Sunday, September 24, 2023

Tucker Carlson Interviewed

 “The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane and intolerable, and so, if he is romantic, he tries to change it. And even if he is not romantic personally he is very apt to spread discontent among those who are.”

― H.L. Mencken, A Mencken Chrestomathy

Weltwoche: Since leaving Fox and going solo with your new show, “Tucker Carlson On Twitter (now known as ‘X’),” your posts have logged tens and sometimes hundreds of millions of views. You’re taking off like Buzz Lightyear. Are you feeling the freedom? To explore more topics and ideas? To express your views?

Tucker Carlson: Well, definitely. If anything, I've expressed my views less. I haven't done many straight-to-camera scripts where I write the script and give my opinion. I've done what I've wanted to do for a long time but couldn't, which is get on an airplane and go see the rest of the world. I couldn't because I had a daily show I had to do.

I've become convinced over the past several years — particularly since the war in Ukraine began — that the world is changing much more quickly than most Americans understand. And because there's virtually no coverage of the rest of the world in American media, Americans don't have a good sense of it.

What we, in this country, refer to as the "Post-War Order” — the institutions set up in the wake of World War II to keep the world peaceful and prosperous and the United States at the top of the pyramid, and that would include the dominance of the dollar, the SWIFT system, NATO — all of that appears to me to be crumbling. That's my view of it. I've wanted to travel and see if that is, in fact, happening — and it is.

Weltwoche: You travel the world, now, more than ever. What personality, globally, fascinates you in particular?

Carlson: I think, right now, the most interesting, wisest leader I've ever spoken to is the ruler of Abu Dhabi, MBZ. [Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, popularly known by his initials as MBZ, is president of the United Arab Emirates and the ruler of Abu Dhabi.]  I respect [him].

Weltwoche: You have just flown back to the US from Abu Dhabi?

Carlson: Yes, and I spoke to him. I've interviewed a lot of people who run countries or organizations. I've interviewed a lot of leaders in, well, thirty years. That's been my job. And I've never interviewed anybody in charge of anything [who is] more willing to admit when he doesn't understand something or have any answer to a question. I've never met a more humble leader, ever, and I believe humility is a prerequisite for wisdom.

Wise people admit what they don't know, and I've never seen that before. You don't see that in the West. You're not going to interview a presidential candidate in the United States, or a president, for that matter, who's willing to say, “I don't know the answer. I've thought about it, and I'm not sure.” They'll never say that, because you can't admit you don't know.

Of course, the scope of human knowledge is very limited. We don't know anything, actually. We don't know how the brain works or how the pyramids were built. The list of things we don't know is far longer than the list of things we do, and no one will admit that. The people who do, who are willing to say that out loud, are the ones who I trust. So, I was very impressed. I've never been more impressed by a leader.

But there are a lot of interesting people from around the world. Javier Milei, I thought, was an interesting guy. [Javier Gerardo Milei is an Argentine economist and politician known for his libertarian views.  He is leading in the polls for the next presidential election.]

Weltwoche: Let’s have a brief look back to your many years with Fox where you became a global media star, ranking number one with “Tucker Carlson Tonight” on cable news. During a recent episode of your show on “X,” you said: “The Murdochs never got in my way. They were always good to me.  But there were always small minded. … It’s a company run by fearful women, you know what I mean?”  What do you mean?

Carlson: Well, I spent fourteen years at Fox and, most of the time, I was working on my own business. I had no role in managing the company — far from it. I was just an employee. So, there are a lot of things about how the company runs that I wouldn't know about.

In my experience, the family that owns, that controls the company, the Murdochs, were always very gentlemanly to me. Very polite, nice, gave me huge latitude. I often, or sometimes, felt that they disagreed with what I was saying, that my views were different from theirs. But they let me express my views, and I was grateful for that. I am grateful for that. I never had a problem with them, and I don't have a problem with them, now. I'd disagree with them on certain things, but I'll always be grateful for the chances they gave me and the kindness they showed to me.

There are a lot of great people at Fox News, but there are also a lot of people who are just terrified, who are just trying to make it through the day. And I don't think they make Xanax strong enough for some of the people who run the place to calm down. [laughter]

I meant what I said. I've worked at a lot of news organizations in the United States, and they're all the same. They're all afraid of getting sued or yelled at or fired or humiliated. But interestingly, none of them are very afraid of getting things wrong. That's not a concern. They're not worried about accuracy as much as they're worried about being unfashionable or saying something forbidden. What they're really worried about is telling the truth.

