Thursday, February 27, 2014

Reaping the Ukrainian Whirlwind: Tyranny in Kiev, Russian Nukes 90 Miles off America's Southern Shore

As in Libya and Syria, so also in Ukraine, the West has aided and abetted a bunch of scum to do their dirty work, which is overthrowing the legitimate, and in the case of Ukraine, democratically elected, government of an independent sovereign state. Some details are provided by Paul Craig Roberts, former US Deputy Treasury Secretary, former Wall Street Journal Editor, Distinguished scholar, etc., etc. in his piece yesterday about the gun-toting Neo-Nazi thugs who've taken over in Kiev:
To the extent that government exists in post-coup Ukraine, it is laws dictated by gun and threat wielding thugs of the neo-Nazi, Russophobic, ultra-nationalist, right-wing parties. Watch the video of the armed thug, Aleksandr Muzychko, who boosts of killing Russian soldiers in Chechnya, dictating to the Rovno regional parliament a grant of apartments to families of protesters. 

Read about the neo-nazis intimidating the Central Election Commission in order to secure rule and personnel changes in order to favor the ultra-right in the forthcoming elections. Thug Aleksandr Shevchenko informed the CEC that armed activists will remain in CEC offices in order to make certain that the election is not rigged against the neo-nazis. What he means, of course, is the armed thugs will make sure the neo-nazis win. If the neo-nazis don’t win, the chances are high that they will take power regardless.

Members of President Yanukovich’s ruling party, the Party of Regions, have been shot, had arrest warrants issued for them, have experienced home invasions and physical threats, and are resigning in droves in hopes of saving the lives of themselves and their families. The prosecutor’s office in the Volyn region (western Ukraine) has been ordered by ultra-nationalists to resign en masse. Jewish synagogs and Eastern Orthodox Christian churches are being attacked.
But the response of the Obama administration has been to utter warnings to Russia against interfering in this wonderful transformation of a constitutional republic into a Fascist tyranny.Well, I guess that's understandable. As US Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland has boasted the US spent $5 billion on the subversion of Ukraine, so naturally, now, they're not gonna allow anyone to spoil their enjoyment of it with negative comments.

For Ukraine, however, the financial consequences of the coup are dire. Russia has frozen the $15 billion in aid that it had promised the former government of Ukraine and unless there is a restoration of the legitimate government and adherence with the agreement on new elections reached by EU mediation between the legitimate government and opposition parties, Russia will  presumably insist on Ukraine paying the full European price for natural gas, not the knock-down price previously offered.

Meantime US Secretary of State, John  Kerry has offered the rebel government in Kiev $1 billion, but not cash, just a loan, or rather not a loan, just a loan guarantee, which reveals clearly what the Americans actually think of the scoundrels they've put in power in Ukraine, and how much they actually care about the people of Ukraine, i.e., fuck all.

Russian Meridian class spy ship CCB-175 Viktor Leonov, docked, on
February 26, 2014, at Havana harbor. Source.
Meantime, Russia has announced the pending completion of agreements with Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, and other countries to establish Russian military bases in those countries. That means Russian war ships with radar listening systems and nuke-tipped missiles within 100 miles of the Florida coast. But apparently Obama doesn't give a toss.

But in that case, why was it, again, we had the great Cuban Missile Crisis in October 1962, when we were led to believe that the world faced the imminent threat of Armageddon because the Ukrainian Chairman of the Soviet Communist Party, Nikita Kruschev, had begun construction of a nuclear missile base in Cuba? If it doesn't matter to America having nuke missiles and missile carrying warships, including subs, based so close to home, why did it matter then?

In fact, Obama is in the same position as Kennedy in 1962. Then the US had placed nuclear-tipped Jupiter missiles on Russia's border in Turkey. Krushchev's Cuban missiles were the response. While maintaining that Russia had backed down, in fact it was America that backed down by removing its missiles from Turkey and also Italy on the understanding that Russia would abandon the Cuban missile base.

Today, America has place missiles in Poland on Russia's border in direct contravention of the gentleman's agreement reached between Ronald Reagan and Michael Gorbachev. Russia is now responding with missiles on America's doorstep. If Obama thinks that doesn't matter he is more of a fool than generally supposed.

America the arrogant, the indispensable, the nation whose capitalist control, and degenerate code of ethics must be imposed upon the entire world, now appears on a collision course with reality. If the brutal, hypocritical  and stupid course of US/Nato action does not result in extremely brutal consequences the world will be lucky.

Meantime, Canada, America's pipsqueak sycophant, is rushing its inconsequential and uncharismatic Foreign Minister, Baird, to Kiev to give moral support to the Neo-Nazi backed insurrectionist regime.

Ukraine: Just One Step in the Assimilation of Eurasia by the New World Order, February 22, 2014: In the Weekend National Post, Baron Conrad Black of Crossharbour in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets, Neocon, ex-con, ex-Canadian, ex-member of the Order of Canada, former media tycoon, etcetera, etcetera, explains the place of Ukraine in the New World Order project for the assimilation of Eurasia:
The West must always resist oppression, and must now embrace and assist its friends in Ukraine, not only from compassion for them, but to bring closer the adherence of Holy Mother Russia to the West and to stretch the West from the Americas across the Eurasian land mass to the Far East and Australasia.
Social Nationalists (Svoboda) with chains and cobble stones in Kiev. Source
Forget the motherhood phrases about resisting oppression, about assisting friends, about compassion, and what you have is a statement of New World Order policy, which is the unrelenting assimilation of the former Soviet Empire in successive slices. First the Soviet satellites were assimilated by the EU and Nato, then the Baltic states, then the Balkans, now is the turn of Ukraine, to be followed most likely by Belarus, and then the Caucuses, and on, and on.

How is this to be accomplished? By a new kind of imperialism as spelled out years ago in a newspaper article by Tony Blair’s then foreign policy advisor, Robert Cooper.
The most logical way to deal with chaos, and the one employed most often in the past, is colonisation. But this is unacceptable to postmodern states. Empire and imperialism are words that have become a form of abuse and no colonial powers are willing to take on the job, though the opportunities – perhaps even the need – for colonisation is as great as it ever was in the nineteenth century. Those left out of the global economy risk falling into a vicious circle. Weak government means disorder and that means falling investment.

All the conditions for imperialism are there, but both the supply and demand for imperialism have dried up. And yet a world in which the efficient and well-governed export stability and liberty seems eminently desirable.

What is needed is a new kind of imperialism, one compatible with human rights and cosmopolitan values: an imperialism which aims to bring order and organisation but which rests today on the voluntary principle.

We already have voluntary imperialism of the global economy through institutions such as the IMF and the World Bank. These multilateral institutions provide help to states wishing to find their way back into the global economy and into the virtuous circle of investment and prosperity. In return they make demands which, they hope, address the political and economic failures that have contributed to the original need for assistance.
Again, forget the self-justifying imperialist verbiage about, for example, “The most logical way to deal with chaos,” which assumes that which has to be demonstrated, namely, that one country or imperialist block has the right, let alone the responsibility, to determine the future of another. And forget the crocodile tears about weak government meaning falling investment, which actually refers to the profit opportunities currently denied to international finance, which drives the NWO. Then you have a plain statement of the new imperialist strategy, which is to provoke, within target states, a popular demand, or at least the appearance of a popular demand, for “human rights and cosmopolitan values,” which is to say, promotion of homosexuality and every other form of non-reproductive recreational sex, pornography and Western atheistic decadence, to be undertaken in parallel with the covert multi-billion-dollar financing of opposition groups headed by fifth columnists with an eye to the main chance.

Other tactics include provoking the legitimate authorities to violence against agitators, if necessary using sharpshooters to kill demonstrators and police* to excite the mob to a state of hysteria and the police or military to a state of trigger-happy anger.

Then, if all else fails, resort is made to the NWO standby policies of economic blockade such as cost half a million children’s lives in Iraq under the Clinton administration, and R-2-P, the alleged responsibility to protect allegedly oppressed people, a totally non-existent principal of international law, deployed to justify murderous aerial bombardment of any government that remains standing after prolonged internal subversion from abroad, e.g., Saddam’s Iraq, Gaddhafi’s Libya, or Assad’s Syria.

