Sunday, August 29, 2021

Why Is Trudeau Forcing the Jab on Those With Superior Covid Immunity From Past Infection?

No time to write this AM, but here's some stuff on what has to be the next big thing about Covid:

Why are governments forcing the jab on millions upon millions of citizens who already have robust and durable Covid immunity from past infection that is vastly superior to the short-lived and unreliable immunity from the so-called vaccines?

In Canada there are  currently 1.49 known Covid cases, and perhaps ten times that many unknown cases, that could be identified by appropriate testing, for example with a T-cell test.

Why should any of those Covid recovereds be forced to accept "vaccination"? And since obviously they should not, why is the Government of Canada promoting vaccine passports, rather than immunity passports? Why the mania to jab everyone?

Former Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, who is a Pfizer board member, noted that “natural immunity” gained from a prior COVID-19 infection needs to be included in discussion. One might think that this would be obvious, but evidently it is not obvious to our leader, Justin Trudeau, or to either Trudeau's public health side-kick, Teresa Tam, or British Columbia's Health Officer, Saint Bonnie Henry. 

When researchers from Maccabi Healthcare and Tel Aviv University compared cases of prior infection that occurred between March 2020 and February 2021 with vaccinations between January and February 2021, they found that the vaccinated cohort was 5.96 times more likely to contract the Delta variant and 7.13 times more at risk for symptomatic disease compared to those previously infected.

Dr Naomi Wolf :”Vaccine passport system is the same as Chinese social
credit system.” It will turn us into slaves:

American Conservative: Say No To Vaccine Passports

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Trudeauphobia: Is This the Beginning of a Liberal Melt Down?

Trudeau booed, chased by protestors during campaign stop in BC

Hey, is it too late to cancel the election? 

But not to worry. We've got those five million postal ballots to fiddle with, so we should be OK to bungle on for another four years. 

Friday, August 27, 2021

Comparing Search Engines


canspeccy +"Trudeau's Covid Election: Anticipating Vax Failure" 


It looks like there aren't many great matches for your search

Tip Try using words that might appear on the page that you’re looking for. For example, 'cake recipes' instead of 'how to make a cake'.
Need help? Take a look at other tips for searching on Google.
  1. CanSpeccy: Trudeau's Covid Election: Anticipating Vax Failure

    1 day ago · Trudeau's Covid Election: Anticipating Vax Failure A democratic Government's prime function is to protect the people. In response to the supposedly existential threat of Covid, the Government of Canada has staked its reputation on the Vax — masks, lockdowns and vax passports, they have declared, are necessary until we achieve fully vaxed status.

  2. Canada’s Upcoming Election: Trudeau’s COVID Election ...

    1 day ago · Trudeau’s Covid Election: Anticipating Vax Failure A democratic Government’s prime function is to protect the people.

  3. Trudeau's Covid Election: Anticipating Vax Failure - " the ...…

    2021-08-26 · Berry Political Board Message board - Online Community of active, educated investors researching and discussing Berry Political Board Stocks.

  4. CanSpeccy: Lies and Insults Reflect Justin Trudeau's Wiley ...

    16 hours ago · CanSpeccy Wednesday, August 25, 2021. Lies and Insults Reflect Justin Trudeau's Wiley E. Coyote Election Moment "Erin O’Toole is so bad he makes Doug Ford look good," said Justin Trudeau yesterday, thus insulting not only his main opponent in the election he called for no stated reason two years earlier than necessary, but also the man the people of Ontario only recently elected as their ...

Which is best? Google or Bing? I leave it for others to judge.

PS: Thanks to Northern Truth Seeker, and Investor Village for the links back.

PSS. Note to Google: You say, "Tip Try using words that might appear on the page that you’re looking for," but I gave you the whole frigging title of the piece that was published on your Blogger platform, yet you still couldn't find it. How dumb is that?

