Friday, September 10, 2021

Teenage boys at greater risk from vaccines than from Covid

The Telegraph, September 11, 2021: Teenage boys are six times more likely to suffer from heart problems from the vaccine than be hospitalised from Covid-19, a major study has found
Children who face the highest risk of a “cardiac adverse event” are boys aged between 12 and 15 following two doses of a vaccine, according to new research from the US.

The findings come as Professor Chris Whitty, England’s chief medical officer, prepares to advise ministers on whether there is a wider benefit to society from vaccinating children.
Last week, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) delivered its long-awaited verdict, saying the “margin of benefit” of jabbing 12- to 15-year-olds was “considered too small” and citing the low risk to healthy children from the virus.

However, Sajid Javid, the Health Secretary, said he wanted Prof Whitty and the chief medical officers from Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland to “consider the vaccination of 12- to 15-year-olds from a broader perspective”.

He said he would then “consider the advice from the chief medical officers, building on the advice from the JCVI, before making a decision shortly”.

Report will prompt fresh concerns over jabs for children
Research published on Thursday will prompt fresh concerns about whether the risk of the vaccine outweighs the benefits for otherwise healthy children.

A team led by Dr Tracy Hoeg at the University of California investigated the rate of cardiac myocarditis - heart inflammation – and chest pain in children aged 12-17 following their second dose of the vaccine.

They then compared this with the likelihood of children needing hospital treatment owing to Covid-19, at times of low, moderate and high rates of hospitalisation.

Researchers found that the risk of heart complications for boys aged 12-15 following the vaccine was 162.2 per million, which was the highest out of all the groups they looked at.
Evidence from studies show it is unlikely for boys to suffer either heart problems from the vaccine or be hospitalised by Covid.

The second highest rate was among boys aged 16-17 (94.0 per million) followed by girls aged 16-17 (13.4 per million) and girls aged 12-15 (13.0 per million).

Meanwhile, the risk of a healthy boy needing hospital treatment owing to Covid-19 in the next 120 days is 26.7 per million. This means the risk they face from heart complications is 6.1 times higher than that of hospitalisation.

This is based on current rates of hospitalisations from Covid-19, which are judged to be “moderate”. During a period of low risk of hospitalisation, such as June 2021, the likelihood of heart complications rises to 22.8 times higher, and during a period of high risk, such as January 2021, the likelihood of heart complications is still 4.3 times higher.

The study, which has not yet been peer reviewed, analysed reports of adverse effects children have suffered from the vaccine between January and June of this year.

The study looked at MRNA vaccines - such as Pfizer and Moderna - which will be particularly relevant for Britain because youngsters will not be given the AstraZeneca jab because of the increased risk of dangerous blood clots.

Last Friday, the JCVI could only recommend that jabs among 12- to 15-year-olds be extended to include children with major heart, lung, kidney, liver and neurological conditions.

But ministers are understood to be keen to give the children’s vaccine roll out the green light, and the NHS has already started recruiting thousands of vaccinators for schools.


The Biden Admin is losing its unwinnable War On COVID, so they're scapegoating 'unvaccinated' Americans

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Covid: What About the 20 Percent, Maybe 30 or 40%, of Canadians With Immunity From Past, Mostly Asymptomatic, Infection: Why Are They Being Bullied Into a Useless and Potentially Harmful Treatment With an Untested "Vaccine" When They Already Have Superior, and Probably Lifelong, Covid Immunity

And here's another question for our Prime Minister and apparent Ignoramus-in-Chief: 

Why are you determined to jab children with a potentially harmful so-called Covid "vaccine" when:

(1) children are at absolutely minimal risk from Covid, and 

(2) preventing the infection of children denies them the benefit of durable and probably life-long natural Covid immunity that is vastly superior to the feeble and short-lived effect of the "vaccine"?

Same questions apply, obviously, to both the Conservative-turned-Liberal-copycat vax passport advocate, Erin O'Toole, and the man in the pink head scarf. 

