Showing posts with label new world order. Show all posts
Showing posts with label new world order. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The New American World Order: How It Works

To understand how the American empire works, one needs to know three things.

First, asVitali and colleagues at Einstein's alma mater -- the ETH in Zurich Switzerland -- demonstrate in a highly technical publication, a few dozen mostly financial corporations have direct or indirect control over a large proportion of the rest of the World's transnational corporations.

Second, as theoretical physicist Michio Kaku explains, the large multinational corporations based in the United States are dependent for their intellectual resources not on Americans or the American educational system, but on the H1B, the genius visa, that brings to America scientific and engineering talent from throughout the World.

Third, as John Stewart demonstrates, American democracy is a system under which the multinational corporations, through ownership of the media, ensure that the American people vote for one or other of the candidates acceptable to -- which is to say controllable by -- the managers of the great multinational corporations, i.e., the dynamic members of the plutocratic elite. (As the John Stewart clip indicates, Ron Paul is not an acceptable candidate for President because he is opposed to multiple, trillion dollar wars, which are an important source of income to a number of very large multinational corporations and the means by which those corporations gain unrestricted access to the World's resources and markets.)

From these premises, the basic characteristics of the American New World Order can be inferred:

Money rules: global governance means plutocracy.

National governments must serve global, not national, interests. For example, the failure of America's government-mandated and controlled education system to develop to the full the intellectual resources of the American population is not a concern, since American corporations can obtain intellectual resources more cheaply by pillaging the resources of other nations than by supporting a first-rate, tax-funded system of education in America.To the extent that America's educational system minimizes the resistance of the public to brainwashing by advertising and the media, it serves a positive New World Order function.

Redrawing the Middle East Map, as proposed by war strategist Ralph Peters
 in the US Armed Forces Journal: Image source.

Consistent with their role under the New World Order, national governments must seek to destroy the identity, culture, religion, and unique genetic inheritance of every nation, thereby facilitating the international free flow of people, capital and goods that is essential to profit maximization by transnational corporations. This is a policy of universal genocide, as the term genocide was defined by Raphael Lemkin, who coined the term.

National governments that seek to remain independent, whether to maximize the human potential and well-being of their own people, or to further the ambitions of their own ruling elite, are to be destroyed by US/NATO, the enforcement arm of the New World Order. After the crushing of Libya, the nation with the highest human development index in Africa, on the absurd pretext of protecting the people from their own government, will come the subordination of Syria, Lebanon, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Iran, or so it has been announced (see map). There will then remain to be dealt with, those most nationalistic of nations, Russia and China.

By then, the United States, itself, will present no impediment to the global rule of a deracinated international plutocracy. Having served its purpose as the engine for the destruction of the nations of the Earth, America will have fragmented into an assemblage of racial, religious and cultural entities at war with one another and incapable of a coherent democratic will able to assert a national interest.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Cecil Rhodes' secret society for Anglo-Saxon global empire and Alex Jones--Master of Misdirection

Anyone viewing Alex Jones' video on Cecil Rhodes' secret society for world empire, is in danger of swallowing an unhealthy dose of misinformation.
The Colossus of Rhodes

To the sound of imperial marching music, the vid begins with the words:
Cecil Rhodes (1853-1902) was a key figure in the aims of the British Empire
Yeah, well literacy aint a strong point over at

But, yes, as the video conveys with a handful of visuals, Rhodes was an unscrupulous money-making animal, who played a key role in shaping British policy in southern Africa.

But he did not scheme alone.
Joe Chamberlain
British Colonial Secretary 1895-1903

It was the imperialist politician, Joe Chamberlain, British Colonial Secretary ( father of the better know Chamberlain of appeasement fame), whose complicity was essential to the instigation of the Boer war, a war that led to the consolidation of South Africa under British rule.

But, the informs us:
Cecil Rhodes along with other British elites would have greater aims -- that of World Federation
Yikes, how terrrifically original of them. Or as Zbigniev Bzrezinski put it in the first sentence of his tract on geopolitics The Grand Chessboard, "Hegemony is as old as mankind."