The Ukraine now teeters on the edge of chaos created by US-led NWO order intervention. Dupes of the propaganda believe they are campaigning for independence, an independence they laughably hope to achieve by submitting to the undemocratic rule of the European Union.

The bureaucratic class in the Ukraine no doubt expects that membership of the EU will net them greatly increased real incomes and index-linked pensions, as for some it may. But for the mass of Ukrainians, assimilation will mean austerity and mass unemployment, as in Greece, Italy, and Spain, while for international finance it will provide the long-awaited opportunity to buy up Black Sea water front for pennies on the dollar, take over the resources of the Crimea, and the rich agricultural land of Ukraine. In addition, the best and the brightest, including those lovely girls displaying themselves in naked protest in Berlin and elsewhere, will get their EU passports, which means never having to return home again.

There is, however, a downside to this phase of the war for global hegemony. Ukraine has for hundreds of years been an integral part of Russia, Kiev being the founding capital of Russia in the Tenth Century. Eastern Ukraine is Russian-speaking with a large Russian minority, and is home to Russia’s Black Sea naval base of Sevastapol (now under lease from Ukraine). Moreover, Russia remains a great nation still in possession of a potentially world-destroying nuclear arsenal, and a government intent on maintaining its own sphere of interest in Eurasia. Thus the drive for global empire can be pursued only at the risk of world war.
And as Patrick Buchanan notes, the campaign against the legitimate, democratically elected government of Ukraine is undermining whatever credibility the US may once have had within its own sphere of influence as a champion of democracy, freedom and decency. This is evident in the decision of Little Iceland to abandoned the quest for EU membership, in the inclination of Hungarians now to look to Russia as a counter to the suffocating denial of freedom under the globalist yoke, and in the desire of the majority of citizens in Britain, Ireland, Netherlands and France to escape from EU control.

*Early reports by the New York Times, the BBC and others said a number of police had been killed as well as demonstrators during violent protests in Kiev’s Independence Square. But all mention of police killed seems to have been scrubbed from most subsequent Western media reports.

PostScript: Confessions Of the Maidan Snipers
See also:

From Hungary, the Mouksa Underground on the Benefits of EU Membership: There’s No Solution Except Revolution

Eric Draitser: Ukraine’s Sickness and Europe’s Cure: Neo-Liberalism and Neo-Fascism Join Hands

SCGNews: Washington’s Role in the Ukrainian Coup & How it May Spin Out of Control

James Corbett Interview with Paul Craig Roberts: How often does the US have to be wrong? They have no diplomatic skills. All they can do is lie.

Global Research: How the Politically Correct, Diversity-loving West Brought Jew-hating Nationalists to Power in Ukraine

WSWS: Western-backed Coup in Ukraine Brings Fascists to Power

Andrei Malgin: Forget Kiev. The Real Fight Will Be for Crimea
Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya: The Road to Moscow Goes Through Kiev: A Coup d’Etat That Threatens Russia

Andrew Higgins: Ukrainian Protesters See Too Many Familiar Faces in Parliament After Revolution

Pepe Escobar: Will NATO annex Ukraine?

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Who Rules?

Commenting on our post Cecil Rhodes' secret society for Anglo-Saxon global empire and Alex Jones--Master of Misdirection Alan Hopkins argues that Alex Jones' claim that the Rhodes – Milner Group, which "gave birth to South Africa would ... shape the entire World," is essentially correct.

Specifically, Hopkins asserts, if I understand him correctly, that members of the Rhodes – Milner Group were duped by one of their members who went on to devise a new plan for the domination of the World which is now being put into effect.

This is an interesting hypothesis and I should be glad of any clarification that Alan Hopkins or anyone else can provide showing the connection between the Rhodes-Milner Group, which promoted the idea of a global federation of democratic states, and the powers behind the presently unfolding system of global corporate control mediated by pseudo-democratic processes performed by puppets of the money power.

In the meantime, Jon Rappoport's Who really runs things in America? provides fascinating insight into the power and objectives of the Tri-lateral Commission (TC) founded by Zbigniew Brzezinski and David Rockefeller.

Concerning objectives, Rappoport quotes Brzezinski:
[The] nation state as a fundamental unit of man’s organized life has ceased to be the principal creative force. International banks and multinational corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far in advance of the political concepts of the nation state.
A statement that perhaps accounts for the genocidal promotion of mass immigration and multi-culturalism by European nation states ruled by globalist tools such as Blair, Cameron, Sarkozy, Berlusconi, Barroso, who it may be assumed, take their direction from those international banks and multinational corporations that Brzezinski refers to.

Concerning the power of members of the TC, Rappoport notes:

Obama appointed eleven of them to posts in his administration. [And note that according to Rappoport, altogether there are only 87 TC members resident in the United States.]

Keep in mind that the original stated goal of the TC was to create “a new international economic order.” Knowing that you have to break eggs to make an omelette, consider how the following TC members, in key Obama posts, can help engender further national chaos; erase our sovereign national borders; and install binding international agreements that will envelop our economy and money in a deeper global collective: a new world order:

Tim Geithner, Treasury Secretary;

James Jones, National Security Advisor;

Paul Volker, Chairman, Economic Recovery Committee;

Dennis Blair, Director of National Intelligence.

All Trilateralists.

In the run-up to his inauguration after the 2008 presidential election, Obama was tutored by the co-founder of the Trilateral Commission, Zbigniew Brzezinski.

In Europe, the financially embattled nations of Greece and Italy brought in Lucas Papademos and Mario Monti as prime ministers. Both men are Trilateral members, and Monti is the former European chairman of the Trilateral Commission.

In the US, since 1973, author Wood counts eight out of 10 US Trade Representative appointments, and six out of eight World Bank presidencies, as American Trilateral members.

... other noteworthy Trilateral members: George HW Bush; Bill Clinton; Dick Cheney; Al Gore. The first three men helped sink the US further into debt by fomenting wars abroad; and Gore’s cap and trade blueprint would destroy industrial economies, while vastly increasing the numbers of people in Third World countries who have no access to modern sources of energy.

Does all this offer a clue as to why the US economy has failed to recover from the Wall Street debacle of 2008, why the federal bailout was a handout to super-rich criminals, and why Obama took actions which prevented a recovery?

A closer look at Tim Geithner’s circle of economic advisers reveals the chilling Trilateral effect: Paul Volker; Alan Greenspan; E. Gerald Corrigan (director, Goldman Sachs); and Peter G Peterson (former CEO, Lehman Brothers, former chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations). These men are all Trilateral members.

How many foxes in the hen house do we need, before we realize their Trilateral agenda is controlling the direction of our economy?

Continue reading: Who really runs things in America?

See also: 

CanSpeccy: The New World Order: What Is It? Who Wants It?

Thursday, October 10, 2013

America's Hidden Government

The Pseudo-War on Terror: How the US Has Protected Al Qaeda "Enemies"

By Peter Dale Scott

The Asia-Pacific Journal, Vol. 11, Issue 40, No. 2, October 7, 2013: Before World War Two, American government, for all of its glaring faults, served as a model for the world of limited government, having evolved a system of restraints on executive power through its constitutional arrangement of checks and balances. All that changed with America’s emergence as a dominant world power, and further after the Vietnam War.

Since 9/11, above all, constitutional American government has been overshadowed by a series of emergency measures to fight terrorism. The latter have mushroomed in size and budget, while traditional government has been shrunk. As a result we have today what the journalist Dana Priest has called:
two governments: the one its citizens were familiar with, operated more or less in the open: the other a parallel top secret government whose parts had mushroomed in less than a decade into a gigantic, sprawling universe of its own, visible to only a carefully vetted cadre – and its entirety…visible only to God.
More and more, it is becoming common to say that America, like Turkey before it, now has what Marc Ambinder and John Tirman have called a deep state behind the public one.2 And this parallel government is guided in surveillance matters by its own Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, known as the FISA court, which according to the New York Times “has quietly become almost a parallel Supreme Court.”3 Thanks largely to Edward Snowden, it is now clear that the FISA Court has permitted this deep state to expand surveillance beyond the tiny number of known and suspected Islamic terrorists, to any incipient protest movement that might challenge the policies of the American war machine.

