Sunday, February 17, 2019

Race: Why Liberal Globalists and Communist Revolutionaries Agree There Is No Such Thing

CanSpeccy, October 6, 2014: Liberals and other agents of the New World Order, like hard-line Communists, are revolutionaries who seek to establish a system of global governance. The difference between the two is that the globalization aimed at by liberals will subordinate all humanity to the moneyed elite, the bankers, the billionaires and the chiefs of the giant corporations, whereas the Communist revolution will serve the Dictatorship of the Proletariat, which is to say the Nomenclatura for whom tyranny means thousands of comfy bureaucratic jobs with lots of power and privilege.

To both classes of revolutionary, the great obstacle to their dream is the nation state that declares the right of the people in any geographic area with the means to defend themselves to rule themselves as they see fit, which means maintaining control of the borders to prevent occupation of the territory by invaders or an uncontrolled flow of immigrants, and the preservation of the religious and cultural tradition of the people.

To the revolutionaries, there is a simple solution to the problem of the nation state and the desire of the vast majority of the people of the world to live among their own kind in accordance with their traditional manners, morals and forms of governance. It is to insist that there is no such thing as the nation, that all humanity is one race, and that it is simply bunk to claim that the English, say, have a privileged status in England, or that the Amerindians of Canada have legal and moral rights to control over their traditional lands and the freedom to live on those lands according to their own beliefs and traditions.

Liberals and Communists are thus in agreement on the need for universal genocide, which is to say the destruction of the nation state and its underlying human biological and cultural diversity. As a cover for this project, which is to be fulfilled through mass migrations, multi-culturalism and the suppression of the fertility of indigenous peoples, both liberals and Communists deny the reality of human racial diversity, for in the absence of such diversity, both the the nation state and the crime of genocide become meaningless concepts.

The war on the concept of race appears now to be heating up with the publication of multiple books on the subject the consequence of which is the creation of ever greater confusion and misunderstanding.

Among the more recent contributions to this great obfuscation is A Troublesome Inheritance, by Nicholas Wade. As a former deputy editor of Nature magazine and a one-time writer for Science magazine and the New York Times, Wade has pretty good credentials as an obfuscator of basic science for political purposes as anyone with long experience of those publications with which Wade has been associated would know, and obfuscation is what Wade provides in this book.

Race, Wade acknowledges, is real, but then proceeds to lay it down as a matter of fact that there are only five human races: black, white, red, and yellow, plus Australian aboriginal. Thus he either deliberately muddies the water or demonstrates that he doesn't know what he is talking about. Making it impossible to know whether Wade is merely confused or is acting as a globalist shill, he never defines the term "race," thus his more or less arbitrary five-fold division of mankind serves to reinforce the popular misconception that race is largely a matter of skin color, whereas in fact skin color is by no means definitive of race. For example, sub-Saharan Africans, Dravidians of the Indian sub-continent, the Australian aborigines, and some Amerindians are all more or less the same color, but they are by no means closely related. Conversely, there are thousands of white Africans (albinos) who are definitely not Caucasians.

Race is a matter of kinship. To define the term formally, a race is an interbreeding population (human, for the purpose of this discussion) more or less completely isolated genetically from other populations by barriers of geography, politics, class, caste, or religion.

Defined thus, we can see that the tribalized people of black Africa are far from being a homogeneous group, but rather, are among the most diverse people on earth and may encompass greater population-level genetic variation than all other human groups combined.

Thus, as Wade notes, since 1980, all Olympic 100 m finalists have been of West African origin. But that does not make all black people fast runners. An East African on the Barak Obama model will never outrun a Jesse Owens over 100 meters, although an African of the latter type will never outrun the fastest East African over ten thousand meters.

