Showing posts with label victory day speech. Show all posts
Showing posts with label victory day speech. Show all posts

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Russian Nationalism

Russians do nationalism brilliantly, which may account in large part for the antagonism that Russia evokes among Western leaders.

Were Trump to attempt a show like Russia's Victory Day celebration, the streets of Washington DC would be filled with mobs of pussy-hat wearers for impeachment now, anti-Second Amendment gun controllers, and a rabble of Black Lives Matterers.

In London Thereason May would be beset by Remoaners demanding a second referendum, while in Paris, France's little President Micron would face loud contempt from Les Gilets Jaunes.

In appearance, at least, Russia is a lot sounder than any of the Western states.

Dmitry Orlov: A sour Russian view of America's position in the World