Tuesday, October 12, 2021

The Covid Coup: Daily Update, No. 79

Further blog commentary about the globalist, Covid-enabled coup-de-monde is clearly pointless when the MSM trumpets the triumphant advance of treason on the front page. Here, therefore, we offer merely links to widely available reports on the murder of liberty by a coalition of the world's most dangerous elites, Communist or Capitalist, acting with the full support of major media outlets, bureaucracies and corporations.

October 13, 2021:

The US CDC estimates that SARS-CoV-2 has infected more than 100 million Americans, and evidence is mounting that natural immunity is at least as protective as vaccination. Yet public health leadership says everyone needs the vaccine. Really?
A Guide to Home-Based COVID Treatment (Bookmark this, you may need it.)

American Journal of Medicine: Pathophysiological basis and rationale for early outpatient treatment of Sars-CoV-2 (Covid-19) Infection

Hey, it's working. 

Killing Kids. 

Isn't that what Bill Gates, Prince Charles, Greta Thunberg and all the other Greenies want? 

Well played Dr. Fauci of the CIA, Big Pharma, and Dementia Joe! 

And what's so cool is that folks have been conditioned to go on taking the toxic jabs forever. 

Best of all, as a means of imperial control, it's so much cheaper  than bombing the shit out of poor people. 

Jessica Rose, PhD, and Mathew Crawford:
Why are people dying after getting the Covid vaccine? Pathologists now have answers Apparently it's due to weird, non-biological, stuff in the vax

Mike Yeadon: 

Trudeau Bans the Unvaccinated from Leaving the Country and from Earning a Living Is the Canadian Vax Dictator Like that New South Wales Tyrant, Berejiklian, Being Blackmailed to Enforce the Jab?  

Natural Immunity and Covid-19: Twenty-Nine Scientific Studies to Share with Employers, Health Officials, and Politicians

Why? Why are healthy over-forties being terrorized by their own government unless they get the vax? Is this some kind of techno-genocide, or what?

COVID-19 Was a Planned Bioweapon by China’s People’s Liberation Army

Was vicious vax enforcer, New South Wales Premier Berejiklian, blackmailed by vax lobbyists? What about lobbying elsewhere? Canada, for example? Does anyone have some leads we can add here?

This Headline Summarizes the Covid coup: 
''It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Hitler, A Vaccine Holocaust, And If You Refuse The Shots, That'll Fill You With Micro-clots, You'll Lose Your Job And Pay A Heavy Cost''

Clinical Infectious Diseases: SARS-CoV-2-specific cellular and humoral immunities are durable at least until one year after disease onset i.e., Much better than the the Pfizer jab which is almost useless within six months. And in fact the T-cell response to infection, which primes the immune system for a rapid response to re-infection, is likely good for life. 
"... the drug - which purportedly cut hospitalizations in half during a study that was cut short - could cause cancer or birth defects....

[it] works by incorporating itself into the genetic material of the virus, and then causing a huge number of mutations as the virus replicates, effectively killing it. In some lab tests, the drug has also shown the ability to integrate into the genetic material of mammalian cells, causing mutations as those cells replicate."

You gotta wonder about that "effectively killing it," bit. So it doesn't exactly kill it? Like the odd particle, a kind of horror zombie virus, might survive, replicate even? Then what? Covid on steroids with grotesque modifications?

Note that Fauci and the vax pushers never advocate cheap, readily available Vitamin D supplements. Ask yourself: why don't they?

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

The Most Important Quote of the Pandemic

 “The idea that everybody needs to be vaccinated (against Covid19) is ... scientifically baseless. [T]hose who’ve been infected are already immune.” 

Martin Kulldorff, Epidemiologist, Harvard Medical School
Jay Bhattacharya, Professor of Health Policy, Stanford University

Meaning that the epidemic will be over as soon as most people have gained immunity through infection. Then we will have herd immunity, which is to say that there will be enough people with durable and robust natural immunity to prevent further flareups of the disease. 

Covid infections will continue, particularly among new recruits to the population, these being mainly children who are at negligible risk from the disease. In addition, infections will occur among those previously infected. However, such infections will generally be either asymptomatic or of limited severity due to immune system priming by prior infection. In particular, memory T-cells in mucosal epithelia will recognize the virus and instigate an early, broad-spectrum, immune system response that prevents the development of a high viral load and hence severe illness or high infectiousness. 

