Wednesday, May 15, 2013

How the US Constitutions Became Just a Goddam Piece of Paper

By Paul Craig Roberts

Information Clearing House, May 12, 2013: Over the last several years I have watched the rise of an important new intellect on the American scene. Ron Unz, publisher of The American Conservative, has demonstrated time and again the extraordinary ability to reexamine settled issues and show that the accepted conclusion was incorrect.

One of his early achievements was to dispose of the myth of immigrant crime by demonstrating that “Hispanics have approximately the same crime rates as whites of the same age and gender.” You can imagine the uproar, but Unz won the debate.

Unz provoked and prevailed in another controversy when he concluded that Mexican-Americans have approximately the same innate intelligence as whites, with their lower IQs being due to transitory socio-economic deprivation.

He next surprised by showing the connection between the declining real value of the minimum wage (about one-third less than in the 1960s) and immigration. Americans cannot survive on one-third less minimum income than four decades ago, and the unfilled jobs are taken by Hispanics who live many to the room. A higher minimum wage, Unz pointed out, would cure the illegal immigration problem as American citizens would fill the jobs.

I wrote about some of Unz’s remarkable findings. One of my favorites is his comparison of the responsiveness of the Chinese and US governments to their publics. I found his conclusion convincing that the authoritarian one-party Chinese government was more responsive to the Chinese people than democratic two-party Washington is to the American people.

The person is rare who can take on such controversial issues in such a professional way that he wins the admiration even of his critics. In my opinion, Ron Unz is a national resource. He has established online libraries of important periodicals and magazines from the pre-Internet era, information that otherwise essentially would be lost. I have not met him, but he donates to this site and is an independent thinker free of The Matrix.

Unz’s latest article, “Our American Pravda,” is a striking account of the failure of media, regulatory, and national security organizations and subsequent coverups that leave the public deceived. Unz uses the Iraq war as one example:

Read more

New Labor Minister, Peter Mandelson: We Deliberately Screwed Our Own Supporters

Any who doubt that Western governments are puppets of the New World Order, intent on the destruction of the sovereign nation states, will find stunning refutation of that doubt in the admission by former Blairite Cabinet Minister, Lord Peter Mandelson, that the Blair and Brown governments deliberately engineered a genocidal policy of mass immigration.

New Labor he now says, sought out foreign workers: we were sending out search parties for people and encouraging them... to take up work in this country.’ .

Today, Mandelson concedes that mass immigration has meant New Labor's traditional supporters are now unable to find work.
We have to just realise... entry to the labour market of many people of non-British origin is hard for people who are finding it very difficult to find jobs, who find it hard to keep jobs.
For these little people, says Mandelson,
immigration tends to loom large in their lives and in their worlds
So now we've destroyed their communities, set them to flight from their native cities by hundreds of thousands, and just generally fucked up their lives, we have to accept, he says:
that is an inescapable fact, and we have to understand it, address it, engage with people in discussion about it.
There we are. All New Labor needs do is chat up the silly buggers who we we screwed last time they voted for us, and they'll vote to be screwed by us again.

Aren't politicians just absolute shit.

See also:

CanSpeccy: White Flight, aka, the Ethnic Cleansing of the English

Nixon, Watergate, Rockerfeller and the New World Order

By Jon Rappoport

No More Fake News, May 15, 2013: Watergate eventually became the story of two young rookie reporters who exposed and took down a president.

Try to think of another major story in your lifetime where the reporters themselves took center stage, and in the process nearly eclipsed their own work. Odd.

One of them, Bob Woodward, expanded his fame. The powers-that-be permitted him to go on and, with extraordinary access, write books criticizing future presidents. Woodward became the in-house attack dog. Mr. Limited Hangout.

The other reporter, Carl Bernstein, faded into relative obscurity. Well, he began connecting journalists to the CIA. That wasn’t a smart career move. That was, perhaps, a case of biting the hand that had fed him.

To learn why Richard Nixon was really blown out of the White House, you could begin with the infamous Nazi chemical/pharmaceutical cartel, IG Farben. The cartel that pushed Hitler over the top into power in Germany.

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AIDS since 1984: No evidence for a new, viral epidemic – not even in Africa

By Peter Duesberg, et al.

IJAE, 2011: Since the discoveries of a putative AIDS virus in 1984 and of millions of asymptomatic carriers in subsequent years, no general AIDS epidemic has occurred by 2011. In 2008, however, it has been proposed that between 2000 and 2005 the new AIDS virus, now called HIV, had killed 1.8 million South Africans at a steady rate of 300,000 per year and that anti-HIV drugs could have saved 330,000 of those. Here we investigate these claims in view of the paradoxes that HIV would cause a general epidemic in Africa but not in other continents, and a steady rather than a classical bell-shaped epidemic like all other new pathogenic viruses. Surprisingly, we found that South Africa attributed only about 10,000 deaths per year to HIV between 2000 and 2005 and that the South African population had increased by 3 million between 2000 and 2005 at a steady rate of 500,000 per year. This gain was part of a monotonic growth trajectory spanning from 29 million in 1980 to 49 million in 2008. During the same time Uganda increased from 12 to 31 million, and Sub-Saharan Africa as a whole doubled from 400 to 800 million, despite high prevalence HIV. We deduce from this demographic evidence that HIV is not a new killer virus. Based on a review of the known toxicities of antiretroviral drugs we would like to draw the attention of scientists, who work in basic and clinical medical fields, including embryologists, to the need or rethinking the risk-and-benefit balance of antiretroviral drugs for pregnant women, newborn babies and all others who carry antibodies against HIV.