But no point in waiting for answers. When it comes to jabbing children, a Gates-owned vax true believer is like a sex maniac with a child in a dark tunnel. 


Why Isn't Anyone Talking About Natural Immunity?

20 Years Of Government-Sponsored Tyranny: The Rise Of The Security-Industrial Complex From 9/11 To COVID-19

Biden's Vaccine Fiat Forges A Fascist Pharma Corporate State

Biden to Public Service: Get Vaxed or Get Fired

Victoria, Australia: Get vaxed or starve


Tuesday, September 7, 2021

This War On COVID Will Never End

The following is an excerpt from a post by Jim Quinn of the Burning Platform blog:

[C]ases in the US peaked in early January at 260,000 per day. Miraculously, with virtually no one vaccinated, daily cases fell by 60% in the next month to 110,000 per day. By early March, with only a 10% national vaccination rate, daily cases fell by another 40% to 64,000, down 75% from the January peak. The vaccine had absolutely nothing to do with this decline in cases. By early summer this pandemic had lost its mojo. The threat of a return to normal was unthinkable to the power elite.

Their master plan called for the vaccination of all. But less than 50% of the adult population had succumbed to the fear propaganda campaign. It was time for Biden and his controllers to turn up the heat on corporations, hospitals and universities to enforce vaccine mandates by either bribing them with Federal funds or threatening to withhold Federal funds. Money talks. The un-Constitutional demand that employees and students inject themselves with an untested chemical concoction to retain their jobs or get an education is legally, morally, and medically unethical, violating the Nuremberg Code.

They invented their new variant – Delta – and rolled out our present-day Mengele, mass murderer Anthony Fauci, to lie, obfuscate, and instill fear in his feeble-minded worshipers. Day after day Fauci appeared on the fake news networks promoting his new variant, which many renowned doctors, including one of the inventors of the mRNA vaccines – Dr. Robert Malone, theorize has been created and made more infectious by the vaccines. Are they that diabolical or just plain stupid? Natural immunity through infection has proven to be 20x as effective as the vaccines.

Harvard Med School Prof: Vaccine Passports Are Not Only Scientific Nonsense, They Are Discriminatory and Unethical


Prior COVID disease (many working class) provides better immunity than vaccines (many professionals), so vaccine mandates are not only scientific nonsense, they are also discriminatory and unethical.
Quote Tweet
Martin Kulldorff
In Israel, vaccinated individuals had 27 times higher risk of symptomatic COVID infection compared to those with natural immunity from prior COVID disease [95%CI:13-57, adjusted for time of vaccine/disease]. No COVID deaths in either group.

Voting Strategically? Don't Kid Yourself

 Most people, in their gut, realize that Covid is a pretext for government restriction of personal freedom, restrictions to be imposed at the behest of the plutocratic owners of the political class.

Trouble is, most people cannot quite think their way through the Covid bafflegab, or therefore, see how the political "leadership" (aka the treason-class) are betraying them. 

Thus in Canada we have the strange sight of millions opposed to Vaccine Passports, yet few intending to vote in the forthcoming Federal Election for The People's Party of Canada, the only party explicitly and firmly opposed to Vaccine Passports.


Because people have this incredibly dumb idea that to vote for someone who represents their interest, but who has no chance of gaining power, increases the chance of the party they least like gaining power. 

How, exactly is that supposed to work?

It's that by voting for the least bad alternative among the leading contenders they will reduce the risk of getting a government of the party they least like, or more probably most hate.

Now how stupid is that?


Here's why.

The chance that your vote will influence the outcome of the election in your own riding, let alone nationally, is so infinitesimally small that it's not worth considering. 

To put that another way, how often has your vote in the past affected the outcome of an election?




And except over a span of time comparable to infinity, your vote never will affect the outcome of an election. 

So forget strategic voting. 