Most Americans have by and large not questioned this parallel government, accepting that sacrifices of traditional rights and traditional transparency are necessary to keep us safe from al-Qaeda attacks. However secret power is unchecked power, and experience of the last century has only reinforced the truth of Lord Acton’s famous dictum that unchecked power always corrupts. It is time to consider the extent to which American secret agencies have developed a symbiotic relationship with the forces they are supposed to be fighting – and have even on occasion intervened to let al-Qaeda terrorists proceed with their plots.

For indeed it is certain that on various occasions U.S. agencies have intervened, letting al-Qaeda terrorists proceed with their plots. This alarming statement will be dismissed by some as “conspiracy theory.” Yet I will show that this claim does not arise from theory, but from facts, about incidents that are true even though they have been systematically suppressed or under-reported in the American mainstream media.

I am describing a phenomenon that occurred not just once, but repeatedly, almost predictably. We shall see that, among the al-Qaeda terrorists who were first protected and then continued their activities were
1) Ali Mohamed, identified in the 9/11 Commission Report (p. 68) as the leader of the 1998 Nairobi Embassy bombing;

2) Mohammed Jamal Khalifa, Osama bin Laden’s close friend and financier while in the Philippines of Ramzi Yousef (principle architect of the first WTC attack) and his uncle Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

3) Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, identified in the 9/11 Commission Report (p. 145) as “the principal architect of the 9/11 attacks.”

4) Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi. two of the alleged 9/11 hijackers, whose presence in the United States was concealed from the FBI by CIA officers for months before 9/11.4
It might sound from these citations that the 9/11 Commission marked a new stage in the U.S. treatment of these terrorists, and that the Report now exposed those terrorists who in the past had been protected. On the contrary, a principal purpose of my essay is to show that
1) one purpose of protecting these individuals had been to protect a valued intelligence connection (the “Al-Qaeda connection” if you will);

2) one major intention of the 9/11 Commission Report was to continue protecting this connection;

3) those on the 9/11 Commission staff who were charged with this protection included at least one commission member (Jamie Gorelick), one staff member (Dietrich Snell) and one important witness (Patrick Fitzgerald) who earlier had figured among the terrorists’ protectors.
In the course of writing this essay, I came to another disturbing conclusion I had not anticipated. This is that a central feature of the protection has been to defend the 9/11 Commission’s false picture of al-Qaeda as an example of non-state terrorism, at odds with not just the CIA but also the royal families of Saudi Arabia and Qatar. In reality, as I shall show, royal family protection from Qatar and Saudi Arabia (concealed by the 9/11 Commission) was repeatedly given to key figures like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the alleged “principal architect of the 9/11 attacks.”

Continue reading

Sunday, October 6, 2013

So What If Jesus Never Existed?

To those with the intellect of a precocious adolescent — people like Richard Dawkins or John Cleese — the validity of religious belief is determined by the answers to such questions as, did Jesus really exist or was he a figure of myth, if he lived, was he born of a virgin, did he walk on water, raise the dead, or reappear in the flesh after the Crucifixion.

But the significance and value of religious belief has nothing to do with historical fact. What matters is whether the teachings of Buddha or Confucius, Moses or Mohammed, Jesus or Joseph Smith are true.

Should we forgive our enemies or kill them, is the Kingdom of Heaven within, and should we listen to the still small voice of conscience, should we refrain from lies, theft, blasphemy, and adultery, or indulge the natural passions of lust, pride, hate, and jelousy?

Recognizing the true and difficult question about religion, makes  nonsense of the atheist's childish questions. Of course religious practice is nothing but fancy dress, glorious music, stunning architecture, beguiling verbiage and breathtaking works of art. But the function of religious practice is to instil true morality in the hearts of all mankind.

So the most significant question about religion is not the historical validity or scientific credibility of the narrative deployed by this church or that to convey its moral teachings, but the truth of that morality. The point was made with devastating simplicity by Bishop Despmond Tutu when asked how he dealt with an apparent contradiction in biblical teachings.

"Whatever," he said, "is not in the spirit of Christ, I reject. I reject it absolutely."

Which is to say that the kingdom of God is within in you and you should be ruled by the still small voice of conscience.

This is the essence of Christ's teaching, a teaching that the atheist loathes but dare not attack.

See also:

CanSpeccy: The Rationality of Christian Faith

Aangirfan: The Bible

Friday, October 4, 2013

Israel's Psychopathic Premier

Information Clearing House, October 02, 2013: - Iranian missiles will hit New York in “three to four years”. A nuclear Iran is like “50 North Koreas”.

This could be the sound of a deranged, dangerous sociopath, or this could be the sound of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu addressing the UN General Assembly.

Compare for yourself. Last week we had Iranian President Hassan Rouhani calling for the world to surf a WAVE (as in World Against Violence and Extremism).

This week we had Bibi saying that was a “cynical” and “totally hypocritical honey trap”.

In the world according to Netanyahu, “Ahmadinejad was a wolf in wolf’s clothing. Rouhani is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.” Rouhani tried to present himself as “pious”, but he’s always been involved with “the terror state of Iran”. He’s like “a serial killer going to court dressed in clerical attire and giving testimony to his nature as an ‘ethical’ and ‘religious’ man.”

Ranting aside, Bibi did change his game. Now it’s not silly cartoons and begging the US to bomb Iran virtually on a weekly basis. Now it’s Iran’s “military nuclear program” that must be shut down – a program, by the way, that the alphabet soup of US intelligence agencies says does not exist.

And this after Netanyahu told US President Barack Obama to forget – forever - UN Security Council resolution 242, which determined total Israeli withdrawal from all lands occupied after the 1967 war.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Is Blogger My Friend?

Blogger is a free service provided by Google that allows people like CanSpeccy to self-publish whatever they like at no charge. The software is well designed and spares one most of the effort associated with managing an independent Web site.

It is reasonable, however, to assume that Google provides this service not as an expression of community spirit, but solely to generate revenue for Google, which it may do in various ways, including the placement of Google ads on participating blogs.

The opportunity to earn advertising revenue is not one of which all, or even many, bloggers seem to avail themselves. In part this reluctance may be due to the fact that unless you have a readership equivalent to that of the National Enquirer, it takes a time equal to the age of the universe before your ad earnings reach the minimum payout value of one hundred dollars.

In addition, Google's adsense software seems clueless at finding appropriate ads to associate with particular blogposts. You write piece denouncing the Illumnati, the US Federal Reserve and the international bankers plot and Adsense will append and ad for, say, Rothschild's Private Wealth Management, which totally demolishes one's revolutionary cred. — as may well be the intention..

Then there is the question of Google and the NSA. For all one knows, Google is paid to pass ones most intimate blogged thoughts to the US Government's most clandestine spy agency in return for cold hard cash. Admittedly, NSA could just read my blog, but they're probably too busy, so if Google does it for them, that's not being so friendly.

But what really puzzles me is why Google does nothing to prevent multiple hits from,,, and and other sites that have been described as:
worthless scumbag referrer spam-bots. Automated, unattended software programs [that] generate supposed “hits” on your site. They do not represent any human visitors and are not of any interest whatsoever. Do not visit the referring sites, because there is a high probability of malware …
Why, I would like to know, does Blogger not block these sites, which can make nonsense of one’s usage states? If anyone can offer clarification about this — Sergey Brin? Larry Page? — I’d be glad to hear from them.

In the meantime, I'm reserving judgement on whether Blogger is my friend.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Will Israel Assassinate Obama for Letting Slip the Chance to Smash Syria?

Robert Fisk reports in the Independent that The Free Syrian Army is holding talks with Assad's senior staff with a view to rejoining the Government side.

This is terrible news for Israel's Netenyahu, who wants Iran's ally, Syria, demolished now so that  America can then be driven to war with Iran.

And it reflects badly on US President Obama. Everything was set for a NATO bombardment of Syria. Assad helpfully gassed his own people, so the US claims, just as the UN inspectors arrived, thus providing Obama and the Coalition of the Willing, i.e., only France, the righteous justification they needed for the destruction of a nation.

But Barmy blinked. A large majority of Americans opposed an American assault on Syria and, perhaps hoping to avoid the fate of Britain's Phoney Blair, the great warmonger and faker of intelligence who became the man most hated by his own countrymen, President Hopey Changey turned the question of war or peace over to Congress. Let those paid agents of AIPAC take the flack for another criminal war of aggression, he must have thought.

