Monday, June 21, 2021

Is the Danger Covid or the Vaccine?

Why is so much evidence being suppressed?

By Paul Craig Roberts

The Unz Review, June 21, 2021: How many Americans are as brave as Buffalo Bills wide receiver Cole Beasley, who announced he would give up playing football before he submits to the NFL’s vaccine protocols?

Health care employees and many other Americans are experiencing pressure to accept vaccination or be fired. For example, a hospital in Texas has made vaccination a condition of employment. I can understand the reluctance of a nurse or doctor, who has witnessed severe injury and death to those who were vaccinated, being unwilling to subject themselves to the risk. They have exposed themselves for 16 months to risk of infection by treating those who are infected. Now they are declared to be a risk to patients because they are not vaccinated and are pressured to accept the high risk of injury from the vaccine.

Notice how quickly American corporations have taken to the idea that they have the right to make deeply personal decisions for employees. It is no longer just US presidents, such as Bush and Obama, who claim authority to set aside our constitutional protections and throw us in prison and execute us without due process, private profit-making corporations are now asserting the right to make our personal decisions.

What does this tell us about the belief in freedom in America? It tells us that it is the last thing public and private leaders think about. Freedom? What is that? The right to disagree with the government, the boss, the media? That’s terrorism. That’s conspiracy theory. That’s being uncooperative. Take off the tinfoil hat and do as you are told.

This is what everyone who works for a US corporation experiences. Take the vaccine. Don’t use these pronouns. Go to sensitivity training. Submit! Submit! Submit!

That is America today. Notice how quickly it came on us. Compare today with 16 months ago and observe the rapid erosion of freedom.

During the 20th century Cold War, Americans heard about “captive nations.” Today America is a captive nation.

Employers’ demands that employees submit to vaccination are not merely assertions of authority over personal decisions and violations of freedom. A lot of evidence indicates that vaccination mandates endanger people’s lives. Much evidence indicates a high incidence of death and serious injury associated with Covid vaccination and that the vaccine itself is causing the variants. See below for one such warning.

The scientific evidence should be publicly debated. Instead, the evidence is suppressed. If the evidence is mistaken, it should be easy to show that to be the case. So why is it suppressed instead of examined and debated? How can it be that corporate executives and boards can be ignorant of the dangers to which they demand employees subject themselves?

Is this a plot against life as people increasingly believe, or is it just stupidity and incompetence on the part of those in leadership positions. Neither answer is reassuring.

Dr. Peter McCullough provides one of the many unambiguous warnings issued by highly qualified experts, people far more knowledgeable than Tony Fauci, a medical bureaucrat whose lifetime work has been to maximize the profits of the pharmaceutical industry:

Dr. Peter McCullough – COVID Vaccines Have Already Killed 50,000 Americans. Is the United States gearing up to force people to submit to vaccination?

Dr. McCullough is Vice Chief of Internal Medicine at Baylor University, editor of Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine, senior editor of the American Journal of Cardiology, editor of the textbook Cardiorenal Medicine, and president of the Cardiorenal Society.

“The first wave of the bioterrorism was a respiratory virus that spread across the world, and affected relatively few people—about one percent of many populations—but generated great fear,” McCullough explained during the Oval Media webinar with other doctors. He noted that the virus targeted “mostly the frail and the elderly, but for otherwise well people, it was much like having the common cold.”

Dr. McCullough has treated many patients with the disease, written papers on it, had the disease himself, and has also seen a death in his own family due to COVID.

He believes that fear of the virus was used very quickly to generate policies that would hugely impact human life, such as the draconian lockdowns. “Every single thing that was done in public health in response to the pandemic made it worse,” he pointed out.

McCullough explained that early on, as a doctor treating COVID patients, he came up with an early treatment regimen for those struck with the virus, which reduced hospital stays by about 85 percent, and said he began publishing papers on what he had learned. The doctor noted that he was “met with resistance at all levels” in terms of actually treating patients and publishing his papers.

“Fortunately I had enough publication strength to publish the only two papers in the entire medical literature that teaches doctors how to treat COVID-19 patients at home to prevent hospitalization,” he said.

“What we have discovered is that the suppression of early treatment was tightly linked to the development of a vaccine, and the entire program—and in a sense, bioterrorism phase one— was rolled out, and was really about keeping the population in fear, and in isolation preparing them to accept the vaccine, which appears to be phase two of a bioterrorism operation.”

McCullough explained that both the coronavirus and the vaccines deliver “to the human body, the spike protein, which is the gain of function target of this bioterrorism research.”

He acknowledged that he couldn’t come out and say this on national television because the medical establishment has done such a thorough job of propagandizing the issue.
“What we have learned over time is that we could no longer communicate with government agencies. We actually couldn’t communicate with our propagandized colleagues in major medical centers, all of which appear to be under a spell, almost as if they’ve been hypnotized.”

