Tuesday, June 18, 2019

The Dismemberment of Thinking

James Howard Kunstler: Who knew that these mid-cycle days of the long emergency (i.e. the collapse of techno-industrial economies) would feature the willful abandonment of reason by the thinking class of Western Civ, and America extra-specially? Reminder: the basic catalyst for collapse is over-investments in complexity with diminishing returns. The rest follows from there.

Another name for diminishing returns is blowback. The Internet is certainly the most complex assembly of human thought in human history and it is blowing back ferociously on humanity in ways that are far from obvious. It has set in motion countless recursive feedback loops of misinformation, disinformation, and ideas that are simply bad in the sense that they don’t comport with reality. Hence, the new elastic meaning of the concept known as “truth.”

Capital T Truth used to be mankind’s conduit to reality. To even state it that way now may invite censure for sexism, since the word “man” has lately been burdened with toxic overtones; while the concept of sexism itself is tinged with the unreal notion that the hard-wired tensions between men and women should not be allowed to exist and must be abolished. That’s how hopelessly complex it’s getting. The divorce between truth and reality is nearly complete now that everybody has his/her/zhe’s own truth, and the facts are just ornaments subject to rearrangement within anyone’s own story.

The stupendous failures of authority driving America to political collapse are one manifestation of these dynamics, and one that might concern the thinking class, if it wasn’t so busy mind-fucking itself and everybody else.

Read more

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Friday, June 14, 2019

Court Whumps Oberlin College SJW's With $44 Million Penalty for Moronic Acts of Anti-White Racism

By Howard James Kunstler

Via Zero Hedge: Campus Wokesters with boundary problems got “woke” for real on Thursday when an Ohio jury laid an additional $33-million for punitive damages on top of $11-million in compensatory damages already awarded against Oberlin College for running a “social justice” campaign to ruin the business of a four-generation small-town bakery that followed the shoplifting arrest of three black Oberlin College students there in 2016.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Are You Eating Yourself Stupid?

A while ago, we embarked on a series of posts entitled Twelve Rules for Life. Our first rule was CUT OUT SUGAR.

After that, we said something about how to show leadership. Then the project fizzled for lack of ten more ideas. However, a new paper by Australian National University Professor Nicolas Cherbuin confirms that we were on the right track, at least about sugar. 

In a recent paper in Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology, Cherbuin and associates reported that brain health can decline much earlier in life than previously thought due, in large part, to a rotten diet based on junk food (i.e., high in an addictive combination of fats and sugar). Thus, as reported at MedicalExpress, Cherbuin et al. have found that:
"People are eating away at their brain with a really bad fast-food diet and little-to-no exercise, ...

30 percent of the world's adult population is either overweight or obese, and more than 10 percent of all adults will suffer from type 2 diabetes by 2030."
What's more, Cherbuin's group report that:
Although, the "link between type 2 diabetes and the rapid deterioration of brain function is already well established,"

"... our work shows that neurodegeneration, or the loss and function of neurons, sets in much, much earlier [than previously understood]—we've found a clear association between this brain deterioration and unhealthy lifestyle choices."
And here's the punch line:
"People are eating away at their brain with a really bad fast-food diet and little-to-no exercise."
So if we ever get around to it writing about it, our Third Rule for Life will be: Exercise daily.

How to Make Children Choose Broccoli over cake

Monday, June 10, 2019

US Secretary of State, Pompeo, Promises Political Interference in Britain

Speaking at a private meeting with [American] "Jewish leaders", to discuss the Trump Administration's Middle East peace plan, US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, was asked:
if Corbyn [Leader of the UK Labour Party] “is elected, would you be willing to work with us to take on actions if life becomes very difficult for Jews in the U.K.?”
In response Pompeo is reported to have said:
“It could be that Mr. Corbyn manages to run the gantlet and get elected. It’s possible. You should know, we won’t wait for him to do those things to begin to push back. We will do our level best...

It’s too risky and too important and too hard once it’s already happened.”
Which, according to the same report, evoked "a voracious round of applause" from the attending "Jewish leaders."

So much for Jewish and American respect for the British people. And really why should they respect them when the British leadership is so committed to another country.

Pompeo is the man who boasted that, when he was Director of the CIA We lied, we cheated, we stole. And they take pre-emptive action, apparently, to ensure the outcome of a British election is satisfactory to Jews.

Monday, June 3, 2019

Britain's Change UK (CUK) Party Considers Merger with the Lib Dems (LDs) to Form the CUKoLDs Pary

Guido Fawkes reports that Change UK, or CUK, Party MP's:
will meet tomorrow to discuss the future of their fledgling party. Guido understands that five of their eleven MPs think the game is up and will push to disband the party, with some even wanting to move to join the Lib Dems ...
So the CUKs, whose chief policy is for Britain to Remain forever shackled to the EU, thereby ensuring a foot permanently wedged in the door to allow endless replacement immigration as the fertility of the indigenous population is evermore suppressed by immigrant competition for jobs and housing, really is considering a merger with the Lib Dem Party to form what will undoubtedly become known as the CUKoLD party.

