Friday, December 28, 2018

Once You Let the Alien In, He'll Seek to Take Control

Thereason May's Home Secretary, the Muslim, Savid Javid, son of Pakistani immigrants, and a man with a good chance of becoming Britain's next Prime Minister, makes it clear that Brexit does not mean and end to the open door for Muslims settlers in Britain, even though, according to former Prime Minister David Cameron, the reason the Brits voted for Brexit was to end mass immigration.

And here's the "Justice Minister" in the government of former Treason Party Prime Minister Tony Bliar demanding a Muslim Prime Minister for Britain.

Meantime, Angela Merkel, the former East German Communist, declares that the nation states must give up their sovereignty, meaning that Europe must open its border and be inundated by immigration without end.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

European Union Idiocy: EU Parliament urges MEPs to say "Humanity" not "Mankind"

Officials and members in the parliament have been sent guidebooks on using gender-neutral language in all of their official EU-related work and communications, the Telegraph reported on Thursday. Under the new guidelines, European lawmakers will be strongly encouraged to say “chair” instead of “chairman”, “artificial” instead of “man-made”, and “humanity” instead of “mankind.”RT

1. human beings considered collectively; the human race.

1. the human race; human beings collectively.

Both words include the three letter word "man" both refer to the same thing, the huMAN species.

But according to "officials and member so the EU Parliament," to speak of "humMANity" is OK, but to speak of MANkind is to use vile sexist language. Is that stupid, or what?

Actually it is quite correct to refer to humanity or mankind by the monsyllabic word "man". Man is the common name for the human species or Homo sapiens, which includes both males and females (Oops, what's the EU gonna do about that horrible sexist word feMALE?).

"HOMO," the genus to which the species man belongs, is the Latin word for "MAN," while "SAPIENS," the specific name assigned to the human species under the Linnaean system of classification is the Latin word for "WISE." Evidently the huMAN species was badly mislabelled by Carl Linnaeus, since far from being wise, we are clearly idiots, or at any rate led by idiots.

In fact, only a dim-witted and ignorant feminist cuck like Justin Trudeau could fail to see that the word MANkind refers to all huMANity:

which tells you how desperately Britain needs to get the Hell out the EU, and how urgently Canada needs a new Prime Minister.

Otherwise, Canadians are gonna have to start saying huPEOPLEity for huMANity and fePERSON for feMALE and woPERSON for woMAN, like the idiots they would be if the voted Trudeau into power again in 2019. And watch out with feperSON and woperSON, which under the tyrrany of idiot PC-dom will have to be replaced by feperDAUGHTER and woperDAUGHTER.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Crapademia, No. 79: The Higher Education System That Rates All Students Above Average

British university degree exam results are ranked on a six-point scale: First, Upper Second, Lower Second, Third, Pass and Fail. In my day, first class degrees were somewhat rare. In my class of over 100, just one first class degree was awarded (mine — to take this opportunity to boast of the fact, albeit anonymously). Of upper seconds, I recall only a couple. So the lower three grades accounted for well over 90% of the class (good folks, incidentally, one of whom was recently awarded a knighthood by her Majesty the Queen). Today, apparently, things are different, with 78% of British university students graduating with a first or upper second class degree.

What makes this vast improvement in university grades over a period of 50 years particularly remarkable is that, over that period of time, the proportion of the school-leaving population receiving a university education has increased from two or three percent to probably more than half today. In other words, the majority of students, including a substantial number who must as a matter of logical necessity be of below average academic ability, are being graduated by the British universities as scholars of high academic standing. How can that be possible? It is an obvious absurdity beyond the comprehension, apparently, of our academic elite.

Apparently, some universities in Britain have attempted to deal with grade inflation by creating a new grade above First Class, namely First Class Starred. But why only one star? Why not have five classes denoted by one to five stars, while dropping the traditional classification with its weird segregation of the second class into uppers and lowers, thereby, presumably, to save the lowers from the humiliation of being classified as Third Class, while allowing those of the fourth class to pass for Third Class, and those of the Fifth Class to pass as having, well, just passed.

Whether new nomenclature would put an end to ludicrous grade inflation is open to question. However, it would certainly seem better to graduate with a single star than a mere pass, while two stars seems very promising compared with "a Third."


