Monday, May 27, 2019

Headline of the Week, No. 79


Pro-EU Change UK, Liberal Democrats Could Form CUK-LD Alliance

Ted Heath, Treason, The Treason Prize, and Theresa May

Today, in the Daily Express, aka The Daily Basket Case, it is reported that:

EDWARD HEATH has not only been accused of lying to the electorate when he took Britain into the bloc but, according to newly-resurfaced reports, the former Prime Minister also received a financial reward that would be the equivalent of £1.5million before he signed away British sovereignty. 
Like anything else you are likely to read in the newspaper, that is untrue. Rather it is a very loose restatement of the historical fact that former UK Prime Minister, and queer, Edward Heath was the recipient of the Charlemagne Prize, often referred to as the Treason Prize, which at the time was worth £75,000.

Thus, apart from the facts, the story is true, which is to say that Edward Heath lied the Brits into the Common Market as the EU was then known by the pretense that it was merely a trade association, not a plan for ever tighter political union under a non-democratic constitution.

Threason May has proved herself a true successor to Edward Heath, in intention, if not it effect. Her apparent failure to squelsh the Brexit Referendum result will surely rob her of any chance at the Treason, I mean Charlemagne, Prize. 

The Charlemagne Prize it is said, is intended to promote the same objectives as moitvated the leaders of Europe's short-lived Nazi empire. Thus:

Supposedly the Charlemagne Prize is connected with Charlemagne because of his empire (Reich), set up around 800 AD, which could be reckoned a a forerunner of the German-French “core of Europe”. In fact the Charlemagne Prize, first awarded on May 1st 1950, was connected most closely with the Charlemagne myth which was very popular in the German Reich from 1871, especially in the Aachen area because of his “Imperial Idea” and supposed role as “Creator of European unity”.

The Nazis legitimated their plans for a European New Order with heavily emphasised allusions to Charlemagne. ...

Read more
CanSpeccy: A Politically Correct Civilization Cannot Stand
IW: Did Theresa May Really Resign Over Trump Russia SpyGate Coup Attempt?

Douglas Murray: The Strange Death of Europe:

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Are You a Mispronunciation Moron?

Over at the Unz Review, a strange concoction of anti-Semitism, Hitler apologetics, racism and IQ-ist fake science, the latest in the promotion of IQ bollocks is the claim that the way you pronounce a few dozen English words pretty well defines you intellectually.

The idea seems more bonkers than most of what Ron Unz publishes since, in Britain at least, pronunciation is chiefly a matter of social class and regional affiliation.

Thus, if you are very high class indeed, you will quite likely pronounce girl as gel.

If you're a graduate of Oxford University, you will pronounce Oxford as Awksfud, off as awf, and Magdalen College as Maudlin College (It's as though they're constantly sucking in their cheeks.).

 If you are from Glasgow, you may pronounce football, as fitbah.

If you are from the English Midlands, you will pronounce the city of Leicester, Lester, and the town of BicesterBister.

If you are from one of the more prosperous parts of London, you will pronounce Cardigan Gardens as Caduggan Gardens.

And if you are from certain parts of East London, you will pronounce Heathrow Airport as Eefro Airpor!.

And if your friend is named Mainwaring, he most likely pronounces it Mannering, whereas, if his name is Meagher he probably introduces himself as Marr. However, there can be some flexibility in the pronunciation of names. Thus, when the First World War era politician and crook, Horatio Bottomly, called upon Lord Cholmondley, the conversation with the butler who answered the door went as follows:

Bottomly: My name's Bottomly, I've come to see Lord Chol-mond-ly
Butler: Do you mean Lord Chumley
Bottomly: Yes, tell Lord Chumley it's Mr. Bumley.

