Sunday, March 20, 2022

How Zelensky Could End the War in Ukraine Now

Ukrainian Premier Zelensky is threatening World War III if his non-negotiable conditions for a settlement in Ukraine's ongoing war with Russia are not met.

So what are his conditions?

That Kyiv should rule over a culturally unified Ukraine. 

That means the suppression of the Russian language and culture of Eastern Ukraine, whatever the people there want. 

Specifically, it means enforcement of existing legislation denying Russian-language Government services, including education, throughout Russian-speaking Ukraine. 

That's a policy that Canada calls Cultural Genocide. It's what Zelensky's besty, Justin Trudeau, tearfully apologized for when addressing Canada's residential school system, a system designed to take the Indian out of the Indian and adapt him to Euro-Canadian life. 

But if Zelensky's Western Ukraine-dominated government is denied the right to take the Russian out of the Russians in Ukraine -- the people former Ukrainian Premier Julia Tymoshenko wanted to exterminate -- then Zelensky intends to bring down the entire world.

Thanks Zel, but no thanks. Here's a better idea: an oblast by oblast referendum on how Ukrainians wish to be governed. Here are the options:

A government of: 

A bilingual (Ukrainian/Russian) Ukraine;

A Ukrainian-speaking Ukraine;

A Ukrainian-speaking Western Ukraine;

A Russian-speaking Eastern Ukraine;

A neighboring state -- Russia, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, or Romania.

Whatever the outcome, such a referendum would end Ukraine's borderland status. The whole would either be ruled by a single government to which the majority of Ukrainians, in all regions, whatever their cultural heritage, bore allegiance, or the country would be divided between two or more states, each having the allegiance of the majority of its citizens. 

This, the most humane and reasonable solution, clearly would not suit the megalomaniacal Zelensky. But there is no reason why the world should back the head of the genocidal regime currently holding power in Kyiv. 


Zelenskyy Suspends All 11 Opposition Parties Becoming Head Of A One-Party State They were suspended for being pro-Russian. That is, they represented those six million East Ukrainian Russians that the Jewish former Ukrainian Prime Minister, Julia Tymoshenko wanted to genocide just as do the Ukie Nazis of the Azov Battalion who are using civilians (that is Russian Ukrainians)as hostages in the battle for MariupolSuch facts are, for obvious reasons, never mentioned in the MSM love-fest for Justin Trudeau's friend and admirer, Zelensky, who threatens World War III if his will in Ukraine does not prevail.

UK Covid death figures all bunk But the vaxxed believed them just as they believe St Walensky's account of the origins of the Ukraine war.

Friday, March 18, 2022

Has Russia Already Won in Ukraine?

 As we all know, having listened to the CBC, National Public Radio, the BBC, etc. and having read the trusty Daily Mail, The New York Times, etc.,  that the Russian invasion of Ukraine is going disastrously, proving that Vladimir Putin really is insane, and that the totally rotten Russian state is about to disintegrate, giving rise to a collection of corruptostans run by globalist puppets the better to be looted by the rightful owners of the World.

But then what is one to make of the testimony of US Lt. Colonel Douglas McGregor, a soldier of demonstrated courage, decision, imagination, judgement and success on the field of battle. In particular, what is one to make of his claim that the war in Ukraine is, in fact, already over and Vlad's Army, not the forces of Ghengis Zelensky won?

You can hear Colonel McGregor's give his assessment of the war in this discussion with Max Blumenthal:

This conversation is important not only for McGregor's assessment of the outcome of the war, but also his explanation for its cause, an explanation totally at odds with everything you've likely heard until now, which he states after the 43 minute mark. 


Mariupol About To Fall As Fighting Enters City Streets

Buchanan: US Vital Interests Dictate An End To This War

As Russian Display 21st Century Weapons Tech in Ukraine, the West Displays Nazi-era War Propaganda How pathetically degenerate the West has become. And today we learn that the cousin of Queen Elizabeth II has just married his boyfriend 

Putin: Western ‘economic blitzkrieg’ doomed to failure

Lara Logan Calling Bullshit By It's Name:

Nazi Ukraine: TV Presenter Calls for Genocide of Russians by Killing Their Children

The White Supremacist War Heroes of Ukraine:

Russia-Hatred Leads to InsanityWorld's Top-Ranked Tennis Player May Need To Denounce Putin To Play At Wimbledon

Thursday, March 17, 2022

The invasion of Ukraine has exposed the West’s impotence

I stole the following article from the Spectator because it is excellent and should be read as widely as possible. But if you read it, and you can afford to, by all means buy a subscription to the Spectator, the best written English-language publication in the World. 

There is one point, though, on which the author is clearly wrong. He talks about debt, massive state debt, as if it is a bad thing because it has to be paid back. But it is never is paid back, most of it, anyway. State debt is mainly printed money — ink money as it is known to the bankers. It is paid back only in devalued currency that is itself printed thereby ensuring further devaluation. Government debt is thus a tax on the most innocent. The young couple saving to buy a home in a market with house price inflation of 20%, or middle-aged folk saving for their old age. Of course not all savers lose. Those who invest with wisdom or good luck may do well out inflation. But, overall, the cost of inflation is covered by the devaluation of the currency in your pocket or in your savings account. Put simply, inflation is theft.  

