Thursday, August 10, 2017

In Defense of Prejudice: Liberalism Is the Bigotry of Those Who Are Not Conservative

[This article is from the Unz Review where it appears under the title: A New Martin Luther?A Russian Conservative on James Damore, with an introduction by Anatoly Karlin. The article was prompted by the firing of Google employee, James Damore, for the offense of circulating a memorandum entitled: Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber: How bias clouds our thinking about diversity and inclusion. The full text of Damore's memorandum is available here.]
By Egor Kholmogorov
Google fires employee James Damore for “perpetuating gender stereotypes.
– You persecute your employees for having opinions and violate the rights of White men, Centrists, and Conservatives.
– No, we don’t. You’re fired.
A conversation just like or similar to this one recently took place in the office of one of modern information market monsters, the Google Corporation.

Illustration to the Google scandal. James Damore fired for “perpetuating gender stereotypes”. Source: Screenshot of Instragram user bluehelix.
Google knows almost everything about us, including the contents of our emails, our addresses, our voice samples (OK Google), our favorite stuff, and, sometimes, our sexual preferences. Google used to be on the verge of literally looking at the world with our own eyes through Google Glass, but this prospect appears to have been postponed, probably temporarily. However, the threat of manipulating public opinion through search engine algorithms has been discussed in the West for a long while, even to the point of becoming a central House of Cards plotline.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Putin: The Pope Is a Communist, Not a Christian

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Pope Francis:

“If you look around at what he (the Pope) says it’s clear that he is not a man of God. At least not the Christian God, not the God of the Bible.”

Monday, July 31, 2017

Racist White Scum Intent on the Destruction of Their Own People

Former UK Ambassador Craig Murray rattles on about the war crimes of Tony Blair, yet he is complicit with Blair in Blair's greatest crime: the crime of genocide against his own people. The Destruction of the British people through mass replacement immigration. Murray calls racist, any who oppose race-replacement mass immigration to low fertility Europe.

Thus, on his blog, I wrote:

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

IQism: Or Psychologists Pedaling Bunk

For the general public, the trouble with psychology is that it appropriates common concepts and redefines them in accordance with what it can measure.  The result is that the public is taken for a dangerous ride.

Thus, when University of Toronto psychology professor, Jordan Peterson, tells his students that if they "don't buy IQ research" they might as well throw out the rest of psychology because IQ research is the best thing psychology has to offer, he is (a) bullying his students, warning them, in effect, that there is no place for them in psychology unless they buckle under and accept the psychologist's definition of intelligence, and (b) redefining intelligence as what psychological research says it is.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

"The Strange Death of Europe" by Douglas Murray: A Review

The Irish Savant

From Amazon:
The Strange Death of Europe is a highly personal account of a continent and culture caught in the act of suicide. Declining birth-rates, mass immigration and cultivated self-distrust and self-hatred have come together to make Europeans unable to argue for themselves and incapable of resisting their own comprehensive change as a society. This book is not only an analysis of demographic and political realities, but also an eyewitness account of a continent in self-destruct mode. It includes reporting from across the entire continent, from the places where migrants land to the places they end up, from the people who appear to welcome them in to the places which cannot accept them.
I just finished reading Murray's book and that summary is, for Amazon, pretty fair.

The author traces in great detail and with increasing horror the stunning scale and speed of the demographic and social transformation besetting Europe. He rips into politicians and the media for their duplicitous role in this transformation. He challenges 'liberals' and feminists on their inherently nonsensical and hypocritical support for immigrants who bring their illiberal and anti-feminine practises with them. He devotes a full chapter to demolishing political correctness, its bogus rationalisations, intolerance and falsification of history, and cleverly shows how these pathologies lead to authorities turning a blind eye to multiple instances of Muslim child-abuse. He traces PC corruption from the highest levels of national Government to local government, the police, courts and social services agencies. I particularly like the way he demolishes, first, the fallacy that Britain 'has always been a nation of immigrants' and second the idea that we need immigrants because European women aren't having enough children, identifying more child-friendly social and economic policies and not more Muslim head-choppers as the solution.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Cecil Rhodes, World War I, and Why History Is Bunk

Of the many myths that befog the modern political mind, none is so corrupting of the understanding or so incongruent with historical fact as the notion that the wealthy and the powerful do not conspire.
They do.
They conspire continually, habitually, effectively, diabolically and on a scale that beggars the imagination. To deny this conspiracy fact is to deny both overwhelming empirical evidence and elementary reason.
Nevertheless, for the astute observer of the ‘Great Game’ of politics, it is an unending source of wonderment to stumble across ever more astounding examples of the monstrous machinations of which wealthy and powerful elites are capable. Indeed, it is precisely here that authors Docherty and Macgregor enter the fray and threaten to take our breath away entirely.
Thus, the official, canonized history of the origins of the First World War, so they tell us, is one long, unmitigated lie from start to finish. Even more to the conspiratorial point is the authors’ thesis that – and to paraphrase a later Churchill who figures prominently in this earlier story – never were so many murdered, so needlessly, for the ambitions and profit of so few.
In demolishing the many shibboleths surrounding the origins of the ‘Great War’ (including ‘German responsibility’, ‘British peace efforts‘, ‘Belgian neutrality’ and the ‘inevitability’ of the war), Docherty and Macgregor point the finger at what they argue is the real source of the conflict: a more or less secret cabal of British imperialists whose entire political existence for a decade and a half was dedicated to the fashioning of a European war in aid of destroying the British Empire’s newly emerging commercial, industrial and military competitor, Germany.
In short, far from “sleepwalking into a global tragedy, the unsuspecting world”, Docherty and Macgregor contend, “was ambushed by a secret cabal of warmongers” originating not in Berlin, but “in London”.

Did the Russian Navy Save the USS Liberty

Here is a fascinating wrinkle on the 50-year-old story of the US-Government-authorized attempt by Israel to sink the US Navy's communications vessel, the USS Liberty in the Eastern Mediterranean, the crime "to be blamed on Egypt and exploited to permit the bombing of Cairo and the entry of the United States into the war on Israel’s side." It was, so this report indicates, only due to the intervention of the Russian Navy that President Johnson's plan to sink a US naval vessel with all hands, failed.