Google Demonetizes Gateway Pundit 5 Days After Its Interview with Whistleblower Who Exposed Google Censorship of Conservatives

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Trudeau's Covid Election: Anticipating Vax Failure

A democratic Government's prime function is to protect the people. In response to the supposedly existential threat of Covid, the Government of Canada has staked its reputation on the Vax — masks, lockdowns and vax passports, the Government of Canada has declared, are necessary until we achieve fully vaxed status. 

The problem for the Trudeau Government is that the data from Israel, the first mostly vaxed nation,  are conclusive: The vax has failed. Yesterday's seven-day average daily case count for Israel was 7,947, almost exactly the same as the all-time January 17 peak (8,190), when only 3.7 percent of the population was fully vaxed.

At the same time, the media are now admitting that infection-based immunity is greatly superior to the immunity of the vaxed. And whereas vax-induced immunity fades within months, infection-based immunity likely persists for life. 

So what now? 

To admit that the mask mandates, lockdowns, and vax passports pending full national vaccination were in vain? 

To admit that those damn experts in public health and epidemiology, the authors of the Great Barrington Declaration, were right? That we should have concentrated on protecting the vulnerable, and on Covid treatment not prevention?

No way will Trudeau admit to the above without first securing another four-year mandate. 

Time for a change. 

Under Trudeau's leadership Canada bet wrong on Covid. A government so discredited, cannot govern with authority and should be replaced. Same for provincial administrations that bet wrong and pushed vaccination over treatment. Time for Saint Bonnie Henry of British Columbia and the likes elsewhere to make way for those of better judgement

For the future, the emphasis must be on Covid treatment, not prevention. Whether we like it or not, Covid will become endemic. Which means that natural immunity will become widespread, and the case count will fall, but not quite to zero. At that point, Covid will become just one more of the many endemic viral respiratory illnesses that we must live with, including many Corona-virus caused cases of the common cold. 

As for the election, polls suggest that the tide has turned, with the latest showing Trudeau's Liberals at barely 32%, while approval of the Conservative Party's scarcely known leader, Erin O'Toole, has jumped ten points in a month.


Do National COVID Mandates Fulfill the Public Good?

When politicians waived the legal liability of the vaccine manufacturers, they also demanded the medical community set aside its ethics, first through a sustained “campaign” of pressure to “take the shot” and now through mandates. If the campaign of pressure defied the bedrock ethical principle of informed consent established in the Nuremberg Code, then the mob’s call for mandates on doctors and patients to defend our idol of technocracy is in defiance of our very essence as human beings.

Vaccine Passports in Canada are unconstitutional, contrary to the Charter of Human Rights and, as a means to compelled medical treatment, constitute an assault upon every affected individual (Please note Saint Bonnie Henry and all the rest of Canada's "make-em take the shot" politicians and bureaucrats):

The decision to be vaccinated must be a matter of free choice, otherwise vaccination comes within the legal definition of assault: Vaccine passports render the choice to be vaccinated non-voluntary.

New Israeli Study Finds Fully Vaccinated People are at “Greater Risk of Hospitalization” and 13 TIMES MORE LIKELY to Catch Covid-19 Than Those Who Have Recovered and Have Natural Immunity

Ruling Class Increasingly Calls Upon The Private Sector To Make Lives Of The "Unvaccinated" Difficult

What Can We Learn About COVID Tyranny From Australia And Afghanistan?

The Weaponization Of Medicine

Misinfo, Astro-Turfing, & Media Bias Abound Early In Canada's Election Cycle

UK data destroys entire premise for vaccine push

Have UK Unvaxed Reached Herd Immunity?

US Officials Approve 3rd COVID Shot after 6 Months Instead of 8 Months After “Full Vaccination”

Scientists at war over jabbing children: Experts say youngsters may get 'better and longer immunity' if they catch Covid naturally — but others warn virus could 'tear through' country again without vaccines in schools 

Right on: jab all the little blighters and deny them durable, robust natural covid immunity from almost certainly asymptomatic infection, so that fat grown-up slobs, smokers and incredibly old people (like me) are protected. 

