Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Ukraine Fallout

There is much about recent events in Ukraine to suggest that the aim of the US/EU and Nato in Ukraine was not only to overthrow the legitimate, democratically elected government and replace it by a Western-oriented regime, but to provoke a violent Russian response that would serve as a pretext for all out war on Russia.

Hence, the prominence of Neo-Nazis in the rebel government of Ukraine, the immediate introduction by the usurping regime of measures to suppress use of the Russian language throughout Ukraine despite Russian being the first language of millions of citizens, and now killings by snipers of unknown affiliation in Crimea.

Washington Sanctioning Democracy and Hailing Nazism

Global Research: Ukraine Protests Carefully Orchestrated: The Role of CANVAS, US-Financed “Color Revolution Training Group”

Kyiv Post: Russian Foreign Ministry: West actively encouraged Ukrainian coup, acted in breach of Budapest Memorandum

Stratfor Founder George Friedman (At 1 min 20 Sec):

RT: Unidentified sniper detained in Crimea killings

Itar-Tass: Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister:US sanctions a ‘pathological’ refusal to admit reality
Nah. It's just pathological determination to bury the truth.
RT: Even Gorby agrees with Putin: Crimea is Russian

TO Star: Harper rushes to embrace Ukraine Nazis for Domestic Political Reasons

While this proves that Harper is a horse's arse, why are we to suppose that Canadian of Ukrainian extraction are all Nazi-lovers? But if they are, then now's the time obviously, for them to follow Harper's despicable example and ship back to their happy homeland to remain there for good. And they can keep Nazi-loving Harper there too.

In Simferopol, Crimea “Unknown Forces, Fully Equipped and Their Faces Covered” Kill Ukrainian Service Man

Zero Hedge: Is This The Provocation? Ukraine Soldier Allegedly Killed By Russians In Crimea

US-EU Has Triggered a New Cold War

Chicken Hawks Again Calling for War

More 'Mysterious Snipers' Responsible For Latest Ukraine Escalation?

Universal Genocide and the New World Order

The moment that the white British become a minority will symbolize a huge transfer of power -- cultural political, economic and religious -- an irreversible change in British society, unprecedented for at least a millennium.
David Coleman, Professor of Demography, University of Oxford
As with the English in London, the capital — or should one say the former capital — of England, the English of the cities of Leicester, Luton and Slough have been made a minority in their own home as a result of deliberate but clandestine government measures to promote East-European and Third-World immigration to Britain, while using the state-controlled education system to indoctrinate the English in all of the arts of non-reproductive sex.

In Birmingham, England’s second city, English children in primary school are not even the largest minority.

In one in nine English schools, the majority of pupils do not speak English as a first language, while Mohammed is now the most popular name for boys born in England — ahead of Jack and Harry.

By 2066, according to University of Oxford Professor, David Coleman, Britons as a whole will be an ethnic minority in their own country.

And within a generation, Islam is set to overtake Christianity in Britain.

These changes, the result of deliberate government action, mean the destruction of the English as a racial, cultural and religious community. That is genocide as defined by Raphael Lemkin the Polish Jew and legal scholar who coined that term.
Genocide tragically enough must take its place in the dictionary of the future beside other tragic words like homicide and infanticide. …

More often it refers to a coordinated plan aimed at destruction of the essential foundations of the life of national groups so that these groups wither and die like plants that have suffered a blight. The end may be accomplished by the forced disintegration of political and social institutions, of the culture of the people, of their language, their national feelings and their religion. It may be accomplished by wiping out all basis of personal security, liberty, health and dignity. When these means fail the machine gun can always be utilized as a last resort. Genocide is directed against a national group as an entity and the attack on individuals is only secondary to the annihilation of the national group to which they belong.

Such terms as “denationalization” or “Germanization” which have been used till now do not adequately convey the full force of the new phenomenon of genocide. They signify only the substitution of the national pattern of the oppressor for the original national pattern but not the destruction of the biological and physical structure of the oppressed group.
Today, the goal is not “Germanization” but “globalization,” i.e., US global hegemony, which will be a universal system of plutocracy operating via a bought pseudodemocracy.

Aside from conflict among factions within the globalist elite, the only obstacle to the New World Order is the nation state. Hence universal genocide and the destruction of human biological and cultural diversity.

And since the fate of the masses is to be reduced to the status of a domestic animal to be bred, culled and brainwashed as serves the interests of the plutocracy, who cares if the unique qualities of the nations of the world are destroyed? The product of 100,000 years of genetic and cultural differentiation is to be destroyed within a generation with the backing of psychopaths such as Senator John, Bomb-Bomb-Bomb-Iran, McCain, the diligent behind-the-scenes manipulation of such as Vicky, Fuck-the-EU, Nuland, and under the leadership of the likes of Friend-of-Israel, Oh-So-Aristocratic, Cameron, Nicolas, Métissage-It’s-An-Obligation, Sarcozy, Barak, Trayvon-Martin-Could-Have-Been-me, Obama, and Hillary, We-Came-We-Saw-He-Died-LOL, Clinton.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

The Financial Times' Insane Spin on the Crimea Vote for Union with Russia

"Crimea is now occupied by Russia," says a columnist in the Financial Times, ignoring the obvious fact that Russia has a treaty right to station 25,000 troops in Crimea. The FT then asks:
Why did Vladimir Putin take these actions, which are incredible from the point of view of modern political practice?
Um, well, the "responsibility to protect" (aka, R-2-P), comes to mind, which is quite consistent with modern political practice, although in the Western understanding of the principle it usually entails not so much protecting the citizens of a country as bombing the Hell out of them, as in Serbia, for example, or Iraq (Shock and Awe, remember) or most recently, Libya, rather than getting the citizens to vote 97% for union with their supposed protectors, as in the case of Russia in Crimea.

Then says the FT:
As for the Russian navy base, it never reached its staffing limits. The Moscow establishment was not concerned about controlling the Black Sea; it was preoccupied with stuffing its own pockets at the expense of the people.
No, right, the Russians don't give a damn about access to the Black Sea and the Mediterranean any more than the Americans care about, say, Pearl Harbor and access to the Pacific Ocean. And as for stuffing pockets at the expense of the people, that is obviously not what British or American bankers would ever do. So good point, FT.

Then, says the FT:
The invasion of Crimea cannot be explained with concern for the Russian-speaking people of Crimea either. Russia’s rulers do not even care about their own people, robbing them cynically. Why would they suddenly care about their kinsmen in Crimea?
Absolutely. Those Russians in Crimea who voted 97% for union with Russia must be totally insane. Although come to think of it, as citizens of the Russian Federation, they will be allowed to use the Russian language, which is a plus, since its use as an official language has just been outlawed in Ukraine (A fact that tends to refute the FT's claim that "nobody has oppressed the Russians in Crimea.").

