Monday, July 19, 2021

Excess Deaths (thousands per week): UK, Germany and Greece. Do you see anything remarkable?

Thanks to Alfred at the Unz Review.


American Mindset: Lockdown Forever: We will never be free from COVID restrictions until we reject their logic utterly

Daily Mail: Covid death rate is now 16 TIMES lower than it was during the first and second waves

The current UK Covid death rate is around one in 1100, or lower than the ca. rate of one in 700 for influenza. So why the continued restrictions on normal life and threats of lockdowns if people don't submit to constant government harassment?

Saturday, July 17, 2021

In Britain Five Times More Children Committed Suicide Than Died Of COVID-19

 In Britain, five times more children committed suicide than died of Covid19.

But they kept them home from school. 

They made them wear masks.

And now they're determined to inject them with an experimental vaccine that hasn't prevented thousands dying from Covid.

Other than for killing substantial numbers of people, the "vaccine" appears to be useless. 

Meantime, most Brits are self-isolating in fear and trepidation, not.


Arutz Sheva: Covid infection gives greatly superior Covid immunity than "vaccines"
 YDN: For Second Week in a Row: More COVID-19 Vaccination Deaths than COVID-19 Deaths in the US According to CDC and VAERS Websites
Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Pfizer VP:
Every single one of the narrative points that your government and mine tell you about this virus and what you should do ARE ALL LIES.

But is the compellingly articulate Dr. Yeadon right?

His preference seems to be for monologue, which leaves many questions unanswered. 

One question I'd like to see answered concerns the validity of Yeadon's claim about the impossibility of the community spread of Covid and other respiratory diseases. 

According to Yeadon, only sick people spread disease and sick people self isolate until they well again.  

But if that is correct, how come the common cold and influenza spread throughout the community on a regular basis?

Lockdown Skeptics: Britain Set to Carry Out Largest Flu Vaccine Roll-Out in Its History This Winter ...:all secondary school pupils and children aged two and three set to be offered vaccines..."

How the frack do you "offer" a vaccine to a two- or three-year-old?

Zero Hedge: "This Is Worrying Me Quite A Bit": mRNA Vaccine Inventor Shares Viral Thread Showing COVID Surge In Most-Vaxxed Countries

Worrying, that is, as in "this vaccine despite killing many recipients, is no damn use whatever."

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Anti-Christian Terror In Canada: Trudeau Remains Silent

Now if they were burning mosques or indigenous spirit lodges, that'd be something our Justin would be indignant about. But with terrorists attacking and burning down Christian places of worship across Canada, what's there to worry about?

Still, until now, most Canadians thought trashing Christians and their churches was to be generally approved only in Middle Eastern countries like Syria, where ISIS has bombarded and razed dozens of Christian heritage sites in the name of Islam.

But now, after nearly six years of Liberals calling Canadians racist and fanning the flames of anti-white hatred, hate crimes against Christians in Canada have become commonplace.

Or hear Tucker's take:

Wonder when a Liberal-approved mob is gonna tear this figure off its perch?

Monday, July 12, 2021

How the Jab May Kill You: Dr. Charles Hoffe

Dr. Hoffe, a Canadian GP who practiced medicine in the British Columbia town of Lytton until the town burned down during the recent record-breaking heat wave, explains the deadly peril of those who receive the mRNA covid vaccine:


An open letter from Dr. Hoffe to British Columbia's Provincial Health Officer about the alarming adverse effects of the Moderna Covid vaccine administered to his patients in Lytton, B.C.

 More about Dr. Hoffe here, in the introductory section of the discussion above.


Vaccine Choice Canada: The Real Reason for Vaccine Mandates
NY Intelligencer: Children wear masks at the pool and in school, but they aren’t at risk and never were

Covid-19 and the Corruption of Science, State Directed Medical Terror, and Media Censorship

By Eshani M. King

Dear Editor

The British Medical Journal, November 13, 2020 (Reproduced without permission): Congratulations on your editorial highlighting the depressing levels of “corruption” taking place in the name of “beating the pandemic”. Scrutiny certainly deserves to be directed towards conflicts of interest within members of SAGE and scientific/medical advisors as examined by Dr Zoe Harcombe PhD, a Cambridge mathematics/economics graduate[1,2]. Aided by mainstream media and censorship by tech giants, this group controls the scientific narrative on which Government action has been based, even when the “science” relied upon is at complete odds with the views of many other world-class scientists.

Suppression of science and lack of open debate has impinged enormously on three issues of fundamental significance. Firstly, public fear of Covid has been elevated to levels that are completely out of proportion to the actual danger. A recent peer-reviewed paper by one of the world’s most cited and respected scientist, Professor John Ioannidis of Stanford University, quotes an infection fatality rate (IFR) for Covid of 0.00-0.57% (0.05% for under 70s), far lower than originally feared and no different to severe flu [3]. This paper is published on WHO’s own Bulletin but ignored by UK mainstream media.