You'd think that if you ran a news organization, your main concern would be getting it right and that you'd be terrified if someone would make a mistake. But that's not their top concern. And not just at Fox. I worked at MSNBC and CNN. I worked at PBS. I spent a year working at ABC. I've certainly been around a lot of news companies, and they're all the same. They're all fearful people who are making more than they probably should be, and they're worried about losing their jobs. Occasionally, you'll find a courageous person, but they are very, very, very rare. Very rare.

Weltwoche: The media as the “fourth estate” has a serious credibility problem, not just in the US. Here, it's the same. The only national news organization in the US that scores the majority of the public's trust is, according to YouGov [May 2023], The Weather Channel.

Carlson: Yes.

Weltwoche: Half of the American public believes that the news media deliberately attempts to mislead, misinform, and propagandize [Gallup, February 2023]. You've been in the news for so long. Why is the state of the media so miserable?

Carlson: Well, because if you want to subvert a democracy, you need to control the information that citizens receive. I'd argue that the news media in democracies is far less trustworthy than it is in other countries simply because it matters more in a democracy. People vote on the basis of the information they have. So, if you want to control their votes, you have to control what they know.

There has been a very aggressive attempt, over a number of decades on the part of the people who run the United States, to control what's available on our news stations and in our newspapers — to control the news media. And they have.

Read more 

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Crap Cambridge Mass. School Hires New Zealand's Former Covid Dictator and Rabid Opponent of US Constitutional Protection of Free Speach

Harvard’s Jacinda Ardean Calls on the United Nations to Crack Down on Free Speech as a Weapon of War

Jacinda Ardean may no longer be Prime Minister of New Zealand, but she was back at the United Nations continuing her call for international censorship. Ardern is now one of the leading anti-free speech figures in the world and continues to draw support from political and academic establishments. In her latest attack on free speech, Ardean declared free speech as a virtual weapon of war. She is demanding that the world join her in battling free speech as part of its own war against “misinformation” and “disinformation.” Her views, of course, were not only enthusiastically embraced by authoritarian countries, but the government and academic elite.

In her speech, she notes that we cannot allow free speech to get in the way of fighting things like climate change. She notes that they cannot win the war on climate change if people do not believe them about the underlying problem. The solution is to silence those with opposing views. It is that simple.


Tucker Carlson: Question Their Lies and They'll Call You a Liar:

Friday, September 22, 2023

Canada's Justin the Unwise, Accuses India of Murder, Nobody to Know the Evidence

Sensing that the public is finally tiring of his lies, exhibitionism and petulant antics, Justin the Unwise, Prime Minister of global pipsqueak Canada, has embarked on a diplomatic war with India, a country that accounts for one in four of the World's population. 

For what reason?

A sikh "leader"  -- i.e., an advocate for the creation of an independent Sikh state to be carved out of India's Punjab -- and a Canadian citizen, Hardeep Singh Nijjar, was murdered in British Columbia. Trudeau claims to have "credible evidence" that the murder was carried out by an agent or agents of the Government of India. 

Trudeau's "credible evidence" may indeed be credible if not invincible proof of guilt. But in that case, why not demand the extradition of the supposed assassin(s) under the terms of the Canada - India extradition treaty, for trial with due process in Canada? India's agreement to extradite would allow the credibility of Trudeau's "credible evidence" to publicly examined. 

An Indian refusal to extradite would be tantamount to an Indian admission of responsibility, the point Trudeau seeks to make, while denying India justification for the retaliatory measures it is now taking. And let there be no mistake, India's retaliatory measures will undermine Canada's trade with the World's most populous nation, a nation that accounts for a large share of the World's economy and with an economy growing twice as rapidly as Canada's.

But for stupid, especially when facing the prospect of electoral defeat, we can rely on our Justin. Sikhs, after all, represent over two percent of Canada's population, hold 18 Parliamentary seats and occupy four posts in the Liberal Government. 