But it is not just black Africans who display great diversity. Traveling over any significant area of the populated world one sees regional differences in the physical traits of the indigenous peoples: scull shapes for example, brachycephalics predominantly in North West Spain versus dolicocephalics in Southern Spain, or hair and eye color, to take another example, from dark-haired, brown-eyed Celts over most of the Scottish Highlands, to blond, blue-eyed people of Viking descent in Caithness in the remote North East of Scotland, and other coastal areas of settlement of the British Isles.

So racial differences can be seen at multiple levels. Between a Chinese and and Englishman, or a Glaswegian and an Edinburghian, and indeed between any two places where migration has not obliterated the pattern of genetic variation established during many generations of past reproductive isolation during which genetic drift, selection and random mutation have wrought differences among gene pools.

What these differences really mean, no one knows. Certainly Wade's presumptions about racial differences in psychology and their impact on the historical development of the world seem speculative to the point of absurdity. Yet such differences may indeed be important. Sadly, the globalist revolutionaries are intent on creating a global melting pot that will make all indigenous peoples a disappearing minority in their own homelands and wipe out in a generation or two potentially important racial aggregations of genes created over 100,000 years of human evolution.


Universal Genocide and the New World Order

Why and How Western Elites Turned Against Their Own People

In Praise of Diversity

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Taxing the One Percent

Make the rich pay: that's a good populist slogan, and very dangerous — to the rich.

How do the rich fight back? Currently, two ways. First, they have some dupe or colluding leftie to advocate for higher income tax. Currently, for example, newly elected US Congress woman, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, is calling for a 70% top tax rate, while Bernie Sanders, an old-line Commie, calls for a more moderate 15% increase in the top tax rate to a mere 52%, or about what Canada's 1% pay, already.

But what does that mean for the rich. Well here's Bill Gates, one time richest man in the world, on how income tax impacts the rich:

In terms of revenue collection, you wouldn’t want to just focus on the ordinary income rate, because people who are wealthy have a rounding error of ordinary income.
Get it? For rich people the income tax rate is essentially irrelevant because they pay it on only a trivial amount of their actual annual increment in wealth. How come. Because, as Bill Gates goes on to explain:

(The rich) have income that just is the value of their stock, which if they don't sell it, it doesn't show up as income at all, or if it shows up, it shows up over in the capital gains side. So the ability of hedge fund people, various people — they aren't paying that ordinary income rate.
OK, and the second way to fight making the rich pay?

Why, like Canada's young and handsome Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, you point out that the poor don't pay any tax at all

This is, of course a preposterous lie, since in Canada, income tax kicks in on any earned income in excess of $12,069 per year: or approximately $750 US per month.

How do Trudeauvians justify such a preposterous claim? Why, easy sleazy: from your tax payment we deduct the cost of the government services you receive, for example, brain-washing your kid with compulsory sex "education, " you know, indoctrinating the youth of the nation with the idea that the only sexual vice is reproduction. Then there's the cost of all those wonderful bureacratic services you receive from Ottawa, like that of Revenue Canada, for example.

The argument is absurd: like saying that when you buy a new car you don't pay for it because, well hey, you received a car of value equal to the money you handed the car dealer. But what else could a rather dim-bulb trust-fund kid like our Justin say?

But in any case, who really benefits most from government? The rich, obviously, who are absolutely dependent on the military and the forces of internal law and order to secure their property from the depradations of both fellow citizens and foreign enemies. Thus, the chief form of taxation should be on wealth, not earned income.

How should wealth be taxed? By a simple yearly percentage.

How much should be the tax on capital? Enough to pay for the maintenance of the state, which is to say the cost of the military, the police, the physical infrastructure upon which the functioning of the state and the value of most property depends — for example, a house without road access, water supply, or sewer connection is of little or no value.

In addition, the tax on wealth should cover the cost of basic social services that contribute to the education and health of the people upon whom the owners of capital depend for the operation of the corporations in which they are invested, and the provision of the infrastructure and services such as roads, airports, sewage works, etc.

