Friday, April 5, 2019

Solar Rain

Click for full screen image:

What is this?

Dunno, except that it's an amazing view of the surface of the sun, and from it one can infer that the sun is hot. Hot as Hell, in fact.

If you want to know more see this:

Unexpected rain on sun links two solar mysteries

The Admission Scam Is Another Reason To Destroy Academia As We Know It

By Kurt Schlichter

Town Hall, April 4, 2019: American college is terrible and, as a society, we should stop doing it – at least how it is being currently done. The greatest benefit of a system where most citizens are pushed to get college educations, whether they truly need and want one or not, would be a society of really smart, informed, and engaged citizens. Do you see that happening?

No, you do not.

Instead, we have a bunch of people who are dragged down by crushing debt after wasting years of their youth chasing a piece of paper that often has no relationship to these graduates’ futures. Compounding the failure is how these grads march off campus infatuated with ridiculous commie notions abhorrent to a free people. The college system is a disaster – an expensive disaster that picks our pockets as well as those of the suckers who matriculate – and we should stop tolerating it. Time for conservatives to reform academia the hard way, and by “reform” I mean, “Destroy it, sow the campuses with salt, and rebuild academia into something that isn’t useless.”

Read more

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Thereason May's Brexit Betrayal in Headlines

Brexit Desperation Rises As The Betrayal Deepens

PM May to Join Left Against Her Own Party?

"It’s getting like the bit in Harry Potter where Voldermort’s soul breaks apart. She is now tearing apart the soul of the party. She has split the soul into a Labour horcrux*."

* For the benefit of those unfamiliar with the term "horcrux," it is:
... an object in which a Dark wizard or witch has hidden a fragment of his or her soul for the purpose of attaining immortality.[1]Horcruxes can only be created after committing murder, the supreme act of evil. The process for the creation of a Horcrux involves a spelland a horrific act is performed after the murder has been committed. There are usually protective measures made to prevent a Horcrux from being stolen and destroyed, such as Counter-Charms and Jinxes. The Horcrux is considered the most terrible of all Dark magic.

Sounds about right, given that our existing elite seem to assume that if they manage to accumulate enough money they will be able to purchase immortality.
This Will be Theresa May's Appalling Legacy:
By Patrick Cockburn:

Unz Review, April 3, 2019: A German general once explained that he divided officers looking for promotion into four categories: the clever and lazy, the clever and industrious, the stupid and lazy and the stupid and industrious.

He said that the clever and lazy should be appointed to senior leadership positions because they could take important decisions without trying to interfere with the work of others. The clever and industrious should be made their deputies. The stupid and lazy should be sent to the front line, but the stupid and industrious should be pushed out of the army immediately of at once because they are a danger to everyone.

Theresa May surely belongs to the fourth category of leader, because as prime minister she has shown that she has a lethal blend of tunnel vision and obstinacy that automatically produces ill-judged decisions.
It seems simpler to assume that Theresa May is simply a stooge of the New World Order,i.e., the Money Power, a traitor, in fact, who is doing a good job shafting the the British people and confirming that parliamentary democracy is a fraud. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Justin Trudeau Has Got One Thing Done: He's Booted Two Liberal Party Members for an Unwanted Display of Integrity

In a Twitter post yesterday, former Canadian Justice Minister and Attorney General Jopdie Wilson-Raybould wrote:  
I have just been informed by the Prime Minister of Canada that I am removed from the Liberal caucus and as the confirmed Vancouver Granville candidate for the Liberal Party of Canada in the 2019 federal election
And in a FaceBook post, Dr. Jane Philpott, also expelled from the Liberal Party of Canada—in her case for supporting the former Justice Minister and Attorney General, Jody WilsonpRaybould, wrote:
Rather than acknowledge the obvious — that a range of individuals had inappropriately attempted to pressure the former attorney general in relation to a prosecutorial decision — and apologize for what occurred, a decision was made to attempt to deny the obvious — to attack Jody Wilson-Raybould's credibility and attempt to blame her.

That approach now appears to be focused on whether Jody Wilson-Raybould should have audiotaped the clerk instead of the circumstances that prompted Jody Wilson-Raybould to feel compelled to do so.
And Andrew Scheer, the Leader of the opposition, said with cheerful sanctimony:
View image on Twitter

While Jagmeet Singh, leader of the NDP, joined the chorus of condemnation, writing on Twitter:
Today, PM Trudeau and the Liberal government showed us exactly what they think about integrity. Thank you Jody for being loyal to Canadians. You deserve better.
In a letter to members of the Liberal Party caucus, sent just prior to her expulsion by Prime Minister Trudeau, Ms. Wilson-Raybould wrote of her commitment to doing politics in a new way:
... to break old and cynical patterns of centralizing power in the hands of a few unelected staffers" and the "the marginalization of hundreds of members of Parliament." 
 LOL. Young Justin, so much the admirer of all things dictatorship, from Castro to China's President for Life Xi, no doubt found such a commitment an insult impossible to ignore.

CBC: With Wilson-Raybould and Philpott, the Commons' crew of Independent MPs enters uncharted territory
The Post Millenial: How far is Trudeau’s AG willing to go to shut his eyes to the glaring evidence?
The Ottawa Sun: BONOKOSKI: Trudeau did not find his spine, only his panic button
The Tyee: Trudeau’s Dumb Expulsions and Strange Compulsions
CBC: SNC-Lavalin insider's bribery allegations spark probe by Crown agency that loaned the firm billions

Justin Trudeau, a Liar Who Can't Get Things Done

Our hapless Prime Minister.