Trudeau’s fumble on India: Actually, it wasn't a fumble. It was a crass effort to win Canada's Sikh vote in the upcoming election in which Trudeau is the odds on loser. 

India-Canada standoff: Trudeau-Jagmeet tango behind Canadian govt's recent moves

Epoch Times: Why It Went Wrong for Trudeau and Canada at the G20 in India (And take a look at the shiny suit that Trudeau wore. It looks to have been made of polyethylene.) 

Zero Hedge: An unprecedented major row in Canada-India relations has broken out into the open on Monday, after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in a televised speech to the House of Commons accused Indian intelligence of carrying out an extrajudicial killing on Canadian soil.

Trudeau cited "credible" intelligence pointing to "agents of the government of India" as being behind the June murder of a prominent Sikh leader named Hardeep Singh Nijjar, who was shot dead outside a Sikh temple in Surrey, British Columbia.

Epoch Times: In retaliation for Canada linking India with the killing of a B.C. man, the Indian government has now put a stop to the processing of visas for Canadians and says it requested a reduction of Canadian diplomats in the country.

“We have informed the Canadian government that there should be parity in strength and rank equivalents ... in mutual diplomatic presence,” Indian Ministry of External Affairs spokesman Arindam Bagchi told reporters on Sept. 21.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Monday, September 18, 2023

Journal Rejects Request to Retract Study Suggesting Negative COVID Vaccine Effectiveness

The Epoch Times

A scientific journal is rejecting a request to retract a study that found people who received a COVID-19 booster were more likely to become infected when compared to unvaccinated people.

Analyzing numbers from California's prison system, a research group found that those who received one of the bivalent boosters had a higher infection rate than people who have never received a dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.

Their study was published by the journal Cureus following peer review.

This finding is not so hard to understand. As with so many people wearing masks, many of those who have been vaccinated think themselves invulnerable. As a result, they take little care to reduce either the risk of being infected or of infecting others. But since neither masks nor the novel and largely untested m-RNA so-called vaccines provide reliable protection against Covid infection both have promoted the spread.  


Secret Pfizer report shows company KNEW since February 2021 that its mRNA COVID jab was killing people

Judicial Watch Uncovers Key Documents and Photos on Chinese Covid Labs in California

COVID-19 Vaccines 'Neither Safe, Nor Effective': Despite What Liar Trudeau Said

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Three Deep State Admissions On Ukraine To Emerge This Week...

 A lot things have suddenly shifted this week surrounding what might be called the West's consensus narrative on the Ukraine war. Previously any alternative approach or perspective that deviated from Washington's official script and approved terminology on the conflict would have been met with angry denunciations and accusations of being "pro-Kremlin" or a "Putin puppet" in mainstream discourse.But after a summer of a failing Ukraine counteroffensive, and as Zelensky grows bolder in expressing his frustration and impatience at his Western backers, US officials themselves seem to be changing the way they talk about the crisis. It seems they are getting more honest and open about what's really going on. A fresh CBS segment on Gen. Mark Milley's thoughts on the war is illustrative of this trend.

To review, NATO and top American officials have confessed the following 'banned truths'...
1) the Ukraine conflict is indeed a US-Russia proxy war
2) Russia was provoked into invading due to NATO expansion
3) the US wants to destroy & destabilize Russia, & embark on nation-building in Ukraine
Given all of the above has suddenly become "acceptable" for "insiders" to say publicly—a shift having emerging just this week, we are left with this thought: ...things you were never supposed to say are now very belatedly being admitted to quite openly...what changed? What's the purpose of these "mask off" candid moments?

Blinken OKs Attacks On Russia With US Missiles: Or WW3, Here It Comes

Carlson: Democracy, A System of Government by Liars and Low IQ Idiots


Sunday, September 10, 2023

If I Owned Canada

Klaus Schwabb's demand that every national leader hand over their country to his World Economic forum (see my previous post), prompts the thought, why not me?

Hey Justin, gimme, gimme, gimme. 

Once Canada belongs to me, here's what I'd do. 

First, I'd abolish the GST and the Income tax which would surely make me wildly popular. 

Then, to avoid immediate bankruptcy: 

I'd freeze public sector hiring.

Then I'd cut public service salaries by 25%. 