BBC presenter Lisa Shaw, 44, died due to incredibly rare blood clot complications caused by AstraZeneca covid vaccine 

Vaccine induced blood clots may be "incredibly rare", but how many BBC presenters have died of Covid. Just none?

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Lies and Insults Reflect Justin Trudeau's Wiley E. Coyote Election Moment

"Erin O’Toole is so bad he makes Doug Ford look good," said Justin Trudeau yesterday, thus insulting not only his main opponent in the election he called for no stated reason two years earlier than necessary, but also the man the people of Ontario only recently elected as their Premier. 

Insults are a perennial and potentially effective ingredient of political discourse, but they work only when they're either funny or in some way illuminating to those who may be inclined to back your side. For example, Winston Churchill's remark during an election contest that his opponent, Clement Atlee, "is a modest man with much to be modest about." But Trudeau's ill-humored comment is revealing not only of a low IQ, bully boy mentality, but of a man who's lost his cool.

Liberal campaign video featuring O’Toole labeled by Twitter as ‘manipulated media,’ was released on Sunday by Trudeau's deputy Prime Minister, Chrystia Freeland. And in Twitter-speak, ‘manipulated media,’  is what ordinary folk understand to be a lie. 

Unlike Trudeau, Freeland is no dope. That she's been caught in a lie confirms that the Liberals are desperate, spooked no doubt by polls showing them now neck and neck with the PC's after starting the race with a ten point lead.

Bravo. The sooner we're shot of these inept and untrustworthy megalomaniacs the better.

Why the Vax May Create a Global Catastrophe

By Robert Malone and Peter Nabarro

The Washington Times, August 5, 2020: The Biden administration’s strategy to universally vaccinate in the middle of the pandemic is bad science and badly needs a reboot.

This strategy will likely prolong the most dangerous phase of the worst pandemic since 1918 and almost assuredly cause more harm than good – even as it undermines faith in the entire public health system.

Four flawed assumptions drive the Biden strategy. The first is that universal vaccination can eradicate the virus and secure economic recovery by achieving herd immunity throughout the country (and the world). However, the virus is now so deeply embedded in the world population that, unlike polio and smallpox, eradication is unachievable. SARS-CoV-2 and its myriad mutations will likely continually circulate, much like the common cold and influenza.

The second assumption is that the vaccines are (near) perfectly effective. However, our currently available vaccines are quite “leaky.” While good at preventing severe disease and death, they only reduce, not eliminate, the risk of infection, replication, and transmission. As a slide deck from the Centers for Disease Control has revealed, even 100% acceptance of the current leaky vaccines combined with strict mask compliance will not stop the highly contagious Delta variant from spreading.

The third assumption is that the vaccines are safe. Yet scientists, physicians, and public health officials now recognize risks that are rare but by no means trivial. Known side effects include serious cardiac and thrombotic conditions, menstrual cycle disruptions, Bell’s Palsy, Guillain Barre syndrome, and anaphylaxis.


In the covid-19 crisis, politicians have systematically amplified fear and hysteria. This was no accident and is unsurprising, for the state builds its raison d'être on the argument that it protects the population from internal and external dangers. The state is built upon fear.
In order to justify and defend the harsh measures such as lockdowns that are so attractive to politicians, it is necessary to stir up fear. When politicians stoked fear and hysteria during the covid-19 crisis, implementing highly restrictive measures such as lockdowns, the damage to the economy and social fabric was immense. Yet a society cannot be cannot be locked down forever, as the costs keep rising. At some point, it must exit lockdown and return to some normality. However, how can one at the same time stir up fear of the threat of a killer virus and return to normalcy?

The way out is vaccination.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Canada Election 2021: How Trudeau Blew It

 Before the election call, polls indicated that the Trudeau Liberals had a comfy 10 point lead over the main opposition party, the Progressive Conservatives led by the virtually unknown Erin O'Toole. Now, five weeks into the campaign, the PC's have edged into the lead according to Yesterday's Mainstreet poll, while the even righter People's Party has edged ahead of the Greens and all the rest of the also rans.