Read full text

About the Author:
Peter Duesberg is a member of the US National Academy of Sciences. He is an expert on retroviruses. Since he concluded that the HIV retrovirus is not the cause of AIDS but merely a harmless marker of AIDS-inducing life-styles he has been denied research funding by US agencies such as the National Institute of Health and has been denied laboratory space by the University of California, Berkeley.

Further evidence of the non-existence of a causal relationship between HIV and aids and of the role of recreational drug use and other life-style features in the causation of aids is available at:

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Not sure what to make of this guy. What he says about the postwar fate of Nazi assets is interesting — if true. But how can it be true? He names no names, yet if the Nazis funneled hundreds of billions of stolen asset into corporations formed in neutral countries during the final months of the war, these companies would now be among the largest in the world. So, which are they?

And when he starts talking about other things, you realize he is not a trustworthy source.

Available office space in Bristol in 2011 was 2.3 million square feet, not 15 million as Gosling states. And if office space is overvalued on company books, it has nothing to do with the reason Gosling states. If a company writes down its assets, that does not make it bankrupt, it merely makes it less profitable. A company is bankrupt only when it cannot pay its bills, and that can occur whether its assets are devalued or revalued.

Gosling comments about the Argentinian financial crisis are equally misleading. Funds were not taken out of depositors accounts. What happened was that US dollar accounts were converted to local currency accounts immediately after the $US/Peso peg had been abandoned. Once the peg was abandoned the Peso fell sharply in value, which meant that the purchasing power of deposits in relation to the cost of imports fell sharply.

So it's not clear to me whether Gosling is an incompetent researcher or a shill. The fact that he formerly worked for the BBC might suggest the latter.

Angirfan has more about Nazi Wealth here.

France's Stalinist Elite

By Simon Kuper

France’s “énarques” weren’t trained to succeed in the world but in central Paris

Illustration by Luis Grañena depicting the French elite
  Illustration by Luis Grañena

 The Financial times, May 10, 2013:  The French Stalinist Maurice Thorez spent the second world war in Moscow, where he called himself “Ivanov”. When France was liberated, he came home and entered government. After Charles de Gaulle stepped down as French leader in 1946, Thorez picked up one of the general’s pet projects: the creation of a school, the Ecole Nationale d’Administration, to train the new republic’s top bureaucrats. This caste, Thorez must have thought, was the “vanguard of the proletariat” that Lenin had always talked about. ENA has since produced countless members of the French political and financial elite, culminating in President François Hollande.

Elite-bashing in France dates back to the guillotine but the “énarques” and their buddies are currently at an all-time low. Within a single year, governments of both right and left have become despised. France has record unemployment. Elite scandals keep coming (most recently, around the budget minister, Jérôme Cahuzac, with his secret Swiss bank account). Something has gone horribly wrong for Thorez’s caste.

The French elite is defined by its brains. It’s largely recruited from just two rigidly selective schools: ENA and the Ecole Polytechnique (known to alumni simply as “X”). “Nowhere else in the world does the question of where you go to school so utterly determine your professional career – and the destiny of an entire nation,” writes Peter Gumbel in his new book France’s Got Talent. That’s why some elite members introduce themselves into old age as, for instance, “former pupil of the Polytechnique”.

Only 80 students a year graduate from ENA, and another 400 from the Polytechnique. They then get very demanding jobs. “They work hard. It’s not an elite that is just about relaxing,” emphasises Pierre Forthomme, an executive coach who deals with many elite members.

For decades, the elite delivered. From 1946 through 1973, France experienced its trente glorieuses, (nearly) 30 years of economic success. Even in 1990, the elite could still make great claims. It had built the first proto-internet, Minitel; installed Europe’s fastest trains; co-created the world’s fastest passenger plane, Concorde; pushed Germany into creating the euro (which the French elite then thought was the start of European unity, not the end of it); established its own independent military option that many people still took seriously; and continued to imagine it spoke an international language. Rule by brain-workers seemed to work.

Since then, things have gone horribly wrong. The sociologist Pierre Bourdieu in the 1960s began pointing out the elite’s flaw: the ruling class claimed to be a meritocracy open to bright people from anywhere but had, in fact, become a self-reproducing caste.

This is the tiniest elite of any large country. It lives in a few select arrondissements in Paris. Its children attend the same local schools, starting at age three. By their early twenties, France’s future leaders know each other. They progress from “classmates” to “caste mates”, explain the sociologists Monique Pinçon-Charlot and her husband Michel Pinçon.

Whereas an American CEO and novelist will never meet, the French political, business and cultural elites have practically fused. They meet at breakfasts, exhibition openings and dinner parties. They become friends or spouses. They give each other jobs, cover up each other’s transgressions, write rave reviews of each other’s books. (Contrast the euphoria that greets Bernard-Henri Lévy’s books in France with his reception abroad.)