What that means is that masks, lockdowns, and social distancing, by impeding achievement of herd immunity, do not hasten, but rather delay, the end of the Covid pandemic.

Further it means that we are being consistently, insistently, persistently, and insolently lied to by people such as Dr. Fauci -- the man who financed the creation of Covid -- who pretend that we must give up our natural right to work and to socialize freely until such time as we have all been jabbed with an untested and, in at least tens of thousands of cases, lethal so-called vaccine that fails either to prevent infection or disease transmission and that has to be renewed frequently to confer whatever minimal benefit it is supposed to provide.

For those with conditions predisposing to severe Covid illness, vaccination may be advisable. For healthy individuals under 50, the advisability of vaccination plus twice-yearly booster shots with a vaccine that has already caused hundreds of thousands if not millions of adverse effects, including tens of thousands of deaths, is highly questionable. 

For tyrannical governments such as that of Canada's Justin the Apologist, a man who lusts for dictatorship, to seek to compel vaccination of the entire population, amounts to a crime against humanity. 

Biden Doesn't Know That Vaccinated Individuals Can Still Spread COVID
Is there any difference, really, in their grasp on reality, between Dementia Joe and our own dictator wannabe, Justin the Apologist

UC Irvine Director Of Medical Ethics Placed On 'Investigatory Leave' Over Challenge To Vaccine Mandate
Damn the ethics. You gonna get the jab whether you want it or need it, even if it kills ya.

Former Professor of Ethics Dr Julie Ponesse 
provides essential lesson on courage and integrity:

Randy Hillier, Ontario MPP on Trudeau's Covid dictatorship:

They think Covid spreads on the Internets, or what?

Further proof, anyhow, that the Western university is, not only a swamp of stupidity, but an institution for brainwashing and for subordinating students to tyranny.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Springer Verlag: "Our Business is Publishing" — Bullshit

LOL: Someone just punked Springer Verlag, publisher of 2,900 scholarly journals and 300,000 books. 

As reported by the Daily Skeptic:

The publisher Springer Nature has released an “expression of concern” for more than four hundred papers they published in the Arabian Journal of Geosciences. All these papers supposedly passed through both peer review and editorial control, yet no expertise in geoscience is required to notice the problem:

There is much that could be said about this humiliation of a giant in the scholarly publishing industry, all of which will surely make the late Julius Springer, the company's founder, turn in his grave. All I will note here, is that this extraordinary exploit reveals that in a world where scholarly publishing has been largely handed over to the private sector, the process is no longer subject to the slightest influence of intelligence, human or otherwise.

Sunday, October 3, 2021

How Universities Came to be Run by the Destroyers of Freedom

In his autobiographical work, The Uses of Literacy, published in 1957, Richard Hoggart noted that academics must be prepared to undertake the administrative work of the university or the university would cease to  remain a self-governing community of scholars. 

Events have proved the validity of Hoggart's warning. The modern university, not only in England but throughout the English-speaking world, has fallen under the destructive hand of high-priced bureaucrats, Presidents, Vice-Presidents, Deans, Vice-Deans and all manner of administrative assistants and staff who see scholars are mere underlings and drones to be reduced to a subordinate status, if they cannot be eliminated altogether by the deployment of minimum-wage adjuncts.

The destructive consequences of this transformation, not only for academia and its primary role in the pursuit and transmission of knowledge, but for society as a whole is now abundantly clear. Universities manifest an academic equivalent of Gresham's Law in accordance with which bad academics in administration drive out the good. 

Examples of lunacy and corruption in academic administration are legion: here a professor penalized financially for refusing to adopt race-based grading*; there an admissions bribery scandal involving tens of millions paid to college officials. 

