Saturday, November 7, 2015

Rising Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration, Part II: Ecosystem Disruption

Some global warming "skeptics" dismiss the climatic effect of carbon dioxide by claiming that the gas exists in the atmosphere in such a negligible quantity that even several times that negligible quantity is still negligible. In terms of climate, this may even be true, but the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide has a massive effect on the biosphere. Each year, worldwide plant dry biomass production totals around 170 billion tons, of which about half, or 85 billion tons, comprises carbon. All of that carbon is derived from atmospheric carbon dioxide at a rate that is closely dependent on the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

The reason for the dependence of photosynthetic production on the atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration is that plants extract carbon dioxide from the atmosphere by diffusion. Assimilating atmospheric carbon dioxide by diffusion entails a challenge because, if there is a path for the carbon dioxide to diffuse from the atmosphere to the plant cell, there must also be a path for water vapor to diffuse from the plant cell to the atmosphere. This means that plants exchange water, which is usually in limiting supply, for carbon. Moreover, the rate of exchange depends directly on the concentration gradients of the two gases between plant cell and atmosphere. Therefore, if the atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration rises, the amount of carbon fixed by plants in exchange for the water available to them also rises. (When available water has been exhausted, plants close down the path for gaseous diffusion between photosynthetic tissue and atmosphere and both photosynthetic production and water loss ceases.)

Australia's outback greening up: a response to rising carbon 
dioxide concentration.
Thus, an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration makes possible something like a proportional increase in plant biomass production. This effect has already been observed in the case of some crop species, and in both tropical and boreal forests. We know, for certain, therefore, that rising atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration is raising the carrying capacity of the planet for mankind and other animals by increasing yields of crops and the productivity of natural ecosystems.

Rising atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration is also changing the structure of ecosystems, because it has been shown that some plants respond more vigorously to rising carbon dioxide concentration than others. Particularly responsive are woody species of arid habitats such as the Australian outback, the Sahel to the immediate south of the Sahara Desert, and the South American Savanna. This means that rising carbon dioxide concentration is changing the species composition of plant communities and thereby changing the composition of the animal communities that depend on the plants for food and shelter. The extent and significance of these changes has thus far, received barely any attention, but they will become increasingly obvious as the atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration continues its accelerating rise.


CanSpeccy: Rising Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration, Part IV: Reversing the Trend

CanSpeccy: Rising Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration, Part III: Induced Stupidity and the Decline of the West

CanSpeccy: Rising Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration, Part I: Carbon Dioxide Is Not a Greenhouse Gas

Rising Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration, Part I: Carbon Dioxide Is Not a Greenhouse Gas

In 1750, atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration was around 275 parts per million (ppm) by volume or just over 400 ppm by mass. By 1850, the concentration had risen by about 10 ppm by volume, or 3%, as the result of the increasing use of coal in Europe, and particularly in Britain. By 1950, when industrialization and the associated use of fossil fuels had spread around the globe, the atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration reached 320 ppm by volume, an increase of about 12% in a century. Today, atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration is around 390 ppm by volume, an increase over the pre-industrial value of 41%. On present trends, atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration will reach at least twice the pre-industrial concentration before the end of this century.

Image source: The Encyclopedia of Earth
As everyone knows, carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas — except that it isn't. There is no such thing as a greenhouse gas, and here's why. When the sun warms the ground, heat is transmitted to the air in contact with the ground, and that warmed air is then carried aloft by convection, often to a height of thousands of meters (that is why it is possible, by locating the up-draughts, for a sailplane pilot to keep his craft aloft for many hours on a sunny day). A greenhouse, allows solar radiation to heat the ground, and hence the air in the greenhouse, but it prevents the warm air from being convected away, hence, on a sunny day, the air inside a greenhouse is always warmer than the air outside. So-called greenhouse gases do not work this way.

But while there is no such thing as a greenhouse gas, atmospheric carbon dioxide does affect the Earth's temperature by absorbing infra-red radiation, or heat. In particular, it absorbs some, a very small amount, of the heat that the Earth radiates to space. When global temperature is constant, the Earth radiates to outer space an amount of energy exactly equal to the amount it receives from the sun. If the atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration is raised, a tiny additional fraction of the heat emitted by the Earth in the direction of the sky is absorbed by the newly added carbon dioxide, thus warming the planet. As the Earth warms, it emits an increasing amount of heat to space until a new balance between incoming and outgoing radiation is reached.

In terms of climate, therefore, the significance of carbon dioxide is that it is a heat absorbing gas. But it is not a very powerful heat absorbing gas. Water vapor, for example, absorbs heat radiation about ten times as strongly as carbon dioxide and occurs in the atmosphere at a concentration about ten times that of carbon dioxide. Methane, or natural gas, is an even more powerful heat absorbant than carbon dioxide (one hundred times more powerful), and it leaks to the atmosphere in massive quantities from gas pipelines, oil drilling operations, and many natural sources.

So, yes, rising atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations will, all other things being equal, cause some climate warming. But all other things will never be equal. And many of the other things that are not equal are subject to human influence. Particles of black carbon or soot, for example, injected into the atmosphere by diesel powered vehicles, oil-burning ships, and forest fires, absorb heat and may be as significant as carbon dioxide in accounting for any human-caused climate change. But sulfur emitted to the atmosphere by the combustion of coal, for example, gives rise to white sulfate particles, which reflect sunlight and thus cool the planet. Sulfate particles also seed cloud formation, and clouds have a huge impact on global temperature in many and complex ways, some tending to raise global temperature, some having the opposite effect. There's also the impact of human activity on the surface features of the planet. Deforestation, for example, has a long-term cooling effect, because trees reflect less solar energy back to space than do bare ground or agricultural crops, but in the short run, deforestation may have a warming effect by causing the transfer of carbon from the biosphere to the atmosphere.

