9/11 Destroyed America
Paul Craig RobertsPaulCraigRoberts.org, April 25, 2017: The events on September 11, 2001, changed the world. It was the excuse for the US government to launch military attacks on seven Middle Eastern countries, causing civilian casualties in the millions and sending waves of Muslim refugees into the Western world. The US government wasted trillions of dollars destroying countries and murdering women and children, while public infrastructure in the US deteriorated, Americans’ homes were foreclosed, and American health needs went unattended. 9/11 was also the excuse for the destruction of the protection that the US Constitution provided to ensure the liberty of the American citizen. Today no American has the protection of the civil liberty that the Constitution guarantees.
On September 11, 2001, when a neighbor called and told me to turn on the TV, I stopped what I was doing and turned on the TV. What I saw was the two World Trade Center Towers blowing up. I had often enjoyed lunch in the rooftop restaurant in one of the towers across the street from my Wall Street Journal office.
A miniscule by comparison frail aluminum airliner hit one massive steel tower and then another aluminum airliner hit the other. There were some plumes of orange outside the buildings. Then approximately after one hour, less in one case, more in the other, the two towers exploded floor by floor as they fell into their own footprint.
This was precisely the way the news anchors described what I was seeing. “It looks exactly like a controlled demolition,” the news anchors reported. And indeed it did. As a Georgia Tech student I had witnessed a controlled demolition, and that is what I saw on television, just as that was what the news anchors saw.
Later that day Larry Silverstein who owned, or held the lease on, the World Trade Center, explained on TV that the free fall collapse in the late afternoon of the third WTC skyscraper, Building 7, into its own footprint was a conscious decision to “pull” the building. Pull is the term used by controlled demolition to describe a building wired with explosives to be destroyed. Building 7 had not been hit by an airliner, and suffered only minor and very limited office fires. Silverstein’s statement was afterwards corrected by authorities to mean that the firemen were pulled from the building. However, many videos show the firemen already out of the building with the fireman stating that the building was going to be brought down.
As there is no doubt whatsoever that Building 7 was wired for demolition, the question is why?
Because Americans are an insouciant and trusting people and confident of the inherent goodness of their country, years passed before even experts noticed that the official story stood in total contraction to known laws of physics, was in total contraction to how buildings collapse from asymmetrical damage, and could not have collapsed due to being hit by airliners as the buildings met all code requirements for withstanding airliner collusions. Many did not even know that the third skyscraper, Building 7, had collapsed.
Professor Steven E. Jones, a professor of physics at BYU, was among the first to see that the official story was pure fantasy. His reward for speaking out was to have his tenure contract bought out by BYU, many believe under orders from the federal government backed up with the threat that all federal support of science at BYU would be terminated unless Stephen Jones was.
Cynthia McKinney, a black woman who represented a Georgia congressional district in the US House of Representatives was either much brighter or much braver than her white colleagues. She raised obvious questions about 9/11, questions begging to be asked, and lost her seat.
Approximately five years after 9/11, San Francisco architect Richard Gage noticed that the three WTC buildings did not fall down in any way consistent with the official explanation. He formed Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, currently about 3,000 members. This group includes high rise architects and structural engineers who actually are experienced in the construction of skyscrapers. In other words, they are people who know what they are talking about.
These 3,000 experts have said that the official explanation of the collapse of three skyscrapers stands in contradiction to known laws of physics, architecture, and structural engineering.
In other words, the official explanation is totally impossible. Only an uneducated and ignorant public can believe the official 9/11 story. The US population fits this description.
A&E for 9/11 Truth is gradually gaining assent from architects and engineers. It is very difficult for an architect or engineer to support the truth, because the American population, which includes patriotic construction companies, whose employees fly American flags on their trucks, don’t want to hire architects and engineers who are “enemies of America aligned with Arab terrorists.” In America, if you tell the truth, you are in great danger of losing your customers and even your life.
Think now about physicists. How many physics faculties do you know that are not dependent on federal grants, usually for military-related work? The same for chemistry. Any physics professor who challenged the official story of 9/11 with the obvious fact that the story contravenes known laws of physics would endanger not only his own career but the careers of his entire department.
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Our masters know this, and thus they can dispense with truth at will. Moreover, any expert courageous enough to speak the truth is easily branded a “conspiracy theorist.”
Who comes to his defense? Not his colleagues. They want rid of him as quickly as possible. Truth is a threat to their careers. They can’t afford to be associated with truth. In America, truth is a career-killing word.
In America, truth is becoming a synonym for “Russian agent.” Only Russian Agents tell the truth, which must mean that truth is an enemy of America. Lists are being prepared of websites that speak truth to power and thus are seditious. In the United States today people can lie at will without consequence, but it is deadly to tell the truth.
Support A&E for 9/11 Truth. These are heroic people. 9/11 was the manufactured excuse for the neoconservatives’ 16 years of war crimes against millions of Muslims peoples, remnants of which now seek refuge in Europe.
Neoconservatives are a tiny number of people. No more than a dozen are of any consequence. Yet they have used America to murder millions. And now they are fomenting war with Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea. The world would never survive such a war.
Are Americans so insouciant that they will stand aside while a dozen neoconservatives destroy the world?
Paul Craig Roberts: American Democracy: A Dead Man Walking
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The evidence for a role for thermite in the destruction of the WTC Twin Towers was provided not by Richard Gage but by Professors Niels Harrit (Copenhagen University) and steven Jones (Brigham Young University). Their evidence is compelling, unlike that of Judy Woods and pseudonymous backers of her claims such as yourself.
Here are ways to cover up Dr. Wood's research:
ReplyDelete1.) Create and promote unscientific alternate forms of destruction.