Stephen Toope, former Cambridge Vice-Chancellor
Among recent examples of the destructive arrogance and stupidity of university administration is the effort to curtail freedom of expression at the University of Cambridge. There, under the administration of Stephen Toope, the university's 346th Vice-Chancellor, was issued – in the name of the University's wonderfully bureaucratically named Division of Governance and Compliance – a statement on "Freedom of Speech" requiring that: "In exercising their right to freedom of expression, the University expects its staff, students and visitors to be respectful of the differing opinions of others"  

And confirming that the demand for respect for every opinion was not the result, simply, of careless drafting but a plan to impose the rule of political correctness, the university set up a snitch line to allow hypersensitive souls to report "micro-aggressions" such as eye-rolling in response to the opinion of persons of another characteristic, whatever a person of another characteristic may be. 

Happily, this attempt to muzzle free speech in the name of free speech was so idiotic that it exploded in the face of the university's control-freak administration. There are many ideas in wide circulation today for which everyone has a right to express disrespect: advocacy for infanticide, aka partial birth abortion, for example, or pedophilia, female genital mutilation, racial quotas on university entry, and so on endlessly.

In an effort to mitigate the negative reaction to Vice-Chancellor Toope's attempt to compel respect for every opinion however idiotic, dangerous or offensive, the University of Cambridge's governing body, Regent House, demanded in place of respect, tolerance of every opinion. But tolerance of stupid or evil ideas is no virtue. Rather is is failure of moral responsibility, a failure that is the prerequisite to the most monstrous crimes against humanity.

Thus, as a headline in the Daily Telegraph put it succinctly: Stephen Toope embodied all that is rotten in our universities. Happily, Stephen Toope has now left Cambridge. Unhappily, little can be expected to change at Cambridge unless members of the university's governing body that appointed Toope as Vice-Chancellor resign too. That of course will not happen. The rot will continue, as at every other university in the land that was once a cradle of freedom.

* The professor has since been fired.


The Dystoopeian schemes of a Woke Canadian At the Head of Cambridge University

Friday, October 1, 2021

Rand Paul on the Tyrannical Drive to Vaccinate Covid Recovered Patients

Dopey NZ Premier finally gets it: Zero Covid is unattainable. Herd immunity through widespread infection is where we're headed Will dopey leaders in Canada, Australia, the UK eventually get it too?

Top doc: Pull COVID-19 vaccines off the market now -- Just get treated early, before you are unable to breath

Civil Disobedience in Canada as People Rebel Against Vaccine Mandates by Having Picnics in the Streets

Former Australian Member of Parliament Says Pfizer and AstraZeneca Paid Lobbyists to Direct Australia’s Leaders to Push Vaccine Mandates (VIDEO)

Critics Pop Champagne As New South Wales' Premier, and Lockdown Totalitarian, Resigns over Corruption allegations

Mystery rise in heart attacks from blocked arteries. Mystery or Covid vax spike protein injection?

Covid's now in every classroom: One in 20 children had virus on any day last week What the lying media won't tell you is that this is good news.

It means the little tykes will have robust and durable Covid immunity probably for life without the toxic and essentially useless spike-protein-generating vax that does not prevent infection or virus transmission, and in months looses all effectiveness in preventing severe illness. 

And mostly, unvaxed kids who get Covid will be entirely asymptomatic, meaning they'll pass the virus on to their friends and family. Then before you know it, we`ll have herd immunity and it will then be obvious to everyone but Youtube and the most corrupt politicians and bureaucrats that forcing the dangerous and largely useless vax on the entire population was a futile exercise amounting to a Nuremburg-level crime against humanity.

It makes you wonder, what exactly is the difference between all those Sieg Heiling, German-war-criminal, Hitlerites and the average American, Brit, Canadian or Australian? For slavish willingness to follow orders, whether from a demented Fuhrer or a Senile President or jackass Prime Minister, I see no difference.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

People Who Support Vaccine Passports Are Either Stupid or Corrupt

The vax does not stop transmission, it does not improve the immunity of the millions who have recovered from covid, so why are governments enforcing universal vaccination, even of children for whom serious consequences of infection are rare in the extreme? 

We will reach herd immunity to Covid19 not by vaccination, but from real immunity acquired through infection. Lockdowns, social distancing, facemasks (if they worked, which they don't) only delay the end of the pandemic. 

There is no legitimate scientific reason to be aiming to vaccinate 80 to 90 percent of the population under peril of circumscription of liberties, installation of vaccine mandates and passports, bans on travel, quarantining threats, and in some countries, the possibility of internment. 