Tasha Kheiriddin,

Global News, April 1, 2019: And that’s what ended up happening. Anyone who thinks Wilson-Raybould wasn’t shuffled out of her role because she had become a stumbling block to Trudeau’s SNC-Lavalin agenda is just as naïve as the person who bought the PMO’s line this weekend, that Wernick never apprised the PM of his conversation with Wilson-Raybould because people were on holidays. (You’d think there was a limit to how many people Trudeau can throw under the bus, but apparently, it’s a very big bus.)

Yes, the prime minister was attempting to circumvent the rule of law. And with someone less principled or relevant than Wilson-Raybould, he might have succeeded. Unfortunately for him, she brought not only a strong sense of justice to the role but an agenda. She wanted to advance Indigenous issues, both in the courts and in cabinet. She believed that Trudeau shared that agenda. Her very appointment suggested as much: she was the first woman of First Nations descent to serve as justice minister and attorney general. She thus felt secure in standing her ground — until it became clear, in exchanges like the one she recorded, that she wasn’t.

But the real lesson here isn’t that the PM is a hypocrite about feminism, Indigenous rights (cue the Grassy Narrows donation quip) or that he is a liar who tried to cover up what he did (pressure the AG inappropriately through multiple channels). It’s that he can’t get things done. ...
In the 2015 election, Conservative ads mocked Trudeau as being “not ready” for government. It turns out, sadly, that they were right.

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Rant of the Day: Brexit Failure Fallout

Thanks to Asagirian via Unz Review

Quote of the Day: James Clapper — Obama ordered the Russian Collusion Investigation

James Clapper, former Director of US National Intelligence

If it weren’t for President Obama, we might not have done the intelligence community assessment that we did that set off a whole sequence of events which are still unfolding today, notably, special counsel Mueller’s investigation.

President Obama is responsible for that, and it was he who tasked us to do that intelligence community assessment in the first place. I think it’s an important point when it comes to critiquing President Obama.


Zero Hedge: "Trump Was Not Just Spied Upon, It Was Entrapment"

Saturday, March 30, 2019

European Genocide for Globalist Hegemony

On one of the interminable wrangles about IQ over at the Unz Review, someone said:

Wizard of Oz: Greg Clark’s A Farewell to Alms: a Brief Economic History of the World provided convincing evidence that the poor in Britain for several hundred years were outbred by the literate, numerate children of the successful commercial and professional classes and, though not inheriting enough to stop them being, initially, downwardly mobile, they produced the industrial revolution.
To which I responded with a brief exposé of the treasonous conspiracy for Global Governance via genocide of the European nations:

Yes. That's more or less what Adam Smith said.

Unfortunately, the descendants of those who created the industrial revolution are too dumb, ignorant or corrupt to rectify today's clearly dysgenic breeding policy, which encourages welfare-based reproduction while providing every economic impediment to intelligent people achieving even a replacement fertility rate.

The Treason Class rules, which is to say that the object of population policy in Europe, Canada, Australia and New Zealand is to displace Europeans as the majority by suppressing their fertility and at the same time promoting mass immigration of people of alien race, religion and culture. Without racially and culturally defined nations, the sovereign, democratic nation state is no more. In its place will emerge administrative units — each a post-national state as the globalist puppet Justin Trudeau describes Canada, which are subordinate to institutions of global governance under the hidden hand of the Money Power.

The same plan operates in America, cf. : My Plan To Destroy America
So if you're a Euro, your kind are headed for the psychological equivalent of the Auschwitz gas chambers. Your fertility is under repression by every means from taxation to state propaganda in the name of sex "education," while the place of your posterity, the continuation of your national group and gene pool, is to be taken by the descendants of others. Your nation is headed the way of the Tasmanians, and if you object, you are as we pointed out before: A far-right-wing extremist, racist, anti-Semite against genocide of your own race and nation

Brexit Means Bullshit

As Rob Slane notes, Britain has:

A Prime Minister who has promised to resign if her deal (to exit the EU) is successful (i.e., backed by Parliament), but who stays put now her deal has once again failed.
So, the more Thereason May fails, the better she succeeds— Succeeds that is at subverting the will of the people in the interests of the Globalist Money Power.

Friday, March 29, 2019

Why Jodie Wilson-Raybould Resigned As Canada's Minister of Veterans Affairs

Jodie Wilson-Raybould (JWR) was fired as Canada's Justice Minister and Attorney General after refusing to abort the prosecution of Québec-based engineering multi-national, SNC-Lavalin on charges of bribery and corruption abroad.

She was subjected to political pressure to provide SNC with relief from Prosecution by the Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, both in person and by letter, by members of the Prime Minister's staff, by Finance Ministry staff, and by David Wernick, Clerk of the Privy Council, Canada's most senior civil servant.

Specifically, it was expected that she would override the judgement of the independent Director of Public Prosecutions, by ordering that SNC-Lavalin be granted a so-called remediation agreement, under the terms of which penalties would be negotiated without criminal liability.

By way of pressure, JWR was given to understand that cabinet post was in jeopardy unless she submitted to the Prime Minister's wishes in the matter of the SNC-Lavalin prosecution.