Secondly, although deaths are currently running at normal levels, fear is being driven by inflation of Covid “cases” caused by inappropriate use of the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test [4-7]. This test is hypersensitive and highly susceptible to contamination, particularly when not processed with utmost rigour by properly trained staff. Case inflation also occurs from use of excessive number of rounds of amplification cycles (termed CT) which amplifies non-infectious viral fragments and cross-reacting nucleotides from non-Covid coronaviruses/other respiratory viruses. These become mis-labelled as Covid. Even Dr Fauci confirms that a positive result using CT above 34 is invalid (Twitter thread, Jeff Nelson @vegsource 30 October 2020) but in the UK CTs may go up to 45, as confirmed by Professor Carl Heneghan of Oxford University’s Center for Evidence-Based Medicine: (House of Commons Science & Tech Committee, 17 Sep, 2020 YouTube.) An obvious improvement is to immediately halt any use of CTs above 34 and ensure that for CTs between 25 and 34, two consecutive positive results are required before confirming a case as Covid positive.

According to Professor Brookes, a Health Data Scientist from the University of Leicester, the UK’s official data shows no excess deaths due to respiratory infections this season (talkRadio, 'The number of people dying today is the same as it would be any other year', 17 November 2020 YouTube). Instead, excess total deaths have been driven by lack of treatment due to hospital closure/lockdowns and have occurred mostly at home. Whilst there is no question that the first wave of Covid, a then novel virus, was lethal to many, there is no sound evidence of any second wave.

The third and possibly the most consequential suppression of science relates to the narrative that people do not develop immunity following a Covid infection. We know that immunity to SARS-CoV-1 is very durable, persisting for at least 12-17 years [8-10]. Immunologists know that immunity to SARS-Cov-2 is no different. This is confirmed by many eminent scientists including Beda M Stadler, the former Director of the Institute for Immunology at the University of Bern and Professor Emeritus (Ivor Cummins, Ep91 Emeritus Professor of Immunology...Reveals Crucial Viral Immunity Reality, 28 July 2020, YouTube), and Sucharit Bhakdi, former Chair of Medical Microbiology at the University of Mainz [11]. The human population has encountered and co-existed with myriad coronaviruses throughout evolution. Most of us therefore have cross-reacting T-cells, B cells and antibodies derived from encounters with cold coronaviruses that can recognise SARS-CoV-2 [12-14], in the same way that people “immunised” with cowpox became less susceptible to serious illness from smallpox - as Edward Jenner discovered in 1796. This is why we do not generally die from cold coronaviruses and precisely why so many of us were not susceptible to falling severely ill from Covid earlier this year. Even the chance of passing Covid to your spouse at the height of the pandemic was as low as 17%! [15 ].

In line with expectations, mediators of robust long-term immune memory, memory B and T-cells have both been firmly established to be produced following even a mild a Covid infection [17,18]. Pouncing on a handful of examples of apparent second Covid infections is irresponsible of the media but suits the false [18] narrative that falling antibody levels lead to loss of immunity. The evidence that immunity lasts is all around us - if this were not so we would see as many people dying of and falling seriously ill with Covid now as we did in March/April, including doctors and nurses.

Pfizer’s vaccination trial data provides further confirmation of the now low rates of prevalence. 94 participants were apparently infected based on PCR positive results (of unknown CT so we cannot be sure they are all genuinely Covid). The placebo group must comprise around 22,000, half the total trial number. This yields an infection rate of, at the very most, 0.4% and makes the chances of escaping infection greater than 99.6% during the trial period. The vaccine might well be 90% “effective” - although we are yet to learn exactly how this is measured - but the risk of contracting Covid in the first place is self-evidently low. The risk of both contracting and dying from Covid using an IFR of 0.57 (the worst case) was a mere 0.002% based on pessimistic assumptions. Of course, the elderly and other high-risk categories face greater risk, but it is still far less than it was early this year and it will continue to reduce as population immunity builds further.

Hijacking of science by vested interests has resulted in immeasurable harms to society. Lockdowns, meant to save lives but being pushed by narratives that have little basis in science, have themselves caused loss of life, livelihoods, dignity, and humanity. We need to ask how we have got to this sorry state. It seems that only the extrication of science from industry by introduction of independent sources of funding for scientific research institutions, perhaps by levying a brand-new tax on industry, will allow the nation’s best scientists an independent voice and put an end to the suppression of good science, together with the mistrust and conflict it generates.