So again, why? One factor, as we've discussed, must be a widespread assumption that a government calling an election when only halfway through its mandate is either expecting a slump in popularity soon, presumably due to the adverse effects of its profligate and increasingly authoritarian handling of Covid, or because it wants a full four years to accomplish something that will be very unpopular. 

Justin Trudeau in blackface. Source: CBC
But the 1964 US Presidential election between Barry Goldwater and incumbent Lyndon Baynes Johnson suggests another explanation. During that campaign, Senator Goldwater ran on the slogan "In Your Heart You Know He's Right," which prompted a widely resonating riposte: "In Your Heart You Know He's Stupid." That one suspects, is Trudeau's problem. 

But it is a problem compounded by a lack of moral fibre. To put it in the simplest terms, Trudeau is a self-serving corruptionist too stupid to hide his own dishonesty. 

His problem is not just blackface episodes. It is a dozen things: the idiotic dress-up tour of India, the public hankering after Chinese Communist style dictatorship, the multiple breaches of Parliament's ethics code, the crass dismissal of a fine indigenous Attorney General because she would not submit to his inappropriate lobbying on behalf of corrupt SNC Lavelin executives, an action compounded by booting said minister from the Liberal Party caucus, the WEE scandal, and much, much more.

In short, Trudeau has proved to be a poor leadership choice by the Liberals and his performance now has many liberal-identifying Canadians looking elsewhere for leadership. And what they see is that the PC's,  may have the man. 

Erin O'Toole is largely unknown. In appearance he seems normal, and totally average: just your decent, slightly overweight Canadian middle-class family man.  His manner of speech is calm and hardly inspiring, and yet, it turns out, he has all kinds of plans for incremental improvement in the way things are run. 

Thus the outcome of the election seems inevitable. Canadians, among the most cautious people on the face of the planet, will surely opt for the decent, solid, sensible-seeming Mr. O'Toole over the obviously untrustworthy, dishonest and basically idiotic Trudeau, the man who has little if anything going for him other than his undoubted good looks, a famous name and a slavish following of uninspiring liberal MPs. 

Monday, August 23, 2021

Quote of the Day: It's the Vax That's Creating the Variants

Geert vanden Bossche, PhD (virology), formerly:
Head of Vaccine Development at the German Center for Vaccine Development; Employed in vaccine development with GSK Biologicals, Novartis Vaccines, Solvay Biologicals; Program Manager with the Geneva-based Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization:
“Given the huge amount of immune escape that will be provoked by mass vaccination campaigns and flanking containment measures, it is difficult to imagine how human interventions would not cause the COVID-19 pandemic to turn into an incredible disaster for global and individual health.”

What is immune escape? 

It's when the antibodies you produce in response to viral infection fail to kill mutant forms of the virus. 

How does the vax promote immune escape?

First, if you're infected, the virus multiplies throughout the tissues of your body. 

Then, your vax-primed immune system kicks in, producing antibodies to the original Wuhan strain.

Every virus particle susceptible to those antibodies dies, which leaves the field (which is to say the cells of your body) wide open to the multiplication of any mutant among the billions of viral particles that pervade your tissues that are resistant to antibodies to the Wuhan strain of the virus.

This development is called "Immune escape."

Deployed during the ongoing global pandemic, the vax can thus to play a key role in the emergence of new Covid variants.

And what are the consequences of immune escape?

First, having taken possession of your body, the Covid variant created with vax-assistance, will likely achieve transmission to others. For example, in the absence of social distancing, lockdowns, etc., every case of the Delta variant creates around eight new cases in a population without immunity. 

Second, if the vax-created variant is deadly, it may kill you — though probably not before you've passed it on. 

But remember, if you don't get vaxed, Justin Musso Trudeau won't send you  to the back of the bus, he will prohibit you from riding the bus, a train, a ship or a plane, he will boot you from any public sector job you may hold, and he will tell the world that you are a very bad, contemptible and stupid person. 

So go on. Get vaxed. You may make the pandemic worse, you may die as a result, but what's that compared to being scorned by Justin Trudeau.