"USS Liberty: Operation Cyanide: Russians to the rescue

Friday, July 21, 2017

In England, the Traitors Blair, Cameron and May Have Won. The Destruction of the English Nation Is Now Assured

Two headlines confirm the disaster:

2. Five more years of EU migration: Cabinet Remainers' victory after agreeing 'soft-landing' transition period that will delay UK getting its borders back

In five years the immigrant vote will turn the tide. England, the nation that created the modern world, will be forced back into the anti-democratic EU, and within 30 years, the English will be a minority in their own homes. Within only five or ten years, English children will be a minority among elementary school entrants as they already are in London, Birmingham and other urban areas.

The English, silenced by the politically correct state, are being destroyed as a racial and cultural entity, victims of a genocide* the name of which the Jewish-Holocaust-obsessed media will not speak.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Here's an idea for the advocates of diversity

A Pledge of Allegiance for Migrants to the West

“I, (full name), hereby accepting citizenship of X, voluntarily and consciously swear an oath to observe the Constitution and laws of X; to fulfill the duties of a citizen of X for the benefit of the state and society; to protect the freedom and independence of X; to be faithful to X, and to respect its culture, history and traditions.”

Where X = The United Kingdom, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, etc.

Or do the advocates of diversity and mass migration hate the constitutional and legal foundations of Western civilization, the rights and freedoms of the citizens of Western nations, and do they hold in contempt those who fulfill the duty of citizens of Western nations to protect the freedom and independence of the Western nations and respect the history and traditions of those nations?

Is the Cartoon Now the Only Valid Form of Art?

The astonish thing about renaissance art is its photographic realism. Prior to photography, such realism made the works of Leonardo, Michael Angelo, Caravaggio and their peers and successors of great value. But with the advent of photography, realism in art ceased to be much appreciated. As a consequence, artists sought to depict what was surreal, abstract or entirely absurd, as for example the works of Picasso or Jackson Pollock, the latter consisting of paint merely thrown at a canvas.

Yet beside novelty, such art is of dubious value. What information does it provide? What pleasure does it give? To most people, very little it would seem.

Cartoons, however, are an exception, providing a medium for the most brilliant humor. The cartoon may thus, perhaps, be regarded as the only valid form of modern art.


CanSpeccy: Crap Art: Prices Go Plop

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Trendy Trudeau's Spendthrift Canada Facing Financial Apocalypse

In response to the financial crisis of 2008, governments opted to save the banks, which they did by printing money, trillions of it, and lending it to the banks for free or thereabouts. The banks promptly lent out the free cash real cheap. Canadians responded rationally — borrowing at below inflation and investing in real assets, chiefly houses.

Source: Bloomberg — Canada's Housing Bubble Will Burst
The result, massive house price inflation that only incited further investment in housing, until even with dirt cheap money, people were spending more on debt service than ever before.

Not to worry. Short of cash? Borrow some more.

But now central banks have begun thinking it's time to get interest rates back to “normal.”

But how?

Trump's call to arms against the enemy within

The Irish Savant, July 12, 2016: I didn't comment on Trump's amazing Warsaw speech until I checked out the reaction of the Usual Suspects whose hysterical pearl-clutching confirmed its significance. And so much was significant. First the location in Poland and the frequent references to that country's glorious Christian history. You must understand that Poland is arguably the most anti-Semitic (read: Jew-aware) country in the world. “As the Polish experience reminds us, the defence of the west ultimately rests not only on means but also on the will of its people to prevail” Now that hurt. What a hater. (And by the way he didn't get around to visiting the Holocau$t™ Memorial due to 'scheduling difficulties'. Right.)

Then he rubbed salt in the wound. “Americans, Poles, and the nations of Europe value individual freedom and sovereignty. We must work together to counter forces, whether they come from inside or out, ... that threaten over time to undermine these values and to erase the bonds of culture, faith and tradition that make us who we are. Do we have enough respect for our citizens to protect our borders? Do we have the desire and the courage to preserve our civilization in the face of those who would subvert and destroy it?”

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Britain's Liberal Guardian Joins the Genocide Party for the Destruction of the Nation State: Calls for Fewer (white) Children

Breitbart, July 12, 2017: Having children is a “lifestyle choice” to be discouraged among young people in developed nations and is bad for the planet, according to a new paper trailed positively by the British left-wing Guardian newspaper.

Reporting a new Swedish-Canadian study promoting reducing the number of children born and seeking to target anti-child messages towards adolescents, Britain’s Guardiannewspaper has played up the findings, labelling the “true impacts” of having a family as “lifestyle choices”, and asking the question of readers “Can you bring yourself to have one fewer of these?”.

Trump Trolls America

By Dmitry Orlov

Russia Insider, July 12, 2017: A remarkable meeting took place last week—the first face-to-face meeting between Trump and Putin—and I would be remiss not to comment on it. In viewing videos of the meeting (the few snippets shot during the brief seconds when journalists were allowed to stampede into the room, pushing and shoving) it became clear to me that these two people connected quite well, finding in each other an intelligent and sympathetic interlocutor. Many people would find this characterization strange. It is common to see in Putin an inscrutable, cryptically menacing cipher, and in Trump a chaotic, bloviating buffoon. In a sense, they are right, but only on the surface.

That surface, in the case of Putin and in the case of Trump, consists of a carefully synthesized public persona honed over many design iterations and practice runs. For each of them, it has been conditioned by the specifics of Russia and the US, respectively: what the people there respond to well, what they expect and what they are capable of. The specifics of their public personae and what conditioned them are interesting in their own right. But what’s really important is what lies beneath them…

Read more

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Alone Perhaps, But Is Trump Right?

By Patrick J. Buchanan, July10, 2017: At the G-20 in Hamburg, it is said, President Trump was isolated, without support from the other G-20 members, especially on climate change and trade.