The elite is the only French class that displays class solidarity, says Pinçon-Charlot. It’s tied together by shared secrets: for instance, many elite members knew about Dominique Strauss-Kahn’s peculiar bedroom practices, but they were willing to let him run for president rather than inform the peasants beyond the Parisian ring road. To paraphrase the English writer E.M. Forster, these people would rather betray their country than betray a friend. Elite members justify these mutual favours in the name of friendship. In fact (as noted by the journalist Serge Halimi and others), it’s corruption.

Read more

Monday, May 13, 2013

Boston Bombing Brings Big Brother Big Bang for the Buck

By Richard Cottrell

Progressive Press, April 22, 2013: This will be - roughly - the line that I'll be taking re Boston.

The powers that be decide on a real time live exercise to discover the mechanics. Needs to know include

- how fast can planners shut down and gain control of a very large and complex city

- how might the population react when subjected to the first total lock down America has ever witnessed (bearing in mind no such thing happened after 9/11, Madrid, London et al, so the 'lessons' learned are obviously portable)

- how ghoulish must the strike be - preferably aimed at innocents abroad enjoying themselves. Location, location, location as they say in the real estate trade.

- how willingly the population will knuckle under and comply with complete cop and military rule, no transport, emergency services, people confined to their homes under fiat order - martial law in all but name with no legit edict

- next is very important:to discover how fast you could subdue a large segment of the population and impose martial law, how much will you share with pliant and obedient sections of the media in advance and in the subsequent cover up

- using this live open-air laboratory, study and note very carefully how people in the rest of America react, not excluding foreign reactions

- gauge carefully where resistance appears to the running script of a terrorist attack and where the holes appear in the narrative that threaten blowback consequences

- what must you do to construct and re-inforce the message and the narrative that allows you to get away with hi-jacking an entire city

- how do you cope with those who start to ask hard questions

- how the temporarily imprisoned respond when the controls are lifted - indignation, civil unrest and so forth, or simple resignation and relief that it 'wasn't much worse'.

So, to summarize, as an agent of the ruling power tasked with running this experiment, what would your plan be and how exactly how would you carry it through?

My response is: the architects must be very pleased with the results. Boston fell for it and America fell for it, and so did Europe and more or less everywhere else. Mass anesthesia

In the middle of of the night my mind drifted back to the huge blast at the fertilizer plant near, of all places (co-incidentally?) Waco, the scene of a previous atrocity (and close I believe to George Bush's ranch). The pictures resemble Hiroshima after the bomb dropped. Waco, Boston overlapped. Did they just leave that explosive stuff lying around or was it set off deliberately, another grisly experiment.

By any standards this was a massive peacetime catastrophe with a lot of horrific casualties and mass devastation, but Boston won the pops when it came to coverage. I think it may have been another test run, and a very clever one in psychological terms at that.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Reactionaries of the World Unite

You have nothing to lose but 

  • political correctness 

  • multiculturalism

  • and a government that takes most of your money to piss away on reading your email, indoctrinating you kids to despise everything you believe in, and destroying your nation as a cultural, religious and racial entity for the benefit of a deracinated plutocractic elite.

Globalization: A Themed Poster featuring Joseph de Maistre Source: Radish Mag

The image is from Radish Mag, via Jew Among You's blog.

End Welfare Now

The May 2nd collapse of the eight story Rana Plaza building in Savar, near Dhaka, Bangladesh, where the Loblaw Companies of Canada manufacture their Joe Fresh line of garments, resulted in more than eight hundred deaths and counting.

Justin Trudeau in Liberal Party ad modelling Joe Fresh
. Coincidence?
The disaster highlights the challenge faced by entrepreneurs in the West who might think about competing in the globalized market for shoes and shirts, computers and car parts: things we in the West used to make for one another, but which we now chiefly import from the sweatshops of Third World.


Wages Pennies an hour in the Third World; legal minimum of $10.00 an hour or more in the West.

Payroll taxes Zip-all in the Third World; dollars an hour in the West, for pensions, healthcare, employment insurance, etc., etc.

Workplace health and safety standards In the Third World, forget about it. In the West, endless regulations, inspections, and real penalties for infractions of the law.

Employee motivation A job is a matter of survival in the Third World. In the West, a paycheck at minimum-wage is usually a poor alternative to unemployment pay, welfare, sick pay, etc.

The result? Western nations are rapidly destroying their industrial capacity and workforce manufacturing skills, while consigning an increasing proportion of the population to a parasitic existence that prompts the contempt of most who are productively employed and compelled to fund the welfare system.

At the same time that Western workers by the tens of millions have been consigned to the scrapheap, Western governments are intent on promoting mass Third-World immigration. The increased competition thus created for jobs that remain in the west leads to even greater unemployment among the native population, while driving up housing costs and creating the need for increased taxation to fund a massive demand for new infrastructure: schools, maternity hospitals, roads, etc.

Globalists frequently respond to complaints about immigration with comments about the jobs Canadians, Americans, the British, whoever, are too lazy or stupid to do. But the fact is that there is hardly a single job in the West for which a person in the Third World could not be found who is better qualified than the present native incumbent and who would be only too glad to exchange their Third-World wage for a First-World wage, minimum or otherwise, or even a below minimum wage job in the underground economy of the US, Canada or Britain.