JWR rejected these demands on the grounds that they amounted to interference in Canada's constitutionally protected traditions of prosecutorial independence and rule of law. Shortly afterwards, Prime Minister Trudeau fired JWR as Justice Minister and Attorney General.

Following her dismissal, JWR was offered the cabinet post of Minister of Veterans Affairs, which she accepted. However, following meetings with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on January 14th of this year, JWR resigned her new cabinet appointment. The trigger for this decision was a statement by the Prime Minister that with reference to the propriety of the Government's action in relation to SNC-Lavelin, JWR's ongoing presence in Cabinet spoke for itself. With reference to her resignation from Cabinet the following day JWR said: "I trust that my resignation also speaks for itself."

The recording of the telephone conversation between JWR and the Clerk of the Privy Council, Michael Wernick, is here.

JWR's 21-page written submission of supplementary information for the Parliamentary Justice Committee relating to political pressure under which she was placed during her tenure as Canada's Attorney General is here.

Toronto Sun: Lilley — Trudeau's lies
CBC: Wilson-Raybould: 'no regrets'
CBC:Feast hosted for Jody Wilson-Raybould on Vancouver Island
Global News: Phone call leaves Liberals’ SNC-Lavalin narrative — and excuses — in complete tatters
Global News:Michael Wernick never briefed Trudeau on Wilson-Raybould phone call — says PMO
NaPo: Christie Blatchford: The Jody Wilson-Raybould solution
NaPo: Andrew Coyne: Wilson-Raybould recording brings SNC-Lavalin affair crashing back to reality
The Tyee: Jody Wilson-Raybould: Cassandra of the Trudeau Government

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Justin Trudeau Out? Thereason May On the Skids?

In the matter of current events, what seems self evident to a person of modest wit and experience seems to be a matter of extraordinary surprise to the mainstream media. The ongoing disintegration of the premiership of Justin Trudeau is a case in point. Of young Justin, we wrote more than a year ago:

If he lacked ideas or brains he seemed to be taking advice, and there were still some wise heads in the Liberal Party, including that of former Prime Minister Jean Chrétien, willing to provide the advice. Meantime the Tories were tired, out of ideas, facing mounting economic problems, and tarnished by the Senate expenses scandal. The result was highly predictable. Trudeau led the Liberals to a splendid victory.

But, as we also wrote,

since, then, the trend has not been young Justin's friend.

A limited intellect, a lack of significant real-world experience, and a surfeit of praise will tend to propel any youthful hero on a course for disaster. Justin Trudeau's case has proved to be no exception.

Yet the media never seemed to notice the impending fiasco, until now, when, according to the latest opinion survey, the poor slob Justin has a lower public approval rating than Donald Trump.

Personally mired in LavScam, ridiculed for a combination of inappropriate conduct abroad, absurd political correctness (we say peoplekind, not mankind) crude insensitivity (thank you for your donation, in response to a question about mercury poisoning of the first nations people of Grassy Narrows, Ontario), it appears suddenly to the media that Justin's hold on power may not to be prolonged.

And as our Justin seems headed for the discard pile of dud Canadian Liberal Party leaders, Theresa May, who we long ago dubbed Thereason May, seems headed for the exit from the parliamentary whorehouse too, her betrayal of the people to whom she gave the assurance: "Brexit means Brexit," being  suddenly evident to all, as declared in a column in the Daily Mail:

Too little, too late. If Theresa May had possessed a shred of decency, she should have resigned long ago. Her authority was shot to pieces after her disastrous, self-inflicted general election humiliation, which cost the Tories their majority and ensured that the enemies of Brexit would prevail.

She had a second chance to do the decent thing last July when it became apparent that her dismal, defeatist Chequers withdrawal agreement was a shoddy betrayal of her oft-parroted mantra: ‘Brexit means Brexit.’

Instead of respecting the views of those who spoke for the 17.4 million people who voted to leave the EU, she even threatened to confiscate the ministerial cars of Cabinet dissenters and make them walk home.

This wasn’t the action of a strong, confident Prime Minister. It was a petty, vindictive attempt at intimidation...

If Theresa didn’t get her way, she was going to scream and scream and scream until she was sick.

This was the real Mrs May: aloof, stubborn, convinced of her own self-righteousness, and contemptuous of others who begged to differ.

Thus, is it once again confirmed, you can fool most of the for long enough to do a lot of damage.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Martian Mushrooms? If So, What Are They Feeding On?

A paper just published in the Journal of Astrobiology and Space Science Reviews, 1, 40–81, 2019, entitled Evidence of Life on Mars? begins with the words:

Presented here is a body of evidence and observations which do not prove but supports the hypothesis Mars was, and is, a living planet hosting prokaryotes, lichens, and fungi.

Among the data presented are the following photographs taken by NASA's Rover Opportunity.

Figure 8. Sol 1145-left v Sol 1148-right). Comparing Sol 1145-left vs Sol 1148-right. Growth of fifteen Martian specimens over three days. Specimens labeled 1-5 and marked with red circles have increased in size. Those specified by arrows--Sol 1148-right--demarcate the emergence of ten new specimens which were not visible in Sol 1145-left photographed three days earlier by NASA/JPL. Differences in photo quality are secondary to changes in camera-closeup-focus by NASA. The majority of experts in fungi, lichens, geomorphology, and mineralogy agreed these are likely living specimens, i.e. fungi, puffballs. An alternate explanation is a strong wind uncovered hematite which had been buried beneath sand and dirt.
The apparent growth and multiplication of objects reminiscent of mushrooms or puffball fungi is certainly remarkable, as are many other images presented in this paper, the full text of which is available here.