Then, says the FT,
Moscow’s rulers are terrified that Ukraine’s Maidan protest movement could replicate itself in Russia. ... They are ... frightened by the tough anti-communist spirit of the Maidan. The revolution is taking place amid collapsing monuments to Soviet leaders: Lenin, Kirov, Dzerzhinsky
"Tough anti-Communist spirit of the Maidan." LOL. Where has the FT been for the last few decades. Do they think Joe Stalin is still heading up the Soviet Union? Russia, today, is more of a plutocracy, though with a constitutional government and an elected president and parliament. But the Russians do remember who killed 12 million of their citizens during WWII, it was the Nazis under whose insignia the Maidan operates. So probably it would be more accurate to say not that Russians fear the Maidan, but that they hate the bastards.

As for statues, good riddance, for sure, to the Soviet Secret Police chief, Dzerzhinsky, (a Pole held in high esteem by some of his compatriots for killing more Russians than any other Pole). But why tear down the statue of Mikhail Kutuzov, the man who defeated the Napoleonic invasion, the Hero of what has been called the greatest novel ever written, Tolstoy's War and Peace?

See also:

Ukrainian Policy: Turkey Warns Russia it Will Blockade Bosphorus if Violence Occurs

Kyiv Post: Ukraine Government Orders Preparation for War
An invitation, obviously, to Russia to strike first, which seems to have been the objective of this US psyop all along: provoke, provoke and provoke.

Zero Hedge: Putin Responds To US, European Sanctions: Signs Order Recognizing Crimea As Sovereign State

Zero Hedge: Russia Hints It May Force Ukraine Into Default, "May Ask Ukraine For Its $20 Billion Share For Ex-Soviet Debt"

Mercenaries took part in Maidan violence – Ex-Ukraine security chief

Robert Parry: Mainstream US Media Is Lost in Ukraine

Zero Hedge: Russian Stocks, Ruble Respond To Obama's Sanctions By Extending Gains

Pepe Escobar: Crimea and Western 'values'

Obama Off The Ukrainian Deep End

George Galloway: On the Right of the People of Crimea to Self-Determination

George Soros, the Nazi Jew, condemns the EU for failing to back Ukraine Nazis

Right Sector leader: Kiev should be ready to sabotage Russian pipelines in Ukraine

Crimea To Abandon Hyrvnia, Switch To Russian Ruble On April 1st

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Message from the Mainstream: Putin Must Be Paranoid, He Thinks Nazi-NATO Threatens Russia

When the US Deputy Secretary of State, Vicky Nuland, boasts that the US spent $5 billion to subvert the Government of Ukraine;

When the Government installed by violence in Kiev is openly Hitlerite;

When the acting head of the Coup in Ukraine, Arse Yatsenyuk, boasts of his partnership with (i.e., funding from) Chatham House (the public face of the Rhodes–Milner secret society for global governance), NATO, and the US State Department;

When the Western media openly discuss the need to extend the New World Order, aka American global hegemony, Eastward across Eurasia;

When Obama publicly insults Putin over Russia's supposedly anti-gay law, a law passed unanimously by the Russian Parliament to prohibit sexual propaganda directed at juveniles (a law similar in intent to that of eight US States);

When US Ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power, discusses "disturbing" trends in Russia with blasphemous members of the decadent Russian punk band, Pussy Riot (prompting Moscow's U.N. envoy to ask if she was joining the group);

When the US has placed ballistic missiles in Turkey, Bulgaria, Poland and the Czech Republic, all aimed at Russia;

When the US Navy is conducting exercises in the Black Sea;

Then for Putin to act as though Russia is under some sort of threat, is obviously proof of Paranoia. So, at least, the MSM believe they can convince their brain-dead readership.

Clever, really. Since the US/NATO position is complete BS, calling Putin insane saves having to argue an impossible case.

Friday, March 14, 2014

The Coudenhove-Kalergi plan for the Genocide of the European People — It's Working Well

The Coudenhove-Kalergi plan - The genocide of the Peoples of Europe

The plan for the extermination of the European peoples through mass immigration combined with anti-natalist policies including mass slaughter of the unborn, promotion of porn and every form of non-reproductive sex has been applied not only in Europe but also in the US. As Bill Clinton stated in his commencement address at Portland State University on June 13, 1998:
Today, largely because of immigration, there is no majority race in Hawaii or Houston or New York City. Within five years, there will be no majority race in our largest state, California. In a little more than 50 years, there will be no majority race in the United States. No other nation in history has gone through demographic change of this magnitude in so short a time … [These immigrants] are energizing our culture and broadening our vision of the world. They are renewing our most basic values and reminding us all of what it truly means to be American.
That was 1998: clearly the elimination of EuroAmericans as the dominant group in American society has been a long-planned US Government policy without the slightest democratic sanction.

So who are the victims of racism now?

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Ukraine Update March 14, 2014

Daniel Patrick Welch: The Dark Ages Have Descended Anew
What the US has done in Ukraine is beyond criminal, and it is being painted the other way around by every media outlet except those outside of the western bubble. 
Occidental Observer: The Germans refuse to play Ball
The German newspaper Der Tagesspiegel (Daily Mirror) launched an online survey on March 6th, asking its readers in faulty German of how the West should react with regard to Russia’s incursions into Ukraine. What follows were the different answers from which the readers could choose.

By four o’clock in the afternoon, 9420 readers had answered the survey, and what they had to say filled the presstitutes from the Tagesspiegel with sheer horror.  Because only a puny four percent, and we know who those are, favoured a military intervention by NATO forces. Whereas a staggering seventy eight percent believed that Western  hacks like Kerry or Merkel were mere hypocrites and that Russia defended indeed legitimate interests.

So what happened? At four o’clock and five minutes, the survey was abruptly taken off the net  and never seen again. LOL
WUFYS: Unrest in Ukraine part of NATO's expansion plan

Nicholas, James Pell: A Newer, Better Cold War

Zero Hedge: Where The Russian Troops Are - The Full "Pre-Takeover" Infographic

Michel Chossudovsly [Interview]: The Neoliberal Neo-Nazi Coup in Ukraine. The World is at a Dangerous Crossroads

Robert Perry: Crimea’s Case for Leaving Ukraine

Peter Dale Scott: The State, the Deep State, and the Wall Street Overworld

Interfax: Arse Yatsenyuk, Scientologist?

FT: Austria arrests Ukraine oligarch Dmitry Firtash at US request
Understand, we don't give a $h!t about the law, we're arresting this guy to intimidate Putin.

The Moral difference Between Hitler and Bush, Clinton, Shrub, and Obama

[This space intentionally left blank.]

The new Great (Threat) Game in Eurasia

By Pepe Escobar

Asia Times, March 12, 2014: In Ukraine, the West supported an unconstitutional putsch against an elected government perpetrated, among others, by fascist/neo-nazi storm troopers (Svoboda, Right Sector) instrumentalized by US intelligence. After a Russian counterpunch, US President Barack Obama proclaimed that any referendum in Crimea would "violate the Ukrainian constitution and violate international law."