So the globalist policy of mass immigration to the West amounts to a genocidal eugenics policy, which in combination with vicious cultural policies and propaganda-as-education, demoralizes and undermines the fertility of the indigenous population brought up with a belief in the rights of man, freedom of speech, habeus corpus and all rest of that Western tradition so obnoxious to plutocratic governance. The result is the progressive replacement of the indigenous peoples of Europe by people from elsewhere, who are used to tyranny and better know their place.

Astonishingly, most of the evils of current Western social policy would be remedied by the simple measure of abolishing welfare as we know it.

Abolition of welfare would have two important and immediate consequences.

First, the huge resources consumed directly by welfare programs would be saved. In addition, the huge cost of welfare administration would be eliminated and a substantial proportion of the educated middle class engaged in the welfare bureaucracy could get a real job.

Second, an end to welfare would necessitate an end to mass unemployment, since without either work or welfare, an unemployed populace would seek immediate bloody revolution.

Eliminating welfare, in other words, means achieving full employment, while ensuring that every employed person has an income sufficient to live on. That means an income far greater in the West than in the Third World where the cost of living for the mass of people is much lower than in the West.

Mass unemployment in the West can be eliminated by two simple measures.

First, abolition of minimum wage laws. This would make virtually everyone worth employing at some legally permissible wage.

Second, extension of the income tax table into negative values at the bottom end of the scale, thus providing every employed person a basic amount of income.

A question that this proposal most often raises is: Can the employer then pay their employees effectively nothing knowing that the government is paying them a living wage?

To which the answer is "no." There would be a free market in labor. Thus, as long as the productivity of labor were more than zero, entrepreneurs would bid up the price of labor to approaching it's value, as they do now in the case of labor for which they pay more than the minimum wage.

The proposal would simply enable those whose labor is worth less than the minimum wage to obtain work in the face of competition from Bangladeshis and others in the Third World who work for pennies an hour in collapsible factories.

And, by paying welfare, EI and other benefits to the unemployed, Western governments, in fact,already subsidize the offshoring of production, which forces native citizens into idleness.

Providing work for the unemployed will achieve four things.

First, an increase in the GDP of Western nations. In countries such as Spain where over one quarter of the workforce is idle, the increase achieved by putting the unemployed back to work, albeit in low productivity/low wage jobs, would significantly boost the wealth of the nation.

Second, an increase in the workplace skills of the least employable members of the Western workforce.

Third, an incentive for Western companies to engage in manufacturing R and D, thereby enhancing Western productivity.

Fourth, an end to the destruction through mass immigration of the Western nations as unique racial and cultural entities.

See also:

The Globalist Agenda: They Plan the Destruction of Your Country Too

Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Globalist Agenda: They Plan the Destruction of Your Country Too

Aangirfan asserts that "The West is now wrecking various Moslem countries, by causing ethnic and religious conflicts," a contention with which we agree.

 But even more remarkable is that the West is in the process of wrecking itself too.

The explanation for that is that the West is the tool of a deracinated globalist plutocracy that includes Chinese, Russian, Muslim and African billionaires, who view the sovereign nation state as the greatest threat to their wealth and power.
  • The reasons that billionaires hate independent states are obvious.

  • Sovereign states impose taxes. 

  • Sovereign states protect their industrial base by imposing trade restrictions that prevent the free flow of capital, labor and goods to maximize the profits and minimize the taxes of globalized corporations.

  • Sovereign states impose workplace health and safety standards to protect the wellbeing of their workforce. 

  • Sovereign states impose environmental regulations to preserve air and water quality for the good of both man and wildlife. 

  • Sovereign states have armed forces, including rockets and nukes, with which at any moment they might reduce the world to a pile of rubble and incinerated billionaires.
What to do?

Destroy the nation state, obviously.


Buy the leadership.

This is a long established tradition under the Western parliamentary system of government and its derivatives such as the Congress of the United States. Stupid leaders take bribes. Sensible leaders accept lucrative bank directorships and consultancies granted in appreciation of past services, once they have left office.

The result?

Western leadership is a puppet show, with various side shows such as Sandy Hook, the supposed slaughter of Osama bin Laden, the London Tube bombings, 9/11 to keep the proletariat in line.

Among the nation states, Moslem countries with huge oil resources are naturally a prime globalist target.

Iraq, with its secular drive for industrial development and military power was thus inevitably a prime target. Egypt with its great human resources, Libya with its ambitious Gaddafi dictatorship, were naturally high on the list of nations targeted for destruction.

The theocratic Islamic states are targeted, since their system of government is not so easily transformed into a paid puppet show  as the democracies of the West.

But the Western states are by no means immune from the process of disintegration.

In Europe, genocide of the indigenous peoples is well underway, and, with the destruction of the ancient national identities and the dissolution of Christendom, they will soon lose all internal coherence.

At that point, they will break up into pseudo-national trivialities such as the Republic of Ireland, the Republic of Scotland, the Republic of Brittany, etc., etc., each readily subject to manipulation and control by shadowy, undemocratic bureaucracies such as the EU, the UN and the WTO, all in turn, subordinate to the hidden powers of bribery and corruption.