CanSpeccy: The Rot at the Head of the University

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

UK Ambassador Craig Murray: British Security Service Infiltration, the Integrity Initiative and the Institute for Statecraft

His crackpot opinions and obsessions aside, Craig Murray is among the most perceptive and well-informed critics of the deeply corrupt British state. In this piece he documents the fraudulence of Britain's supposedly democratic government, which deploys the security services to corrupt the so-called free press, thereby subjecting a supposedly free people to the will of the state.

Richard Feynman on Quantum Mechanics: Don't Even Try to Understand It

Gender Studies Versus Quantum Physics

Hearing Richard Feynman talking of quantum physics, I am reminded of his view that university degrees in some of the softer disciplines offered at the university, Home Economics for example, might not be fully equivalent in difficulty of attainment to degrees in, say mathematics or physics.

Today, most universities seem to have phased out Home Ec., but with the rise of Womens' Studies, Gender Studies and other "Studies" programs, universities now seem to offer even more soft options than in Feynman's day. That some of these programs are entirely vacuous is rather clearly demonstrated by this report on what passes for scholarship at the mushier edge of the academic community.


For those interested in deciding for themselves the validity of present-day academic research in the "gender studies" field, here's a link to one such contribution, as it happens a spoof paper, that was accepted and published in a peer-reviewed journal published by Springer, an old-established publisher of scholarly journals.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Another European Treason Party Leader Bites the Dust

Dispute over migration brings down Belgian government
Belgium’s liberal prime minister Charles Michel has resigned in the wake of a bitter falling out with his erstwhile Flemish coalition partner. ... The [Flemish NVA] party objected to Mr Michel’s support for what it claimed was a legally binding UN compact on migration, which was approved at a summit of 180 states in Marrakesh last Monday. The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration is a first attempt at the UN to agree a common global approach to migration but was seen by populists as too sympathetic to migrants.

Bart de Wever, leader of the NVA and the mayor of Antwerp, attacked the compact which he claimed, although non-binding, “will serve as an argument in court”.

The NVA ... argued that the compact would undermine the government’s tough stance against illegal migrants.
The Irish Times
Naturally the UN wants open borders world-wide. Open borders will destroy the nation state and lead to the creation of a world empire under the control of the corrupt bureaucratic idiots who run the UN.

Fortunately, it ain't gonna happen. 

The more loudly the UN and it's Treason Party allies in the Western nations agitate for the Western nations to open their borders the poverty-stricken masses without, the more aware the people have become of the traitors within their ranks who smear opponents of national destruction as racist. 

What the gilets jaunes of France, the Flemish nationalists of Belgium, the Build-the-Wall Trumpsters, and indeed the great majority in every Western nation now see is that they have been targeted by the UN and their globalist allies for genocide both as racial groups and as distinct cultural entities with a unique history and religious tradition.  

What the people of the world's poorest nations need to demand is not that they be allowed to enter and impoverish the rich countries, but that their own lands, which possess vast natural resources be properly governed. Why, for example, should 400 million Latin Americans be granted the unrestricted freedom to migrate to North America when they have a continent of their own no more densely populated than North America and with natural wealth that is at least comparable. Ditto Africa, a continent of vast natural riches, three times the size of China with only two-thirds of China's population.

What's needed is not to diversify the successful countries with countless millions from failed states, but for the failed states to pay attention to the way the Western nations got rich, which was primarily through adherence to the rule of law, democracy, and market capitalism. The Latin American, African and Muslim states should boot their corrupt oligarchs and dictators and give the Western approach to government a try.


Is Trudeau next?

Globalist Elite to EuroAmerican White Trash

What this guy is not saying is:

(1) Migrants take below-minimum-wage jobs in the cash (untaxed) economy, which means bigger profits for son-of-a-bitch employers like me.

(2) In a World of seven billion mostly very poor people, there's a potential immigrant better qualified for almost every job in the UK, Canada and the rest of the developed world than the existing job holder — including mister Fat-Cat Son-of-a-Bitch himself.

(3) Or as Mr. Fat-Cat Son-of-a-Bitch is really saying:

"I don't give a shit about destroying the European peoples, as racial and cultural entities, I just want cheap labor, so fuck off you anti-immigrant racist."

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Theresa May Got One Thing Right: Tony Blair Is An Interferring Jackass

In an astonishing broadside, [Theresa May] lashed out at her predecessor’s treacherous trip to meet EU chiefs in Brussels while Brexit talks were taking place.

“For Tony Blair to go to Brussels and seek to undermine our negotiations by advocating for a second referendum is an insult to the office he once held and the British people he once served.

“We cannot, as he would, abdicate responsibility for this decision. Parliament has a democratic duty to deliver what the British people voted for.”