The only sensible thing to do if you oppose totalitarianism is to vote for any candidate firmly opposed to Vaccine Passports and the Chinese-Communist-style Social Credit system of human enslavement that Vaccine Passports can, and almost certainly will, lead to. 

That means voting for the Peoples Party of Canada, which although excluded from the TV debates because they lacked sufficient public support, has already far outpaced in opinion polls the Green Party which has been included in the TV debates. 

Averaging over 5% in the last half dozen polls to report, the People's Party is way up from the 1.6% of the vote it received in the last election, which shows that without deluded citizens voting strategically, it could hit a new high watermark over 10%, and even challenge the NDP's Third-Party status.

What the highly-vaccinated jurisdictions are showing is that the "vaccines" have limited effectiveness against variants, while they promote the emergence of new variants. 

Unlike the "vaccines" (which we put in quotes because they do not induce a full-spectrum immune response and thus do more harm than good when deployed nationally), past covid infection provides full-spectrum immunity against future infection. In particular, those recovered from Covid have memory T-cells that retain information on the Covid viral genome, and thus recognize, and induce protection against, any variant remotely similar to the strain by which they have been infected. 

That means natural immunity from past infection provides effective immunity against any variant for years to come, and quite probably for life.

the "vaccines" should never have been used except for the protection of the most vulnerable. As for the rest, many already have natural Covid immunity (20% of the population in the US, according to current estimates) and in due course most will acquire such immunity, in most cases from asymptomatic infection. 

The dire threat to what shadow of a free society still remains in the West (If you are as old as me, you will remember when the US claimed to be "the Leader of the Free World," LOL) is the Vaccine Passport and a Chinese-Communist style social credit system of total population control. 

Vote to outlaw Vaccine Passports or see the Nazification, Communization or Plutocratization (similar systems of totalitarian rule) of Canada under Trudeau/Singh/O'Toole and the rest of the West under Biden, the crackpot Australian and New Zealand leadership and the rest of the Covid sell-outs. 


Australia debuts 'Orwellian' new app using facial recognition, geolocation to enforce quarantine

UK Halts Giving COVID Shots to Children Under Age 16 But, Top government scientists urge ministers to ignore vaccine advisers and push ahead with jabbing 12 to 15-year-olds

Thursday, September 2, 2021

After 20 Months of Covid Misery, Trudeau Promises More of the Same: His Vision For Canada Must Be Orwell's Nightmare of a Boot Stomping on a Human Face Forever


And in the "You Couldn't Make This Up" Department:

Conservative Leader Erin O'Toole promises to ban puppy mills: Apparently, in ways unexplained, puppy mills are responsible for domestic violence. The logic has something to do with the fact that puppy mills are alleged to involve cruelty to animals, but in that case the existing criminal code, including the 2008 "Cruelty to Animals" amendment, deals with that. 

Maybe O'Toole should be running for council in the municipality of some such place as Likely, BC, or Nipissing, ON, while developing a vision for bigger things.


Florida to Fine Any Individual or Business $5,000 Per Incident for Discriminating on Vaccination Status

Yeah, don't spend the savings from that until they're in your hand

But if you want a leader with an explicit policy:

There's Maxime Bernier who does not hesitate to say that the most important issue in this election is vaccine passports, and  his party is the only one standing against them.


Israel is now the world's Covid hotspot: Cases soar despite country's trail-blazing vaccine roll-out

The Goal of Covidism is Communism

Vaccine-Induced Covid Variants: The More the Scarier, the Better to Force Your Acceptance of Tyrannical Social Control

Universal vaccination to control a viral pathogen during a pandemic assures the emergence of mutant viral strains that evade vaccine-induced immunity. It works like this: the antibodies induced by the vaccine kill the dominant viral strain, which makes the infected person an ideal host for the multiplication and spread of mutant virus particles resistant to the vaccine-induced antibodies.  

So what is almost every national government doing during the Covid pandemic? They are seeking to force the vaccine on every member of the human race, including infants and pregnant women. 

