Monday, July 15, 2024

Veteran Canadian Armed Forces Sniper: Trump Shooter Had Inside Help

 “The second I saw that aerial photo of what they were saying happened, it immediately made no sense to me. You cannot, in broad daylight, get onto a rooftop within what looked like maybe a couple of hundred yards. You can’t get into that position with a gun when there’s a president speaking. It cannot be done. You don’t even need to be a sniper to know that it’s the most f—king obvious thing, the most obvious place in the whole world.”

“So something happened, and I’m not pointing fingers at anyone. It’s too obvious that this guy had help getting there. So whether someone turned a blind eye or it was strategically planned, I mean, it had to be planned to a certain level because events like that and security like that, it’s not a small thing. And that is the most obvious place to be.”

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Was Secret Service Incompetence at Trump Rally Deliberate?

Sunday, July 14, 2024

It's Time to Interrogate Biden

Joe Biden on July 8, 2024: 

What exactly did Biden mean? 

The MSM, obviously, will not ask.

Who helped? Who would have benefited had the sniper more accurately judged the effect of the breeze

Biden Halts 'Trump Is Hitler' Ads After Assassination Attempt
 But why? The ads where designed to Incite hatred. That Trump survived one assassination attempt is no reason not to try for another.

of Secret Service Failures in the Trump Assassination Attempt

Leftists Call for Biden to Assassinate Trump

THEY WANT HIM DEAD: Democrats Introduced a Resolution to Strip Trump of His Secret Protection

How the Fake News Media Told It: Trump Fell Over After Being ‘Startled’ By ‘Loud Noises’

Tucker Carlson Predicted Trump Assassination Attempt -- Mocked by the Media

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Democrats for Biden: Gaslighting a Nation

The idea propagated by the American media that the senile serial liar Joe Biden is fit for a second term as US President is blindingly idiotic. That Americans are expected, nevertheless, to accept the lie suggests that they are either remarkably gullible, or that they have abandoned democracy for lack of interest.

But who knows? Could America now be at a critical point in its political evolution when the preposterous lies propagated by the media cease to work? Are Americans about to jump the shark and send the Biden puppet show to the trash can of history where it belongs?

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Driving With Alcohol: Carbon Neutrality Without Half a Ton of Batteries

Do you worry about rising atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration but hesitate to switch from a relatively cheap gas-powered car of essentially unlimited range to an expensive electric car of limited range hauling half a ton of batteries?

Well there is an environmentally friendly alternative to both gas-powered and electric cars. What's more, the alternative does not require the purchase of a new car.

Wth minimal modification, a gas engine will run on alcohol. For example, burning methanol synthesized  from biomass is carbon neutral, the carbon emitted on combustion having been derived from the atmosphere by photosynthesis. Methanol produced from biomass costs something like US$336 per ton, or $0.47 per litre. Yesterday's retail gasoline price in Vancouver, British Columbia was $1.62 per litre. The difference between the cost of producing methanol and the current retail price of gasoline seems sufficient, therefore, to cover costs of production and distribution while leaving an adequate margin for taxation.

On the downside, by volume, methanol delivers only about half as much energy as gasoline, although on the plus side, it has a higher octane rating. A better option, therefore, may be to power your car with ethanol, which yields about 33% more energy per litre than methanol and like methanol is derived from biomass, specifically sugar cane. 

The feasibility of using alcohol as motor fuel as a means to eliminate the impact of cars on atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration is evident from the fact that, in Brasil, ethanol is a state required constituent of motor fuel, with some cars in that country being run on pure ethanol. 


EV Boosters Cannot Do Math

Monday, July 8, 2024

Stephanopoulos Interview: Biden Kills It


“What were you experiencing as you were going through the debate? Did you know how badly it was going?” 


“Yeah, look ........ The whole way I prepared, nobody’s fault, mine, nobody’s fault but mine. I prepared what I usually would do sitting down as I did come back with foreign leaders or the National Security Council for explicit detail, and I realized partway through that you know all I get quoted The New York Times had me down ten points before the debate, nine now, or whatever the hell it is. The fact of the matter is what I looked at is that he also lied 28 times. I couldn’t — I mean — the way the debate was ran — my fault, no one else’s fault …”

Democrats supporting Biden's intention to run again constitutes elder abuse.