So, no, the science of climate change is not settled, and when Al Gore says it is he only demonstrates that, scientifically, he is a moron. Either that, or he sees the global warming scare a means to psych the semi-educated American and European populations to regard themselves as some kind of disease on the planet, with a moral obligation to commit racial suicide by having no children. That is what the elite desire and what they promote. What, after all, in this age of automation, is the use of the consuming masses: best be rid of them.


CanSpeccy: Rising Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration, Part IV: Reversing the Trend

CanSpeccy: Rising Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration, Part III: Induced Stupidity and the Decline of the West

CanSpeccy: Rising Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration, Part II: Ecosystem Disruption

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Treason Denounced in Europe and America

Treason doth never prosper: what's the reason? Why, if it prosper, none dare call it treason. 
Sir John Harington (1561 – 1612)

European Genocide: Hungary's PM Calls Euro Elite Traitors

Hungary's Prime Minister, Victor Orban, has accused the Euro elite of seeking the destruction of both Europe's Christian heritage and the European nations, through mass Third World immigration: a program of racial and cultural genocide.

Meantime in America, Official 9/11 Narrative Begins to Fray

In a new biography, Former President George H. W. Bush, father of former President George Dubya Bush, lays blame for the War Against Terror (TWAT) and, by implication the 9/11 attacks, on ‘iron-ass’ Cheney, and ‘arrogant’ Rumsfeld.

Of Rummy, Bush I said:
There’s a lack of humility, a lack of seeing what the other guy thinks. He’s more kick ass and take names ...
As for Cheney:
He just became very hard-line and very different from the Dick Cheney I knew and worked with ...Just iron-ass ...
 This provides an interesting answer to the question we posed the other day, namely:
How could the US Government acknowledge that 9/11 was an inside job made possible by a 9/11 NORAD stand-down ordered by Dick Cheney, without then trying Cheney, Dubya, Rummy and a bunch of other NeoCons for treason?
First, identify Dubya as a dupe, then lay all blame on Dubya's Chief of Staff, Cheney, aged 72 with serious heart problems, and Dubya's Secretary of Defense, Rumsfeld, aged 83 and far gone in dementia, neither of whom can be expected to be around long enough to be headed for the gas chamber.

Here's the general picture according to Deep Resource:
Cheney and Rumsfeld knew in advance what was going to happen on 9/11. Cheney organized the standdown of the US airforce to ensure that the Israeli organized 9/11 operation could proceed without interruption and Rumsfeld was ‘missing’ during the crucial half hour, when he was studiously working on his daily dropping in a loo on the safe side of the Pentagon, the part where no bombs went off and afterwards made himself useless by helping collecting strange pieces of debris from the Pentagon lawn (no corpses, no chairs, no luggage), rather than doing what he was paid for as secretary of defense: organizing the defense of his country. GWB was probably not in the plot (with his IQ he could only ruin it), but was told to read stories about Pet Goats to toddlers in some school in Florida.

Could it be that GHB knows/suspects the truth about 9/11 and is proactively busy to protect his son from the gas chamber?
Well Bush I surely more than suspects the truth about 9/11. But the question this raises is: why is the attempt to divert blame being made now?

That seems easy to explain. If 9/11 was an inside job, then it had to be a bipartisan inside job, which means Bushes and Clintons. Remember the first bombing of the WTC, with FBI assistance, occurred during Bill Clinton's presidency. And remember Bill's finger pointing when challenged by a 9/11 truther, just like when he said I did not have sexual relations with that woman. So with a Bush:Clinton contest for the Presidency in 2016, no problem. The cover up would be assured, at least for the time being.

But then JEB, the prospective Bush III, who with Rummy and Cheney signed the notorious manifesto entitled a Project for a New American Century, which called for a "new Pearl Harbor" to kick start America's violent grab for for global hegemony, went down the electoral tube. So now is time enough to start the work of redirecting blame for the global catastrophe of the Bush II's presidency.


ConsciouslyEnlightened: US Military Revolt Against Deployment to Aid Al Qaeda in Syria
What next: black helicopters on the White House lawn?
New York Times: Is Eastern Europe Really More Racist Than the West?
Like they're all racists over there in Old Europe, but the East Europeans are really, really racist. Heck they oppose the destruction of their own race and culture: they're against genocide for goodness sake. What's the matter with them.
And now Charlie Brown is RACIST too.

Yahoo News: Orban's ratings rise as Hungarian fence deters migrant 'invasion'
Racist scum, don't want their daughters raped by one of those strong young men waving ISIS flags.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

A Final Solution to the Scotch Question: Genocide by Mass Immigration — A Project of the Scotch Pseudo-Nationalist Party

A story to warm the hearts of self-hating white people: Nine New Migrants to Scotland for Every Native-born Baby Says Office of National Statistics.

According to the above linked Breitbart report, Britain's Office of National Statistcs, the ONS, expects that:
around 14,000 people will arrive in Scotland per year for the next decade, two thirds of whom will come from outside the UK. That equates to nine new arrivals to the country for every baby born in Scotland. (But see note about this claim below)*
And remember many of those few babies born in Scotland will be children of immigrants, which measns that many of those children will go to school without the slightest knowledge of either English or whatever language it is the Scotch Government pretends that the Scottish people speak.

Horrendous though this genocidal mass immigration may sound, the scale of it will disappoint the very left wing nationalist government of Scotland (i.e.,socialist nationalists or NAZIs, or actually pseudoNAZIs for the genocide of their own people), the anticipated number of immigrants to Scotland falling, Breitbart reports:
below the Scottish government’s target of attracting 25,000 newcomers each year, and represents a downgrade on previous population projections, Herald Scotland has reported.
But, Breitbart continues:
the figures may be a gross underestimate. According to the ONS, the projections are “based on the population as of 30 June 2014”, well before Europe’s current migrant crisis got underway. They also only take into account official migration statistics, but do not appear to include any provision for illegal migration, which is notoriously difficult to quantify.
"The lovely lass O' Inverness" in protective gear? What would Robbie Burns
have said? Source
So the Scotch seem pretty well fucked, to put it bluntly — or in many cases, we fear, raped by the welcomed influx of Syrian Jihadis and other likely Muslim lads, if the experience of Swedish girls is anything to go by. But those lovely lasses may be alright if they get with it and put bags over their heads.