What's more, I'd introduce a mandatory Public Service retirement age of 50. After that, I'd further lighten the payroll by offering business start-up and further education grants to civil servants who still hadn't quit. 

After that I'd end Federal to Provincial transfers and equalization payments, thereby saving a cool ninety plus billion a year. If the provinces want to spend money, let 'em raises the taxes themselves.

Then I'd raise cash by auctioning off some of the ten percent of Canada's land mass owned by the Federal Government. At the same time I'd advise the provinces to cut taxes and raise cash by auctioning off some of the ninetey percent of the provincial territory that they own. 

In addition, I'd impose a yearly capital tax of one percent on personal wealth in excess of one million dollars. That will raise a hundred billion or so, which should be good enough to get by on. Sure, that's only a fifth of what Justin Trudeau's government burns through in a year, but does anyone really believe justin Trudeau's half-trillion-a-year budget -- about $50,000 per family of four -- is money well spent? I mean, where does that money go?

Give me a week or two, and I'd have a lot of other good ideas, but that's enough to indicate how much better off Canadians would be by handing ownership of the country to me rather than to Klaus, you-will-own-nothing-and-eat-the-bugs Schwabb, aka the WEF, or leaving it in the hands of the present custodians.

Saturday, September 9, 2023

WEF's Klaus Schwabb Goes Full Megalomaniac: Demands to Rule the World

World Economic Forum Chairman Klaus Schwab has urged governments to grant the WEF ‘full governmental control’ over their nations as part of the Great Reset agenda for humanity.

Good thinking Schwabby. Amazing no one thought to demand this before. 

But might Justin Trudeau comply with Schwab's demand?


WARNING: Klaus Schwab & the WEF Want to Control Your Life

Friday, September 8, 2023

Make Peace You Fools

By Colonel Douglas MacGregor

Incrementalism—the tendency to inch forward rather than to take bold steps—is usually preferred by political and military leaders in warfare, because the introduction of a few forces into action puts fewer personnel at risk, and, in theory, promises a series of improvements over time, often through attrition.

In 1950, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, led by the then-chairman General J. Lawton Collins, recommended short envelopments along the Korean coastline that were designed to gradually increase the size of the U.S. and Allied enclave known as the Pusan Perimeter. The idea was to buy time to assemble enough forces to launch a breakout on the Normandy model. But General of the Army Douglas MacArthur disagreed. He argued for a daring, deep envelopment that promised to cut off the North Korean Forces south of the 38th Parallel that were encircling Pusan.

As it turned out, MacArthur was right. Today, we know that the short envelopments were exactly what the North Korean command was prepared to defeat. In retrospect, it is certain that along with their Chinese allies, the North Koreans were familiar with the operational employment of U.S. and Allied forces during WWII. Eisenhower’s insistence on a broad front strategy that moved millions of troops in multiple armies in parallel across France and Germany to Central Europe conformed to the low-risk formula.

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Harvard University: Teaching Bullshit to the Next Generation Elite

New York Post, Sept 6, 2023: Harvard is named worst school for free speech — scoring zero out of possible 100

When you're propagating bullshit, one thing you can't have are the unbrainwashed blurting it out that the Emperor has no clothes. 

So how does Harvard handle the danger of naive students declaring the obvious truth? 

One way, as we wrote here, is to have your top psych. prof. describe those who questions key government-sponsored myths about Nine-Eleven, for example, or the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, as ignoramuses, idiots, or stark raving loonies. Hence Psych Prof., Stephen (aka Stinker) Pinker, labelling as complete nutters those who question the official account of the assassination of President Kennedy, or of 9/11, or the idea that Putin is Hitler.  

That's right, according to Harvard's best known Psych. prof., Steven Pinker, anyone who questions the official account of the Kennedy Assassination or 9/11 has simply "lost their mind". They even, as Pinker notes, reject the Vax, for God's sake. 

Google, naturally, given its CIA heritage, is fully on board with Harvard on the suppression of free speach. Hence, my post on Steven Pinker's rubbish book "Rationality" is something Google search is unable to find even though it was published on Google's own Blogger platform. Happily, Bing goes directly there

Presumably, this post will earn me another ticking off by Google's nanny moderators, plus further interference with traffic here or at least the traffic count which goes erratically from a handful of hits a day to several thousand dependent, seemingly, on how recently I offended Google's censorship rules.