Which confirms that life is stranger than anything you could invent.

And in this connection, according to the Voice of Europe
Official reports have revealed that in 2018, more than 600,000 migrants arrived in the United Kingdom ...
Wow. That's twice as many people as migrated in 2018 to Canada, a country 76 times as large as England, where most of Britain's immigrants settle.

Execution of the Duke of Monmouth for Treason
They should change the name of the country from the United Kingdom to the United Cuckdom. Either that or send all the cucks in Parliament to the Tower of London, there to have their heads chopped in the fine old traditional English manner. Unfortunately, only Parliament has the sovereign authority to order such action and the parliamentary majority seems to be for, not against, the cucks.

So good-bye England. Hello Cucked Britain and welcome to Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London and de facto head of the Occupation Authority.

Guido Fawkes: Chuka chucks CUK Party
The International Man: Brexit, the Second Peasants' Revolt
Guardian: Amazing — Denmark's Left Speaks for the Workers. But Will They Act for the Workers?

Bullshit Debunked, No. 79: Race Is a Social Construct

The Maverick Philosopher, Bill Vallicella, quotes a correspondent on the claim that "Race is a social construct":
What do they even mean? ... What could it mean to say that race is a "social construct"? Do they mean that there are no biological or ancestral differences at all between Whites and Blacks and Orientals? That's just ridiculous -- like saying there are no biological differences between human beings and gorillas.

I think in most cases they don't mean anything much. They haven't thought about it. It's a smart-sounding phrase they picked up from PBS or from some half-wit university lecturer. It's the kind of thing the bien pensant people say. So they say it too. And they know that, whatever it really means, it must be true and morally right to say it. They know that only Nazis disagree. I've talked to some educated intelligent Leftists who say stuff like this. They usually just retreat to Lewontin's fallacy—more differences within races than between, and all of that. Again, it seems they just don't want to think about it and they use these dumb phrases as a way to avoid thinking. The dumb phrases change once in a while. I guess in earlier decades we'd hear more about how "There is only one race, the human race". But it may be a mistake to expect any clear or coherent meaning behind these propaganda phrases.
Edwards, A.W. 2003: Human genetic diversity: Lewontin's fallacy. Bioessays. 2003 Aug;25(8):798-801.

How Big Tech Will Corrupt Canada's Federal Election This Fall

Jim Balsillie, former CEO of Research in Motion, among Canada's brightest tech innovators, explained today on CBC's morning radio program, the Current, how Mark Zuckerberg and a handful of other tech tycoons will rig our election this fall.

Balsillie interviewed today, on CBC Radio's The Current.

To ensure a fair election, all that the Government of Canada need do is place Canada's political parties under the privacy regulations. However, the Liberal Party in power, having confidence in the liberal bias of big tech, has explicitly denied any intention to take the necesssary action to safeguard the integrity of Canada's next Federal election.

So if you think Canada should have fair elections, send the above links to your MP and ask what they action they will take to ensure a fair election this fall.

Friday, May 31, 2019

How Britain's PC Defenders of Islamic Clit-Clippers Pounded on "Racist" John Cleese for Regretting the Cultural Genocide of His Own People

Speaking of the place of his nativity, London, England,  John Cleese recently remarked:

London is not really an English city any more
This generated the predictable storm of anti-British hate-speech from Britain's ruling Treason class.

Opposing destruction of your own nation's culture to accommodate millions of settler immigrants is vilest racism according to Britain's dictators of political correctness and their mouthpieces at the BBC, the Independent, the Gruniard, etc., etc.

Uncowed, Cleese responded to the condemnation by, in effect, calling the cultural transformation of London, England's greatest city, cultural genocide:

I think it's legitimate to prefer one culture to another

For example, I prefer cultures that do not tolerate female genital mutilation.

This will be considered racist by all those who hover, eagerly hoping that someone will offend them - on someone else's behalf, naturally.
And Cleese spoke only about culture.

That London has been ethnically cleansed of the majority of its English inhabitants is perhaps too hot a topic even for John Cleese to mention. It would be like Jews in Nazi Germany objecting to the Holocaust. No, today, in Britain, opposing the genocide of your own people is not only horribly racist, it is probably illegal too. 

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Canadian Liberals Think Treason — Stupidly

NaPo's John Ivison Reports:

A piece Tuesday by respected Toronto Star columnist Chantal Hébert suggested a group of Liberal “insiders” had been strategizing on a conference call to replace Justin Trudeau with the current governor of the Bank of England, Mark Carney, in the event the party fares badly in October’s election.
A case of replacing a lightweight with a featherweight. 

