Monday, April 20, 2020

the Corona Virus Response: A Media Induced Panic For What Reason?

Here's a comment from an actual expert on viral respiratory diseases:

Dr. John Oxford, virologist, Professor at Queen Mary College, University of London, and a leading expert on influenza, including bird flu and the 1918 Spanish Influenza, and HIV/AIDS.

What he says:
Personally, I would say the best advice is to spend less time watching TV news which is sensational and not very good. Personally, I view this Covid outbreak as akin to a bad winter influenza epidemic. In this case we have had 8000 deaths this last year in the ‘at risk’ groups viz over 65% people with heart disease etc. I do not feel this current Covid will exceed this number. We are suffering from a media epidemic! Source
So why the continued lock-down?

Many unofficial reports are now emerging that reveal Covid19 infection rates in the general population that are huge multiples of officially reported rates.

 That means that infection rates in many communities are pretty certainly past the point necessary to achieve herd immunity, which is to say the point at which the disease spreads with ever increasing difficulty before dying out entirely.

Yet no government has reported a survey of the general public to determine whether herd immunity has been achieved.

Why not?

Presumably, because governments do not want the public to know.

And that presumably, is because governments want the lock-downs to continue for reasons quite other than those stated.

What are those ulterior and unstated motives?

Interesting question that:

To drive up unemployment while destroying small businesses that are the chief employers of low-wage labor?

Why would governments want this?

Many reasons come to mind. Here are a couple:

1. By creating a much larger pool of the unemployed, a desperate and docile pool of cheap labor is made available to the corporate giants that own the government.

2. While thousands upon thousands of small business that have been forcibly closed -- shops, restaurants, a multiplicity of service enterprises -- the big boys, Amazon, Star Bucks, Tim Hortons, Crispy Kreme will have been planning how to take over the space newly created for their own expansion.

3. Or is the objective simply to create widespread poverty on a permanent basis?

Is it the idea that living standards for the majority having been crushed, they are to remain crushed?

What, after all, is the point of so many people stuffing their faces with junk food, pissing away energy and other resources on  hedonistic cruise vacations, trips to Vegas and stuffing themselves with toxic, obesity- and diabetes-inducing  grease- and sugar- loaded junk food.

Welcome to the new peonage.

Other possibilities? Suggestions welcome!

And here's one obvious alternative: a Deep State plot to get rid of Trump.

LA Times: Hundreds of thousands in L.A. County may have been infected with coronavirus
Perspective on the Pandemic: Interview with Prof. John Ioannides

Thierry Meyssan: Covid-19: Neil Ferguson, the Liberal Lyssenko
Ron Paul: What If The Lockdown Was A Giant Mistake?
Jim Fedako: Exactly How Many Deaths To Justify Giving Government's Control Of Everything?
ZH: Why The Shutdown Must End


  1. "Other possibilities? Suggestions welcome!"

    They could want most people dead, not just impoverished. What good are a bunch of useless peons hanging around anyway?

    This situation is so desperately dangerous. It is remarkable not many see they've just been placed-- or allowed themselves to be cowed into this place-- where they are essentially at the mercy of people who have demonstrated their complete lack of mercy over and over.

    "Boy that was fun shutting down the entire planet earth."

    "Boy you said it! I didn't really think it would work, but it did. It's damned funny how easily it worked!"

    But I don't think this is followed by,

    "Well, we've had our fun. Let's ease off a bit and do the difficult and expensive work to get it all back on track for them again. Pranks are a kick, but let's not be cruel about it."

    Why would they bother? They aren't humanitarians. They don't care about people, maybe not at all. The masses are used up, they no longer have any power of resistance, and this might be just the time to flush most down the toilet.

    1. I think you have the mentality of the elite manipulators pretty well defined. But this virus is not a serious killer. Not directly, although the long-term effects on the global population, through the managed economic response, is likely to be negative.

      During the 20th Century global population boomed as economies expanded. If the world economy now enters a prolonged managed contraction, population growth will surely lessen ore turn negative.

  2. If you have an explanation for how the global economy could enter a prolonged or managed contraction at this point, I'm all ears. Even if I believed the swine desired it, I think it is impossible.

    I read with great interest this post you wrote in June of 2011:

    The situation is so damned depressing it is hard for me to comment.

    I think working class strength has consistently been chipped away at for decades. My opinion is a crucial moment was from the mid-70s until 1981, during which time the number of annual strikes averaged around 3-400 or so, and went virtually to zero. There are numerous other such observations so that it is possible to pick and choose, and my choice is basically arbitrary.

    However that may be, 2008 was a kind of final line in the sand. Enough strength was left a concerted resistance had some chance of substantially slowing the process of erosion, and in the absence of such concerted resistance, the working class would grow weaker and weaker with the passage of time.

    You had this exchange with one of the other commenters:

    Aang said: "The American oligarchs don't care about the ordinary Americans."

    That's true for sure. Question is whether ordinary Americans will make them care.

    I guess having weirdo people from the TSA feeling up yer crotch at the airport, shopping center, high school prom., wherever, is supposed to keep folks off balance.

    But if the American people ever realize how they're being taken for a ride, the reaction could be spectacular.


    This brings us to now. There was never a spectacular reaction or revolution. The working class got drained more and more and more. In these recent months, the working classes of the world have just revealed their utter lack of power, their broken spirits and lack of resolve.

    It is a terrible, terrible thing when a brutal enemy sees its helpless "opponent" prostrate before it.

    The elites are not humanitarians. They aren't interested in others in any ulterior way. (Bill Gates was using his foundation to make money, not help people, and we all knew this.) If there are any reasons not consisting of high minded nonsense why they wouldn't dispose of us now they have the chance, I would like to hear them.

    1. Yes, USA Boom or Bust: The Next Decade wasn't a bad effort. And here we are, a decade later, experiencing Covid19, the latest distraction, while the Fed pumps -- where are we at now, QE10, 12, 15 or 20?

      Where do things go next? This article by Whitney Webb seems to point the way. We are about to adopt the civilization of the Borg: brain chipped and managed by AI.