Obama's prayer, a written prayer,
stuck in Jerusalem's Western wall.
Then Putin stepped in and produced a deal on chemical weapons that the Coalition of the Killing could not refuse, and which convinced many Americans that Pooters is quite a bit sharper than  Bam.

After that, perhaps wishing not to be outdone by Putin, O'Bomber turns total peacemaker and talks on the phone to the Zionist incarnation of the Devil, Iran's President Rouhani. And talks in Farsi, for God's sake, prompting NutterYahoo to demand that America quit futzing about and  attack Iran without further delay.

So what happens now? Will Obama go on to prove that American interests trump Israel's in the determination of American foreign policy?

Or will the Zionists kill him, as some have previously urged, confidant that the Zionist shill, Biden, will prove a more trustworthy agent of Israel?

Obama has to be aware of the risk he is running, as his Jerusalem prayer makes clear.

On the outcome of this standoff between Obama and Netenyahoo, I'm with the Peace Prize winner: vivre Obama.

But then I'm kind of naive:

Image source.

See also: 

AP: US dialogue with Iran neutralizes Israeli threat to take military action

Yahoo News: Iran's Foreign Minister Says Netanyahu a Liar

Arutz Sheva: Op-Ed: Dempsey's Bombshell: No US Attack on Iran, Ever

The Jewish Daily Forward: Iran Scores Breakthrough Meeting With US Lawmakers as Diplomatic Thaw Builds

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Destroy London

Delenda est Londinium

By Colin Liddell

Alternative Right, September 28, 2013: My dear old Dad – God bless him – was, by any definition, a bit of a character. He had seen the World at an early age, thanks to a government scheme for decreasing the shipping tonnage of an upstart Oriental empire.

His voyage aboard the submarine "mother ship" HMS Adamant brought him into contact with knife-wielding mobs (Port Said), naked savages with dark taboos (Tikopia), dead Americans (Guadalcanal), and finally the Japanese themselves, just after their surrender. As he liked to say, "I was in Hiroshima when the stowr was still coming down.”

After that formative experience, he worked in car and aero engineering, and was a trade union shop steward, before marrying late and taking us all out to South Africa as kids in the 1970s.

He had a variety of opinions, very few of which squared with the conventional pro and contra positions trotted out in the media, and he used to expound on them at great length, even when me and my brothers, due to the larger than normal generation gap, were not in the least interested in what he was saying. Possibly, I absorbed a lot of his views at some subliminal level, but most of what he said was lost on us. However, there was one theme he continually harped on about that stood out – the sheer and utter evilness of The City of London.

For someone who had been in a war fought essentially to protect the global business interests of London’s financial elite and who had then seen the way that same elite had corralled and corrupted British socialism (and therefore working-class democracy) while also sucking the lifeblood out of British industry, such an attitude was entirely natural and even predictable, but what struck me was the language and imagery that he used.

Taking his cue from the Roman republican statesman Cato the Elder, he thought that The City – and indeed the entire Home Counties "Stockbroker Belt" – should be levelled with the ground and ploughed with salt. Another reference point was Pol Pot. Come the revolution, the parasitical class, betrayed by its soft hands and cut glass accents, was to be marched out into the "Killing Fields" of Surrey and Kent.

His hatred of London was no doubt flavoured by the spirit of Calvinist apocalypticism and Scottish Anglophobia found in many a Scottish heart, but it also expressed an awareness of the mismatch that has always existed to varying degrees between London and the territories it has ruled. This is hardly a new problem. In the 18th century it was realised, with varying success, by both the Jacobites in Scotland and the colonists across the Atlantic.

In the 19th century, as Britain arose as the preeminent global empire, this mismatch became less obvious. The financial resources of The City, the industry of the North, and the markets and raw materials of the colonies created a positive win-win synergy, of which Scotland was very much a part. But, as the 20th century dawned, the mismatch between London and the rest of the UK became progressively greater as The City strove to continue its global hegemony "by other means."

Read more

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Black Mischief: Kenya Mall Shooting

The Kenya Westgate Mall shootings, an alleged Islamic terrorist attack, has many strange features suggesting a false flag atrocity conducted with immense incompetence to bring Kenya, and particularly Kenya's resources, under US control.

Among the more remarkable features of the event are:

The failure of the Kenyan authorities to head warnings about an impending terrorist attack.

The identification of at least two American citizensamong the supposedly Islamic terrorists.

The alleged presence among the terrorists of a white female directing the murderous terrorist gunfire, who has been identified as Samantha Lewthwaite, widow of alleged 7/7 London Tube Terror Bomber, Jermaine Lindsay.

The report that the leader of the terrorists received "specialist" training by the British military.

The slaughter by Kenya Defense Force soldiers of the commander of the police team that led the effort to rescue civilian hostages — a friendly fire incident, as with Pat Tillman.

And the failure of the Kenyan police, army and security service to capture a single terrorist, dead or alive.

See also:




Global Research: Was it a Psyop? Nairobi Mall Deceit Abets Israeli-Western Pipeline Wars to Oust Asian Rivals

Westgate Mall Owner also Co-owner of Word Trade Center Buildings 1 and 2

Daily Mail, September 28, 2013: Kenya holds suspect in Westgate Mall terrorist attack
A British man arrested as he tried to fly out of Kenya after the Westgate massacre was allegedly carrying maps of the shopping complex on his laptop. ...

His aunt... explained he was visiting his dying mother, Fatuma Abdirahman, in Nairobi. Abdirizak told detectives she was being treated for cancer in the Salama Hospital in Eastleigh, the mainly Somali residential suburb of the capital, and was unable to move or speak.

But enquiries by The Mail on Sunday revealed no one of his mother’s name had ever been admitted.

In fact, sources said yesterday that, along with other family members, she had been ‘picked up’ by police at an address in Eastleigh and was being questioned by detectives.
But not to worry. Despite being a total liar and a person with a suspicious interest in the Westgate Mall, we are pleased to announce that the suspect has now been released.

More from Aangirfan: MI6 Mall Suspect Released

And from a Nairobi newspaper:
The People, October 1, 2013: the Government has confirmed it is not holding any of the bodies of terrorists behind Westgate attack amid fears they might have escaped through an underground tunnel.

Interior Cabinet Secretary Joseph ole Lenku said that it does not have custody of bodies of the five terrorists allegedly gunned down in the siege.
In other words, the Kenyan army, while managing to kill the of the commander of the police team that led the effort to rescue civilian hostages, failed to kill or capture a single terrorist.

Link via Aangirfan: Mall False Flag

Seymour Hersh: Obama's Bullshit Presidency: The Bin Laden Raid Was One Big Lie

In an interview with the Guardian, Seymour Hersh, the journalist who won a Pullitzer Prize for exposing the Vietnam War My Lai massacre, said:

of the alleged 2011 death of Osama bin Laden during the US Navy Seals raid on a compound in Abottabad, Pakistan:
... it's one big lie, not one word of it is true.
On the Obama administration:
It systematically lies
On the media coverage of Obama:
It's pathetic, they are more than obsequious
We, of course, have been saying that all along, as have many others bloggers. Still it's good to see the mainstream feels compelled to play catchup. Perhaps they'll get the idea that truth sells newspapers, in which case there could be life in the newspaper business yet. It could even attract real talent to replace the dumbass hacks who provide most media content now.

See also:

Unites States of Assassination: Can't Get bin Laden Kill Story Straight

How many SEALS died? Government by the Management of Perception

US Navy SEALs: Two Helicopters

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Nairobi Mall Terror Attack: A US/UK Psyop?

Brits rescuing Brits from British/US terrorists in Kenya. Source
Responsibility for the attack on a Kenyan shopping center that resulted in at least 65 deaths has been claimed by a Somalia-based Islamist group, al-Shabab. ACcording to the BBC, however, the terrorists include three American citizens, and, so it is believed by Kenyan authorities, Samantha Lewthwaite, a British citizen and widow of 7 July suicide bomber Germaine Lindsay.

The Daily Telegraph reports Amina Mohamed, Kenya’s foreign minister stating that:
"From the information that we have, two or three Americans (were involved) and I think, so far, I have heard of one Brit... a woman ... and I think she has done this many times before," she told the US’s PBS NewsHour programme.
Still, as the Daily Telegraph reports, the Brits were heroes of the hour, as an off duty member of Britain's special forces personally saved dozens of lives by going "back and forth between the building and the outside world around 12 times, helping people escape from the complex."