By Rod Liddle

The Spectator, March 19, 2022: When the Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky, addressed the House of Commons recently, he was afforded two standing ovations from MPs, both lasting about 40 seconds, before and after he spoke. He was probably used to it, having received a similar reception when addressing the European Parliament a week before. On both occasions, then, he was engulfed by warm, moist waves of adulation and respect. On both occasions he also asked for important, difficult stuff from the people he was addressing and didn’t get any of it – just lots of applause and legislators delicately dabbing their eyes before quickly averting them. 

If Le Creuset saucepans had been allowed into the House of Commons, I dare say our MPs would have carefully banged them together, making sure not to chip the edges. Zelensky may have mused to himself that these western politicians who have courted his country for so long and meddled in its affairs are second to none in their mastery of grandstanding and virtue signalling, of expressing vacuous emotion while saying, in essence: ‘Nice speech, sunshine. But you’re on your own. Good luck.’ 

I cannot think of a moment which more encapsulated the West’s utter impotence than those fulsome and painless ovations. But more than that, they also signalled a comprehensive defeat for an ideology which its proponents once thought would be irresistible to the rest of the world and that we were, therefore, approaching the ‘end of history’. You will remember the phrase with a degree of irony, I suspect – a phrase which in its blithe arrogance also recalls the Marxist notion of ‘historical inevitability’. The term sprang from an essay written by Francis Fukuyama in 1989 in which the author, calling upon Hegel to help him, expounded upon the ‘total exhaustion’ of all those ideologies which were not western liberalism. What we saw in the House of Commons chamber, however, was the total exhaustion of western liberalism, its ineffectuality, its abject failure and capitulation on so many crucial fronts. It was an epic and dangerous delusion. 

For Fukuyama and many similar thinkers, globalisation was the mechanism by which western liberalism would spread, ineluctably, into every corner of the world. It could not but do so, given its obvious attractiveness. For the western liberals, globalisation wasn’t simply a commercial or economic process, but an ideological development which could but serve to diminish that thing they most hated, the nation state (and concomitantly nationalism) through the exchange of labour, multiculturalism and mutual interdependency. It would also serve to reduce inequality. These were all Good Things. But that’s not how it turned out, as the invasion of Ukraine reveals only too acutely.

The countries which have benefited most (for different reasons) from globalisation are Russia and China and neither felt remotely attracted by western liberal democracy. Russia is now exacting its ton of flesh for our naive dependence on its oil and gas, while remaining itself essentially self-sufficient. China meanwhile has used globalisation as a means of building up a network of dependent client states in Africa and beyond. Both countries have the West in hock and in China’s case that includes more than one trillion dollars of US securities.

Far from lending itself to western liberalism, globalisation has been a boon for the most tyrannical countries on the planet and they have exploited it cleverly. We have not. Meanwhile, although absolute poverty may have reduced over the past 30 years, income differentials have widened: according to the World Inequality Database, global inequalities are now ‘about as great today as they were at the peak of western imperialism in the early 20th century’. 

Multiculturalism? Well, yes, we’ve had plenty of that. But it hasn’t noticeably made western Europe a happier continent. The UK’s commitment to that creed ensured we did little or nothing to inculcate in the in-comers a fondness for our way of life and so, reasonably enough, many failed to develop one. Nor have the supra-national organisations, in which the liberals place such faith, done much to advance the cause of liberal democracy. The United Nations abides by a creed of cultural relativism and spends the majority of its time railing against the very countries which pay for its existence – because of their affluence, penchant for welfare capitalism and imperialist past – and the rest laying down resolutions castigating the only democracy in the Middle East, Israel. It is worth noting too that while 141 countries signed a UN resolution condemning the Russian invasion, five countries voted against and 35 abstained. It is still the case that when the superpowers line up, it’s the US and Europe vs the rest. 

That wasn’t supposed to happen. Far from lending itself to western liberalism, globalisation has been a boon for the most tyrannical countries Globalisation is just one example of the way in which the flawed and arguably deluded western liberal view of the world has led directly to our impotence. Money is another. It was affluence which, put crudely, enabled us to win the Cold War, by forcing the Soviet Union into ever more unsustainable levels of spending on weaponry and technology. But that affluence has all but gone. If we were forced to fight a war against Russia now, we couldn’t do it, such have been the cuts to our armed forces, gradually over the past 60 years. In the late 1950s we spent 8 per cent of our GDP on defence; now it is a little over 2 per cent and much lower in the likes of Spain, Italy, Germany and France. Most popular Robert Ginzburg Russian cities are returning to their Cold War state Russian cities are returning to their Cold War state

Globalisation is just one example of the way in which the flawed and arguably deluded western liberal view of the world has led directly to our impotence. Money is another. It was affluence which, put crudely, enabled us to win the Cold War, by forcing the Soviet Union into ever more unsustainable levels of spending on weaponry and technology. But that affluence has all but gone. If we were forced to fight a war against Russia now, we couldn’t do it, such have been the cuts to our armed forces, gradually over the past 60 years. In the late 1950s we spent 8 per cent of our GDP on defence; now it is a little over 2 per cent and much lower in the likes of Spain, Italy, Germany and France.