TLD: ‘Ultra-Vaxxed’ Israel Sees Huge Surge in Covid as ‘Experts’ Avoid the Only Logical Conclusion
Global Research: Denmark Abolishes All Corona Measures
Unherd: Prof. Dr. Jay Bhattacharya: I do stand by the Great Barrington Declaration (or how dumb political decisions have allowed Covid to turn our society into a dystopian nightmare):

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Canadian Election: Justin Trudeau Delivers Creepiest Speech of the Week

 Whoever runs the corporate puppet that lives inside Justin Trudeau’s skin has clearly decided it’s time for him to shake his rather inneffectual image and try and become a forceful public speaker. In a “strongman” speech in the run-up to the Canadian elections, Trudeau worked himself into a frenzy on vaccination:

“If you don’t want to get vaccinated, that’s your choice. But don’t think you can get on a plane or a train beside vaccinated people and put them at risk!”

A tip for the future though – if you’re going to have the blandest man in the world try and excite a crowd, give him more than 80 people to work with. That said, however poorly delivered and however lukewarm the reception, the sentiment itself is very unsettling.* Full on segregation in Canada. As someone remarked to us on Telegram, “instead of the back of the bus, it’s now no bus at all.”

Source: Off Guardian

* Another thing that's unsettling is the idea that the unvaxed are a threat to the vaxed. That hardly inspires confidence in the effectiveness of a so-called vaccine that has killed and injured thousands upon thousands of recipients. 

Also unsettling is the failure to acknowledge that there are millions of Canadians, probably more than ten million, who've had a Covid infection, which will have conferred more robust and durable Covid immunity than any of the untested commercial "vaccines" that Trudeau, in full Mussolini mode, is shilling for.

Fortunately, few Canadians respond to rhetorical bullshit the way pre-WW2 Italians did.


Fox 29: Study suggests lambda variant could evade COVID-19 vaccine protection (but it won't evade resistance of the Covid recovered -- but Trudeau, our low IQ and poorly informed PM, doesn't know that).

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Why Trudeau Called an Election Now

Whether anyone reads this blog I sometimes doubt. Google supplied stats indicate an all time hit count of just over one million. But daily totals fluctuate in what seems a meaningless fashion, from practically zero to a thousand or more. But even when the daily count is high (relatively speaking, that is), reader comments, if there are readers, are few and far between. Not that I care greatly. I write to find out what I should think.

However, reader's comments, other than the spam variety, are certainly welcome, and today Unknown's comment provides a hook to hang some thoughts. 

The comment:

"I don't get the election call"

Which prompts this response:

To call a premature election without declaring a rational justification means either:

1. That Trudeau believes his chances are better now than they will be at any time in the next two years,


2. That Trudeau wants a full four-year mandate for whatever undeclared plan he has for Canadians. 


3. Both of the above.

Under the first heading, which is to say the assumption that things are about to get a lot worse, we can anticipate:

 (a) full Covid immune escape, followed by forcible injection of everyone with top-ups, back-ups, long-stops or whatever the Hell they call the next few rounds of futile, potentially toxic, and quite possibly sterilizing jabs. 

(b) In addition, we're gonna see raging inflation, rising from the current maybe 10 to 20 percent (bought potatoes the other day for $1.99 a pound -- and I remember the days of childhood when spuds were but a penny a pound); to a low accelerating hyper-inflation rate of say 50 to 100%.

(c) Plus, an imploding housing market as interest rates start following the inflation rate and all those families that leveraged to the max to get a home, a place to raise a family, go bankrupt as their mortgage payments rise ten, twenty, fifty and more than 100 percent. 

Under the second heading, there's the coming "Great Reset (to use the terminology of the perps.), meaning death to tens and hundreds of thousands of small Canadian businesses, while the globalist corporations pick up assets for pennies on the dollar and take over the business that occupied the small business space.  

If that is what we are about to see, it will take time for the bastards to grind the little guys down and force them onto the dole, but four years of it should insure an irreversible transformation of the economy. 


