Sunday, August 15, 2021

Maxime Bernier: Trudeau's Election Call

The past year and a half has been one of the most disastrous periods in recent Canadian history.

From the very beginning of the pandemic, the Trudeau government has been erratic, inconsistent, and irresponsible. We all remember when one week, masks were useless, then the next they should be mandated everywhere. One week it was racist to suggest that we stop flights from China, and the next week we cancelled flights from all countries.

It quickly became apparent in the spring of 2020 that older people with comorbidities were the ones most at risk from the virus, especially those living in nursing homes. As I kept saying at the time, we should have targeted all our efforts at protecting them.

The federal government, which coordinates the pandemic for the whole country, should have led this effort.

Instead, incompetent provincial governments, especially Quebec and Ontario, let them die by the thousands. With support from Ottawa, they decided to impose destructive lockdown measures that many scientific studies have shown to be totally ineffective at preventing the spread of the virus.

Everything else that has happened since is the consequence of these early decisions.

These lockdowns will have killed a lot more people than they presumably saved. Because of job and business losses, anxiety and depression, postponed surgeries, domestic violence, drug overdoses.

These lockdowns have destroyed large parts of our economy, especially small businesses.

Trudeau used these lockdowns as a justification to launch a whole series of spending programs that we cannot afford, pushing our national debt to unprecedented levels.

The Liberals sent cheques to senior citizens that they will receive tomorrow. They extended the wage subsidy program another month until right after election day. It has nothing to do with supporting the economy, and everything to do with buying votes. It will take years to bring back sound public finances.

'I won't change': Maxime Bernier confident about PPC's chances with same platform

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