It is still true that the US and western Europe’s GDP per capita outstrips that of almost all of the rest of the world; the problem, though, is that we spend it all lavishly on ourselves, on our comfort and our sensibilities, and then borrow to spend even more on ourselves again. The National Health Service, for example, has expanded way beyond what was originally envisaged and what was once expected of it and now easily takes up every penny we once spent on defence and then some. There is no end to its ravenous appetite, nor our expectation of it. At the same time we are heavily in debt: UK debt is now 103 per cent of GDP, Japan’s double that amount. The US’s national debt has quadrupled since the 1990s and is now at more than 130 per cent of GDP.

Nothing wrong with debt, the liberals always averred, and so the debt grows and grows… until someone calls time. The US dollar is already resting, increasingly precariously, on its laurels as a reserve currency. Debt cannot continue infinitely. Right now, we have nothing to reach for if we wish to fight a war: not a pot to piss in. But then why would we ever need to fight a war? That was the mindset of western liberalism, the mindset of a credulous 13-year-old, when we decided that – as John and Yoko put it so memorably – ‘War is over if you want it’. And the peace dividend? Spend it. Spend it now. Then borrow some more.

If we could find the money, who would fight? And why would they bother? Here is the real crux of the matter. The same ideology which predicted the end of history is the one which has set about, with great industry, besmirching or literally destroying every-thing about our culture and our history: for the western hip and with-it neoliberal, our culture and our history are not merely Bad, they are Uniquely Bad. Rip it all down and start again. Those things which Europeans and Americans once took as reasons for a certain proxied pride – our contributions to classical music, science, literature, fine art, philosophy, innovation, statesmanship, economics, discovery – are now seen simply as expressions of hideous, privileged, white supremacism: throw them in the river. 

Our past, you see, is one of untrammelled wickedness, a wickedness unmatched by any other civilisation which existed. Everything about us is wretched – our present culture, our past. That these are wholly spurious and indeed stupid allegations does not matter: it is the viewpoint to which our liberal elite cleaves and so it is the view which we are supposed to have of our country, much as the liberals cleave to patent, obvious denials of reality. When nobody in the Labour party can tell you for sure what a ‘woman’ is, you know you are at the end time for a civilisation, a state of utter derangement in which western society is in danger of disappearing, with a shallow ppphutt, way up beyond its own sphincter muscle.

It is not so much that the centre cannot hold, it is that there is no centre at all. Nothing around which we can coalesce, nothing to unite us except for a weird all-consuming self-loathing. That has been western liberalism’s final gift: the creation of a society in which we are enjoined to hate everything we have ever done. The rest of the world looks on quite askance at our Year Zero self-flagellation. Political leaders beyond the Elbe still have a little respect for Shakespeare and Captain Cook – and they know what a woman is, too. If you were asked to fight for your country, what would you be fighting for, now? There is nothing left worth bothering about. They have done away with religion, with our history and with our present and left nothing to put in its place. 

 Western neoliberalism was an undoubtedly well-intentioned creed. But it involved a denial of realities. It is still doing it today. All we have been left with is the ability to emote, to sob, to emote, to whine, to emote, to clap and to clap and to bang saucepans together.

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

What Does Zelensky Want?

Russia has made its war objectives in Ukraine clear:

1. Ukraine to acknowledge Crimea as Russian territory.

2. Ukraine to end the sniping and shelling of the breakaway Donbas republics of  Donetsk and Luhansk that is reported to have claimed 14,000 lives over the last seven years.

3. Ukraine to commit to remaining outside the anti-Russian NATO military alliance.

That Ukraine will not accept these terms, reveals what Zelensky wants. Specifically, Zelensky wants:

A. To continue painting the 2014 Russian occupation of Crimea as illegitimate, notwithstanding that:

i. Ukraine, including Crimea, has been Russian territory for much of the last one thousand years.

 ii. The Russian state was founded in Kyiv where, following the baptism, in Crimea, of Vladimir I prince of Kiev, in 988, Orthodox Christianity became the Russian state church headed by the metropolitan of Kiev.

ii. Russia has ruled Crimea continuously from the time of Catherine the Great until the 1950's, when a Ukrainian General Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party, Nikita Khruschev, gifted Russian Crimea to the Soviet Socialist Republic of Ukraine. At the time of the transfer, it made no great difference to anyone since both Russia and Ukraine were subordinate to the Soviet Communist Party. On the breakup of the Soviet Union, however, Kruschev's action resulted in the Russian-populated, former-Russian territory coming under the rule of an, at times, genocidally anti-Russian Ukrainian government.