But I suppose there is something to be said forUnz promoting this IQ-ist this nonsense. It helps expose the absurdity of the idea that non-entities with a bachelor's degree in Psych. are qualified to assess the intelligence of their mental superiors from Isaac Newton and J.S. Bach to Alan Turing and Richard Feynman: a claim that seems particularly absurd, as these self-proclaimed experts haven't even a decent theory of what intelligence is. All they have, beside the word pronunciation test and other wacky schemes to pigeon-hole you, are a few simple tests of reasoning, verbal, numerical, and diagrammatic, results of which naturally enough correlate moderately well with academic performance, although not quite as well, according to IQ specialist Richard Lynn, as traditional subject-based exams. And, happily for those like Winston Churchill, Prime Minister, victorious war leader, Nobel Laureate in Literature, who languished at the bottom of the class during his school days, neither IQ tests nor exams, let alone pronunciation predict future academic achievement, income, or career success to any useful degree. What such tests may show, is if you are a complete moron, which was the sole purpose of the original intelligence test, that devised by Alfred Binet.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

The Plague of Democracy: The Yellow Vest Outbreak in France

Democracy is a charade imposed by the elite upon a docile people to keep them docile. It was never intended that the stinking proletariat should actually decide anything. But universal education and a rising standard of living, both prerequisites of a tech-based industrial economy, have changed all that. Thus, as we observed of Britain:

... by the end of the 20th Century, something like half of all school leavers were entering post-secondary education, mostly graduating with at least a bachelor's degree, and often a master's or doctoral degree too. This combined with the ease with which the Internet has made it possible for anyone to disseminate their political opinions widely and to challenge the political narratives of the mainstream media has resulted in the emergence of a threat of genuinely popular democracy.

For the first time, the people have opinions on, and interests in, almost every aspect of public policy and moreover they were beginning loudly to demand that their voices be heard and their interests be served.
Moreover, due to increased prosperity, the proles are well fed if not overfed and thus match the elite classes in stature, health, and appearance. They even smell no different, and indeed, hardly smell at all.

In Britain the resultant outbreak of democracy has led in recent months to the collapse of Theresa May's Prime Ministerial credibility and the fragmentation not only her government, but of the governing Tory Party. As the Daily Mail relates:

Desperate Theresa May will plead for MPs to back her Brexit Bill in a crucial speech tonight - as her hopes of success fade.

The PM will make the case for her 'bold' package in a speech in Westminster this afternoon, urging politicians to get on board with her plan.

However, MailOnline understands that chief whip Julian Smith warned the PM that she is staring down the barrel of defeat.
Meantime, across the Chanel, France's traditionally stupendously arrogant elite are faced with outrageous public contempt from the pestilential and never relenting Yellow Vests, who, it is reported:

...have already succeeded in shattering the capitalist myth of “representative democracy” in the age of neo-liberalism. Their uprising has unmasked the lies and violence of republican government, as well as the duplicity of representative institutions like political parties, bureaucratic unions and the mainstream media.

...the Yellow Vests represent the first time in history that a spontaneous, self-organized social movement has ever held out for half a year in spite of repression while retaining its autonomy, resisting cooptation, bureaucratization and sectarian splits. All the while, standing up to full-scale government repression and targeted propaganda, it poses a real, human alternative to the dehumanization of society under the rule of the capitalist “market.”
Vivre Les gilet jaunes.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

The Craig Murray Interview: Part II. Former UK Ambassador Seeks Destruction of British State

Former UK Ambassador, Craig Murray, believes that the British state is deeply corrupt. So corrupt, indeed, that he seeks its destruction.

By way of concrete action to achieve the destruction of the UK, Murray has, during recent years, devoted much of his time and energy to the cause of what is, nominally, Scotch Nationalism and the Scottish National Party's drive to tear Scotland from the United Kingdom.

I say what is "nominally Scotch nationalism, since both Murray and the Scottish National Party wish for an independent Scotland to remain within the European Union, where the Scotch would constitute a mere 1% of the total population (versus almost 10% of the UK population) in an increasingly tight political union of 500 million people that is fundamentally anti-nationalist.

It seems to me, furthermore, that Murray's prescription for Britain, the destruction of the state, seems rash indeed. Countries that disintegrate, whether spontaneously or through the application of pressure from without, rarely have a happy future, as the examples of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya demonstrate. True, a satisfactory recovery may be possible, as with Russia and some other post Soviet states, though not with the Ukraine, where the US-engineered destruction of the state led to dismemberment, and population collapse. Better, for the UK, surely, is reform not dismemberment, however, vast the challenge, and difficult the means.