Mouthpieces for the Scotch Pseudo-Nazis, will of course scream that this is all racist hate speech directed against helpless strong young Syrian males who wouldn't fight for their country, plus all the other pick-pockets, credit card fraudsters and general-purpose opportunists from Eastern Europe and the Third World who recognize a chance in a lifetime to exploit an oppressed people when they see it.

The reality of an ongoing, government-orchestrated genocide of the European people by mass immigration is now beyond question. The English, in London, Britain's capital and the largest city in Western Europe, have already been made a minority in their own home. The same is true of my father's home town of Leicester, located at the heart of England, likewise Luton and Slough, with Birmingham, Britain's second city, tipping by the end of the present decade, and where already English children are not even the largest minority in elementary school.

And it's not just the Brits. Germans are to be wiped out village by village. The East Europeans, at least, having had previous experience of mass alien assault, are bravely manning the barricades to block the Islamic hordes at the gates of Vienna, Budapest, etc.

Meantime, in Amerika, Hillary apparently advocates the death penalty, but only for whites. Evidently, these bastards — and bitches, not only think they can destroy their own people, but that they can taunt them as the do it.

Meantime, those Commie bastard Chinese have decided that having the Chinese people reproduce themselves is actually a good idea. Well at least that's one thing to cheer for. May be the Scotch could kick out their treasonous pseudo-nationalist government and elect a new one committed to joining the BRICS.

The immigration and birth data for Scotland quoted by Breitbart seem to have been taken not from anything published by the Office of National Statistics, but from this article in the HeraldScotland and are comprehensively wrong. It could be the natural increase in the Scottish population, not Scottish births, that will be exceeded by immigrants in a ratio of 9:1, but even so, that is a catastrophic outlook for a country where the indigenous population has a fertility rate (1.7) well below the replacement rate of 2.1. It would mean a rapidly growing and relatively fertile immigrant population imposed on a contracting indigenous population that would soon be outnumbered and largely eliminated by a process of introgressive breeding.

But even this does not seem to make sense, as an aging population with a below replacement fertility cannot show any natural increase whatever.

In fact, Scotland's birth rate is about 11 per thousand, or about 55,000 births per year. So the correct ratio of immigrants to native-born Scots is around one to two, not nine to one, or perhaps less if the government's objective of 25,000 immigrants plus illegals is met.

Wouldn't it be great if the media could get some of their facts straight.

CanSpeccy: For Scotland Independence Is Not an Option

CanSpeccy: They will be assimilated: Resistance is futile

U-Tube: European Genocide: Hungary's PM Accuses Euro Elite of Treason:

Gatestone Inst: Germany: "20 Million Muslims by 2020"



RT: ‘No infrastructure for so many people’: German village of 102 getting ready to house… 750 refugees

Deep Resource: Hungarian Prime Minister, Victor Orban: Europe will either be Christian or Europe will not exist
The goal of the Clinton–Bush and their New World Order plutocratic backers is that neither Europe nor Europeans will exist. 
PWS: Civil war erupts in Sweden as irate Swedes burn nine Muslim refugee centers to the ground

TV2.NO: In Norway 550 "refugees" arrive in a village of 40 people

CanSpeccy: Universal Genocide and the New World Order

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Down With IQ-ism

An amazing story in the news today of a child born without a brain, who nevertheless, at the age of two, said "Mummy," which prompts the question: is a brain really necessary? Indeed the question "Is Your Brain Really Necessary?" was the title of an article published some decades ago in Science Magazine, in which was given an account of someone who, at birth, was afflicted with hydrocephaly, a condition in which there is excessive pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles of the brain, causing the cerebral hemispheres to be crushed and the cranium to be more or less enlarged. In this particular case, the cerebral hemispheres were crushed to a layer about one millimeter thick, the bulk of the cranial cavity being filled with fluid. But despite this apparent near total destruction of the higher brain centers, the individual was socially normal, had an IQ of 126, and a first class honors degree in mathematics.

Image source
But if there is reason to question the necessity of the supposed organ of intelligence, namely the brain, one has to wonder how scientific is the business of measuring intelligence, the manifestation of the supposed function of the brain. True, the ability to apply the mind to this or that task does vary greatly among individuals. Moreover, although the degree of individual versatility varies, there appears to some relationship between being smart at one thing and being smart at another, and it is this notion of general smartness, whatever it's organic basis, that the shrinks have latched onto as a basis for grading the intelligence of all humanity on a linear scale from super-genius to thick as a plank.

General belief in their ability to so grade people places considerable power in the hands of the psych doctors, which surely explains in large part their commitment to the notion that human intelligence can be measured with the same precision as height or weight. At the same time, the existence of such self-serving motivation provides reason for skepticism in judging the intelligence-measuring claims of the psychology profession.

My own skepticism on the subject of IQ testing was evoked more than four decades ago on reading a book by Arthur Sinton Otis, inventor or the Otis Intelligence Test, variants of which were used by the US army to evaluate 1.7 million recruits during the First World War. The book, which is concerned with physics, not psychology, is entitled: Light Velocity and Relativity: The Problem of Light Velocity, Disproof of the Einstein Postulate, and argues against the theory of the constant velocity of light on the basis that a beam of light, like a bullet from a gun, will travel faster relative to the ground if emitted by a forward-facing flashlight mounted on a moving train, than if emitted by a flashlight that is stationary relative to the ground, i.e., the frame of reference in which the speed of the light beam is measured. The argument seems compelling except that what it concludes should be observed is not what has actually been observed in countless experiments beginning with the famous Michelson–Morley experiment for which Albert Michelson won the 1907 Nobel Prize in physics. The failure to acknowledge the primacy of the observed result over a common sense assumption seemed to me, well, not very intelligent, which in turn made me wonder how well qualified Arthur Otis and other experts in mental measurement really are to evaluate the intelligence of their fellow creatures.