iii. In the 1850's, Russia defended the Crimean peninsula against an assault by British, French and Turkish forces in a war estimated to have cost 650,000 lives. Leo Tolstoy served in the defense of Sevastapol, winning a medal for bravery and, for his dispatches from the front, his first recognition as a writer.

iv. In early 2014, following a referendum in which over 90% of the mainly Russian-speaking population of Crimea voted for union with Russia, the Crimean Parliament requested to join the Russian Federation, which request was accepted, resulting in an essentially peaceful transfer of sovereignty. Among Ukrainian troops stationed in Crimea, many switched loyalties, becoming members of the Russian armed forces.

v. The validity of the Crimean referendum was confirmed by the US-based Pew Trust, which conducted its own opinion survey in Crimea.

B. To destroy the breakaway Donbas republics and eliminate official use of the Russian language, including in education, throughout Ukraine, notwithstanding that the majority of citizens in Eastern Ukraine are Russian speakers.

C. To join the anti-Russian NATO alliance and thus obtain the military backing of the Western nations, while wiping out Russian culture and Russian language-use across Ukraine. 

As Canada's Prime Minister, dictator-wannabe Justin Trudeau, shuttles around Europe lobbying for NATO membership of Ukraine, Canadians might reflect on the consequences of Zelenskyism were it to be applied in Canada. Specifically, they should think of the consequences of a Ukrainian-style, one-language, one-culture policy as it would affect Canadian unity: except there would be no Canadian unity. Quebec would be gone, and if restrained, Quebec would fight.


Ukraine news – live: Kyiv rejects proposed neutrality

Zelensky pleads for NATO intervention He might as well be candid and admit he's asking for a nuclear Third World War. But our boy, Justin, is still backing Zel.

Zelensky BEGS Biden to step up and 'be the leader of peace'  By going to war

The Killing in Ukraine Won't End As Long As It Hurts Russia Max Blumenthal with Colonel Doug McGregor:

Sending NATO troops to Ukraine is ‘red line’ – German official If the Germans, who have some experience with World Wars, are against another one, maybe it would be wise to consider their advice.

30% Of "Ukrainian Refugees" Are Actually From Other Countries That's OK. Canada will have them. We need them. As the fertility of the Canadian nation collapses, thanks to Trudeau I's policies on divorce and abortion, we will replace the historic Canadian nation with people from elsewhere. 

More Than One-Third Of Americans Would Risk Nuclear War Over Ukraine Do these damn-fool dupes of the globalist media propaganda not realize that in a nuclear war not only will they most likely be incinerated, but that civilization as they understand it could be entirely destroyed. 

On the Edge of a Nuclear Abyss: Edward Curtin

Poland Tells Zelensky It's Seeking Armed NATO 'Peace Mission' For Ukraine Poles have form when it comes to stupidity in the run up to a World War. 

US Mulls Sending New "Switchblade" Kamikaze Robot Drone To Ukraine Wonder what the process of "mulling" amounts to when you have a demented president and crackpot VP.

NATO Moves Ahead With Military Drills In Europe, Deploys 30,000 Troops Oh not to worry. It's just a drill, they said.

Saturday, March 12, 2022

They Make a Desert ...

They rob, kill and plunder... and where they make a desert, they call it "peace". Tacitus

When Vladimir Putin ordered "peace makers" into the Russian-speaking Donbas region of Eastern Ukrainane, some may have expected a limited operation: to protect the Russian-speaking residents of the breakaway Ukrainian republics of Donetsk and Luhansk. But as now seems clear, Russia's objective in Ukraine is no less than occupation and assimilation of the entire country. 

But Ukraine don't rape easy. Russian forces have been held up for two weeks in attempting to subdue Ukraine's largest cities, Kyiv and Karkhiv, but thus far have little to show for their efforts but death and destruction, including many dead Russian fighters. Other towns and cities are also maintaining a  stiff and resistance. Mariupol, it seems, is in the process of being entirely destroyed to save it from occupying Ukrainian forces.

Will Russia fight and Ukraine defend until every urban area is reduced to rubble and the urban population has been decimated or put to flight? The people of Russia apparently have Putin's back. NATO, meanwhile, is pouring javelin anti-tank missiles and Stinger anti-aircraft missiles into Ukraine, thus ensuring continued Russian losses. Nothing, then, will likely end this war short of Ukrainian surrender or Russian victory. 

Given the peace terms Russia has offered -- Ukrainian neutrality, an end to the sniping and shelling of the independent Donbas republics, and recognition of Crimea as Russian territory -- Ukraine could without dishonor end the war now. But it won't because it is driven by the globalist imperative that requires the destruction of Russia, something that this war, plus the sanctions of NATO nations will go far toward achieving.


Buchanan: Is There A Peace Deal Putin And Zelensky Can Accept?