Perhaps so. But the crucial question is not whether Trump is alone, but whether he is right. Has Trump read the crisis of the West correctly? Are his warnings valid? Is not the Obama-Merkel vision of a New World Order a utopian fantasy?

At the monument to the patriots of the Warsaw Uprising, Trump cited Poland as exemplar of how a great people behaves in a true national crisis.

Calling the Polish people “the soul of Europe,” he related how, in the Miracle of the Vistula in 1920, Poland, reborn after 12 decades of subjugation, drove back the invading Red Army of Leon Trotsky.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Prof. Jordan Peterson: Time to Take Out the Neo-Marxists in Academia and Education

The video clip originally posted here has gone down the U-Tube (memory hole). However, the following longer clip is from the same talk an provides a better context for his remarks which constitute a stirring defense of Western civilization.

Friday, July 7, 2017

Why Electric Cars Will Replace Gas-powered Cars — And Improve the Environment

From the dawn of the automotive era, the superiority of the electric drive over the internal combustion engine (ICE) has been recognized. Lighter, quieter, with fewer moving parts, requiring less frequent maintenance, and with higher low-end torque for rapid acceleration without a multi-speed transmission, an electric drive is superior to a gas engine in every way.

The problem with the electric car and the reason that the Detroit Electric (1907–1939) and other early electric automobile companies ceased production was the battery, which fully justified the description of an electric car as a vehicle for conveying a large quantities of batteries a short distance — to which, if you want to go further, you must add more batteries.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Bill Gates: If Germans Want to Help Poor People, They Should Help Them in Their Country of Origin, Not Destroy Europe By Inciting Mass Immigration

Destruction of the European nations has been the objective of EuroAmerican elite policy for decades, but it has now kicked into high gear as the end-game approaches.

The policy objective is to replace nation state democracy with global governance, which is to say governance by Money-Power-controlled international bodies such as the World Trade Organization, the corrupt United Nations Organization, etc., etc.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Globalist Justin Trudeau to Canadians: Canada Isn't Your Country, It Belongs to Everyone

Justin Trudeau Says Immigrants Are More Canadian Than Natives

Information Liberation July 2, 2017: While conservatives in the US makes jokes about liberals believing immigrants are more American than "native" Americans, that is what Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau actually believes.

Monday, July 3, 2017

Stephen Hawking Gone Bonkers Climate Alarmist

Stephen Hawking, the famed physicist has attacked US President Donald Trump, saying:
“We are close to the tipping point where global warming becomes irreversible. Trump’s action could push the Earth over the brink, to become like Venus, with a temperature of two hundred and fifty degrees, and raining sulphuric acid.” 
But on the plus side, the famed physicist said:
“evolution has inbuilt greed and aggression to the human genome”, meaning that we might wipe ourselves out before Earth turns into Venus."
So relax everybody. Nothing new to worry about. We'll probably all die some horrible death you've never even dreamed of.

And meantime, the top climate scientists — you know, the people who actually study climate, rather than just make alarming pronouncements about it — now acknowledge that all their models predicting catastrophic climate warming are wrong

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Merkel's Germany Makes it Official: Germans Expressing Opposition to the Genocide of Their Own People by Suppressed Fertility and Mass Replacement Immigration Are Racist Criminals

Sticks and stones will break my bones
But words will never hurt me

Old English saying
Totalitarianism has returned to Germany. "Freedom of speech ends where the criminal law begins,” said Justice Minister Heiko Maas, who was the driving force behind Germany's new, Orwellian Anti-Free-Speech law.

And for sure, the tyrannical fucker's right.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Will Electric Vehicles Curb Global Carbon Emissions? Perhaps Not. Part 2

In an earlier post, I questioned whether electric cars are really going to save the environment. Specifically, I questioned whether their overall carbon footprint was any less than that of an efficient gas-powered car. The question is complex, however, and I ran out of energy after a couple of paragraphs. Thus I entitled the piece Will Electric Vehicles Curb Global Carbon Emissions? Perhaps Not. Part 1 intending to return to the subject at a later date when my energy level was sufficient for the necessary research.

Today I embarked on that task but soon became enervated by the effort to assimilate a mass of information about embodied energy per vehicle versus propulsion system, vehicle mass, location of manufacture; energy cost of highway infrastructure; and much else besides. Thus, before reaching the point of total inanition, I paused for reflection, and came to the conclusion that the issue of electric cars and carbon emissions could be argued all ways indefinitely without definite conclusion.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Scotch Nationalism: A Tool for the Destruction of the British Nation

Craig Murray, fired former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan, is a relentless promoter of Scotch Nationalism. He wants to see Scotland ripped from the United Kingdom despite the fact that the Scots voted against independence in the the 2014 referendum.

But, in reality, Murray does not want independence for Scotland. Quite the contrary: he wants the incorporation of Scotland within the EU, but separate from Britain. In other words, instead of being 10% of the British nation, Murray wants the Scots to be one percent of the people of the emerging European superstate.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Trump Hates Fake News: The Media Are Supposed to Trumpet Government Lies, Not Make Up Their Own Stuff

The Government of Syria appears at the brink of victory over US covertly-backed terrorists operating under the ISIS and other logos. For President Trump, a self-declared "most militaristic person," this a disaster since without a fake war against US-backed terrorists, the US has no justification for "bombing the shit out of" Damascus and sundry other parts of Syria.

What after all is the point of having all those very expensive planes, rockets, drones, aircraft carriers and all their super white phosphorus, napalm, bunker busters, mini-nukes and anti-personal weapons if you cannot bomb the shit out of anyone you goddam well please. And anyhow, Trump's Israeli friends demand he bomb the shit out of Syria now.

So what to do?

Climate Alarmists Admit They Were Wrong — Sort Of

Below is the abstract of a paper by Michael Mann of Hockey-Stick Graph infamy, and others among the usual climate alarmist jet-setting suspects admitting that global warming really has paused for the last 17 years and that the climate models that predicted rapid warming during the early years of the present century are almost certainly wrong, not just in detail, but well, just wrong.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Is the Evidence for Climate Warming Incorrect?

