Friday, August 19, 2022

Colonel Douglas MacGregor: Sorting Propaganda from Reality on the War in Ukraine


Europe quietly abandoning Ukraine?
Ukraine - Dugina Killer Identified - War Of Attrition Continues

 Scott Ritter on what you should know but won't be told by Justin Trudeau and Zelensky's other friends about Nazis in Ukraine:

And about Ukraine's nuclear brinkmanship:


  1. "This year's decline in the gold price may also reflect US Gov't action. Both Russian and Chinese central banks have invested heavily in gold. By shorting the market or selling off part of America's supposed ten thousand ton horde or gold, both Russia and China can be made to pay a price for their independence."

    That's the best explanation for gold's price action I've heard so far.

    I have understood the precious metal markets are as manipulated as any, something many gold bugs do not seem to wish to accept. I didn't consider the motivation to punish Russia or China.

    I note silver is also way down, and apparently going lower, too.

    The holders of the largest gold reserves in the world are the U.S. (with 8,133.5 tons), Germany (with 3,359.1 tons), Italy (with 2,451.8 tons), France (with 2,436.5 tons), and Russia (with 2,301.6 tons).

    I remember reading something Trotsky had written stating a major economic advantage of the USA was its possession of an enormous gold stock. (I've also read Lenin stating the citizenry of a country should be armed-- as protection against the State.) I've not been able to understand Trotsky's position vis a vis Marxism.

    1. Large populations now detract from, rather than enhance, the wealth of the elites. Therefore a more likely reason for the current decline in preciousu metal prices is anticipation of a globalist-orchestrated era of economic depression, famine, and plagues to achieve world-wide depopulation. Gold does badly during depressionsso during what could prove to be the mother-of-all depressions, it may do very badly indeed.

    2. McGregor's comment the Soviets probably lost 40 million in WW2 was shrewd.

      The US lost 250,000.

      The US would have to go nuclear to beat Russia, and US policy now does indeed smack of nuclear brinksmanship. Sheer idiocy/insanity from my point of view, but it certainly does support your call the elites want world-wide depopulation.

    3. Certainly, the US seems happy for Ukraine to threaten nuclear disaster by shelling the nuclear power plant in Zaporozhye.

  2. Will the pathetically gullible Western public ever grasp the viciousness of the Ukrainian government and its backers, scoundrels and hypocrites all? Probably not. About one in fifty houses in the town where I reside have a Ukrainian flag on display. Not one that I have seen flies the Russian flag. I thought to fly the Russian flag myself, just for the Hell of it, but decided the risk of having my house burnt down was probably too great.