.... the vaccine passport is a control mechanism, not for the good of your health. If people are afraid of something, it is not the Corona virus they should be afraid of, but their government.


We Will Not Comply: Red States Should Offer Sanctuary To Businesses, Military, & Medical Personnel And will just one Canadian Province refuse to comply with the wannabe dictator Trudeau on vax passports?

Quote of the Day, No. 79: The only remaining justification for being vaccinated is the unverified claim that although the vaccine will not reduce your chance of catching Covid, it will reduce your chance of dying from Covid as long as you ignore the chance of serious injury to health or death from the vaccine itself.

Source: Paul Craig Roberts: Scandinavian Governments Announce “Covid Is Over,” Israel Announces the Vaccine Doesn’t Protect

Phony Covid hospitalization numbers: 
Meghan Kelly and Dr. Jay Bhattacharya

Australia: New South Wales Police Commissioner Refuses to Enforce Vaccine Passport Rules

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Quote of the Month, No. 79: The Covid Bait and Switch

One of the most common reasons given for mass COVID vaccinations is the idea that if we reach herd immunity through vaccination, we can starve the virus out of existence and get our lives back. It's the COVID-Zero strategy or some variant of it.

By now it is abundantly clear from the epidemiological data that the vaccinated are able to both catch and spread the disease.

Clearly vaccination isn't going to make this virus disappear. Only a mind that has lost its grasp on reality can fail to see how ridiculous all this has become.

... the promise of COVID-Zero can only ever have been a deliberately dishonest shell game designed to prey on a lack of public understanding of how our immune systems work and on how most respiratory viruses differ from other viruses that we routinely vaccinate against. We have been sold a fantasy designed to rope us into a pharmaceutical dependency as a deceitful trade-off for access to our lives.

...Exposing this story does not require incriminating emails or whistleblower testimony. The story tells itself by diving into the long-established science that every single virologist, immunologist, evolutionary biologist, vaccine developer, and public health official had access to long before COVID began. ...

This is not to say that there aren't plenty of other opportunists taking advantage of this crisis to pursue other agendas and to tip society into a full-blown police state. ...

"Julius Ruechel -- Immunity As A Service" - The Snake-Oil Salesmen & The COVID-Zero Con


Project Veritas:
Johnson & Johnson: Children Don’t Need the ‘F*cking’ COVID Vaccine Because There Are ‘Unknown Repercussions Down the Road’ … Want to ‘Punish’ Unvaccinated Adults and Turn Them Into ‘Second-Grade Citizens’ for Not Complying with Mandates

Lawyers & Scientists Are Building A Case For Why Natural Immunity Should Be Treated Same As Vaccination

Zero Hedge: Italy Orders Companies Not To Pay Unvaccinated Workers

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

The Wickedest Lie the Vaxxers Tell

We have to stop the spread: masks, school closures, business closures, the old and seriously ill driven from hospitals to make way for Covid cases, jabs, double jabs, booster jabs, lockdowns, obesity made epidemic, drug overdose deaths rising, whatever it takes, we have to stop the spread.

But it keeps spreading. Where will it end? It will end with what the vax liars will not countenance: herd immunity.

Herd Immunity develops when the number of people with immunity to a disease rises to the point at which, averaged over time, each new infection results in disease transmission to just one other person. 

At that point, there may be seasonal flare ups of disease, for example, following the end-of-summer return to school, or during the winter months when people living at higher latitudes are exposed to less sunshine and thus become deficient in Vitamin D, while spending more time indoors in proximity with other people. But averaged from year to year, a population with herd immunity will experience a low but more or less constant rate of disease infection. At that point the disease is said to be endemic. 

That more or less constant endemic rate of infection will reflect two things. One is the rate of recruitment to the population of people without immunity, which is determined chiefly by the birth rate. The other is the rate at which natural immunity is lost -- if it is lost, which is apparently not presently known. 

How could the pandemic end otherwise?

If we had a vaccine that prevented infection and disease transmission. 

But we don't have that. 

What we have is a so-called vaccine that neither prevents infection, nor the development of a high viral load in those infected, nor disease transmission by vaccinated persons. 