Still, I think Craig Murray is fundamentally an honest man. He has some interesting things to say and says them well, as revealed in this conversation with former Scottish First Minister, Alex Salmond.

Part I of this interview here

The OPCW, Chemical Weapons Attack at Douma, and the Skipal Poisonings

Zero Hedge, May 19, 2019: In view of the latest revelations from the leaked report, which seem to prove that at least some elements of the Douma “chemical attack” were entirely staged, we want to take look back at the chaotic events of Spring 2018.
  • What was the agenda behind the Douma false flag?
  • Why was the US response seemingly token and ineffective?
  • Why was the Secretary of State Rex Tillerson fired?
  • What agenda tied the Skripal case to the Douma attack?
The following is an extract from an article by Catte originally published April 14th last year, which takes on a greater weight in light of certain evidence – not only that the Douma attack was faked, but that the OPCW is compromised.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Trump's Tariffs: Why Such a Half-Baked Policy?

The problem with Trump is an incapacity to act to any effect. He hasn't even built the goddam wall, or stopped the flood of illegal immigrants by other means.

Now Trump is imposing tariffs on China to punish China for stealing American industrial and military secrets, which obviously, won't stop China stealing American industrial and military secrets.

Why not?

Because the US is in an informational, technological and economic war with China for global supremacy. China ain't gonna give up just because Trump bans Huiwei phone gear, or sticks a tariff on imports of Chinese-made Christmas tree lights.

The only consequence of Trump's anti-China tariffs, if they stay, is to force global corporations in search of cheap labor, to move off-shore production from China to Bangladesh, Vietnam or a dozen other places. Meantime, the Chinese will have more Christmas tree lights for their own consumption. So who cares? What difference does it make?

If Trump actually wanted to rebuild America's industrial base, he should impose a tariff wall against every one, with the exception of Canada, Mexico, and the rest of Latin America: the condition being, of course, that those countries free to export to America tariff-free enter the same tariff ring-fence as America.

That way, US labor would be competing not with billions of low wage workers, but a manageable 400 million Latin Americans. Moreover, those Latin American competitors would have an incentive to purchase high-tech gear tariff-free from the US, rather than China or elsewhere beyond the tariff ring fence. A further benefit would be to raise the prosperity of Latin America, thereby reducing the inclination of millions of Latin Americans to migrate to North America.

Two other requirements for a sound US industrial policy are:

1. Anti-monopoly legislation that creates fierce competition within the protected Western Hemisphere market;

2. Negotiation with other high wage countries, including Japan, S. Korea, Australia, and the European nations, to bring them within the tariff protected trade zone.

None of this will get done, obviously. Instead, it looks as though we may be about to see the Mother-of-all wars for global hegemony against Iran.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Yes, Tariffs Raise Domestic Prices, That's the Reason for Them

BePo, the Bezos Post, aka the Washington Post, reported on Monday that:

National Economic Council Director Lawrence Kudlow acknowledged Sunday that American consumers end up paying for the administration's tariffs on Chinese imports, contradicting President Trump's repeated inaccurate claim that the Chinese foot the bill.
Which is a truth stated with intent to deceive.

Yes, tariffs raise the price of imported goods, which is bad. But tariffs boost domestic production of import substitutes, thus raising the demand for labor, hence raising wages, thus enabling Americans to pay higher prices for locally produced goods. 

Moreover, the substitution of domestic products for many of the half-trillion-dollars-worth of goods the US currently imports from China will greatly increase domestic demand for the materials and machines necessary to expand American manufacturing. This, in turn, will stimulate investment in all kinds of R and D and in technical education. 

Who loses from tariffs?

The globalist elite, who seek relentlessly to maximize profits by manufacturing where wages are lowest and environmental and workplace health and safety regulations are weakest, while selling where prices are highest, and taking profits where taxes are lowest or non-existent. 

That's why MAGA is such an incendiary idea. Globalists don't want to make American industry great again or Americans prosperous again. They want to make Americans poor — dirt poor, like the teeming masses of Third Worlders with whom they are striving mightily to flood both the United States and Europe, thereby to drive down wages.

And that's why the globalist elite deploy leftist puppets to accuse of racism, those who oppose their own impoverishment through invasion of their homeland by people of alien race, religion and culture.