This is just the latest instance in the serial rape of "international law". The rap sheet is humongous, including; NATO bombing Serbia for 78 days in 1999 to allow Kosovo to secede; the 2003 US invasion and subsequent trillion-dollar occupation and civil war creation in Iraq; NATO/AFRICOM bombing Libya in 2011 invoking R2P ("responsibility to protect") as a cover to provoking regime change; US investment in the secession of oil-wealthy South Sudan, so China has to deal with an extra geopolitical headache; and US investment in perennial civil war in Syria.

Yet Moscow still (foolishly?) believes international law should be respected - presenting to the UN Security Council classified information on all Western intel/psy-ops moves leading to the coup in Kiev, including "training" provided by Poland and Lithuania, not to mention Turkish intelligence involvement in setting up a second coup in Crimea. Russian diplomats called for an unbiased international investigation. That will never happen; Washington's narrative would be completely debunked. Thus a US veto at the UN.

Asia Times, March 12, 2014: Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov also called for the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe to objectively investigate those snipers shooting everyone on sight in Kiev, as revealed by Estonia's foreign minister to EU foreign policy supremo Catherine "I love Yats" Ashton. According to Russia's ambassador to the UN Vitaly Churkin, "a completely different picture would be drawn compared to what is being depicted by American media and, unfortunately, by some American and European politicians." Needless to say, there will be no investigation.

Hi, I'm your good neo-nazi
Everyone remembers the "good Taliban", with which the US could negotiate in Afghanistan. Then came the "good al-Qaeda", jihadis the US could support in Syria. Now come the "good neo-nazis", with which the West can do business in Kiev. Soon there will be "the good jihadis supporting neo-nazis", who may be deployed to advance US/NATO and anti-Russian designs in Crimea and beyond. After all, Obama mentor Dr Zbigniew "The Grand Chessboard" Brzezinski is the godfather of good jihadis, fully weaponized to fight the former Soviet Union in Afghanistan.

As facts on the ground go, neo-nazis are definitely back as good guys.

For the first time since the end of World War II, fascists and neo-nazis are at the helm of a European nation (although Ukraine most of all should be characterized as the key swing nation in Eurasia). Few in the West seem to have noticed it.

The cast of characters include Ukrainian interim defense minister and former student at the Pentagon Ihor Tenyukh; deputy prime minister for economic affairs and Svoboda ideologue Oleksandr Sych; agro-oligarch minister of agriculture Ihor Svaika (Monsanto, after all, needs a chief enforcer); National Security Council chief and Maidan commander of Right Sector neo-nazis Andry Parubiy; and deputy National Security Council chief Dmytro Yarosh, the founder Right Sector. Not to mention Svoboda leader Oleh Tyanhybok, a close pal of John McCain and Victoria "F**k the EU" Nuland, and active proponent of an Ukraine free from the "Muscovite-Jewish mafia."

As the Kremlin refuses to deal with this bunch and the upcoming March 16 referendum in Crimea is practically a done deal, Team "Yats" is fully legitimized, with honors, by Team Obama, leader included, in Washington. To quote Lenin, what is to be done? A close reading of President Putin's moves would suggest an answer: nothing. As in just waiting, while outsourcing the immediate future of a spectacularly bankrupt Ukraine to the EU. The EU is impotent to rescue even the Club Med countries. Inevitably, sooner or later, threat of sanctions or not, it will come crawling back to Moscow seeking "concessions", so Russia may also foot the bill.

Meanwhile, in Pipelineistan
Meanwhile, the New Great (Threat) Game in Eurasia advances unabated. Moscow would willingly compromise on a neutral Ukraine - even with neo-nazis in power in Kiev. But an Ukraine attached to NATO is an absolute red line. By the way, NATO is "monitoring" Ukraine with AWACS deployed in Polish and Romanian airspace.

So as the much lauded "reset" between the Kremlin and the Obama administration is for all practical purposes six feet under (with no Hollywood-style second coming in the cards), what's left is the dangerous threat game. Deployed not only by the Empire, but also by the minions.

That monster collection of Magritte-style faceless bureaucrats at the European Commission (EU), following on the non-stop threat of EU sanctions, has decided to delay a decision on whether Gazprom may sell more gas through the OPAL pipeline in Germany, and also delay negotiations on the legal status of South Stream, the pipeline under the Black Sea which should become operational in 2015.

As if the EU had any feasible Plan B to escape its dependency on Russian gas (not to mention eschew the very profitable financial game played between key European capitals and Moscow). What are they do, import gas on Qatar Airways flights? Buy LNG from the US - something that will not be feasible in years to come? The fact is the minute a gas war is on, if it ever comes down to it, the EU will be under immense pressure by a host of member-nations to keep (and even extend) its Russian gas fix - with or without "our (neo-nazi) bastards" in power in Kiev. Brussels knows it. And most of all, Vlad the Hammer knows it.

Killers in Kiev: Located in Buildings Controlled By Maidan — Coordinated by US Special Forces?

Kiev snipers shooting from bldg controlled by Maidan forces

Mercenaries took part in Maidan violence

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Ukrainian PM, Arse Yatsenyuk: A Globalist Stooge Funded by Chatham House, NATO, and the US State Department

The Canadian International
Council: your bank
promoting globalization.
Open Ukraine: The Arse Yatsenyuk Foundation "Partners." Check out those partners.

And speaking of Chatham House, that's the public face of Cecil Rhodes' secret society for global empire.

Founded in the 1890's, the Cecil Rhodes project for Anglo-Saxon global empire still thrives. Only yesterday, the public face of the Canadian branch, the Canadian International Council, ran a full-page ad. in the Globe and Mail announcing "The April 19th, Globalist of the Year Gala honoring Dr. Lawrence H. Summers."

Who finances this globalist conspiracy? The bankers of course, including, in Canada, Royal Bank of Canada, TD Bank and Scotia Bank.

They must be proud of their Nazi friends in Kiev.

But see this (via Aangirfan): Propaganda Psy-Op? “Worldwide Wave of Action” The “Global Spring” Begins

Very scarey professional-grade propaganda by the New World Ordure for global revolution.

The release of The “Global Spring” Begins likely explains the timing the Canadian International Institute's "coming out."

It looks as though World War III has now been launched. If so, it appears that it is to be a full-scale fourth generation war in which:
[the] battlefield is likely to include the whole of the enemy's society. Such dispersion, coupled with what seems likely to be increased importance for actions by very small groups of combatants, will require even the lowest level to operate flexibly on the basis of the commander's intent.

Second is decreasing dependence on centralized logistics. Dispersion, coupled with increased value placed on tempo, will require a high degree of ability to live off the land and the enemy.