At best, the vaccine prevents the development of symptomatic disease, though often it fails even to do that, with many Covid deaths being among the vaxed. 

So how do we get to herd immunity?

By letting the disease spread. 

Especially, we should allow the disease to spread among those least likely to suffer severe illness. 

That means children, young adults and people up to the age of fifty without predisposing conditions such as diabetes and obesity.

Vaccinating children is not only pointless, it is evil. 

It is evil because it prevents the acquisition of full-spectrum immunity, at a stage in life when susceptibility to symptomatic Covid illness is minimal -- significantly less than the risk of severe illness from the flu.

It is time now for politicians and social leaders to grasp the facts about Covid, end the Covid terror campaign, shut down the lying vaxxers, and allow a return to normal life. 


The one thing concerning Covid that Justin Trudeau and the rest of the globalist elite don't want: Multifaceted highly targeted sequential multidrug treatment of early ambulatory high-risk SARS-CoV-2 infection (COVID-19)

FDA Employee: Feds Need to Create a ‘Nazi-Germany’ Style Registry of Unvaccinated Americans, “Go Door to Door and Stab Everyone”

Wuhan Scientists Planned To Release 'Chimeric Covid Spike Proteins' Into Bat Populations Using 'Skin-Penetrating Nanoparticles'

Saturday, September 18, 2021

The Lies That Vaxxers Tell

1. We're all in this together. 

We are certainly not all in this  together if that means we are equally at risk from Covid. As the following graphs show, there is a 5,000-fold difference in risk of death from Covid between the newly born and the nearly dead.


Image source: Nature, November 2020Age-specific mortality and immunity patterns of SARS-CoV-2)

2. By spreading the virus, the unvaccinated are a mortal threat the all those around them.

It's true that the unvaccinated spread the virus, but that's no argument for vaccination. 

Those at greatest risk of infection from the unvaccinated are the unvaccinated, who have no reason to complain of the risk to which they are exposed by other unvaccinated persons. 

True, the unvaccinated may infect the vaccinated, but we have it from Dr. Rochelle Walensky, Director of the US Center for Disease Control that the vaccinated can have: "similarly high SARS-CoV-2 viral loads" to unvaccinated people. What that means is that there is no difference in risk of infection posed by the vaccinated versus the unvaccinated. 

3. And if the vaccinated can get and spread the virus, tell us again, what was the point of the vaccine?

Oh, yes, it was to reduce disease severity. 

But is that a reason for mandatory treatment with an untested vaccine that has already killed tens of thousands, caused adverse reactions in millions, and may cause serious long term harm to health and human fertility?

4. And, did you say, everyone must be vaccinated because potentially severe Covid in the unvaxxed creates a burden on medical services. 

But don't we pay for medical services directly or through taxation? What's wrong with calling on those services if we get sick for whatever reason? 

Are mountain biking and sky-diving to be prohibited because someone could break a leg and need hospital treatment? 

Is eating to the point of obesity, the consumption of alcohol, or the smoking of tobacco or hemp to be made illegal because such activities increase the risk of a multitude of diseases needing medical treatment?

In any case, aren't the vaccinated, confident of their immunity to severe illness, more likely to catch and spread the disease than the unvaccinated who know the virus could kill them? 

And isn't the elevated social confidence of the vaccinated the reason there is always a spike in Covid cases following a major vaccination drive -- and if that's not the reason, people need to find out what exactly is in the vax before they agree to getting the shot?

5. Until everyone is vaccinated hospital intensive care units are at risk of being overloaded. 

That was the scare story a year ago, but was it true? Take the Canadian Province of British Columbia: with a population of five million, hospitals there have a total of only 206 intensive care beds, yet throughout the Covid epidemic there have always been ICU beds available. 

Furthermore, since the Government of Canada has used Covid as justification for adding to the national debt an amount equal to one third of Canada's annual GDP, it could certainly have provided an abundance of cash for a few dozen extra ICU beds in British Columbia and elsewhere had they been needed. 

6. Everyone must be vaxxed even if they've already had Covid.

This is complete nonsense. Natural immunity from past infection is vastly superior to whatever benefit there may be from the spike protein mRNA injection.

The main effect of the toxic spike-protein-generating vax is to induce production of some short-lived anti-spike protein antibodies. 