CNS: Patrick Buchanan, Tariffs -- The Taxes That Made America Great

Monday, May 13, 2019

Even a Con-Lab Merger Won't Save Britain's Treason Party

But Theresa May can take comfort from the fact that the Cons are still three points up on Other. LOL.

Why Western "Democracy" Needs a Law Against Reality

Farage demolishes BBC Interviewer, Andrew Marr:

Uh huh! Google's U-Tube Memory-holed that before we managed to post it. But no prob. Here it is at the Gruniard. Give 'em a click.

Kunstler demolishes Robert Mueller:
For the Progressive Democratic “Resistance” (PDR), post-Modernism is in full flower. They have ruled objective reality inadmissible. There are only stories — his story, her story, they’s story, zhe’s story, and you must believe them because they come out of lived experience — for instance the lived experience of having lost a sure-thing presidential election to a cartoon character with zero political experience, and then having lost the grand inquisition to oust him. For the PDRs, the metaphysical concept of reality refers to some land of dark make-believe over a distant horizon where numbers supposedly add up (ha!) and the actions of persons are said to entail a strange cosmic condition known as consequence.

Now that the Mueller Investigation has concluded empty of charges — despite two-plus-years of sedulous effort by fiercely dedicated antagonists of its target — everything about it, including the sacred Mueller Report, begins to emit odious vapors like unto a rump roast that has laid uncovered in a pantry for three weeks, attracting the attention of flies. The PDRs might think twice about a closer examination of all that festering material. What they’re liable to find is evidence of how slovenly and dishonest it was and how the revered legal maestro in charge of composing it may well be subject to charges himself of obstructing justice and malicious prosecution.

Information emerged over the weeks since the Mueller Report’s release that Mr. Mueller and his team knew unequivocally that the Special Counsel’s mission and the FBI operations that preceded it were based on concocted political bullshit supplied by Mrs. Clinton and her network of flunkies and fixers, ranging throughout the permanent DC bureacuracy (a.k.a. the Swamp), to outposts in foreign intel services and the political kitty-litter box known as Ukraine. Mr. Mueller must have suspected this from the outset, but knew for sure by the summer of 2017, and omitted to advise the American public that he had uncovered a fraud. Rather, he rode on the back of that fraud for two years, as if touring a political landfill on a donkey, leaving the public to stew in anxious hallucinations.

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And in France voters are ready to demolish Emanuel Micron:
Le Pen ahead of Macron in latest EU election polls

Such flagrant disrespect for the Zucks/Soros/Google Globalist Elite, can surely not be long tolerated.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Russian Nationalism

Russians do nationalism brilliantly, which may account in large part for the antagonism that Russia evokes among Western leaders.

Were Trump to attempt a show like Russia's Victory Day celebration, the streets of Washington DC would be filled with mobs of pussy-hat wearers for impeachment now, anti-Second Amendment gun controllers, and a rabble of Black Lives Matterers.

In London Thereason May would be beset by Remoaners demanding a second referendum, while in Paris, France's little President Micron would face loud contempt from Les Gilets Jaunes.

In appearance, at least, Russia is a lot sounder than any of the Western states.

Dmitry Orlov: A sour Russian view of America's position in the World

Friday, May 10, 2019

Craig Murray on Muellergate

One of the most remarkable Internet freelancers is Craig Murray, former UK Ambassador, fired by the Government of Tony Blair for opposing the receipt of intelligence obtained by means of grotesque torture in an Uzbek jail. Where Murray will come from on any particular issue is, in my experience, extremely difficult to guess. But whatever he has to say, it is always clear, concise, well informed, and relentlessly logical. Murray's latest piece entitled The Real Muellergate Scandal is no exception.

Robert Mueller is either a fool, or deeply corrupt. I do not think he is a fool.

I did not comment instantly on the Mueller Report as I was so shocked by it, I have been waiting to see if any other facts come to light in justification. Nothing has. I limit myself here to that area of which I have personal knowledge – the leak of DNC and Podesta emails to Wikileaks. On the wider question of the corrupt Russian 1% having business dealings with the corrupt Western 1%, all I have to say is that if you believe that is limited in the USA by party political boundaries, you are a fool.