BiorXiv: SARS-CoV-2 Lambda variant exhibits higher infectivity and immune2 resistance

Friday, August 20, 2021

Dictator Wannabe Justin Trudeau: "Get Vaxed or be Treated Like a Leper"

Western Governments headed by wannabe tyrants such as Justin Trudeau, are determined to vax everyone under their control, whether they need it or not.

"The science" that allegedly dictates this action is bullshit for the simple reason that science never dictates, it only records what can be observed and leaves it open to potentially endless debate what the implications of those observations may be. 

And when it comes to Covid, what can be observed is not only that the vax can have adverse effects including death, but that it is rather ineffective in preventing Covid infection and transmission.

And the vax is truly feeble compared with immunity from prior infection. 

Conclusive evidence that the hundreds of millions if not several billion worldwide who have already had Covid have vastly superior immunity against future infection than the merely vaxed is now available from Israel, the most highly vaxed country in the world. 

Thus, according to Israel's Ministry of health:
More than 7,700 new cases of the virus have been detected during the most recent wave starting in May, but just 72 of the confirmed cases were reported in people who were known to have been infected previously – that is, less than 1% of the new cases. Source
With a total of 835,792 Israelis known to have recovered from the virus, the 72 instances of reinfection amount to 0.0086% of people who were already infected with COVID.

By contrast, Israelis who were vaccinated were 6.72 times more likely to get infected after the shot than after natural infection, with over 3,000 of the 5,193,499, or 0.0578%, of Israelis who were vaccinated getting infected in the latest wave.
Canada, with a population more than six times Israel's is reported to have had 1.46 million Covid cass. With 26,787 reported Covid deaths in Canada, that implies a Covid infection fatality rate of 1.8%. But that is almost certainly at least ten times the actual fatality rate, and in which case, Canada most likely has at least 15 million Covid recovereds — most of them asymptomatic while infected and unaware that they have not only successfully fought off the virus, but gained robust and durable immunity against future infection. 

But to Canada's dictator-loving Trudeau, damn natural immunity, everyone gotta be vaxed or we'll treat 'em like lepers

This is insane. The Government of Canada should be working to provide every Canadian the opportunity to be tested for Covid immunity, for example by means of a T-Cell antibody test) before deciding whether they agree to be vaccinated. 

But don't hold your breath waiting for relief from the relentless bullying to achieve universal vaccination. Opposition parties in Parliament have neither the brains nor the balls to resist Trudeau's imbecilic drive to stick a needle in everyone. 

Still we will soon have a chance to vote, so you could make a protest by voting for the People's Party.  


NYT: Israel, Once the Model for Beating Covid, Faces New Surge of Infections

Countries with the highest COVID injection rates are also experiencing the greatest upsurges in cases

Former Pfizer VP: COVID vaccines pose ‘severe risk’ of infertility for women

Get vaxxed or get sacked: Washington and Oregon governors force ALL school workers to get jab to keep their jobs

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Here's a Peer-Reviewed Journal Article About the Vax to Worry An Intelligent Person

Journal of Infection

Infection-enhancing Anti-SARS-COV-2 Antibodies Recognize Both the Original Wuhan/D61G4 Strain and Delta Variants. A Potential Risk for Mass Vaccination

Published:August 09, 2021
Full Text:


Infection-enhancing antibodies have been detected in symptomatic Covid-19

Enhancing antibodies recognize both the Wuhan strain and delta variants

ADE of delta variants is a potential risk for current vaccines*

* To be precise, ADE (Antibody-Dependent Enhancement of the severity of an infectious disease) is not a risk for the vaccines, it is a risk for the several billion people who've had a shot of one of the vaccines.

That vaccines pose the risk of ADE is one of the reasons for extensive testing of new vaccines in both animals and humans. However, in the current government-induced panic about Covid (a virus closely related to the widespread common cold viruses, which causes a respiratory disease with about the same mortality rate as the flu), the entire human population is to be injected with an untested and potentially lethal vaccine. 