But now the music changes to a minor key and an ominously repetitious spooky theme, as the text on screen informs us that Rhodes set up a secret society to pursue his goals.
A select few, including Lord Milner, William Stead and Lord Rothschild were in on the plan.
Warning folks -- conspiracy.
The group that gave birth to South Africa would now shape the entire World.
 Ha! A bold statement of what has not been demonstrated.

The next image:
Bill Clinton
Rhodes Scholar, 1968
Now, there's the evidence. Clinton went to Oxford, had his brains washed by those devious Brits, and, hey, the Brits are still running the World.


But there's more:
Secretly, Rhodes also established the Round Table Group that pulled its select initiates from Oxford and Cambridge institutions

Actually, Rhodes did nothing of the kind. The organization of the Round Table Group was the work of Alfred Milner and associates in the period 1909-1913, years after Rhodes' death. The Round Table magazine, founded in 1910, was largely funded by Sir Abe Bailey. Rhodes money may have been used by the Round Table group, but not through the provisions of his will or via the Rhodes Trust, which established that devious scheme for the Rhodes Scholarships, which would bring students from around the World to study at Oxford University.

Rhodes, we are told, wished to:
federate the English-speaking peoples and to bring all the habitable portions of the world under their control
John Ruskin (1819-1900)

An understandable notion when Britain already ruled one quarter of the World's population, and dominated the world both financially and militarily. And it was an idea inspired by Rhodes Oxford mentor, John Ruskin, who, in a lecture that Rhodes transcribed by hand in its entirety, included the following admonition:
You, the undergraduates are] the possessors of a magnificent tradition of education, beauty, rule of law, freedom, decency and self-discipline but... this tradition [can] not be saved, and does not deserve to be saved, unless it can be extended to the lower classes in England itself and to the non-English masses throughout the world. If this precious tradition is not extended to these two great majorities, the minority of upper-class Englishmen will ultimately be submerged by these majorities and the tradition lost. To prevent this, the tradition must be extended to the masses and to the empire.
Rhodes, the JonesReport asserts, in his third will:
Left his fortune in the hands of Lord Rothschild--an instrumental partner in the quest to expand the British Empire. 
What the JonesReport does not mention is that Rhodes' third will became null and void as it was succeeded by other wills. The final will said nothing whatever about any endeavor to promote the expansion of the British Empire.

Then after more scary music in a minor key and the display of the Rothschild family escutcheon, the soundtrack reverts to drums and imperial marching music and a list of obscure Brits (Philip Kerr, Lionel Curtis, Steven Cox, David Evans -- you ever heard of 'em?) who sought to create a federation of English-speaking nations - -an idea that was firmly and promptly rejected by the newly independent dominions of Australia, Canada and New Zealand, and an idea that was surely not even mooted in India.

Ah, but (as the soundtrack returns to a repetitious motif in a minor key), these people are unknown because they were more effective
directing policy in the shadows
...through splinter groups like the Royal Institute on International Affairs (RIIA) and the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
In fact, there is no firm evidence that these organizations were funded by Rhodes. Certainly his final will made no such provision. Moreover, the CFR has no direct connection with the British RIIA and was funded by JP Morgan, a fact that reflects the intention of the British Rhodes-Milner Group which, after WW1, believed that their project for global governance could only be effected by the United States, and they sought, therefore, to encourage Americans to undertake that mission as their own.

As for the RIIA, it staggers on, like so many foundations, interest groups and think tanks, long since its useful life ended.

Known in Canada for more than half a Century as the Canadian International Council, it continues earnestly to discuss such vital topics as Canada's legacy in Afghanistan, Is Canada's international liberalism dead? and What role will the Great Lakes play in Canada's economic future.

Our local chapter of the CIC recently hosted The Honorable Flora MacDonald who addressed members on the following important matter: “UPDATE ON DEVELOPMENT IN BAMIYAN PROVINCE, AFGHANISTAN.”

Yes, a formidable and dangerous organization indeed, illustrated in the video by shots of Lord Alfred Milner's Germanic mustache.

Then the image of Iain Curtis alongside the covers of the books he wrote: World War, Its Cause and Cure and the Capital Question of China -- a dangerous conspirator, obviously.

Curtis it was, the vid informs us, who hit upon the evil scheme of changing the name of the British Empire to The British Commonwealth of Nations. What is more, this monster, plotting secretly for global Anglo-Saxon hegemony, is exposed by the of having:
decided that India must be given complete self-government.
LOL, indeed.