On the DNC leak, Mueller started with the prejudice that it was “the Russians” and he deliberately and systematically excluded from evidence anything that contradicted that view.

Mueller, as a matter of determined policy, omitted key steps which any honest investigator would undertake. He did not commission any forensic examination of the DNC servers. He did not interview Bill Binney. He did not interview Julian Assange. His failure to do any of those obvious things renders his report worthless.

There has never been, by any US law enforcement or security service body, a forensic examination of the DNC servers, despite the fact that the claim those servers were hacked is the very heart of the entire investigation. Instead, the security services simply accepted the “evidence” provided by the DNC’s own IT security consultants, Crowdstrike, a company which is politically aligned to the Clintons.

That is precisely the equivalent of the police receiving a phone call saying:

“Hello? My husband has just been murdered. He had a knife in his back with the initials of the Russian man who lives next door engraved on it in Cyrillic script. I have employed a private detective who will send you photos of the body and the knife. No, you don’t need to see either of them.”

There is no honest policeman in the world who would agree to that proposition, and neither would Mueller were he remotely an honest man.

Two facts compound this failure.

The first is the absolutely key word of Bill Binney, former Technical Director of the NSA, the USA’s $14 billion a year surveillance organisation. Bill Binney is an acknowledged world leader in cyber surveillance, and is infinitely more qualified than Crowdstrike. Bill states that the download rates for the “hack” given by Crowdstrike are at a speed – 41 Megabytes per second – that could not even nearly be attained remotely at the location: thus the information must have been downloaded to a local device, eg a memory stick. Binney has further evidence regarding formatting which supports this.

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US Democrat Versus the Rule of Law

Sunday, May 5, 2019

How Venezuela's Maduro Duped Trump

According to this report, Trump's people were conned by Venezuelan Defense minister Paduro, who entered into a conspiracy with them to overthrow the Maduro regime, but stepped aside when the coup was attempted, resulting in a humiliating fiasco for Trump.
FRN, May 5, 2019: According to confidential information obtained by the Spanish edition of ABC, the regime change plan arose from an agreement between US National Security Advisor John Bolton and Venezuelan Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino , which was concluded during several telephone conversations held in recent months. Padrino, and along with him, some other ministers and generals had to sign onto the agreement with the U.S president-appointed President Juan Guaido of the plan drawn up by opponents of Nicolas Maduro.

These documents contained a “road map”, according to which a coup would end with the election of the head of Venezuela “30 days after the Chavista regime surrendered and recognized Guaido as the person legally acting as head of the Republic.”

In parallel, the Supreme Court of Venezuela represented by its chairman, Michel Moreno , was to declare illegal the Constituent Assembly (National Constitutional Assembly), the branch of the legislative power created and controlled by Nicolas Maduro. And “with the observance of the necessary legal procedures and formalities to the head of the National Guard, General Ivan Rafael Hernandez Dala was charged with the duty to inform Maduro that he had only two options in the current situation: either he would leave the country, fleeing to Cuba, or be arrested at the request of the court. After that, a “top secret document from the depths of American intelligence” was supposed to appear on the scene, that in Venezuela there are between 20 and 25 thousand armed Cuban mercenaries supporting Maduro and keeping the whole Bolivarian Republic in fear ” (the armed forces of which have 235 thousand active military and 200 thousand more – reservists – author’s note.) Thus, by joint efforts of the USA and the Venezuelan military “the country would have been spared by the U.S appointed president of the dictator Maduro and from his support by battalions of soldiers of fortune from Cuba” .

But something went wrong. Maduro did not flee to Cuba, Padrino suddenly changed his mind about becoming the “godfather of the Venezuelan revolution” (by the way, Padrino translated from Spanish means “godfather”), and the vast majority of Venezuelan generals did not get in touch at the time appointed by the Americans. (There is an interesting moment during Guaido’s call to arms, with the 14 soldiers behind him, when a cell-phone goes off and distracts him – maybe that was the call, ‘it’s not happening’ – J. Flores)

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Time for Trump to change his foreign policy advisers and abandon the attempt to rule Latin America by covert operations. Instead is required a new approach to relations with the other half of the Western hemisphere. The objective should be to stop the flood of Latinos to the North, not with a wall, but by helping make Latin America a better place for Latinos to live.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

The Council on Foreign Relations: British Imperialism Transplanted to America

It would surely be a surprise to most Americans were they to learn that: (a) virtually all branches of the American media follow policy lines laid down by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR); (b) that the CFR was established at the instigation of British imperialists and members of Cecil Rhodes secret society for global governance with funding from JP Morgan and other New York bankers; and (c) that the CFR is regarded by those familiar with its work and influence as the nearest thing America has to a ruling establishment.