Third is more emphasis on maneuver. Mass, of men or fire power, will no longer be an overwhelming factor. In fact, mass may become a disadvantage as it will be easy to target. Small, highly maneuverable, agile forces will tend to dominate.

Fourth is a goal of collapsing the enemy internally rather than physically destroying him. Targets will include such things as the population's support for the war and the enemy's culture. Correct identification of enemy strategic centers of gravity will be highly important.

In broad terms, fourth generation warfare seems likely to be widely dispersed and largely undefined; the distinction between war and peace will be blurred to the vanishing point. It will be nonlinear, possibly to the point of having no definable battlefields or fronts. The distinction between "civilian" and "military" may disappear. Actions will occur concurrently throughout all participants' depth, including their society as a cultural, not just a physical, entity. Major military facilities, such as airfields, fixed communications sites, and large headquarters will become rarities because of their vulnerability; the same may be true of civilian equivalents, such as seats of government, power plants, and industrial sites (including knowledge as well as manufacturing industries). Success will depend heavily on effectiveness in joint operations as lines between responsibility and mission become very blurred. Again, all these elements are present in third generation warfare; fourth generation will merely accentuate them.
William S. Lind and others, Marine Corps Gazette

For Ukraine, What's Wrong With Independence?

Ukraine is not so much a nation as a place with a highly fissile population of Ukrainians, a slavic people speaking a Russian dialect called Ukrainian, Russians speaking Russian, Greeks speaking Greek, Hungarians speaking Hungarian, plus a smattering of many others including Poles, Lithuanians, Tartars and Jews.
Subject for hundreds of years to imperial domination by Russia, Poland, Lithuania or Austria, Ukraine became an independent country in 1992 as an accidental consequence of the disintegration of the Soviet Union. Twenty-two years later, Ukrainians apparently have had enough of dictating their own future, and cannot wait to be assimilated by the globalist US/EU/Nato empire, or reabsorbed by the Russians.
The urge to submerge, is driven in part by the desire to rid the country of the corrupt post imperial regime that has kept most Ukrainians in Soviet era poverty, and in part, by the desire to punish the Russians, in the case of those advocating for Ukrainian merger with the West, or to obtain revenge on, and protection from, the stupid Ukrainian bullies now in control of the political machinery in Kiev, in the case of those voting for Union with Russia.
Neither side, apparently gives a damn about democracy except as a term of abuse. But they should. What would serve the interests of Ukrainians best would be a political confederation with highly a devolved form of government, which would respect language rights and cultural traditions of all minorities. That would be truly democratic.
In addition, the Federal authority must be stripped of foreign-controlled puppets such as Arse Yatsenyuk, and freed from manipulation by oligarchs who grabbed state assets at nominal cost following independence. For the puppets and corruptionists, all that's needed is a jail. For the oligarchs, there should be a choice: jail or acceptance of a graduated capital tax, rising from 1% per year on assets exceeding $1 million, to 5% on assets exceeding $100 million. The capital tax would fund significant tax cuts for ordinary Ukrainians and force the redistribution of assets to facilitate the emergence of a competitive free market economy.
In relation to East and West, Ukraine should, as Henry Kissinger argues, serve as a bridge. This it can do simply by trading with both, but without giving up its national sovereignty, which it will use to provide home industries with tariff protection during a period of transition to free trade.

See also:

Canspeccy: Look, No Teleprompter Vladimir Putin Talks To Reporters About Ukraine

Canspeccy: Amerika’s Brown Shirt Friends in Ukraine

Canspeccy: Three Links: Lose-Lose Conflict in Ukraine

Canspeccy: Ukraine Provocation

Friday, March 7, 2014

BBC: Neo-Nazis in Kiev

Voice of Russia: US, NATO, CIA supporting nazis in Ukraine project
The overthrow of the government of Ukraine was an armed coup d’état ordered, planned, organized, funded, carried out and executed by the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Pentagon, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and their surrogates in the European Union (EU) using every instrument at their disposal including the National Security Agency (NSA) and all of their amassed media resources. It was carried out with the knowledge and approval of US President Barack Hussein Obama if not at his directive.

The actions of the US in organizing the armed overthrow and installation of an illegitimate puppet government in Kiev was and continues to be illegal and revelations that continue to be exposed, including the latest regarding the hiring of snipers to kill demonstrators and police, are an outrage and a crime against all humanity that must not be allowed to stand.
Read more

Russia to Canada: Stephen Harper is a jerk

Yeah, we knew.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Those Whom the United States Seeks to Destroy, They First Call Hitlerites

Hilary Clinton, echoing Canada's Stephen Harper, the Pipsqueak of the North, has accused Russia's President Putin of Hitlerism, a claim she later tried to downplay, saying:
The claims by President Putin and other Russians that they had to go into Crimea and maybe further into Eastern Ukraine because they had protect the Russia minorities,” Clinton said Wednesday, “that is reminiscent of claims that were made back in the 1930s when Germany under the Nazis kept talking about how they had to protect German minorities in Poland, in Czechoslovakia, and elsewhere throughout Europe.
First, Putin and the Russians have not "gone into Crimea" except, if at all, in accordance with the terms of the lease agreement they have with the Government of Ukraine, which permits Russia to station up to 25,000 troops in the Crimean Peninsula, a tiny portion of Ukrainian territory and home to Russia's Black Sea naval base since 1783.

Second, Germany's pre-World War II claim to territory in Czechoslovakia and Poland were consistent with the principle of national self-determination that was supposed to underlie the post-World War 1 settlement enshrined in the treaty of Versailles. But, whereas state boundaries were supposed to reflect the ethnic makeup of the various regions of Europe, millions of Germans were excluded from Germany by the Versailles Treaty even when, as in the Sudeten region of Czechoslovakia and in Danzik, Poland, they made up the great majority of the population.

Clinton specifically mentions German claims on the Sudetenland. But under an agreement of the European powers, the Munich agreement, which was accepted by the government of Czechoslovakia, the Sudetenland was ceded by Czechoslovakia to Germany. There was, thus, nothing specifically Hitlerite, certainly nothing criminal or even illegal in Germany's acquisition of former German territory with a population comprising mainly ethnic Germans.

What was a war crime was Hitler's subsequent invasion and occupation of the remainder of Czechoslovakia, and his invasion of Poland. But there has been nothing whatever in the actions of the Russian government that could be considered, in that sense, Hitlerite. Therefore, when Hilary Clinton and the foolish Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper accuse Putin of Hitlerism, while supporting an illegitimate and unelected government in Kiev, they prove themselves to be ignorant, stupid or thoroughly mendacious. That Clinton compares Putin with Hitler, notwithstanding Putin's avowed commitment to the territorial integrity of Ukraine, while she proclaims support for an illegitimate Government in Kiev brought to power by US-funded Neo-Nazis, truly pushes the boundaries of hypocrisy.