As top climate scientists such as Al Gore never tire of reminding us, the "scientific consensus" on climate change is that the world is warming at an alarming rate, with the temperature having increased by six tenths of a degree Celsius since 1980.

However, Professor Fred Singer, who received the US Gold Medal Award for Distinguished Federal Service and who designed the satellite-borne instrument by which the temperature of the lower atmosphere has been monitored for decades, argues in a recent blog post that the reported climate warming of the past 37 years may be, if not fake, at least not real.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Making Holocaust Studies a Mandatory Part of the School Curriculum

Scotland's Sunday Herald newspaper reports that teachers in Scotland demand that Holocaust studies be made a mandatory part of the school curriculum. Members of the Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS) teaching union said the Holocaust was so important it should be embedded in the Curriculum for Excellence.

All right-thinking individuals should support this plan, which should be adopted throughout the Western world, and accordingly, I have added the following plank to my Anti-Treason Party platform:

Holocaust studies will be mandatory at every level in every school. This program will include the history of genocide, from the biblical account of the Jewish genocide of the Canaanites to the ethnic cleansing of Palestine by the Jewish state of Israel.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Theresa May's Genius for Dumb Decisions

Theresa May. Source: The hypocrisy of the British elite.
As we pointed out at the time, Theresa May blew the Hinckley Point C nuke power plant decision, giving the go-ahead to a project that will see British households paying Chinese investors twice as much for nuclear power as they would have otherwise paid for power from a natural-gas fired generator, while creating an existential risk to the population down-wind of the plant, i.e., the people of Bristol, Oxford and London.

Was that dumb, criminal, insane, or what?

Saturday, June 17, 2017

The Anti-Treason Party Platform

The Irish Savant ends another painfully acute comment on the state of the British nation with the words:

"Britain's traitors have done their work well."

Which prompts me to offer the following platform for the Anti-Treason Party.

Quote of the Day, Chris Hedges

Source: Matrixbob

We now live in a nation where:
Doctors destroy health
Lawyers destroy justice
Universities destroy knowledge
Governments destroy freedom
The press destroys information
Religion destroys morals, and
Banks destroy our economy.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Real Americans Question 9/11

By Kevin Ryan
When a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. The US Declaration of Independence
These days it’s difficult to remember what values the American people share. That’s because the U.S. government does so many things that seem to contradict basic human values. Wars of aggression, torture, kidnapping and indefinite detention, warrantless wiretapping, and other oppressions have become standard operational procedure for the U.S. government. Those who recognize and seek to correct this system of abuse soon realize that the key to doing so is to reveal the truth behind the primary driver for all of them—the crimes of 9/11.

Monday, June 12, 2017

May Fucks Up So Britain Now Dominated By a Triumvirate of Women, May, Arlene Foster of the DUP, and Ruth Davidson of the Scotch Tories — the Three of Them Urged On to Trash the UK's National Independence by Nicola Sturgeon of the Scotch Nats, and Refugee Rapist-Friend, Frau Merkel

America has been spared, thus far, the horror of the first female President in the shape of a psychopathic Hillary Clinton. But the United Kingdom looks set for a rapid flush down the tubes under the female triumvirate of silly, Islamist's friend, Prime Minister May, Ulster's DUP leader Arlene Foster, and Leader of the Scotch Conservatives, Ruth Davidson, none of whom appear interested in national sovereignty, but rather prefer to live under the anti-democratic EU with its mandate for endless mass replacement immigration.

That the emergence of women in government leads to national suicide is, in fact, exactly what the science of evolutionary biology predicts. Thus, as Satoshi Kanazawa, of the Interdisciplinary Institute of Management at the London School of Economics and Political Science writes in a paper entitled: The Evolutionary Psychology Perspective on War, Conquest, and Alien Rule:

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Robert Spencer, Barred Entry to the UK by Thereason May

Here's the statement that prompted the UK Home Office, under Minister Theresa May, to bar Robert Spencer from the UK:

The letter Spencer received from the Home Office, then headed by Theresa May, said:

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Visualizing American's $20 Trillion-Dollar National Debt

Or why your hard-earned cash don't buy what it used to:

And global debt, at $200 trillion, is ten times US Government debt.

How's the debt created?

Simple. Banks print their own money and lend it at interest. And if there's a crash and the debts unpayable, Central Banks print more money to bail out the commercial banks.

Simple really. I mean, simple to transfer wealth from common folks, the useless working class the elite wish to be shot of, to the bankers's own pockets.

Friday, June 9, 2017

Why Global Governance Means the Death of Democracy

The following is an essay by the English philosopher Roger Scruton. It points to the impossibility of democracy without a territorial, or national base. This is an argument that should compel any democrat to oppose the drive for global governance via trade deals such as the WTO, NAFTA, TPP, etc. that are negotiated behind closed doors among bureaucrats, bankers and representatives of global corporations; trans-national political unions such as the EU; and global organizations such as the UN and its many corrupt agencies. That is not to say the that people of the world should not work together to achieve mutual security or solve mutual problems, but only that every nation should be sovereign, able to decide for itself what agreements it will enter into, and what internal social and religious arrangements it will tolerate or promote.

By Roger Scruton

Wall Street Journal, June 2, 2017: There is a respectable opinion among educated people that nations are no longer relevant. Their reasoning runs roughly as follows:
We live in an interconnected world. Globalization and the internet have created new networks of belonging and new forms of social trust, by which borders are erased and old attachments vaporized. Yes, we have seen the growth of nationalism in Europe, the Brexit vote in the U.K. and the election of the populist Donald Trump, but these are signs of reactionary sentiments that we should all have outgrown.

The nation-state was useful while it lasted and gave us a handle on our social and political obligations. But it was dangerous too, when inflamed against real or imaginary enemies. In any case, the nation-state belongs in the past, to a society in which family, job, religion and way of life stay put in a single place and are insulated against global developments. Our world is no longer like that, and we must change in step with it if we wish to belong.
The argument is a powerful one and was highly influential among those who voted in the U.K. referendum to remain in the European Union. But it overlooks the most important fact, which is that democratic politics requires a demos. Democracy means rule by the people and requires us to know who the people are, what unites them and how they can form a government.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Enjoy: Before Justin Trudeau's Liberal Government Makes It Illegal to State the Truth

Muslim groups are said to be unhappy about this Indianapolis billboard outlining the career of the Prophet.

