Monday, June 24, 2024

British Speech Control: Tell the Truth, Be Accused of Treason

 Reform UK leader Nigel Farage has accused a prominent legacy media outlet of printing falsehoods and “collaborating” with the Kremlin to smear him to protect the “dying Conservative Party”.

The Mail on Sunday, the sister paper of the Daily Mail, may be facing a lawsuit from Nigel Farage over its headline over the weekend which read: “Zelensky: Farage Is Infected with ‘Virus of Putin’,” after the Brexit leader stated the West played a role in provoking the Russian invasion with EU and NATO expansionism.

Mr Farage said that the headline was “totally untrue” and said he instructed the Carter-Ruck law firm to “deal with it”.


As a matter of historical fact, Farage's statement about the origins of the Ukraine War is correct. In 2021, a Nazified Ukrainian military force of over 100,000 assembled in Eastern Ukraine for the purpose of destroying Ukraine's self-governing and largely ethnic Russian Donbas republics. This after seven years of Ukrainian shelling and missile attacks on the Donbas that killed over 13,000 men, women and children. 

Nazified Azov Batallion: Yes, they really do identify as Nazis,
as the swastica and the wolfsangel on the banners they display confirm
 Image Source

And yes, the Donbas republics are entitled, under the terms of the UN Charter, to have the governments of their own choosing. Unfortunately for the Ukrainians, they don't get the government of their own chosing, they get to keep Amerika's term-expired, anti-Russian, coke-snorting puppet and Trudeau Friend, Zelenski.  

Meantime: Ukaine uses cluster munitions against Crimea beach-goers

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