Friday, May 10, 2013


“After Defense Secretary Leon Panetta made the following statement about not deploying troops without the intel that says its a good idea, career military people began talking. What they had to say suggests someone in Washington needs to be fired, and someone else needs to be impeached. The quote attributed to Panetta was:
“…the basic principle is that you don’t deploy forces into harm’s way without knowing what’s going on, without having some real-time information about taking place. And, as a result of not having that kind of information, the commander who was on the ground in that area, Gen. Ham, Gen. Dempsey and I felt very strongly that we could not put forces at risk in that situation.”
However, when Gen. Carter Ham, head of Africom, received the same emails that Panetta, Clinton and Obama received, he assembled a rapid response unit and informed Panetta he was ready to go. Ham was ordered to stand down. He told Panetta to screw himself, telling the Secretary that he was sending his men in. Less than one minute later Lt. Gen. David Rodriquez told Ham—his boss—he had just been relieved of his command because he refused to obey a direct order from the Commander-in-Chief. Obama then appointed Rodriguez as the new head of Africom. Now you know precisely who gave the order to “stand down” that resulted in the sacrificial death of Ambassador Christopher Stevens, IT Specialist Sean Smith and former Navy Seals Glenn Doherty and Tyrone Woods for “political points.”

The Obama Administration also lied when it said that Doherty and Woods were assigned to personally protect Ambassador Stevens in Benghazi. That was a blatant fabrication. The former Seals, attached to the CIA, refused the White House order to “stand down.” They went to the Consulate and defended the mission with their lives.

More here 

See also:

White House Benghazi Cover Up Exposed

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Navy SEAL Team 6 families Hold US Responsible for Sons' Deaths

The National Press Club, May 9, 2013: (Washington, D.C.). Three families of Navy SEAL Team VI special forces servicemen, along with one family of an Army National Guardsman, will appear at a press conference on May 9, 2013, to disclose never before revealed information about how and why their sons along with 26 others died in a fatal helicopter crash in Afghanistan on August 6, 2011, just a few months after the successful raid on the compound of Osama Bin Laden that resulted in the master terrorist's death.

Accompanying the families of these dead Navy SEAL Team VI special operations servicemen will be retired military experts verifying their accounts of how and why the government is as much responsible for the deaths of their sons as is the Taliban.

The areas of inquiry at the press conference will include but not be limited to:

  • How President Obama and Vice President Biden, having disclosed on May 4, 2011, that Navy Seal Team VI carried out the successful raid on Bin Laden’s compound resulting in the master terrorist’s death, put a retaliatory target on the backs of the fallen heroes.

  • How and why high-level military officials sent these Navy SEAL Team VI heroes into battle without special operations aviation and proper air support.

  • How and why middle-level military brass carries out too many ill-prepared missions to boost their standing with top-level military brass and the Commander-in-Chief in order that they can be promoted.

  • How the military restricts special operations servicemen and others from engaging in timely return fire when fired upon by the Taliban and other terrorist groups and interests, thus jeopardizing the servicemen’s lives.

  • How and why the denial of requested pre-assault fire may have contributed to the shoot down of the Navy SEAL Team VI helicopter and the death of these special operations servicemen.

  • How Afghani forces accompanying the Navy SEAL Team VI servicemen on the helicopter were not properly vetted and how they possibly disclosed classified information to the Taliban about the mission, resulting in the shoot down of the helicopter.

  • How military brass, while prohibiting any mention of a Judeo-Christian God, invited a Muslim cleric to the funeral for the fallen Navy SEAL Team VI heroes who disparaged in Arabic the memory of these servicemen by damning them as infidels to Allah. A video of the Muslim cleric’s “prayer” will be shown with a certified translation.
"This press conference takes on special significance given that our government has over the last twelve years since September 11th committed brave American servicemen to wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that, in large part as a result of politics, were poorly conceived of and implemented, resulting in the deaths of thousands and the maiming of tens of thousands of our brave heroes. To make matters even worse, America has effectively lost these wars," stated Larry Klayman, legal counsel for the families.

See also: 

CanSpeccy: US Navy SEALs: Two Helicopters

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

White Flight, aka, the Ethnic Cleansing of the English

East London without the English. Who but a racist would object? Source
Since 2001 more than 620,000 white Britons moved out of London, making the English a minority in their own largest city and national capital.

That the English are being genocided by their own globalist elite has not passed unnoticed by the immigrant community itself, whose leaders, presumably in fear of a violent anti-immigrant backlash, are the only politicians to speak for England, demanding curbs to mass immigration and the expulsion of illegals.

The best thing, really, would be to tar and feather a few of the globalist pimps who rule the roost now. Cameron would look good being ridden out of town on a rail, closely pursued by a well feathered Milliband and Clogg pelted with rotten eggs.