Compounding the hypocrisy is that Clinton, like Stephen Harper, had no hesitation in supporting bloody US/NATO wars against Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya: wars justified by trumped up charges relating to 9/11, weapons of mass destruction, or on the basis of the fraudulent claim of responsibility to protect. These unnecessary and bloody wars of aggression have resulted in the deaths of, at a minimum, hundreds of thousands, while creating millions of refugees.

See also:

Xinhua: Commentary: The West's fiasco in Ukraine

Nicolas Bonnai: How Russia is meddling with the dark side of the West


German-Foreign-Policy.com: A Broad-Based Anti-Russian Alliance

Moscow Times: Will there be war in Ukraine?

RT: Ukraine: Snipers target police in Maidan Square

Voice of Russia: Ukrainian MP says NATO sniper could kill Kiev protester

Jerusalem Post: In Kiev, an Israeli army vet led a street-fighting unit

Seumas Milne: The clash in Crimea is the fruit of western expansion

How the Ukraine crisis ends

By Henry Kissinger

 Washington Post, March 5, 2014: Public discussion on Ukraine is all about confrontation. But do we know where we are going? In my life, I have seen four wars begun with great enthusiasm and public support, all of which we did not know how to end and from three of which we withdrew unilaterally. The test of policy is how it ends, not how it begins.

Far too often the Ukrainian issue is posed as a showdown: whether Ukraine joins the East or the West. But if Ukraine is to survive and thrive, it must not be either side’s outpost against the other — it should function as a bridge between them.

 Russia must accept that to try to force Ukraine into a satellite status, and thereby move Russia’s borders again, would doom Moscow to repeat its history of self-fulfilling cycles of reciprocal pressures with Europe and the United States.

The West must understand that, to Russia, Ukraine can never be just a foreign country. Russian history began in what was called Kievan-Rus. The Russian religion spread from there. Ukraine has been part of Russia for centuries, and their histories were intertwined before then. Some of the most important battles for Russian freedom, starting with the Battle of Poltava in 1709 , were fought on Ukrainian soil. The Black Sea Fleet — Russia’s means of projecting power in the Mediterranean — is based by long-term lease in Sevastopol, in Crimea. Even such famed dissidents as Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and Joseph Brodsky insisted that Ukraine was an integral part of Russian history and, indeed, of Russia.

The European Union must recognize that its bureaucratic dilatoriness and subordination of the strategic element to domestic politics in negotiating Ukraine’s relationship to Europe contributed to turning a negotiation into a crisis. Foreign policy is the art of establishing priorities.

The Ukrainians are the decisive element. They live in a country with a complex history and a polyglot composition. The Western part was incorporated into the Soviet Union in 1939, when Stalin and Hitler divided up the spoils. Crimea, 60 percent of whose population is Russian, became part of Ukraine only in 1954 , when Nikita Khrushchev, a Ukrainian by birth, awarded it as part of the 300th-year celebration of a Russian agreement with the Cossacks. The west is largely Catholic; the east largely Russian Orthodox. The west speaks Ukrainian; the east speaks mostly Russian. Any attempt by one wing of Ukraine to dominate the other — as has been the pattern — would lead eventually to civil war or breakup. To treat Ukraine as part of an East-West confrontation would scuttle for decades any prospect to bring Russia and the West — especially Russia and Europe — into a cooperative international system.

Ukraine has been independent for only 23 years; it had previously been under some kind of foreign rule since the 14th century. Not surprisingly, its leaders have not learned the art of compromise, even less of historical perspective. The politics of post-independence Ukraine clearly demonstrate that the root of the problem lies in efforts by Ukrainian politicians to impose their will on recalcitrant parts of the country, first by one faction, then by the other. That is the essence of the conflict between Viktor Yanu­kovych and his principal political rival, Yulia Tymo­shenko. They represent the two wings of Ukraine and have not been willing to share power. A wise U.S. policy toward Ukraine would seek a way for the two parts of the country to cooperate with each other. We should seek reconciliation, not the domination of a faction.

Russia and the West, and least of all the various factions in Ukraine, have not acted on this principle. Each has made the situation worse. Russia would not be able to impose a military solution without isolating itself at a time when many of its borders are already precarious. For the West, the demonization of Vladimir Putin is not a policy; it is an alibi for the absence of one.

Putin should come to realize that, whatever his grievances, a policy of military impositions would produce another Cold War. For its part, the United States needs to avoid treating Russia as an aberrant to be patiently taught rules of conduct established by Washington. Putin is a serious strategist — on the premises of Russian history. Understanding U.S. values and psychology are not his strong suits. Nor has understanding Russian history and psychology been a strong point of U.S. policymakers.

Leaders of all sides should return to examining outcomes, not compete in posturing. Here is my notion of an outcome compatible with the values and security interests of all sides:

1. Ukraine should have the right to choose freely its economic and political associations, including with Europe.

2. Ukraine should not join NATO, a position I took seven years ago, when it last came up.

3. Ukraine should be free to create any government compatible with the expressed will of its people.

Wise Ukrainian leaders would then opt for a policy of reconciliation between the various parts of their country. Internationally, they should pursue a posture comparable to that of Finland. That nation leaves no doubt about its fierce independence and cooperates with the West in most fields but carefully avoids institutional hostility toward Russia.

4. It is incompatible with the rules of the existing world order for Russia to annex Crimea. But it should be possible to put Crimea’s relationship to Ukraine on a less fraught basis. To that end, Russia would recognize Ukraine’s sovereignty over Crimea. Ukraine should reinforce Crimea’s autonomy in elections held in the presence of international observers. The process would include removing any ambiguities about the status of the Black Sea Fleet at Sevastopol.

These are principles, not prescriptions. People familiar with the region will know that not all of them will be palatable to all parties. The test is not absolute satisfaction but balanced dissatisfaction. If some solution based on these or comparable elements is not achieved, the drift toward confrontation will accelerate. The time for that will come soon enough.

© 2014 Tribune Media Services

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Nato Snipers in Kiev and planned false-flag attacks on the Ukrainian military

One thing I’m sure of is that media accounts available in the United States are so tainted by anti-Russia and U.S. nationalist and capitalist interests that we have no idea of what is really happening in Ukraine.

It is clear that the U.S. involvement is not “out of the blue,” but part of an ongoing campaign to increase NATO power and Western economic penetration of the countries surrounding Russia, stimulating for some Russians reminders of the previous trauma of being attacked by the Nazis and others through the Ukraine, where pro-fascist, anti-communist and anti-Semitic sentiments ran strong and welcomed foreign interventions.

Rabbi Michael Lerner: Ukraine, What is Really Happening
If the United States has a secret weapon in the drive for global hegemony, it is surely the globe-encircling, 24/7 system for catapulting the propaganda, a system so much part of the daily experience of most people that few any longer make a distinction between the message of the media and the reality the media claim to reflect.