But other reasons for skepticism about IQ testing abound. My own academic performance being a case in point. Had I been raised in America at the start of the 21st Century, I would undoubtedly have been labelled ADHD and drugged into submission. As it was, discipline in the English schools I attended during the 1950's was administered with the rod, for which I had a healthy respect. But while I was verbally and kinetically submissive to authority in the class-room, my mind was as free as the air with the result that my academic grades corresponded almost perfectly with the degree of my respect or antipathy for my teachers. Generally, I liked female teachers and was around the top of the class during the first several  years of my schooling under the tutelage of women. But in subsequent years, under instruction exclusively by males, my academic performance varied almost exactly in proportion to the charisma of my mentors. At times, I was top of my class in most if not all subjects but Latin, at other times I was near the bottom the class, although, it must be admitted, there was always some wretch more academically obtuse than myself to deny me the present pleasure of claiming to have been absolutely bottom of my class. At university, I was taught by several very competent female scholars and, perhaps not coincidentally, I graduated with the faculty prize. So in my youth, was I intelligent, or was I not? In response to such a question, the psych doctors may say academic achievement has little to do with brains, but in so doing they undermine the entire IQ-testing business, for if it fails to predict something as significant as academic achievement, what's the point of it? Does it predict business success, or acting success, or military success, or musical success any better? Probably not, and in which case, there seems no point in it at all. Ah, but the shrinks will say, it measures potential achievement. There you are then: if your kid has a mediocre IQ, not much point in encouraging them in academics: better to take them every day to 4 AM hockey practice, or encourage them to study something really dumb like, say, psychology.

Fortunately, many great achievers, all in fact prior to the invention of the intelligence test, were spared being told the supposed limits to their potential. Mozart, for instance — almost certainly a case of ADHD, — was good at stringing notes together, but on an IQ test how sure can we be that he would not have bombed? And there are certainly many others renowned for great intellectual achievement who clearly lacked all-round general intelligence. Einstein, for example, the most famous physicist of the 20th Century, seems to have been pretty ignorant when it came to philosophy and politics, or at least that was the view of George Kennan, architect of US foreign policy following WWII and Einstein's colleague at the Institute for Advanced Research. Of Einstein's subject, Kennan said, "I knew nothing ... and knew it" but of my subject, Kennan said, "Einstein knew nothing ... and didn't know it."*

And then there's Richard Feynman, another physicist of genius, who was reputed to have an IQ of 123, which is pretty decent, but not as smart, according to the IQ-ists, as about 20 million present day Americans. LOL.

So my advice is, if there's some big challenge you're really keen about, go for it, whatever your supposed IQ. As for my IQ? I haven't a clue. I was tested once or twice but never told the result — thank God.

* Source: John Lewis. Gaddis. 2012. George F. Kennan: An American Life.


CanSpeccy: IQism, Racism and the Decay of the Great American University
CanSpeccy: Intelligence, the G-Factor, Linus Pauling and Glutamate

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Tony Blair's Apology: We Killed 600,000 People in Iraq By Mistake — Sorreee

Tony Blair just apologized for his part in launching the US–UK war to overthrow Saddam Hussein (and hang him): a war that led not only to the death of over half a million Iraqis, but to the creation of four million Iraqi refugees, and culminated in the current Iraq civil war pitting an ineffectual US-installed government in Baghdad against the head-chopping, liver-eatingmass-raping, ancient-monument-smashing hordes of ISIS fanatics who, under the pressure of Russian bombing, are in increasing numbers shaving off their signature Muslim fanatic beards and migrating by the million to Europe, there to continue their war against civilization.

"I apologise" said Tony Blair, in an interview with CNN, "for the fact that the intelligence I received was wrong."

What he means by "the intelligence I received" is the dossier, based on a plagiarized student thesis available on the Internet, which he ordered up to justify the Iraq war in fulfillment of his promise to George Dubya Bush, as recorded in a memo from US Secretary of State, Colin Powell, to President Bush, stating that:
"Blair continues to stand by you and the U.S. as we move forward on the war on terrorism and Iraq. He will present to you the strategic, tactical and public affairs lines that he believes will strengthen global support for our cause." 
Mass killer: Sorry, it  was all a mistake — but, hey, such fun. Image source
This was the dossier that Dr. David Kelly, a British biological weapons expert and a UN WMD inspector, claimed in a BBC broadcast was "sexed-up." Shortly thereafter, David Kelly said to friends that he would likely soon be found dead in the woods. Sure enough, David Kelly was soon found dead in the woods and declared a suicide, although experts seem to agree that, given the manner death, suicide was impossible, a fact that may explain why Blair was rendered uncharacteristically speechless when asked, in relation to Kelly's death, whether he had blood on his hands (just after 2 min 20 seconds).


Fort Russ: Western justice: It's Ok to kill a million people as long as you are sorry

Monday, October 26, 2015

USA: Wimp Nation: Poised to Fall

By Fred Reed

Marlboro Man

An example of pathological masculinity, male privilege, substance abuse, and patriarchy with overtones of violence against women and people of color, as well as probable homophobia. May drive a truck.