Last summer McCullolugh started an early treatment initiative to keep COVID patients out of the hospital, which involved organizing multiple groups of medical doctors in the United States and abroad. The doctor noted that some governments tried to block these doctors from providing the treatments, but with the help of the Association of Physicians and Surgeons, they were able to put out a home patient guide, and in the U.S., organized four different tele-medical services, and fifteen regional tele-medical services. This way, people who were stricken with COVID-19, were able to call in to these services and get the medications they needed prescribed to local pharmacies, or mail order distribution pharmacies, he explained.“Good doctors are doing unthinkable things like injecting biologically active messenger RNA that produces this pathogenic spike protein into pregnant women. I think when these doctors wake up from their trance, they’re going to be shocked to think what they’ve done to people,” he said, echoing what he, and Dr. Harvey Risch, professor at the Yale School of Public Health, told Fox News host Laura Ingraham during an interview last month.

“Without the government really even understanding what was going on, we crushed the epidemic curve of the United States,” McCullough claimed. “Toward the end of December and January, we basically took care of the pandemic with about 500 doctors and telemedicine services, and to this day, we treat about 25 percent of the U.S. COVID-19 population that are actually at high risk, over age 50 with medical problems that present with severe symptoms.”

“We know that this is phase two of bioterrorism, we don’t know who’s behind it, but we know that they want a needle in every arm to inject messenger RNA, or adenoviral DNA into every human being,” he said. “They want every human being.” The doctor later warned that the experimental vaccines could ultimately lead to cancers, and sterilize young women.

Dr. McCullough said his goal is to set apart a large group of people that the system cannot get to, which would include those who have already had the virus, those with immunity, children, pregnant women, and child-bearing women.

The cardiologist went on to say that because there is no clinical benefit in young people whatsoever to get the vaccine, even one case of myocarditis or pericarditis following the shots “is too many,” yet even though the CDC is aware of hundreds of alarming reports of cases of heart swelling in teenagers and young adults, they’re only going to reevaluate the matter later on in June. He accused the medical establishment of neglecting to to do anything to reduce the risks of the vaccines.

As someone who has chaired over two dozen vaccine safety monitoring boards for the FDA, and National Institute for Health, McCullough had room to criticize how the vaccines have been rolled out.

“With this program, there is no critical event committee, there is no data-safety monitoring board, and there’s no human ethics committee. Those structures are mandatory for all large clinical investigations, and so the word that’s really used for what’s going on is malfeasance, that’s wrongdoing of people in authority,” the doctor explained.

“Without any safety measures in place, you can see what’s going on,” he continued.

“Basically it’s the largest application of a biological product with the greatest amount of morbidity and mortality in the history of our country.”
“We are at over 5,000 deaths so far, as you know, and I think about 15,000 hospitalizations. In the EU it’s over 10,000 deaths. We are working with the Center for Medicaid (CMS) data, and we have a pretty good lead that the real number is tenfold.”

McCullough explained that because the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database only amounts to about 10 percent of the bad reactions to the vaccines, his team has had to go to other sources for information.

“We have now a whistleblower inside the CMS, and we have two whistleblowers in the CDC,” the doctor revealed. “We think we have 50,000 dead Americans. Fifty thousand deaths. So we actually have more deaths due to the vaccine per day than certainly the viral illness by far. It’s basically propagandized bioterrorism by injection.”

Dr. McCullough said he’s seen people in his office with cases of portal vein thrombosis, myocarditis, and serious memory problems post-vaccination. “It’s so disconcerting,” he said.

“If you said this is all a Gates Foundation program to reduce the population, it’s fitting very well with that hypothesis, right? The first wave was to kill the old people by the respiratory infection, the second wave is to take the survivors and target the young people and sterilize them,” he said.

“If you notice the messaging in the country, in the United States, they’re not even interested in old people now. They want the kids. They want the kids, kids, kids, kids kids! They’re such a focus on the kids,” he said, noting that in Toronto, Canada, last month, they lured the children with promises of ice-cream to get the jab. According to one report, the government of Ontario—-which doesn’t require parental consent for children to get vaccinated—-encouraged the kids to get the Pfizer vaccine at a pop-up vaccine event.

“They held the parents back, and they were vaccinating the kids,” the doctor reported. He said his Canadian wife’s mother was forcibly vaccinated against her will.
McCullough predicted that the United States is gearing up to force people into getting the injections. 
“We have to stop it, and we have to see what’s behind it,” he concluded.


