Saturday, September 2, 2023

This Should Be Entertaining

Dr. Jordan Peterson says he will broadcast the so-called “specified continuing education or remedial program” he was ordered to undergo by the Ontario College of Psychologists, the governing body of Ontario's professional association of psychologists that targeted him for criticizing transgender ideology, climate alarmism, and the Canadian government.

Ontario's leading psychologists apparently consider it their responsibility to compel members to conform publicly with officially sanctioned beliefs unrelated to the profession of psychology. This is in keeping with the behaviour of psychologists in great tyrannies such as that of the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany.

Thus, under the Nazis, for example, psychiatrists sought to systematically exterminate their patients, while in the Soviet Union and Communist China, psychiatry was deployed as a means of oppression.


National Post: Jordan Peterson is being punished for daring to contradict leftist orthodoxy

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