But if these are fungi, then a big puzzle remains: What do Martian fungi feed on?

Fungi are not autotrophic, meaning that they are unable to synthesize organic matter from inorganic substrates. They require a source of organic material to feed on: either dead material, if they saprophytes, or living material if they are parasites. But in either case, since dead organic material must once have been living, the existence of fungi on Mars would indicate the existence of autotrophic organisms, which are capable of synthesizing organic molecules photosynthetically or by other means from purely inorganic substrates. In other words, the presence of fungi on Mars would indicate the presence of an ecosystem of at least several different types of living organism.

The first botanist to set foot on Mars may be in for amazing discoveries.

IQ-ism, a Fake Science Serving the Fascist New World Order

Psychologists generally assert that IQ tests provide the best predictive measure of individual life success, hence the need to give everyone an IQ label, the better for schools, employers and the world at large to judge their intellectual merit.

This notion is tremendously appealing to those intent on creating the Fascist New World Order, which is to say a bureaucratic global dictatorship, controlled by the Money Power, which requires a submissive populace brainwashed into a belief in its own mental inadequacy, and therefore, its own incapacity for democratic, national self-government.

What the promoters of IQ-ism assert by implication is that:
You have an IQ less than those set in authority over you, which means that your judgement is invariable inferior to that of those who dictate the conditions of your existence. Hence, cease your clamor, do as you are told, and be content with whatever rights and freedoms we, your rulers, in our wisdom, are prepared to grant you.
Here for instance is Jordan Peterson with expert-level hand-waving, brainwashing and bullying a University of Toronto undergraduate psychology class:

One of the things I have to tell you about IQ research is that if you don't buy IQ research, you might as well throw away all the rest of psychology, and the reason for that (blah, blah, blah (watch it here)

Or in other words:
Question what I have to say about IQ and you will be judged mentally unfit for education as a psychologist, and you might as well quit the course now.

In a discussion of the recent Boeing 737MAX crashes at the Unz Review, many commentators seemed content to attribute these disasters to the presumed low IQ of the Third World pilots flying the planes. Here, for example, is one that gets right to the point:

Boeing is great/ dumb Third World pilots.

In response to such views, I quoted a couple of paragraphs from an essay on IQ by the well known financial analyst, Nassim Taleb:

“IQ” is a stale test meant to measure mental capacity but in fact mostly measures extreme unintelligence (learning difficulties), as well as, to a lesser extent (with a lot of noise), a form of intelligence, stripped of 2nd order effects — how good someone is at taking some type of exams designed by unsophisticated nerds. It is via negativa not via positiva. Designed for learning disabilities, and given that it is not too needed there (see argument further down), it ends up selecting for exam-takers, paper shufflers, obedient IYIs (intellectuals yet idiots), ill adapted for “real life”. The concept is poorly thought out mathematically by the field (commits a severe flaw in correlation under fat tails; fails to properly deal with dimensionality; treats the mind as an instrument not a complex system), and seems to be promoted by:

— racists/eugenists, people bent on showing that some populations have inferior mental abilities based on IQ test=intelligence; those have been upset with me for suddenly robbing them of a “scientific” tool, as evidenced by the bitter reactions to the initial post on twitter/smear campaigns by such mountebanks as Charles Murray. (Something observed by the great Karl Popper, psychologists have a tendency to pathologize people who bust them by tagging them with some type of disorder, or personality flaw such as “childish” , “narcissist”, “egomaniac”, or something similar).

— psychometrics peddlers looking for suckers (military, large corporations) buying the “this is the best measure in psychology” argument when it is not even technically a measure — it explains at best between 2 and 13% of the performance in some tasks (those tasks that are similar to the test itself)[see interpretation of .5 correlation further down], minus the data massaging and statistical cherrypicking by psychologists; it doesn’t satisfy the monotonicity and transitivity required to have a measure (at best it is a concave measure). No measure that fails 80–95% of the time should be part of “science” (nor should psychology — owing to its sinister track record — be part of science (rather scientism), but that’s another discussion).

— It is at the bottom an immoral measure that, while not working, can put people (and, worse, groups) in boxes for the rest of their lives.

— There is no significant correlation (or any robust statistical association) between IQ and hard measures such as wealth. Most “achievements” linked to IQ are measured in circular stuff s.a. bureaucratic or academic success, things for test takers and salary earners in structured jobs that resemble the tests. Wealth may not mean success but it is the only “hard” number, not some discrete score of achievements. You can buy food with a $30, not with other “successes” s.a. rank, social prominence, or having had a selfie with the Queen.

Read more

This prompted a response to me from University of London IQ psychologist, James Thompson:

Have you have also read my replies to Taleb?

Which provided the opportunity to express more fully than before why I believe that IQ-ism is fake science:

I've had a look. But as I'm sure you will agree, to review your response to Taleb adquately would demand a lengthy paper, which I will not attempt to compose here. I will, though, address the first point that you make in your January 3, article.
Taleb criticizes the poor statistics used by intelligence researchers... I have assumed he means that more than half of intelligence research findings are wrong, and for malicious reasons. If this is his point, he is factually wrong.
Your assumption is surely incorrect. Taleb neither said nor implied that more than half of intelligence research findings are wrong, for malicious reasons. Rather, he was presumably drawing an inference about the invalidity of most intelligence research findings from the well known "replication crisis in psychology" and other fields of research, and the well known fact that across the board, the majority of research papers are so poorly designed and analysed that most research claims must be false. So no, Taleb is not accusing you or those who labor in the IQ field of malicious fraud.

