Showing posts with label ownership of Canada. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ownership of Canada. Show all posts

Sunday, September 10, 2023

If I Owned Canada

Klaus Schwabb's demand that every national leader hand over their country to his World Economic forum (see my previous post), prompts the thought, why not me?

Hey Justin, gimme, gimme, gimme. 

Once Canada belongs to me, here's what I'd do. 

First, I'd abolish the GST and the Income tax which would surely make me wildly popular. 

Then, to avoid immediate bankruptcy: 

I'd freeze public sector hiring.

Then I'd cut public service salaries by 25%. 

What's more, I'd introduce a mandatory Public Service retirement age of 50. After that, I'd further lighten the payroll by offering business start-up and further education grants to civil servants who still hadn't quit. 

After that I'd end Federal to Provincial transfers and equalization payments, thereby saving a cool ninety plus billion a year. If the provinces want to spend money, let 'em raises the taxes themselves.

Then I'd raise cash by auctioning off some of the ten percent of Canada's land mass owned by the Federal Government. At the same time I'd advise the provinces to cut taxes and raise cash by auctioning off some of the ninetey percent of the provincial territory that they own. 

In addition, I'd impose a yearly capital tax of one percent on personal wealth in excess of one million dollars. That will raise a hundred billion or so, which should be good enough to get by on. Sure, that's only a fifth of what Justin Trudeau's government burns through in a year, but does anyone really believe justin Trudeau's half-trillion-a-year budget -- about $50,000 per family of four -- is money well spent? I mean, where does that money go?

Give me a week or two, and I'd have a lot of other good ideas, but that's enough to indicate how much better off Canadians would be by handing ownership of the country to me rather than to Klaus, you-will-own-nothing-and-eat-the-bugs Schwabb, aka the WEF, or leaving it in the hands of the present custodians.