Great American Presidential Quotes


Thursday, June 27, 2024

Tucker Carlson: Native-Born Americans Are Being Replaced By Immigrants -- Same in Canada But More So

The situation in Canada is similar to that in the US as described by Tucker Carlson -- but worse.  

Except for immigration, Canada's population would be falling.

Without immigration, population maintenance requires a total fertility rate of 2.1. In 2023, Canada's total fertility rate was less than 1.5, 40% below the replacement rate and even lower than the American rate which in the same year was 1.62.

But despite the low fertility rate, Canada's population is growing. How come? Because of a massive influx of immigrants, at a rate that greatly exceeds the birthrate.

In 2023, births in Canada totalled 356,903, but there were 437,000 immigrants. That's 122 thousand immigrants in excess of births. 
Under Justin Trudeau, Canada's population policy is thus a policy of native population replacement. 

The deficit in Canadian fertility is intensified by immigrant competion for jobs and housing which lowers wages while raising housing costs.

Without decent incomes and the security of home ownership which good wages allow, many young Canadian couples defer starting a family or simply never make a start. Immigrants, of course, face the same problems. 

Thus Canada's Trudeauvian policy of mass immigration amounts to a program of national self-genocide, the native population being progressively replaced by people from elsewhere. For the most part, good people from elsewhere, no doubt, but they're not native-born Canadians.

What's the solution?


Cut the immigration rate by something like 90% and keep it at that greatly reduced rate until the Canadian total fertility rate rises from its current rate of less than 1.5 to the replacement rate of 2.1.

Boeing: Once a Company of Engineers

Yes, the COVID Vax May Have Damaged Your Brain


QJM: An International Journal of Medicine, May 28, 2024 

A potential association between COVID-19 vaccination and development of alzheimer's disease

Jee Hoon Hong Jin Kim, Min-Ho Kim, Myeong Geun Choi, Eun Mi Chun

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

American Psychologists for Official Truth: 9/11 and the Murder of JFK

American psychologist and Harvard Professor, Steven Pinker, has suggested that those who question the official account of either the destruction of New York's Twin Towers on September 11, 2001, or the 1963 assassination of US President J.F. Kennedy are holders of "weird beliefs," or nutters as others might say. In this, Pinker is not alone in the Psych community. For example,  in his Psych. The Story of the Human Mind, University of Toronto Professor and Yale Emeritus Professor Paul Bloom writes:
If we're smart, why do we often seem so dumb? Take conspiracy theories. There are those who deny the existence of the Holocaust, who believe that the September 11 attacks were an inside job, who think that the COVID pandemic is a fraud.
How remarkable this is. First, note how it conflates a number of quite plausible beliefs with the discreditable denial of the Holocaust and the silly idea that the COVID pandemic never occurred (I know it did. I had Covid -- twice). Second, note how this statement is based on the implicit assumption that any rational person going to the trouble of learning what happened on 9/11 will unquestioningly accept the conclusion of the 9/11 Commission Report, notwithstanding that Thomas Kean, Chair of the 9/11 Commission, wrote a book expressing his personal doubts as to the published conclusions of the Commission that he had headed. 

So for those too young to remember the assassination of President Kennedy, and with better things to do than to research either the Kennedy assassination, or the attacks of 9/11, here are key tests of the validity of the official accounts of those events. 

First, the Kennedy assassination. The official story, as presented in the report of the Commission headed by Earl Warren, Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, was clear and simple: President Kennedy was killed by a head shot fired by Lee Harvey Oswald located at a sixth floor window of the Texas School Book Depository building, which stood directly behind the President's open car as it passed through Dallas's Dealey Plaza. 

The problem with this claim is that it is contrary to the facts.

First, there is the Zapruder film, an amateur video of the President's car at the time of the shooting. The video shows that immediately after the President received a shot to the head, Jacqueline Kennedy, who was seated beside the president in the open car in which they were riding, climbed onto the trunk of the car to retrieve a piece of the President's scull. The implication is clear: the fatal shot to the President's head was from the front, not from behind, which is where Oswald was located. That is true, whatever Oswald may have been doing, including, quite probably, shooting at the President. In fact, it is likely that a bullet from Oswald's gun accounted for Kennedy's neck wound, and also for a bullet wound suffered by Texas Governor Connally, who was riding in the front passenger seat of the car in which the Kennedys were riding. 