In addition, a team of On-duty Special Air Service soldiers just happened to be at the scene last night, helping the Kenyan authorities in their final attempt to free the hostages.

Oh well, jolly good show. Obviously those Kenyans need to show their appreciation of Western aid in the war on terror. The Chinese, of course, were conspicuous by their absence. Kenyans should take note. China wants your oil but the heck with saving you from the ravages of Anglo/American terrorists.

Israeli forces are also said to be on the scene though they have not participated directly in attempts to rescue attempts.Israeli forces famously rescued hostages in the June 1976 highjacking of an airliner diverted to Kenya's Entebbe Airport by Palestinian terrorists. And there is evidence to suggest that Israel's Shin Bet security service collaborated with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine to hijack that June 1976 flight. So now the Kenyans have reason to be doubly grateful to Israel.

See also:

BBC: Westgate Mall Jewellery Store Looted

The Star: Kenya mall attack: 'White Widow' Samantha Lewthwaite sought as probe continues

The Star: National Intelligence Service of Kenya Gave Advance Warning of Mall Attack (via Aangirfan)

Kenyan security organs knew of attack in advance, claims Nairobi senator Mike Sonko (via Aangirfan)

LD: Kenyan Bloodbath: State-Sponsored Sophistication & Motivation

LD: Kenyan Bloodbath: Reaping the "Benefits" of US AFRICOM Collaboration

Libya 360: US, Al Qaeda & Al Shabaab


Monday, September 23, 2013

Thank God: A New Hitler to Combat the Threat of Peace

By Bill Kristol

The Weekly Standard, September 30, 2013: Syria has receded from the front pages. A long and winding road of failed diplomacy lies ahead, and who wants to bother covering that? Meanwhile, Bashar al-Assad is more firmly in power than before, al Qaeda is stronger among the Syrian rebels, the United States has lost credibility, and Iran and Russia have gained in stature and influence. This is the product of an irresolute president—and of shortsighted behavior by representatives of both parties in Congress.

But Syria is merely Act One. Next week, Act Two opens at the United Nations. There, we’ll see a charm offensive worthy of Richard III by the new Iranian president and veteran deceiver of the West, Hassan Rouhani. In response, the Obama administration will move on from punting in Syria to appeasing Iran. The diplomatic dance with Iran will be long and complex. But who doubts that the couple will end up where Iran, the leading partner, wants to go?

Smaller retreats lead to larger ones. The West’s failure to resist Mussolini’s invasion of Ethiopia in 1935—and his troops’ use of poison gas—was merely a foretaste of the failure to resist Hitler when he took the Rhineland in March 1936. In his essay in the volume Present Dangers, the historian Donald Kagan tells the story. Hitler had expected Britain to slap down Mussolini. When Mussolini asked for the loan of ships for his Ethiopian adventure, Hitler had privately said:

Let the Italians have a hundred ships! We’ll go back, undamaged. They will go through the Suez Canal, but they will never go further. The British navy’s battleship Repulse will be waiting there and signaling: “Which way are you going?” “South,” the Italians will reply. “Oh no you’re not,” the Repulse will reply. “You’re going north!” and north they will go.

But there was no such reply by the Repulse. Hitler drew the lesson. The occupation of the Rhineland followed shortly.

There will be no Rhineland this time. Iran isn’t 1930s Germany, and the United States is more formidable than Britain. For now, Iran will have to achieve its goals by stealth and diplomacy, while Hitler achieved his by bravado and force. But the accommodation of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s quest for nuclear weapons lies ahead as surely as the accommodation of Nazi Germany’s expansionist dreams. Moreover, Rouhani knows what he is doing. He was Iran’s top nuclear negotiator for two critical years a decade ago and proved then his skill at duplicity in the furtherance of his regime’s nuclear ambitions.

And the Obama administration, too, will play its role, echoing the Baldwin government, which Winston Churchill in 1936 characterized as “decided only to be undecided, resolved to be irresolute, adamant for drift, solid for fluidity, all-powerful to be impotent.” Churchill continued, “So we go on preparing more months and years—precious, perhaps vital to the greatness of Britain—for the locusts to eat.”

As Iran moves closer to nuclear weapons, undeterred by the West’s leading power, a 21st-century tragedy threatens to unfold. Unless. Unless a dramatis persona who didn’t exist in 1936 intervenes: Israel. Ariel Sharon once famously said that Israel would not play the role of Czechoslovakia in the 1930s. Nor will it play the role of Poland. Despite imprecations from the Obama administration, Israel will act. One prays it will not be too late.

It is a strange course of events, heavy with historical irony, that has made the prime minister of Israel for now the leader of the West. But irony is better than tragedy.


NaPo: Barack Obama welcomes Iran’s ‘moderate course,’ could meet with new Iranian president

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Gas missiles 'were not sold to Syria'

By Robert Fisk

The Independent, September 22, 2013: While the Assad regime in Damascus has denied responsibility for the sarin gas missiles that killed around 1,400 Syrians in the suburb of Ghouta on 21 August, information is now circulating in the city that Russia's new "evidence" about the attack includes the dates of export of the specific rockets used and – more importantly – the countries to which they were originally sold. They were apparently manufactured in the Soviet Union in 1967 and sold by Moscow to three Arab countries, Yemen, Egypt and Colonel Muammar Gaddafi's Libya. These details cannot be verified in documents, and Vladimir Putin has not revealed the reasons why he told Barack Obama that he knows Assad's army did not fire the sarin missiles; but if the information is correct – and it is believed to have come from Moscow – Russia did not sell this particular batch of chemical munitions to Syria.

Since Gaddafi's fall in 2011, vast quantities of his abandoned Soviet-made arms have fallen into the hands of rebel groups and al-Qa'ida-affiliated insurgents. Many were later found in Mali, some in Algeria and a vast amount in Sinai. The Syrians have long claimed that a substantial amount of Soviet-made weaponry has made its way from Libya into the hands of rebels in the country's civil war with the help of Qatar – which supported the Libyan rebels against Gaddafi and now pays for arms shipments to Syrian insurgents.

There is no doubt that Syria has a substantial chemical weapons armoury. Nor that Syrian stockpiles contain large amounts of sarin gas 122mm missiles. But if the Russians have indeed been able to identify the specific missile markings on fragments found in Ghouta – and if these are from munitions never exported to Syria – the Assad regime will boast its innocence has been proven.

In a country – indeed a world – where propaganda is more influential than truth, discovering the origin of the chemicals that suffocated so many Syrians a month ago is an investigation fraught with journalistic perils. Reporters sending dispatches from rebel-held parts of Syria are accused by the Assad regime of consorting with terrorists. Journalists reporting from the government side of Syria's front lines are regularly accused of mouthing the regime's propaganda. And even if the Assad regime was not responsible for the 21 August attacks, its forces have committed war crimes aplenty over the past two years. Torture, massacre, the bombardment of civilian targets have long been proved.

Nevertheless, it also has to be said that grave doubts are being expressed by the UN and other international organisations in Damascus that the sarin gas missiles were fired by Assad's army. While these international employees cannot be identified, some of them were in Damascus on 21 August and asked a series of questions to which no one has yet supplied an answer. Why, for example, would Syria wait until the UN inspectors were ensconced in Damascus on 18 August before using sarin gas little more than two days later – and only four miles from the hotel in which the UN had just checked in? Having thus presented the UN with evidence of the use of sarin – which the inspectors quickly acquired at the scene – the Assad regime, if guilty, would surely have realised that a military attack would be staged by Western nations.

As it is, Syria is now due to lose its entire strategic long-term chemical defences against a nuclear-armed Israel – because, if Western leaders are to be believed, it wanted to fire just seven missiles almost a half century old at a rebel suburb in which only 300 of the 1,400 victims (if the rebels themselves are to be believed) were fighters. As one Western NGO put it yesterday: "if Assad really wanted to use sarin gas, why for God's sake, did he wait for two years and then when the UN was actually on the ground to investigate?"

The Russians, of course, have made similar denials of Assad's responsibility for sarin attacks before. When at least 26 Syrians died of sarin poisoning in Khan al-Assal on 19 March – one of the reasons why the UN inspectors were dispatched to Syria last month – Moscow again accused the rebels of responsibility. The Russians later presented the UN with a 100-page report containing its "evidence". Like Putin's evidence about the 21 August attacks, however, it has not been revealed.

