Sunday, August 21, 2022

In Other News

Half Of US Companies Planning Layoffs Or Hiring Freezes

Dr. Robert W. Malone Files Lawsuit Against Washington Post for $50 Million For Defamation

CDC silently retracts “settled science” after misleading millions of people

Scientists, doctors and researchers who questioned or challenged the CDC’s assertions were blocked across social media and accused of spreading “misinformation.” Many have lost their jobs or had their license threatened. Now, the CDC is silently retracting “settled science” they once demanded the public worship. The CDC quietly altered its website, acknowledging that the mRNA and the spike proteins persists in the body for an extended duration of time. The CDC also admitted that there is no logical reason to treat vaccinated people differently than unvaccinated people because both can readily contract and transmit coronavirus variants. Even worse, the vaccine subverts the initial surveillance immune cells, leading to a weakened immune response.

WEF Adviser, Yuval Harari: the Planet No Longer Needs the ‘Vast Majority’ of the Population
For "Planet" read billionaires and giant corporations that own the "Planet," and know that they'd like to off you now. Here in Canada they've made a start under Mr. Dress-Up, Black-face Trudeau with a Medical Assistance in Dying (MAD) law. It's how the Canadian healthcare system treats depression

Ambrose Bierce: 

An animal so lost in rapturous contemplation of what he thinks he is as to overlook what he indubitably ought to be. His chief occupation is extermination of other animals and his own species, which, however, multiplies with such insistent rapidity as to infest the whole habitable earth and Canada. 

Ed. Note: In speaking of "an animal so lost in rapturous contemplation of what he thinks he is "Bierce might have been thinking of Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, although Canadians are not multiplying with rapidity, or even at all. Rather, they are dying faster than they are being born with the fertility rate falling ever further below the replacement rate since the government of the current Prime Minister's father removed effective legal restrictions on abortion. 

Since then, the Canadian population has been maintained and increased only as the result of mass immigration, the rate of which now exceeds the birthrate by a factor of 50% (450,000 immigrants per year versus 300,000 live births). 

In effect, Canada has an exterminationist policy toward its own people, who are being progressively replaced by immigrants who will, presumably, themselves be made more or less infertile to be replaced in their turn by other immigrants. 

Canadians are, thus, merely replaceable units of economic production, regarded by the ruling elite as of no value in themselves or, therefore, worthy of representation in all future generations. 


  1. McGregor isn't looking healthy.

    In terms of the "scientific establishment" starting to admit what we knew much sooner, look at this:

    "Your first brush with coronavirus could affect how a fall booster works"

    By Carolyn Y. Johnson, The Washington Post, published today.

    "When it comes to viral infections, past is prologue: The version of a virus to which we’re first exposed can dictate how we respond to later variants and, maybe, how well vaccines work."

    Oopsie daisy!

    1. Evaluating Covid, its effects, risks and treatment seems more difficult now than ever. For example, here in British Columbia, it is reported that Covid infections may have exceeded reported cases by a factor of 50 or 100, meaning that Covid is really no more lethal than the common cold. But if so, then Federal and provincial government vax mandates and brutal punishment of non-conformers (not only travel bans but huge financial penalties, e.g., unvaccinated mothers compelled to refund pay received during maternity leave) reveal, at best, extremely poor judgement with potentially disastrous consequence yet to be revealed.

      Will there, for example, be a outbreak of vax-induced Creutzfelt Jacob disease? Several cases have been reported in vax recipients. And will we ever have a trust-worthy assessment of the side effects of the vax, heart damage, brain damage, sterility, etc.? I very much doubt it. Surely no government will fund research to find answers to such questions.

    2. As for MacGregor, you think someone is putting poison in his coffee. More subtle, I suppose than a car bomb as used by Zelensky's team.

  2. "Will there, for example, be a outbreak of vax-induced Creutzfelt Jacob disease? "

    If it is true the virus and the vaccine (in this regard there is little difference whether disease is induced by the virus or the vaccine-- they very likely both work to this effect) undermine the human immune system, there is virtually no limiting the types of disease outbreaks we'll see.

    "Evaluating Covid, its effects, risks and treatment seems more difficult now than ever."

    I agree. The problem is, as I see it, the pathology has been and is now only partially understood. The "severe acute respiratory" pathology was immediately apparent, but the almost under the radar (i.e., not severe) and chronic pathologies (long covid) in other tissues and organ systems beyond the respiratory may ultimately emerge as the real danger.

    I still think something is basically wrong with our "global society" in that a great deal of the difficulty of evaluation has been due to the lies and cheating, the profiteering, the misinformation, the disinformation, and the incomplete information. I still have the impression it has been engineered, too.

    As one example take the suspicion there was a leak at the Wuhan lab. It deserves to be taken as a reasonable hypothetical. It matters which is the case: this is a chimerical, man-made organism, or not. We need to know. What that means to me is it should have been thoroughly investigated by our best scientists, and then either affirmed or discarded. If it is not chimerical and manmade, then we can move on to other hypotheses and investigate those as well.

    What do we have instead, and where are we now? We do know for awhile you were declared an imbecile if you even suspected it was lab created. Then somehow that wasn't so stupid....

    ...But after that? What? Nothing, as far as I know. We're playing with fire as far as I can see. It would benefit everyone to find these things out.

    How can we be in such a place where something so obvious even requires being stated?