Natural immunity, however, arms your memory T-cells with a record of the entire Covid viral genome. Thus the T-cells of someone with natural immunity will recognize the virus, whatever the variant, and activate every other branch of the immune system to deal with the infection promptly before mass virus multiplication and illness occurs. The evidence from experience with SARS-COV1 indicates that such immunity will last many years if not for life.

The only conclusion to draw from the above is that our rulers are either hysterics acting mindlessly, or there is a hidden agenda behind the world-wide mass vax campaign. 

What could such an agenda be? 

Big Pharma profits? Global depopulation? Vax passports as a prelude to a full Chinese-Communist-style form of social credit? Something else?

Time now to challenge the idiotic Covid narrative spewed by the Governments of Justin Trudeau, Boris Johnson, Sleepy Joe Biden, and the rest of the untrustworthy holders of high office world-wide. 

And if you're a Canadian voter opposed to vax passports, vax mandates, and vax lies don't be fooled by the morons at the National (Com)Post telling you that a vote for the People's Party is a vote for Trudeau. 

If you don't vote for the party offering what you want, what exactly do you expect from a government formed by a party offering what you don't want? 


Canada Election 21: Watch fora Liberal Landslide (of Postal Votes)

Obama Endorses Trudeau Ahead Of Upcoming Election

Have the Libs already won it?

Has the team that stuffed the ballot for Sleepy Joe, fixed the mail-in vote for Sleazy Justin? 

US Vaccine Adverse Events Report for 2021

All Events on the Left, Deaths on the Right.

And what was the vax they've been pushing this year. Oh right, the life-saving Covid poison death shot.


Hope our Alaska friend Yusef is keeping well.


Victor Davis Hanson: Covid19 and the Death Of Science

Friday, September 17, 2021

The People's Party Is Here to Stay

Max Bernier's People's Party of Canada (PPC) is here to stay, so reports Jeff Besos's, Washington Post

The PPC was created by Bernier, so WaPo sourly reports, in an act of spite after his failure to win the leadership of the Conservative Party,  a claim as daft as saying that Winston Churchill, before becoming Prime Minister of Great Britain, took against Hitler in an act of spite against Conservative Party leader Stanley Baldwin who refused him a place in cabinet.

In fact, Bernier created the People's Party because he could. 

The Conservative Party of Canada is not a conservative party but a bullshit, seize-the-middle-ground, alternative to the tax and spend liberals. Thus the Conservative Party of Canada is wide open to replacement--as was the Progressive Conservative Party it replaced--by a real conservative party. 

Bernier has seized that opportunity to present a  real conservative alternative to the collection of Tax-and-spend-while-we-forcibly-jab-you Liberals, Liberal-look-alike Conservatives, the Government Employees Union New Democratic Party, and the jet-setting-to yet-another-climate-warming-conference Greens for the abolition of Alberta. 

Thus Bernier has achieved standing by providing the only political mechanism that Canadians have to resist the slide to Chinese-Communist-style round the clock surveillance and control by means of vaccine passport being delivered now by the Justin I've-never-seen-a-dictatorship-I-didn't-love Trudeau with the full support not only of the NDP, but the foolish O'Toole-led Conservative Party. 

Now the question of interest concerning the PPC is not whether they are here to stay but whether they boost their 1.6% share of the vote at the last election by a factor of four or five—as the polls currently suggest, or make a last minute surge into double digits. For conservatives that means a vote for the Conservative Party is a wasted vote. 


This was my first post on Gab, for any Gab user who might want to pass it on. 


Fauci: We're Going to 'Mandate' CV Shots if 'Hardcore Group' of Holdouts Are Not 'Persuaded' to Submit: meaning you'll be jabbed at gun point if necessary, and that goes for your infant in arms too.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Why the Vax Is Rubbish

The following is an excerpt from the essay by Alistaire Crookes entitled: A Pandemic of Authoritarianism, which briefly and concisely sets forth the facts and logic that demolish the rationale for the vicious assault on the unvaxxed by the vax-mad bullies running Canada and its Provincial Governments, and most other Western Nations.