So how much should this tax on wealth be? For Canada, we can work that out from the fact that the average net worth of a Canadian currently stands at $808,000 or thereabouts.* That means the total wealth of Canadians amounts to around $29 trillion, of which 80% is owned by the wealthiest 20%. So let's exempt the poorest 80% from the wealth tax, and impose a tax of 1% a year on the nearly $24 trillion, or $3.4 million each, owned by the top 20%.

Such a tax would yield $240 billion a year, which is more than the current combined Federal Government revenue from income tax and the job killing corporation tax, both of which could be abolished. Then the poor really would pay no tax, but the rich would still be rich.

According to the French economist Thomas Picketty, financial assets yield around 7% annually over the long-term.  Thus, even if inflation eats 3 or 4% of that return annually, the rich could still expect a positive, after-tax unearned income of 2 or 3% on their investments. What more do they expect? Well, any amount obviously. But if the alternative is a bloody revolution, they should be well content with a real after tax unearned return of 2 or 3%.

Meantime, the really hardworking entrepreneurs and corporate employees, the people who are not rich, by the standards of the rich, but who earn big money, would have maximal incentive to be productive by working like crazy, without the distraction of attempting to minimize their tax obligation through off-shore structures, and the use of trusts and foundations.


* Different sources give widely different estimates of Canadians' net worth. The actual number makes no difference to the argument presented, only to the extent to which a capital tax reduces the need for other taxes.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

AOC Got One Thing Right

Giving billions in public funds to the richest man in the world, makes no sense.

Zero Hedge: Amazon Subsidies Were Uneconomical, Un-American, & Unconstitutional

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Snakelike Thereason May Secretly Turned Down Free Trade Deal With EU

James Delingpole: 

Breitbart, February 12, 2019: Theresa May and her Remainer civil servants secretly sabotaged an offer made by the EU Council President Donald Tusk of a free trade deal exit from the EU because all they ever really wanted was Brexit In Name Only. ...

Monday, February 11, 2019

Goddam Hungarians: Why Won't they Commit Suicide By Mass Immigration Like Other Europeans?


French fire-fighters join the yellow vests and foam the police:
LOL. The police played their part well. Standing to attention as they were buried in foam. Looks like it was staged and that, in their hearts, the police are with the YellowVests too.

10 Reasons The Gilets-Jeunes Are The Real Deal

A Quarter of French Believe ‘Elites’ Using Mass Migration to ‘Replace’ Native Europeans
Look out! The people are waking up. Quick: supply more porn, more crap TV, more rubbish entertainment of every kind, more sex "ed.", more junk food, more welfare, legalized drugs, whatever they want, free money even, anything at all to keep them moving quietly along the path toward the gas chambers, or racial extinction, anyhow, by a combination of suppressed reproduction and mass replacement immigration.

Friday, February 8, 2019

What Is a Politician?

Saw this on the Internets the other day:

While stitching a cut on the hand of a 75-year-old farmer whose hand was caught in the squeeze gate while working cattle, the doctor struck up a conversation with the old man. Eventually, the topic got around to politicians and their role as our leaders. The old farmer said:

Well, as I see it, most politicians are post turtles.

Being unfamiliar with the term "post turtle," the doctor asked what a post turtle was. To which the old rancher replied:

When you're driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a post turtle.

The old farmer saw a puzzled look on the doctor's face so he continued:

You know he didn't get up there by himself, he doesn't belong there, he doesn't know what to do while he's up there, he's elevated beyond his ability to function, and you just wonder what kind of dumb arse put him up there to begin with.

But it's not quite right.

In fact the post turtle has been elevated beyond his station for a purpose, which is the purpose of the person who elevated him, or her, and who rewards him, or her, as long as he, or she, performs his or her intended purpose. Sort of like Justin Trudeau, some have suggested, and the powerful and deeply corrupt corporation, SNC Lavelin, headquartered not a million miles from Turtle Justin's Montreal riding office.