Liberal insiders, Ivison further reports,

are convinced Carney would be the Messiah, and they’re in a good position to know, having followed a few (take a bow Michael Ignatieff and Paul Martin).
Moreover, says Ivison,

There is a feeling in the broader Liberal movement that he [Trudeau] is becoming a liability.
LOL. They only just noticed?

Monday, May 27, 2019

What If the the Brits Vote at a General Election as They Voted in Last Week's Euro Election


Note: Thereason May's Conservative Party with Nil, Zero, Nuthin'. LOL.

Headline of the Week, No. 79


Pro-EU Change UK, Liberal Democrats Could Form CUK-LD Alliance

Ted Heath, Treason, The Treason Prize, and Theresa May

Today, in the Daily Express, aka The Daily Basket Case, it is reported that:

EDWARD HEATH has not only been accused of lying to the electorate when he took Britain into the bloc but, according to newly-resurfaced reports, the former Prime Minister also received a financial reward that would be the equivalent of £1.5million before he signed away British sovereignty. 
Like anything else you are likely to read in the newspaper, that is untrue. Rather it is a very loose restatement of the historical fact that former UK Prime Minister, and queer, Edward Heath was the recipient of the Charlemagne Prize, often referred to as the Treason Prize, which at the time was worth £75,000.

Thus, apart from the facts, the story is true, which is to say that Edward Heath lied the Brits into the Common Market as the EU was then known by the pretense that it was merely a trade association, not a plan for ever tighter political union under a non-democratic constitution.

Threason May has proved herself a true successor to Edward Heath, in intention, if not it effect. Her apparent failure to squelsh the Brexit Referendum result will surely rob her of any chance at the Treason, I mean Charlemagne, Prize. 

The Charlemagne Prize it is said, is intended to promote the same objectives as moitvated the leaders of Europe's short-lived Nazi empire. Thus:

Supposedly the Charlemagne Prize is connected with Charlemagne because of his empire (Reich), set up around 800 AD, which could be reckoned a a forerunner of the German-French “core of Europe”. In fact the Charlemagne Prize, first awarded on May 1st 1950, was connected most closely with the Charlemagne myth which was very popular in the German Reich from 1871, especially in the Aachen area because of his “Imperial Idea” and supposed role as “Creator of European unity”.

The Nazis legitimated their plans for a European New Order with heavily emphasised allusions to Charlemagne. ...

Read more
CanSpeccy: A Politically Correct Civilization Cannot Stand
IW: Did Theresa May Really Resign Over Trump Russia SpyGate Coup Attempt?

Douglas Murray: The Strange Death of Europe:

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Are You a Mispronunciation Moron?

Over at the Unz Review, a strange concoction of anti-Semitism, Hitler apologetics, racism and IQ-ist fake science, the latest in the promotion of IQ bollocks is the claim that the way you pronounce a few dozen English words pretty well defines you intellectually.

The idea seems more bonkers than most of what Ron Unz publishes since, in Britain at least, pronunciation is chiefly a matter of social class and regional affiliation.

Thus, if you are very high class indeed, you will quite likely pronounce girl as gel.

If you're a graduate of Oxford University, you will pronounce Oxford as Awksfud, off as awf, and Magdalen College as Maudlin College (It's as though they're constantly sucking in their cheeks.).

 If you are from Glasgow, you may pronounce football, as fitbah.

If you are from the English Midlands, you will pronounce the city of Leicester, Lester, and the town of BicesterBister.

If you are from one of the more prosperous parts of London, you will pronounce Cardigan Gardens as Caduggan Gardens.

And if you are from certain parts of East London, you will pronounce Heathrow Airport as Eefro Airpor!.

And if your friend is named Mainwaring, he most likely pronounces it Mannering, whereas, if his name is Meagher he probably introduces himself as Marr. However, there can be some flexibility in the pronunciation of names. Thus, when the First World War era politician and crook, Horatio Bottomly, called upon Lord Cholmondley, the conversation with the butler who answered the door went as follows:

Bottomly: My name's Bottomly, I've come to see Lord Chol-mond-ly
Butler: Do you mean Lord Chumley
Bottomly: Yes, tell Lord Chumley it's Mr. Bumley.