It is in such a world that US is able, as Putin remarked on Tuesday, to conduct foreign policy as if:
... they’re in a lab and they’re running all sorts of experiments on the rats without understanding consequences of what they’re doing.
Which is why the media are not headlining this intercepted conversation between Estonian Foreign Minister, Urmas Paet and High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Catherine Ashton:

The key exchange occurs just after 8 minutes and, as transcribed by Zero Hedge, is as follows:

All the evidence shows that people who were killed by snipers from both sides, policemen and people from the streets, that they were the same snipers killing people from both sides. ... Some photos that showed it is the same handwriting, the same type of bullets, and it is really disturbing that now the new coalition they don't want to investigate what exactly happened. So there is now stronger and stronger understanding that behind the snipers, it was not Yanukovych, but it was somebody from the new coalition.
I think we do want to investigate. I mean, I didn’t pick that up, that’s interesting. Gosh.
It already discreditates (sic) this new coalition.
In addition, Paet states that all new government members have a "dirty past," and that members of parliament have been intimidated and beaten up by agents of the government.

So while the people behind the war crimes appear once again to be the folks in Washington, DC, Canada's Pipsqueak, Neocon, Stephen Harper, and his minion Baird, squeak on about Putin being the New Hitler. But the above leaked conversation leaves little room for doubt as to the kind of people Harper and the US Empire are backing in Kiev.

Aangirfan reports that the recorded telephone conversation was "uploaded to the web by officers of Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) loyal to ousted President Viktor Yanukovich who hacked Paet’s and Ashton’s phones."

Aangirfan also reports the claim by journalist Alexander Zhilin that the new government in Ukraine is preparing false flag attacks on its own military.

In light of the new revelations abou the sniper killings in Kiev, which the Western media were so quick to blame on Yanukovych, Pravda asks:
Who in the United States of America wants a Secretary of State/President who either lies through his teeth or else is so gullible that he just accepts and repeats what he is told?
Actually, it's clear that they're both liars, their lips often move.

And here's another story you'll not likely see in the MSM, an account of the role of disaffected Tartars and Neo-Nazis backed by Turkish intelligence intent on repeating in provincial capitals of Eastern Ukraine the takeover of government seen in Kiev.

And speaking of the US media, economist, author, journalist and former US Deputy Secretary to the Treasure, Paul Craig Roberts, summed it up this way:
...the American media, since the final years of the Clinton regime, is a propaganda ministry for the government. We no longer have independent print or TV media, they are owned by five large firms. They are no longer run by journalists, they are run by former government officials and corporate advertising executives. And the value of the firms is they have federal broadcast licenses. They can’t go against the government because they wouldn’t be able to retain their licenses. So, the free and dispersed independent American media ceased to exist around 1997.

f you noticed, in the American media there is no challenge from the print or TV media to the government’s interpretation of what is happening in Ukraine or Syria, or anywhere. So, it is essentially a propaganda ministry. I’m the former editor of the Wall Street Journal and I can no longer recognize the American media as a media. It has nothing in common with the media that I had a permanent position in.
And on the "revolution" in Ukraine, Roberts said:
... Washington is embarrassed ... it lost control of the coup and ... these fanatical ultranationalists have come to the forefront, and have provoked the secession movements in Crimea and the eastern Ukraine, which are the traditional Russian provinces that Khrushchev stuck into Ukraine in the 1950es. These are not traditional Ukrainian territories.

And... when these Russian-speaking areas see the threats being issued from Kiev, see the ban on the use of the Russian language in any official way, see the destruction of war memorials that celebrate the liberation of Ukraine by the Russian troops from the Nazis, when they see these hostile actions, it scares them, they don’t want these people coming in and threatening them the way that videos showed this ultranationalists threatening the American stooges that Washington intended to put in as the government.

You could see these videos where these Nazi-type thugs go in and shout, and scream at the alleged government in Kiev and drag people by their neckties, and slap them around, and carry brandish AK-47s – this is not a very amenable picture for people in the Crimea and eastern Ukraine to accept. They don’t want any of that and they are saying – we really are Russians and we want to go back to where we belong. That is just a natural response to this type of brutal behavior on the part of these ultranationalists.

...Ukraine ... was part of Russia for 200 years and half of Ukraine was always part of Russia. So, the whole thing is madness and when the country behaves [in] this reckless [way], it is a serious thing. It is like the fools who took the world to the WW I.
I said above that the media weren't headlining the leaked conversation between Paet and Ashton. Well, in fact, one outlet, the Guardian, driven by the need to safeguard its reputation as a radical organ, no doubt, has covered it now, but nothing from the NY Times (Carlos Slim, Prop.) or WaPo (Jeff Bezos of Amazon.com, Prop.). The Guardian's coverage offers an amusing reaction from the US State Department. The embarrassing information revealed in the hacked phone call is deftly finessed.
Asked about the emergence of a second embarrassing phonecall, a spokesperson for the US state department said: "As I said around the last unfortunate case, this is just another example of the kind of Russian tradecraft that we have concerns about."
The only matter for embarrassment, apparently, is that they were hacked. That the killings were the work of Mighty Mouse, Steven Harper's Ukrainian Nazi friends in Kiev is a matter of no account. LOL.

The story is now covered by the Daily Mail, with this descriptive headline: "Was 'massacre' which started Ukraine revolution ordered by the new leaders? Leaked tape says Maidan snipers were NOT under control of ousted president but opposition which drove him from power."

See also:

Global Research: Leaked Telephone Conversation: Ukraine Sniper Killings of “Opposition Protesters” Ordered by “Opposition Leaders”, Blamed on Yanukovych

UTube: George Galloway: US approach to Ukraine "ludicrous, nonsensical"

RiaNovosti: 5,500 Ukrainian Soldiers Defect to Serve an Independent Crimea

Voice of Russia: Three anti-aircraft missile regiments of Ukraine's Armed Forces join Crimean side

PressTV: Protesters retake Donetsk government building

Washingtons Blog: Estonian Foreign Minister Accuses NEW Ukranian Government of Being Behind Sniper Attacks Which Led to Ouster of OLD Ukranian Government

William F. Engdahl: Ukraine: Secretive Neo-Nazi Military Organization Involved in Euromaidan Snyper Shootings

ABC.az: Ukraine semi-officially accused NATO block in killing its citizens during disturbances in Kiev

Voltairenet: Russia opens criminal case against new Ukrainian leader on terrorism charges

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Ukraine Hypocrisy

Craig Murray, a former UK diplomat, sacked for being drunk in charge of  the UK's Uzbek embassy,  accuses Britain's left of hypocrisy for approving Russia's "invasion" of Ukraine while condemning US/UK/Nato invasions of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, etc.
...the final extraordinary outbreak of hypocrisy is on the British left. Russian military invasion of Ukraine is approved by them, because it is an invasion by Russia, and not an invasion by the West.
Sounds reasonable except that:

(a) it is open to question whether Russia has, in fact, invaded Ukraine (a claim Russia denies), for although there are Russian troops in Ukraine, Russia has a treaty right to station up to 25,000 military personnel on Ukrainian soil in Crimea; and

Shock and Awe: How US/Nato does invasions. Source
(b) there is a difference of no slight significance between the non-violent presence of Russian troops on Ukrainian soil and Shock and Awe inflicted by volleys of Tomahawk cruise missiles and B1 stealth bombers, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of thousands in multiple countries and the creation of millions of refugees.

