Saturday, March 19, 2016

Trump versus Cruz: If Consistency Matters

Trump 25 years ago:

Trump 9 years ago:

Cruz two minutes ago:

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Erdogan: Democracy, Freedom, Rule of Law Now Irrelevant. Makes Turkey the Ideal Candidate for EU Membership

Deutsche Welle, March 16, 2016:
Combating terrorism is Turkey's highest priority, even higher than the rule of law, Turkish President Erdogan has said...

"Democracy, freedom and the rule of law," have "absolutely no value any longer," President Recep Tayyip Erdogan told local leaders in Ankara on Wednesday. "Those who stand on our side in the fight against terrorism are our friend. Those on the opposite side, are our enemy," he said in the televised comments, according to DPA news agency.
George Bush said the same thing on September 20, 2001:

Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.


Abu Graib
Rendition and torture
Extrajudicial killing of US citizens
FEMA Camps
Blue-gloved airport goons
NSA Spying on US Citizens
The Rise of Political Correctness

Yet the EU remains slavishly subservient to the US, which means that Turkey is at long last ready for EU membership and participation in the war of the Fascistic West for global empire and the death of the sovereign, democratic, nation state.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Hillary and Friends


Charles Hugh Smith: Wait A Minute - Who's The Real Fascist?

Via the research cited in Mussolini on the Corporate State, we have a verified Mussolini statement on the fascist conception of the state's role in the economy and society:

... The Fascist State lays claim to rule in the economic field no less than in others; it makes its action felt throughout the length and breadth of the country by means of its corporate, social, and educational institutions, and all the political, economic, and spiritual forces of the nation, organised in their respective associations, circulate within the State. (p. 41).

In other words, the all-powerful central state worshipped by ... Establishment insiders, Democrat and Republican alike, is the true culmination of fascism.
 So if we strip away the Orwellian Doublespeak, we find that it's actually [the establishment] believers in the goodness and rightness of the all-powerful central state and central bank who are the real fascists. ...

Monday, March 14, 2016

Trump Versus America's Nazi Elite

America's white working class communities are "morally indefensible" and "deserve to die." Thus argues Kevin Williamson writing in the house journal of the Republican Party establishment, National Review (William F. Buckley, founder).

How come? Because it is a lie, Willliamson asserts, that their jobs have been off-shored or that wages for what jobs remain have fallen because of mass immigration, including the illegal entry of 11 million or more across the Mexican/US border — people now working in the black economy, using public services but paying no tax. 

In any case, Williamson argues, the ills of America's white working class are due to their depravity:
If you spend time in hardscrabble, white upstate New York, or eastern Kentucky, or my own native West Texas, and you take an honest look at the welfare dependency, the drug and alcohol addiction, the family anarchy—which is to say, the whelping of human children with all the respect and wisdom of a stray dog—you will come to an awful realization. It wasn’t Beijing. It wasn’t even Washington, as bad as Washington can be. It wasn’t immigrants from Mexico, excessive and problematic as our current immigration levels are. It wasn’t any of that,” Williamson state.
Morally warped, a dead weight on the economy, America's dying rust belt communities with their shuttered mills and factories are a dead weight on the economy and deserve to die. 
The white American under-class is in thrall to a vicious, selfish culture whose main products are misery and used heroin needles. Donald Trump’s speeches make them feel good. So does OxyContin. What they need isn’t analgesics, literal or political. They need real opportunity, which means that they need real change, which means that they need U-Haul. If you want to live, get out of Garbutt [a blue-collar town in New York].
Depravity? Wasn't that one of Hitler's gripes against the Jews? Speaking of whom, some Jews were never happier, apparently, than when aiding the Nazis loot their fellow Hebrews. George Soros, for example. Now Soros is working with the Republican Establishment — the people who despise America's white majority — and seek to destroy it. In particular, it is reported that Soros is funding violent protest at Donald Trump rallies, while the Nazi political class, i.e., Hillary and Bern, plus Trump's phony Conservative Republican opponents claim the violence is proof that Trump is a Nazi.

Wow. What scum now rules America.


America's Nazi Elite Smearing Trump As the New Hitler
If Jewish Nazis like George Soros are going to insist that Trump is the new Hitler, folks are likely to take a more favorable view of Hitler. 
The Blessed Bigotry of Mr Trump

Friday, March 11, 2016

Why the Economy's Crap

Even if you only glance at the business news headlines, you know that there have been numerous warnings of a forthcoming economic crisis of huge proportions.

One theory is that Central Banks, having lowered interest rates to almost nothing, or even less than nothing, are "running out of options."

It's as if central banks are somehow the engines of economic activity and growth, whereas in fact they are nothing more than largely ineffectual regulators of private banks and, with the private banks, a source of monetary emission.

Another theory pushed by at least one Nobel-prize winning economist is that anti-diluvian know-nothings like Donald Trump resist international trade agreements urgently need to stimulate exports.

The truth, however, is different and quite simple. The economy slows or shrinks when spending slows or shrinks. That is self-evident, since no service is provided or good produced without a buyer (at least in prospect). Therefore, if the economy is in decline, there must be a lack of demand. So the only real issue is this:

Why are Western economies experiencing a lack of demand? Why won't people spend? Do they need some kind of spending Viagra?

No way.

The problem is not that people have lost their appetite for stuff. Who wouldn't eat steak instead of hamburger, or drive a 2016 M-series BMW rather than a 2006 PT Cruiser?

So what's up?

Folks are just maxed out on all lines of credit and too many have no hope of doing better than working at WalMart, part-time for crap wages, or they're still buying food and clothes for their 20- or 30-something kid whose still living at home at parental expense, or they just got laid off by Ford in Michigan, or Nabisco in Chicago, or Carrier Air Conditioning in Indiana — all of whom are relocating plants from the US to Mexico, or they just had to train their cheap immigrant replacement workers at Disney.