May also "reminded Blair that it was his own open-door immigration policy which spurred millions of Britons to vote to leave the European Union." However, those for Brexit should never for a moment forget that May, hereself, is a Remainer and hence no opponent of of the EU's own open-door immigration policy, a policy now driving the EU into a state of internal strife and disintegration.

And writing in today's Daily Mail, former Finance Minister Lord Nigel Lawson writes of Blair:

A recent poll showed that only two per cent of the British population have a 'very favourable' opinion of Mr Blair.

It is the sort of approval rating a mass-murderer might be expected to get — which happens to be how many members of his own party describe him, in the wake of the Iraq war.

Friday, December 14, 2018

Why Paris is Burning Down

Trump blames the Yellow Jacket riots in France on the Paris Agreement to Combat Climate Change, an international agreement mandating massive public expenditures to combat what are alleged to be climate-changing emissions of carbon dioxide.

But French generals beg to differ as to the cause of France's civil unrest, warning Macron that signing the UN Pact on Migration will be an act of treason.

Specifically, the generals state:
By deciding alone to sign this pact, you would add an additional reason for revolt to the anger of an already battered people. You would be guilty of a denial of democracy or treason against the nation.
What next? Will the generals place the traitor under arrest?

Meantime, the French police union has declared its solidarity with the gilets jaunes.

It's difficult to see how France can avoid a new revolution unless Macron, the former Rothschild banker and globalist stooge, is ousted without further delay.

As to the rest of the gang of globalist traitors, Merkel is heading out the door, Thereason May is on the ropes, and Trudeau's perpetual asininity will surely terminate his disaster- and humiliation-strewn reign when Canada votes next year.

But nationalists would be foolish to claim victory any time soon. All political parties in the West have been co-opted by the globalist Money Power, so whoever replaces the current batch of traitors is unlikely to undertake any meaningful change of direction unless subject to continual challenge.

Otherwise, the destruction of the Western nations as  cultural and racial entities will continue, with programs of suppressed reproduction combined with mass replacement immigration. Thus, in Canada, Trudeau, via the Canadian state broadcaster, the CBC, advocates for further reduction in the fertility of the already reproductively dysfunctional Canadian population, while calling for ever more rapid immigration. And in Britain, non-European immigration this year has reached a peak not seen since the days of the Traitor Tony Blair whose government accelerated non-European immigration to, so they said privately,  "rub the noses of the Right in multiculturalism," which is just another way of saying to destroy the British people and erase their cultural and religious traditions.

Meantime in South Africa the Rise of Good Racism:

If you don't believe our rulers support white genocide, just listen to the silence from May, Merkel, Micron and Trudeau among others about the call for white genocide in South Africa.


Daily Star: Yellow Vests in London

Scott Adams challenges Google to show that they have not maliciously, and criminally, targeted his reputation for destruction

The evidence: This Google image search "for Scott Adams". Donald Trump might issue the same challenge: see this Google image search for "idiot".

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Google uses location data that puts entire ZIP codes in politically biased 'filter bubbles'

DuckDuckGo — a privacy-focused search engine company that competes with Google Search— released a study last week that claims Google is inadvertently introducing bias into its results.

"Google's collection and use of personal data, including location, which is then used to filter specific search results, is having an effect akin to the effects of a political bias," DuckDuckGo CEO Gabriel Weinberg told Business Insider on Tuesday.

The company's study found participants saw vast differences in search results when searching for the same keywords (like "gun control" or "immigration") from different locations across the country.

Full story

Why Islam Should Be Banned in the Western World

The Freedom and Direct Democracy party of the Czech Republic has called for a complete ban on Islam.

Speaking in the Czech Parliament, party member, Jiri Kobza, stated that Islam is a colonizing ideology that promotes violence and hatred.

That is the case. Muslims in Europe are settlers and colonizers who work with traitors in government such as Tony Blair, whose "Justice Minister" called for a British parliament solely of Muslims, Theresa May, an advocate for Sharia courts in Britain, and Justin Trudeau, a warm advocate for Canada's Islamists, including ISIS Jihadis.

Islam is not merely a religion. It is a political system that is incompatible with free society. As Winston Churchill stated:
The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.”

“Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyzes the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world.
The spread of Islam to the Western nations represents and existential threat to free society and should be resisted by all means.


