Saturday, January 26, 2019

Orwell's Vision Realized



  1. Reminds me. A friend and I were talking to a security professional about the security cams all over London England) about 20 years ago, when that particular city already had something like three cams per inhabitant. Why the overkill?

    My friend said, "Well, if they ever want to, they can fiddle with all the pictures they can take and accuse anybody in town of anything they want." These were the early days of Photoshop, not much was possible, we guessed.

    O Innocence! Actually they probably could have done all that even earlier. Where is Philip K. Dick when you need him? Some of his most insane predictions are now hopeless naivete. What should have tipped us off was how silent the security professional was, now that I think of it...

    1. "...they can fiddle with all the pictures ...and accuse anybody in town of anything they want." And Snopes and NewsGuard will confirm that the lies are true.

  2. Speaking of lying "fact checkers," here's an assessment by Breitbart:

    "So what we have here is a fascist group of blacklisters looking to dupe as many people as possible into believing UVA has a rape problem, Melania Trump was an illegal alien, the Russians hacked into our electric grid, Trump told his attorney to lie, and so on…

    In a 50/50 country, NewsGuard and Microsoft are obviously hoping to tip the election by fooling enough people into believing up is down and black is white.

    There is no other explanation for Microsoft and NewsGuard deliberately marking proven fake news as “credible” and legitimate news as fake."
