To the extent that government exists in post-coup Ukraine, it is laws dictated by gun and threat wielding thugs of the neo-Nazi, Russophobic, ultra-nationalist, right-wing parties. Watch the video of the armed thug, Aleksandr Muzychko, who boosts of killing Russian soldiers in Chechnya, dictating to the Rovno regional parliament a grant of apartments to families of protesters. the response of the Obama administration has been to utter warnings to Russia against interfering in this wonderful transformation of a constitutional republic into a Fascist tyranny.Well, I guess that's understandable. As US Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland has boasted the US spent $5 billion on the subversion of Ukraine, so naturally, now, they're not gonna allow anyone to spoil their enjoyment of it with negative comments.
Read about the neo-nazis intimidating the Central Election Commission in order to secure rule and personnel changes in order to favor the ultra-right in the forthcoming elections. Thug Aleksandr Shevchenko informed the CEC that armed activists will remain in CEC offices in order to make certain that the election is not rigged against the neo-nazis. What he means, of course, is the armed thugs will make sure the neo-nazis win. If the neo-nazis don’t win, the chances are high that they will take power regardless.
Members of President Yanukovich’s ruling party, the Party of Regions, have been shot, had arrest warrants issued for them, have experienced home invasions and physical threats, and are resigning in droves in hopes of saving the lives of themselves and their families. The prosecutor’s office in the Volyn region (western Ukraine) has been ordered by ultra-nationalists to resign en masse. Jewish synagogs and Eastern Orthodox Christian churches are being attacked.
For Ukraine, however, the financial consequences of the coup are dire. Russia has frozen the $15 billion in aid that it had promised the former government of Ukraine and unless there is a restoration of the legitimate government and adherence with the agreement on new elections reached by EU mediation between the legitimate government and opposition parties, Russia will presumably insist on Ukraine paying the full European price for natural gas, not the knock-down price previously offered.
Meantime US Secretary of State, John Kerry has offered the rebel government in Kiev $1 billion, but not cash, just a loan, or rather not a loan, just a loan guarantee, which reveals clearly what the Americans actually think of the scoundrels they've put in power in Ukraine, and how much they actually care about the people of Ukraine, i.e., fuck all.
Russian Meridian class spy ship CCB-175 Viktor Leonov, docked, on February 26, 2014, at Havana harbor. Source. |
But in that case, why was it, again, we had the great Cuban Missile Crisis in October 1962, when we were led to believe that the world faced the imminent threat of Armageddon because the Ukrainian Chairman of the Soviet Communist Party, Nikita Kruschev, had begun construction of a nuclear missile base in Cuba? If it doesn't matter to America having nuke missiles and missile carrying warships, including subs, based so close to home, why did it matter then?
In fact, Obama is in the same position as Kennedy in 1962. Then the US had placed nuclear-tipped Jupiter missiles on Russia's border in Turkey. Krushchev's Cuban missiles were the response. While maintaining that Russia had backed down, in fact it was America that backed down by removing its missiles from Turkey and also Italy on the understanding that Russia would abandon the Cuban missile base.
Today, America has place missiles in Poland on Russia's border in direct contravention of the gentleman's agreement reached between Ronald Reagan and Michael Gorbachev. Russia is now responding with missiles on America's doorstep. If Obama thinks that doesn't matter he is more of a fool than generally supposed.
America the arrogant, the indispensable, the nation whose capitalist control, and degenerate code of ethics must be imposed upon the entire world, now appears on a collision course with reality. If the brutal, hypocritical and stupid course of US/Nato action does not result in extremely brutal consequences the world will be lucky.
Meantime, Canada, America's pipsqueak sycophant, is rushing its inconsequential and uncharismatic Foreign Minister, Baird, to Kiev to give moral support to the Neo-Nazi backed insurrectionist regime.