And what do we see as a result? Variants that have achieved immune escape, which is to say resistance to the antibodies induced by the vaccine, the latest such variant being called Mu, for mutant.

But not to worry: Big Pharma will produce booster shots, engineered to deal with the scariest variant. 

But what happens as the variants multiply? 

Are you ready for  multiple booster shots, two? three? a dozen? every month a new one?

And even then there will remain the expense, comparable to that of a major war, of lockdowns, mandatory face masks, school closures, termination of the right of free movement, thousands upon thousands of small business closures, plus the psychological trauma leading to more drug abuse, alcohol abuse, child abuse, wife beating -- the fallout from what amounts to a deviant medical tyranny. 

And for what? To treat a viral disease with a mortality rate of around one in one hundred thousand among children (much less than the flu), rising to maybe one in several hundred for older adults, and one in ten for those in their eighties?

Covid, or rather the response to it, is a scam. It is a project in the name of medicine to impose a tyranny to be permanently enforced by means of vaccine passports, an arrangement that will  transform into a Chinese-Communist-style system of social credit: which is to say total behavioral control by way of round the clock surveillance, big data, artificial intelligence and automatically imposed restrictions on your freedom of action. 


Israel is now the world's Covid hotspot: Cases soar despite country's trail-blazing vaccine roll-out

Premier of New South Wales Lays Down the Law on Covid:

That's one of the problems with lockdowns. It gives people both time and incentive to make videos mocking their rulers.

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Think Your Government Wouldn't Lie About Covid If It Gave them Power to do What You Would Otherwise Oppose?

Vaccine passports make no sense as a means to control Covid. The vaccinated are subject to infection and can shed virus particles and spread the disease as freely as the unvaccinated.

So it's the unvaccinated who need protection from the vaccinated, not the other way around.

But if you accepted the phony argument for vaccine passports and the penalties imposed on those without one, do you really think that government's won't exploit it as an instrument of Chinese-Communist-style social control? In Canada a government led by a man who so much admires China's Communist dictatorship?

You think that governments will resist the opportunity to link your face — as scanned dozens of times a day by security and surveillance cams — with your passport file and use AI systems to achieve real-time minute by minute control over you and every citizen? If so, watch the video and remember how the events related turned out for Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, the fallout continuing to this day.

But if you wish to avoid living under an Orwellian system of oppression, check with your parliamentary candidates. Does any one of them* explicitly oppose compelled vaccination under the threat of vaccine passport Hell? Actually, your no-hope People's Party Candidate is opposed to compelled vaccination. Why not cast a protest vote instead of throwing your vote away on a mainstream party candidate who is either too stupid to know what's at stake, or simply means you no good.

Remember, you can either be a good citizen, a responsible person guided by a moral sense, or you can live like an automaton, guided not by conscience, religious faith, or mere human decency, but by an artificial intelligence that punishes you automatically, whenever you fail to follow the dictates of a hypocritical, ethics-challenged humbug like Justin Trudeau.

* None of the mainstream parties, Conservative, Liberal or NDP say a word about vaccine passports on their campaign web sites, which means they're all for them. 


The Trusted News Initiative – A BBC led organisation censoring Public Health experts who oppose the official narrative on Covid-19

"What do the inventor of mRNA technology; the lead author of the most downloaded paper on Covid-19 in the American Journal of Medicine; a former editor of the American Journal of Epidemiology; renowned epidemiologists at Harvard, Stanford, and Oxford; and France’s leading microbiologist – have in common? 

They have all been censored by a repressive media network that most people have never heard of. This network has outrageously conceived and conveyed a “monopoly of legitimate information.” 

Natural immunity 13 times more effective than vaccines at stopping “delta” variant 
But here in Canada we will still punish you if you refuse the vax, and no, we couldn't care less that you have immunity from infection vastly superior to that provided by the vax.

Justifications for Lockdown Have Implications That Most People Would Not Accept

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Why Is Trudeau Forcing the Jab on Those With Superior Covid Immunity From Past Infection?

