Monday, September 20, 2021

A Vote for Your Liberal Party Candidate Is a Vote for Justin Trudeau (pictured) for PM


And here's the video.

And other reasons for not voting Liberal:


  1. Was in & out most of today, so I just found out he won.

    Actually, if he uses his strengths carefully, he could do well. Forgetting for the moment the pandemic, which his bosses won't let him do, he does have some good cards in his hand.

    For instance he's young, like JFK was. People forgive a lot from younger pols because they're just learning.

    Justin can even take all the nastiness directed at him and ask his electorate to consider elevating the tone of discussion in public life. People are getting tired of constant snark from the media. Trudeau might attempt to correct that a bit.

    I have no real dog in this, but I have written the USA off as hopeless so I may as well hope for better elsewhere. Like the fellow said in the movie "The Ballad of Buster Scruggs", there just has to be a place where there's none of all this meanness. After all, what are all the songs for?

    1. It was hardly a win for Trudeau. The Liberals got 158 seats out of 338, not enough for a majority.

      Moreover, the Liberals got only 32.2% of the vote, versus 34% for the Conservatives.

      In fact, if the opposition parties got together, they could form a coalition government that would command a majority in Parliament.

      It seems unlikely that such a coalition will be formed, although it could be. NDP leader Singh spoke of the possibility of working with the Conservatives, and the Bloc, with 34 seats would align with a Conservative led coalition.

      Between them a Conservative/NDP/Bloc coalition would have 60% of the vote, twice what Trudeau's Liberals got.

      Trudeau is young but incorrigibly stupid and distinctly corrupt as this
      list of incidents

      The problem for the opposition is that they are mostly stupid to idiotic too.

      The Conservatives would have won the election easily if conservative rebel Maxime Bernier had not taken 5% of the vote with his People's Party.

      When O'Toole became leader of the Conservative Party I advised him to reconcile with Bernier and bring Bernier back into the party as a major figure. That such advice was ignored shows that O'Toole is fatuous.