You attempt to bury Taleb beneath a mountain of technical details and journal references that few here will ever read, but you do not confront Taleb's key point, which is that, yes, IQ tests measure something, and yes whatever they measures correlates in some degree with behavior, success, income, whatever, but so what?

The key questions Taleb raises to which you offer no answer are:

does IQ usefully quantify intelligence as that term is generally understood and as it is defined by the dictionary?

and, more fundamentally, is it even theoretically possible to quantify intelligence, as that term is generally understood, by a single number?

Taleb answers both questions in the negative. I agree. Furthermore, I believe that if you stopped calling whatever it is that you measure with you tests intelligence, then no one would question your work. Indeed, they might pay it no attention at all, which does raise a question of whether some psychologists, by mislabeling their product, are deliberately selling a bill of goods.

In the event that that draws a crushing rebuttal, I promise to post it here.

So far, all I've had is reference to a fact-free rebuttal by Stephen Pinker:

Irony: Replicability crisis in psych DOESN'T apply to IQ.S. Pinker

Great to be a famous author innit. No need to argue a point. Just assert an opinion and the world will defer — LOL


Most Reported Genetic Associations with General Intelligence Are Probably False Positives. Psychol Sci. 2012 Nov 1; 23(11): 1314–1323.

Or if you prefer a more mainstream source: The Telegraph's Science Correspondent reports:

IQ tests 'do not reflect intelligence' 

Or something even more downmarket: Daily Mail:

IQ tests are 'meaningless and too simplistic' claim researchers 

And I like this from the Psychologist:

What intelligence tests miss 
It is a profound historical irony of the behavioural sciences that the Nobel Prize was awarded for studies of cognitive characteristics (rational thinking skills) that are entirely missing from the most well-known mental assessment device in the behavioral sciences – the intelligence test. Intelligence tests measure important things, but not these – they do not assess the extent of rational thought. This might not be such an omission if it were the case that intelligence was an exceptionally strong predictor of rational thinking. However, research has found that it is a moderate predictor at best and that some rational thinking skills can be quite dissociated from intelligence.
Perhaps others will join in the amusing quest for quotes sending up S. Pinker.

CanSpeccyPosts From the Past: About Intelligence (12)

Friday, March 22, 2019

Real Women Trash Fake Feminist Trudeau

Ralph Nader: Greedy Boeing’s Avoidable Design and Software Time Bombs

Counter Punch, March 22, 2019: 

As internal and external pressures mount to hold Boeing responsible for its criminal negligence, the giant company is exerting its immense influence to limit both its past and future accountability. Boeing whistleblowers and outside aviation safety experts are coming forward to reveal the serial, criminal negligence of Boeing’s handling of its dangerous Boeing 737 Max airplanes, grounded in the aftermath of two deadly crashes that took 346 lives. Boeing, is used to having its way in Washington, D.C. For decades, Boeing and some of its airline allies have greased the wheels for chronic inaction related to the additional protection and comfort of airline passengers and airline workers.

Most notoriously, the airlines, after the hijacks to Cuba in the late Sixties and early Seventies, made sure that Congress and the FAA did not require hardened cockpit doors and stronger latches on all aircraft, costing a modest $3000 per plane. Then the 9/11 massacre happened, a grisly consequence of non-regulation, pushed by right wing corporatist advocacy centers.

Read more

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Boeing's 737NG: How a Corrupt Precurement System Makes This Plane Liable to Break-Up

The Hill: FBI joins criminal probe of Boeing 737 Max certification: report
Zero Hedge: Boeing/FAA Saga "Is A Perfect Microcosm Of Our Twisted & Broken Culture"

Things Not What You May Have Thought: March 20, 2019

Just as Canada legalizes the sale and distribution of pot, to the vast enrichment of those in on the Marijuana stock IPOs, we learn:

Smoking high-potency marijuana every day could increase the chances of developing psychosis by nearly five times, according to the biggest-ever study to examine the impact of pot on psychotic disorder rates.

Brexit deadlock shows 'democracy all but dead' - Donald Trump Jr.
Democracy in the land of the Mother of Parliaments has been dead a long time. Ever since the central party organizations dictated to the constituencies who was fit to run for parliament. The result, obviously, was the reversal of roles for MPs. Instead of representing the people to the Government, they came to represent the Government to the people. And at no time has this been better illustrated than the present when most voters in Conservative constituencies voted for Brexit, but most Conservative MPs are Remainers.

Meantime, the leaders of the EU seem in a hurry to get Britain out of the EU now, for fear the Breixteers will otherwise hang in there for ever and ever:

No new Brexit negotiations, no additional guarantees, Juncker says before summit

With just nine days to go before the March 29 exit date, uncertainty surrounds Brexit with options including leaving with British Prime Minister Theresa May’s deal, a short or longer delay, a disruptive exit or another referendum.“There will be no re-negotiations, no new negotiations, no additional guarantees in addition to those already given,”Juncker told Germany’s Deutschlandfunk radio.

