Friday, November 11, 2016

Trump Gone NeoCon Warmonger Already?

In common with many Trump supporters on the alt-right I've long harboured a horrible doubt that - just maybe - he was a huckster using his marketing genius to tap into the zeitgeist, leveraging it to close the ultimate sale. Did he really plan to get on with Russia, de-fund NATO, pull American troops out of the Middle East (i.e. stop fighting wars for Israel) and instead focus attention and resources on domestic issues? If that represented his true beliefs then he literally could not have made a worse choice for National Security Adviser.

Former CIA Director James Woolsey...

Thursday, November 10, 2016

American Graffiti: Die Whitey, Die

Hillary's Supporters Express Their Dissatisfaction 
With the Election Result in Nazi Fashion.
Breitbart, Novermber 10, 2016:

NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana – What started as a protest against President-Elect Donald Trump soon turned to violent riots where one of New Orleans’ most famous monuments was covered in graffiti and glass windows were shattered out of a nearby bank.

Hundreds showed up to denounce the election of Trump–but despite media reports of a peaceful gathering, the crowd grew increasingly hostile and violent, according to Breitbart Texas sources on the ground.

Why Justin Trudeau Is Ready to Renegotiate NAFTA

"If the Americans want to talk about NAFTA, I’m more than happy to talk about it." So said Canada' Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, thus proving that Canada's current Prime Minister is a very sensible pragmatist. 

Canada, like the US, has lost a large number of jobs in both manufacturing and services to Third World jurisdictions such as Mexico, where people are happy to take the job of a Canadian for the payment of mere pennies an hour. 

Why Trump Won

While the beautiful people of Hollywood whimper of their devastation at the election of Donald Trump, and while Canadians contemplate a wall to keep Hillary's fanatical followers from flooding across the border, here is why Donald Trump won.

He won because he spoke to the interests of white Americans and all of blue-collar America, black, white or brown, which is to say, he spoke to the American majority.

He spoke to the people that Hollywood and the liberal-left establishment hold in contempt.

These are the people who lost their jobs, or whose parents lost their jobs or whose children lost their jobs  to Mexicans, Chinese, Vietnamese, or Bangladeshis for the greater profitability of, Walmart, and Clinton Inc.

These people and their communities have been devastated in the cause of globalization, which has meant subjecting American labor to competition from people in the Third World earning pennies an hour. These are the people Hillary called "deplorables," and "irredeemable" and of whom she said, "they’re racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic".

To Hillary's backers, from Wall Street to Hollywood, the only question about white America is when will those rust-belt losers and rural hicks shut the fuck up and die.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

The stupidity of IQ Testing

We all know that people differ mentally in a great many ways: some are reflective, others impulsive; some are sympathetic, others are sociopathic; some are creative, others seem never to have a witty or imaginative thought; some are sensible, others are flighty, fanatical, or prone to panic; and some are smart, whereas others cannot do a simple arithmetical calculation in their head or solve an elementary logical puzzle.

So how do we measure the human intellect? Among educators and psychologists, the most common procedure is to conduct a test of reasoning ability that yields a result called an intelligence quotient, or IQ.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Is Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton's Closest Aide, A Saudi Spy?

ETF News: SHOCK CLAIM – Is Huma Abedin a SPY?

Clinton Foundation Investigation: Huma Abedin
... The Abedin family business, the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs (JMMA), is related to the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs. The Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA) is an organization founded in Saudi Arabia by al Qaeda financier Abdullah Omar Naseef. Huma served as an assistant editor at this journal for 12 years – while she simultaneously worked at the White House. She also worked at a journal that promotes Islamic-supremacist ideology, founded by one top al-Qaeda financier, Abdullah Omar Naseef. Naseef ran the Rabita Trust, which is considered a foreign terrorist organization under American law...

Saturday, October 29, 2016

America: A Failing State

The headlines indicate that the US Empire is coming apart.

The reasons are multiple, but the rot is from the head, the result of an elite mental illness giving rise to the delusion that the heaven-born ones, the Ivy-League-trained scions of the one percent of the one percent, can create their own reality simply by ordering that it be made so.

Like George Soros, they believe themselves to have become gods, free to treat ordinary, deplorable Americans with unlimited condescension, ridicule, and contempt.

The process whereby this once great nation is in the process of self destruction resulting from ruling class madness is spelled out in an essay After the Republic  by Angelo M. Codevilla, from which the following is ane excerpt.

Under our ruling class, “truth” has morphed from the reflection of objective reality to whatever has “normative pull”—i.e., to what furthers the ruling class’s agenda, whatever that might be at any given time. That is the meaning of the term “political correctness,” as opposed to factual correctness.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

9/11 Hallucinations

Scott Adams recently contends that, to deal with cognitive dissonance, people hallucinate in a way that resolves the conflict.

Thus he wrote:
Cognitive dissonance happens when you are confronted with a truth that conflicts with your self-image. To reconcile the conflict, your brain automatically triggers an hallucination to rationalize-away the discrepancy.
Adams illustrated the effect by reference to a tweet he had made to the effect that the terrorist group ISIS wants Hillary Clinton to win the forthcoming U.S. Presidential election.

