Monday, January 7, 2019

Italian Deputy PM Calls French President Micron a "Lab Mouse"

"ITALY’S Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini has accused French President Emmanuel Macron of keeping the power from the people and in the hands of the elite, less than 24 hours after he said the young centrist was to blame for the “yellow vest” protests that have unnerved Paris.

The young centrist is struggling to curb a wave of violent protests that have rocked his administration to its core, and forced him to scrap a planned carbon tax and up salaries. Mr Salvini, head of the far-right League party, has repeatedly locked horns with Mr Macron over immigration policy, and has jumped on the anti-government protests rattling France as proof the French leader is out-of-touch and arrogant. He said in Rome yesterday: “The ‘yellow vest’ crisis shows that the French have finally understood that their president, Emmanuel Macron, is nothing but a ‘laboratory mouse’ elected to keep the [elitist] political system in place."

In a thinly veiled reference to his conservative ally Marine Le Pen’s defeat to Mr Macron in France’s 2017 presidential election, he added: “That Macron was a lab-made product invented to block change just as it was looming in the horizon now strikes me as obvious."

Mr Salvini further twisted the knife, mocking Mr Macron’s efforts to position himself as the de facto head of Europe. He said: “Let me remind you that until a few months ago, Macron was seen as the champion of the new Europe by all of Italy’s leftists.

He was Europe’s new genius, Europe’s new saviour… But they had it all wrong, again."

The Express
Thanks to Vox Pop for the link

Sozhenitsyn's Prediction of Western Social Disintegration

“The defense of individual rights has reached such extremes as to make society as a whole defenseless... Society appears to have little defense against the abyss of human decadence.”

Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Harvard University Commencement Address, 1978

Russians gloat as America self-destructs as Sozhenitsyn predicted.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Quotes of the Day, No. 79: James Delingpole on Michael Gove and Other Thereason May Brexit Sellouts

"never forget that whatever gibberish comes out of the mouths of our MPs – even ones we once thought we could rely on, like Brexiteer-turned-Mayite-sell-out Michael Gove – is just the delusional ramblings of a cowardly, self-serving, career-safe, unprincipled, spineless governing elite long, long past its sell-by date."

James Delingpole

"The Chinese may well have discovered the dark side of the Moon, and the Germans a third gender, but there is no end to the dangers discovered by those who would like to stop Brexit. Their latest blag is the repetition of the term ‘forty per cent’. It offers some relief from the mathematically dyslexic 48% of two years ago, but as always it is being used as a rhythmic (perhaps even algorithmic) chant designed to terrify the the commercially gullible among us. The Sky anchor today had a field day with it, but was unfortunate enough to find himself tackling a smiley but no-nonsense Tory lady MP who made him appear to be a moron – which he probably is.

A: But Michael Gove says we may face tariffs of 40%.

TL: Michael is a great friend but he is quite wrong about this, bec….

A: Yes, but 40%.

TL: I cannot imagine the German car industry wanting to face retaliatory tariffs of 40%, given…

A: “Yes but under WTO rules we could have 40% slapped on our exports.”

TL: Australia has been trading under WTO rules now since 1977 and it doesn’t face 40% tariffs from anyone….

A: But 40% is allowable under WTO rules.

TL: It is frowned upon by WTO rules. We have an enormous trade with the United States, and we do not face any 40% tariffs except those set in retaliation against the European Union…..which we are leaving….

A: Yes but 40% would….

TL: Look, trade is a two-way thing….Ireland wants to buy our beef and we want to buy their Guinness…..

A: So why did Michael Gove….

TL: I am not Michael’s keeper, but Michael is a huge supporter of the Prime Minister’s exit deal, and as such I would expect him to support her arguments."

John Ward

MH17 Turnabout: Ukraine’s Guilt Now Proven

By Eric Zuesse

Strategic Culture Foundation, December 31, 2018: Finally, a clear and convincing — and unrefuted — case can now be presented to the public, as to precisely whom the guilty party was, that downed the MH17 Malaysian airliner over Ukraine on 17 July 2014, and why it was done. The complete case, which will be fully documented here, displays unequivocally who needed the MH17 murders (of 298 persons) to be perpetrated. This mass-murder was done for one leader’s very pressing obsession. For him, it simply had to be done, and done at that precise time.

The full MH17 case will be presented here, to be judged by the public, because no court of law which possesses the power to bring this (or even any) case on the MH17 murders, is willing to do so, and because the evidence in this 17 July 2014 case has become overwhelming, and is unrefuted. This evidence is accepted by both sides. But it still remains effectively hidden from the publics in the United States and its allied countries. (The present news-report, which is the first ever to present this entire case, is submitted to all news-media in English-speaking countries, so that any of them that wishes to provide its audience access to this uncontested and conclusive evidence in the MH17 case can do so, by publishing this article. Any of them that won’t, don’t want their audience to have access to the conclusive evidence in this case, because this article is being made available to all of them to publish, free of charge; so, there is no other reason not to publish it.)

The complete evidence will be described, and all of the conclusive evidence is linked-to, proving who perpetrated, and who demanded, the shoot-down on 17 July 2014 of the Malaysian airliner MH17.

