctions against Russia for its "aggression" in the Ukraine and its "threat" to the Baltic trivialities, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia; attempted in defiance of international law to establish a permanent US military presence in Syria; and threatened further economic warfare against Iran.

So what is Trump: nationalist, imperialist, muddle-head, or devious operator either seeking to appease the increasingly exploited and aggrieved American masses while pursuing the US agenda for global empire, or alternatively, attempting to fool the globalist faction of the US elite with meaningless imperialistic gestures, while creating in the US a democratic nation state?

Who knows? Certainly not us. However, as one in favor of the survival and renovation of Western civilization, I take comfort in the frenzied Trump hatred of the NeoCon scum, and the"liberal" fascists for a politically correct society. That Trump seems better liked by rival states, Russia and China, than by globalist allies such as Germany, anti-Brexit Britain, and Islamified France seems to provide further ground for hope.

Friday, January 26, 2018

The Inequality of Wealth: Pity the Rich

The poor you will always have with you
Jesus Christ, Matthew 26, 11
Jesus's claim that the poor will always be with us, has stood the test of time. After two thousand years, nothing has changed. Most people are still poor.

Which makes one wonder why people keep worrying about it. Oxfam, for example, has just announced that "Forty-two people hold the same wealth as half the world.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

"Little Potato" Justin Trudeau in China

Tucker Carlson on the Racism of the Liberal Left


Of Crudeness and Truth
Nothing scandalizes a leftist like the truth. Point out that women and men are different, that black Americans commit a disproportionate amount of violent crime, that most terrorist acts are committed by Muslims, and the Left leaps to its collective feet in openmouthed shock, like Margaret Dumont after a Groucho Marx wisecrack. This is racism! This is sexism! This is some sort of phobia! I’m shocked, shocked to find facts being spoken in polite company!

No one is really shocked, of course. This is simply a form of bullying. The Left has co-opted our good manners and our good will in order to silence our opposition to their bad policies. The idea is to make it seem impolite and immoral to mention the obvious.

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Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Immigration & The End Of Canadian Culture

By John Whitaker

Canadian Culture Cannot Survive the Current Immigration Wave

Canada’s demographic landscape is changing fast. This is due to immigration, which accounts for the bulk of Canada’s population growth. In fact, Canada has one of the highest per-capita immigration rates in the world—three times more people move to Canada every year than to America, once population size is accounted for.

This has a number of consequences, economic, political, and cultural. For example, immigration is the primary reason why Canadian citizens are being shut out of the housing markets in big cities like Toronto and Vancouver. Likewise, the immigrant vote is the primary reason why Canada’s left-leaning liberal party still wins elections—immigrant ridings handed Justin Trudeau his majority government.

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Canada sells out Sovereignty. Signs Trans Pacific Partnership and shits on POTUS Trump