NaPo: Andrew Coyne: We are still waiting for a clear denial over SNC-Lavalin allegations

NaPo: Rex Murphy: Trudeau sure doesn't sound like he has nothing to hide about SNC-Lavalin

NaPo: Andrew Coyne: Hard to overstate seriousness of SNC-Lavalin allegations

NaPo: John Ivison: The government needs to let Jody Wilson-Raybould speak

And here is US Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez explaining some of the mechanics that underlie the usefulness of the post turtle.

Er, well no. It's been flushed down the U-tube memory hole.


Zero Hedge: "Progressive" Attacks On Capitalism Were Key To Hitler's Success

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Single tax form in Quebec a no-go for Trudeau — It would mean fewer bureaucrats

Here's a story to give Canadians a warm fuzzy feeling as they slave over the details of their 2018 tax return — or returns, if they live in Québec.

The Trudeau Liberals are committed to the existing requirement that residents of the Province of Québec complete two tax returns, one for the Feds and one for the Province of Québec.

Chronicle Herald, February 6, 2019: OTTAWA — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau threw cold water on any idea his government would give in to the demand for a single tax form in Quebec.

Solely, according to Trudeau, because two forms instead of one costs the public an extra $600 million a year and thus keeps on the public payroll hundreds, if not thousands, of Revue Agency workers who might otherwise be doing something of actual value in the private sector.
Chronicle Herald, February 6, 2019: OTTAWA —The federal Liberals argue that implementing the idea would put in peril the jobs of hundreds, if not thousands, of Quebec-based Canada Revenue Agency workers.

"We recognize that it is jobs that Mr. Legault's and Mr. Scheer's statements put in jeopardy," Trudeau said.

Ottawa announced Monday the construction of a new building for the tax centre in Shawinigan, Que., where 1,500 people are employed.
No wonder that Justin's Canada has become the butt of ridicule from China to Peru. 

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Jordan Peterson Has One Thing Right: Academic Psychology's War on Masculinity Is Political Not Scientific

University of Toronto psychology professor, Jordan Peterson, talks too much. We have that from Peterson himself, quoting his father, who must know. But whatever he says, whether it be complete rubbish, as in the case we noted here, or a well-reasoned argument, Peterson demonstrates an oratorical force and a disdain for consequences rarely to be seen in the political, let alone the academic, arena.

To this combination of forceful outspokenness Peterson adds a thoroughgoing contempt for the ideology of political correctness, which he perceives to be a threat not only to the integrity of the academic enterprise but to the continued existence of Western civilization. It is in his critique of the present-day manifestation of feminism, anti-white racism, and indeed white self-abnegation, together with every other form of Marxist-inspired group identity politics that Peterson has achieved international recognition. His scathing critique of the American Psychological Association's denigration of masculinity, a critique published in today's National Post, will only enhance Peterson's standing as a champion of rationality opposed to the toxic leftist dogma that has permeated the Western academic world.

It’s ideology vs. science in psychology’s war on boys and men

By Jordan Peterson

National Post, February 1, 2019: The American Psychological Association (APA) recently released its Guidelines for Psychological Practice with Boys and Men. It manages to be simultaneously predictable, reprehensible, infuriating and disheartening — no mean feat for a single document. Make no mistake about it: this document constitutes an all-out assault on masculinity — or, to put it even more bluntly, on men.

The coup of the APA undertaken by the ideologues is now complete. The field has been compromised, perhaps fatally. And the damnable guidelines provide sufficient, but by no means exhaustive, evidence of that.

Why should we care? For that, I defer to Robert W. Levenson, when he was president of the Association for Psychological Science, an organization formed in an attempt to retain integrity in the field: “We all will come into close contact with mental illness during our lives. The diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental illness must reflect the very best science possible. Good intentions are not enough. History is replete with well-intentioned practitioners offering treatments of no proven scientific value, that were enthusiastically embraced by patients and their families but ultimately did absolutely no good and kept people from seeking truly effective treatments.”