American Thinker: Losing the plot on COVID

DM: 'The government is not being transparent about the risks': Inventor of MRNA vaccines says people should not be forced to take experimental COVID vaccines because risks aren't known and under 18s and those who’ve had virus shouldn’t take it

Global Research: Killing kids with vaccines

Gateway Pundit: NOT MAKING HEADLINES: CDC Officials Admit More Hospitalizations of Young People from Vaccine than From the Actual COVID Virus – Including HUGE Number of Heart Problems Reported

The Defender: University of Saskatchewan Fires Surgeon Who Voiced Safety Concerns About COVID Vaccines for Kids

National Pulse: Google & USAID Funded Wuhan Collaborator Peter Daszak’s Virus Experiments For Over A Decade

Norwegian Institute of Public Health: Higher risk associated with AstraZeneca vaccine than from COVID-19 disease in Norway

DM: mRNA inventor says young adults shouldn't have to get COVID vaccine

WSJ: Are Covid Vaccines Riskier Than Advertised?

Gateway Pundit: mRNA Vaccine Inventor Speaks Out on Vaccine Concerns for Young People: “Yes, My Concerns Are That the Government Is Not Being Transparent about Those Risks”


We failed to find that countries or U.S. states that implemented SIP policies earlier, and in which SIP policies had longer to operate, had lower excess deaths than countries/U.S. states that were slower to implement SIP policies. We also failed to observe differences in excess death trends before and after the implementation of SIP policies based on pre-SIP COVID-19 death rates

OffGuardian: Illegal DNRs, ventilators & involuntary euthanasia

In my first comment on Covid-19, I suggested that it was a manufactured virus intended to eliminate useless eaters — specifically, the elderly and infirm. In this, we assumed that the virus would be the instrument of death. What we did not imagine and could not have conceived is that the virus would serve merely as a justification for people to kill countless thousands of the elderly and infirm. 

DM: Google FUNDED virus research carried out by Wuhan-linked scientist Peter Daszak for over a decade, new report reveals, amid accusations Big Tech has silenced COVID lab leak theory

American Journal of Therapeutics: Ivermectin for Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 Infection

Daily Expose: Dr Peter McCullough: Covid-19 Vaccines are Bioweapons and a CDC whistle-blower has confirmed 50,000 Americans have died due to the jabs

Majority of US Physicians Decline COVID Shots, According to Survey

Google-backed gain-of-function research at Chinese bat virus lab (and censored information about effectiveness of Covid treatment regimes)

Moderate-certainty evidence finds that large reductions in COVID-19 deaths are possible using ivermectin. Using ivermectin early in the clinical course may reduce numbers progressing to severe disease. The apparent safety and low cost suggest that ivermectin is likely to have a significant impact on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic globally.

Inventor of mRNA Vaccine Tech: Covid mRNA Vaccines Unsafe

Indian Variant Political Scariant

Tucker Carlson: Google may have funded science that caused COVID, next they may experiment to make children smaller

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Covid: The Great Deception

 By Rob Slane:

The Blogmire, June 18, 2021: Dr. Peter McCullough is one of the most eminent physicians and scientists in the US, and reputed to be the most published cardiologist in history. Along with a number of others, he devised a treatment protocol for Covid-19, which was shown to be effective in preventing up to 85% of deaths. Yet having spent the best part of a year seeing all discussions of these treatments suppressed, resisted and censored by the authorities, media and Big Tech, he has come to a shocking conclusion:

“I believe that we’re under the application of a form of bioterrorism that’s worldwide, that appears to have been many years in the planning. The first wave of the bioterrorism was a respiratory virus that spread across the world and affected relatively few people, but generated great fear. … The entire programme as this bioterrorism Phase 1 was rolled out, was really all about keeping the population in fear and in isolation and preparing them to accept the vaccine, which appears to be Phase 2 of a bioterrorism operation.”

At the end of his interview with the German lawyer, Reiner Fuellmich, he poses the following question:

“To me what was masterful is the psychological part of it. How did they pull this off from a mass psychology perspective?”

Of course, the response from those who have spent 15 months letting the Government and media do their thinking will be to dismiss his claims as that of a Conspiracy Theorist. Well, you dismiss someone of Dr. McCullough’s stature as a Conspiracy Theorist at your peril, especially as he happens to be someone who devoted his time to developing effective treatments for Covid-19, only to see them ruthlessly suppressed. But those dismissing his words should consider this: by definition, a Conspiracy Theory is a theory about something that someone believes is going to happen or which has happened. But Dr. McCullough is not talking about that. He is talking about something that is happening in real time, in plain sight, right in front of your eyes – if you have your eyes open to see it.

Almost everything we have been told about this virus and the response to it has been a lie. Not a mistake, not an accident, not a misunderstanding. Dr Mike Yeadon, one of the few true heroes of the moment, lists these falsehoods as follows:

  1. That the virus is novel, so there is no immunity to it.
  2. That the virus is very much more lethal than anything else we’ve encountered.
  3. That there are no treatments.
  4. That the PCR is a reliable test of clinically important infection.
  5. That the virus can be spread by infected people without symptoms.
  6. That masks protect against transmission.
  7. That Lockdowns slow transmission through the community.
  8. That variants formed during virus replication are more dangerous and some will escape immunity.
  9. That it’s uncertain if you can be infected twice.
  10. That the vaccines are safe and effective.