See also:

Daily Mail: 84 British schools have NO white British pupils at all.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The United States of Asininity: A Law Requiring Political Approval of Scientific Publications

Congressman Lamar Smith of Texas has submitted a draft bill titled the High Quality Research Act which would in effect add a politician into scientific studies.
(NaturalNews) The bill says that any research done using federal funds (which is the majority of research done in the United States) must have its results and finding approved by the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate and the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology of the House of Representatives. If the findings are not agreed to, the research is taken from the researchers and disposed of by Congress as it sees fit.
Congressman Lamar Smith is a horse's arse intent on (a) making the United States a laughing stock, and (b) allowing the likes of Al Gore to dictate the "findings" of all US research on climate science and every other thing the US Government wishes to lie to you about.

The US is fast catching up to where the Soviets left off in tyrannizing over and lying to their people.

But the EU still holds the lead in bullshit bureaucracy with the the Plant Reproductive Material Law:
(NaturalNews) A new law proposed by the European Commission would make it illegal to "grow, reproduce or trade" any vegetable seeds that have not been "tested, approved and accepted" by a new EU bureaucracy named the "EU Plant Variety Agency."

It's called the Plant Reproductive Material Law, and it attempts to put the government in charge of virtually all plants and seeds. Home gardeners who grow their own plants from non-regulated seeds would be considered criminals under this law.

Monday, May 6, 2013

The Rise of the UKIP 'Hedgehogs'


The 'foxes' of European politics have presided over a still-ongoing car crash

The Wall St. Journal: A divide has opened in British politics. It is not between north and south, or left and right, but between hedgehogs and foxes.

Isaiah Berlin first popularized the idea (taken from a fragment of the Greek poet Archilochus) that "the fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing." He used the notion to categorize the difference between various thinkers. But since last week's local-election upset for the U.K.'s major political parties, it is a way to understand our changing politics.

For some years, in Britain and the rest of Europe, politics has been dominated by foxes who knew (or at least pretended to know) many things. They were of varying quality: some sleek and impressive, others akin to those mangy specimens you find in cities. But whatever their attributes, the foxes also presided over a still-ongoing, continent-wide car crash. So today, in a time of apparently endless and insoluble crises, the attraction of those who know one big thing is very considerable. And if that one big thing happens to be the big thing of your day? Well then perhaps it is right that we've arrived at the age of the hedgehog.

Certainly there could be no better exemplar of a political hedgehog than U.K. Independence Party (UKIP) leader Nigel Farage. A plain-speaking, pint-drinking fellow, it is fair to say that he is not your typical bureaucrat. Yet In Thursday's local-council elections in England, UKIP won almost a quarter of the vote, becoming the third-largest political party in the country. By projected national share of the vote, that puts UKIP only two points behind the Conservatives and nearly 10 points ahead of the Liberal Democrats. What had been recently dismissed as a protest vote turns out to have been an attempt by a large portion of the British public to say something loud and clear.

UKIP's appeal and success have grown in recent years thanks to Mr. Farage's high-profile, full-frontal savagings of the foxes in Brussels. His plucky and bristling assaults on Herman von Rompuy, Catherine Ashton and the rest from his seat in the European Parliament have been mocked by his mainstream political counterparts. But they've also reflected a growing public intuition. For as Brussels and its foxes throughout Europe kept crashing the continent into walls, they also kept pretending that their way of ordering things—an undemocratic, increasingly expensive United States of Europe—was the only reasonable option. When critics began pointing out growing flaws that ought to have been impossible to ignore, the foxes (David Cameron for instance) chose to insult the dissenters and their own electorates instead of engaging with their concerns.

U.K. Independence Party leader Nigel Farage knows one big thing: Countries must control their own destinies.

Now, after watching the assumptions, presumptions and the very legitimacy of the foxes disintegrate, the electoral landscape has begun to change. The hedgehogs have begun to draw blood.

They may of course find themselves uncomfortable on the foxes' terrain. Mr. Farage, for instance, is not someone desperate to discuss NHS reform, or the labyrinthine intricacies of welfare policy. But even in that fact—imagined by his elite opponents as a failing—he finds an advantage. For among the public and even (whisper it quietly) much of the political class, there's a growing suspicion that the ability to manage the modern welfare state is not just beyond any particular person, but beyond anybody. Time and again the bureaucratic geniuses seem to have shown this. For a decade, Gordon Brown and Peter Mandelson bestrode British politics like perfect foxes. After they had finished with it, the country was in worse financial shape than at any point in recent history.

As the deficiencies of the foxes have become clear, the public have begun to wonder whether certain hedgehogs may not have had a point all along. The greatest advantage that Mr. Farage has, like anti-EU politicians elsewhere Europe, is that he does not just know any old big thing. He knows the one big thing that now perhaps matters most of all. It has been Mr. Farage's conviction since he helped found UKIP two decades ago that countries must be in control of their own destiny.

For two decades this view was marginalized and derided. Supreme foxes like Tony Blair continuously reassured the British public that their future was in the EU, and that not only political and legal but even monetary union was in store.

Today, however, the whole world can see what can happens if countries do not have control of their own money. And a whole continent can see what happens when a country is no longer in control of its own laws or borders. With millions of immigrants flooding into Europe and high-level terrorists given sanctuary, the elites have said there was nothing they could do and this was just something we must live with. The public have not accepted this. They don't believe foxes anymore.

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Sunday, May 5, 2013

Israel Backs Syrian Terrorists

(Reuters) - Israeli jets bombed Syria on Sunday, rocking Damascus for hours and sending pillars of flame into the night sky in what a Western source called a new strike on Iranian missiles bound for Lebanon's Hezbollah.

