Thursday, December 27, 2018

European Union Idiocy: EU Parliament urges MEPs to say "Humanity" not "Mankind"

Officials and members in the parliament have been sent guidebooks on using gender-neutral language in all of their official EU-related work and communications, the Telegraph reported on Thursday. Under the new guidelines, European lawmakers will be strongly encouraged to say “chair” instead of “chairman”, “artificial” instead of “man-made”, and “humanity” instead of “mankind.”RT

1. human beings considered collectively; the human race.

1. the human race; human beings collectively.

Both words include the three letter word "man" both refer to the same thing, the huMAN species.

But according to "officials and member so the EU Parliament," to speak of "humMANity" is OK, but to speak of MANkind is to use vile sexist language. Is that stupid, or what?

Actually it is quite correct to refer to humanity or mankind by the monsyllabic word "man". Man is the common name for the human species or Homo sapiens, which includes both males and females (Oops, what's the EU gonna do about that horrible sexist word feMALE?).

"HOMO," the genus to which the species man belongs, is the Latin word for "MAN," while "SAPIENS," the specific name assigned to the human species under the Linnaean system of classification is the Latin word for "WISE." Evidently the huMAN species was badly mislabelled by Carl Linnaeus, since far from being wise, we are clearly idiots, or at any rate led by idiots.

In fact, only a dim-witted and ignorant feminist cuck like Justin Trudeau could fail to see that the word MANkind refers to all huMANity:

which tells you how desperately Britain needs to get the Hell out the EU, and how urgently Canada needs a new Prime Minister.

Otherwise, Canadians are gonna have to start saying huPEOPLEity for huMANity and fePERSON for feMALE and woPERSON for woMAN, like the idiots they would be if the voted Trudeau into power again in 2019. And watch out with feperSON and woperSON, which under the tyrrany of idiot PC-dom will have to be replaced by feperDAUGHTER and woperDAUGHTER.

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