Euggypius: Ukraine and the Global American Empire

Trudeau, Freeland met with Ukrainian neo-Nazi party cofounder

Twice in a Century: Russia Faces a War of Annihilation

Friday, March 11, 2022

Good-Bye to All That (Lockdowns, the Vax, and Pandemic Fear-Mongering)

A letter to my 82-year-old sister

Dear R...

The thing about the science of Covid is that there are two versions of it: One is "The Science" about which we hear much from low-IQ politicians such as Justin Trudeau, the other is a pretty complicated story of which I have only a limited grasp. But whatever may be the facts, I have no objection to people who are properly informed being given an experimental inoculation with something that apparently reduces -- for several months, anyway -- the risk of severe Covid illness (although it does not prevent either infection or transmission). However, I think it crazy, wrong, and possibly a manifestation of some deep corruption to mandate such so-called vaccination in response to a pandemic disease barely more deadly than the seasonal flu. Being experimental, which is to say, without long-term evaluation in either human or animal trials, there is no assurance of the vaccine's safety. Therefore, to force submission to such an experimental medical procedure is contrary to the code of medical ethics established at Nuremberg after World War 2. I think it particularly reprehensible to force this so-called vaccine on children who are extremely unlikely to suffer severe Covid illness — the number of children dying from Covid is far fewer than the number who succumb in most years to influenza.

Although rarely stated explicitly, the justification for compelled vaccination has been to protect others, i.e., to stop the spread. But it is evident from the excellent data gathered by the UK Health Security Agency (This is a link to their latest weekly Covid Surveillance report, see Page 44) that vaccination increases the Covid case rate (it more than doubles it in most age classes), and hence disease trransmission. This effect is presumably because the vaccinated, believing themselves to be protected, tolerate a greater risk of infection — and hence also of passing on the infection — than the unvaccinated.

My own view of the management of Covid in Western countries is that it has been idiotic from start to finish, and generally harmful, lethally so, to some among the most vulnerable people. The objective of government authorities throughout has been to keep people frightened so they would unresistingly do exactly as idiots like Trudeau and his dim-witted advisors and ministers demanded. True, Covid has killed many people (though perhaps far fewer than claimed), but mostly, these were people of our age group who were, with us, fellow travelers nearing the end of our journey to the grave. In particular, they were the most frail among the elderly, especially those in care homes where a lack of daily exercise diminishes cardiovascular and respiratory capacity. For such people, a respiratory disease is inevitably a severe and often overwhelming challenge. But the propaganda never allowed attention to focus on the very high dependence of Covid mortality on age and, among younger people, specific conditions such as asthma, obesity and diabetes that predispose to severe illness.

But since we, and in fact most people of our age group, are still alert of mind and more or less physically active, the risk of Covid is not that great. Moreover, living in our own homes, the risk of infection is much less than that of younger persons commuting to the office five days a week, and caring for children who are the most important vectors of respiratory diseases. What this means is that there was no good reason for lock-downs of entire countries when those most at risk were already in effect locked-down in care homes, which as is now evident, are among the most dangerous places for a vulnerable person to be.

In the climate of propaganda and cultivated fear that governments and the media created, it has been impossible for most people to make a rational decision about the Covid vax. Vaccination will prolong life of care home occupants, which may or may not be what we and the care home occupants themselves want. Furthermore, it will save many old and middle-aged people from the severest though non-fatal consequences of Covid infection. That being the case, S... (our oldest sibling) might be wise to take the shot, although she must be very fit, so her chances of surviving Covid are almost certainly well above 90%. (At our age, to lose a year or two of freedom to lockdowns, thereby to avoid a five or 10% risk if death by Covid seems a poor bargain. 

As for what Western governments have imposed on the rest of the population, it would create outrage if people understood the stupidity of it. Excuse me for expressing myself plainly (I suppose there is room for other credible views, but I am not sure what they are). And the vaccine will do almost nothing for children, nearly all of whom experience Covid with few if any symptoms, but acquire from it long-term, possibly life-long, memory-cell immunity from severe illness, if not infection. In this connection, it may be considered that the relatively mild Omicron variant acts as a living vaccine, or would do so, if allowed free circulation.

As for possible adverse long-term consequences of the so-called vaccine, these should be of greatest concern to younger adults and parents of children. Probably, the long-term consequences will be insignificant, but there is presently no certainty of that. One unsettling discovery is that the spike protein mRNA, which is the active component of the vaccine, can be retrotranscribed to DNA and then incorporated into the genome. Then you could have a life-long supply of spike protein. That this is a serious problem seems slight, but about risks that remain to be evaluated by long-term testing, one cannot give confident assurances.


Sweden's Age-Adjusted Excess Mortality Was Below Normal During the Pandemic

Infection Rates Higher in Triple Vaccinated Than in Unvaccinated Across All Age Groups, UKHSA Data Show

Thursday, March 10, 2022

A Recycled Joke

Plank, noun. In British parlance a stupid person. The term is derived from the old English expression "as thick as a plank."

Which suggests a revision to an old joke:

Justin Trudeau is walking down Sparks St. in Ottawa with a duck under his arm.