So what's the solution?

Technically, there are lots of possible solutions and this is not some boring economics paper that goes into tedious details to confirm my econo-cred. Suffice it to say that a solution will entail getting more money into the hands of people who are short of cash, i.e., the 99% (most of 'em, anyhow).

How to do that?

Again, there are many possible solutions, and I have no intention of going into the tedious technical details about the regulation of international trade, of capital flows and all the other stuff that make your eyes glaze over and convince you that economists are serious technicians, rather than the con-men most of them really are.

But I will give, as an example, one possible solution:

Hand out cash. For the US, for example, give everyone $250.00 a month, free money.

How the Heck?

 Easy. Just print it as the Fed does already to cover the cost of all those futile government jobs, you know, Common Core and the rest of the Department of Education, almost free loans to the likes of Tesla-man and anti-Trumpeteer, Elon Musk, and all the stupid war spending that has screwed up the Middle-East and made Americans deservedly hated throughout the World.

But it would make inflation, you say.

Well actually no, or not that much, anyhow. The problem now is deflation. There are underused or abandoned resources throughout the West, most notable, tens of millions of unemployed youth, tens of millions more of older workers booted from the workforce as the result of global wage arbitrage and left on the scrap-heap.

But the sight of the US Government giving money to the plebs rather than smooth-talking alt. energy execs., the state of Israel, Lockheed Martin, etc., etc. would spook the Chinese and other hoarders of the US dollar, resulting in a dollar devaluation.

The consequence of devaluation would be (a) to raise the price of all those cheap shoes and shirts, car-parts and computers that Americans love to buy from the sweat-shops of Asia, and (b) to stimulate American production of those formerly out-source products.

The scoundrels fronting for the globalist Money Power, the Cruzes and Rubios, plus all the other member of the US Congress will howl about the resulting rise in prices: Shit, we don't give a damn about Americans finding work if that means rising prices. No, no, no. We want our T-shirts and shoes and all the rest from collapsible factories in Bangladesh and wherever Asians are sweated for pennies an hour. Screw American workers.

What the Money Power propaganda operatives will not tell you is that unrestricted free trade maximizes the profits of global corporations, i.e., the corporate giants that own the US Government.

That's the real reason that Western workers must suffer. But don't hold your breath waiting for any Nobel-Prize winning economist to say so, unless you think they give Nobel Prizes to people who attack the interests of the Money Power.


Screw the Workers: Hillary promises to put a lot of coal miners out of work

Ted Cruz, The Annointed One: The Ideology Behind The Candidate

East Orlando Post, March 10, 2016: At a Dominionist pastor’s meeting held at the Marriott Hotel in Des Moines, Iowa, on July 19 and 20, 2013, the following “anointing prayer” was read over.
So to pull all this logic together, God anoints priests to work in the church directly and kings to go out into the marketplace to conquer, plunder, and bring back the spoils to the church. The reason governmental regulation has to disappear from the marketplace is to make it completely available to the plunder of Christian “kings” who will accomplish the “end time transfer of wealth.”
Then “God’s bankers” will usher in the “coming of the messiah.”

The government is being shut down so that God’s bankers can bring Jesus back. In an editorial published in the Washington Post on Feb. 4, on the heels of Cruz’s victory in the Iowa GOP primary, John Fea of the Religion News Service published an op-ed piece noting the frequent references Ted Cruz makes in stump speeches to his father “the traveling evangelist” Rafael Cruz.

“During a 2012 sermon at the New Beginnings Church in Bedford, Texas, Rafael Cruz described his son’s political campaign as a direct fulfillment of biblical prophecy,” Fea wrote. “The elder Cruz told the congregation God would anoint Christian ‘kings’ to preside over an ‘end-time transfer of wealth’ from the wicked to the righteous. After this sermon, Larry Huch, the pastor of New Beginnings, claimed Cruz’s recent election to the U.S. Senate was a sign he was one of these kings.”

Fea noted that Rafael Cruz and Larry Huch preach a brand of evangelical theology known as Seven Mountains Dominionism. The name comes from Isaiah 2:2, “Now it shall come to pass in the latter days that the Lord’s house shall be established on top of the mountains.”

Fea commented that Rafael Cruz believes Christians must take dominion over seven aspects of culture: family, religion, education, media, entertainment, business, and government.

By identifying Ted Cruz as the “anointed one,” Rafael Cruz has designated his son as what he believes is God’s choice to lead an evangelical coup d’etat, such that, as Fea notes, “Cruz’s campaign may be less about the White House and more about the white horses that will usher in the God’s Kingdom in the New Testament book of Revelation, Chapter 19.”

For the full text with video and illustrations, See:

Clinton Security Beat Up Former CIA Presidential Briefer

The son of a bitch stood with his back to Hillary wearing a Veterans-for-Peace T-shirt, for God's sake.

How Billionaire Trump Neutered the Donor Class

Why Trump Haters Really Hate Trump

It’s not the hair.

Or the bad manners.

Or the “beautiful” wall he says he’ll build.

There’s a different, more subtle reason why the Republican establishment, donor class, political operatives, and the news media in general hate Donald Trump. The reason can be found in a New York Times best selling business book,Stacking The Deck, by Wharton professor David Pottruck.

Pottruck, the Charles Schwab CEO who took the genial brokerage house online and into the big time, says that organizations hate change.

Hate it with a PASSION!

That’s because when there’s a new way of doing things, a new way of solving problems, a new way of relating to everything, they feel threatened as a deep personal-loss. Change renders meaningless the value of their hard-won experience and know-how. In politics, it may means family member lose their cushy jobs and perks.

Student loans of government employees get automatically paid off by government – TAX FREE. Those in government have done things one way forever. Change is NOT FAIR to them. Everything they have done to line their pockets is threatened. The rules of the game may no longer apply. So they dig in their heels and will do whatever it takes to resist change.

They resist perpetually until forced otherwise.