We cannot allow ideology and political correctness to prevail over science. The Boys and Men document is propagandistic to a degree that is almost incomprehensible.

Read more

Despite the plausibility of Peterson's argument, it is far from certain that the absence of a male parent is the reason that fatherless boys are prone to antisocial behavior. Equally plausible, it would seem, is that fatherless boys are more liable to engage in antisocial behavior because they have a greater than normal chance of inheriting paternal genes that predispose to irresponsibility. Peterson is correct, however, in condemning the American Psychological Association for asserting a mere hypothesis of low credibility as a scientific fact and as a basis, quite outrageously, to encourage mothers to dispense with a male partner in raising their sons.


Telegraph: Boys left to fail at school because attempts to help them earn wrath of feminists, says ex-Ucas chief
Voice of Europe: The Islamisation of Britain intensifies: Muslim school will not allow girls to eat lunch until after boys have finished

Friday, February 1, 2019

If NewsGuard Says It's Fake, It's Gotta Be Good

NewsGuard and Microsoft Team Up To Destroy Independent Media Ahead Of 2020 Elections: Linked To Several Think Tanks, Government Officials

PatriotRising, January 31, 2019: The service NewsGuard, an establishment attempt to silence alternative media and independent media sites, has teamed up with Microsoft to help its effort to destroy free press. Meanwhile, the mysterious firm connected to intelligence agencies and former government officials on their advisory board has also just been linked to Saudi Arabia through Publicis Groupe, an investor in NewsGuard.
NewsGuard is now automatically included in Microsoft’s Edge browser on iOS, Android and Microsoft phones. Microsoft’s press release regarding the partnership states that NewsGuard “will empower voters by providing them with high-quality information about the integrity and transparency of online news sites.” Just one problem, who is providing transparency about the news rating agency?
When a user decides to search the Web, the extension tells the user whether or not a story is credible or not credible with 5 indicators and an information box judging the website.
  • Green icon — Sites that follow “basic standards of accuracy and accountability” based on nine criteria,which include full disclosure of possible conflicts of interest, financing, and “notable ideological or political positions held by those with significant financial interests in the site.”
  • Red icon — Sites that do not fulfill NewsGuard’s criteria for credibility and transparency.
  • Orange icon — Satire and humor sites that mimic real news.
  • Blue icon — Sites that primarily host user-generated content.
  • Gray icon —Unrated sites.
There is just one problem: the plugin is only blacklisting certain sites and does not actually have fact checkers looking into the story in question. So, in fact, the service is censoring alternative and independent media. But, let’s be honest, that’s exactly what its founders, creators, funders, and advisors want.
About that transparency … the list of advisors for NewsGuard includes Tom Ridge, the former secretary of Homeland Security, Richard Stengel, former editor of Time magazine and Undersecretary of State for Public Diplomacy (Obama administration), (Ret.) General Michael Hayden, former Director of the CIA, former Director of the National Security Agency and former Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence (George W. Bush administration), Don Baer, chairman of Burson, Cohn & Wolfe and former White House Communications Director (Clinton administration), Elise Jordan, political analyst, NBC, and former speechwriter for Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Oh and then there are the journalists (traitors of free speech) like John Battelle, co-founding editor of Wired and founding chief executive of Industry Standard and Jessica Lessin, founder, and editor-in-chief of The Information.
If you aren’t worried about a company with a former CIA director (who lied under oath to Congress misleading officials, according to the Senate report on the CIA’s interrogation program) and a former secretary of Homeland Security official as its advisors, you may need a reality check. Please go see Dr. Ben Swann for a checkup stat!
Then there is Richard Stengel, a member of the Atlantic Council (neo-liberal think tank) and former Undersecretary of State for Public Diplomacy under President Barack Obama who deserves a short blurb for his own involvement. Why? Because Stengel admitted his role in life at a previous discussion hosted last May by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). At the event Stengel described his past position at the State Department as a “chief propagandist” and further stated that he is “not against propaganda” and it was needed. H/T Disobedient Media.
“Every country does it and they have to do it to their own population and I don’t necessarily think it’s that awful,” Stengel said.