Local people reported massive explosions and internet video showed the capital's skyline lit by flashes; Syrian opponents of President Bashar al-Assad rejoiced at Israel's third raid this year, and second in 48 hours, while anger in Tehran highlighted how Syria's civil war risks spinning further beyond its borders.

Israel, while declining to confirm the strike, stressed its focus was to deny its Lebanese foes new Iranian firepower and not take sides between Assad, long seen as a toothless adversary, and rebels who have won sympathy from Israel's Western allies but who also include al Qaeda Islamists hostile to the Jewish state.

It appears to calculate that Assad will not risk forces he needs to fight the rebels by attacking a much stronger Israel.

Syrian state television said the bombing around a military research facility at Jamraya caused "many civilian casualties and widespread damage" and quoted a letter from the foreign minister to the United Nations saying: "The blatant Israeli aggression has the aim to provide direct military support to the terrorist groups after they failed to control territory."

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See also: Col. Lawrence Wilkerson: Chemical Weapons Use in Syria Could Be Israeli False Flag

Friday, May 3, 2013

Obama: Creature of the CIA

By Sherwood Ross

In a recent interview, Noam Chomsky said he never expected much of President Obama, adding, ”The one thing that did surprise me is his attack on civil liberties. They go well beyond anything I would have anticipated, and they don't seem easy to explain.”

Maybe the reasons for Obama’s transformation from a Chicago law professor into a world-class totalitarian thug is that he is a creature of the Central Intelligence Agency; that both his parents were CIA payrollers; that the CIA financed his college education and gave him his first job afterwards----so that we may well have a president beholden to this international criminal organization, an agency that has left a trail of blood, turmoil, and assassinations around the globe.

According to the May 6th The New Yorker, when General James Cartwright, vice-chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, asked at an Obama Situation Room meeting why the U.S. was building a second air force in the form of a CIA drone attack fleet, Obama told him, “The CIA gets what it wants.” That Obama holds this view is reinforced by Cameron Munter, President Obama’s former ambassador to Pakistan. Munter questioned whether the drone strikes in Pakistan weren’t having a blowback effect on the Pakistani public. Writing in the magazine, Steve Coll says Munter learned under Obama: “It was what the CIA believed that really counted.”

Reporter Coll says America’s drone war is a major factor in why U.S. relations with Pakistan have “collapsed.” Today, he writes, “the U.S. has surpassed India as the most hated nation in Pakistan.” Coll adds, “Obama seems unwilling to confront the possibility that drone strikes may be creating more enemies than they’re eliminating.”

So far, the drone strikes are believed to have killed 3,000 people, not one of whom got a fair trial in the American tradition. The attacks are being made in countries where the U.S. has never officially declared war: besides Pakistan, in Somalia, Yemen, and even in the Philippines. Obama has turned the whole world into an American shooting gallery.

In his two terms in office, President Bush authorized 48 drone strikes in Pakistan. But since 2009, Obama has okayed more than 300, reporter Coll writes. What’s more, The Washington Post reports that CIA Director John Brennan believes that targeted killings will be needed to contain Al Qaeda-related terrorism for at least another decade.

It’s a CIA dream come true: the green light for a bunch of organized crackpots and anarchist-type bomb-throwers to roam the planet with their sophisticated killing machines raining Hellfire missiles down on suspects, nearly all of them foreigners. No jury trials for them. They are treated as an inferior race of people not entitled to trials while the CIA is the Master Race that can kill whomever it wants. Remind us of anyone?

Let’s connect the dots between the Boston Marathon massacre and blowback triggered by the CIA’s overseas killings. Strange, but we don’t see Finland or Brazil under attack by terrorists. Maybe it’s because they respect other nations’ sovereignty.

On MLK Day, President Obama did his level best to wrap himself in the mantle of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. But where MLK denounced the KKK thugs who murdered four little girls in Birmingham’s 16th Street Baptist Church, President Obama is using his own “KKK”(CIA) to kill suspected terrorists, taking the lives of more than 100 children to date in the process. There is no question MLK would have denounced Obama’s wars.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Genocide of the English: Game Over

White Britons 'will be in minority by 2066'

The Daily Express, May 2, 2013: BRITAIN will be the Western world’s most ethnically diverse nation after 2050, according to an explosive academic study.

Prof Coleman said migration has become the “primary driver of demographic change”
It lays bare the effect of decades of immigration and claims that white Britons will be in a minority by 2066.

A mass influx of migrants has given the UK the fastest-rising percentage of ethnic minority and foreign-born populations.

The report – which also reveals the huge impact of Labour’s open-door policy to immigration between 1997 and 2010 – says foreigners and non-white Britons living here will double by 2040 and make up one third of the UK population.

Report author Professor David Coleman said: “On current trends European populations will become more ethnically diverse, with the possibility that today’s majority ethnic groups will no longer comprise a numerical majority.”

The findings mean that the UK could overtake the United States as the world’s melting pot, with fewer people describing themselves as British or white.

The projection comes after David Cameron sought to reassure voters that the influx of migrants from Bulgaria and Romania will be “nothing like” the levels seen when Poland joined the European Union.