They subvert any process that would lead to change.

Until they lose, it becomes open warfare against the people to sustain the establishment and its perks.

And so it is with Donald Trump.

Like him or not, he has completely rewritten the rules of Presidential politics. He bypasses the media, taking his message, raw and unfiltered, to the millions of people who follow him on Twitter.

The party establishment went from underestimating him and laughing at him to fearing him breaking out in night sweats. They fear all power and their relevance will vanish into thing air.

Donors gave Jeb Bush $120 million and he came in dead last.

The money, like Jeb, is gone and it could not save their fiefdom.

Now wealthy donors have a choice. Oppose Trump and he wins and they are out in the cold.Understand there is a change in the wind and shift sides to the people.

How ironic. It took a billionaire to neuter the billionaire donor class.

Most of the media hates Trump to the core and dislike the fact they are no longer able to play kingmaker losing their power fearing they will be irrelevant with the internet displacing them.
The political class have lost the power to rule behind the curtain from paid operatives and cronies who cannot transition to the new world where the old rules of campaigning don’t apply. 

Trump has spent more on hats than he has on polls so the pollsters also have lost their importance.
Diplomats worldwide are running scared because Trump will renegotiate everything from a business standpoint that cannot be bought like Hillary & her foundation.

The handwringing, the dire predictions of doom, and the wailing and gnashing of teeth have little to do with Donald’s positions, but their loss of power.

They complain Trump is bringing in new voters who are not Republican. And this is bad?

The Trump threat isn’t to the Constitution, to America’s standing in the world, or even to Republican Congressional candidates, it is to the establishment.

If you think Trump’s supporters are angry about the way the government and the business world colluded, you are right. The establishment fails to appreciate the anger. They’re just furious. Even if Trump fails to win, there will be more in the wings. He is inspiring a change and he doesn’t even understand how profound.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Killing the Sovereign, Democratic, Nation State

What is a sovereign nation state?

It is a human community that asserts its exclusive right to the occupation of  a territory — the assertion of exclusive occupational right meaning the beating off of interlopers, whether they be armed invaders or economic immigrants. A sovereign nation state thus reserves the benefits of territorial occupation, however those benefits may be distributed within the community, to the indigenous population.

However, in today's politically correct Western world, such territoriality is treated as hateful xenophobia, bigotry and racism. Yet the defense of territory is normal and adaptive behavior not only in mankind, but throughout the animal kingdom. It is the means whereby individuals either alone, or in concert with their kith and kin, act to secure  resources for survival and reproduction and thereby maximize their chance of being represented in succeeding generations.

Because the sovereign nation state excludes settlement by outsiders, its people exist in a state of reproductive and cultural isolation from the rest of humanity. Such isolation is never total, but is sufficient to result in genetic differentiation among nations resulting from founder effects, genetic drift, and local selective pressures. Isolation leads also to linguistic and cultural differentiation. A sovereign nation is a thus a population with a unique racial and cultural profile. It is, in other words, the basis of the beautiful racial diversity of the human species.

A democratic, sovereign, nation state is a sovereign nation state where the government depends in some measure upon the approval of the populace at large, which is to say a government that is perceived to rule in the interests of the people. Democracy in its ideal form, which is to say a government serving solely the interests of the people as a whole, is a fiction, since those who rule will invariably grant privileges upon themselves, and moreover, those most advantaged in society will seek to secure their advantage by using their advantaged position to skew the political process in their favor by means of bribery, blackmail or murder. Nevertheless, since the emergence of mass democracy in the 19th Century, more or less popularly elected governments throughout the West have established a vast range of public services designed to bring the benefits of education, healthcare, police protection, and the higher culture to the masses.

Today, however, the advantage of the most advantaged over the mass of humanity has never been greater, this being so not only because wealth has never before been concentrated in such vast amounts, but also because technology, not only in the physical sciences but also in the social sciences, makes elite control of the masses easier than ever before. Naturally, therefore, the most advantaged, which is to say the plutocratic elite or Money Power, seeks to wrest control entirely from the hands of the people and establish absolute ownership of the resources of the World. To this end, the sovereign, democratic, nation state, as an impediment to profit maximization (and mass impoverishment), must be eliminated, this objective being approached in two ways. First, the nation state as a racial and cultural entity is to be destroyed. Second, powers of government are to be transferred from national goverments to global institutions such as the UN, the World Bank, the WTO, NATO, etc., all of which will be controlled by the Money Power via its existing hold over national governments and more directly by bribery, blackmail or murder.

The destruction of the nation state is a work in progress, the chief instrument of which is mass migration, particularly from the essentially undemocratic Third World to the most powerful democratic nation states, which are those of the West. In this way, the solidarity of the people is destroyed. In addition, reproductive failure of the indigenous population is induced through sex "education" and mass entertainment that serves to promote the vice and perversion that Thomas Malthus recognized as an alternative to starvation as a way of limiting population. As a consequence of such methods, the fertility of all Western nations has already been reduced far below the replacement rate, which means that, as a consequence of immigration, the people of the Western nations will soon be replaced as the majority in their own homeland by people from elsewhere. In London, and other major urban centers, the English are already a minority in their own home. This is a high-tech, stealth genocide, conducted in the name of liberal anti-racist values: no blood, no gas chambers, just psychological manipulation leading to self-hatred, reproductive failure, and ultimate self-annihilation.

By destroying the homogeneity of the nation state through mass immigration, the notion that the government of, say, France or Germany or the United States should operate in the interests only of the French, or the Germans, or the Americans is undermined. People from outside the territorial limits of the nation state, it is asserted, have as much right to enjoy the accumulated cultural and physical capital of a country such as Britain, as the descendants of those by whose sweat and ingenuity the wealth of the nation was created. This globalizing tendency gains further momentum from the immigrant communities, which, loyal to the nationalist sentiments of their ancestors, lobby for their own cultural and racial interests, including those of their co-nationalists abroad, thereby further destroying the sovereignty of the invaded community.