For now, Canadians can learn from it something about Mohammed before Justin Trudeau's government empowers the "truthophobes" for the destruction of Western civilization.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Theresa May Reads England's Suicide Note: "Enough Is Enough"

Responding to multiple terrorist atrocities in London yesterday, Prime Minister Theresa May stated in that lovely Awxfud accent:
"Enough is enough"
And, hey, that'll surely stop the bastards, what!

Or was it England's suicide note she was reading out?

Sadiq Kahn, Muslim Mayor of Londonistan,
Britain's largest foreign-majority city. Kahn received a

150,000 pound donation from Farouq Sheikh, who wants
every Muslim to be a terrorist. He should give the money
back and apologize for accepting it. But don't hold your
With a rapidly shrinking lead in the opinion polls, May might as well have urged people to vote Labour in Next week's election, which is to say the party headed by Come-to-Britain Corbyn. Corbyn will welcome an increased flood of migrants to Britain: migrants, who, whether intent on cutting English throats or merely occupying the land, will replace the increasingly sterile English as a racial and cultural entity in the homeland that they have occupied since the end of the last ice age.
Britain's ruling elite — left, right and center, have conspired against the people in what amounts to:
a coordinated plan for the destruction of the essential foundations of the life of [the] national group so that [it]wither[s] and die[s] like [a] plant that has suffered a blight. The end may be accomplished by the forced disintegration of political and social institutions, of the culture of the people, of their language, their national feelings and their religion. It may be accomplished by wiping out all basis of personal security, liberty, health and dignity. ...Genocide is directed against a national group as an entity and the attack on individuals is only secondary to the annihilation of the national group to which they belong...
That was the definition given by the Polish Jew and legal scholar, Raphael Lemkin, when he coined the term "genocide."

In her response to the atrocities carried out by Muslim terrorists in London this weekend, Theresa May confirmed that she is either a moron or an accomplice in the destruction of England. Following the London Bridge attack, she had the opportunity to show leadership, but instead demonstrated flaccid stupidity and worse.

What she should have done was to invoke emergency powers, round up the 23,000 jihadis and 3,000 potential terrorists that the security services say are present in Britain, and deport every damn one of them.

Instead, she took the opportunity to impose restrictions not on terrorists but on freedom of speech, announcing the internet must now be regulated."

This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.

A whimper of “enough is a enough” from a limp rag from Awxfud, source of that treasonous limp rag, her predecessor, David Cameron.


Charlotte Hayes: Dalrymple on "Creative Appeasement"

Heather MacDonald: Run, Hide . . . Blame Trump

Maverick Philosopher: Theresa May: Still Pussyfooting Around

Scott Adams: Helping the terrorists recruit

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Europe’s Demographic Suicide

By David Martin

The title above is as it appeared atop the main opinion piece in the May 25-31 Arlington Catholic Herald, the weekly newspaper of the Arlington, Virginia, diocese. The Denver Catholic had a slightly different title, but it’s the same article that was also doubtless in Roman Catholic newspapers around the country. The article delivered a good deal less than its title promised, and because of that and because of some other shortcomings in the piece, I had a strong urge to write a letter to the editor. Then I thought of my experience 17 years ago when I wrote a letter to the same newspaper about an article by the same author and they didn’t see fit to publish it. I had to resort to putting it on my own web site, which some years later I reposted with the title, “The Brazen Duplicity of George Weigel.” Well, here we go again.

Anyone following world events knows that most of the countries of Europe are staring a major demographic problem in the face. Most have low and declining birth rates and they are being swamped by immigrants, a large percentage of whom are refugees from wars and chaos in the Middle East and North Africa, which, in turn resulted from the military action of the United States and its European allies. This war-induced immigration and Europe’s low birth rate are the twin elements of what one might call Europe’s looming demographic disaster, and because the war policies have by-and-large been supported by Europe’s leaders and because many of those same leaders, with Germany’s Angela Merkel in the forefront, have welcomed the resulting refugees with open arms, the “demographic suicide” charge might well apply to both elements. Because the largely Muslim immigrants typically have a much higher birth rate than do the natives of Europe and because they are particularly hard to assimilate, the immigration element might well be the stronger of the contributors to Europe’s “demographic suicide.”

Read more

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Jews for Anti-British Racism

By Tobias Langdon

Unz Review, May 16 2017: Here’s a quiz about Israeli politics. Are there any strongly identified Muslim or Christian Arabs high in Israel’s ruling conservative party? Do those Arabs write for Arab newspapers setting out the central principle of their lives: “Arabs must come first”? Finally, do those Arabs lavish praise on an opposition leader who opened Israel’s borders to the Third World and duped Israel into a hugely expensive and disastrous foreign war?

You have no guesses. You won’t need any. The answer to every question is the same. No, there are no Arabs like that in Israel. Not one. Furthermore, Israel has never opened its borders to the Third World or poured trillions of shekels into a disastrous foreign war. Israel is a Jewish nation where Jews are firmly in control and intend to remain so. That’s why they don’t allow Arabs to have genuine power or influence in politics, culture and academia. Arabs would have their own agenda and would not make Jewish interests their only concern, even if they weren’t hostile to Jews or determined to undermine Jewish power.

Monday, May 29, 2017

National Conservatism: Against Genocidal Globalism

It is time now for intolerance of the genocidal intolerance of liberals for the European people, Western civilization and the Western ethical tradition. It is time now for the National Conservative Revolution.

We will embrace immigrants, we will embrace Jews, we will embrace Muslims, we will embrace Hindus, Buddhists and all the world, provided only that those who live in our country embrace our nation, our national cultural tradition and our Christian ethical values.