A witness who was with Syrian troops of the army's 4th Division on 21 August – a former Special Forces officer considered a reliable source – said he saw no evidence of gas shells being fired, even though he was in one of the suburbs, Moadamiya, which was a target for sarin. He does recall the soldiers expressing concern when they saw the first YouTube images of suffocating civilians – not out of sympathy, but because they feared they would have to fight amid clouds of poison.

"It would perhaps be going beyond conspiracy theories to say the government was not involved," one Syrian journalist said last week, "but we are sure the rebels have got sarin. They would need foreigners to teach them how to fire it. Or is there a 'third force' which we don't know about? If the West needed an excuse to attack Syria, they got it right on time, in the right place, and in front of the UN inspectors."

See also:

Global Research: How the Syrian Chemical Weapons Videos Were Staged

CanSpeccy: Arab league monitors find slaughter in Syria the work of foreign-backed subversives

Saturday, September 21, 2013

IQism, Racism and the Decay of the Great American University

To many psychologists, genius is simply a number that falls a certain number of standard deviations to the right of the mean on a bell curve. One of the longest running experiments on intelligence, however, suggests that true giftedness may depend as much on other factors like creativity and motivation. Since 1921, psychologists have studied a group of approximately 1500 children with an average IQ score of about 150 that were originally selected by Lewis Terman. The members of this group, known as the Termites, all grew up to be highly successful and productive, but not one of them achieved genius-level contributions. Genius seems to elude the best efforts of psychologists to capture its essence in a standardized test.
A Case Study of Genius, Ryan McPherson
The joy of racism is the sense it provides of innate superiority and, like being born into the aristocracy or inheriting a fortune, it provides an elevated status requiring no effort to maintain.

But being white no longer provides that advantage. If you're black or Jewish, OK, enjoy the psychic benefits of racism if you wish, but today white is rubbish and targeted for elimination as the dominant group within a generation, not only in America as proclaimed to applause by US President Bill Clinton during his 1998 commencement address at Portland State University, but across Europe.

So what is the alternative for those of idle disposition in need of a prop to their self-esteem? The answer, today, is IQism. By definition, half of us can beat an average score, and with a bit of test sophistication almost anyone can be above average. And if test preparation is not enough, a spoonful of glutamate before the test may give you an extra five to 25 points.

The American school system has done much to promote IQism. If SAT scores are all that really matters, a teacher's life is greatly simplified: preparing a class of restive adolescents for an IQ test is easier than inspiring them to high attainment in Greek or analytical algebra. What's more, the tests are scored by machine, which sure beats reading a stack of hand-written essays.

With the rise of IQism in America, top universities now select applicants for admission chiefly not on what they know, or on how effectively they apply what they know, but on a machine-scored test of facility in certain mental operations that measures neither judgment, nor passion, nor imagination.

But who cares if students, all of them fully adult, entering America's elite institutions of higher learning know virtually nothing: they're all really, really bright. No wonder so many students at Harvard cheat. Why bother with the books? If you're too poor to follow Ted Kennedy's example and pay someone else to sit the exam, by all means cheat in any other way you can. As a person of high IQ, your superiority is assured: the sweat of hard work, intellectual or otherwise, is for the lower grades of mankind.

Bizarrely, the SAT test was promoted by James Bryant Conant, president of Harvard University, to reduce the number of rich kids privileged by attendance at expensive private prep schools from being privileged by attendance at Harvard, an expensive private school. But as Charles Murray relates here the SAT test fails to predict academic performance of university entrants from poor schools any better than traditional subject-based entrance tests and thus is an expensive waste of time.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Robert Gates on Syria: To blow [up] a bunch of stuff to underscore.a point is not a strategy

Global Research, September 19, 2013: The reckless character of the Obama administration’s war plans was underlined by the remarks yesterday of Robert Gates, former defence secretary to George W. Bush and Obama. Criticizing Obama’s Syria policy, Gates declared: “My bottom line is that I believe that to blow [up] a bunch of stuff over a couple of days, to underscore or validate a point or a principle, is not a strategy.”

Pointing to the highly volatile situation in the region, Gates declared that US missile strikes on Syria “would be throwing gasoline on a very complex fire in the Middle East… Haven’t Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya taught us something about the unintended consequences of military action once launched?”

Yet, the Obama administration has ultimately made the same strategic choice as the Bush administration before it—attempting to offset American imperialism’s historic decline through the aggressive use of military force. A decade after the invasion of Iraq, the US is preparing a criminal new war that threatens to trigger a devastating regional conflict, with the potential to drag in Iran, Russia and China.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Lindsey’s Scheme To Murder Iranians

By Patrick Buchanan, September 17, 2013: This summer produced a triumph of American patriotism.

A grassroots coalition arose to demand Congress veto any war on Syria. Congress got the message and was ready to vote no to war, when President Obama seized upon Vladimir Putin’s offer to work together to disarm Syria of chemical weapons. The war America did not want—did not come.

Lindsey Graham is determined that this does not happen again.

The next war he and his collaborators are planning, the big one, the war on Iran, will not be blocked the same way.

How does Graham propose to do this?

He plans to introduce a use-of-force resolution, a peacetime declaration of war on Iran, to ensure Obama need not come back to Congress—and can attack Iran at will. Lindsay intends a preemptive surrender of Congress’ constitutional war-making power—to Obama.

He wants to give Obama a blank check for war on Iran, then stampede Obama into starting the war.

On Fox’s “Huckabee” Sunday, Lindsey laid out his scheme:
I’m going to get a bipartisan coalition together. We’re going to put together a use-of-force resolution, allowing our country to use military force … to stop the Iranian nuclear program. … I’m going to need your help, Mike, and the help of Americans and friends of Israel.
In July, Graham told a cheering conference of Christians United for Israel: “If nothing changes in Iran, come September, October, I will present a resolution that will authorize the use of military force to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear bomb.”

That Graham is braying that he intends to give Obama a blank check for war on Iran is not all bad news. For he thus concedes Obama does not now have the authority to attack Iran.

And by equating Iran’s “nuclear program” with a “nuclear bomb” program, Graham reveals that his bottom line is not Obama’s bottom line, but Benjamin Netanyahu’s.

Obama has said only that Iran must not be allowed to build a bomb. Bibi says Iran must not have a nuclear program.

Yet, make no mistake. The goal of Graham, the neocons, Israel and Saudi Arabia is not a negotiated solution permitting a peaceful nuclear program in Iran. The goal is a U.S. war to smash Iran.

On Nov. 10, 2010, Graham let it all out: “Instead of a surgical strike on their nuclear infrastructure, I think we’re to the point now that you have to really neuter the regime’s ability to wage war against us and our allies. … [We must] destroy the ability of the regime to strike back.”

Graham wants us to do to Iran what President Bush II did to Iraq.

But there are obstacles in our warlord’s path.

First, there is no conclusive proof Iran has decided to build a bomb.

Twice, the U.S. intelligence community, in 2007 and 2011, has asserted with high confidence that Iran has made no such decision.

Senators who do not seek a new war with Iran should call James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence, to testify publicly as to whether Iran is “racing” toward a bomb. Or is this the usual War Party propaganda?

As of today, Iran has not tested a bomb and, to our knowledge, does not possess any uranium enriched to the 90 percent necessary to build a bomb. Indeed, Iran has just announced that half its supply of 20 percent-enriched uranium has been converted to fuel rods.

Iran’s new president, Hassan Rouhani, was elected on a pledge to get U.S. sanctions lifted and to end Iran’s isolation. But to accomplish this, he must prove that Iran has no active bomb program and that he is willing to allowing intrusive inspections to prove it.

As a first step to negotiations, Rouhani just appointed the most pro-American foreign minister in four decades.

Moreover, Iran, victim of the worst poison gas attack since Benito Mussolini invaded Ethiopia, launched by Saddam Hussein with U.S. knowledge, has condemned any Syrian use of chemical weapons and signed the agreement banning them as well the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

The Ayatollah has issued a fatwa against an Iranian nuclear weapon.

Often, the interests of adversaries coincide. In World War II, with Hitler as the enemy, the monster Stalin becomes an ally.