To combat the resentment of the indigenous community so disrupted, the elite impose a system of speech regulation or political correctness, first imposed in Russia by V.I. Lenin, and culminating there in the Stalin terror that killed millions, for nothing worse than a muttered word of dissent.

In the West, political correctness serves chiefly as a shield for the Treason Party and their agents, the Blair's, the Clinton's the JEB's and Rubio's, the latter intent on vast personal enrichment through service to the Money Power. Thus, to speak in opposition to mass immigration is defined as racism, and racism is defined as a crime. The process of thought control through political correctness has infinite ramifications, as illustrated by the deployment of police to intimidate a school pupil who used a school computer to check the immigration policy of a legal, democratic political party supported by a millions of citizens. And here's a quote on the subject of immigration from that party's election manifesto:
Britain is a compassionate, caring nation. In the course of our island’s history we have welcomed millions of people to these shores and we are proud of that record. UKIP does not have a problem with migration. What we do have a problem with is the uncontrolled, politically-driven immigration that has been promoted and sustained by Labour and the Conservatives.  
Wow! Is that racist or what?

Britain is clearly finished as a Sovereign, democratic, nation state. Well done Tony Blair and the Tory Party.


Patrick Buchanan: Will the Oligarchs Kill Trump?

Philip Giraldi: Hating on Trump

CanSpeccy: Will Donald Trump Trump the New World Order?

CanSpeccy: Universal Genocide and the New World Order

CanSpeccy: The Financial Times: The Ethnic Cleansing of the English From Their Own Capital City "Deserves Attention" LOL

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Crap Art: Prices Go Plop

 Picasso: off £10 million since previous sale
Sale prices for modern art are in the crapper, so the Daily Mail reports. Picasso's Tete de Femme oil painting (right) was sold in January for just £18.9 million, almost 10 million less than was paid by the seller in 2013.

And it's the same, apparently, for much other modern "art," including Matisse, whose "Piano Lesson", which was expected to realize from £12 million to £18 million, was just knocked down by Sotheby's for a measly £10.8 million.

CanSpeccy: 20-Second Full Frontal Nude. Is this
not worth as much as a Picasso? Who can really say?
For which reason, I'm getting outa the market while I can, and invite offers over $10 million (Canadian) for my 20-Second Full-Frontal Nude (left).

Some may say that ten millies is too much for 20 seconds' work — if you can call it work. But, as Picasso would have said, you are paying, not for 20 seconds' work, but for a life-time's experience.

All of which suggests the prescience of my December 2013 piece over at Wordpress, entitled: "Crap Art":

Crap Art:, December 16, 2013: What’s with the art market? Van Gogh was surely a genius. Still, why pay over $100 million for a painting of a bunch of irises when you can buy a bunch of real ones for a coupla bucks. Same with sunflowers. Just buy seeds and grow your own.

Three Studies for a Portrait of Lucian Freud. Source

As for the nudes, surely they come cheaper in real life and may be cuter than a Modliani (last sale $73 million).
But now this: Francis Bacon’s portrait of Lucian Freud (at right). I don’t know if it’s a true likeness, but it makes Freud’s face look like a pile of dog shit. I mean, would you want that to adorn your dining room wall? And if so, why pay $142 million? Why not just scoop a poop and pop it on a silver tray as a dining-table center-piece?
Rubens: Massacre of the Innocents
But is that the point? Is that the intended message? I’m so goddamn rich I can piss away $142 million on a load of crap? Perhaps, but that theory would surely make the late Kenneth Thomson, second Baron Thomson of Fleet, turn in his grave. He paid 49.5 million quid for the delicious throat-cutting, belly slitting, Massacre of the Innocents (snuff porn for the plutocracy), which was a lotta dough at the time. But the work is not crap. It’s by Rubens, who could certainly paint. Still, you gotta think it was the price that was intended to inspire awe, not the art.

Perhaps, though, there is something else going on here. Are we seeing the monetization of art? Like BitCoin for the hyper rich? A sort of invisible money beyond the purview of the taxman or Homeland Security, and lighter by far than gold — just roll it up, tuck it under your arm and take it with you wherever you want. And as a display of conspicuous consumption it’s better than stacking 100-ounce gold bars about the house, which would be crass — speaking comparatively, that is.

Does the canvas money theory explain the extraordinary price paid for the Freud portrait? It’s a triptych (or should that be tripshit?) Think how handy that could be: need some cash but not all $142 million or billion or whatever the thing’s worth today? No prob. Just clip off a panel (leaving you with a dipshit) and redeem one-third the value.


Crazy: Bacon's portrait of shit-faced Lucien Freud stolen

Thursday, March 3, 2016

The Real Donald Trump

Donald Trump is a con man and failed businessman. He flies a Boeing 757 with his name on it solely to fool simple-minded persons into thinking that he is rich and successful.

At church, Trump habitually talks during the sermon, and steals from the collection plate.

Trump uses English at a Grade 4 level and his spelling is even worse.

He calls all women "fat pigs," "dogs," "slobs" and "disgusting animals," yet only marries actresses or high class models who for some reason seem to like him, even, or perhaps especially, when he's no longer married to them.

Trump calls  all Mexicans, male and female alike, rapists, criminals and drug dealers, etc., and wants to have them completely walled off from America, but somehow he's managed to con the Hispanics of Nevada to make him their first choice in the Republican primary.

He calls all Muslims radical terrorists, rapists, bombers, etc., etc., yet he has somehow managed to become the most popular Republican presidential candidate among Muslim Americans.

Trump is a racist and white supremacist who has managed to gain more support among American blacks than any Republican presidential contender in living memory.

Trump's a fake Christian (Pope Francis, verified) yet he gets more support among Republican fundamentalist Christians than the supposedly genuine article, Ted Cruz.