Posts From the Past: A Scientific Perspective

Would You Like Lithium in Your Drinking Water?

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Belgian officials lobby for BBC move to Brussels after Brexit

Wanting to adopt the BBC, those Euros must be even more stupid that we thought.

But Good riddance to the Beeb: let those delusional Euros pay for their own lies.

But the Brits would need to jam all signals from Brussels.

Best, really, though, to euthanize Auntie before she poisons more minds.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

In Virginia, Where Infanticide is Called Abortion, the Murder of Western Civilization Continues Apace

Breitbart: Gov. Ralph Northam: Aborted ‘Infant’ Saved if ‘Mother and Family Desired’

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam said Wednesday that a bill introduced in the House of Delegates that would allow “abortion” even during childbirth itself would permit an “infant” to be “delivered” and “resuscitated, if that’s what the mother and the family desired,” until the physicians and mother discuss what to do.
So if the mother and the family do not desire that the child be "resuscitated," then the infant will be "aborted" by the denial of life-giving care — if not by more direct means, such as slicing its spinal cord.

But why, is the denial of care called "abortion"?

For the simple reason that under American law abortion is not a criminal offense, whereas killing a baby is murder.

And why does the Governor emphasize the wishes of the mother? Because, under the law, killing a newborn child by the mother is considered a lesser crime than murder. Of course the killing is not by the mother, but by making it dependent on maternal consent has the intended effect of suggesting that the killing a necessary clinical procedure, for the good of the mother you understand, not a capital crime.

Or as we wrote before:

The [Very Lethal] Values of a Liberal Society

After-birth abortion: why should the baby live? is the title of an article in the current issue of the Journal of Medical Ethics by Alberto Giubilini, of the Universities of Milan and Melbourne, and Francesca Minerva, of the Universities of Melbourne and Oxford.

The paper is summarized thus:

By showing that (1) both fetuses and newborns do not have the same moral status as actual persons, (2) the fact that both are potential persons is morally irrelevant and (3) adoption is not always in the best interest of actual people, the authors argue that what we call ‘after-birth abortion’ (killing a newborn) should be permissible in all the cases where abortion is, including cases where the newborn is not disabled.

The feeble-mindedness and moral nullity of this argument is established by the use of the term "after-birth abortion," a contradiction in terms introduced to establish the moral equivalence of abortion, which is now legal throughout the "liberal" Western world, and infanticide, which is still deemed to be murder.

Read more


CanSpeccy: The [Very Lethal] Values of a Liberal Society

National Sentinel: Now it makes sense: ‘Infanticide’ Va. Gov. Northam accepted nearly $2 million from Planned Parenthood

Gateway Pundit: Democrats’ Latest Abortion Plan to Kill Baby During Birth Comes Straight from Soviet Playbook

The New American: Republicans Defeat Effort to Allow Full-term Abortion Defeated in Virginia

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

How Tony Blair Wrecked the EU

How Brexit Burst the West’s Immigration Taboos

The key thing to recognize about the Brexit conflict is that the critical issue is not economics but immigration. Absent the immigration surge initiated by Tony Blair, Britain’s adhesion to the EU would have remained a sideshow among Tories and not the political centerpiece it has become during the last three years.