Friday, May 26, 2017

Anti-Racists Watch No. 79: J.D. Watson Barred from Speaking at University of Illinois

J.D. Watson, Nobel Laureate, who with Fracis Crick made the single most important biological discovery of the 20th Century, has been barred from giving a “narrowly focused scientific talk” at the University of Illinois' Institute for Genomic Biology about his recent cancer research. The reason? Comments Watson made some years past concerning racial differences in intelligence. 
Specifically, Watson is quoted by a University source as having said:
(1) I am gloomy about the prospect of Africa [because] our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours — whereas all the testing says not really. 
(2) people who have to deal with black employees find this not true.
According to the U. of I., Watson has
apologized but has made other tasteless, sexist comments that call into question his character and judgment. 
So the reason for barring Watson from the U of I is that "he has made other tasteless, sexist comments that "call in question his character and judgment". However, neither of the above-quoted statements by Watson are either tasteless, or sexist, so how dumb are the PC police at U. of I.? Can they not understand a category difference? Apparently not, so how can we place any reliance on their allegations about Watson's public statements?

Obama Say: Build That Wall

Construction crew at work on wall around Obama's DC mansion. More info.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Jews, Traitors and the Self-Destruction of the European Nations

With only rare exceptions, people do not make themselves either intellectually or morally. The values of a society are established top down. Those values determine the success or failure of the group, whether it survives or dies.

The Jews, among others, understood a long time ago the dependence of group survival on national culture, and they created an ethical code that promotes the perpetuation and dissemination of both Jewish genes and the culture on which the survival of those genes depends. The Jews also understood that by penetrating the government of other groups they could manipulate other groups to their own advantage.

Canada's Secret (to the Canadian public) Open Border Policy

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Song-writer Morrissey: Prime Minister May would never change her immigration policy because of mass murder of children in Manchester

The Manchester-born singer Morrissey has hit out at politicians for their reaction to the bombing in his hometown that has killed 22 people and injured 59 more.

In his statement, the former Smiths frontman claimed that politicians are safe from attacks, while the rest of the country is left vulnerable. The MP Jo Cox was murdered by a rightwing extremist last June.

D.C. surgeon who operated on Seth Rich: ‘The DNC staffer was alive and well after surgery, before a group of law enforcement Officers showed up to the ICU’

WASHINGTON (INTELLIHUB) — A 4-year resident surgeon at Washington Hospital Center claims that Seth Rich was alive and recovering well in facility’s Intensive Care Unit (ICU) after being treated for a total of 3 routine gunshot wounds — that is until a number of law enforcement officers arrived eight hours later kicking most everyone out of the ICU and physically barring doctors and others from attending to Rich.

Duterte: The Philippines Has Turned From the West Because the Western World Is All Double-Talk

Will Electric Vehicles Curb Global Carbon Emissions? Perhaps Not. Part I

Under favorable conditions, a Chevrolet Volt can achieve 8 km per kwh. In urban driving, a Saab 9/11, a car of similar dimensions and performance to the Volt, achieves about 8 km per liter of gas. Since a liter of gas has an energy content of 9 kwh, the Volt is, apparently, nine times as efficient as the Saab. However, most electric power is generated thermally from coal or natural gas with an efficiency, after taking account of line losses and losses in battery storage, of no more than 50%. So the Volt has an advantage in efficiency over the Saab of at best 450%.

But the Volt is several hundred kilograms heavier than the Saab, the difference representing a quantity of embodied energy: energy consumed in mining and refining of the lithium in the Volt's battery, and in the additional steel, copper and other materials required to build the Volt's more complex power train.

America's Royal Family: Ivanka at the Wailing Wall

Ivanka Trump at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem

President Trump at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem


The Republic Has Fallen: The Deep State’s Plot to Take Over America Has Succeeded
Trump's Mideast Tour Paves the Way for War With Iran, Ex-CIA Official Warns


Source: Matrixbob.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Secrets of the Temple: The Twilight Zone of Reality – To Serve Man

Over forty years ago there was a Twilight Zone episode titled: “To Serve Man.” It is an eerie story about an alien race known as Kanamits. The alien beings travel to earth ostensibly to assist the human race in reaching a higher state of existence. The Kanamit exude an angel-like presence. Dressed in long, flowing, robes with a high, domed, head they seem beneficent, yet their sunken, sinister, eyes seem to belie a hidden agenda. When a Kanamit alien addresses the UN assembly telepathically, with honeyed words he promises the Kanamits come as friends.

During his address, the Kanamit representative notes how the earth is plagued by both natural and unnatural calamities and that they only wish to help resolve these problems. They offer a new power source, an end to famine, and a force field to be used as a defense shield. The Kanamit states, “We wish only that you simply trust us.” Departing the UN, the Kanamit leaves a slim book behind.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Tony Schwartz: I wrote The Art of the Deal with Donald Trump. His self-sabotage is rooted in his past

National Post, May 17, 2017:  Why does Donald Trump behave in the dangerous and seemingly self-destructive ways he does?

Three decades ago, I spent nearly a year hanging around Trump to write his first book, The Art of the Deal, and got to know him very well. I spent hundreds of hours listening to him, watching him in action and interviewing him about his life. For me, none of what he has said or done over the past four months as president comes as a surprise. The way he has behaved over the past week — firing FBI Director James Comey, undercutting his own aides as they tried to explain the decision and then disclosing sensitive information to Russian officials — is also entirely predictable.

Early on, I recognized that Trump’s sense of self-worth is forever at risk. When he feels aggrieved, he reacts impulsively and defensively, constructing a self-justifying story that doesn’t depend on facts and always directs the blame to others.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Will the British Islander Finally Begin to Hate?

There is an important post by the Irish Savant exposing the grotesque lying propaganda from the BBC about the ongoing scandal of the widespread grooming and rape of underage white girls in England by Muslim immigrants.

Celtic cross erected at Harpenden, Hertfordshire,
England in memory of those who fought and died
for England in World War 1. (Image source)
The only fault I find with the piece, which is entitled "Will the Saxon finally begin to hate?" is the with title itself, for the English people are not Saxons, they are Celts like the Scotch, the Welsh and the Irish. Sure there have been past invasions to England and other parts of Celtic Britain by, not only Saxons, but Romans and their slaves, Danes, Scandinavians, and Normans, but the gene pool of England, like the rest of the British Isles is, excluding the recent occupiers and interlopers, still more than 90% Celtic.