Each of these points is, he says, provably untrue. Yet despite this, even if most people were offered irrefutable evidence that they are untrue, they still cannot bring themselves to come to any other conclusion than to question the official narrative is a “Conspiracy Theory”

Read more


Saturday, June 19, 2021

Why Democracy Died

To know why democracy died, it is necessary to understand why it came into existence.

Democracy is an improbable form of government. Throughout the thousands of years of human existence, before the emergence of cities, states and empires, humans lived in tribes of hunter gatherers, small groups of no fixed address, each tribe dominated by an alpha male or chief who impregnated most of the women and killed anyone who got in his way.

The agricultural revolution meant both an increase in population and the creation of settled communities with permanent housing, irrigation works, markets, temples, defensive walls and fortresses. With the rise of such communities, or city states, one man (or occasionally woman) rule remained the rule but with some elaboration. 

One man could not rule a city without a hierarchy of soldiers, administrators, and priests, the heads of each institutional group naturally acquired a degree of personal power independent of the Chief, or Prince, or King. But still the system remain firmly top-down, with trouble from uppity plebs subject to brutal suppression.

Rulers of large cities naturally sought to subordinate smaller cities, so that city states generally gave way to empires. But top-down government headed by a single person, the Prince, the King, the Emperor, remained the rule, though now with subordinate individuals, as for example, military commanders, tax collectors, architects, and priests wielding ever great powers.

But whatever the exact form of government of the newly risen city states and empires, no ruler had the insane idea of asking the people, the peasants, the surfs, the helots, the slave class, to take the reigns of power and dictate to the rulers what should be done.

Not, that is, until the emergence of the peculiar Greek city state of Athens during the late bronze age.

Why did this bizarre transformation in the government of Athens happen? Several unusual factors contributed.

Important was the geography of Greece which comprises many islands, and a mainland deeply indented by sea inlets and divided by mountain ranges, thus providing many small habitable areas of cultivable land sufficient to support a city state while providing natural defenses against attack by neighboring communities. As a result, the city states of ancient Greece survived long after Egypt, Persia, North Africa, Italy and China had been subordinated to imperial regimes.

Not that the inhospitable terrain discouraged imperialist ambitions among the leaders of the Greek city states who engaged repeatedly in mostly futile campaigns to subjugate one another.

A consequence of such wars was the acquisition of slaves, either soldiers taken captive in battle or the inhabitants of territory temporarily occupied during interstate conflicts. As a result, the landowning citizens of Athens were not obliged to till their own lands. Being free to pursue other interests, some naturally engaged in politics. And as the Athenian state was small, the most effective means to pursue a political career was by speaking in the town square.

This inevitably gave power to those who could rouse the mob. The game was formalized with those attending in the public forum registering their support for or against this or that proposal by marking a ballot in the form or a clay tile, or ostrakon, and dropping it into an urn to be counted. 

Athenian ballot form
Slaves and women were excluded from participation, but the male owners of slaves and women, referred to themselves as the people, or demos, hence democracy. Rule, that is, under the leadership of men of ambition and rapacity, who, intent only on elevating their own status, wealth and power even at the expense of the people, had the ability to sway the crowd. 

This crazy system, under which the greatest rabble-rousers drove Athens into endless wars against other Greek communities, might have continued to this day had not the Romans imposed imperial rule upon Greece from without. Thereafter, democracy became extinct throughout the world, until the modern era.

And it was modernity, and in particular industrialism and the consequent phenomenon of total war, that made the emergence of mass democracy inevitable.

Industrialization required the assembly and organization of large numbers of well disciplined workers in mines and factories, at docks and construction sites. Trouble was, the large assemblies of workers operating capital intensive systems of production and distribution were alarmingly prone to revolt against brutal conditions and long hours of work for miserable pay at a time when the newly enriched entrepreneurial class engaged in the most extravagant displays of wealth and privilege.

What to do?

Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington, Commander in Chief of British armed forces, victor over Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo, and UK Prime Minister during the 1820's, urged the rapid development of railways to facilitate the movement of troops to deal with workers' rebellions. 

But instead of reliance on the systematic application of force, Britain's middle and upper class reformers reduced the risk of revolution by alleviating the horrible conditions of life for the mass of Britain's working people. This they did through successful campaigns to eliminate child labor, reduce working hours, improve work place safety, create a system of universal education, introduce old-age pensions (the necessary legislation set before Parliament by that prime target of today's British Woke university hatred, Winston Churchill), and  extend the franchise, universal suffrage for men being achieved in 1918.

That mass democracy arrived in Britain in the final year of Europe's great civil war was no coincidence. With millions of working men returning from a grotesque world of filth, lice, and mass slaughter in a struggle with German working men with whom they had more in common than with their own ruling class, some adjustment in the political system was essential to the maintenance of political stability.