 Trump wants to be best friends with the richest man in the World, Vlad the Impaler Putin. And in a crass insult to past American statecraft, he claims that, by getting along with the Russkies, he will reduce the risk of nuclear war and stabilize the Middle-East. As if.

Then, to cap his fantastic foreign policy vision, he proposes to hand off responsibility for dealing with that Axis of Evil monster, Kim Jong-un, the madman of PyongGoneBonkers, to the world's other miniature regional power and nest of Commie bastards, China, as if those slitty-eyed folk could do anything.

Trump Claims that, as a business man, he bribed every politician alive, even Hillary, which is obviously a lie, since why, if it were true, would he have a bunch of politicians, including Hillary, running against him for the Presidency?

Trump thinks that Americans should make shoes and shirts, and computers and car parts for one another (and here), rather than buying them from American-financed sweatshops in Mexico and China. That way, he says, tens of millions of out-of-work Americans will get a decent job again. What he omits to say is that making Americans buy stuff from other Americans would raise the price of sneakers and jeans to the point where those with six-figure incomes would feel that buying stuff cost real money, which is preposterous.

Trump is a closet dipsomaniac and pot smoker, who pulls wings off flies and eats cookies in bed, and much more, as will be revealed in the next public statement by Mitt Romney.

Meantime, since Trump has so thoroughly wrecked their plans for a politically correct Union of Soviet Socialist American States, that William Kristol and the rest of the Neocons are threatening to emigrate to Russia and restart the Soviet Union.*

* This last claim may sound far-fetched, but it should be noted that at a meeting for GOP bigwigs and their tech-sector billionaire backers, remarks by William Kristol included repeated quotes from Karl Marks's Communist Manifesto:

William Kristol:
A specter was haunting the World Forum–the specter of Donald Trump. ...
The key task now, to once again paraphrase Karl Marx, is less to understand Trump than to stop him.
Karl Marx:
A spectre is haunting Europe — the spectre of communism. ... 

Assassinate Donald Trump Page Does Not Violate Face-Book's Community Standards
If someone does shoot Trump, Melania should sue Mark Zuckerberg for a  billion or two.
Who does Mitt Romney's criticism of Donald Trump help? Seventy-four percent say Trump

Neocon Warhawks Panic Over Trump Foreign Policy

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Humanity Is Not Wise, But Dangerously Inventive

Man is the Reasoning Animal. Such is the claim. I think it is open to dispute. Indeed, my experiments have proven to me that he is the Unreasoning Animal... In truth, man is incurably foolish. Simple things which other animals easily learn, he is incapable of learning. Among my experiments was this. In an hour I taught a cat and a dog to be friends. I put them in a cage. In another hour I taught them to be friends with a rabbit. In the course of two days I was able to add a fox, a goose, a squirrel and some doves. Finally a monkey. They lived together in peace; even affectionately.

Next, in another cage I confined an Irish Catholic from Tipperary, and as soon as he seemed tame I added a Scotch Presbyterian from Aberdeen. Next a Turk from Constantinople; a Greek Christian from Crete; an Armenian; a Methodist from the wilds of Arkansas; a Buddhist from China; a Brahman from Benares. Finally, a Salvation Army Colonel from Wapping. Then I stayed away for two whole days. When I came back to note results, the cage of Higher Animals was all right, but in the other there was but a chaos of gory odds and ends of turbans and fezzes and plaids and bones and flesh — not a specimen left alive. These Reasoning Animals had disagreed on a theological detail and carried the matter to a Higher Court.

Mark Twain
Our species, Homo sapiens, which is to say the wise ape, is as Twain observed, not only not wise but is in fact incurably foolish. But it is also terrifyingly inventive. That is the secret of humanity's domination of the planet. We engage in continuous innovation.

At the outset, the process was more intermittent than continuous. Someone found that a pointed stick could be hardened in a fire, making a better weapon to spear a boar or pierce a threatening stranger.

Later, perhaps ten thousand years later, someone invented the bow and arrow. The first step, perhaps, was to tie a piece of buffalo gut to both ends of a slightly bowed stick and twang it to produced a novel sound with which to entertain the girls. Then, someone fooling around with a twang stick, found that the gut string, when stretched really tight could propel a stick or a stone. Then we were really on the ladder of progress. Next step: point the arrow and you've got a cool way of nailing a pigeon.

Somewhere along the line came various kinds of chipped stone tools, axes, knives and arrow heads. Then someone came up with the idea of catching fish with a worm tied to a length of twisted gut. Often, the fish would slip the line before it was hauled in. But after a few thousand years some genius came up with a small hook carved from a stag's antler or a piece of whale bone, which, when attached to a fishing line and swallowed with the bait, kept the fish on line as it was drawn out of the water. Yeah!

None of these innovations, individually, may have been beyond the intellectual capacity of a chimp, or an orangutan. But what made humans unique and gave them the capacity for continuous innovation was the gift of speech. The power of speech meant that what was conceived once could become common knowledge of the tribe and then the species.

In the early stages of human evolution, innovation affected life only marginally. People with fire hardened spears killed more game than people armed only with rocks, and so their numbers increased, but not by a lot. Likewise, those who developed fish hooks increased the quantity and quality of their food supply, and thus prospered. But it took nine-tenths of human history before people got the idea of settling down to cultivate the land and grow crops instead of relying solely on what they could hunt or gather, and by that time the world's entire human population probably still numbered less than a million.

But by increasing the carrying capacity of the land, farming increased the density of population. Urbanization became possible, and with urbanization the process of continuous innovation was greatly accelerated. Higher population density meant more ideas and faster transmission of ideas. Moreover, urbanization created greater opportunities for trade and for the division and specialization of labor, which led to competition, which concentrated minds on innovation for competitive advantage. Thus began the human population's exponential rise, doubling over shorter and shorter intervals, first ten thousand years, then a thousand, then a hundred, and today, just thirty to forty years.