Come morning, I receive emails from friends documenting the curious social transformation coming over the US. These missives usually accompany links to some new tragicomic antics. E.g., Harvard, once a university, lets students invent odd pronouns to promote gender equity. “He” and “she” represent oppression and lack of inclusion.
Recently a friend, a Harvard PhD, wrote and said, “It’s not funny anymore.” I thought, and realized that, no, it isn’t. Things that seemed the obsessions of the occasional lugubrious neurotic are so common that they represent a change in the national character. It is eerie. Something  strange is happening.
What now is the national character? What sort of country is America today? A country of rugged individualism? Land of the free and home of the brave? A nation of the independent and self-reliant?
Let us start with Brave.

“Student wearing Halloween costume prompts Pueblo County school lockdown

“Pueblo County High School was on lockdown for more than an hour Wednesday after authorities say a student was apprehended wearing a trench coat and gas mask.”

Panic strikes school after student says ‘gum’

Read more 


WRH: The ADL has taken the laughable position that putting your own country ahead of Israel is anti-Semitism!

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Netanyahu: Palestinians Opposed Mass Migration of Jews to Palestine, So Now We're Here Over Their Objection We`re Justified in Treating Them Like Dogs

Before WWII, the Jews were intent on creating a Jewish homeland in Palestine.

Hitler proposed expelling Europe`s Jews to Palestine.

The Palestinians objected, realizing full well that if Europe`s six million Jews migrated to their country it would be very bad news for them.

Understandably, therefore, when consulted by Hitler, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, speaking on behalf of Palestine`s mainly Muslim and Christian population opposed Hitler`s plan.

Netanyahu now claims that Hitler not only accepted the Grand Mufti`s rejection of his plan for the expulsion of Europe's Jews to Palestine, but was persuaded by the Palestinian leader to exterminate the European Jews instead.

That`s really cool because it means that since the native Palestinians opposed their own destruction by immigrant Jews, Jews are now justified in their discriminatory treatment of Palestinian Arabs within Israel and in their ongoing, slo-mo ethnic cleansing and slaughter of indigenous Palestinians within the occupied territories.

This should, but won't, serve as a warning to the European people, inundated by immigrants from Syria and the rest of the Third World. Those in Europe who oppose this flood are already branded as racists, xenophobes and bigots. Once the immigrants are the majority, this European opposition to self-destruction will not be forgotten. On the contrary, the "racism" of the indigenous Europeans who opposed their own cultural and racial decimation will be proclaimed as the justification for their total oppression and ultimate racial elimination.


Information Clearing House: Israeli Rabbis Call Killing Palestinians “a Religious Duty”
CanSpeccy: Universal genocide and the New World Order
972 Mag: Israeli memes mock Netanyahu's Hitler revisionism
Telegraph: Netanyahu causes uproar by blaming Palestinians for Holocaust

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

The 2014 Average Income of the 81 Million Lowest Paid Half of American Workers: $12,681

US Wage statistics for 2014 published this month by the US Government, Social Security Agency, Office of the Chief Actuary show that half of all US wage earners have a net income from employment less than or equal to $28,851.21. That may not be terrific but it sounds OK until you realize that the 99.9999% of the lowest paid half of the American workforce are earning, well, less than  $28,851.21, which may make you wonder what the average wage of the lowest paid half of the American workforce is.

And it turns out that the average wage of the 81 million Americans making up the lowest-paid half of the workforce is $12,681, which ain't noways so great. In fact it's so low that when, some time ago, I worked out the equivalent number from US Government data published for the year 2011, some fella, a regular commenter over at Prof. Mark Perry's American Enterprise Institute blog, repeatedly called me a liar and never could grasp the basic fact that most American workers are either poor or really poor. Let me say that again, most American workers are either poor or, really poor.

While the numbers for 2014 are little different from those for 2011, the trend is interesting. Over the three years, the income of the bottom 50% of American wage earners has risen from $12,400 to $12,681 or an increase of 2.2%, but if we assume an implausibly low inflation rate of 2% (some people think the real rate is more like 5 or 10%) the average earnings of the most poorly paid 50% of the American workforce has declined by almost 6% in the last three years. 

But here's the good news: the number of folks earning more than $50 million a piece increased between 2011 and 2014 by 53%, and their average compensation increased by a handy 8% from a mere $79,783,529.77 to all of $86,304,701.27 — yes, that's an increase of eight million bucks each.

Update: 2017
Median income: $31,561, up 9% over 2014
The number earning more than $50 million, up by 53%, with mean earnings up 13% over 2014

Sunday, October 18, 2015

How Rising Productivity Destroys the Economy, and What to Do About It

What Is Productivity?

Labor productivity is defined by economists as dollar value of output per unit of labor input, which is perhaps a useful way of looking at things, but not the way a normal person would think to define productivity. Rather, one would more likely think of labor productivity as a measure of goods or services produced per unit of labor input. The difference might seem of minor importance but it is not, for productivity measured as dollar output per labor input, which I will call financial productivity, is not closely correlated with, and may even be negatively related to, productivity measured as output of goods or services per unit of labor input, which I will call real productivity.

How Raising Productivity Destroys Jobs

The industrial revolution initiated a trend of increasing real labor productivity that continues to this day. The consequences within free market economies have been profound. Technological innovation increases real productivity with a cascade of further consequences that can be envisaged by consideration of Adam Smith's nail factory. Initially, each worker produces, say, 100 nails per day, which sell for a penny a piece. Then an entrepreneur builds a nail-making machine that enables each worker to produce 200 nails per day. Initially, nails still sell for a penny a piece, but soon other nail manufacturers copy the new technology and there is a glut of nails. Workers are laid off, while competition drives the price of nails down. Eventually, the market stabilizes with prices down by something like 50%, as also the number of workers employed in the nail-making industry. The end result is thus a doubling of real productivity (output per worker) but virtually no change in financial productivity (sales per worker) because the price of nails has been driven down.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

The "Refugee" Invasion of the Baltic States and the Islamic Conquest of Europe

Latvians had it pretty bad during the 20th Century, ruled first by the Tsar, then the Commies, followed by the Nazis. And now they're ruled by multiculti Merkel of the EU, which means it's going to be even worse for them in the present century.