There is something quite weird about the New Zealand Mosque Massacre, particularly the insane threat of ten year's jail for possessing a video of the shooting. Now watching innocent and defenseless people being murdered is not something any normal person wishes to view as matter of entertainment, but that no one is to observe a video record of the crime strongly suggests that the crime was not as publicly reported.

New Zealand Shooter Connections to the Deep State, The 'Five Eyes' Intelligence / Operation Gladio: Capt. Dave Bertrand, Ret. +Video

News Reports Suggested 2 Shooters; IEDs Found Strapped To Multiple Vehicles; Suspect’s Strange Travel History

Feminism and the death of the West:

During my junior year in high school, the nuns asked about our plans for after we graduated. When I said I was going to attend State University, I noticed their disappointment. I asked my favorite nun, “Why?” She answered, “That means you’ll leave four years later a communist and an atheist!”

What a giggle we girls had over that. “How ridiculously unsophisticated these nuns are,” we thought. Then I went to the university and four years later walked out a communist and an atheist, just as my sister Katie had six years before me.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Boeing, Going, Gone?

Concerning Boeing's crash-prone 737MAX airplane, a commenter at the Unz Review states:

‘…what I find astonishing is that Boeing engineers specified, designed, tested, and then implemented a system (MCAS) that overrides all other controls and systems, including the pilot’s, but is itself so fault intolerant that in case of malfunction in a single component would fly the airplane into the ground unless disabled. How is that possible in a company as engineering intense as Boeing?
That Boeing then compounded the mis-engineering by keeping it secret moves it beyond astonishing and into criminal territory.
That the FAA then certified it amounts to dereliction of its duty to the public. Head’s should roll all ’round.’…
Most of what is known in answer to the question how such craziness occurred is stated with clarity in a response in the same discussion thread:

These questions are the crux of the matter…and answers are emerging…

Flawed analysis, failed oversight: How Boeing, FAA certified the suspect 737 MAX flight control system

This is a tremendous piece of journalism published yesterday in the Seattle Times and reveals that concerned Boeing engineers and FAA officials spoke to the Times BEFORE the Ethiopian crash occurred…and what they revealed pulls back the curtain on a truly astonishing level of what can only be called corruption…

Here are the main points…

1. Boeing effectively browbeat the FAA into the letting the company sign off on crucial safety issues, instead of FAA officials

2. The extent to which the MCAS system is able to control the airplane is four times as much as what the FAA and airline customers were led to believe

3. The FAA allowed Boeing to sign off on using only a single AOA sensor to feed the MCAS system, based on faulty and unrealistic risk assumptions of something going wrong

So we have both Boeing and FAA insiders now stepping forward to whistle-blow…in fact this Seattle Times story was in the works long before the Ethiopian crash, and both the Boeing and the FAA were provided with copies of the story and the opportunity to respond before publication…in the meantime the second 737 MAX crashed…

and much more

And here (thanks to FB at Unz Review) a comment from the Moon of Alabama on how Wall Street made Boeing turn bad.

Boeing shares could yet have a long way to fall: like to zero?

Zero Hedge: Boeing's Problem Is Not Software
Zero Hedge: Boeing Tumbles On Grand Jury Subpoena Probing 737 MAX Approval
Zero Hedge: Boeing Slides As BEA Confirms "Clear Similarities" In 737 Crashes, Ethiopian Air Freezes Orders

Sunday, March 17, 2019

The Death of British Democracy

David Starkey, British historian writes of the Brexit shambles:

The People voted 52 to 48 per cent to leave; an estimated 74 per cent of MPs voted to remain.

No representative assembly can sustain such a gulf. Either People or Parliament must give way.

And so it has proved as, in its profound lack of wisdom and in its disregard for the central thread of its own history, Parliament has decided it is the People who should change. Or, rather, be changed.

This is not the first time such a thing has happened. Before the fall of the Berlin Wall, Communist states were ruled by similarly pampered, out-of-touch and privileged elites who, against all the evidence, claimed to represent the People.

The People, shame on them, were ungrateful and in the habit of rebelling. After one such protest, the German poet and playwright Bertolt Brecht wrote one of the great poems of political dissent, including the satirical lines:
Wouldn’t it
Be simpler in that case if the government
Dissolved the people and
Elected another?’
When I first read the poem 50 years ago as a student, I laughed complacently because I knew it couldn’t happen here.

But it has. Since what is Remain or the campaign for a Second Referendum but an attempt to ‘dissolve the people and elect another’?

And where will it end? In another very British revolution? Or something nastier?

I don’t want to prophesy, good historian that I am, but I fear the worst.
The notion of "electing" another people, means in reality, suppressing native reproduction and replacing the British people with immigrants of alien race, religion, and culture. In short, genocide of the British nation by their own elite.

So yes, just wait while they bring in another coupla million, just five years worth of immigration, and then it will be time for a second vote, assuming Britain is not already back in the EU fold by then.

Also time then to end England's status as a Christian country and disband the Anglican church. After all, there'll be more Muslims in Britain than Christians by 2035, by which time the Muslims will certainly consider it time for them to rule:

But let no native of this ancient island nation object to the immigrant tide lest they be held guilty of enabling and promoting mass murder of blameless Muslim immigrants in New Zealand. Indeed no hate speech is more cruel than that directed against those who will not abide by the plan for the extinction of their own race.