With each leap in population, the intellectual effort devoted to the process of innovation leapt also, thus causing the human carrying capacity of the planet to rise exponentially. Among the more important innovations were writing (which facilitated the spread of ideas both contemporaneously and across the generations), calculating, and organized learning. What started out as a bit of fun with a stick and a piece of gut turned increasingly to nightmare. Incurably foolish men acquired toxic gases, lethal microorganisms and nuclear weapons capable of destroying virtually all life on the planet. What's more they went about replicating these weapons on a massive scale and devising means of delivering them to any point on earth at hypersonic speed.

That is where the mind of man has brought us: to the brink of extinction. Or rather one should say, that is where the mind, not of man, but of mankind has brought us, for the minds of individual human creatures are as feeble as they ever were, but linked in a vast network with other feeble minds, they achieve prodigious results leading us ever more rapidly to the point of extinction.


CanSpeccy: Why Are We So Smart? Or Perhaps We're Not

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Trump Offers Americans a Deal. But Would He Deliver?

Candidate Trump is a salesman who  offers Americans a deal. The deal, essentially, is the "alt. media" agenda, which makes sense, since the alt. media have virtually destroyed the newspaper industry and have seriously eroded the credibility of the corporate online media, Fox News, CNN, the BBC, etc., etc. The triumph of the alt. media over the mouthpieces of the Money Power represents a radical transformation in public opinion, and, as the current US Presidential nomination contests prove, politicians ignore the change at their peril.

What specifically is the deal Trump offers?

On 9/11:
The World Trade Center went down during the reign of George Bush. He kept us safe? That is not safe.

and George Bush had the chance [to kill bin Laden before 9/11] and he didn't listen to the advice of his CIA.
Nine-eleven truth? Not exactly, but close enough for most people.

On George Bush's Iraq war:
They lied. They said there were weapons of mass destruction. There were none. And they knew there were none. There were no weapons of mass destruction.
On the destruction of Libya during Hilary Clinton's term as secretary of state:
We would be so much better off if Gaddafi were in charge right now. If ... we had Saddam Hussein and we had Gaddafi in charge, instead of having terrorism all over the place ... You look at Libya right now, ISIS, as we speak, is taking over their oil.
On Russia:
Wouldn't it be nice if we actually got along with Russia?”
On Political Correctness:

Political correctnes being V.I. Lenin's term for restraint on free speech, a restraint that, in Russia, culminated in Stalin's terror when a word of complaint about the bread ration during the siege of Leningrad meant summary execution by the NKVD.
I think the big problem this country has is being politically correct... I don't frankly have time for total political correctness. And to be honest with you, this country doesn't have time either.
On illegal immigration:
America's prisons house 351,000 criminal aliens who committed a crime after having already broken the law by entering American illegally. Making taxpayers pay for 351,000 criminals who should never have been here in the first place is ridiculous. ... And get this: criminal aliens have an average of seven arrests. That's at least seven crimes committed against American citizens by each of these criminals who should never have been allowed to cross our borders.
The largest suppliers of heroin, cocaine and other illicit drugs are Mexican cartels that arrange to have Mexican immigrants trying to cross the borders and smuggle in the drugs.
Trump seems not to have spoken of the role of  at least 11 million illegal immigrants in maintaining a roaring underground economy, where minimum wages laws are ignored and taxes are not paid. But this negative impact on American citizens is well understood by those at the bottom of the employment ladder, many of them poor blacks and Hispanics. Trump most likely avoids mention of that issue to avoid being misrepresented as stigmatizing American citizens and legal immigrants of Hispanic origin.

But Trump has spoken often and clearly about Mexico, China and other Third-world nations taking the off-shored jobs of tens of millions of Americans who are unemployed, underemployed, or who have abandoned the workforce due to total discouragement.
We need smart negotiators who will serve the interests of American workers – not Wall Street insiders that want to move U.S. manufacturing and investment offshore.
Plus as Trump proposes, a sane corporate tax policy that encourages investment in America versus the Third World.

And that, beside promises to veterans, some bluster about Chinese currency manipulation, and warnings about the danger of Muslim extremism in America, is about it. In summary: no more stupid wars, make deals not war with Russia, end the PC race war against European Americans, stop undercutting American workers by mass illegal immigration plus H1b visa immigrants who take jobs from American-trained tech-sector workers, and combat the offshoring of capital and technology — and the American jobs that go with them — to the sweat shops of the Third World.

But could he deliver? And would he?

In the matter of will: Trump has a huge ego, and to go down in history as the president who conned the people on a gigantic scale is something Trump would surely struggle mightily to avoid. What's more, as a vendor of American real estate and recreational facilities, Trump's wealth depends on the wealth of ordinary Americans, so raising American prosperity is in Trump's interest, unlike that of most American billionaires who are invested in multi-national ventures that profit from exporting American jobs to the cheap labor, low regulation countries of the world (something Trump has not been averse to doing where it serves his interest.)

As to his ability to deliver, a President Trump would begin his term in office with a gigantic moral advantage over the Money Power bankers, hedge funds, and global corporations. He'd have just beaten their propaganda machine, avoided assassination, and grabbed among the most potent levers of political power. The only serious challenge he would face would be from the bought agents of the Money Power sitting in Congress. But those bastards would have realized by then that the Money Power propaganda machine that failed to defeat Trump would likely fail to shield them too if they defied the clearly expressed will of a majority of Americans.

A Trump presidency could well prove to be a carnival of bluster, braggadocio, and useful, if vastly overstated, achievements. But could it turn into a nightmare of nationalistic right-wingism and Hitlerite imperialism?

Anything is possible. But America in 2016 bears no relation to Germany in 1939. Germany, then, was a small and crowded country recently humiliated in war, and surrounded by territories formerly part of Germany that had been taken from Germany under the terms of what was perceived, even by many of Germany's enemies, as an unjust Versailles Treaty. Hitler thus had multiple reasons for war, whereas America has no reason for war other than the lunatic Neo-Con ambition for global empire.