Friday, January 4, 2019

Jade Rabbit Begins Exploration of the Moon's "Dark" Side

China's Jade Rabbit lunar rover: I'd say it looks more like a duck than a rabbit. Source

Darwinism in the Service of White Genocide

Vox Day has an excellent post showing the humbug of the globalist shills for open borders. He writes:

It's strange that scientists expect people to be concerned about the threat invasive species pose to the native squirrel population, but not the native human population.
Meet 9 Creepy Species That Pose Greatest Threat to Europe

Scientists have identified 66 species of plants and animals that pose the greatest threat to biodiversity and ecosystems. These species, entering and falling into new territories, displace the local flora and fauna.

Scientists considered eight species to be the most dangerous, another 40 to be high-risk, and 18 others to be medium-risk.

Species considered by the team of researchers included plants, terrestrial invertebrates and some marine and freshwater vertebrates and invertebrates.
This is just additional evidence that even those who affect to believe in evolution by natural selection don't really believe in it.

But I fear, indeed I have no doubt, that far from failing to understand the implications of Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection, the globalist cucks have instigated the migrant invasion of the European homelands to achieve white genocide.

How the Banks Rob Your Savings of Value by Printing Money and Creating the Inflation that Drives Up Housing Costs that Force Millions Into Debt Slavery

The end of democracy and the defeat of the American Revolution will occur when government falls into the hands of lending institutions and moneyed incorporations. 

Thomas Jefferson
Banks create money out of thin air by creating loans.

You get a mortgage for, say, half a million, and the bank adds $500,000.00 to the balance in your account. Where'd that money come from? Nowhere. The bank just created it with a book-keeping entry, and now it's charging you interest on the strength of that book-keeping entry. Let the banks keep creating their own money and soon you've got real inflation.

From the graph below, you can see that the Canadian money supply has grown at the rate of around 7.5% a year for the last 30 years. The Canadian economy, however, has grown at the rate of only around 2.5% a year. So monetary inflation has exceeded economic growth by about 5% a year, meaning, very roughly and ignoring many complications, that what cost a dollar in 1990 will cost around four dollars today.

Image Source

Good business, banking, innit. Create money at no cost and lend it to the suckers at interest. The suckers spend the money, thereby driving up prices, which creates the need for more borrowing, so more money creation and ever bigger bank profits.

Muslim Congresswoman who called Trump "the Motherfucker" is no MILF

Just hours after being sworn in, Democratic Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib promised to go after President Trump, telling a group of left-wing supporters at a rally held by MoveOn near Capitol Hill, she would help Democrats “impeach the motherfucker.”



Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Why the Diversity Cucks and Death-to-the-Nation Globalists Are Headed for the Trash Heap of History

As Thereason May, the fake Brexiteer, and leading British war criminal, Phony Blair, strive to keep Britain chained to the Yellow-Vest-infested European Disunion, Theodore Beale explains why it's game over for the diversity cucks and globalist con-men.

Once you figure out that the other side really, genuinely, and truly wants to destroy your religion and your race, only the suicidal and the delusional will persist in trying to "come together" and seek to "discuss our differences". You can brag about being anti-racist, apolitical, post-ideological, colorblind, or even apathetic all you like, but once it finally registers that the other side is literally hell-bent on destroying everything and everyone you value, it's no longer possible to continue lying to yourself.

I saw this in a microcosm in my interview with Bleeding Cool editor-in-chief Mark Siefert. He simply could not, and would not, believe what I was telling him about the SJWs in comics. He insisted that there must be a place at the table for everyone, that it didn't have to be war to the knife. I assured him that he was wrong, and that the SJWs could not be reasoned with, and the next day, he discovered the truth when he was ejected from his position by the very SJWs he'd been defending as reasonable the day before.

The cuckspace is shrinking. The middle ground is rapidly vanishing and nothing is going to bring it back. There is nothing to bring it back, because diversity is, quite literally, disintegration. It won't be long before those who believed they were morally superior for denouncing nationalists as fascists and Nazis will be crying for those nationalists to save them... if they are not proclaiming themselves to have been nationalists all along.

The real lesson of the Spanish Civil War is this: you will not save your nation without fighting for it.

Wikipedia, Trikipedia: The Great Misinfopedia

What Wikipedia doesn't tell you:

On the downing of Malaysia Airways Flight MH17:

Wikipedia's account
Another account that Wikipedia doesn't mention

Or on 9/11:

Wikipedia's account
The Account by Architechts and Engineers for 9/11 Truth

Transgender Rights = Civil Rights for Mental Illness

Monday, December 31, 2018

Proof That the Lunatics Have Taken Over the Insane Asylum, aka the American University

The University of Michigan Has At Least 82 Full-Time Diversity Officers at a Total Annual Payroll Cost of $10.6M.



The Return of Louis XVI: Emmanuel Macron, Roi de L’Ancien Regime

Martin Sieff

Strategic Culture Foundation, December 29, 2018: It is easy to imagine ridiculous young President Emmanuel Macron of France as his fellow-free trading liberal King Louis XVI. Macron’s extraordinary pretensions to regal “dignity” and to god-like authority, far from elevating him have stripped him of all the bogus credibility that the corrupt, servile and stupid mainstream media of Europe and the United States tried to give him.