But I suppose there is something to be said forUnz promoting this IQ-ist this nonsense. It helps expose the absurdity of the idea that non-entities with a bachelor's degree in Psych. are qualified to assess the intelligence of their mental superiors from Isaac Newton and J.S. Bach to Alan Turing and Richard Feynman: a claim that seems particularly absurd, as these self-proclaimed experts haven't even a decent theory of what intelligence is. All they have, beside the word pronunciation test and other wacky schemes to pigeon-hole you, are a few simple tests of reasoning, verbal, numerical, and diagrammatic, results of which naturally enough correlate moderately well with academic performance, although not quite as well, according to IQ specialist Richard Lynn, as traditional subject-based exams. And, happily for those like Winston Churchill, Prime Minister, victorious war leader, Nobel Laureate in Literature, who languished at the bottom of the class during his school days, neither IQ tests nor exams, let alone pronunciation predict future academic achievement, income, or career success to any useful degree. What such tests may show, is if you are a complete moron, which was the sole purpose of the original intelligence test, that devised by Alfred Binet.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

The Plague of Democracy: The Yellow Vest Outbreak in France

Democracy is a charade imposed by the elite upon a docile people to keep them docile. It was never intended that the stinking proletariat should actually decide anything. But universal education and a rising standard of living, both prerequisites of a tech-based industrial economy, have changed all that. Thus, as we observed of Britain:

... by the end of the 20th Century, something like half of all school leavers were entering post-secondary education, mostly graduating with at least a bachelor's degree, and often a master's or doctoral degree too. This combined with the ease with which the Internet has made it possible for anyone to disseminate their political opinions widely and to challenge the political narratives of the mainstream media has resulted in the emergence of a threat of genuinely popular democracy.

For the first time, the people have opinions on, and interests in, almost every aspect of public policy and moreover they were beginning loudly to demand that their voices be heard and their interests be served.
Moreover, due to increased prosperity, the proles are well fed if not overfed and thus match the elite classes in stature, health, and appearance. They even smell no different, and indeed, hardly smell at all.

In Britain the resultant outbreak of democracy has led in recent months to the collapse of Theresa May's Prime Ministerial credibility and the fragmentation not only her government, but of the governing Tory Party. As the Daily Mail relates:

Desperate Theresa May will plead for MPs to back her Brexit Bill in a crucial speech tonight - as her hopes of success fade.

The PM will make the case for her 'bold' package in a speech in Westminster this afternoon, urging politicians to get on board with her plan.

However, MailOnline understands that chief whip Julian Smith warned the PM that she is staring down the barrel of defeat.
Meantime, across the Chanel, France's traditionally stupendously arrogant elite are faced with outrageous public contempt from the pestilential and never relenting Yellow Vests, who, it is reported:

...have already succeeded in shattering the capitalist myth of “representative democracy” in the age of neo-liberalism. Their uprising has unmasked the lies and violence of republican government, as well as the duplicity of representative institutions like political parties, bureaucratic unions and the mainstream media.

...the Yellow Vests represent the first time in history that a spontaneous, self-organized social movement has ever held out for half a year in spite of repression while retaining its autonomy, resisting cooptation, bureaucratization and sectarian splits. All the while, standing up to full-scale government repression and targeted propaganda, it poses a real, human alternative to the dehumanization of society under the rule of the capitalist “market.”
Vivre Les gilet jaunes.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

The Craig Murray Interview: Part II. Former UK Ambassador Seeks Destruction of British State

Former UK Ambassador, Craig Murray, believes that the British state is deeply corrupt. So corrupt, indeed, that he seeks its destruction.

By way of concrete action to achieve the destruction of the UK, Murray has, during recent years, devoted much of his time and energy to the cause of what is, nominally, Scotch Nationalism and the Scottish National Party's drive to tear Scotland from the United Kingdom.

I say what is "nominally Scotch nationalism, since both Murray and the Scottish National Party wish for an independent Scotland to remain within the European Union, where the Scotch would constitute a mere 1% of the total population (versus almost 10% of the UK population) in an increasingly tight political union of 500 million people that is fundamentally anti-nationalist.

It seems to me, furthermore, that Murray's prescription for Britain, the destruction of the state, seems rash indeed. Countries that disintegrate, whether spontaneously or through the application of pressure from without, rarely have a happy future, as the examples of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya demonstrate. True, a satisfactory recovery may be possible, as with Russia and some other post Soviet states, though not with the Ukraine, where the US-engineered destruction of the state led to dismemberment, and population collapse. Better, for the UK, surely, is reform not dismemberment, however, vast the challenge, and difficult the means.

Still, I think Craig Murray is fundamentally an honest man. He has some interesting things to say and says them well, as revealed in this conversation with former Scottish First Minister, Alex Salmond.

Part I of this interview here

The OPCW, Chemical Weapons Attack at Douma, and the Skipal Poisonings

Zero Hedge, May 19, 2019: In view of the latest revelations from the leaked report, which seem to prove that at least some elements of the Douma “chemical attack” were entirely staged, we want to take look back at the chaotic events of Spring 2018.
  • What was the agenda behind the Douma false flag?
  • Why was the US response seemingly token and ineffective?
  • Why was the Secretary of State Rex Tillerson fired?
  • What agenda tied the Skripal case to the Douma attack?
The following is an extract from an article by Catte originally published April 14th last year, which takes on a greater weight in light of certain evidence – not only that the Douma attack was faked, but that the OPCW is compromised.