Harvard University Ranked DEAD LAST for Free Speech by Watchdog Group

Monday, September 4, 2023

Tucker Carlson on the Impending Assassination of Trump

“They have decided, permanent Washington and both parties, have decided that there’s something about Trump that’s so threatening to them, they just can’t have it. If you begin with criticism, then you go to protest, then you go to impeachment, now you go to indictment, and none of them work, what’s next? Graph it out, man. We are speeding towards assassination, obviously." Source

Tucker Carlson has a problem of his own. He's as influential as Trump, and just as much of a threat to the permanent elite. But he can mind his own back only by retiring from public view, for his public prominence depends entirely on his blurting out the fact that the Emperor, or rather the Uniparty and the three-letter agencies, have no clothes.

Saturday, September 2, 2023

This Should Be Entertaining

Dr. Jordan Peterson says he will broadcast the so-called “specified continuing education or remedial program” he was ordered to undergo by the Ontario College of Psychologists, the governing body of Ontario's professional association of psychologists that targeted him for criticizing transgender ideology, climate alarmism, and the Canadian government.

Ontario's leading psychologists apparently consider it their responsibility to compel members to conform publicly with officially sanctioned beliefs unrelated to the profession of psychology. This is in keeping with the behaviour of psychologists in great tyrannies such as that of the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany.

Thus, under the Nazis, for example, psychiatrists sought to systematically exterminate their patients, while in the Soviet Union and Communist China, psychiatry was deployed as a means of oppression.


National Post: Jordan Peterson is being punished for daring to contradict leftist orthodoxy

Thursday, August 31, 2023

New Democratic Party MP Approves Death Penalty for Woman Who Refused the Vax

 Canadian Sheila Annette Lewis died last week because her unvaccinated status denied her a vital organ transplant.  Supporters were raising money on her behalf so that she could go to the United States for the operation.

They didn’t raise enough money.

But the COVID-19 mandate authoritarians are okay with that.

NDP (New Democrat Party) Member of Parliament Charlie Angus says she deserved death, posting on X in a now deleted Tweet, “A woman died because she prefered [sic] to fight for disinformation, anti-vaxx bullshit and conspiracy. Pierre Poilievre says she is a hero and supports a candidate so bogus that Doug Ford kicked him out.”

The reference to the “bogus” candidate is Roman Baber, who fought COVID-19 mandates and will be running as a Conservative in the next federal election.

Shortly after her death on Friday, the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms posted, “Brave Canadian, Sheila Annette Lewis, has sadly passed away today. Our thoughts are with her family, and all other Canadians who have been denied transplants because of unscientific vaccine policies. We will continue her courageous fight for rights and freedoms.”


Saturday, August 26, 2023

The Disastrous Environmental Consequences of Canada's Insane and Corrupt Policy of Near Universal Public Land Ownership

The other day we argued that Canada's carbon tax should be applied to the capture and sequestration of atmospheric carbon dioxide. For example, we suggested that a tax of 22 cents (US) should be applied to the price of a litre of gas to cover the cost of capturing and sequestering the carbon dioxide emitted on combustion of the gas. Instead, however, the Government of Canada imposes a carbon tax on major Canadian industries, thereby diminishing their international competitiveness, while using the  revenue to send cheques to low-income persons on the assumption, no doubt, that the cheques will provide an incentive to vote Liberal at the next Federal Parliamentary election.

Thus, while encouraging certain industries to limit their carbon emissions, the carbon tax does nothing to discourage carbon emissions at the consumer level, for example, by those who use a two-plus ton pickup truck for their solitary and load-free commute to the office. Moreover, none of the tax collected in the name of limiting atmospheric carbon dioxide emissions is used to capture emitted carbon. 

But what reveals most clearly the absolute contempt with which governments in Canada, both Federal and Provincial, regard the public's concern about carbon emissions and climate warming is that as near monopoly owners (89%) of the nation's land base, they exercise control of the forest with near total incompetence and irresponsibility. The consequence is not only massive forest fires year after year resulting not only in per capita carbon emissions that can exceed the global average ten times, as they have done already this year, but a massive loss in the value that could be derived from Canadian forest lands that extend to almost one tenth of the World's total.