Makes sense, right. 

And just in case you don't get it, Justin Trudeau, BoJo and all the other morons who are running the world right now will make your life Hell if you refuse the vax. They'll make you life Hell for refusing the vax even if you are one of the billion or so people who have already had the damn virus thereby acquiring immunity vastly superior to that  provided by any of the current crop of highly profitable  vaccines of unknown safety. 


Vaccination provides 'far less' protection than previous Covid infection

Top doctor: Mass vaccination program for COVID will be ‘one of the most deadly’ in history

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Covid: Quotes of the Day -- Harvard Epidemiologist Martin Kulldorff

... "we know that if you’ve had COVID, you have very good immunity, not only for the same variant, but also for other variants, and even for other types of coronaviruses.

We know for example, that if you had a COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2, you have also have immunity to SARS-CoV-1 which we had earlier, a few years ago. It also provides protective immunity to the other four common coronaviruses that are endemic that we’ve all been exposed to, and that we will continue to be exposed to.

So I don’t see any problem with [the] Delta variant. It’s not a game changer.

The best approach is to make sure that our old people get vaccinated to protect them. And then we should not have lockdowns. We should let people live their normal lives.
The key thing is if you had had COVID already ... that protects you against severe disease ...
For example, in the UK, there was a wave of cases that peaked in the mid-July. It was a very sharp increase [but] for mortality it is just a tiny blip. So this is a contrast to before the vaccines and before focused protection, when cases rose and mortality rose in parallel. But the vaccines and the immunity from people who’ve had COVID is decoupling that ...

We can see it (the same pattern) in Sweden ...

We see the same thing here in the U.S. ... in the summer wave ... in the southern states: There have been [more] cases, [but only a blip in deaths].
COVID-19 will always be with us. It’s not going away. We can’t eradicate a virus like this. When people get exposed to it for a second time, a third time, a fourth time, the immune system helps, making sure that it’s not a serious illness ...

Of course, people are born every year and they are susceptible. They haven’t had it. So when children are born, they don’t have the immunity to this particular virus, but we know that the infection is very mild for children.

So as long as children are exposed and their immune system built up, then the next time they are exposed to the virus, their immune system will protected them."

Read the full interview: 


CanSpeccy: Why Do Covid Vaccine Despots in Government, Education, and the Media and Corporate Worlds Ignore the Fact that Millions Upon Millions of People Have Covid Immunity Acquired By Infection

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Maxime Bernier: Trudeau's Election Call

The past year and a half has been one of the most disastrous periods in recent Canadian history.

From the very beginning of the pandemic, the Trudeau government has been erratic, inconsistent, and irresponsible. We all remember when one week, masks were useless, then the next they should be mandated everywhere. One week it was racist to suggest that we stop flights from China, and the next week we cancelled flights from all countries.

It quickly became apparent in the spring of 2020 that older people with comorbidities were the ones most at risk from the virus, especially those living in nursing homes. As I kept saying at the time, we should have targeted all our efforts at protecting them.

The federal government, which coordinates the pandemic for the whole country, should have led this effort.

Instead, incompetent provincial governments, especially Quebec and Ontario, let them die by the thousands. With support from Ottawa, they decided to impose destructive lockdown measures that many scientific studies have shown to be totally ineffective at preventing the spread of the virus.

Everything else that has happened since is the consequence of these early decisions.

These lockdowns will have killed a lot more people than they presumably saved. Because of job and business losses, anxiety and depression, postponed surgeries, domestic violence, drug overdoses.

These lockdowns have destroyed large parts of our economy, especially small businesses.

Trudeau used these lockdowns as a justification to launch a whole series of spending programs that we cannot afford, pushing our national debt to unprecedented levels.

The Liberals sent cheques to senior citizens that they will receive tomorrow. They extended the wage subsidy program another month until right after election day. It has nothing to do with supporting the economy, and everything to do with buying votes. It will take years to bring back sound public finances.

'I won't change': Maxime Bernier confident about PPC's chances with same platform