That the war had already detonated Russia's Bolshevik Revolution to be followed by the deposition and murder of the of the Tsar, his wife and children, and that it threatened Germany with the same transformation, further concentrated the minds of the British elite on the need for greater deference to the interests of the lower classes. 

The refusal of Liverpool's dock workers to load armaments for shipment in aid of the anti-Bolshevik forces in Russia, provided further stimulus to ruling class deference to the opinions of the proletariat. 

Thus was democracy in modern form instituted in the nation that, more than any other, created the modern world. It was a response not to wokeness, but weakness. 

But the Western world is now post modern. 

Automation and AI have largely eliminated the need for either a working class of unskilled or semi-skilled workers, or a lower middle class of clerks and secretaries. 

Furthermore, modern weapons have entirely eliminated the value of mass armies. Future wars will be won, not by laying down the lives of millions of citizen soldiers whose loyalty the ruling class has earned, but with advanced technology weapons operated by a small cadre of military technologists.

How then, for the elite, which is to say the owners of modern technology, to dispense with the encumbrance of democracy.

Cancellation would be one solution. But it would be messy. It would provoke demonstrations, probably violent. With blood spilled, resentments would burn indefinitely.

But technology provides a superior alternative: mind control through media manipulation; indoctrination in the guise of education; garbage entertainment as distraction; plus fake news; fake elections; fake presidents; and a fake pandemic to force compliance with an increasingly authoritarian state.

Hence, endless bullshit TV news; the woke university; pornography as acceptable entertainment; President Biden; Meghan Remarkables; plus Covid19, facemasks, lockdowns and social distancing.

Image source
Democracy was interesting while it lasted. Now get used to the increasingly arrogant Gates-style techsploitation, to population reduction, and a pivot to a world order of which the main features were anticipated by Aldous Huxley (Brave New World) and George Orwell (1984).


Caitlin Johnstone:
The Fucking President Has Fucking Dementia: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Michael Yeadon: UK Government and Science Advisers Guilty of Covid Mass Murder. And: Moderna Covid Vaccine Patent Application Explicitly Anticipated Deliberate Release of SARS-COV2

Dr. Michael Yeadon, June 14, 2021: UK Government advisors and Ministers are guilty of mass murder in mishandling of Covid epidemic:

Moderna Patent filed on March 28, 2019, because quote:

...of a concern for a re-emergence for a deliberate release of SARS Corona virus vaccine development was inititated ....

Monday, June 14, 2021

The Western World Viewed From the East

By Vladimir Putin

We can see how many of the Euro-Atlantic countries are actually rejecting their roots, including the Christian values that constitute the basis of Western civilisation. They are denying moral principles and all traditional identities: national, cultural, religious and even sexual. They are implementing policies that equate large families with same-sex partnerships, belief in God with the belief in Satan.

The excesses of political correctness have reached the point where people are seriously talking about registering political parties whose aim is to promote paedophilia. People in many European countries are embarrassed or afraid to talk about their religious affiliations. Holidays are abolished or even called something different; their essence is hidden away, as is their moral foundation. And people are aggressively trying to export this model all over the world. I am convinced that this opens a direct path to degradation and primitivism, resulting in a profound demographic and moral crisis.

What else but the loss of the ability to self-reproduce could act as the greatest testimony of the moral crisis facing a human society? Today almost all developed nations are no longer able to reproduce themselves, even with the help of migration. Without the values embedded in Christianity and other world religions, without the standards of morality that have taken shape over millennia, people will inevitably lose their human dignity. We consider it natural and right to defend these values. One must respect every minority’s right to be different, but the rights of the majority must not be put into question.

At the same time we see attempts to somehow revive a standardised model of a unipolar world and to blur the institutions of international law and national sovereignty. Such a unipolar, standardised world does not require sovereign states; it requires vassals. In a historical sense this amounts to a rejection of one’s own identity, of the God-given diversity of the world.



The West as seen by China:

The Last G7: A cartoon parody of Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper featured in an article by the Communist Party mouthpiece, The Global Times, depicts the US, UK, Italy, Canada, Japan, Germany, France, India and Australia as various animals. Source

Thursday, June 10, 2021

How to Depopulate the World: Self-disseminating Sterilizing Vaccines

"Self-disseminating vaccines have their roots in the Australian effort to create sterilizing vaccines for small mammal control."

Source: Nature Ecology and Evolution — 27 July 2020: Self-disseminating vaccines to suppress zoonoses (Scott L. NuismerJames J. Bull)

   There you have it: Bill Gates'es answer to the problem of useless plebs in a world of automation and AI:

   Dr. Fauci will finance the research, then a "lab leak," universally denied by the trusty media, and the self-disseminating "vaccine" will do the rest.

   First, though, the elite require an anti-sterilizing virus vaccine for themselves.

