Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Harvard University: Teaching Bullshit to the Next Generation Elite

New York Post, Sept 6, 2023: Harvard is named worst school for free speech — scoring zero out of possible 100

When you're propagating bullshit, one thing you can't have are the unbrainwashed blurting it out that the Emperor has no clothes. 

So how does Harvard handle the danger of naive students declaring the obvious truth? 

One way, as we wrote here, is to have your top psych. prof. describe those who questions key government-sponsored myths about Nine-Eleven, for example, or the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, as ignoramuses, idiots, or stark raving loonies. Hence Psych Prof., Stephen (aka Stinker) Pinker, labelling as complete nutters those who question the official account of the assassination of President Kennedy, or of 9/11, or the idea that Putin is Hitler.  

That's right, according to Harvard's best known Psych. prof., Steven Pinker, anyone who questions the official account of the Kennedy Assassination or 9/11 has simply "lost their mind". They even, as Pinker notes, reject the Vax, for God's sake. 

Google, naturally, given its CIA heritage, is fully on board with Harvard on the suppression of free speach. Hence, my post on Steven Pinker's rubbish book "Rationality" is something Google search is unable to find even though it was published on Google's own Blogger platform. Happily, Bing goes directly there

Presumably, this post will earn me another ticking off by Google's nanny moderators, plus further interference with traffic here or at least the traffic count which goes erratically from a handful of hits a day to several thousand dependent, seemingly, on how recently I offended Google's censorship rules.


Harvard University Ranked DEAD LAST for Free Speech by Watchdog Group

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