The European Court of Human Rights ruled that criticism of Muhammad constitutes incitement to hatred

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Five Lies Sundar Pichai, the Shit CEO of Google Just Told

Google CEO Sundar Pichai testified on Tuesday before the House Judiciary Committee. Despite testifying under oath, Pichai’s statements were riddled with demonstrable falsehoods — here are some of Pichai’s biggest whoppers.
1. The Google CEO leads the company “without political bias”
2. Google did not try and turn out Latino voters in key states
3. Users can opt out of Google’s invasive tracking services
4. Google does not discriminate against competitors
5. Google has diverse perspectives


Ding-Dong, the Witch Isn't Dead. May Lives to Ruin Brexit

By James Delingpole

Against all reason, Theresa May – the worst Prime Minister in British history – has yet again survived an attempt to boot her out of office.

This has nothing to do with her merits: she has none.

It is entirely due to the short-termism, cowardice and depressing lack of soundness among all those Conservative MPs who voted to keep her in office – despite being perfectly aware (as who can not be?) that she is a lame duck Prime Minister causing little but harm and embarrassment to her party, her electorate and her country.

All day in the run up to the vote, May’s MPs have been dressing up their pusillanimity and self-serving weaselry as a mix of pragmatism, patriotism and high principle.

Read more

Trump Prepares for 2020


Global Warming humbugs with private jets

The DCNF asked 31 businesses, foundations and individuals agitating for climate action if they’d support banning private jets.

Most companies and individuals the DCNF reached out to did not respond, including Facebook, Apple, Google and other companies that often tout their “green image.” Not even former Vice President Al Gore, the father of climate activism, responded to TheDCNF’s question.

In fact, all but two of the 26 corporations were silent when asked by TheDCNF if they would support a ban on private jets to help cut greenhouse gas emissions in line with what the United Nations says is needed to meet the Paris accord.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

My "12 Rules for Life": No. 2, SHOW LEADERSHIP — MANAGE YOURSELF

 Anyone who has had the task of reviewing applications for entry-level non-managerial employment will be aware of how many inexperienced people boast of their leadership skills. Moreover, anyone experienced in dealing with those newly recruited to the world of employment will likely have come across the novice intent on assuming direction of the operation within days of joining the team. An example that comes to mind is America's latest political sensation, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, already, it seems, running for President.

Such naive eagerness to lead is generally unappreciated by those with actual responsibility for the smooth operation of an administrative process or the turning of a profit. Rather, what is most valued is intelligent self-regulation to fulfill the objectives laid down by those with actual responsibility for end results. Thus, the leadership skill most appreciated by management is the capacity for leadership of an army of one, namely oneself.

Self-regulation is not a simple matter. Hard work is, well, hard. The temptation to break for a snack,  to check the Internet, or to engage co-workers in chat is at times all but irresistible. Moreover, to work effectively, one must be adequately prepared, both physically and mentally. That means no late nights or heavy drinking from Sunday to Thursday. It also means thinking in advance of how best to tackle the work ahead.

How, then, given the sensations, emotions and rationalizations that flood the mind, is one to achieve consistent self-mastery? To that question, one might expect psychology to have an answer, which indeed it does, although not necessarily the correct one. Indeed, psychology has, during the modern era, taken three shots at defining the springs of human action, the first two unquestionable duds. First, was the Freudian unconscious mind, now correctly written off as a farrago of fantastic nonsense. Then there was the much more scientific-seeming theory known as behaviorism, that held human action to be the product of reflexes induced by specific experiential regimes.

Monday, December 10, 2018

My "12 Rules for Life," No. 1: CUT OUT SUGAR

A hundred years ago, Americans consumed an average of ten pounds of sugar a year. Today they consume an average of one hundred and ten pounds, or 50 kilograms, of sugar a year. That is close to 100% of the healthy weight of a a woman of average height, and provides about one third of the calories required to meet the needs of most North American adults.

What is the result of making sugar the largest single component of the diet? An epidemic of obesity, diabetes, and general disability, including a lack of both physical fitness and mental sharpness. Yes, it's a fact, diabetes lowers your IQ. Rome it has been suggested fell because of lead in the water. The Western World is surely headed for demise because of surfeit of sugar.

Cutting sugar from your diet is not easy. First, because sugar is addictive. Second, because sugar is added to almost every kind of processed food you can buy, which makes it difficult to eliminate from your diet even if you try. There are two compelling reasons why sugar is in almost every processed food item: because, first, as an addictive substance, it tends to hook you on whatever branded product to which it is added; and second, it is one of the cheapest food commodities there is, and thus ideal for bulking up more expensive ingredients.