Blair increased the number of “economic” visas available and immigration rates soon quadrupled. His multiculturalism had a zealous missionary quality to it, as if Britain was seeking world leadership in a race to negate one’s traditional political culture. It was never especially popular outside of London, but social taboos against racism nonetheless kept it out of the realm of public debate.
 An excellent analysis by Scott McConnell of the the damage done by the war criminal and inveterate liar Tony Blair, although McConnell fails to make the point that Blair's immigration policy did not merely negate Britain's traditional political culture, its effect was to negate the British race. This it did not only by progressively replacing an aging and declining native population with people of an alien race and culture, but by intensifying the economic pressures on the British population through competition for jobs, housing, and infrastructure, thereby further depressing their fertility. As a consequence, the British are now a minority in London, Birmingham and other great urban centers, and are expected to become a minority in the country as a whole within a generation.

Blair's policy of mass replacement immigration was, in effect, a policy of national genocide. It was, furthermore, totally undemocratic, shown by opinion surveys to have been consistently opposed by a large majority of the population, and opposed even a majority of the immigrant population. Hence Brexit. Hence Blair, the most hated man in Britain.


Danish Parliament Proposes New Law: Stop Integrating Refugees and Send Them Back Home If It Is Safe

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Friday, January 25, 2019

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Is This Why They Have Just Arrested Former Scottish PM, Alex Salmond?

Anyone following the story of the arrest of former Scottish PM Alex Salmond may find these headlines noted by former UK Ambassador, Craig Murray of interest.

What Is Truth? Philosophy's Hardest Problem Solved with Browser Plugin

For thousands of years mankind's greatest minds, from Socrates to Bertrand Russell, and from Aristarchus to Einstein, struggled with the question: what is the truth? Well they might as well not have bothered, for now we know that all they needed was a browser plug-in.

NewsGuard: Restoring Trust and Accountability 

Once you install NewsGuard’s free browser plugin, NewsGuard rating icons will begin to appear next to links on search engines and social media feeds, including Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Bing.

In addition to red and green icons for news and information websites, NewsGuard assigns a blue “platform” icon to sites that primarily host user-generated content. Humor or satire sites that mimic real news are assigned an orange “satire” icon. A grey icon indicates that a website has not yet been rated by NewsGuard’s team.

NewsGuard’s Icons:

So now we enter on an age of universal enlightenment. The truth about everything will be known to all and sundry. 

Nine-eleven? Think it might have been an inside job? Well, you no longer need to worry. NewsGuard with set your mind at rest. 

Sandy Hook School Massacre: fact or fiction? Now you will know. 

Who's lying about climate change? Ha! That's what NewGuard is here to tell you. 

Just look for the Big Green Check Mark, and you will KNOW THE TRUTH

And remember that the media is created by journalists. That's right the geniuses at NewsGuard who claim to have cracked philosophy's hard problem and can tell you what is truth and what is lies.


America’s major media outlets are now making up EVERYTHING they report… four huge media hoaxes blow up in their faces


'Der Spiegel', Europe's most influential magazine, posted fake news for years

NewsGuard Greenlights BuzzardFeed, CrapNewsNow, and Other Top Fake News Outlets:

NewsGuard, founded by establishment media insiders and intelligence operatives, is a for-profit venture that seeks to partner with Big Tech to degrade, de-legitimize, and blacklist independent news sites that have gained trust and influence over the past decade. NewsGuard is already giving green light ratings to all the fake news giants that have been caught in massive media hoaxes, including BuzzFeed, Rolling Stone, CNN, WashPostand NY Times.

Monday, January 21, 2019

The gilets jaunes are unstoppable

Christophe Guilluy on why the Euro elites seek to grind the common people of Europe down by means of hate speech, suppressed reproduction and mass replacement immigration, and why the Yellow Vests' reaction cannot be stopped.

The middle-class reaction to the yellow vests has been telling. Immediately, the protesters were denounced as xenophobes, anti-Semites and homophobes. The elites present themselves as anti-fascist and anti-racist but this is merely a way of defending their class interests. 

Now the elites are afraid. For the first time, there is a movement which cannot be controlled through the normal political mechanisms. The gilets jaunes didn’t emerge from the trade unions or the political parties. It cannot be stopped. There is no ‘off’ button. Either the intelligentsia will be forced to properly acknowledge the existence of these people, or they will have to opt for a kind of soft totalitarianism.