1. Dr Zoe Harcombe PhD. 9 November. SAGE conflicts of interest.
2. PM Hails “ herculean efforts” of life science companies to defeat coronavirus. 10 Downing Street Press Release.
3. John P A Ioannidis Infection fatality rate of COVID-1937 inferred from seroprevalence data. Publication: Bulletin of the World Health Organization; Type: Research Article ID: BLT.20.265892 Page 1. 14 October 2020
4. Elena Surkova, Vladyslav Nikolayevskyy, Francis Drobniewski. False positive Covid-19 results:hidden problems and costs. Lancet Respir Med 2020.September 29, 2020
5. Dr M Yeadon. Lies, damned lies and health statistics: the deadly danger of false positives. 20 September.
6. Dr Clare Craig FRC Path. How Covid Deaths Are Over-Counted. 27 October 2020. Updated 29 October 2020.
7. PCR positives: what do they mean? The Oxford Centre for Evidence-based Medicine, University of Oxford.23 September
8. William J.Liuabc et al. T-cell immunity of SARS-CoV: Implications for vaccine development against MERS-CoV. Antiviral Research. Volume 137, January 2017, Pages 82-92
9. Le Bert N, Bertoletti A et al. SARS-CoV-2-specific T cell immunity in cases of COVID-19 and SARS, and uninfected controls. Nature. 2020 Aug;584(7821):457-462. doi: 10.1038/s41586-020-2550-z. Epub 2020 Jul 15. PMID: 32668444.
10. Guo, Z. Guo, C. Duan, Z. Chen, G. Wang, Y. Lu, M. Li, J. Lu. Long-Term Persistence of IgG Antibodies in SARS-CoV Infected Healthcare Workers. MedRxiv (2020) 2020.02.12.20021386 doi: 11. Dr Karina Reiss, Dr Sucharit Bhakdi. Book, Corona False Alarm? Facts and Figures. Pages 101-108.
12. Peter Doshi. Covid-19: Do many people have pre-existing immunity? 17 September 2020 BMJ 2020; 370 doi:
13. E. King. Letter to BMJ: T-cells really are the superstars in fighting COVID-19 - but why are some of us so poor at making them? 21 Sep 2020
14. Kevin W NG et al. Preexisting and de novo humoral immunity to SARs-CoV-2 in humans. 6 Nov 2020 DOI: 10.1126/science.abe1107
15. Frederik Plesner Lyngse et al. COVID-19 Transmission Within Danish Households: A Nationwide Study from Lockdown to Reopening. medRxiv 2020.09.09.20191239; doi:
16. Phuong Nguyen-Contant et al. S Protein-Reactive IgG and Memory B Cell Production after Human SARS-CoV-2 Infection Includes Broad Reactivity to the S2 Subunit. mBio Sep 2020, 11 (5) e01991-20; DOI:10.1128/mBio.01991-20
17. Isabel Schulien et al, Characterization of pre-existing and induced SARS-CoV-2-specific CD8+ T cells, Nature Medicine (2020). DOI: 10.1038/s41591-020-01143-2
18. Tyler J Ripperger, Deepta Bhattacharya et al. Orthogonal SARS-CoV-2 Serological Assays Enable Surveillance of Low Prevalence Communities and Reveal Durable Humoral Immunity. Immunity Volume 53, Issue 5, 17 November 2020, Pages 925-933.e4


Meantime, Google censors pandemic science that fails to support the terror narrative. Thus for example a search for the Youtube video by Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, M.D. explaining the evidence of almost universal pre-existent immunity to Covid-19 yields the message: 
This video has been removed for violating youtube's community guidelines.
This followed by a link inviting one to "Learn more," which prompted the person to whom I had sent the video link to remark:
I love the irony of exhorting me to learn more while preventing me from doing so.

But let us give thanks where thanks is due: To the unsung heroes who clear the piles of dead bodies from the streets each night. 

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Death of A Nation: Canada, Mass Immigration and a Falling Birth Rate

Maxime Bernier, has served in Canada's government as Minister of state for small business, Minister of Foreign Affairs,  and Chair of the National Defense Select Committee. 

As founder and leader of  The People's Party of Canada, he seeks a reduction in Canada's immigration rate from the current flow of around 400,000 per year, which is equal to more than 1% of the existing population, to around 100,000 to 150,000. 

He argues that such reduction is necessary to safeguard Canada's complex cultural mosaic

To destroy one's own cultural heritage indeed seems monstrous. But there is another consequence of mass immigration that that seems even more monstrous.

With a fertility rate that fell below replacement in 1973, during Pierre Elliott Trudeau's first term as Prime Minister, and which has continued to fall in all but four years since 1973, mass immigration amounts to a program of population replacement.

Furthermore, the influx of migrants is the chief cause of Canada's continued low fertility rate.

Mass immigration drives:

    * competition for, and hence the cost of, housing;

    * demand for, and hence the cost in taxes of, infrastructure such as schools and hospitals;

    * competition for jobs, thus lowering wages.

By lowering incomes and raising the cost of buying a home, mass immigration thus delays family formation, which in turn, suppresses the fertility rate thereby keeping the historic Canadian nation on track for extinction. 

In brief: mass immigration = national genocide, cultural and racial, so vote Liberal if you support this policy. 


Bill Gates and Other Rich Hypocrites Fly In To Decide How the Little People Are to Cut Their Carbon Footprint

Jeff Bezos' Gulfstream G650 could be seen arriving at Idaho's Friedman Memorial Airport on Tuesday. Bezos was spotted on Thursday at the event with his girlfriend Lauren Sanchez
Jeff Bezos' Gulfstream G650 could be seen arriving at Idaho's Friedman Memorial Airport on Tuesday. Bezos was spotted on Thursday at the event with his girlfriend Lauren Sanchez: Source: Daily Mail

Friday, July 9, 2021

"Proof that puts an end to the Sars-CoV-2 Narrative" | Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, M.D.

Wow, flushed by Google's U-Tube already. Here it is from BitChute:

Dr. Bhakdi explains, based on new scientific evidence, why he believes:
* Your immune system is your best defense against SARS-CoV-2, and indeed all coronaviruses.
* If you have been infected, even if you experienced no symptoms at all, you are immune to all variants.
* We have already reached herd immunity.
* There is no scientific reason to vaccinate against SARS-CoV-2. There is simply no benefit and the rollout must be stopped.

Scientific literature references for Dr. Bhakdi’s presentation:


In this interview with The New American magazine’s Senior Editor Alex Newman, world-renown German-Thai-American microbiologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi warns that the COVID hysteria is based on lies and that the COVID “vaccines” are set to cause a global catastrophe and decimation of the human population. Starting off, he explains that the PCR test has been abused to produce fear in a way that is unscientific.