The mistake about the identity of the English should, however, be attributed not to the Irish Savant, but to England's greatest poet of empire, Rudyard Kipling*, whose poem, "The Wrath of the Awakened Saxon" inspired the Savant's piece:

Saturday, May 13, 2017

How Jesus Transformed the God of the Jews from a Fearsome Terrorist into a Good Psychiatrist

The laws of the excluded middle and contradiction do not undermine monotheism, they demand it. They undermine the trinity which is rank paganism. Logic can be seen as negative theology (what God isn’t) while revelation is positive theology (what God is)... We can observe the infinite regress of divine powers in the Catholic Church in ways such as Mary being called “The Mother of God”, calling Anne “The Grandmother of God”, the Immaculate Conception not only of Jesus but of Mary along with her perpetual virginity, the never ending litany of new Saints, doctrinal infallibility... 

The above are a more or less random snatches from a theological argument of the kind that normal people cannot possibly understand. Moreover, in a scientific age, the currency of such arguments dooms Christianity.

Today, no one with a reasonably broad education can accept that an anthropoid ape was the mother of the entity responsible for the creation of the universe, whether that entity be of single or a triple personality. Equally, the idea that the creator of the universe cares about being praised by a bunch of jumped-up talking apes is absurd. Thus, the future of Christianity, if it has one, will be based not on an understanding of arcane and utterly useless theological debates, but on sociology.

The Rationalism of Nationalism, Black, White, Red, or Yellow

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Forbidden Questions? 24 Key Issues That Neither the Washington Elite Nor the Media Consider Worth Their Bother

Andrew Bacevich

Unz Review, May 7, 2017: Donald Trump’s election has elicited impassioned affirmations of a renewed commitment to unvarnished truth-telling from the prestige media. The common theme: you know you can’t trust him, but trust us to keep dogging him on your behalf. The New York Times has even unveiled a portentous new promotional slogan: “The truth is now more important than ever.” For its part, the Washington Post grimly warns that “democracy dies in darkness,” and is offering itself as a source of illumination now that the rotund figure of the 45th president has produced the political equivalent of a total eclipse of the sun. Meanwhile, National Public Radio fundraising campaigns are sounding an increasingly panicky note: give, listener, lest you be personally responsible for the demise of the Republic that we are bravely fighting to save from extinction.

If only it were so. How wonderful it would be if President Trump’s ascendancy had coincided with a revival of hard-hitting, deep-dive, no-holds-barred American journalism. Alas, that’s hardly the case. True, the big media outlets are demonstrating both energy and enterprise in exposing the ineptitude, inconsistency, and dubious ethical standards, as well as outright lies and fake news, that are already emerging as Trump era signatures. That said, pointing out that the president has (again) uttered a falsehood, claimed credit for a nonexistent achievement, or abandoned some position to which he had previously sworn fealty requires something less than the sleuthing talents of a Sherlock Holmes. As for beating up on poor Sean Spicer for his latest sequence of gaffes — well, that’s more akin to sadism than reporting.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Stinking Rotten Polish Racist MP Explains How Europe Is Committing Suicide By Mass Muslim Immigration

The longer Muslim migrants are in Europe, the less likely they are to be employed, and more likely to be dependent on welfare:

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Multiculturalism: A Tool of Tyrannical Elites to Destroy Faith-Based Social Harmony

Religion has been described as a a tool whereby the ruling class exercise control over the masses.

That is absolutely correct, but it is not such a damning indictment of religion as some might think.

Ruling is what ruling classes do, and they use tools such as religion, traffic regulations, and the criminal code, to do it. Without a ruling-class-imposed social order, life would indeed, for most people, be nasty, brutal and short.

Friday, April 28, 2017

Syrian President Assad Deconstructs Trump

Speaking on the Latin American TeleSUR TV network  Syrian President Bashar Assad said that:
US president Donald Trump is not a truly independent political leader but merely a puppet of US corporations, military and intelligence, and who serves their interests.
Such an explicit "fuck you" to the President of the United States of Aggression is a clear indication that in the judgement of the Syrian Government and, presumably, their Russian allies, the United States has embarked on an irreversible regime-change policy for the sovereign nation state of Syria and that there is, therefore, nothing to be gained by diplomatic language.

Continuing the line that Trump is nothing but a fat-assed puppet of the US deep state, Assad said, according to the RT report, that Trump pursues:
 “no own policies” but only executes the decisions made by the “intelligence agencies, the Pentagon, the big arms manufacturers, oil companies, and financial institutions.
and has thus betrayed those who elected him:

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

In America Truth Speaking Kills Careers

9/11 Destroyed America

Paul Craig Roberts, April 25, 2017: The events on September 11, 2001, changed the world. It was the excuse for the US government to launch military attacks on seven Middle Eastern countries, causing civilian casualties in the millions and sending waves of Muslim refugees into the Western world. The US government wasted trillions of dollars destroying countries and murdering women and children, while public infrastructure in the US deteriorated, Americans’ homes were foreclosed, and American health needs went unattended. 9/11 was also the excuse for the destruction of the protection that the US Constitution provided to ensure the liberty of the American citizen. Today no American has the protection of the civil liberty that the Constitution guarantees.

On September 11, 2001, when a neighbor called and told me to turn on the TV, I stopped what I was doing and turned on the TV. What I saw was the two World Trade Center Towers blowing up. I had often enjoyed lunch in the rooftop restaurant in one of the towers across the street from my Wall Street Journal office.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Drug Dealers Are Killing Our Kids: Time to Kill Drug Dealers

Seventeen-year-old Heather Mclean of Victoria, BC,
dead on Easter Sunday, killed by a fentanyl-laced
drug fix. 
Image source
Illicit drugs are said to have killed 47,000 Canadians last year.

At the week-end, a drug dealer in our town sold 17-year-old Heather Mclean a fentanyl-laced drug package.