How News of the Mass Murder of Muslims in New Zealand Will Be Used to Disarm Americans and Promote Further Muslim Migration to the Homelands of the European People
James Howard Kunstler: Deadly Serious
Gateway Pundit: This is Not Who We Are’ – New Zealand Prime Minister Dons Hijab After Mosque Shooting (But they're not Muslims either).
Zero Hedge: NZ Threatens 10 Years In Prison For 'Possessing' Mosque Shooting Video; Web Hosts Warned, 'Dissenter' Banned (Why? one may wonder)
Zero Hedge: Limbaugh Floats "False Flag" Theory NZ Shooter Is "Leftist" Who Staged Attack To Frame Conservatives
Natural News: Conservative? Hardly. New Zealand mass shooter is a far-Left “eco-fascist” who praised communist China
Breitbart: Nigerian Muslim Militants Kill 120 Christians in Three Weeks
Breitbard: Media Silence Surrounds Muslim Massacre of Christians
Intellectual Observer: The fifth suspect of Christchurch shootings has defected to Israel

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Headline of the Week, No. 79: How the Western World Died

Senator who opposed the bill to protect babies who survive abortions is now campaigning to stop the ‘slaughter’ of kittens

Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) announced earlier this month that he is sponsoring a Senate bill that would prevent kittens from being killed after they are used in research, NBC News reported.

Though he is backing a bill to protect kittens, Merkley voted against the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. Democrats successfully blocked the bill, which would have extended protections for newborn babies born as a result of a botched abortion, in February.
A classic case of white self-hatred.

And it's not some rare mental disease. Try smacking the nose of someone's dearly beloved doggy that's just bounded up to you and slobbered on your freshly cleaned pants or overcoat, and they will more often than not go ballistic. Among such people, the protective love and attention that viable human society has for children, has been transferred to animals.* 

Nothing, of course, will be done by our ruling elites to combat such degeneracy. It's what they want. The ruling class may not hate themselves, although quite possibly they do and certainly they should, but they sure hate the other 99% of humanity and wish to reduce it to the status of a totally brainwashed slave class, insofar as it cannot be eliminated altogether by means of automation and robotization.

* Yes, of course, most normal people like animals too. But in a society with a future, human rights must trump animal rights in all cases. 

Friday, March 15, 2019

How News of the Mass Murder of Muslims in New Zealand Will Be Used to Disarm Americans and Promote Further Muslim Migration to the Homelands of the European People

Already the liars in the US Congress are blaming President Trump for the Mosque mass murder in New Zealand.

How soon before this hideous crime is used to justify greater Muslim immigration to the West.

In the meantime, it serves the gun confiscation lobby. Thus, from Barack Obama we have already heard:
“thoughts and prayers” are not sufficient, only gun control legislation will do.
Good logic, eh!

Someone in New Zealand goes on a rampage killing a bunch of innocent Muslims, and America's hate-whitey liberal left want to disarm law-abiding Americans who own firearms for the purpose of self defense. 

The fact is, if some of those unfortunate New Zealand Muslims had been armed, the death toll in yesterday's murderous rampage would have been much smaller.

And apparently, the carnage at one of the mosques that was attacked was brought to an end by someone with a gun

A second shooting happened at a mosque in the Linwood area of the city.

One Friday prayer goer returned fire with a rifle or shotgun.

Witnesses said they heard multiple gunshots around 1.45pm.

A well known Muslim local chased the shooters and fired two shots at them as they sped off.

Source: New Zealand Herald


Paul Joseph Watson: 
And this

And lifted directly from Vox Popoli under the heading "Outraged by Reality":

A controversial federal MP has sparked outrage for blaming Islamic immigration for the Christchurch mosque shooting which has killed 49 people.

Independent Queensland senator Fraser Anning said while any form of violence could never be justified, the growing fear of the 'increasing Muslim presence' was behind the massacre.

'The real cause of bloodshed on New Zealand streets today is the immigration program that allowed Muslim fanatics to migrate to New Zealand in the first place,' he tweeted shortly after the Friday afternoon shootings.
In response to which, VP comments:

Every mass movement of peoples has always ended in bloodshed, sooner or later. Why would anyone expect the current migration cycle to end any differently?
The thing is, the globalists and their stooges who rule the Western nations believe the technology of brainwashing and mind control has so far advanced that they will be able to keep the lid on as they genocide the European peoples and replace them with a mongrelized race of slave labor, people with no silly ideas about the rule of law, human rights or nation state democracy. Hell, pretty-faced globalist shill Justin Trudeau has already declared the Canadian nation defunct.

The New Zealand mass murder, so VP, asserts is a false flag of which he writes:

the blood of the victims on both sides is on the hands of the evil politicians and activists who opened the borders of the nation-states of the West to foreign invaders. There is a reason Muslims refer to the lands outside the House of Submission as the Dar al-Harb, the House of War.

Read more

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Americans Go Hyper Insane: Sue Colleges for Half a Trillion Over Entrance Racket

...In the largest known college admissions scandal in U.S. history, federal prosecutors on Tuesday said a California company made about $25 million by charging parents to secure spots for their children at elite schools, including Georgetown, Stanford and Yale, by cheating the admissions process. ...
I'm puzzled by this. I mean, America is supposed to be the home of the entrepreneur, and here's a company providing what is evidently a much valued service and the Federal Government is prosecuting them. What for I wonder. 