ZH: People Who Recover From COVID-19 At "Very Low Risk" Of Re-Infection: Study -- Wow, who'd have thunk it. Perhaps someone would tell that madman Fauci?
IW: Lunatic Fauci's CDC: Kids not vaccinated will need to wear masks and undergo weekly testing this school year

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

How British Broadcasters Lie About Covid, Covid "Vaccine" Safety, and the Scariness of Variants

Lockdown Skeptics: An anthropologist by background with no academic training in medicine, virology or immunology, Prof Devi Sridhar has nonetheless become a go-to person for the broadcast media during the pandemic, where she is allowed to pronounce unchallenged on all things to do with Covid, vaccines and lockdowns. This week, expert group HART has taken her to task for her misinformation about the safety of vaccinating children on Good Morning Britain. She told viewers categorically that “zero children have died because of the vaccine side-effects”, a claim at odds with the multiple reports on VAERS of fatal adverse events in children in the U.S.

Today, she told the BBC that vaccines give more robust and longer-lasting protection than from infection.

We’d rather people get immunity through a vaccine, as studies are showing that vaccine immunity is longer-lasting. You will have a more robust immune response from a vaccine than you do from natural infection.

She doesn’t specify which studies are showing this, but it is contradicted by the findings of researchers examining differing immune responses from infection and vaccination.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Are You An Irresponsible Anti-Vaxxers Potentially Killing Millions of People By Spewing Scary Covid Variants?

The mainstream media exists, chiefly it would seem, to pollute our immortal souls with piffle, drivel and what the great Russian novelist Alexander Solzhenitsyn referred to as, "celebrity gossip and vain talk."

It is also does a reliable job of spewing lying propaganda, a good deal of which is currently focused on a seemingly irrational campaign to get untested genomic pseudovaccines injected into every human on the face of the planet. 

I say pseudovaccines, since the mRNA Covid "vaccines" do not induce full-spectrum disease immunity, but induce only the production of antibodies to the Wuhan strain of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. As a consequence, the "vaccinated" are not resistant to infection by Covid, but merely protected from developing symptoms of disease when infected. As a result, "vaccinated" people can be infectious to others, or so the medical authorities has warned: hence the need for the "vaccinated" to wear face masks, essentially for ever under all circumstances.

Now, in the face of "vaccine hesitancy" (or, in the case of apparently better informed individuals, outright "vaccine refusal"), the media vax pushers warn that the anti-vaxxers are gonna kill us all by becoming breeding grounds for super scariant variants. 

As a non-immunologist, I refrain from dogmatic comment on whether covid vaccine refusniks constitute a credible threat to continued human existence. However, I note that immunologists of large experience say otherwise. Thus, and on the contrary, according to Geert vanden Bossche, the mRNA vaccines may drive viral immune escape, which is to say the emergence of variants that escape control by antibodies to the original Wuhan strain of Covid, the production of which the vaccines induce. 

Unlike those who have been "vaccinated," i.e., inoculated with an mRNA "vaccine", the "unvaccinated" will, if infected by Covid, either die of the disease, or develop full spectrum immunity. In the latter case, they will rid themselves entirely of the virus and achieve long-lasting and probably life-long T-cell immunity to future infection. In either case, they cannot be a source of infection to others, whether of the original Wuhan strain or a scary variant.

The possibility of an "unvaccinated" person becoming the source of a deadly new variant thus seems low, as any such a variant would have to be spread during the relatively brief course of the illness, when the infectiousness of the individual is obvious and will be guarded against. 

The "vaccinated" however, according to what we have been told by the seemingly all-knowing Dr. Fauci — a man apparently among those responsible for the laboratory creation of the super-infectious Covid virus — can carry the infection "asymptomatically," thus unknowingly spreading potentially variant viral progeny far and wide. 

Related: Singapore’s surprising new plan to ‘live with covid’ revealed

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Covid-19: the pseudopandemic psy-op Explained

By Iain Davis

Off-Guardian, June 29, 2021: Covid 19 was and is a pseudopandemic. It was the gross exaggeration of the threat posed by a low mortality respiratory illness, comparable to influenza.

The pseudopandemic was a psychological operation (psy-op) designed to terrorise the public. The objective was to accustom the people to draconian system of government oppression by familiarising them with the mechanisms of a biosecurity state.

The pseudopandemic was based upon an influenza like illness which, regardless of its origin, was not and is not a disease which can legitimately be considered the cause of a “pandemic.” The only way it could ever be described as such was by the removal of any reference to mortality from the World Health Organisation’s definition.

COVID 19 is a disease which has a mortality age distribution profile indistinguishable from standard mortality. Unlike influenza, which disproportionately impacts the young, in terms of threat to life, COVID 19 was and is a wholly unremarkable illness.

Were it not for political theatrics and mainstream media propaganda, which began in China, no one, outside of the medical profession and COVID 19 sufferers, would have remarked on this disease.

The illusion of overwhelmed health services was created by massively reducing their capacity and staffing levels while simultaneously reorienting healthcare to treat everyone who presented with a respiratory illness as viral plague carriers.

In reality the pseudopandemic saw unusually low levels of hospital bed occupancy. However, due to the additional policies and procedures heaped upon them, healthcare services were thrown into into disarray.