It would not be without precedent if Trump, having won the election, were to entirely reverse his foreign policy position and put America on the path to war. But he would immediately confront the "alt. media" forces that enabled his own rise to power. The push-back would be furious and the outcome further American foreign policy failure and humiliation. In foreing policy, a Trump presidency would, therefore, much more likely be marked by a Reaganite policy of speaking softly while carrying a big stick. And if truly successful, a Donald Trump presidency might well pave the way to an eventual Ivanka Trump Presidential run. If a Bush and a Clinton dynasty, why not a Trump dynasty too?


Ilana Mercer: Trump Called Bush A Liar & He Won South Carolina (Nevada, Too)

CanSpeccy: A Post From the Past: Will Donald Trump Trump the New World Order?

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Search Engine Manipulation Effect (SEME): Will Google Win the Presidency for Hillary?

A world of unseen dictatorship is conceivable, still using the forms of democratic government.

Kenneth Boulding
I read a good deal. Occasionally I provide a link to what I think is really interesting or important — confirmation by a billion-dollar experiment of Einstein's prediction about gravity waves, for example, or how to access publicly funded scientific research findings without paying ridiculous fees to commercial publishers. But here is a link to something orders of magnitude more significant.

The article, by Robert Epstein, provides an overview of a peer-reviewed study that represents perhaps the most important discovery in social science since the term "social science" was invented. What it tells you is how the Borg empire will be established here on earth without even the necessity of fitting everyone up with one of those snorkel thingies. What it reveals is how Google and other big data owners and manipulators can most likely determine what you think and, hence, how you behave. The result? The perfect democracy: a society in which the elite unfailingly persuade a psychologically enslaved mass to vote for the elite and to support whatever it is that the elite want to do to the psychologically enslaved mass (Think US public support for George Bush's Patriot Act and Homeland Security with six hollow point bullets for every citizen, and FEMA detention camps), or think Farenheit 451.

There is, of course, nothing tremendously new about this. For more than a century, the mass media, owned by the very rich, have been telling people what to think and how to behave, the people for the most part submitting without complaint to such control. But at least there was the appearance of choice. You could read the NY Times, the yellow press, or even some small circulation Communist paper. Likewise, the broadcast media seemed to provide some choice, CNN versus National Public Radio, for example. But in the search engine business, power is much more heavily concentrated. Moreover, the evidence of bias, if bias there be, is not, as this research shows, readily evident, or indeed evident at all. And it is precisely the lack of visibility that makes such bias deadly to a free society.

But does Google really skew search results to sway the opinion of voters to favor certain electoral candidates or to persuade consumers to purchase certain products? Well, as Robert Epstein points out, here's a clue: if they don't, then they are probably in breach of their legal responsibility to maximize shareholder value.


CanSpeccy: Why Freedom Was Greater Under the Absolute Monarchy of Elizabeth I, Than Under the Democracy of Barak Obama

Friday, February 19, 2016

Plutonomy: Lexical Camouflage for the Crimes of the Rich

Plutonomy is a neologism coined by a Citigroup global strategy group in 2005 to describe a country characterized by massive income and wealth inequality. According to these people, the U.S. is a plutonomy, along with the U.K., Canada and Australia.

But this is an absurd mis-coinage. Plutonomy has two Greek roots: Plutos, wealth, and nomos, rule, so the only logical meaning of the term plutonomy is rule by the rich, analogous to autonomy, meaning self-rule or independence.

But we already have the word plutocracy to describe rule by the rich. So what are these Citigroup bozos up to? If they’d wanted a word that honestly referred to the increasingly gross income inequality of the Western world they would have come up with a Greekified term describing an industrialized nation on track for economic convergence with the Third-World.

Instead they come up with a bogus word and then define it in terms that makes them look like benevolent improvers of the human condition.

Thus, according to Citigroup’s word-bending geniuses, plutonomy arises through technology-driven productivity gains, creative financial innovation, the rule of law, particularly patent law, globalization and mass immigration.

All good stuff, obviously, with an ever-increasing share of national income justly accumulating in the hands of the virtuous innovators and creators.

But here’s another way of describing what Citigroup’s global strategy group inanely refer to as a plutonomy:

Plutonomy, n.

A bum neologism denoting a plutocracy in which the means by which the plutocrats have enriched themselves at the expense of the vast majority are acknowledged only selectively. Most importantly, reference to plutonomy must exclude mention of global wage arbitrage involving the export of jobs and the import of cheap labor, the saving in wages thus achieved accruing to the owners of capital, i.e., the plutocracy.

Factory collapses are a recurring problem in
Bangladesh, the latest claiming 1,127 lives. 
Image source
Today, the plutonomocrats at Citigroup, the WSJ, the boring old Globe and Mail, Rupert the pornographerMurdoch’s, London Timesey, etc. have such sway that the deliberate impoverishment of your own compatriots by exporting their jobs to a collapsible garment factory in Bangladesh or an electronics assembly plant with nets to catch suicidal workers seems a completely natural and inevitable process that only a Luddite or a moron would question.

Yet it was only a generation ago that the states designated by the plutonomocrats as the prototypical plutonomies; namely, the US, Britain, Canada and Australia, were quite self-consciously democratic, and in such democratic states, the fact that something enriches the owners of capital is no justification for trashing the income or welfare of 99.99% of the population.
Foxconn factory with nets to catch suicidal workers.Image source.

Astonishingly, to anyone with the slightest historical perspective, trashing the nation to enrich the 0.01% is seen today not only as entirely natural, but even virtuous. And the proof of its virtue is the fact that it makes the rich richer. Oh, and supposedly it’s brings prosperity to the Third World, as if the people of the US, Britain, Canada and Australia elect governments to serve the interests of (a) the hyper-rich and (b) foreigners. (That is, in fact, what they do, but inadvertently.)