And there's one other difference worth noting. All major US/UK/Nato invasions or threatened invasions have been justified in the name of bringing democracy to an oppressed people subjugated by a new Hitler — Saddam, Gaddhafi, Ahmadinejad, Assad, whoever.

Terrorizing Crimean citizens: Russians in Ukraine. Source
But in Ukraine, Russia's response has been provoked by a violent unconstitutional coup against a  democratic government that was effected by self-declared Hitlerites funded by the United States.

Murray's argument is thus an application of the principle that offense is the best defense: it is pure humbug in the defense of hypocrisy.

But for a brilliant and much more comprehensive review of Western hypocrisy on the subject of international law and intervention in the affairs independent sovereign states, see Robert Parry's razor sharp critique of the American NeoCons and their media backers, in particular, the Jeff Bezos (Amazon.com, Prop.) owned Washington Post.

See also:

David Stockman: Memo to Obama: This Was Their Red Line!

Consortium News: America’s Staggering Hypocrisy

Global Research: Ukraine Transition Government: Neo-Nazis in Control of Armed Forces, National Security, Economy, Justice and Education

Consortium News: What Neocons Want from Ukraine Crisis 

Reuters: Putin: military force would be 'last resort' in Ukraine

Itar-Tass: Russia's Foreign Ministry: Threats of US Secretary of State against Russia unacceptable

WUFYS: The U.S. has Installed a Neo-Nazi Government in Ukraine 

China PeopleDaily: Commentary: West should work with, not against, Russia in handling Ukraine crisis

Monday, March 3, 2014

Did Nato Troops Shoot Both Sides During Kiev Protests?

From Aangirfan:

"According to veteran US intelligence sources", the terrorist snipers in Ukraine come from the fascist militia known as UNA-UNSO (shown above) which works for NATO.

UNA-UNSO, according to veteran US intelligence sources, is part of NATO's 'Gladio' organization.

UNA-UNSO was involved in the the Chechen War, the break up of Yugoslavia, and the 2008 war in Georgia.

Gladio was responsible for the terrorism in Italy, Greece, Belgium and other parts of Europe.

Ukraine: Secretive Neo-Nazi Military Organization Involved in Euromaidan Sniper Shootings. /
OUR SECRET GOVERNMENT / Gladio-style terror in Istanbul, New York, Jakarta, / Michael Ledeen, Gladio and 9 11.  

Read more

Want to Know What Russia Wants in Ukraine? Listen to What Russia Says

What Russia wants in Ukraine is seen by some to be a matter for profound speculation, but why speculate when the Russians have stated clearly what it is they want, why they want it, and how they hope to get it. 

As stated by President Putin last week and reiterated by Foreign Minister Lavrov in Geneva on Saturday, Russia aims to protect the lives and regional interests of Russians and the Russian speaking population of Ukraine from the "violence of ultra-nationalists" who have usurped power in Kiev, who advocate terrorism against Russian targets, and who among their first acts in power, repealed the language law protecting the civil rights of Russian-speakers and other minorities (and here) who account for more than one-third of Ukraine's population.

To this  end, Russia’s Permanent Representative in the United Nations Organisation Vitaly Churkin stated at a meeting of the U.N. Security Council on Saturday that what is needed is:
to bring the situation back on political track and in [a] constitutional framework; and

to return to the February 21 agreement providing for consultation and agreement on constitutional amendments followed by new elections in December 2014.

Consistent with these requirements, Russia has agreed to Merkel’s proposal for a Ukraine ‘fact-finding’ mission.

But, obviously, the idea of a fact-finding mission will go nowhere.The globalist, US hegemonists don’t want no facts, they just want regime change, Ukraine loaded with billions in IMF loans, the imposition of austerity upon an already impoverished Ukrainian population and unobstructed access for international capital to Ukraine’s resources and cheap labor.

A fact-finding inquiry would ask awkward questions about the $5 billion that Assistant US Secretary of State, Victoria Nuland, Boasted the US had invested in subversion of the Ukrainian government, about who funded the violent Fascist agitators in Kiev, and about who was responsible for the fatal shootings in Kiev that reportedly killed or injured many police officers as well as agitators.

No. We don't wanna go there. And what's worst about Merkel's proposal is that if Germany and Russia can sort out the problem in Ukraine between themselves, what need is there for NATO, the UN and America's New World Order?

Germany’s been occupied for 70 years now, but with a good working relationship with Russia, what’s the US gonna do when Germany asks them to go fuck themselves, I mean, leave?

And maybe the Brits, with over 100 US military bases on their territory, used among other things, for drone strikes and mass spying, would like an end to American occupation too — in fact wouldn’t all of Europe?

Yes, America's five-billion-dollar intervention in Ukraine may yet turn out to have been their worst investment, precipitating a collapse in American world influence to match the implosion of the Soviet Union in 1990.

Meantime, Stephen Harper, the Mighty Mouse of the North, who mistakes the national aptitude for ice hockey with global political clout, has recalled Canada's ambassador to Russia and warned Putin that if he doesn't back off, he'll huff and puff some more.

See also:

Stephen Cohen, professor emeritus of Russian Studies at New York University and of politics at Princeton University explains what drives Russian actions and how Western intervention may lead to a disastrous outcome:

RT: Crimean air base pledges allegiance to local authorities

RT: Russia calls for legitimate Ukrainian gov't as West allies with neo-nazis

RT: Rebel Government in Kiev Betrays Its Own Supporters: Appoints Oligarchs to Govern the East

Voice of Russia: Crimean Authorities Confirm Takeover of Military Units

WUFYS: America's Neo-Nazi Ukrainian allies

Above links mainly from WhatReallyHappened.com, currently the best aggregator of English-language news on Ukraine.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Ukraine Update, March 2, 2014

Boiling Frogs: Glenn Greenwald’s Boss, Billionaire Omidyar, Co-Funded Ukraine Revolution Groups with US Government

CNN: "The Ukrainian Military Is In A VERY Bad Position Vis--à--Vis Russia Right Now"

RT: Five top military, security commanders take oath to Crimea

Ray McGovern: Ukraine: One ‘Regime Change’ Too Many?