Bur rather than repeat here what has been well said elsewhere, I refer the reader to an excellent article in in Policy Magazine which lays bare the evidence of the incompentence and irresponsibility in the management of Canada's publicly owned forest lands: 

Canada's Largest Polluters Are Not Who You Think They Are


Blacks Cheer Trump After Arrest – Support from Black Community Climbs to 20%


Biden loudly booed in Lake Tahoe

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

How Carl Sagan Feared America Would Go to Hell

The passage that's got people talking, foretells a world of misinformation, the rise in big tech and the influential media

Chandrayaan Has Landed

The Price of Humor in Germany: 3600 Euros

Germany's health minister Karl Lauterbach was reported by the newspaper, Die Welt, to have stated:

“The masks always send out a signal”

American playwright and German resident C.J. Hopkins responded with a tweet including this image from the cover of his book showing a scarcely visible swastica:

The German state, justifying in full measure the stereotype of the humorless German, charged and convicted Hopkins of :“disseminating propaganda, the contents of which are intended to further the aims of a former National Socialist organization.”

The punishment?

60 days in jail or 3,600 euros.

At least one can take comfort from the fact that today, as in the days of Hitler, the German bad guys are dumb as Hell.


The Criminalization of Dissent (Revisited)

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

But for Dumb Arse Politicians, Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Emissions Could Be Falling Now

Is the human-caused rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration changing the climate? Yes. But how much, that is another question to which no one can give an answer that is both honest and precise. 

But what is for sure is that the human-caused rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration is having a massive impact on the world's vegetation, stimulating forest growth  and raising crop yields. 

Are rising crop yields a good thing? That depends on whether you think that accelerating the ongoing unprecedentedly rapid growth in human population is a good thing.

My own view is that it is crazy to ignore the many impacts that human activity is having on climate, including not only the rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration due to the combustion of fossil fuels but also:

Additions of black carbon (soot) to the atmosphere due to the combustion of both fossil fuels and fuel wood, and gigantic forest fires, which warm the atmosphere to an extent comparable to that of carbon dioxide;

Additions of sulfate particles to the atmosphere (due to the combustion of sulphur containing coal and oil), which give rise to white sulfate particles that reflect solar radiation and thus have a cooling effect;

Deforestation from the boreal region of Russia and Canada to the tropics of South America and Africa, which radically alters the global water cycle, while altering the balance of absorbed to reflected solar radiation of a large portion of the earth's surface.

But one thing almost every country could do now is to cease being a major net emitter of carbon dioxide.


Easy: tax carbon dioxide emissions and apply the revenue generated to direct air carbon dioxide capture and sequestration. 

Current estimates put the cost of large scale direct air carbon dioxide capture at about US$100 per ton.

That means a tax of US$22 cents a litre on gasoline and other hydrocarbons would match the cost of recovering the carbon dioxide emitted on combustion of those fuels.

Let's do it. 

Colonel Douglas MacGregor To Tucker Carlson: The US-Driven War In Ukraine Is Lost

Monday, August 21, 2023

German Government Forced to End Support for Ukraine's Nazis

Public anger has forced the German government to withdraw its support for Ukraine's Nazis for the genocide of ethnic Russians. 

The Anglo world -- British, American, and Canadian, seems too stupid to care that their governments support genocidal Nazis in Ukraine. But here's a message to Americans from Colonel Douglas MacGregor, CEO of "Our Country Our Choice" urging Americans to demand the US Government follow Germany's lead:


Thursday, August 17, 2023

As We Said

RT has the headline: 

Main Russian objective in Ukraine already achieved – Lukashenko

Which is what we said a while ago. Specifically, Russia has occupied and incorporated those parts of Eastern Ukraine, including Crimea, that are populated chiefly by ethnic Russians who were under genocidal assault by Ukrainian Nazis under the leadership of Volodymyr Zelenskii. 

To some it may seem impossible for Zelenskii, a Jew, to have led a genocidal Nazified regime. The truth is, however, that a socialistic race-based regime, i.e., Nazism, is fundamentally, though not exclusively, Jewish as is evident today from the treatment of Israeli Palestinians by the Jewish state. 

But this post will presumably be deleted shortly by the dim-witted know nothings who moderate Google's blogs.


Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Trouble With Mesons

There has recently been concern among physicists with apparently anomalous behavior among  mesons. Mesons are sub-atomic particles and, as has recently been discovered, they decay, or is it oscillate, in an irregular fashion -- or or so I think it is said, though possibly it is that they vacillate.*

But quite frankly, I don't understand the business with particles. The other day some authority on the matter said that a particle is an avatar for a force. But what does that mean?

Not that I disbelieve in particles. I once made my own tiny cloud chamber out of a clear plastic beaker, some rubbing alcohol and a bit of dry ice (details here). In the cloud of vapor thus created within the beaker, there were things clearly to be seen, slowly milling around. These things, mesons apparently, were created, so the official explanation goes, by cosmic rays striking the upper atmosphere. Although it was not actually the particles I could see but their evolving tracks, wiggling slowly through the mist like ghostly caterpillars.

* Actually, it seems that muons wobble. This may not seem a fact of great significance, except that the wobble apparently suggests the existence of a fifth fundamental force, and if that is correct it is surely a very big deal. 

Monday, August 14, 2023

Robert Kennedy Lays Out the History of American Perfidy Since the Reagan-Gorbachev Deal

No wonder Kennedy is at risk of assassination. Highly articulate, enormously well informed and relentless in exposing the perfidy of the United States under Biden. 

Source: "Death Scientists?": Tucker And RFK Jr. Talk Ukraine, Biolabs, And Who Killed His Uncle


Russian Military Leadership Accuses US of Working To Manufacture Another Pandemic

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Modified Newtonian Gravity: Study Yields Direct Evidence

Great news:

Conclusive Evidence for Modified Gravity: Collapse of Newton’s and Einstein’s Theories in Low Acceleration

I hope this claim survives scrutiny since it disposes of the need to infer the existence of dark matter and dark energy, invisible and otherwise undetectable entities supposed to account for the great majority of the matter and energy in the universe.

Friday, August 11, 2023


 “OUR COUNTRY IS BEING DESTROYED BY A MAN WITH THE MIND, IDEAS, AND I.Q. OF A FIRST GRADER,” President Donald Trump posted Thursday morning, blasting Joe Biden’s ‘Open Borders CATASTROPHE.’

“I think that Crooked Joe Biden is not only dumb and incompetent, I believe he has gone MAD, a stark raving Lunatic, with his HORRIBLE AND COUNTRY THREATENING ENVIRONMENTAL, OPEN BORDERS, & DOJ/FBI WEAPONIZATION POLICIES,” Trump said.


Source: Gateway Pundit

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Justin Trudeau: Canadian Fascist

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Canadian Government Morphed Into ‘Monster’ During Trucker Protests

Yahoo Finance, July 27, 2023: Kennedy, who provided financial support to the protesting Canadian truckers in early 2022, said his bitcoin moment came during the final days of the protests when the Emergencies Act was invoked for the first time in Canada’s history. The Act gave Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government additional powers to help quash the demonstrations – including the authority to freeze the bank accounts of protest leaders and supporters.

“They did something that was, to me, unimaginable,” Kennedy explained. “They used facial recognition, license plate identification and a number of other technologies to determine the identities of the truckers, and then they froze their bank accounts and their credit cards.”

It was during that period that the soon-to-be presidential candidate experienced what he referred to as his “Damascus moment.”

“This government of Canada, which I think most people like me had considered a role model for Western liberal democracy,” Kennedy said, “suddenly morphed into this monster.”

“It occurred to me at that point that freedom of transaction was at least as important as freedom of expression,” Kennedy said in response to a question from the event’s organizer Scott Melker, a bitcoin investor and podcaster. ...


Trudeau accusor lands a seven-figure NDA to keep quiet about West Grey departure

Justin Trudeau and Wife to Separate

Douglas Murray: The Horrors of Canada's Euthanasia Law


Covid Vax Doubled UK Death Rate Among 18 to 39 Year-Olds

The mechanism underlying this effect is unknown, but it is quite likely that vaccination gave a false sense of security leading to behaviour that increased the risk of a potentially fatal infection. This effect was certainly clear in the case of masks, with some self-righteous mask wearers quite ready to shove their faces and imperfectly filtered breath in the faces of the unmasked, thereby exposing themselves as well as others to an increased risk of infection. 