Putin wants no U.S. war on Syria or Iran. This requires no chemical weapons use in Syria and no nukes in Iran. This coincides with U.S. interests, if not Lindsey Graham’s.

The Russians, with ties to Tehran and Damascus we do not have, can be helpful in keeping us out of wars we do not want.

The true friends of America are those seeking to keep us out of wars, not those maneuvering us in.

That Vladimir Putin is going to Tehran, and Obama to the U.N. to meet Rouhani is good news.

Better news would be that Congressional anti-interventionists were meeting Graham’s war resolution with one of their own, reaffirming that, as of today, Obama has no authority to launch any preemptive or presidential war on Iran.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Palestine: Two State Illusion

By Ian S. Lustick

New York Times: September 14, 2013: THE last three decades are littered with the carcasses of failed negotiating projects billed as the last chance for peace in Israel. All sides have been wedded to the notion that there must be two states, one Palestinian and one Israeli. For more than 30 years, experts and politicians have warned of a “point of no return.” Secretary of State John Kerry is merely the latest in a long line of well-meaning American diplomats wedded to an idea whose time is now past.

True believers in the two-state solution see absolutely no hope elsewhere. With no alternative in mind, and unwilling or unable to rethink their basic assumptions, they are forced to defend a notion whose success they can no longer sincerely portray as plausible or even possible.

It’s like 1975 all over again, when the Spanish dictator Francisco Franco fell into a coma. The news media began a long death watch, announcing each night that Generalissimo Franco was still not dead. This desperate allegiance to the departed echoes in every speech, policy brief and op-ed about the two-state solution today.

True, some comas miraculously end. Great surprises sometimes happen. The problem is that the changes required to achieve the vision of robust Israeli and Palestinian states living side by side are now considerably less likely than other less familiar but more plausible outcomes that demand high-level attention but aren’t receiving it.

Strong Islamist trends make a fundamentalist Palestine more likely than a small state under a secular government. The disappearance of Israel as a Zionist project, through war, cultural exhaustion or demographic momentum, is at least as plausible as the evacuation of enough of the half-million Israelis living across the 1967 border, or Green Line, to allow a real Palestinian state to exist. While the vision of thriving Israeli and Palestinian states has slipped from the plausible to the barely possible, one mixed state emerging from prolonged and violent struggles over democratic rights is no longer inconceivable. Yet the fantasy that there is a two-state solution keeps everyone from taking action toward something that might work.

All sides have reasons to cling to this illusion. The Palestinian Authority needs its people to believe that progress is being made toward a two-state solution so it can continue to get the economic aid and diplomatic support that subsidize the lifestyles of its leaders, the jobs of tens of thousands of soldiers, spies, police officers and civil servants, and the authority’s prominence in a Palestinian society that views it as corrupt and incompetent.

Israeli governments cling to the two-state notion because it seems to reflect the sentiments of the Jewish Israeli majority and it shields the country from international opprobrium, even as it camouflages relentless efforts to expand Israel’s territory into the West Bank.

American politicians need the two-state slogan to show they are working toward a diplomatic solution, to keep the pro-Israel lobby from turning against them and to disguise their humiliating inability to allow any daylight between Washington and the Israeli government. Finally, the “peace process” industry — with its legions of consultants, pundits, academics and journalists — needs a steady supply of readers, listeners and funders who are either desperately worried that this latest round of talks will lead to the establishment of a Palestinian state, or that it will not.

Conceived as early as the 1930s, the idea of two states between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea all but disappeared from public consciousness between 1948 and 1967. Between 1967 and 1973 it re-emerged, advanced by a minority of “moderates” in each community. By the 1990s it was embraced by majorities on both sides as not only possible but, during the height of the Oslo peace process, probable. But failures of leadership in the face of tremendous pressures brought Oslo crashing down. These days no one suggests that a negotiated two-state “solution” is probable. The most optimistic insist that, for some brief period, it may still be conceivable.

Read more

Saturday, September 14, 2013

No More War for Israel? The People Against the 800 Pound Gorilla


Counterpunch, September 13 2013: The past ten days have seen what could be the start of an historic turning point away from endless war in the Middle East. Public opinion in the United States, in harmony with the majority of people in the world, has clearly rejected U.S. military intervention in Syria.

But for this turn away from war to be complete and lasting, greater awareness is needed of the forces that have been pushing the United States into these wars, and will surely continue to do so until they are clearly and openly rejected.

An American friend who knows Washington well recently told us that “everybody” there knows that, as far as the drive to war with Syria is concerned, it is Israel that directs U.S. policy. Why then, we replied, don’t opponents of war say it out loud, since, if the American public knew that, support for the war would collapse? Of course, we knew the answer to that question. They are afraid to say all they know, because if you blame the pro-Israel lobby, you are branded an anti-Semite in the media and your career is destroyed.

One who had that experience is James Abourezk, former Senator from South Dakota, who has testified: “I can tell you from personal experience that, at least in the Congress, the support Israel has in that body is based completely on political fear – fear of defeat by anyone who does not do what Israel wants done. I can also tell you that very few members of Congress–at least when I served there – have any affection for Israel or for its lobby. What they have is contempt, but it is silenced by fear of being found out exactly how they feel. I’ve heard too many cloakroom conversations in which members of the Senate will voice their bitter feelings about how they’re pushed around by the lobby to think otherwise. In private one hears the dislike of Israel and the tactics of the lobby, but not one of them is willing to risk the lobby’s animosity by making their feelings public.”
Abourezk added : “The only exceptions to that rule are the feelings of Jewish members, who, I believe, are sincere in their efforts to keep U.S. money flowing to Israel. But that minority does not a U.S. imperial policy make.”[1]

Since we do not have to run for Congress, we feel free to take a close look at that highly delicate question. First, we’ll review the evidence for the crucial role of the pro-Israel lobby, then we’ll discuss some objections.

For evidence, it should be enough to quote some recent headlines from the American and Israeli press.

First, according to the Times of Israel (not exactly an anti-Zionist rag): “Israel intelligence seen as central to U.S. case against Syria.”[2] (Perhaps the fact that it is “central” also explains why it is so dubious[3].)

Then, in Haaretz[4]: “AIPAC to deploy hundreds of lobbyists to push for Syria action”. Or, in U.S. News and World Report[5]: “Pro-Israel lobby Seeks to Turn Tide on Syria Debate in Congress”. According to Bloomberg[6]: “Adelson New Obama Ally as Jewish Groups Back Syria Strike”. The worst enemies of Obama become his allies, provided he does what “Jewish groups” want. Even rabbis enter the dance: according to the Times of Israel[7], “U.S. rabbis urge Congress to back Obama on Syria”.

The New York Times explained some of the logic behind the pressure: “Administration officials said the influential pro-Israel lobby group AIPAC was already at work pressing for military action against the government of Mr. Assad, fearing that if Syria escapes American retribution for its use of chemical weapons, Iran might be emboldened in the future to attack Israel. … One administration official, who, like others, declined to be identified discussing White House strategy, called AIPAC ‘the 800-pound gorilla in the room,’ and said its allies in Congress had to be saying, ‘If the White House is not capable of enforcing this red line’ against the catastrophic use of chemical weapons, ‘we’re in trouble’.”

Even more interesting, this part of the story was deleted by the New York Times, according to M.J. Rosenberg[8], which is consistent with the fact that the lobby prefers to act discreetly.

Now, to the objections:

There are indeed forces other than the Israel lobby pushing for war. It is true that some neighboring countries like Saudi Arabia or Turkey also want to destroy Syria, for their own reasons. But they have nowhere near the political influence on the United States of the Israel lobby. If Saudi princes use their money to try to corrupt a few U.S. politicians, that can easily be denounced as interference by a foreign power in the internal affairs of the United States. But no similar charge can be raised against Israeli influence because of the golden gag rule: any mention of such influence can be immediately denounced as a typical anti-Semitic slur against a nonexistent “Jewish power”. Referring to the perfectly obvious, public activities of the Israel lobby may even be likened to peddling a “conspiracy theory”.

But many of our friends insist that every war is driven by economic interests. Isn’t this latest war to be waged because big bad capitalists want to exploit Syrian gas, or use Syrian territory for a gas pipeline, or open up the Syrian economy to foreign investments?