Fellow walking the other way says: "What you doin' with that turkey?"

"That's not a turkey" Says Justin, "It's a duck."

To which the fellow replied: 

"Wasn't talking to you. I was talking to the duck."

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Covid Infection and Death Higher Among Vaxxed Than Unvaxxed

(Revised March 6, 2022) For all those like Justin Trudeau and Saint Bonnie Henry of British Columbia, who cannot tolerate the existence of anyone unvaccinated, here's an inconvenient fact:

Covid Deaths Continue to Decline in the Unvaccinated But Not in the Vaccinated, UKHSA Data Show.

That is, deaths within 60 days of Covid infection, which could include motor vehicle accident victims who happen to have had Covid as long as eight weeks prior to death and who had long since recovered from the infection, plus Covid recovered persons deceased due to suicide, cancer, heart disease or any other cause but Covid.

What's more, the infection rate among Britain's unvaxxed remains lower -- much lower, than among Britain's Holy vaxxed (See the UK Covid Surveillance Report, Page 44), as has been the case from the outset.

In all age categories except the under 18's and the over 80's the infection rate among the vaxxed is two to three or more times that of the unvaxxed. And by speaking of rates, we are talking throughout about proportions, e.g., rate per 100,000 persons, or percent, not total numbers. 

So take those two facts together, a now near identical death rate per 100,000 cases among the vaxxed and unvaxxed, plus a much higher infection rate in the vaxxed than the unvaxxed, and you have a much higher Covid death rate among the vaxxed than the unvaxxed.  

As for the under 18's, who cares? Extremely few children experience serious illness from Covid. Omicron, in fact, is not much different from the comon cold, which infects children an average of four to six times a year. 

As for the over 80's, those most at risk of death from Covid, the infection rate among the vaxxed, though not double that of the unvaxed, is nevertheless more than 50% higher. 

Not that we expect any vaccinated person to believe any of these clearly documented facts. The vaccine seems to do something to people's brains, making them totally susceptible to Big Pharma's (and big Government's) vax propaganda.

But if Justin Trudeau expects Canadians to believe that Canadians experience Covid differently from the well-surveyed and documented Brits, his government should pull its finger out and develop a first-rate data gathering and presentation capability such as that provided by Britain's Health Security Agency that I have cited above.


Systemic Adverse Events in 23% of the Vaccinated, 16% of the Vaccine Ends Up in the Liver – Revelations From the Pfizer Trial Documents

UK freedom protesters chant “F*ck Trudeau” outside Downing Street

Trudeau apologize? LOL, Our boy Justin does apology with tears in his eyes, but only for dead people who can't answer back.

Documents Reveal Hundreds of Media Companies Including Conservative Media were Paid by Federal Government to Promote the COVID-19 Vaccines
HHS revealed that it purchased advertising from major news networks including ABC, CBS, and NBC, as well as cable TV news stations Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC, legacy media publications including the New York Post, the Los Angeles Times, and the Washington Post, digital media companies like BuzzFeed News and Newsmax, and hundreds of local newspapers and TV stations. These outlets were collectively responsible for publishing countless articles and video segments regarding the vaccine that were nearly uniformly positive about the vaccine in terms of both its efficacy and safety.
... Congress appropriated $1 billion in fiscal year 2021 for the secretary of health to spend on activities to “strengthen vaccine confidence in the United States.

Orange County High School Athletes Who Plan to Participate in Sports This Year Must Have Electrocardiogram Test… Why Is That?

UK Quietly Released Data Showing Vaxxed Account For 9 Out Of 10 COVID Deaths So the proportion of reported Covid deaths among the vaxxed is almost exactly equal to proportion of the population that has been vaxxed, thus indicating zero effect of the vax on mortality.

One way to explain the convergence of death rates between the vaxxed and the unvaxxed is by assuming that actual Covid deaths due to Omicron are rare, those reported mostly being with, not from, Covid. In that case, the reported Covid death rate between the vaxxed and the unvaxxed should be the same, i.e., zero but for the mistaken attribution of death to Covid. 

Why the Covid Vaccine Rollout in Children Should Be Stopped Immediately

Canadian Conviviality vs. Global Helplessness (Or Why the Truckers' Convoy Captured the Attention of the World)
Justin Trudeau – groomed, slick, WEF-born emitter of the latest sound-bites and now indisputably craven in his desire to exert control over helpless herds – is one of the foremost puppets of the global project for the eradication of conviviality by institutions, devices, systems and programs all designed to intensify our condition of dependency under the aegis of progress, turning us, as Illich warned, into mere ‘accessories of bureaucracies or machines.’

The story will be that Covid hysteria was the result of “flawed data” or “panic”…it was neither

Dr. Uuval Noah Harari: Advisor to Klaus Schwab, Chair, World Economic Forum on how the mRNA vax technology will be used to hack humanity, Source: What Really Happened

Friday, March 4, 2022

NATO to Ukraine: Resistance Is Futile, You Will Be Assimilated -- By Russia

Reuters reports

NATO allies rejected Ukraine’s demand for no-fly zones on Friday, saying they were increasing support but that stepping in directly would lead to a broader, even more brutal European war so far limited to Russia’s assault on its neighbour.