I mean it's genius, making millions getting kids into Georgetown. LOL. That's home to the professor who wants all white males castrated and their genitals fed to swine. Pay to get you kid accepted there? You're welcome. 

But what seems hyper crazy is the reaction of those who weren't smart enough to buy their kid a place at Georgetown or Harvard or some other pricey snob school.  
...a $500-billion US civil lawsuit filed by a parent on Wednesday in San Francisco accused 45 defendants of defrauding and inflicting emotional distress on everyone whose "rights to a fair chance at entrance to college" were stolen through their alleged conspiracy.
Half a trillion? Half a trillion dollars over hurt feelings!

Look, if your kid has a brain, he'll earn as much money after graduating from the local state university as if you'd pissed away a million bucks on a BS and Ph.D. from Harvard. 

But if American courts are insane enough to award damages of half a trillion dollars over your kid not being accepted at Harvard, then, yeah, go for it. If you win, your kid won't need an education. You'll be able to pay a Harvard grad. to read for him. 

Thing is though, why should a university not accept bribes or gifts, as in the case, for example, of Trump's Harvard educated son-in-law, Jared Kushner? I mean, Harvard is a private school. If they don't want to take your kid, perhaps because someone is willing to give them money to take their kid in preference to yours, why should they?

This seems just one more sign that the American Empire is about to descend into total madness. 

On Hating Immigration, Not Immigrants

In his latest blog post, Ambassador Craig Murray writes of Theresa May:
"Hatred of immigrants remains the defining motive of her entire career."
This is the grotesque globalist slur used against people opposed to the destruction of their own nation as a racial and cultural entity through suppressed reproduction, mass immigration, and state-imposed multiculturalism.

People opposed to the genocide of their own national group do not hate immigrants. They hate those who promote the destruction of their national group through replacement by people from elsewhere.

Immigrants are, for the most part no doubt, fine people, smart people, people pursuing their own economic interest, people who, for example, want to give up riding a cycle rickshaw in Asia for two bucks a day, or growing yams on a tiny plot somewhere in sub-Saharan Africa to earn perhaps only pennies a day, for a job at twenty quid an hour driving a London bus.

But that doesn't mean they have a natural right to move to a prosperous Western nation, and collectively take over, as they have already in many European cities, London, for example, where the English are now a minority in their own home town, or Birmingham, England's second city, where English children in elementary school are not even the largest minority.

There are a billion, going on two billion, Africans and the majority say they intend to migrate to Europe within the next five years. Craig Murray wishes to encourage them. To Murray, therefore, I attach the label, "traitor." Africa is a vast continent, surely big enough for the Africans.

Likewise, Asia and the Middle-East. These are vast and vastly populous regions where the indigenous people should be encouraged to make their native land a decent place to live. It is not their right to usurp the place of the European peoples, in their rather small native lands.

The Seven Stages of Imperial Decline: We're Now At Stage Seven

The US Economy Is In a Good Place

Speaking of the appearance of US Federal Reserve Board Chairman, Jerome Powell, on CBS's 60 Minutes, James Howard Kunstler writes:

... Maybe it was an hallucination, but I heard him say that “the economy is in a good place,” and that “the outlook is a favorable one.” Point taken. Pull the truck up to the loading dock and fill it with Tesla shares! I also thought I heard “Inflation is muted.” That must have been the laugh line, since there is almost no single item in the supermarket that goes for under five bucks these days. ...

What you really had to love was Mr. Powell’s explanation for the record number of car owners in default on their monthly payments: “…not everybody is sharing in this widespread prosperity we have.” Errrgghh Errrgghh Errrgghh. Sound of klaxon wailing. What he meant to say was, hedge-funders, private equity hustlers, and C-suite personnel are making out just fine as the asset-stripping of flyover America proceeds, and you miserable, morbidly obese, tattooed gorks watching this out on the Midwestern buzzard flats should have thought twice before dropping out of community college to drive a forklift in the Sysco frozen food warehouse ...
Source: James Howard Kunstler. Clusterfuck Nation Blog

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Trudeau About to Call Election?

Québec Newspaper: Trudeau likely to call May election:

The Suburban: Is Justin Trudeau really relaxing in Florida this week to recharge his batteries and forget about the SNC Lavalin scandal? Or is he getting ready to hit the road for a re-election campaign?

Several good sources tell me that Trudeau will soon pull the trigger on an early May election. It makes a lot of sense. He cannot have this story* follow him for the next six months. So after his party tables a good news budget, he will tell Canadians that he did the right thing by asking Jody Wilson-Raybould, the Minister of Justice and Attorney General at the time, to intervene in an ongoing criminal prosecution case against SNC Lavalin.
* The story, that is, of his determination to overrule the independence of the Attorney General in order to give Québec-based engineering giant, SNC-Lavalin, a pass on prosecution for systematic resort to swindling and bribery.
David Lametti, Justin Trudeau's accommodating replacement for attorney general Jodie Wilson-Raybould, can hardly order the Director of Public Prosecutions to grant SNC-Lavalin a remediation agreement during the run up to an election. The Liberals would be unable to outrun the stink. But waiting until October, the heretofore expected election month, may be unacceptable to SNC, who seem to be impatient for action now. Thus, for Trudeau, who for whatever reason, seems irrevocably committed to SNC's interest, the only option may be to call the election now, and do the deed for SNC immediately afterwards, that's assuming he wins another four-year mandate, God help us.