Actually, the 21st Century will mark the end of Latvia, once and for all.

Under the EU policy of enforced multiculturalism and mass immigration, reproductively dysfunctional Latvians, with a fertility rate of 1.44 (replacement rate = 2.1),  will be eliminated by philoprogenitive Muslims. The ancient nation state of Latvia will then be incorporated into a European Caliphate.

Mass immigration means genocide of the European peoples and Islamization of the Continent.

Islam is not some tolerant religion compatible with Christian Science, Quakerism and the Church of England: it's a head-chopping, hand-chopping, foot-chopping, system of rule by brutal oppression that kills homosexuals by bulldozing stone walls over them or hanging them from construction cranes, stones adulterers, flogs mercilessly, hideously and sometimes to death those who deviate minutely from the rule of the Mullahs, destroys Buddist and pre-Islamic temples and shrines, mutilates the genitals of girls, tolerates slavery, rape and prostitution, and sanctions polygamy.

And Islam is not, as stupid liberals and self-hating white people contend, a religion of peace and love. It is a brutal, ignorant, totalitarian, mediaeval theocracy, and it seeks through mass migration to settle Europe and swamp the European people out of existence.

Speaking in an interview with Latvia’s Morning Independent newspaper, the chairman and head spokesman of the Islamic Cultural Centre, better known as Riga Mosque, said::
Islam will replace Christianity in Europe just as Christianity replaced Paganism centuries ago, and it will conquer by womb rather than the sword to make Latvia an Islamic State.
Asked “what are the chances that Latvia will become part of the Caliphate?” white convert and centre spokesman Ahmed Robert Klimovičs said he hoped it would. On the future of the predominantly Christian nation of just two million people – less than the population of Britain’s second city – Mr. Klimovičs said:
Latvians understand that in 50 years this will be an Islamic State. This is because Islamic children will be in the majority.
Image source
Meantime, the Christian turned Commie, Frau Merkel has just invited another million and a half Muslims to Germany.

See who these newcomers are?Take a close look at that picture. At the front a couple with two small kids — and behind: a stream of young strong men. Men who might have stayed home to fight for the independence of their country against the liver-eating cannibals of the Islamic State, but decided that making an Islamic settler state out of Germany was a better bet.

As Donald Trump has said:
We are ruled by really, really stupid people.
And here's the voice of the settler Islamic state in Britain, from non-other than Blair-appointed former UK "Justice" Minister, Shalid Malik:

In 1997 we got our first Muslim MP
In 2001 we had two Muslim MPs
In 2005 we had four Muslim MPs
In 2009/10 we'll have 8 Muslim MPs
In 2014 we'll have 14 Muslim MPs

At this rate the whole Parliament will be Muslim. ....

And I'm confident ... that in the next 30 years we'll see a Prime Minister who happens to share my faith.

Our future in this country is very bright.
Conversely, the future of the British people in "this country," which is to say the land of Shakespeare, Milton, Newton and Darwin — the one and only homeland the British people have, is not bright at all because Islam is a culture of conquest and control as the Brits, under the current treasonous leadership, are beginning to discover.

* The good news for Brits is that Shahid Malik was booted from Parliament in the 2010 general election. In 2006, Mr. Malik claimed £185,421 in parliamentary expenses, the highest amount claimed by any MP.



Renegade Tribune: Estonians protest EU-sponsored invasion

RT: LOL, Migrants sue Berlin’s main refugee center for delays to welfare handouts

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Russia Is Back

As DC watches helplessly while Putin bombs the daylights out of their pet terrorists it becomes apparent to all and sundy, which is to say the tiny minority of the Western population capable of attending rationally to political reality, that US foreign policy since 9/11 has been based on a lie. There is no US War on Terror, instead there's a US war for global hegemony fought by terrorist proxies.

The problem this revelation creates for Obama is to decide: should he acknowledge that the ISIS liver-eaters and head-choppers, Al Qaeda, the KLA and the countless other terrorist groups armed and directed by the US are indeed "our guys," fully bought and paid for by the United States of Sanctimonious Aggression (US of SA), or does he just call off the whole Project for the New American Century, which necessitated the "New Pearl Harbor", i.e., 9/11, to kickstart the whole process.

The difficulty is that abandoning the imperial project could involve massive internal recriminations. How could the US Government acknowledge that 9/11 was an inside job made possible by a 9/11 NORAD stand-down ordered by Dick Cheney, without then trying Cheney, Dubya, Rummy and a bunch of other NeoCons for treason? 

Such dire consequences must, obviously, be avoided by all possible means including, if necessary, World War III and a nuclear holocaust. However, the attention span of the majority of Americans is apparently so short that selling the idea that backing terrorism has always been the American way may not prove difficult. Indeed, terrorism, has been the way with all empires, so in this respect the vile brutality of the US of SA has been perfectly normal and entirely rational. So abandoning the now ineffectual ISIS and other scum organized, financed and directed by the US of SA to commit atrocities against the people of any country that refuses to bow the knee to US Empire can be presented as a great moral step forward, without the great super-distracted, pornography-addled, reality-TV-watching, social-media-absorbed, toxic GMO- and over-sweetened-food-stuffed American public having any clue whatever as to what's going on. 

The Saker: Week One of the Russian Military Intervention in Syria

ZeroHedge: Moscow Demands Britain Explain "Green Light To Shoot Down Russian Jets"
Listen you Russkie Commie, I mean Fascist, bastards, you've buggered up our regime change operation in Syria, so now we're gonna kill as many Russians there as we can. And the same to your Commie Chink friends. 
Yep, Cold War II has begun.
Epoch Times: Intense Fighting in Central Syria Amid Government Gains

AP: CIA-backed Syrian Rebels Under Russian Blitz
"Probably 60 to 80 percent of the arms that America shoveled in have gone to al-Qaida and its affiliates," said Joshua Landis, a Syria expert at the University of Oklahoma.
Mike Whitney: Putin’s “Endgame” in Syria

US Congress Woman Defends Russian Actions Against Syrian Terrorists:

Via Deep Resource

Zero Hedge: Russia is bombing “terrorists” in Syria, and the US is understandably peeved
A day after the bombing began, Obama’s Defence Secretary Ashton Carter complained that most Russian strikes “were in areas where there were probably not ISIL (IS) forces”.