That the fatal shot to President Kennedy's head was from the front is confirmed by the testimony of all the doctors who examined Kennedy at the Parklands Hospital where he was taken immediately after the shooting. Here, for example, is  Doctor Robert MacClelland, a Parklands Hospital surgeon describing the President's wounds:

So what you gonna believe. The Official account according to which the fatal shot to the President's head was from behind, or Dr. MacClelland's lyin' eyes?

As for the theory that the Twin Towers were wired for demolition on 9/11, why not? New York Trade Center Building 7, the third building to collapse on 9/11, was certainty wired for controlled demolition. How do we know? Straight from the mouth of Larry Silverstein, the building's owner. 

Thing is, wiring a block-long building for controlled demolition involves placing dozens of explosive charges. That's not something that can be done in minutes, or in an afternoon.  So Building 7 had to have been wired for demolition prior to 9/11. That being so, why not also the Twin Towers?

What is the moral of this tale? One at least is that psychologists, in their professional capacity, should stick to pychology. Their expertise rarely has application in adjudicating the truth of the historical record. 

Monday, June 24, 2024

British Speech Control: Tell the Truth, Be Accused of Treason

 Reform UK leader Nigel Farage has accused a prominent legacy media outlet of printing falsehoods and “collaborating” with the Kremlin to smear him to protect the “dying Conservative Party”.

The Mail on Sunday, the sister paper of the Daily Mail, may be facing a lawsuit from Nigel Farage over its headline over the weekend which read: “Zelensky: Farage Is Infected with ‘Virus of Putin’,” after the Brexit leader stated the West played a role in provoking the Russian invasion with EU and NATO expansionism.

Mr Farage said that the headline was “totally untrue” and said he instructed the Carter-Ruck law firm to “deal with it”.


As a matter of historical fact, Farage's statement about the origins of the Ukraine War is correct. In 2021, a Nazified Ukrainian military force of over 100,000 assembled in Eastern Ukraine for the purpose of destroying Ukraine's self-governing and largely ethnic Russian Donbas republics. This after seven years of Ukrainian shelling and missile attacks on the Donbas that killed over 13,000 men, women and children. 

Nazified Azov Batallion: Yes, they really do identify as Nazis,
as the swastica and the wolfsangel on the banners they display confirm
 Image Source

And yes, the Donbas republics are entitled, under the terms of the UN Charter, to have the governments of their own choosing. Unfortunately for the Ukrainians, they don't get the government of their own chosing, they get to keep Amerika's term-expired, anti-Russian, coke-snorting puppet and Trudeau Friend, Zelenski.  

Meantime: Ukaine uses cluster munitions against Crimea beach-goers

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Who You Gonna Believe About the Ukraine War: Those Losers, Sunak and Starmer or Nigel Farage

 Sir Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak have condemned Nigel Farage for his claim the West provoked the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Mr Sunak said the Reform UK leader was “completely wrong and only plays into Putin’s hands”.

Labour leader Sir Keir called the remarks “disgraceful” and said anyone standing for Parliament should make clear Russia is the aggressor.

During interview on BBC's Panorama on Friday, Mr Farage was questioned about his opinion of Mr Putin.

He replied: “I said I disliked him as a person, but I admired him as a political operator because he’s managed to take control of running Russia."

Mr Farage, a former member of the European Parliament, also said: “Right, I’ll tell you what you don’t know, I stood up in the European Parliament in 2014 and I said, and I quote, ‘There will be a war in Ukraine’.

“Why did I say that?“It was obvious to me that the ever-eastward expansion of Nato and the European Union was giving this man a reason to his Russian people to say, ‘they’re coming for us again’ and to go to war.”

Speaking to reporters during a campaign visit in London, Sir Keir said: “On the question of Farage, his comments were disgraceful.

“Anyone who is standing for Parliament ought to be really clear that Russia is the aggressor, Putin bears responsibility, and that we stand with Ukraine, as we have done from the beginning of this conflict, and Parliament has spoken with one voice on this since the beginning of the conflict.”

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Boris Johnson Pressured Zelenskyy to Ditch Peace Talks With Russia: Ukrainian Paper