This was combined with the use of tests, incapable of diagnosing anything, as proof of a COVID 19 “case.” This enabled governments around the world to make absurd claims about the threat level. They relied upon fake science and junk data throughout. As symptomatic illness and resultant disease mortality was relatively low, they asserted that people without any signs of illness (the asymptomatic) were spreading the contagion.

Read more


Off-Guardian: New Normal Newspeak #1: “Herd Immunity”

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

D Is For Delta, Death and Delusion. But Why Worry? You're Gonna Die Anyhow, And Pretty Certainly It Won't Be From Covid, Strain Delta, Epsilon, Zeta, Eta or Theta

 And if our heading doesn't reassure you about the Covid Delta strain, read this excellent Zero Hedge article:

"Panic Porn Dressed Up As Science" - Exposing The Truth About The Delta Variant

Key points:

In the UK, the case fatality rate for over 30 thousand Delta (Indian) variant covid infections was 0.1%, the same as the seasonal flu and much lower than that for the original, Wuhan, Covid19 strain.

As the Delta variant became the predominant strain in the UK, accounting for 75% of all cases since mid-May, Covid hospitalizations have slumped, confirming the relative mildness of the infection.

And, "The U.K. data show more Delta-variant Covid fatalities among those already vaccinated relative to the number of confirmed cases by vaccination status." 

The exact meaning of that last statement is not entirely obvious. However, examination of Table 4 in the above linked article shows 37 deaths among 35,521 unvaccinated people who contracted the Delta Covid variant, versus 34 deaths among 17,642 vaccinated people (one or two shots) who contracted the Delta Covid variant.  

So it would appear that the vaccine greatly enhances the risk of death from Covid* -- a risk that was recognized at the outset of the vaccination campaign. cf: 

* From the data cited, a definite conclusion as to the effect of vaccination on disease severity as assessed by mortality is not possible, as it is unclear to what extent the vaccinated and unvaccinated groups are comparable. A difference in age distribution, for example, could greatly affect the result independently of any effect of vaccination.

The British Government presumably has the resources to provide a proper analysis of the available data, but that it fails to do so is only to be expected from the current administration of dunderheads lead by a psychopathic chancer who just poked the Russian Bear either just for the Hell of it or because told to do so by the addle-brained Biden.  

ReclaimtheNet: YouTube censors video of Nobel Prize winner discussing ivermectin
Tablet: Covid and The War on Reality
Alex Berenson: Why Covid Is Like AIDS
Quote: "the findings suggest that for people under 60, weight loss would be the single best way to reduce the risk of Covid - probably even more than a vaccine (and with no side effects). 
But of course you haven’t heard about this paper.  
No one has. The public health establishment has decided that an honest discussion of who is really at risk from Covid might smack of victim-blaming - just as it did a generation ago with HIV.
This time, though, we haven’t just frightened a bunch of people at essentially no risk. Our viral lockdown theater has been far more destructive, for kids who have lost a year of school and everyone else. In one final irony, lockdown-related weight gain may have actually worsened the risks last year."

Washington Times: COVID-19 lockdowns caused more deaths instead of reducing them, study finds
Youtube: Jim Jordan exposes Fauci's cover up on lab origin of Covid
Revolver: COVID-19 Lockdowns Over 10 Times More Deadly Than Pandemic Itself

Tucker Carlson Confirms US Headed for Liberal Totalitarianism

The "Free World" is rapidly turning into a collection of liberal totalitarian states: so says Sergey Naryshkin, Russia's Head of Foreign Intelligence.

Which is a claim entirely consistent with the report that America's National Intelligence Agency is spying on Tucker Carlson, among America's most articulate critics of government, with a view to discrediting him and thus forcing him off the air.

Shutting down free speech about public mis-education:

Monday, June 28, 2021

Covid Skeptic Meme


Fewer are dying from Covid "thanks to jab rollout"?

Wait a minute? Wasn't the vaccine supposed to stop you getting Covid?

And if you look at the graph in the D(u)M(b) article, you will see that the risk of death from Covid after the vaccine roll out was not much lower than this time last year, which was before the vaccine roll out. 

A supposed vaccine effect is evident only if you compare the risk of death now, i.e., during the summer, with the risk during the previous fall, winter and spring -- which is, obviously, not a valid comparison.

Oh, pfui, just a few old geezers dying -- who cares? Except, wasn't it always the case that the great majority of covid deaths were among old folks. 

So if 50 of the 119 people in Britain who have died of the Delta Covid strain had received two vaccine shots, as the Business Observer reports, the fact that most of them were old does not alter the fact that vaccination did rather little to protect those most at risk of death from Covid. 

For all the obfuscating waffle, the real test of the vaccines will come during the next flu season when (and if) people are not "locked down" like a bunch of unruly criminals, thereby prevented from earning a living or engaging in anything like a normal social life. 

So if there's no third, fourth, fifth or whatever wave, we may perhaps infer that the vaccines work at least to some degree. But it should be noted that with millions of "cases," population immunity, if achieved, will owe much to the fact that many -- the exact number of whom governments have been careful not to determine, e.g., by means of serological surveys -- have achieved robust and durable Covid immunity without vaccination by the simple means of getting the virus and, in 99.9% of such cases, recovering from it.

And remember that Covid deaths, whether of the vaccinated or the unvaccinated, have been reduced through both early treatment (as opposed to the original idea of waiting until you can't breath before going to hospital to die), and the adoption of effective anti-covid medications, including ivermectin, for the treatment of hospitalized patients. So, no, the reduction in infection fatality rate is not due solely, or perhaps chiefly, to vaccination. 