Meanwhile, during an interview with German public broadcaster ZDFGermany's Chancellor, Olaf Scholtz said: 

“Ukraine’s membership is not on The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)’s agenda.” 
 Furthermore, Scholtz stated that  he had made it clear in Moscow: 
“... that this option [Ukraine’s membership of NATO] is not on the table and will not take place ...

While not publicly stated, one can be sure that a further consideration in the minds of NATO allies is resistance throughout the West to being made host to a growing multitude of Ukrainian war refugees, already exceeding one million in number.

The message to Ukraine is clear: call it quits -- end the bloodshed which, however valorous, must end in Ukrainian defeat. 


CJ. Hopkins: Revenge of the Putin-Nazis!

The Unintended Consequences of the West’s Response to Russia’s Invasion

Grave New World: The Soft Tyranny of Tomorrow

Monday, February 28, 2022

If You Don't Hate Russia, and Especially Putin, You Must be a Trucker-Loving, Bit-Coin Hoarding, Anti-Vaxer and, If You Deny It, Just Listen to the CBC

 War is a cruel and generally catastrophic event, and he who starts a war bears a vast burden of responsibility. As war rages in Ukraine, the contention that Putin is the evilest man who ever lived with the possible exception of Ghengis Kahn and Adolf Hitler is now generally accepted in the West, at least if reports in the Guardian and as broadcast by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation are to be trusted, as they surely deserve.

However, if you would like to reassure yourself on all points of Russian criminal responsibility for war in Ukraine, you might read David Stockman's essay: The Land Where History Died, Part 1 published for the benefit of a hoard of mysogenistic, anti-semitic white supremacist readers of the Unz Review. 

Essentially, he makes the case that Russia had a small point in justification of its resort to war; namely, that the Russian-speaking people of Eastern Ukraine absolutely did not want to be ruled by the corrupt oligarchic friends of President Biden and son Hunter (people who, incidentally, just outlawed the use of the Russian language in education and for all official purposes). 

In particular, they resented the Kyiv-ites refusal to adhere to the terms of the agreement they made in 2014 to grant autonomy to the ethnic Russian enclaves of Donesk and Lugansk under a revised Ukrainian Constitution. 

What's more, they do not like the way the Ukrainian Azov battalion, noted for its Nazi regalia, have made a habit of shelling Donesk and Lugansk resulting not only in the destruction of property, but in the death of hundreds including many children. 

A further point is that Vladimir Putin stands in the shadow of many great Russian leaders, who by virtue of luck, foresight, firmness of purpose and absolute ruthlessness, created and preserved the Russian state for more than a thousand years. Prince Vladimir, for example, Tenth Century ruler of the Kyevan Rus and founder of the Russian Orthodox Church; the monster, Tsar Ivan the Terrible who created the Russian Empire from a loose collection of mediaeval states; Peter the Great who defeated the King of Sweden at the history-shaping battle of Poltava in, yes, Ukraine; and Catherine the Great, whose lover Potemkin returned Kyiv to Russian control, and conquered Crimea, the home of a Tartar Khanate that had made a living by shipping tens of thousands of kidnapped Russian peasants to the slave markets of Constantinople.

So anyone who thinks Putin gives a damn what the Twitterati, Justin Trudeau, or Boris Johnson have to say about his determination to defend Russian citizens and Russian honor in Ukraine is a sad and foolish dupe of Western propaganda.


Srdja Trifkovic: The Russian Invasion of Ukraine: Three Scenarios

Patrick Buchana: Is Putin Considering Using Nukes on NATO?

Kyiv Post: Journalists confirm Zelensky’s $40 million tie with Kolomoisky

Jewish Subtexts in Ukraine

A Sceptical Take On the Ukraine Crisis

US/NATO is in the Grip of a Daemonic Death-Wish & the Entire World is Threatened

The red and black flag has historically represented the Bandera movement in Ukraine. Stepan Bandera was a Nationalist Ukrainian politician during the Second World War who is accused of war crimes and leading atrocities against Jewish and Polish people (crimes advocated by Trudeau's Deputy PM's grandfather). But given Trudeau's lust for dictatorship, it's not surprising he has a crypto-Nazi deputy.

Russian Military Tells Kiev Civilians To Evacuate As Strikes Target City's Communications

I find it interesting how the West is so aghast at the Russian move while US military personnel sit at oil fields in Syria as we speak. The West has invaded how many middle eastern countries either physically or economically? Only difference is that their kangaroo court (the UN) sanctions their own actions and condemns the actions of those they oppose.

Where was the West for the last 8 years of Donbass shelling by the Ukes? Where was the west as we constantly droned funerals and weddings throughout the middle east? Where was the West when ISIS took over? Where was the West in Libya? I'll tell you where...they were the antagonist in all of it to protect the hegemony at all costs.