The professor of demography at Oxford made his findings from a study of international population projections, carried out for the academic organisation Migration Observatory.

In the study, minorities are classed as people who also describe themselves in censuses as Irish or another nationality, as well as by their skin colour.

Prof Coleman said migration has become the “primary driver of demographic change”.

According to the data, around a fifth of people in the UK are non-white or non-British. But this is expected to rise to a quarter by 2025, a third by 2040 and reach up to 38 per cent by 2050.

The increase from 2010 to 2050 in the UK – by 22 percentage points – is the highest of the main western countries analysed.

Over the same period, the proportion of non-whites and migrants in Denmark will rise from 10 per cent to 14 per cent.

Declining birth rates among white Britons is another factor.

In England and Wales, 25 per cent of births are to foreign-born mothers, the report said. A similar trend is seen in France and Germany.
immigration, migrants, need, change, less, white, britons, minority 
The UK's population is estimated to hit 77 million by 2051
We now need concrete proposals to reduce immigration. No less important is the task of integrating such huge numbers into society
Andrew Green, from campaign group MigrationWatch

The calculations are based on the current net rates of immigration, which have been running at more than 200,000 a year.

Prof Coleman pointed to a study which suggests “the crossover for the whole country when the combined population of all ethnic minority groups together would exceed the population of white British will occur at around 2066.

However, he says the Coalition’s plans to limit net migration could have an enduring effect on the impact on the make-up of the British population. Immigration campaigners yesterday raised concerns about newcomers’ ability to integrate into society, and their impact on the health and education systems.

The UK’s population is estimated to hit 77 million by 2051.

Andrew Green, from campaign group MigrationWatch, praised the importance of the study.

He said: “It brings out the consequences if the mass immigration triggered by Labour is not rapidly brought under control.

“Nearly four million immigrants have arrived since 1997 and the impact is felt in maternity units, housing and primary schools.

“We now need concrete proposals to reduce immigration. No less important is the task of integrating such huge numbers into society.”

The Government has promised to control the impact of new arrivals from Romania and Bulgaria next year.

Mr Cameron said the huge number coming from Poland since it joined the EU in 2004 – put at 1.1 million – was due to Britain putting no controls on immigration. He said: “When a country joins the European Union you can put in place transitional controls. You can say to that country, ‘You can’t all come here for the first seven years’.

“The last government, when Poland and a lot of other countries joined, didn’t put those controls in place.

“Because other European countries did, we did have an enormous influx of people from Poland and those other countries. This time, because the transitional controls have been put in, we are not lifting the restrictions on Romania and Bulgaria alone, it’s happening across Europe.

“So I don’t think we’ll have anything like the situation we had in the Polish situation."

See also:

Robert Henderson: Bruges Group meeting 23rd April 2013 – Immigration: Can we control it?

Paul Weston: Genocide of the English

Watching the Liberal Left Over at the Guardian Smearing the Messenger

Zionist Canada Could Lose Montreal-based UN Agency Through Action of Disgruntled Arab States

Globe and Mail, May 2, 2013: Growing discontent among Arab nations over the Harper government’s pro-Israel stand is prompting joint talks on retaliation, with some eyeing a campaign to strip Canada of a major UN agency, the ICAO.

The International Civil Aviation Organization, which sets international rules for airplane transportation, has been headquartered in Montreal since 1947, but Qatar is now bidding to relocate it to the Middle East in 2016, trying to muster votes from 115 countries to approve the move at a meeting this fall.

Some Arab nations are now considering backing the bid as a potential focus for combined efforts to strike back at Canada for its stand on Palestinian issues. It would mark a new avenue for Arab countries that have criticized Ottawa before: a campaign that threatens concrete consequences.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s staunch support for Israel and close relationship with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and his vocal campaign last fall against the Palestinian bid for observer-state status at the UN, has long been viewed with dismay by some Arab nations.

The backlash has been fuelled by Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird’s April foray into east Jerusalem to meet an Israeli minister – a move many Arab countries viewed as a symbolic acceptance of Israeli control over land it occupied in 1967 in the Six-Day War, an area Palestinians want as the capital of a future state. Mr. Baird’s response to the furor appears to have stoked the reaction.

At an April 23 meeting in New York on Palestinian issues, Arab ambassadors to the United Nations devoted a section of their agenda to countering Canada, including mustering allies from other countries to vote against Ottawa in international organizations, according to sources familiar with the meeting.
Since that meeting, Qatar has made its new bid to take ICAO’s headquarters away from Montreal, and some Arab countries are eyeing moves to back it by campaigning to win the votes of other states, sources say.

Losing ICAO’s Montreal headquarters would be more than the diplomatic embarrassment the Harper Conservatives suffered when Canada lost its 2010 bid for a seat on the UN Security Council.

ICAO has 534 employees and 37 full-time foreign delegations in the city, and a 2012 analysis by consulting firm SECOR reported it brings $119-million a year to Montreal’s economy. Its offices are designated as emergency UN headquarters in the event of attack or disaster. If it is moved, Quebec’s Parti Québécois government, critical of the Conservatives’ foreign policy, would be expected to blame Ottawa for failing Quebec.

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