Thursday, April 6, 2017

Why the West is Going Down the Tubes, No. 39: Anti-White Racism Opens the Way to Admission at Elite American University

Ziad Ahmed, the son of a Wall St. hedge fund manager, is an American-Muslim Bangladeshi, who attends an expensive privates school in Princeton New Jersey, has just been offered a place at Stanford University.

In his application to Stanford, Ziad Ahmed responded to the question “What matters to you, and why?” by writing the hashtag "#BlackLivesMatter" 100 times. Apparently Stanford liked that, and sent Ahmed a letter of acceptance last Friday.

Why the West is Going Down the Tubes, No. 79: Pepsi for White Genocide

Monday, April 3, 2017

Why the West Is Going Down the Tubes, No. 78: Morons in Academia

When I was a university student in Britain more than 50 years ago, a university generally conceded to be near, if not at, the bottom of the academic pile, was the University of Hull. To judge by the latest news from Hull, the University there remains at or near the bottom of what appears now to be an academic manure pile. Specifically, the University of Hull has taken another step on the route to becoming a fully fledged loony bin.

The evidence?

Students at the University have been told:
Essays will be marked down unless they use ‘gender-sensitive language’.
Why? Because, according to a document sent to students:
Language is important and highly symbolic
Well, yes, language is undeniably important, I mean, our whole civilization depends upon the human gift of speech, but what has that to do with the use of "gender-sensitive language," whatever "gender-sensitive language" may be?

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Great Achievements of Western Civilization, No. 37: Two Billion Africans by 2050, and Moving West to Make-up for the European Reproductive Deficit

When Dutch settlers migrated to Southern Africa more than 400 years ago, the place was devoid of people other than the Kung! Bushmen, a fine-looking hunter gatherer people numbering no more than a few thousand, who scarcely impacted, or were impacted by, the immigrants.

The Brits and the French, the Portuguese and the Germans all arriving later were able to carve out large colonies in the rest of Africa, with little push-back from the sparse native population, which in 1900 totaled only just over 100 million souls spread over an area more than twice the size of China.

Micro-Aggressions and American Self-Induced Micro-Cephaly

While sticks and stones will break my bones,
Words can never hurt me. 

According to James Thompson, writing over at the Unz Review, psychologists are actively pursuing research into the phenomenon of microaggression. This is hardly suprising, although the fact that scholars consider the phenomenon of microaggression worthy of study is proof, if any further proof were needed, of the ongoing collapse of Western civilization and rationality.

Coinciding with this development in academic psychology and not unrelated to it, America has become the world’s bully nation: Americans ruthlessly kill and displace millions abroad for the sake of American global hegemony, engage in virulent hate speech directed at anyone with whom they disagree, while whining pathetically in the face of counter criticism, ridicule or hateful comment.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Trudeau's Liberals Screwing Young Canadians Big Time

Some people, I've heard, find that young Canadian workers have a poor attitude. They show up for work late, it's said — that is if they show up at all. What's more, they dress inappropriately, and they just generally don't seem to care.

Taxing Old People in Australia the Same as Young
people Could Raise $1 Billion a Year: Source
That's presumably just a small minority. Still, young people are being so thoroughly screwed by Trudeau’s Liberals that one wonders why they show up for work at all. This month's Federal budget, for example, massively increased public debt, debt that will certainly not be paid by the older generation, while massively increasing benefits to those over 64. Meantime, annual expenditure for the benefit of those under 45 has increased by about 38 cents.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Scott Adams: I Declare Mobile Phone Carriers to Be Enemies of the State

An important post by Scott Adams:

Here’s the basic problem.

Kids as young as eleven have smartphones. That situation won’t change.

A kid with a smartphone has access to any illegal drug in the world, as well as all the peer pressure in the world.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

The Virtues of of a Liberal

The Irish Savant has an excellent piece explaining how modern liberal-leftie-Democrats project themselves as brave anti-establishmentarians when they are, in fact, the upholders of a rigid and authoritarian establishment.