What this absurd video confirms is that Alex Jones is a liar and an Anglophobe.

He is also a master of misdirection. The narrative of Carroll Quigley's book, The Anglo-American Establishment, an account of the lives and work of those connected with Cecil Rhodes' secret society from which this video draws its information, ends in 1949 by which time Quigley considered the project, as a British undertaking, entirely defunct.

Quigley supported the aims of the Round Table Group, not because they promoted Anglo-Saxon world domination, but because they conformed with the ideals of 19th century liberalism: the liberalism that fought for the abolition of the slave trade, the abolition of slavery, and the spread of democracy and enlightenment, as exemplified by the plan for  the education of the Indian elite in preparation for independence, which was set forth in the famous memorandum on Indian Education by the great liberal historian, Thomas Macaulay. Cecil Rhodes, in short, wished to perpetuate and extend Western civilization.

Rhodes' scheme for the creation, under Anglo-Saxon leadership, of a World federation of democratic states, where the rule of law and the fruits of Western civilization would be enjoyed by all kinds and ranks of men, made sense at the time it was conceived. Then, Britain ruled a quarter of the World's population, and was by far the wealthiest and most powerful nation on earth.

But Britain has long since given place to America as the dominant World power and Anglo-Saxon domination of America is a thing of the distant past.

Today, America's elite takes its guidance on international affairs from an East European aristocrat, Zbigniev Bzrezinski, a German Jew, Henry Kissinger, and a mongrel elite of native born Jews and and other non Anglo-Saxon ethnics including the African-American Barak Obama.

One group that appears to have slight influence is the old WASP establishment, which is likely too squeamish about torture, trashing the constitution or following the Hitlerian policy of unbridled military aggression.

But blaming the US project for global hegemony, now under the direction of a group of Zionists, both Jewish and gentile, on the Brits is a neat piece of misdirection if you can get away with it.

Revised July 30, 2011

See also:

Alex Jones and Webster Tarpley: Propagating Looney Lies About the British Monarch

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Will Donald Trump Trump the New World Order?

If you're gonna be an imperialist, says Donald Trump, then make it pay. Which means collecting $1.4 trillion plus of Iraq's oil (that's 15 years of current production at current prices) to "reimburse ourselves" for the Iraq war.

On Libya, says Trump, if they're so keen for us to intervene, let the Arab League pay for it.

But remember, those rebels are inspired by Iran and by Al Qaeda. If we make way for them, things in Libya could be a lot worse for us and the Libyan people than they are now.

On Obama? A weak ass-kissing wimp "who's in more wars than I've ever seen."

On China? "They're taking our jobs."

Solution? "Listen you motherfuckers, we're gonna tax you 25%." And more if necessary.

And on off-shoring our jobs? "If you want to sell to us, build your plant in Alabama."

Make sense?

This is red-blooded American nationalism in the style of Teddy Roosevelt, not in the polite, patrician style of Ron Paul.

But either way, its an assault on the New World Order, which requires the destruction of every nation -- America, Britain, Canada, and Australia, as well as Iraq, Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan.

It was in keeping with the ideal of a New World Order, "A World where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations" that the victorious allies did not steal Iraq's oil. It is a World where investments are safe, money is secure and gentlemen of the nobility of high net worth do not steal one another's assets.

It is in accordance with the plan for the imposition of the New World Order that the nations of Europe as ethnic, cultural and religious entities are under genocidal attack by their own governments.

It is the reason that Bill Clinton exulted over the impending minority status of Europeans in America.

Trump poses a threat to the grandest conception of the Western ruling elite.

Unfortunately for the elite, with the exception of the brainwashed and brain dead, few of the West's own "huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of [our own] teeming shore" support the notion of their own extinction.

Moreover, the Western powers seem on the verge of collapse through imperial overstretch, to be replaced as the dominating force in world affairs by China and other more coherent and much more nationalistic countries.
JFK Moments before death

Perhaps Trump will compel a change of America's course. Jack Kennedy seems to have been the last to attempt that.


Neocons Panic That Trump Presidency Would Mark End to Their New World Order