There is a widespread tendency, shared by much of the left, especially among people who think of themselves as Marxists (Marx himself was far more nuanced on this issue), to think that wars must be due to cynically rational calculations by capitalists. If this were so, these wars “for oil” might be seen as “in the national interest”. But this view sees “capitalism” as a unified actor issuing orders to obedient politicians on the basis of careful calculations. As Bertrand Russell put it, this putative rationality ignores “the ocean of human folly upon which the fragile barque of human reason insecurely floats”. Wars have been waged for all kinds of non-economic reasons, such as religion or revenge, or simply to display power.

Read more

Thursday, September 12, 2013

What 9/11 Taught Americans: Their Government Is a Non-stop Lie Machine That Kills Its Own People

ReThink911 Billboard Towers Over Times Square

On 9/11 George Bush abdicated the US Presidency for the day while Dick Cheney murdered 3000 citizens, blaming Al Qaeda for the crime to justify wars of imperial conquest in the Middle East and Central Asia.

Trouble for the US Government is that a million bloggers exposed the crime.

Now the US public knows that their Government treats words as means, not of communication, but of control. With that realization, the Government's power over the people is largely confined to brute force, which is why US Homeland Security has five hollow-point bullets for every American citizen.

Meantime, the charade of democracy continues as Barak Obama strives futilely to persuade Americans they must go to war in collaboration with cannibals and  Al Qaeda terrorists  intent on slaughtering Christians to impose democracy on a far away country alleged to be killing its own people.

So what is the way forward for America? The elite view, obviously, is shoot the people down as necessary and replace them with more compliant Third-World immigrants without illusions about government being of, by and for the people?

Or reset the system?

What would a system reset mean?

At the very least a trial and execution of the leading war criminals, including various members of the Bush clan, possibly the Clintons, certainly Dick Cheney and Rummy. In addition, the deep state would have to go. NSA, CIA, Homeland Security and dozens of other snooping, lying and otherwise criminal government conspiracies against the people.

And then the military.

They'd have to be reorganized as a purely defensive force to secure American independence during the coming century in which the Asian giants assume the leading position in the World, economically, militarily and scientifically.

But none of this would be possible without exposure and limitation of the money power.

As now practiced in America, democracy means rule by the will of the people brainwashed by the money power, which owns the media, and finances the election of Congress and the President.

Money is power and must have a political outlet, but in a democracy it cannot have total power. To restore an acceptible balance of power between the money and the masses, the money power should be made responsible by being made public. To that end, the US Senate should be filled by the two citizens from each state paying the most tax during the previous four years. The Senate would thus become the House of Plutocrats, fulfilling the same role as Britain's House of Lords as originally constituted. Then the money power would at least have to speak for itself instead of through bought mouth-pieces. It might result in a more responsible elite.

At the same time, big money would have to be excluded from elections for President and the House of Representatives. In addition, the freedom of the press would have to be re-established. This would involve the breakup of the great media corporations reflecting the principle of "one owner one outlet," and guarantees would have to be instituted against corporate- or government-sponsored infiltration of political discourse on the Internet or elsewhere in the public domain.

See also:

Help Obama Kickstart WWIII

BBC 9/11 Bollocks Triumphs Over Honest Citizen

 Michel Chossudovsky: 9/11 Truth: Who Is Osama Bin Laden? (September 12, 2001)
Within hours of the attacks, Osama bin Laden was identified without evidence as the architect of 9/11. On the following day, the “global war on terrorism” had been launched. The media disinformation campaign went into full gear.

Also on September 12, less than 24 hours after the attacks, NATO invoked for the first time in its history “Article 5 of the Washington Treaty – its collective defense clause” declaring the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center (WTC) and the Pentagon “to be an attack against all NATO members.” Implied in this statement was that Afghanistan as a nation state had attacked the United States, a totally absurd proposition.

What happened subsequently, with the invasions of Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya is already part of history.

Syria and Iran constitute the next phase of the US administration’s military road map.

Al Qaeda is a terrorist construct, and “intelligence asset” financed, trained and supported covertly by the CIA.

“Jihadist” mercenaries continue to be recruited by the US and its allies. Al Qaeda and its numerous affiliates –including Al Nusrah in Syria– are used as a means to destabilizing sovereign countries under the banner of the “Global War on Terrorism”.

9/11 propaganda prevails. The September 11, 2001 attacks continue to be used by the US administration as a pretext and a justification for waging a war without borders.

On this twelfth anniversary commemoration of the tragic events of September 11, 2001, the central issue remains 9/11 Truth as a means to dismantling Washington’s global military agenda, upholding civil liberties and restoring World Peace.
Putin: The US Is Not Exceptional

The BBC announced the collapse of WTC7 in advance

Larry Silverstein acknowledges that World Trade Center Building 7 was "pulled."

9/11 and the Advent of Total Diplomacy: Strategic Communications as a Primary Weapon of War.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

For Scotland Independence Is Not an Option

Next September the inhabitants of Scotland will be asked to vote for or against independence from the United Kingdom.

Whichever way they vote, independence will elude them.

Scotland will remain joined at the hip with England, which separates Scotland by four hundred miles from the European mainland.

England will remain Scotland's largest trading partner, the source of most of Scotland's tourists and the home of the majority of expatriate Scots and their descendants. All of which means that if, after voting for independence from the UK, Scots wish to set foot on English soil, whether traveling abroad, following what Samuel Johnson described as the only fine prospect in Scotland, namely, the broad high road to London, or just visiting with relatives in Britain, they will have to deal with the English not as fellow citizens but as a foreign nation with little time for Scotch defectors. That will most likely mean passports, visas, work permits, border searches, money changing and many other inconveniences, with no recourse through representation in Westminster.

And Scotland will remain a member of Nato, which means it will remain a base for vast military installations, mainly owned and operated by the English. Yet as one of the smallest of NATO's 28 member states, Scotland's decision making role in the councils of Nato would be negligible.

In addition, Scotland will remain a part of the EU. It will add one more to the list of small, far-away countries beginning with the letter S, Sweden, Slovakia, Slovenia, about which most citizens of Europe know nothing. Which means an independent Scotland, without a voice in Westminster, will be subordinate to an unelected bureaucracy in Brussels with minimal concern for Scottish interests.

Independence of Scotland from the UK, even if it means an extra fifty quid a week (so long as Scotland's oil reserves last) will thus diminish rather than enhance Scotland's power of self-determination.

Instead, once the referendum has been defeated, the Scots should turn to the transformation of the British Isles into a working Federation. That means devolving most powers to regional governments with boundaries rationally defined by geography and economics, rather than ancient national divisions.

Under such a Confederation, government in Scotland should be largely devolved to the provinces (states, compartments, whatever) of Shetland, Orkney, the Western Isles, the Highlands, the Lowlands East, and the Lowlands West.

England would seem to divide logically more or less along the lines of the Anglo-Saxon Heptarchy: seven regions: left and right, upper, middle and lower, plus London. Wales might best be divided by three.

Northern Ireland would probably remain one, while there would be a standing invitation to the Republic of Ireland to join with as many provinces as they see fit.

The states or regions would rule in accordance with a constitution defining the limits of the Federal Government's powers, which would include the regulation of trade, foreign affairs, justice, migration, and defense. The Federal Government would be located in cyberspace, with its physical manifestations distributed among regions to minimize cost.

In foreign policy the constitutional objective would be to make the British Isles the Friend-Of-All-The-World, seeking mutually beneficial relations with all nations. At the same time, the Federation would retain missile systems and other defense forces and establish a Swiss-style citizen militia to deter foreign military interference.

As a self-governing state, the Federation would necessarily withdraw from Nato, the EU, the WTO and every other world governance entity. The constitution would define the British Isles as the homeland of the British peoples and would preclude future mass immigration, while encouraging, by lawful and humane means, ex-migration of the non-indigenous people who have, with the aid of treasonous governments, ethnically cleansed the indigenous people from many urban areas of the British Isles.

Consistent with the policy of preserving the Isles as the homeland of the indigenous peoples, who trace their descent to those who settled the islands in the immediate aftermath of the last ice age, the Federation would champion the preservation of human diversity, both cultural and racial, throughout the world.

See also:

CanSpeccy: A Final Solution to the Scotch Question: Genocide by Mass Immigration — A Project of the Scotch Pseudo-Nationalist Party

CanSpeccy: Population: Explosion and Implosion