There's nothing brave these days, the Savant points out, in coming out as gay or in savaging the Church's mangy carcass. Fifty years ago it would have been. But back then the outspoken liberal of today would have been the head altar-boy ratting out the kids he saw smoking behind the shed.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Comey and Clinton Cover-up and Criminality

Oops! Google already flushed that one down the memory hole. Guess that's why they called it You (U) tube. But now Google's gone into the fact checking business, they'll probably change the name to True-Tube.

See also:

CanSpeccy: Brilliant Billionaires, No. 79: Mark Zuckerberg Cracks the Hard Philosophical Problem — What Is Truth?

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

The University: An Institution for the Corruption of Youth. No 37: Pandering to Fatties

 In today's enlightened times, it is no longer acceptable to refer to someone as fat: rather, they are to be recognized as the victim of an eating disorder, i.e, the disorder of eating too much. Moreover, as we learn in a report from Ottawa's Carlton University, the sight of a weight scale can be "very triggering" for fatties.

But not to worry. In the nation's capital, sensitivity prevails, and Carlton U.'s recreation and athletics department have removed the weight scale from the university's gymnasium.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Those Dirty, Rotten, Racist, Russians Want More Babies: Why Can't They Just Die Off Quietly and Replace Themselves With People From Elsewhere Like those PC Pussies in Europe and North America?

The first 45 countries, in terms of highest birth rates (out of a recognised 223) are located on the African continent. These are closely followed by Middle Eastern and Asian countries, with Europe, dwindling far behind (Monaco is in last place.) Some may say that slowing birth rates are beneficial for an over-populated world, however this is simply a picture of averages.

Generally speaking, countries with actual overpopulation are not seeing a slow down, and birthrates in European countries in particular are being propped up by migrant births. This has obvious repercussions on the future cultural make up and stability of former European nation-states.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Unbrainwashing the Brainwashed

The Irish Savant has a piece about the logical obtuseness of those indoctrinated in the Islamic faith, the story of the Jewish Holocaust, or the need for greater toleration of mass Third-World immigration to Europe and North America.

The Savant's conclusion is that brainwashing must change the chemistry of the brain in such a way as to make its victims resistant to all logical argument. That is undoubtedly correct. It is also easily understood.

US Congressman, Steve King, On How the West Is Committing Suicide

 'We Can't Restore Our Civilization With Somebody Else's Babies'

Republican Congressman Steve King triggered a firestorm Sunday on Twitter after expressing support for leading Dutch candidate Geert Wilders, a fierce critic of the Islamization of the West. 

"Wilders understands that culture and demographics are our destiny," King said. "We can't restore our civilization with somebody else's babies" (Source).

Monday, March 6, 2017

How Trump Stumped the Bush-Clinton Treason Party and Set the Stage for the Second US Civil War

The US Civil War was fought over two things: cheap labor (slavery); and the import of cheap manufactured goods from England (free trade). The Yankees won, slavery was abolished, and a tariff was imposed to protect the North's infant manufacturing industries. Thus was launched the American economic miracle that made the United States the richest and most powerful nation on Earth.

But the Free Trade Agreement, signed by Bush I, the Free Trade Agreement, NAFTA, and the General Agreement on Tariffs & Trade, all signed by Clinton I,  went far toward eliminating the tariff. The Obama-sponsored TPP and the TTIP were supposed to finish the job, creating a global system of free trade that would bring American workers into direct competition with Third-World workers, many of them earning mere pennies an hour.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Pope Francis Urges Genocide of the White Race and the End of Christianity

In a report that has since been denied, Pope Francis is reported to have urged at the Vatican-run Biological Extinction Conference*:
"Christians to adopt China’s one child policy in order to “make the world more sustainable“, according to a panelist at the Vatican-run Biological Extinction Conference held earlier this week.