Anonymously, US officials accused Russia of deliberately targeting CIA-sponsored “moderate” rebels to shore-up the regime of Bashir al-Assad.

Only two of Russia’s 57 airstrikes have hit ISIS, opined Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu in similar fashion. The rest have hit “the moderate opposition, the only forces fighting ISIS in Syria,” he said.
Zero Hedge: The Tragic Ending To Obama's Bay Of Pigs: CIA Hands Over Syria To Russia

One week ago, when summarizing the current state of play in Syria, we said that for Obama, "this is shaping up to be the most spectacular US foreign policy debacle since Vietnam." Yesterday, in tacit confirmation of this assessment, the Obama administration threw in the towel on one of the most contentious programs it has implemented in "fighting ISIS", when the Defense Department announced it was abandoning the goal of a U.S.-trained Syrian force.

But this, so far, partial admission of failure only takes care of one part of Obama's problem: there is the question of the "other" rebels supported by the US, those who are not part of the officially-disclosed public program with the fake goal of fighting ISIS; we are talking, of course, about the nearly 10,000 CIA-supported "other rebels", or technically mercenaries, whose only task is to take down Assad. 

PressTV: US pulls aircraft carrier out of Persian Gulf as Russian ships enter

This seems to confirm that aircraft carriers are only useful in colonial wars against Third-World people, provide that is, that those Third-Worlders have not been armed by Russia or China with supersonic anti-ship cruise missiles, as is the case with the people of Iran.

It also suggests that the US is contemplating some violent response to Russia's action against American-backed anti-Assad terrorists and do not wish to provide the Russians with the easy payback option of sinking an aircraft carrier with a missile fired by persons unknown and appearing out of nowhere in a rubber boat. 

Sputnik: US Rerouting Aircraft to Avoid Russians in Syria 'Humiliating' - McCain
We can’t be dictated by the Russians as to where the United States of American can fly airplanes.said Senator McCain.
In fact, right now, the US is being "dictated by the Russians as to where the United States of America can fly airplanes." What's more, they either have to get used to it, or they have to launch an overt war of aggression against Syria and Syria's ally Russia.

America's barbaric allies.

Trump: Let Putin bomb the Hell out of ISIS:

Meantime: Ben Carson wants US to launch air war with Russia Syria (After 12:30): US Defense Secretary Predicts Terror Attacks on Russia

"Predicts", is that quite the right word? Or should it have been "Promises."

US Aircraft carriers may be helpless against an adversary known for its expertise with rockets, but the the US can still do some dirty work with a bunch of cannibals, rapists and head choppers.

Bye Bye Stevie

Harper's Government funneled $8 million in Taxpayers Money US Republican Party's NGO

Under the Stephen Harper government, $8M was given to the John McCain-chaired International Republican Institute, a non-governmental organization started by the US Republican party to advocate for right-wing policies abroad.

The money came out of the tax-funded Canadian International Development Agency, whose work is supposed to support literacy, hygiene, access to medicine and water, and other core development goals.

IRI's primary funder is USAID, a US soft diplomacy institution that funds overseas development in countries of strategic importance to the USA. IRI has been implicated in supporting coup d'etats in Central America and the Caribbean.

The Canadian tax dollars that went to the IRI were earmarked for "Strengthening Multiparty Democracy" in Ukraine.
Source: BoingBoing

Did the multiparty democracy so strengthened include the fascistic, anti-Semitic, neo-Nazi Svoboda Party and other extreme right-wing groups, one wonders?

Confirmation by Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada

Apparently, the Harper Government's generosity to this operation chaired by Senator John McCain was mainly intended to promote regime change in Ukraine, as McCleans Magazine explains:
Here’s a link to a PDF describing the International Republican Institute’s country program for Ukraine. Of course the IRI is active in Ukraine: created in 1983 as a counterpart to the National Democratic Institute, it’s one of the world’s leading democracy-promotion agencies, and the streets of Ukraine are where the next chapter in the book of freedom is being written.

You don’t have to look too closely at the fact sheet to notice something odd: it carries the logo of Canada’s Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development. That’s because the largest contributor to the IRI’s Ukraine country program is DFAT-D. And while Canada’s government has not made a secret of this, they’ve gone through an elaborate version of the process they go through when they want something on the record but not actually noticed.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Syrian Refugees? They're Not Refugees, They're Nato Supported Draft Dodgers

So Germany's Back in the Nazi Business Collaborating with Nato and the US of A in a Criminal War of Aggression Against Syria

Who wants to go to war against a horde of US armed head-chopping liver eaters, CIA backed mercenaries and British special forces flying the ISIS flag? Not several million conscription-aged Syrian youths, evidently. It's hard to blame them.

And Turkey made it easy for Syrian army deserters and draft evaders to leave their country to its fate. Turkey has spent billions providing several million deserting Syrians a comfy place to stay. But the Turks expect others to help out too. So now Frau Merkel has become a collaborator in the Nazi Nato war of aggression against Syria, a war crime under the Nuremberg code. She has agreed to accommodate hundreds of thousands of Syrian draft dodgers, thereby weakening the Syrian state, which is slated for demolition.

Germans, obviously, are mad: poor German citizens are kicked out of state-subsidized housing to provide lodging for this horde of disaffected alien males, with nothing to do except bitch about slow Internet access, food "fit only for animals" and no free money to buy cigarettes, etc. Meantime, German girls are told to "cover up" so as not to "provoke", i.e., incite rape, by the "refugees."