   As the authors of this paper write:
"Their (i.e., self-disseminating vaccines) obvious advantage, of course, is that for each animal you vaccinate directly, additional animals are vaccinated for ‘free’ either through behavioural transmission of a conventional vaccine or through the contagious spread of a transmissible vaccine. ...."
"There are two possible applications for self-disseminating vaccines, ... one that can be realized now and another that is more aspirational.
The immediate application focuses on well-characterized pathogens such as rabies and Lassa virus that regularly spillover into the human population from known animal reservoirs.
The aspirational application envisions the possibility of preventing future pandemics by eliminating high-risk zoonotic pathogens from their animal reservoirs before spillover into the human population occurs."

   But that there are only "two possible applications" for the technology of self-disseminating vaccines is clearly false, as the authors' boxed statement above confirms. 

   The technology of self-disseminating "vaccines" provides top-down control of future human evolution. 

   Yes, the technology of self-disseminating "vaccines" provides elites, people like Bill Gates and his friends such as the supposedly late Jeffrey Epstein, the means to eliminate large swaths of the global population, while introducing whatever characteristics they deem desirable in that remnant of the global population they see fit to preserve. 

   What will stop them. Nothing that I can think of, other than world revolution followed by a Taliban-style suppression of advanced technology. 

   In the meantime, here's what would bring me to approve the Presidency of Joe Biden: a one-time 15%  "emergency" capital tax on billionaires, to be followed by an annual capital tax of 2%. That would at least put the bastards on notice. 


US Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting system:

‘Self-spreading’ vaccines pose multiple risks to society — including the end of informed consent

Lawmakers Send Letter To Fauci Demanding He Explain Remarks That Allegedly Contradict Testimony To Congress

America's Moral Decline: Fauci Lied to Congress, and a US Judge Condoned Torture

Despite Fauci’s claims, the National Institute for Allergic and Infectious Diseases, which Fauci heads, provided money that went to China's Wuhan Institute of Virology for gain of function research. Specifically, research that weaponized corona viruses originating from bats.

And at Gitmo: For the first time in American history, a federal judge last week authorized the government to admit as evidence in a criminal case in a public courtroom words uttered by the defendant that were obtained under torture. The fruits of torture – which is any cruel or degrading or intentionally painful or disorienting behavior visited upon a person in captivity to induce compliance or to gratify the torturer – are not permitted in any court in the United States, and their inducement is criminal. Read more.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Suuuuure, Covid19 Did Not Come From the Lab

Hear Fauci-funded Peter Daszak, who subcontracted research to China's Wuhan Institute of Virology, on how we create deadly new diseases in the lab:


And supporting the out-of-the-lab thesis on the origin of Covid19, if only unintentionally, this absurdly bad article and mostly fatuous comments from the Unz Review, which claims that the virus was created and released by a bunch of dirty NeoCon Jews plus the horrible Steve Bannon intent on war with China.

Yes, there may be dirty NeoCon Jews intent on war with China, but that is not the relevant question. What's relevant is:

(1) Are there people creating dangerous pathogenic viruses in the lab?

And if so,

(2) Are they creating dangerous pathogenic corona viruses with spike protein genetically engineered to increase infectivity and virulence, i.e., viruses that would look just like Covid19.

To which the answer, in both cases, is yes.

Related questions of interests include:

(3) Was such gain-of-function research on pathogenic viruses being conducted in China?

And if so,

(4) Was such work conducted in collaboration with scientists from the US, the UK and other Western countries with US Funding provided, directly or indirectly, by Fauci's National Institute of Allergic and Infectious Diseases?

To which the answer in both cases is yes.

None of this means that Covid19 came from the lab, but it establishes:

First, that Covid19 could be, and in light of other evidence, almost certain is, a lab construct;

Second, that Covid19 could have been released from the lab into the human population in many possible accidental or deliberate ways, including collusion between US and Chinese agents intent on promoting the New World Ordure.


ZH: CDC To Hold "Emergency Meeting" After 100s Suffer Heart Inflammation Following COVID Vaccines
CanSpeccy: Blaming America for China's Covid lab leak?

Monday, June 7, 2021

Wall St. Journal: The Science Suggests a Wuhan Lab Leak

By Steven Quay and Richard Muller

Wall St. Journal, June 6, 2021: The possibility that the pandemic began with an escape from the Wuhan Institute of Virology is attracting fresh attention. President Biden has asked the national intelligence community to redouble efforts to investigate.

Much of the public discussion has focused on circumstantial evidence: mysterious illnesses in late 2019; the lab’s work intentionally supercharging viruses to increase lethality (known as “gain of function” research). The Chinese Communist Party has been reluctant to release relevant information. Reports based on U.S. intelligence have suggested the lab collaborated on projects with the Chinese military.

But the most compelling reason to favor the lab leak hypothesis is firmly based in science. In particular, consider the genetic fingerprint of CoV-2, the novel coronavirus responsible for the disease Covid-19. 