Intellectual Observer, May 1, 2019: Largely unbeknownst to the general public, executives and top journalists of almost all major US news outlets have long been members of the influential Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

Established in 1921 as a private, bipartisan organization to “awaken America to its worldwide responsibilities”, the CFR and its close to 5000 elite members for decades have shaped US foreign policy and public discourse about it. As a well-known Council member famously explained, they transformed the American republic into a global empire, albeit a “bene­volent” one.

Based on official membership rosters, the following illustration depicts for the first time the extensive media network of the CFR and its two major international affiliate organizations: the Bilderberg Group(mainly covering the US and Europe) and the Trilateral Commission (covering North America, Europe and East Asia), both established by Council leaders to foster elite cooperation at the global level.

In a column entitled “Ruling Class Journalists”, former Washington Post senior editor and ombudsman Richard Harwood described the Council and its members approvingly as “the nearest thing we have to a ruling establishment in the United States”.

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Tom Jefferson 1976Pictures in Our Heads – Council on Foreign Relations Founding Father Walter Lippmann

In his book “The ANGLO-AMERICAN ESTABLISHMENT” Quigley writes, “One Wintry Afternoon in February 1891, three men were engaged in earnest conversation in London. From that conversation were to flow consequences of the greatest importance to the British Empire and to the world as a whole. For these men were organizing a secret society that was, for more than fifty years, to be one of the most important forces in the formulation and execution of British imperial and foreign policy. The three men who were thus engaged were already well known in England.

The leader was Cecil Rhodes, fabulously wealthy empire builder and the most important person in South Africa. The second was William T. Stead, the famous, and probably also the most sensational, journalist of the day. The third was Reginald Baliol Brett, later known as Lord Esher, friend and confidant of Queen Victoria, and later to be the most influential advisor of King Edward VII and King George V. The details of this important conversation will be examined later. At present we need only point out that the three drew up a plan of organization for their secret society and a list of original members. The plan for organization provided for an inner circle, to be known as “The Society of the Elect,” and an outer circle, to be known as “The Association of Helpers.” Within The Society of the Elect, the real power was to be exercised by the leader, and a “Junta of Three.” The leader was to be Rhodes, and the Junta was to be Stead, Brett, and Alfred Milner. In accordance with this decision, Milner was added to the society by Stead shortly after the meeting we have described.” [1]

Of the Secret Societies goals and methods of operation Quigley writes, “The goals which Rhodes and Milner sought and the methods by which they hoped to achieve them were so similar by 1902 that the two are almost indistinguishable. Both sought to unite the world, and above all the English-speaking world, in a federal structure around Britain. Both felt that this goal could best be achieved by a secret band of men united to one another by devotion to the common cause and by personal loyalty to one another. Both felt that this band should pursue its goal by secret political and economic influence behind the scenes and by the control of journalistic, educational, and propaganda agencies…” [2]

Between 1910-1915 the Secret Society evolved into an international group of co-conspirators called Round Table Groups set up in seven nations: Britain, South Africa, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, India, and the United States. In 1920 the Secret Society evolved into the Institutes for International Affairs and the Council on Foreign Relations. Many of the founding fathers belonged America’s first intelligence agency the INQUIRY.

Read more
CanSpeccy: Posts From the Past: The New World Order (6)
FRN: Introduction To The Origins Of The Deep State In North America (Part 1).
The Canadian Patriot:The Origins of the Deep State in North America Part 1: The Round Table Movement
The Canadian Patriot: The Origins of the Deep State in North America Part 2: Milner’s Perversion Takes Over Canada Why isn't the CFR in the history books?

Tuesday, April 30, 2019