No time to write this AM, but here's some stuff on what has to be the next big thing about Covid:

Why are governments forcing the jab on millions upon millions of citizens who already have robust and durable Covid immunity from past infection that is vastly superior to the short-lived and unreliable immunity from the so-called vaccines?

In Canada there are  currently 1.49 known Covid cases, and perhaps ten times that many unknown cases, that could be identified by appropriate testing, for example with a T-cell test.

Why should any of those Covid recovereds be forced to accept "vaccination"? And since obviously they should not, why is the Government of Canada promoting vaccine passports, rather than immunity passports? Why the mania to jab everyone?

Former Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, who is a Pfizer board member, noted that “natural immunity” gained from a prior COVID-19 infection needs to be included in discussion. One might think that this would be obvious, but evidently it is not obvious to our leader, Justin Trudeau, or to either Trudeau's public health side-kick, Teresa Tam, or British Columbia's Health Officer, Saint Bonnie Henry. 

When researchers from Maccabi Healthcare and Tel Aviv University compared cases of prior infection that occurred between March 2020 and February 2021 with vaccinations between January and February 2021, they found that the vaccinated cohort was 5.96 times more likely to contract the Delta variant and 7.13 times more at risk for symptomatic disease compared to those previously infected.

Dr Naomi Wolf :”Vaccine passport system is the same as Chinese social
credit system.” It will turn us into slaves:

American Conservative: Say No To Vaccine Passports

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Trudeauphobia: Is This the Beginning of a Liberal Melt Down?

Trudeau booed, chased by protestors during campaign stop in BC

Hey, is it too late to cancel the election? 

But not to worry. We've got those five million postal ballots to fiddle with, so we should be OK to bungle on for another four years. 

Friday, August 27, 2021

Comparing Search Engines


canspeccy +"Trudeau's Covid Election: Anticipating Vax Failure" 


It looks like there aren't many great matches for your search

Tip Try using words that might appear on the page that you’re looking for. For example, 'cake recipes' instead of 'how to make a cake'.
Need help? Take a look at other tips for searching on Google.
  1. CanSpeccy: Trudeau's Covid Election: Anticipating Vax Failure

    1 day ago · Trudeau's Covid Election: Anticipating Vax Failure A democratic Government's prime function is to protect the people. In response to the supposedly existential threat of Covid, the Government of Canada has staked its reputation on the Vax — masks, lockdowns and vax passports, they have declared, are necessary until we achieve fully vaxed status.

  2. Canada’s Upcoming Election: Trudeau’s COVID Election ...

    1 day ago · Trudeau’s Covid Election: Anticipating Vax Failure A democratic Government’s prime function is to protect the people.

  3. Trudeau's Covid Election: Anticipating Vax Failure - " the ...…

    2021-08-26 · Berry Political Board Message board - Online Community of active, educated investors researching and discussing Berry Political Board Stocks.

  4. CanSpeccy: Lies and Insults Reflect Justin Trudeau's Wiley ...

    16 hours ago · CanSpeccy Wednesday, August 25, 2021. Lies and Insults Reflect Justin Trudeau's Wiley E. Coyote Election Moment "Erin O’Toole is so bad he makes Doug Ford look good," said Justin Trudeau yesterday, thus insulting not only his main opponent in the election he called for no stated reason two years earlier than necessary, but also the man the people of Ontario only recently elected as their ...

Which is best? Google or Bing? I leave it for others to judge.

PS: Thanks to Northern Truth Seeker, and Investor Village for the links back.

PSS. Note to Google: You say, "Tip Try using words that might appear on the page that you’re looking for," but I gave you the whole frigging title of the piece that was published on your Blogger platform, yet you still couldn't find it. How dumb is that?

Google Demonetizes Gateway Pundit 5 Days After Its Interview with Whistleblower Who Exposed Google Censorship of Conservatives