Also don't forget that the vaccine has killed thousands, which is thousands more than all other vaccines deployed  in the West taken together. 

Finally, from Lockdown Skeptics, on believing Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast,

plus this image of Britain's new Covid Minister, suggesting that post-Covid freedom in Britain, like the smile on the face of the Cheshire cat, will remain forever no more than a vision, appearing intermittently, then fading to nothing but a derisive grin. 

Tucker Carlson interviews Dr. McCullough: Hear this and weep:


And Some Questions:

If you’ve already had Covid 19, then why do you need the vaccine?
If being vaccinated works, then what difference does it make if someone doesn’t want to get vaccinated?
If half of the people who get the Covid 19 jab get Covid anyway, then why get it?
If it’s made differently from a vaccine and is really only gene therapy, then why call it a vaccine?
If masks work, why do you still need a vaccine?
If the Covid jab works, why do you need a mask and social distancing?
If MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) says social distancing doesn’t work, then why do it?
If Stanford says masks don’t work for viruses, then why wear them?
If you’ve been vaccinated, then why do you need to wear a mask or social distance?
If you have a brain, why do you need to believe lying pharmaceutical companies, media and politicians?
Why force the “vaccine” on people who don’t want it?
Is there a hidden agenda here that the eugenicists do not want you to know about or even question?

Canada's Bill C-36, Anti-Hate Law: A Liberal Law to Punish Those That Liberals Hate


Sunday, June 27, 2021

Time for Boeing to Pursue Merit Not Diversity?

FAA Denies Boeing Permission To Move Forward In Certifying 777X Due To Serious Flight Test Incident

And while they're upgrading the technical talent, maybe they should hire an aeronautical engineer or two on the board of Directors instead of this bunch of amateurs and diletantes.

Saturday, June 26, 2021

The Closing of the Tiny Academic Mind: Surgeon Opposed to Jabbing Children with Toxic Spike Protein Booted from University of Saskatchewan

 Dr Francis Christian, practising surgeon and clinical professor of general surgery at the University of Saskatchewan, has been immediately suspended from all teaching and will be permanently removed from his role as of September.

Dr Christian has been a surgeon for more than 20 years and began working in Saskatoon in 2007. He was appointed Director of the Surgical Humanities Program and Director of Quality and Patient Safety in 2018 and co-founded the Surgical Humanities Program. Dr. Christian is also the Editor of the Journal of The Surgical Humanities.

On June 17th Dr Christian released a statement to over 200 of his colleagues, expressing concern over the lack of informed consent involved in Canada’s “Covid19 vaccination” program, especially regarding children. (You read a PDF of that statement here.)

To be clear, Dr Christian’s position is hardly an extreme one.

He believes the virus is real, he believes in vaccination as a general principle, he believes the elderly and vulnerable may benefit from the Covid “vaccine”…he simply doesn’t agree it should be used on children, and feels parents are not being given enough information for properly informed consent.

Interestingly, even the World Health Organization partially endorses this position, since April their website on vaccination has read:

Children should not be vaccinated for the moment. There is not yet enough evidence on the use of vaccines against COVID-19 in children to make recommendations for children to be vaccinated against COVID-19.

That was not enough to save Dr Christian. That is how frighteningly intolerant of diversity of opinion the mainstream – and especially academia – has become. 

Read More

Friday, June 25, 2021

The Dystoopeian schemes of a Woke Canadian At the Head of Cambridge University

By Douglas Murray

The Spectator, June 17, 2021: Regular readers may be aware that in recent months I have been having a running-spat with a Canadian lawyer called Stephen Toope. I am rarely exercised by Canadian lawyers, but this particular one is the current Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge University, and he seems intent on running that crown jewel of an institution into the ground. 

Since taking over as Vice-Chancellor, Mr Toope has been responsible for a wide array of anti-free speech initiatives through which, as I recently remarked in the Daily Telegraph, he appears to want to transform Cambridge University into something like the Canadian bar association, but without the thrills, or the pay.

Anyhow – our spat came to a head after Mr Toope last month published his new guidance for informers in Cambridge. 

The purpose of his new initiative was to allow students and faculty to anonymously inform on each other and report "micro-aggressions."

As I accurately wrote in the Telegraph, one of the examples of a micro-aggression offered by Mr. Toope's website for informers was a member of the university raising an eyebrow while any member of a minority was speaking. In the wake of the negative publicity, Toope took down his website for informers, claiming that it had gone off early, that the dog had eaten it, or some such lame excuse.

Anyhow, to my great amusement, Mr Toope has finally found some friends at Cambridge, or at least some suckers-up willing to write a half-arsed defence of him. Thus this letter appeared in the letters pages of the paper at the weekend. Here is the text in full:

Sir - 

Douglas Murray has twice made unwarranted and highly personal attacks on the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cambridge, Professor Stephen J Toope (Comment, May 22 and June 8). 

As heads of the University’s six academic schools, we are independent of the central administration, but we cannot stand by as Professor Toope is subject to such gross misrepresentation.

Cambridge is a democratic institution with roots stretching back 800 years. This means that no vice-chancellor can impose their will on the university, and all policy decisions proceed through an intricate and finely balanced committee structure. While we are sure generations of vice-chancellors have found this frustrating, it is a fact of life at Cambridge.