... the bourgeoisie needs a cultural revolution, particularly in universities and in the media. They need to stop insulting the working class, to stop thinking of all the gilets jaunes as imbeciles.

Cultural respect is fundamental: there will be no economic or political integration until there is cultural integration. Then, of course, we need to think differently about the economy. That means dispensing with neoliberal dogma. We need to think beyond Paris, London and New York.

The gilets jaunes (yellow vest) movement has rattled the French establishment. For several months, crowds ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands have been taking to the streets every weekend across the whole of France. They have had enormous success, extracting major concessions from the government. They continue to march.

Europe's spreading nationalist revolt
Source: Bloomberg via Zero Hedge
Back in 2014, geographer Christopher Guilluy’s study of la France périphérique (peripheral France) caused a media sensation. It drew attention to the economic, cultural and political exclusion of the working classes, most of whom now live outside the major cities. It highlighted the conditions that would later give rise to the yellow-vest phenomenon. Guilluy has developed on these themes in his recent books, No Society and The Twilight of the Elite: Prosperity, the Periphery and the Future of France. spiked caught up with Guilluy to get his view on the causes and consequences of the yellow-vest movement.

spiked: What exactly do you mean by ‘peripheral France’?

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Thursday, January 17, 2019

A Message to You From the United Church of Globalist Corporations

Having killed Christianity, the globalist elite have apparently determined that the role of the church is to become a corporate function. Hence Gillette, a company hitherto known chiefly for making razor blades and sundry related products, has launched an ad campaign against "toxic masculinity."

Now toxic masculinity, whatever that may be, like toxic feminism, or toxic anything else, is by definition toxic. But do you really want moral instruction from your supplier of razor blades? Or how about condemnation of white privilege on your breakfast cereal package, or advocacy of abortion with your laundry detergent?

Well whatever you want, that is what you are going to get, courtesy of the globalist corporate elite. True, the media have long doled moral direction, but at least they offered it, along with ads for razor blades, breakfast cereal and laundry detergent, with a degree of circumspection: a liberal commentator countered by a more conservative view, the globalist plug, offset by a more patriotic if not actually nationalistic comment.

But now it seems the media are too weak to provide the moral redirection the globalist elite require. Hence, Google will join FaceBook and others in cramming their interests, morals, whatever you want to call self-serving corporate propaganda, down your throat by giving the media an injection of cash for what will surely be globalist trash:

Report for America, an initiative of the GroundTruthProject, Google, and others, plans to place 1,000 journalists in local newsrooms over the next five years. Writing in CJR, the project’s co-founders argue that America needs “a dramatically new approach at the local level—grounded less in the traditional commercial model and more on a reawakened spirit of public service among reporters.

Steven Waldman and Charles M. Sennott say that they want to model their initiative on organizations like the Peace Corps and Teach for America, providing opportunities and support to emerging journalists while also helping newsrooms around the country do civically important reporting.
Meantime, Google will go on fiddling their search results and YouTube contents to shape your view of the World as the globalist elite desire: internal discussion thread leaked to Breitbart News reveals Google regularly intervenes in search results on its YouTube video platform – including a recent intervention that pushed pro-life videos out of the top ten search results for “abortion.”
Clearly corporations that can devote hundreds of millions to revising your opinions and moral convictions are too big for democracy and should be broken up. Hence, one reason for the drive to oust Trump: he could be crazy enough to act against the corporate monopolists who seek not only to rig the market against you, but to control your mind.

Robert Epstein, on how Google rigged the 2016 Presidential Election:

Breitbart: Agency that Made Gillette’s Woke, Anti-Man Ad Filled with Radical Feminists, Anti-Trumpers

What Is A Man: A response to Gillette:

Charles, Hugh Smith: A Manifesto for a 'Deplorable' Party