Monday, October 24, 2016

America's Failed Democracy

American democracy has failed on many levels.

(1) The aggregation of the media, print, radio, film, television and most of the Internet, by little more than a handful of giant corporations including Time Warner (now about to be swallowed by AT and T), Comcast, Walt Disney, Google, 21st Century Fox, marks the transition of a free press, an essential component of a meaningful democracy, into a Money Power mouthpiece.

Friday, October 21, 2016

University of Toronto Prof. Rubbishes Politically Correct University Administration

Almost exactly 30 years ago, I was appointed to a tenure track position as Associate Professor at the University of Toronto. After employment as a scientist and consultant with three governments, I had had enough of bureaucracy, and its stifling stupidity.

To be appointed to a position at Canada's greatest university, where I expected to succeed or fail solely according to my own effort and creativity was a great joy. Moreover, there were people at the University of Toronto for whom I had the greatest respect and with whom I hoped to have at least occasional contact.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Trump Leads Clinton By 1 Point Going Into Debate — IBD/TIPP Poll*

Investors' Business Daily, October 19, 2016: After more than a week of blistering attacks from Democrats, celebrities and the press, Donald Trump has managed to pull ahead of Hillary Clinton by a 1.3 percentage point margin — 41.3% to 40% — in a four-way matchup, according to the new IBD/TIPP poll* released on October 19, 2016.


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Madonna: A ScumBag For Hillary

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Tuesday, October 18, 2016

When Anti-Semitism Is Both Patriotic and Just

The United States is, and always has been, a plutocracy. Legislators and the Executive are elected, but they take election campaign funds and, in most cases, personal benefits (the use of corporate-owned executive jets, fishing lodges, plus after-office directorships, consultancies, book deals, etc.) from the moneyed interests. These payoffs are absolutely guaranteed, not because the paymasters are honest or inherently trustworthy, but because they have to convince the next lot of office-holders that they will get theirs. Moreover, the same interests fund both parties. Thus, when a Money-Power-controlled Republican or Democrat gets the boot from the House, the Senate, or the Oval Office, they are replaced in the House, the Senate, or the Oval Office by a Money-Power-controlled representatives of the other party.

This system of government is not necessarily all bad. It insures that the ship of state does not veer crazily from one direction to another with every turn in the electoral fortunes of the ruling political parties. Moreover, the legislators and the President are elected and thus do no doubt endeavor to do good to their constituents, or at least to appear to do good to their constituents, so far as that is consistent with loyalty to their financial backers.


By Patrick Buchanan

WASHINGTON – “Remember, it’s a rigged system. It’s a rigged election,” said Donald Trump in New Hampshire on Saturday.

The stunned recoil in this city suggests this bunker buster went right down the chimney. As the French put it, “Il n’y a que la verite qui blesse.” It is only the truth that hurts.

The Cheap Moralizing of Never Trump

Trump voters get that the elite contempt for their man is a proxy contempt for them.

By William McGurn

Wall St. Journal, October 17, 2016: Three weeks out from Election Day, the Never Trump argument has been neatly summed up by Bill Maher. Not only is Donald Trump coarse and boorish, anyone who supports the man is as revolting as he is.

On his show last month, Mr. Maher put it this way to Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway: “You are enabling pure evil.” The HBO comedian went on to amuse himself by adding that “Hillary was right when she called a lot of his supporters deplorable.”

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Trump: The Clintons Are Criminals

The following are his complete remarks::
Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American people.
There is nothing the political establishment will not do, and no lie they will not tell, to hold on to their prestige and power at your expense.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

First They Came For the Straight White Men

The Irish Savant, October 12, 2016: The London Independent tells us that:
... a BBC presenter has condemned the broadcaster’s diversity strategy and claimed he was dismissed from his role for being a “white man”. Jon Holmes, a Bafta-winning writer and comedian who has appeared on Radio 4’s The Now Show for 18 years, claimed bosses let him go after informing him the show was being recast with “more women and diversity”.
In the finest traditions of a Stalinist Show Trial, Holmes prefaced his complaint with the following disclaimer: "I totally understand and agree with ....harder quotas and diversity targets. Diversity is important. Of course it is. We know it is. That's beyond argument. But maybe it's time to open up the debate — and, in all honesty, not just because I'm on the receiving end.” 

Oh ho ho ho Jonny boy. Being on the receiving end is the one and only reason you're belatedly calling for a debate. Whereas I'm not familiar with your work my assumption is that during your current affairs comedy career at the HebeBC you never once called for such a debate. Because had you done so you'd have been out on your ear pronto.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Donald Trump, An American Revolutionary, Has Raised a Rebellion Against the Bi-Partisan Treason Party

As we explained yesterday, the United States is, as those who drafted the US constitution intended, a plutocracy with the trappings of democracy to keep the plebs in thrall.

There are two parties, but the elected legislators of both parties sell their votes to the same moneyed interests, i.e., the banks, the mega corporations, and the dynamic elements among the billionaire class.