Far from raising the embattled Fifth Republic to new heights of achievement and success, it is already clear that Le Jeune Macron is destroying it. The contrast with the founder of the Republic, the great and truly regal Charles de Gaulle could not be greater.

Read more

Friday, December 28, 2018

Once You Let the Alien In, He'll Seek to Take Control

Thereason May's Home Secretary, the Muslim, Savid Javid, son of Pakistani immigrants, and a man with a good chance of becoming Britain's next Prime Minister, makes it clear that Brexit does not mean and end to the open door for Muslims settlers in Britain, even though, according to former Prime Minister David Cameron, the reason the Brits voted for Brexit was to end mass immigration.

And here's the "Justice Minister" in the government of former Treason Party Prime Minister Tony Bliar demanding a Muslim Prime Minister for Britain.

Meantime, Angela Merkel, the former East German Communist, declares that the nation states must give up their sovereignty, meaning that Europe must open its border and be inundated by immigration without end.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

European Union Idiocy: EU Parliament urges MEPs to say "Humanity" not "Mankind"

Officials and members in the parliament have been sent guidebooks on using gender-neutral language in all of their official EU-related work and communications, the Telegraph reported on Thursday. Under the new guidelines, European lawmakers will be strongly encouraged to say “chair” instead of “chairman”, “artificial” instead of “man-made”, and “humanity” instead of “mankind.”RT

1. human beings considered collectively; the human race.

1. the human race; human beings collectively.

Both words include the three letter word "man" both refer to the same thing, the huMAN species.

But according to "officials and member so the EU Parliament," to speak of "humMANity" is OK, but to speak of MANkind is to use vile sexist language. Is that stupid, or what?

Actually it is quite correct to refer to humanity or mankind by the monsyllabic word "man". Man is the common name for the human species or Homo sapiens, which includes both males and females (Oops, what's the EU gonna do about that horrible sexist word feMALE?).

"HOMO," the genus to which the species man belongs, is the Latin word for "MAN," while "SAPIENS," the specific name assigned to the human species under the Linnaean system of classification is the Latin word for "WISE." Evidently the huMAN species was badly mislabelled by Carl Linnaeus, since far from being wise, we are clearly idiots, or at any rate led by idiots.

In fact, only a dim-witted and ignorant feminist cuck like Justin Trudeau could fail to see that the word MANkind refers to all huMANity:

which tells you how desperately Britain needs to get the Hell out the EU, and how urgently Canada needs a new Prime Minister.

Otherwise, Canadians are gonna have to start saying huPEOPLEity for huMANity and fePERSON for feMALE and woPERSON for woMAN, like the idiots they would be if the voted Trudeau into power again in 2019. And watch out with feperSON and woperSON, which under the tyrrany of idiot PC-dom will have to be replaced by feperDAUGHTER and woperDAUGHTER.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Crapademia, No. 79: The Higher Education System That Rates All Students Above Average

British university degree exam results are ranked on a six-point scale: First, Upper Second, Lower Second, Third, Pass and Fail. In my day, first class degrees were somewhat rare. In my class of over 100, just one first class degree was awarded (mine — to take this opportunity to boast of the fact, albeit anonymously). Of upper seconds, I recall only a couple. So the lower three grades accounted for well over 90% of the class (good folks, incidentally, one of whom was recently awarded a knighthood by her Majesty the Queen). Today, apparently, things are different, with 78% of British university students graduating with a first or upper second class degree.

What makes this vast improvement in university grades over a period of 50 years particularly remarkable is that, over that period of time, the proportion of the school-leaving population receiving a university education has increased from two or three percent to probably more than half today. In other words, the majority of students, including a substantial number who must as a matter of logical necessity be of below average academic ability, are being graduated by the British universities as scholars of high academic standing. How can that be possible? It is an obvious absurdity beyond the comprehension, apparently, of our academic elite.

Apparently, some universities in Britain have attempted to deal with grade inflation by creating a new grade above First Class, namely First Class Starred. But why only one star? Why not have five classes denoted by one to five stars, while dropping the traditional classification with its weird segregation of the second class into uppers and lowers, thereby, presumably, to save the lowers from the humiliation of being classified as Third Class, while allowing those of the fourth class to pass for Third Class, and those of the Fifth Class to pass as having, well, just passed.

Whether new nomenclature would put an end to ludicrous grade inflation is open to question. However, it would certainly seem better to graduate with a single star than a mere pass, while two stars seems very promising compared with "a Third."


CanSpeccy: The Rot at the Head of the University

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

UK Ambassador Craig Murray: British Security Service Infiltration, the Integrity Initiative and the Institute for Statecraft

His crackpot opinions and obsessions aside, Craig Murray is among the most perceptive and well-informed critics of the deeply corrupt British state. In this piece he documents the fraudulence of Britain's supposedly democratic government, which deploys the security services to corrupt the so-called free press, thereby subjecting a supposedly free people to the will of the state.

Richard Feynman on Quantum Mechanics: Don't Even Try to Understand It