Saturday, July 22, 2023

An Article Too Good Not to Steal

Study accidentally proves man-caused global warming not provable

The American Thinker, July 21, 2023: According to a study recently published in the journal Science, and latched onto by USA Today, more than 400,000 years ago, Greenland was actually green.  Yes, scientists say, the massive island was an ice-free landscape and was perhaps even covered with trees.

This is important to know, avers study co–lead author Paul Bierman of the University of Vermont, because it tells us that "Greenland's ice sheet is fragile."  Bierman stated: "All by itself, during a warm period very similar to today, the ice sheet melted away 400,000 years ago.  That was without fossil fuel emissions into the atmosphere."

An ice sheet melted "all by itself"?  Here is a "scientist" telling us that we must immediately change our lifestyles and bankrupt our economies to prevent something that occurred naturally and without human influence 400,000 years ago!

After Greenland's ice sheet turned to water, whined the climate alarmists, the sea level rose at least five feet.

This caused the fish-wrap factory USA Today to solemnly observe: "This means that the ice sheet on Greenland may be more sensitive to human-caused climate change than previously thought — and will be vulnerable to irreversible, rapid melting in the coming centuries."

Say what?!  No, it means that the ice sheet on Greenland was provably sensitive to non-human-caused climate change (warming)...and that the melting is reversible...because that is exactly what occurred after the last melting, and why Greenland is more frozen than green today!

For some reason, the birdcage liner USA Today chose University of Pennsylvania meteorologist Michael Mann, who was not part of the study and whose "hockey stick" graph of global warming has been widely discredited, to review the "study."  Mann obligingly expectorated: "We are coming perilously close to some potentially critical climate tipping points."

Bierman, however, told USA Today that the melting process is not instantaneous, noting that "it gives us a little time, not a lot."  He added that it's going to take "hundreds to thousands" of years to greatly diminish the ice sheet, while simultaneously cautioning that this shouldn't be a source of comfort to us. 

Thanks for pointing out that the melting process "is not instantaneous," Paul.

Most of us thought, "Poof, there go the ice sheets" in a matter of minutes.  But hundreds to thousands of years is not a lot of time — and shouldn't be a source of comfort to us?  Really?  Why?  I mean, noted climate expert Greta Thunberg gave us 12 years to save the planet...about four years ago.  Al Gore and others have made similar remarks.  Thousands of years sounds better to me.

And the study's authors aren't prioritizing information well.  Is it truly wise to worry about Greenland's ice sheet being potentially greatly diminished in thousands of years in light of the fact that Russia and North Korea have threatened to use nuclear weapons?  And that Iran may soon have one — or more — and may attempt to vaporize Israel?  Or that global elites want to utilize the Great Reset to destroy the middle class around the world, rob them of ownership, freedom, and force them to eat bugs?  Or that the percentage of people who identify as LGBT is exploding at the same time as birth rates in the Western world are plummeting?  Or that many are concerned that artificial intelligence may make humans obsolete in the not so distant future?  Shall I keep going?

On the other hand, given the rapid advances in certain technologies over the past 100 years (we have flying taxis above the streets of at least one American city right now), is it outlandish to believe we may be able to deal with a potential five-foot rise in sea level in a thousand years or more?

But back to Bierman, who asserted that the study "is a real warning sign to us that we're going to lose large parts of the ice sheet unless we decarbonize."  Nope.  It tells us that we may lose large parts of the ice sheet no matter what we do...or don't do.

Or not.

Bierman once more: "400,000 years ago there were no cities on the coast ... and now there are cities on the coast."  Thanks for yet another piercing insight, Paul.  You mean New York, San Diego, Vancouver, Miami, Honolulu, Oslo, and New Orleans weren't there almost half a million years ago?  Who knew?

Thank heavens for "experts."

Of course, all the hand-wringing over melting ice could be for naught.  Earth's repeated ice ages tend to follow a 100,000-year cycle, during which ice sheets grow for about 90,000 years and then retreat or collapse in about 10,000 years during warmer periods.  The last ice age ended around 11,700 years ago, meaning it could get chilly again soon.

Because, you know, the Earth is capable of doing that "all by itself." 


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The natural thermostat that negates the effect of carbon dioxide on Earth's temperature

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