Mr Murray makes the absurd suggestion that Professor Toope wants to limit free speech and push an agenda in which academics can be punished for raising an eyebrow at a student. The reality is more mundane. Errors were made during the launch of a campaign to introduce new policies and procedures covering conduct in the workplace. The campaign website was taken down as soon as the mistakes were spotted and the policy and procedures are now subject to further democratic scrutiny.

Professor Toope is an eminent international lawyer and experienced university leader. He has made clear his commitment both to championing freedom of expression and to making the university a welcoming place for our students and staff, who hail from all over the world. The two aims are complementary, not incompatible. As a leader, he commands respect from across the University and as senior academics we offer him our unwavering support. 

Professor John Dennis, Head of the School of Technology, Professor Tim Harper. Head of the School of the Humanities and Social Sciences' Professor Patrick Maxwell, Regius Professor of Physic and Head of the School of Clinical Medicine, Professor Nigel Peake, Head of the School of the Physical Sciences, Professor Anna Philpott, Head of the School of the Biological Sciences, Professor Chris Young, Head of the School of Arts and Humanities

I much enjoyed reading this attempt to defend Toope because if this is the best that the case for the defence has, then the defence is indeed what we used to call "piss-poor."

Let me take these academics' points one at a time:

First, they say that "Cambridge is a democratic institution… with a finely balanced committee structure&." But if this is so, why did Toope not seek formal approval from the General Board and Council of the university for all parts of his recent initiative? The reason that Toope himself gave for taking the website down was that it had not received proper scrutiny.

And if the structure of accountability at the university works so well, why did he not seek approval via the proper democratic mechanism? That would have been done by issuing a "Publication" in the Cambridge Reporter, which would have to be followed by a "Discussion" for scrutiny from Regent House before the final "Grace" (that is, democratic authorisation) was formulated.

These procedures may well be a "frustrating fact of life" at Cambridge, and it is perfectly possible that VCs have had to suffer through them for centuries. But then why did Toope ignore them completely?

Next the loyal Toopians (or Toopites) claim that my suggestion that Toope wants to limit free speech at Cambridge is "absurd." And they add that: 

The campaign website was taken down as soon as the mistakes were spotted, and the policy and procedures are now subject to further democratic scrutiny. 

This is completely ill-informed, and rather surprising from academics of such distinction. For their edification, here is the timeline: 

Toope's campaign website went live on 17 May. The first Telegraph report on micro-aggressions material was published on 20 May. Yet the Vice Chancellor’s senior official overseeing the campaign (Pro Vice Chancellor Eilis Ferran) defended the campaign website in its entirety and in its original form in a letter to the Telegraph which was published on 24 May.

It was only after this defense that a part of the website was taken down. So Ferran, onToope's behalf (that's what the "pro" bit is for), should have known about the disgraceful material because it was what she was responding to in her letter. 

The website to encourage snitches and informers in Cambridge University then went back up on 27 May.

Only after that was the entire campaign website taken down – on 7 June, three weeks after it went live, and two weeks after concerns were expressed in public. All this for a campaign that had been in the works for more than two years. Was that not time enough for proper scrutiny by all the relevant university bodies?

A further claim of the Toopians did make me laugh. They say: 

"Professor Toope is an eminent international lawyer and experienced university leader." Of course "eminent" and "experienced" are terms much open to eye-of-the-beholder-ism. But if Toope is so very eminent and experienced, why has he demonstrated such monumental incompetence, not least in the most basic tools of university governance? 

Toope permitted the ridiculous materials to be published. Toope failed to respect the democratic mechanisms of Cambridge by ignoring the need for approval from Regent House, the General Board, and the Council. And so, Toope has not only attempted to impose woke and other anti-free speech ideologies on Cambridge University, but he has done so via successive acts of extraordinary incompetence. Where exactly is the experience or eminence on display here?

It goes on. For if Toope is such a very great lawyer, why did he permit what could amount to unlawful changes to the disciplinary regime for all students and staff at the university? 

Perhaps the eminent Canadian is simply ignorant of the fact that, for a full week, the university he presides over defined racism in a way that a court might have ruled, not just as unlawful, but as actually, in itself, an act of systemic discrimination against white students and staff on the basis of skin colour. 

The definition of racism with which the Cambridge "Report + Support" begins says that " a system of advantage that sets whiteness as the norm." 

This definition – by suggesting that racism is a white phenomenon – would surely have fallen foul of section nine of the Equality Act, which Toope could have realised by reading the act. But perhaps it is too much to ask for him to have done so.

The Toope-ites claim that Toope himself "is committed to championing freedom of expression…As a leader, he commands respect from across the university and as senior academics we offer him our unwavering support."

But that just reads like the effusions of a few sycophants. If Toope commands such respect and is such a champion of free speech, why did he lose three major votes on his statement on freedom of speech last year? And by some of the biggest margins recorded at Regent House since the Second World War.

Finally, the Toopians claim that defending free expression and being a welcoming place to people from all over the world are "complementary, not incompatible" aims. 

But putting aside for a moment why these dons think Cambridge was ever such an unwelcoming place, their assertion is clearly flat-out wrong. There plainly are contradictions between the two aims and it is stupid to suggest otherwise.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

As China Rises, Russia Turns to the West

By Vladimir Putin
via Die Zeit:

On June 22, 1941, exactly 80 years ago, the Nazis, having conquered practically the whole of Europe, attacked the USSR. For the Soviet people the Great Patriotic War – the bloodiest one in the history of our country – began. Tens of millions of people lost their lives, the economic potential of the country and its cultural property were severely damaged.