The crocodile tears for the Ukes are too much to take.
Ukraine Parliament Member: We Fight for the New World Ordure:

In Wartime, Dissent Should Not be Confused With Disloyalty

Why No-Fly Zone over Ukraine Means World War with Nukes The reason Putin raised the readiness level of Russia's nuclear forces

US/NATO is in the Grip of a Daemonic Death-Wish & the Entire World is Threatened

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Justin Trudeau's Inane and Oppressive Rule, and the Decline of the West

 By Conrad Black

National Post February 26, 2022: ....As I wrote here two weeks ago, the truckers were right to be outraged at the escalated requirement for the 10 per cent or so who are unvaccinated to quarantine for two weeks when returning from the United States. That provision is oppressive and malicious. The truckers also acted for millions of other Canadians in rising up against the compulsive and imperishable authoritarianism of the substantially failed Canadian COVID regime and the smug acceptance of it by much of the media. The truckers have an absolute right to protest. But as I warned two weeks ago, neither they nor anyone else has a right to strike against the public interest, and especially to shut down or impair traffic between Canada and the United States, nor any right to inflict unnecessary inconvenience on the residents of the nation’s capital.


Article content

The prime minister’s characterization of all the truckers as they approached Ottawa, on the basis of no knowledge or reliable information, as racists, sexual bigots and misogynists was inexcusable and disgraceful. The recourse to the Emergencies Act was unnecessary, oppressive and unless the highest echelon of our judiciary has disintegrated completely, it was likely also illegal. The truckers should have gone to greater lengths to protect themselves against imputations of holding fascist or other extreme views and somewhere around Winnipeg they should have elected a leadership committee and formulated a reasonable list of demands. The prime minister should have offered to meet them. The government’s response to an uneven outpouring of populist energy was a dismal and pompous failure.


Article content

As the trucking crisis was abating in Canada and the Ukrainian crisis arose ....

Read more


Kit Knightly: Timeline: Euromaidan, the original “Ukraine Crisis”

Johan Eddebo via Substack What’s really going on in Ukraine

PETER HITCHENS: The West acts tough with Russia because we’re just too feeble to stand up to our real enemy… China

Putin Ushers in the New Geopolitical Game Board

Does the Ukraine War Mark the Onset of WWIII?

Russia And China Aren't The Natural Allies Many Assume Them To Be

Rex Murphy: Trudeau's inexplicable use of the Emergencies Act must not be forgotten

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Omicron Thwarts Some of the World’s Most-used COVID Vaccines: BRAVO

Omicron thwarts some of the world’s most-used COVID vaccinesAnd that's not surprising. The vaccines induce the production of an antibody that inactivates the spike protein. That is, the spike protein of the original Wuhan Covid strain. But the spike protein of the Omicron variant is highly mutated, which means that the antibody induced by the vax doesn't bind effectively to the Omicron spike protein: hence little or no benefit from the vax.

But not to worry.  Dr Angelique Coetzee, the South African doctor who first spotted the new Covid variant Omicron, says the patients seen so far have had mild symptoms. Thing is, though, that infection with Omicron will induce antibodies not just to the highly mutated Omicron spike protein, but all 17 other proteins possessed by the virus. 

This antibody response is relatively short-lived, just like the Covid vax that needs to be repeated every few months if it is to remain effective. However, infection by Omicron creates memory cells that record both the genome of the virus and the recipe for all the antibodies that the immune system created in response to the infection. That means that the immune system will promptly recognize a future infection by any Covid strain, however mutated. Furthermore, the immune system will retain a memory of the antibodies it needs to destroy the virus and will, thus, begin pumping those out much sooner than if  faced by a previously unknown virus. 

What this means is that Omicron, whether naturally occurring or created anonymously in the lab, will serve as a live vaccine. As it spreads throughout the population, it will greatly reduce the incidence of severe illness due to Covid. Covid then will join the collection of viruses that cause what is known as the comon cold.

So good-bye Covid. Good-bye the vax. Welcome back bad winter colds. Oh and good-bye to vax passports and the Western version of China's Social Credit system of totalitarian social control -- for now. But never forget the enthusiasm of Western dictator-wannabes, when they believed totalitarian control was within their reach. 


COVID Deaths Worldwide Were Greatly Overstated

Pfizer's COVID-19 Vaccine Goes Into Liver Cells And Is Converted To DNA: Study

Pfizer 5-11 Vax has NEGATIVE Effectiveness After Just Over a Month Yeah, but it makes money for investors and it gives the public health people a means to keep the public in a state of subservience and panic

UK Covid vaccine death or injury claims could hit £110m

New Zealand High Court: Vaccine Mandate Not "Demonstrably Justified", Breach Of Rights

Iceland Wants ‘As Many People as Possible’ to Catch Covid-19 After Ending All Restrictions – Suggests Vaccine is Not Enough

Blitzkreig on Kyiv: Not?

Ukraine War: 24/7 Russian Propaganda Livestream

Russian troops seize Chernobyl