The mRNA ‘vaccine’ doesn’t stop infection, nor does it stop the spread of the virus. A fully vaccinated person can catch the virus and spread it to others. There’s new evidence that double-vaxxed individuals build up huge viral loads in their noses and sinuses, causing them to become super-spreaders, and infect others. The unvaccinated therefore, have as much to fear in terms of catching the disease from the vaccinated as the other way around.

Israel is providing a useful case study in the effectiveness – or lack thereof – of vaccines. Israel is one of the most heavily vaxxed countries in the world, with nearly 80% of the population fully vaccinated and almost 100% of the elderly. But now Israel is experiencing a massive increase in infections (and of serious cases), mainly among the fully vaxxed.

There are ample reasons not to receive countless millions of mRNA spike-proteins into one’s circulatory system – including being recovered from Covid, and having stronger antibody protection than the vaccinated. Yet, the latter are being treated as lepers. And governments, like that of PM Draghi in Italy, continue trying to impose ever stringent vaccine mandates and other forms of authoritarian control. 

Pandemic authoritarianism’ will do nothing to slow the spread of the disease. It may even adversely repercuss – as it has in Israel – to create a graver problem. What it will do however, is to tear an already tense society apart – particularly when set against the background of deteriorating economies.

If you oppose vax-mad cretins running the Government of Canada, consider a vote for the People's Party of Canada, the only party contesting the national election that has a rational Covid response policy


How to resist COVID jab mandates in Canada — a comprehensive guide

The Ethical Bankruptcy of Vaccinating 12-15 Year-Olds

The toxic war over teenage vaccines

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Former Pfizer Inc. Vice President and Respiratory Disease Expert: Covid was created as a pretext for mass murder by fake vaccine injection

Via Off Guardian:
COVID19/11 – Mike Yeadon:

Episode Eight of Narratives Intertwined

Consistent with which is this article at UnHerd:

Covid safetyism has gone mad

Gone mad meaning that Covid policy bears no sensible relation to the public interest and thus, presumably, serves some other purpose: perhaps, as Mike Yeadon suggests, Bill Gates's desire for planetary depopulation. But what think those who visit this blog — almost ten thousand of them so far this month, but all beside a couple of trolls, thus far silent. 

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Who to Vote For in Canada's Federal Election

1. Do you want higher taxes, higher government deficits, and more inflation? 

If so, vote Liberal, Conservative or NDP, all having promised to spend more so you can spend less. 

If not, vote for the People's Party of Canada (PPC)

2. Do you favor Canada's inter-provincial trade barriers?

If so vote Liberal, Conservative, or NDP, all being fundamentally indifferent to the existence of such barriers, which are estimated to reduce Canada's GDP by around 7%.

If not, vote for the PPC.

3. At a time of astronomical housing cost and high unemployment, do you favor the present Liberal/NDP Coalition and Conservative Party's plan to increase the rate of immigration to more than four hundred thousand a year -- more than one percent of Canada's existing population?

If so, vote Liberal, Conservative or NDP.

If not, vote for the PPC

4. Last but not least, do you want a Covid police state with potentially endless compulsory jabs with a so-called vaccine that does not prevent either infection or disease transmission plus, mask mandates, arbitrary lockdowns and endless medical tyranny from the likes of Saint Bonnie Henry?

If so, vote Liberal, Conservative or NDP. 

If not, vote for the PPC.


(a) There are many other components to each party's election platform beside those mentioned above. To vote rationally, you should review the alternatives, unless that is, you are content with mainstream media memes, for example that if you vote for the People's Party of Canada you must be a racist, nationalist, white supremacist, male chauvinist pig. 

(b) You may argue that a vote for the PPC is a wasted vote, since the PPC will certainly not form the next government. But so what? The likelihood of your vote affecting the outcome of the election in your own riding, let along determining which party forms the next government, is trivial to the point of non-existence.

(c) The platform of the parties mention above can be found here:

Liberal Party 

Conservative Party

New Democratic Party

People's Party


CanSpeccy: Voting Strategically? Don't Kid Yourself

Saturday, September 11, 2021

The Definitive Account of 9/11

All of which goes to show the driveling imbecility of those who question their government's pronouncements in a time of crisis such as the present Covid pandemic.


COVID19/11 – Kevin Ryan

COVID19/11 — Elizabeth Woodworth