We are proud of the courage and steadfastness of the heroes of the Red Army and home front workers who not only defended the independence and dignity of our homeland, but also saved Europe and the world from enslavement. Despite attempts to rewrite the pages of the past that are being made today, the truth is that Soviet soldiers came to Germany not to take revenge on the Germans, but with a noble and great mission of liberation. We hold sacred the memory of the heroes who fought against Nazism. We remember with gratitude our allies in the anti-Hitler coalition, participants in the Resistance movement, and German anti-fascists who brought our common victory closer.

Having lived through the horrors of the world war, the peoples of Europe were nevertheless able to overcome alienation and restore mutual trust and respect. They set a course for integration in order to draw a final line under the European tragedies of the first half of the last century. And I would like to emphasize that the historical reconciliation of our people with the Germans living both in the east and the west of modern united Germany played a huge role in the formation of such Europe.

I would also like to remind that it was German entrepreneurs who became ”pioneers“ of cooperation with our country in the post-war years. In 1970, the USSR and the Federal Republic of Germany concluded a ”deal of the century“ on long-term natural gas supplies to Europe that laid the foundation for constructive interdependence and initiated many future grand projects, including the construction of the Nord Stream gas pipeline.

We hoped that the end of the Cold War would be a common victory for Europe. It seemed that just a little more effort was needed to make Charles de Gaulle’s dream of a single continent – not even geographically ”from the Atlantic to the Urals“, but culturally and civilizationally ”from Lisbon to Vladivostok“ – become a reality.

It is exactly with this logic in mind – the logic of building a Greater Europe united by common values and interests – that Russia has sought to develop its relations with the Europeans. Both Russia and the EU have done a lot on this path.

But a different approach has prevailed. It was based on the expansion of the North Atlantic Alliance which was itself a relic of the Cold War. After all, it was specifically created for the confrontation of that era.

It was the bloc’s movement eastwards – which, by the way, began when the Soviet leadership was actually persuaded to accept the united Germany’s accession to NATO – that turned into the main reason for the rapid increase in mutual mistrust in Europe. Verbal promises made in that time such as ”this is not directed against you“ or ”the bloc’s borders will not get closer to you“ were quickly forgotten. But a precedent was set.

And since 1999, five more “waves” of NATO expansion have followed. Fourteen new countries, including the former Soviet Union republics, joined the organization, effectively dashing hopes for a continent without dividing lines. Interestingly, this was warned about in the mid-1980s by Egon Bahr, one of the SPD leaders, who proposed a radical restructuring of the entire European security system after German unification, involving both the USSR and the United States. But no one in the USSR, the USA or Europe was willing to listen to him at the time.

Moreover, many countries were put before the artificial choice of being either with the collective West or with Russia. In fact, it was an ultimatum. The Ukrainian tragedy of 2014 is an example of the consequences that this aggressive policy has led to. Europe actively supported the unconstitutional armed coup in Ukraine. This was where it all started. Why was it necessary to do this? Then incumbent president Yanukovych had already accepted all the demands of the opposition. Why did the USA organize the coup and the European countries weak-heartedly support it, provoking a split within Ukraine and the withdrawal of Crimea?

The whole system of European security has now degraded significantly. Tensions are rising and the risks of a new arms race are becoming real. We are missing out on the tremendous opportunities that cooperation offers – all the more important now that we are all facing common challenges, such as the pandemic and its dire social and economic consequences.

Why does this happen? And most importantly, what conclusions should we draw together? What lessons of history should we recall? I think, first and foremost, that the entire post-war history of Greater Europe confirms that prosperity and security of our common continent is only possible through the joint efforts of all countries, including Russia. Because Russia is one of the largest countries in Europe. And we are aware of our inseparable cultural and historical connection to Europe.

We are open to honest and constructive interaction. This is confirmed by our idea of creating a common space of cooperation and security from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean which would comprise various integration formats, including the European Union and the Eurasian Economic Union.

I reiterate that Russia is in favour of restoring a comprehensive partnership with Europe. We have many topics of mutual interest. These include security and strategic stability, healthcare and education, digitalization, energy, culture, science and technology, resolution of climate and environmental issues.

The world is a dynamic place, facing new challenges and threats. We simply cannot afford to carry the burden of past misunderstandings, hard feelings, conflicts, and mistakes. It is a burden that will prevent us from concentrating on the challenges at hand. We are convinced that we all should recognize these mistakes and correct them. Our common and indisputable goal is to ensure security on the continent without dividing lines, a common space for equitable cooperation and inclusive development for the prosperity of Europe and the world as a whole.


ZH: EU Must Establish 'Direct Contact' With Putin: Germany's Merkel

Sputnik News: Germany, France, Austria Back Idea of Russia-EU Summit, Say 'Direct' Dialogue is Needed

DM: EU leaders round on Merkel and Macron and reject their plan to resume meetings with Putin, comparing it to 'trying to talk a bear out of stealing honey'


DM: UK's Stupid, Servile UK Administration pander to US hegemonists by taunting Russia
Oh Come on: who's scared of starting WW3. Not, evidently, Jolly Boris who, as UK Foreign Secretary, did such a fine job hyping the nonsensical anti-Russian Skripal poisoning BS.