The pope believes that the solution to securing the world’s sustainability lies in depopulation, and the Western world must stop producing so many babies if the world is to survive beyond “the next period of darkness.”"
Fertility rates throughout the West are already below the replacement rate of 2.1, and mostly they are far below the replacement rate. Moreover, they are rapidly declining.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Civil War in America: Trump's Economic Nationalism Versus the Deep State and the Globalist Imperialist Republicrat Duopoly

WikiLeaks: CIA Uses ‘Stolen’ Malware to ‘Attribute’ Cyberattacks to Nations Like Russia
NSA Whistleblower: everything Trump did electronically, was being monitored
Mark Levin on Trump Wiretapping Claims: ‘The Evidence Is Overwhelming’
Former Bush attorney general: Trump right that there was surveillance
NY Times holds Trump responsible for cemetery desecrations
The The Clinton system to discredit Donald Trump
The globalist Republicrat duopolists have made it clear: they will never concede the election
Time Magazine Declares Trump Administration Illegitemate and Tyrannical
Donald Trump: "Sick" Obama Tapped My Phone During Election
Towergate: Trump Accuses Obama of Tapping Trump Tower
Obama Accused of Plotting Silent Coup
Obama Slams "False" Trump Accusation, Says "Never Ordered" WiretappingObama Advisor 
Rhodes Is Wrong: The President Can Order A Wiretap, And Why Trump May Have The Last Laugh

Meantime, in Berkeley. Image source
The NSA Wiretaps Every Future President. Obama served the Deep State. Trump exposed it
Mark Levin to Congress: Investigate Obama’s ‘Silent Coup’ vs. Trump

Trump wiretap is the REAL scandal of the US election, bogus Russia story is the real cover-up
The Clintons Were In the Pay of the Russians
Russian Ambassador Met with Obama Officials in White House SIX Times During Hillary Clinton Uranium Sale to Russia

Lt Col Tony Shaffer: “We are talking about the potential of indictments of a former sitting president and his staff”:

Krauthammer: No Question Obama Left Behind ‘Landmines’ For Trump, ‘Revenge of the Losers’

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Le Pen Rips Merkel: Betrayer of the European Peoples, Advocate of National Submersion by Immigration, Promoter of Austerity in the Interests of German Hegemony in Europe, US Puppet

Yesterday, the Guardian had an article raising the spectre of genocidal class war precipitated by the replacement of humans with robots. But the Guardian is, to put it charitably, behind the times. There is already a genocidal class war in progress in Europe and North America, as the money power seeks to destroy the indigenous working class by a combination of job offshoring to low-wage jurisdictions and local labor replacement by mass immigration of Third Worlders willing to work for less without complaining about workplace health and safety issues.

This is the war between economic nationalists and globalists, and so far the globalists are winning hands down. Hence, in London, the capital of the United Kingdom, the English are now a minority in their own homeland. Ditto, within a decade, Birmingham, England's second city. And already in other towns and urban centers throughout Europe, the indigenous Europeans are being overwhelmed by a flood of immigrants of an alien, race, religion and culture.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Globalization and the Death of Democracy

A debate on a local (Canadian) housing blog has arisen over the question of whether it is reasonable to protect a local real estate market from price inflation due to foreign investors.

Some repudiate the idea of regulation on the grounds that "we live in a global economy." Others have objected on the ground that not all markets are regulated to maximize the welfare of Canadians, e.g., the textile industry which has been largely off-shored, and therefore it is naive to propose regulation of the real estate market.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Why Most Canadians Distrust Justin Trudeau

I'd assumed it was just me. But apparently not. Most Canadians disapprove of Justin Trudeau and the Canadian liberal party.

In fact, at 48%, Trudeau's approval rating is lower than that of the man every liberal loves to hate, Donald Trump, whose approval rating is currently better than 50%.

Why is this?

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

The Death of the West: Who's Driving It, And Why

Both in America and Europe traditional beliefs, institutions, and customs are disintegrating or being transformed out of all recognition at an accelerating and for many, a terrifying rate. The upending of traditional patterns of life, the undermining of economic security for a majority of the people, and the growing fear of world war have driven deep political fissures through the Western nations.

Yet Lib or Con, Prog or Fascist, very few, it seems, understands what the political game is about.