RT: ‘Which side are you fighting for?’ Russia blasts US for refusing to share intel on ISIS

RT: Britain to send troops to Eastern Europe in display of force against Russia

RT: Former DIA Chief Michael Flynn Says Rise Of ISIS Was A "Willful Decision" Of US Government

Peter Hitchens: Which side are we really on in this war of the awful against the evil?

Sputnik: Syria Open to Hosting Russian Bases

RI: US Defense Secretary: No Cooperation With Russians Possible as Long as They Target Al-Qaeda

Pravda: Syrian opposition leader ready to join forces with government; admits Russian attacks target only terrorists

RT: Any NATO movement toward Russia’s borders will lead to reciprocal steps - Kremlin

How Putin outwitted the West

His Syrian intervention has made Obama and Cameron look weak and confused


Saddam Hussein hanged: is Iraq a better place? A safer place? Gaddafi murdered in front of the viewers: is Libya a better place? Now we are demonising Assad. Can we try to draw lessons?— Sergei Lavrov, Russian foreign minister, United Nations, 1 October
The Spectator: Russia was right about Iraq and Libya, and America and Britain were dead wrong. Regime change doesn’t seem to have changed Middle Eastern countries for the better, as Vladimir Putin has been warning for years. His policy is not to support any armed groups ‘that attempt to resolve internal problems through force’ — by which he means rebels, ‘moderate’ or otherwise. In his words, the Kremlin always has ‘a nasty feeling that if such armed groups get support from abroad, the situation can end up deadlocked. We never know the true goals of these “freedom fighters” and we are concerned that the region could descend into chaos.’
Yet after a decade and a half of scolding the West for non-UN-sanctioned military interventions, Putin has now unilaterally committed Russian forces to what the former CIA director General David Petraeus calls the ‘geopolitical Chernobyl’ of Syria. Russia finds itself allied with Syria, Iraq and Iran — a new ‘coalition’ no less, as Syria’s president Bashar al-Assad described it on Iranian state TV last week. How and why did Putin fail to take his own advice about the unintended consequences that breed in middle-eastern quagmires? And most importantly, how has he managed — so far at least — to make Russia’s intervention in Syria into something close to a diplomatic triumph?
Russia’s decisive intervention has left Barack Obama and David Cameron looking weak and confused. When the usually steadfastly patriotic readers of the New York Daily News were asked whether Putin or Obama had ‘the stronger arguments’, 96 per cent said Putin. In Britain even hawks like Sir Max Hastings — no friend of the Kremlin — are arguing that Russia can help beat Isis. And most importantly, Putin stole the show at the United Nations General Assembly last month with an impassioned speech denouncing the whole US-backed project of democracy in the Middle East at its very root.
The Arab Spring has been a catastrophe, Putin argued, and the western countries who encouraged Arab democrats to rise against their corrupt old rulers opened a Pandora’s box of troubles. ‘Instead of the triumph of democracy and progress, we got violence, poverty and social disaster,’ he told assembled delegates, in remarks aimed squarely at the White House. ‘Nobody cares about human rights, including the right to life. I cannot help asking those who have forced this situation, do you realise what you have done?’ It was quite a sight: a Russian president taking the moral high ground against an American president — and getting away with it.
It’s a message that encapsulates Putin’s world-view. Stability and predictability are better than the uncertainties of democracy and revolution — that’s been the Kremlin’s line ever since a wave of ‘colour’ revolutions swept away Putin’s allies across the former Soviet bloc. When the Arab Spring obliterated Russian buddies Hosni Mubarak in Egypt and Muammar Gaddafi in Libya, he had just the same idea. The Assad family — allies that Putin inherited from the days of Leonid Brezhnev — are simply the last of Moscow’s allies left standing in a world turned upside down by people power and its unpredictable consequences. In backing Assad, Putin is pushing back not just against the West and its support for democracy, but against the whole idea of popular revolt against authority.

Deep Resource: Iraq turns to Russia

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

The United States of Asininity:The World's Silliest Empire

By dmitry Orlov

I couldn't help but notice that over the past few weeks the Empire has become extremely silly—so silly that I believe it deserves the title of the World's Silliest Empire. One could claim that it has been silly before, but recent developments seem to signal a quantum leap in its silliness level.

The first bit of extreme silliness surfaced when Gen. Lloyd J. Austin III, the head of the United States Central Command, told a Senate panel that only a very small number of Syrian fighters trained by the United States remained in the fight—perhaps as few as five. The tab for training and equipping them was $500 million. That's $100 million per fighter, but that's OK, because it's all good as long as the military contractors are getting paid. Things got even sillier when it later turned out that even these few fighters got car-jacked by ISIS/al Qaeda in Syria (whatever they are currently calling themselves) and got their vehicles and weapons taken away from them.

Gen. Austin
General Austin's previous role as as Lt. General Casey in Tim Burton's film Mars Attacks! It was already a very silly role, but his current role is a definite career advancement, both in terms of rank and in terms of silliness level.

Lt. Gen. Casey
Mars Attacks!
The next silly moment arrived at the UN General Assembly meeting in New York, where Obama, who went on for 30 minutes instead of the allotted 15 (does Mr. Silly President know how to read a clock?) managed to use up all of this time and say absolutely nothing that made any sense to anyone.

But it was Putin's speech that laid out the Empire's silliness for all to see when he scolded the US for making a bloody mess of the Middle East with its ham-handed interventions. The oft-repeated quote is “Do you understand what you have done?” but that's not quite right. The Russian «Вы хоть понимаете теперь, чего вы натворили?» can be more accurately translated as “How can you even now fail to understand what a mess you have made?” Words matter: this is not how one talks to a superpower before an assembly of the world's leaders; this is how one scolds a stupid and wayward child. In the eyes of the whole world, this made the Empire look rather silly.

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