So in the transition to plutonomy, the Western states are experiencing not only a profound shift in the conditions of life of the vast majority of the people, but a shift in morality. Christianity is the work of the Devil. The new code is plutonomianism, the basic tenet of which is that whatever adds to the wealth and power of the already rich and powerful is good, whereas democracy, like Christianity, is the work of the Devil, driven by the greed of working people, their anti-immigrant racism, and their vile religious prejudice manifest by adherence to the faith of their fathers

First posted on December 27, 2013. 

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Aangirfan, aka Aanirfan, Is a Fraudster

Aangirfan makes a big thing about exposing paedophiles. Here, in a recent post, are a couple of pictures with Aangirfan's original caption, or absence of caption:

Aangirfan's caption: Trump, the friend of Jeffrey Epstein.

Note: Since this was posted, Aangirfan has changed his caption
to the above image. It is now says: "Trump and daughter" But there's
 no acknowledgement for the correction!

Jeffrey Epstein is a New York billionaire and convicted paedophile. The implication of Aangirfan's caption to the above image is, therefore, clear: Trump is into molesting little girls.

But what the picture actually shows is Ivanka Trump: my dad and me.

Here's another image from the same post:

Aangirfan provides no caption to this image (now deleted from Aangirfan's post, with no acknowledgement to Canspeccy! Oops! No. The image has been re positioned at the bottom of Aangirfan's post and a caption added: "Trump and son," which seems to rob the image of all point.), but from the caption to the picture of Donald Trump with his daughter, the implication is clear: here's Trump the kiddie fiddler with another potential victim.

 In fact, the image has been cropped by Aangirfan, presumably to support the false implication of an inappropriate relationship, from a family photo in the Daily Mail showing Trump, his wife, and youngest child, Barron.

Trump family photo as published by the Daily Mail, January 7, 2013.

You don't have to be a Trump supporter to despise this kind of garbage.

Whether Aangirfan was always a lying scumbag is not quite clear. A few months ago, Aangirfan changed his domain from to The change corresponded with a switch from mostly rather short posts, which however far-fetched, seemed to have some basis in fact and reason, to tediously long and incoherent posts that seem to serve no purpose except to smear someone or to spin fantastic and ridiculous conspiracy theories about almost everything, with the object, perhaps, of inculcating the idea that all conspiracy theories must be nonsense.

The case of Aangirfan, alias Aanirfan, provides a useful warning that the Internet is a source not of information, but of images and verbiage, which may or may not convey real information, and which have been placed at your disposal for reasons you know nothing about, but which may be intended greatly to your detriment.


CanSpeccy: Aangirfan, aka Aanirfan, Is STILL a Fraudster Faking News About Donald Trump

CanSpeccy: Fundamentalist atheists: Aangirfan/Aaanirfan derides Christians, posts fake Trump family photo

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Getting Round Science Journal Paywalls: It's Not Illegal, It's a Human Right!

SCI-HUB.IO : Removing barriers in the way of science

In 2011, Alexandra Elbakyan, a neuroscientist in Kazakhstan, launched Sci-Hub, a website that circumvents journal paywalls, providing free access to virtually all of the scientific literature.

Publishers claim the service provided is illegal, and Elsevier Science, the World's largest science publisher, who normally charges thirty dollars or more for access to a single article from one of its thousands of scholarly journals, is taking legal action to shut SCI-HUB down, while seeking from SCI-Hub's creator tens of hundreds, if not billions, of dollars in compensation.

Alexandra Elbakyan argues, however, that Elsevier's business model is itself illegal, a claim she bases on Article 27 of the UN Declaration of Human Rights, which states:
everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits
If the publishers of paid-access journals are unable to shut SCI-HUB down, they appear to have no option but to switch to an author-pay—free-distribution business model, which was how science publishing worked before the commercial publishers elbowed their way to a dominant position in the business — a position formerly occupied by the learned societies. Then, society journals were distributed at minimal cost to society members, and publication costs were largely covered by page charges imposed on authors, typically between $40 and $100 per page, equivalent, today, to several thousand dollars per article (normally paid out of research grants, not the authors' own pockets). 

The commercial publishers were able to take over much of the science publishing business from the learned societies, first, by offering free publication to authors, and second by inducing the leading lights in many academic fields to serve as journal editors in exchange for various perks and privileges. Once a significant share of science papers had been captured in this way by the commercially published journals, universities and research institutions had little choice but to pay the often exorbitant subscription rates the commercial publishers demanded. 

So long as SCI-HUB or similar services exist, however, nobody has to pay journal subscriptions in order to access the scientific literature. The result, if the situation is long sustained, will be that most commercial journals will fold unless they resort to an author-pay—free-access model. However, the author-pay model works much better for a non-profit publisher such as a learned society because, well, they are non-profit, so no profit need be built into the charge levied on authors. Moreover, learned societies, by bundling their journal with society membership fees, can achieve a huge circulations compared with that of most commercial journals, thereby permitting a low break-even charge per subscription. 

Paradoxically, the commercial journals that will be hardest hit are those with the highest impact, since, having the largest circulation, they generate the greatest revenue per article published, which in turn, means that the charges that authors might conceivably be induced to pay will fall much further short of current subscription revenue than in the case of lower impact and smaller circulation publications. The result would be the demise of most commercial science journals and the revival in status of the society journals.

The return to not-for-profit science publishing will restore editorial excellence rather than profit, as the prime objective of science publishers, which will be of huge benefit to the science community. Once again, editors will be willing to truly edit, knowing that in so doing, they are not working to raise the publisher's dividend, but to assist a colleague in effectively presenting their findings, a more congenial task to those in academia. 

Ross Perot: How Globalization Destroys Western Prosperity, or the Great Sucking Sound — in 2 Minutes and 34 Seconds