In gain-of-function research, a microbiologist can increase the lethality of a coronavirus enormously by splicing a special sequence into its genome at a prime location. Doing this leaves no trace of manipulation. But it alters the virus spike protein, rendering it easier for the virus to inject genetic material into the victim cell. Since 1992 there have been at least 11 separate experiments adding a special sequence to the same location. The end result has always been supercharged viruses.

A genome is a blueprint for the factory of a cell to make proteins. The language is made up of three-letter “words,” 64 in total, that represent the 20 different amino acids. For example, there are six different words for the amino acid arginine, the one that is often used in supercharging viruses. Every cell has a different preference for which word it likes to use most.

In the case of the gain-of-function supercharge, other sequences could have been spliced into this same site. Instead of a CGG-CGG (known as “double CGG”) that tells the protein factory to make two arginine amino acids in a row, you’ll obtain equal lethality by splicing any one of 35 of the other two-word combinations for double arginine. If the insertion takes place naturally, say through recombination, then one of those 35 other sequences is far more likely to appear; CGG is rarely used in the class of coronaviruses that can recombine with CoV-2.

In fact, in the entire class of coronaviruses that includes CoV-2, the CGG-CGG combination has never been found naturally. That means the common method of viruses picking up new skills, called recombination, cannot operate here. A virus simply cannot pick up a sequence from another virus if that sequence isn’t present in any other virus.

Although the double CGG is suppressed naturally, the opposite is true in laboratory work. The insertion sequence of choice is the double CGG. That’s because it is readily available and convenient, and scientists have a great deal of experience inserting it. An additional advantage of the double CGG sequence compared with the other 35 possible choices: It creates a useful beacon that permits the scientists to track the insertion in the laboratory.

Now the damning fact. It was this exact sequence that appears in CoV-2. Proponents of zoonotic origin must explain why the novel coronavirus, when it mutated or recombined, happened to pick its least favorite combination, the double CGG. Why did it replicate the choice the lab’s gain-of-function researchers would have made?

Yes, it could have happened randomly, through mutations. But do you believe that? At the minimum, this fact—that the coronavirus, with all its random possibilities, took the rare and unnatural combination used by human researchers—implies that the leading theory for the origin of the coronavirus must be laboratory escape.

When the lab’s Shi Zhengli and colleagues published a paper in February 2020 with the virus’s partial genome, they omitted any mention of the special sequence that supercharges the virus or the rare double CGG section. Yet the fingerprint is easily identified in the data that accompanied the paper. Was it omitted in the hope that nobody would notice this evidence of the gain-of-function origin?

But in a matter of weeks virologists Bruno Coutard and colleagues published their discovery of the sequence in CoV-2 and its novel supercharged site. Double CGG is there; you only have to look. They comment in their paper that the protein that held it “may provide a gain-of-function” capability to the virus, “for efficient spreading” to humans.

There is additional scientific evidence that points to CoV-2’s gain-of-function origin. The most compelling is the dramatic differences in the genetic diversity of CoV-2, compared with the coronaviruses responsible for SARS and MERS.

Both of those were confirmed to have a natural origin; the viruses evolved rapidly as they spread through the human population, until the most contagious forms dominated. Covid-19 didn’t work that way. It appeared in humans already adapted into an extremely contagious version. No serious viral “improvement” took place until a minor variation occurred many months later in England.

Such early optimization is unprecedented, and it suggests a long period of adaptation that predated its public spread. Science knows of only one way that could be achieved: simulated natural evolution, growing the virus on human cells until the optimum is achieved. That is precisely what is done in gain-of-function research. Mice that are genetically modified to have the same coronavirus receptor as humans, called “humanized mice,” are repeatedly exposed to the virus to encourage adaptation.

The presence of the double CGG sequence is strong evidence of gene splicing, and the absence of diversity in the public outbreak suggests gain-of-function acceleration. The scientific evidence points to the conclusion that the virus was developed in a laboratory.

Dr. Quay is founder of Atossa Therapeutics and author of “Stay Safe: A Physician’s Guide to Survive Coronavirus.” Mr. Muller is an emeritus professor of physics at the University of California Berkeley and a former senior scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

Sunday, June 6, 2021

America's Repellent Elite: The Truth About Bill Gates, Microsoft, and Jeffrey Epstein

 By Whitney Webb

In early May, the announcement that Bill and Melinda Gates would be divorcing after twenty-seven years of marriage shocked both those that praise and those that loathe the “philanthropic” power couple.

Less than a week after the initial announcement of the divorce, on May 7, the Daily Beast reported that Melinda Gates had allegedly been “deeply troubled” by Bill Gates’s relationship with child sex trafficker and intelligence asset Jeffrey Epstein. The report suggested that Melinda was a major reason for her husband’s decision to distance himself from Epstein around 2014 because of her discomfort with Epstein after they both met him in 2013. That previously unreported meeting had taken place at Epstein’s mansion on New York’s Upper East Side.