It killed her.

It's time now to shut down the needle exchanges.

It's time now to shut down the safe injection sites.

Doing drugs is not something to be tolerant of.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Dumb Intelligence Tests: Or Why IQ Testers Need to Improve Their Understanding of Intelligence

A thought provoking article at the Unz Review by the Nigerian scholar Chanda Chisala, considers the conundrum arising from the fact that sub-Saharan Africans are among the world's top-ranking competitors in the high-IQ game of Scrabble, whereas the people of sub-Saharan Africa are said to have mean IQ scores barely above the level of mental deficiency.  The article generated what, for me, has been a useful discussion, some keys points of which I have summarized here:

1. Those I have referred to as IQ-ists believe that IQ, representing an individual's overall score on a battery of verbal reasoning tests, number puzzles, and pattern matching tasks, measures a unitary property of the central nervous system, which is identified as intelligence.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

The New Liberalism, No. 39: We support free speech as long as it is not hate speech, which is whatever we hate you for saying

College Journalist Bigots: The Wellesley News

The Marquette Warrior, April 19, 2017: One interesting thing about the rise of political correctness on college campuses is that student journalists, people whom one might suppose would support free speech, have overwhelmingly lined up in favor of suppressing opinions the left does not like.

A particularly egregious example appears in the Wellesley News, the student paper of that very expensive, very elitist northeastern institution.

Many members of our community, including students, alumnae and faculty, have criticized the Wellesley community for becoming an environment where free speech is not allowed or is a violated right. Many outside sources have painted us as a bunch of hot house flowers who cannot exist in the real world. However, we fundamentally disagree with that characterization, and we disagree with the idea that free speech is infringed upon at Wellesley. Rather, our Wellesley community will not stand for hate speech, and will call it out when possible.Of course, what speech is “hate speech” is a matter of opinion.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

A Yale history professor explains how governments use disasters and tragedies to control society

Timothy Snyder is the author of "On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century" and the Levin professor of history at Yale University. Snyder explains how governments use tragedies to manipulate society. Following is a transcript of the video.

TIMOTHY SNYDER: So 9/11, a massive terrorist attack mainly against this city, led us to give up a good deal of our rights. It also led us to invade a country which was completely irrelevant to the terrorist action, with enormous consequences, financial, moral, political, for us. So 9/11 in retrospect is a kind of warning of the mistake that we can make. It could be much worse than 9/11. I mean not just the terrorist attack could be worse, sadly that's true, but the reaction of our leaders could also be worse. Whatever one might say about Bush and company, and I said as many bad things as I could at the time, whatever one might say, they didn't use it as an excuse to say that all Muslims were to blame. They didn't say we had to suspend all of our civil rights, due process, and so on. I'm afraid that the people we now have in power have fewer restraints than that crew. So 9/11 is a kind of gentle warning for us about what we must not do the next time around.

Aspiring tyrants use real, provoked, or fake terrorism as an excuse to declare some kind of state of emergency. State of emergency meaning we lose our basic rights and then that temporary situation becomes permanent. We get used to it, it becomes the everyday. This is basically page one of the playbook of modern tyranny. So it's naive, it's really foolish of us to forget about this because the tyrants, the aspiring tyrants certainly know about it.

Read more

Sunday, April 16, 2017

If You Really Loved Humanity You'd Off Yourself As the Swedes Have Done

The Swedes, it seems, are committing national suicide in order to prove that they are not racist, which raises the question:

If protecting your own people and their national living space is racist, is racism such a bad thing as liberals say?

Friday, April 14, 2017

How the United States of (Crisis) Actors Goes to War: Syria

We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality – judiciously, as you will – we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.
Ron Suskind, quoting Karl Rove, NYTimes Magazine, Oct. 17, 2004

There can be no future for Assad in a stable Syria, [because we will continue to attack
Syria until the terrorists have won]
Teresa May

Still don't get it? James Corbett explains: 

VoltaireNet: Trump, the US Actor-In-Chief screws supporters: turns foreign policy 180 degrees within three months of election
John Rappoport: Top ten reasons to doubt official story on Assad poison-gas attack Apr13
Washington's Blog: Corbett Report videos of ‘official stories’ on Syria, 9/11, Oklahoma City, JFK assassination reveal ‘Emperor’s New Clothes’ coverage of rogue state empire: demanding .01% arrests, or do you need more lies, looting, destruction, death, debt, soul-sucking slavery, etc.?
WRH: The Saudi military [backed by the US] is routinely killing and maiming Yemeni children.
The Saudis have blockaded Yemeni ports, to prevent food from getting in, so Yemeni children are dying the slow, painful death of malnutrition.
And lastly, there has been an enormous spike in cancers, still births, and birth defects in Yemen, courtesy of the Saudis using depleted uranium weapons, which they got from either the US or the UK.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Fooling Most Americans All the Time: America's Fake Democracy

America is not a democracy. It never has been. It is a republic governed by an executive, a legislature,  a judiciary, and a media oligopoly, all owned by, and subordinate to, the globalist corporate interest and a few dynamic members of the billionaire class.

So-called democratic elections in America are a charade to keep the masses docile. Election results are dictated by the Money Power who employ all forms of legal and illegal subornation (election campaign contributions and hospitality such as the use of corporate executive jets, girls, boys, booze and cash in brown envelopes, plus most importantly, the promise of after-office payoffs in the form of speaking fees, ridiculously large advances on book royalties, corporate directorships, etc.) to insure that the majority of those elected serve the plutocratic interest whatever they may promise while on the campaign trail. In addition, the public is duped by propaganda and intimidated by false flag terrorism.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

A Population Policy to Restore the Fertility of the European Nations

The European nations are dying. None has a fertility rate at or above the replacement rate. Some, Germany, Italy, Hungary and Poland, for example, have a fertility rate that is barely half the replacement rate.

Under certain circumstances the decline in fertility might not matter. A falling population would mean falling home prices, labor shortages and hence increased wages. Such effects, by easing the struggle for existence, would tend, in time, to restore the birth rate to or beyond the replacement rate.