RT: Russia warns Ukraine: use force against Ukraine civilians, a war crime

Club Orlov: Reichstag Fire in Kiev

Prof Michel Chossudovsky: The U.S. has Installed a Neo-Nazi Government in Ukraine

Eric Margolis: "F*** Europe"
The US media is barraging Russia and Putin with a drumfire of negative stories. The Sochi Olympics have come in for relentless, petty attacks and low-minded carping.

Anyone who knows Russia should be in awe that the normally bumbling, disorganized Ruskis managed to get their Olympic sites finished more or less on time – and that they still remain standing. Russians usually lose a lot of early battles, but they usually end up winning wars.

So what if Russia spent billions on the Sochi Olympics. Who is Washington to criticize Moscow after pouring over $2 trillion into the stupid wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and now Syria, with nothing to show but huge debts, armies of refugees, and graveyards?
Eric Margolis: The Road to War

RT: 675,000 Ukrainians pour into Russia as ‘humanitarian crisis’ looms

Voice of Russia: Ukraine launches treason case against Navy chief who surrendered

Jonathan Levy: The Ukraine Crisis – It’s the Intermarium Plan Again

Polskie Radio: Germany, France and Poland warn Ukraine to avoid deepening regional conflict

RT: Ukrainian troops dispatched to Crimea switch sides
“Today the majority of the Ukrainian armed forces deployed in Crimea passed to the side of the authorities of the Crimean autonomous region. The transition was absolutely peaceful, without a single shot fired either by the military or by the forces of self-defense,” an unnamed source told RIA Novosti news agency. The source added that some of the servicemen also ran away, while some submitted letters of resignation. The local military have not been paid for many months, the source also told RIA Novosti.
Telegraph: Ukraine: Putin's Crimea aim is to make the West look weak

CTV News: Harper tells Putin to back off
Or we'll, um, well, we'll huff and puff some more.
Times of India: Ukraine puts army on high combat alert as Putin prepares to ‘invade’
EU foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton urged Moscow not to send troops!
 The Independent: We don't want a war with Russia
War with Russia would be a dumb war to end all dumb wars
Voice of Russia: Canada says recalling ambassador from Russia for consultations, withdraws from G8 in Sochi

Wow: America's pipsqueak sidekick roars.

But since Harper insults Russia whenever an opportunity arises, the impact of these latest crude gestures may be somewhat blunted.

PressTV: 'Israeli army vet led Ukraine militia unit'

DeWelle: Russia gains Crimean foothold

William Engdahl: The Rape of Ukraine: Phase Two Begins
About those Ukrainian Naztis
... Ever since the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 the crack-para-military UNA-UNSO members have been behind every revolt against Russian influence. The one connecting thread in their violent campaigns is always anti-Russia. The organization, according to veteran US intelligence sources, is part of a secret NATO “GLADIO” organization, and not a Ukraine nationalist group as portrayed in western media.

WSJ: At U.N., Russia Defends Ukraine Intervention
Amid heightened fears of war between Russia and Ukraine, Ms. Power said the U.S. "applauds the remarkable restraint of the Kiev government." 
Kyiv Post: Ukraine finds its forces are ill-equipped to take back Crimea from Russia

Steve Sailer: Which Sergei Aksenov is which in Crimea?

Steve Sailer: Neo-Trotskyism: Globalism in All Countries

Zero Hedge: Obama And Putin Held Phone Conversation

RT: Ukrainian Navy flagship takes Russia’s side
Ukraine’s Navy flagship, the Hetman Sahaidachny frigate, has reportedly refused to follow orders from Kiev, and come over to Russia’s side and is returning home after taking part in NATO operation in the Gulf of Aden flying the Russian naval flag. ...
RT: Up to 143,000 Ukrainians requested asylum in Russia in two weeks

RT: Leader of US-backed Ukrainian Naztis calls for terrorism in Russia

EuroNews: Ukraine: Violent clashes in Kharkiv leave dozens injured

Zero Hedge: Ukraine Acting President Calls Emergency Meeting Of Security Chiefs; Russia Threatens To Cut Off The Gas

Zero Hedge: Pro-Russian Protesters Storm Kharkiv City Administration Building; Russian Flags Hoisted Across East Ukraine

Zero Hedge: Russia vs Ukraine: The Infographic


Global Research: Ukraine and the “Politics of Anti-Semitism”: The West Upholds Neo-Nazi Repression of Ukraine’s Jewish Community

RIANovosti: Russia Hurries to Issue Passports for Ukraine’s Former Riot Police

Blacklisted News: Rabbi advises Kiev Jews to Leave Country


Anti-War.com: Look Who the US Is Siding With in Ukraine, Egypt, and Syria

Ukrainian National News: Entire Ukrainian Navy Resigns: Report Unconfirmed By Ukrainian Ministry Of Defense

Novinite: New Ukraine Leadership Vows to Expel Russian Fleet from Crimea

Channel News Asia: Over 10,000 protest in Ukraine's pro-Russia city of Donetsk

RT: US-backed Nazis Turn Against Rebel Ukrainian Government

ZeroHedge: Officers Of 76th Russian Shock Troops Division Operating In Ukraine

RT: Ukraine's fascists threaten Russia with nukes

Daily Mail: Bloody clashes on the streets of Ukraine

YahooNews: Russia's upper house to demand recall of Moscow ambassador to U.S.

NYTimes: Kremlin Prepares for Military Intervention

Ha'aretz: On Ukraine, Putin holds all the cards and dictates the timetable

CounterPunch: Dr. Strangelove Over Ukraine

The Daily Beast: Europe's Neo-Nazi scum swarming to Kiev

Prof. Frances Boyle, Interview: Ukraine was a Playbook CIA Coup d’état

Eric Draitser: Ukraine’s Sickness …and Europe’s Cure

RT: The Nazi Coup in Ukraine

Jean-Paul Leonard: The dirty War on Ukraine

Telegraph: Russia admits that it has moved troops in Ukraine
"... in full accordance with the foundation Russian-Ukrainian agreement on the Black Sea Fleet," the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

Daily Mail: Ukraine may invoke 1984 UK/US treaty to defend borders

LiveLeak: Crimea: video of Russian combat helicopters over Crimea

RTE News: Reports of Russian troops landing in Crimea

WUFYS: Yanukovich speaks

The Spec.com: Ukraine asks for intervention as Russian troops take control of two airports

Forbes Magazine: Washington's Man Yatsenyuk Setting Ukraine Up For Ruin

South China Morning Post: China sues Ukraine for breach of US$3b loan-for-grain agreement

Asia Times, Pepe Escobar: Carnival in Crimea

Pravda: EU prepares poisoned loan for Ukraine

DebkaFile: Russian marines, paratroops seize Crimean airports. Moscow’s creeping invasion continues

CNSNews: Russia seeks Access to Bases in Eight Countries for Its Ships and Bombers

Mike Shedlock: Inside Ukraine: Mish Reader Who Speaks Ukrainian and Russian Challenges Western Media View of Events