Showing posts with label competition for housing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label competition for housing. Show all posts

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Tucker Carlson: Native-Born Americans Are Being Replaced By Immigrants -- Same in Canada But More So

The situation in Canada is similar to that in the US as described by Tucker Carlson -- but worse.  

Except for immigration, Canada's population would be falling.

Without immigration, population maintenance requires a total fertility rate of 2.1. In 2023, Canada's total fertility rate was less than 1.5, 40% below the replacement rate and even lower than the American rate which in the same year was 1.62.

But despite the low fertility rate, Canada's population is growing. How come? Because of a massive influx of immigrants, at a rate that greatly exceeds the birthrate.

In 2023, births in Canada totalled 356,903, but there were 437,000 immigrants. That's 122 thousand immigrants in excess of births. 
Under Justin Trudeau, Canada's population policy is thus a policy of native population replacement. 

The deficit in Canadian fertility is intensified by immigrant competion for jobs and housing which lowers wages while raising housing costs.

Without decent incomes and the security of home ownership which good wages allow, many young Canadian couples defer starting a family or simply never make a start. Immigrants, of course, face the same problems. 

Thus Canada's Trudeauvian policy of mass immigration amounts to a program of national self-genocide, the native population being progressively replaced by people from elsewhere. For the most part, good people from elsewhere, no doubt, but they're not native-born Canadians.

What's the solution?


Cut the immigration rate by something like 90% and keep it at that greatly reduced rate until the Canadian total fertility rate rises from its current rate of less than 1.5 to the replacement rate of 2.1.