2.) Promote Dr. Wood’s research and then find fault with it.
3.) Make personal attacks against Dr. Wood’s character.
4.) Marginalize Dr. Wood’s research and call it “voodoo science”.
5.) Promote Dr. Wood’s research but misquote her and run it into the ditch.
6.) Ignore Dr. Wood’s research and evidence then call it a “theory”.
7.) Say that you have read Dr. Wood’s book and find fault with it when you never did read her book.
8.) Create other faux groups like the "Sandy Hook Hoaxers" to keep people from asking the right questions and looking at the evidence Dr. Wood presents. This also creates distrust in our government and people that ask questions. If our government was responsible for 9/11, our government is the only way to reverse the damage it has caused. This is why Dr. Wood filed her Federal Qui-Tam lawsuit. Too bad the Truthers didn't support it. The phrase, “use it or or lose it” comes to mind. If the system is broken, then fix it. Otherwise, you are condoning the broken state that it's in. (The “we are change” characters, the “loose change” characters, and Richard Gage & Co. going to the AIA office with ambush video interview attempts are good examples.) Ambush journalism does not solve problems; it covers them up.
If the “thousands of engineers” that Mr. Gage brags about had stood behind Dr. Wood's Federal Qui-Tam lawsuit, it would have been a lot harder for them to dismiss it... especially if they stood in and outside of the courtroom during the 8-minute “hearing” by the Court of Appeals. After all, the written decision from that hearing did not refute Dr. Wood's collection of evidence and her conclusions from that evidence. The court actually acknowledge the law applied to Dr. Wood's case but admitted they were ignoring the law to dismiss the case! Why were the Truthers satisfied with that outcome? Anarchy is not the answer and fixes nothing.
Popular theories about what destroyed the World Trade Center towers on September 11, 2001 are:
Delete1 Fires from jet fuel and office materials weakened steel in the upper floors and the buildings collapsed
2 Conventional controlled demolition blew out supports at the base and the buildings collapsed
3 Thermite cut steel columns on virtually every floor and the buildings collapsed
4 Conventional explosives blew the buildings up
5 Mini-nukes blew the buildings up
Theories 1, 2 and 3 rely on gravity to bring the buildings down while the last two blow them up. Popular theories, yes, and dead wrong. Five facts scientifically documented in Ph.D. engineer Judy Wood’s comprehensive textbook (Where Did The Towers Go?) prove the popular theories false beyond any doubt whatsoever. Yes, I know it’s amazing. Who’d a thunk it’d be this easy?
DEBRIS: What debris? There was so little debris from each 110-story building that there was no “pile” or “stack.” Rubble totaled less than a story. It was a football field as a survivor who emerged from Stairwell B, North Tower, exclaimed. No computers, toilets, and only one small piece from one Steelcase file cabinet were found. Some steel and mostly dust remained. Lack of debris on the ground from quarter-mile-high twin towers whispers “no collapse.” See Chapter 9.
BATHTUB: A bathtub or slurry wall surrounded 70 feet of WTC subbasements to prevent the Hudson River from flooding the WTC and downtown. If each 500,000-ton tower had slammed into the bathtub in 10 seconds or less, the protective wall would collapse. Did not happen. Upshot? Collapses did not happen. See Chapter 5.
SEISMIC IMPACT: “Had the towers collapsed, foundation bedrock would have experienced tremendous force hammering on it throughout the ‘collapse,’” writes Dr. Wood. Seismic instruments registered disturbances far too short in duration and far too small to record tower collapses. This was true of both the twin towers and 47-story WTC7. Again, no evidence of collapses. See Chapter 6.
SOUND: There were no loud explosions, as established by videos, witnesses, and the official report of NIST. Nor were there loud screeches and screams from massive metal falling, colliding, scraping and collapsing on metal. See Chapter 6.
DUST: Photos, videos and witness testimony show the towers turned to powder in mid-air. Tim McGinn, NYPD, said, “I was standing there for a couple of seconds thinking where the f**k is the tower? I simply couldn’t comprehend it.” The dust rollout was so enormous and thick it blocked out sunlight and left an inch or more of dust covering downtown. Much of it wafted into the upper atmosphere. The volume was incredible. Particles from dust samples were smaller than red blood cells and about the size of DNA. As for toxicity, researchers said the dust “recorded the highest levels we have ever seen in over 7,000 measurements we have made of very fine air pollution throughout the world, including Kuwait and China.” See Chapters 8, 9, 14-16.
♥The Miracle of Directed Energy Technology on 9/11♥
Oh bugger off you stupid deep state troll.
DeleteAnyhow, why don't you stick with your hypothesis (1), the bullshit being pushed by the Globo Deep State, as represented by Donald Trump on 9/11:
Donald Trump TV Interview at Ground Zero on 9 13 2001
"When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." ― Arthur Conan Doyle, The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes
ReplyDelete"The question is where is all the rubble? Did it all turn to dust?"
― Peter Jennings (July 29, 1938 – August 7, 2005) Canadian-American journalist and news anchor
"One level below ground, many retail stores and restaurants, as well as the subway stop there, are intact. Even the water damage was minimal."
Notice the round holes in WTC5
How many holes can you count?
500,000 tons of steel and concrete falling a quarter mile didn't crush this Path train.
Undamaged store contents from the Warner Brothers store in the WTC shopping mall at the concourse level (first subbasement) surviving destruction of WTC 2 above.
Cartoon figures recovered from the Warner Brothers store at the World Trade Center mall kept at JFK international airport (hangar 17) that survived the destruction of WTC 2 from above. FYI, the shopping mall is the first floor to be impacted at the base of WTC 2.
Your point being?