The Daily Beast also revealed that the details of the Gates’s divorce had been decided several weeks prior to the official announcement. Then, on May 9, the Wall Street Journal published a report suggesting that the plans for divorce went back even farther, with Melinda having consulted divorce lawyers in 2019. Allegedly, that consultation was made after details of Bill Gates’s relationship with Jeffrey Epstein had gained considerable mainstream media attention, including from the New York Times.

While mainstream media outlets apparently agree that Jeffrey Epstein was a likely factor in the Gates’s recently announced split up, what these same outlets refuse to cover is the real extent of the Bill Gates–Jeffrey Epstein relationship. Indeed, the mainstream narrative holds that Gates’s ties to Epstein began in 2011, despite the evidence pointing to their relationship beginning decades earlier.

This blanket refusal to honestly report on the Gates-Epstein ties likely is due to Gates’s outsized role in current events, both in terms of global health policy as it relates to COVID-19 and in his being a major promoter and funder of controversial technocratic “solutions” to a slew of societal problems. What is more likely, however, is that the nature of the relationship between Gates and Epstein before 2011 is even more scandalous than what transpired later, and it may have major implications not just for Gates but for Microsoft as a company and for some of its former top executives.

This particular cover-up is part of an obvious tendency of mainstream media to ignore the clear influence that both Epstein and members of the Maxwell family wielded—and, arguably, continue to wield—in Silicon Valley. Indeed, the individuals who founded tech giants such as Google, LinkedIn, Facebook, Microsoft, Tesla, and Amazon all have connections with Jeffrey Epstein, some closer than others.

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Friday, June 4, 2021

The Origin of Covid: An Interesting Observation

Here's a comment from a discussion over at


Phylogenetic analyses have shown that the Wuhan ‘L’ strain is NOT ancestral to the Italian ‘G’ strain which has the D614G mutation in its spike S protein, causing the latter to become more infectious over time. The Wuhan ‘L’ strain does NOT have the D614G mutation in its spike S protein which explains its low rate of infectiousness thus leading to a lower number of Covid-19 cases in Wuhan, as compared to Italy.

The attribution of Wuhan-1 arising inside of China is quite likely true, however the attribution of progenitor Covid is not needed to originate inside of China, that is only an inference that has not been established.

The Wuhan ‘L’ strain is attributed to have originated in Wuhan while the Italian ‘G’ strain is attributed to have originated in Italy. Both share a common ancestral strain which has yet to be attributed to its place of origin.

Here’s an article discussing the significance of the D614G mutation in the Italian ‘G’ strain which caused the global Covid-19 pandemic:

G strains are now dominant around the world. One specific mutation, D614G, has become the most common variant. It is so named because one amino acid is changed from a D (aspartate) to a G (glycine) at the 614th position on the viral spike proteins, the structure that gives the virus its crown-like appearance.

The rise of the G strains coincided with spikes in outbreaks of the virus around the world, with a clutch of new cases allowing the strains to invade new areas. The dominance of the G strains is illustrated by the data for Australia, Japan and Thailand. During Australia’s second wave of infections, G strains were present in almost all samples, indicating the country had effectively eliminated transmission of the earlier L and S strains through a series of social distancing measures. All of Australia’s second wave clusters were sparked by people who had returned from overseas and breaches in quarantine.

The dominance of the G-strains becomes even more evident when looking at some countries with the most infections.

The United States is leading the overall number of infections and deaths by far. The majority of infections and first, second, and third waves all coincide with the increase in samples showing three G strains.

In India, a similar pattern can be observed as the constant increase in infections from June to September seemed to follow the curve of the G strain samples.

Empirical evidence suggests that travel bans and containment measures adopted against travelers from China during Jan-Feb 2020 helped stop the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus as evidenced by the low number of Covid-19 cases involving the Wuhan ‘L’ strain outside of China. Scientific evidence has now proven that the Italian ‘G’ strain spread rapidly throughout the Western World during the same period precisely due to its D614G mutation which caused the global Covid-19 pandemic.

As both the Wuhan ‘L’ strain and the Italian ‘G’ strain were known to have been discovered in December 2019, the question as to the origin of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus must perforce address the global spread of the ancestral strain prior to December 2019. This inquiry should not be limited to Wuhan but also expanded to Italy and elsewhere.

That the SARS-COV2 viral outbreak in China in late 2019 was of the less infectious L Strain, not the G Strain that afflicted the rest of the world, would explain several otherwise curious facts; namely, 

(1) that China contained the initial outbreak quickly and with very few deaths; and 

(2) that China is currently resorting to lockdowns to limit new outbreaks of SARS-COV2 that are, presumably of the more infectious and virulent G Strain that originated outside of China.

As the author of the comment quoted above notes, that the global pandemic began with more than one viral strain raises new questions about the origin and global spread of SARS-COV2.